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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 8, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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and you know she has got to talk to voters about it some time. she might as well come to where 5 million seniors reside to do so. >> todd: that's a really interesting point. again, we only have about 20 seconds left. you are hearing a lot of talk about the 25th amendment being invoked against president biden. what are your thoughts. not that you would be part of that. obviously you are a state official and that's a federal question. what are your thoughts on that? 15 seconds to you. >> i think the nation saw during that debate which many in the administration have known for a long time and i think it's time that they come, you know, to the table and talk about their responsibility and the oath that they took. to i couldn't know hold the constitution of the united states. it's a serious responsibility. and they need take it seriously. >> todd: ashley moody, the attorney general from the great state of florida, with that "fox & friends" begins right now have. great monday, everybody. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: good morning, everybody. it's 6:00 here on the couch in new york city. welcome back, ainsley. >> ainsley: thank you, to you too. >> steve: today is july #th, 2024 and welcome to "fox & friends." we start with a fox weather alert. hurricane beryl making landfall in the past hour in texas a cat 1 storm just about an hour ago. we tracked the maps straight ahead. >> ainsley: and a fox news alert. another storm brewing this one on capitol hill as congress is returning to d.c. today. four senior democrats join a call for biden to step aside after, first the debate and then that abc interview. >> the specific cognitive test and have you had a neurologist, a specialist do an examination? >> no, no one said i had to. >> guy: okay. democrats meanwhile not the only ones scrambling. the media suddenly singing a
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very different tune just a few months after going to bat repeatedly for biden. remember all of this? >> very lucid, very well informed. he speaks quietly and a little bit slowly, but, you know -- we have spent way too much time talking about this president's age. guy talk a lot more about him now. "fox & friends" starts at this very moment. remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> steve: all right. we're going to start in texas. a fox weather alert. hurricane beryl making landfall as a category 1 hurricane within the hour. >> ainsley: and the texas coast guard -- texas coast is feeling the storm's impact with strong winds and heavy rain battering that state. storm surge warnings and tornado and flood watches are also in effect throughout the middle close. >> guy: let's check in now with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast.
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janice? >> janice: this one was a beast. category w5. the earliest category 5 in the atlantic basin. landfall 3:50 local time. here is the latest advisory 6:00 a.m. we get these every hour. still 80 mile-per-hour sustained winds. moving to the north at 12 miles per hour. storm surge threat aloss the coast and right side of the storm is where we get the worst of the heavy rain and tornado potential and the flooding potential and right now we have a flood warning for the houston metro area. so this is very concerning. we're looking at upwards of 4 to 6 inches in a short period of time. the houston area is not very good when it domsz heavy rainfall in a short period of time. flooding is going to be a huge concern. here is the tropical storm warnings, well north of the storm as it made landfall earlier this morning. hurricane warnings from port lavaca up towards galveston bay. wind speed and gusts, gusts up
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to 90 miles per hour right at the center of the storm there are the current gusts around the galveston area 66 miles per hour. i saw wind gusts of 70 miles per hour the last few minutes, 43 miles per hour for the houston area. moving northward, for the houston metro area wind gusts 6e morning in through the mid kay. power outages are going to be a big concern. we could see heavy rainfall and flooding. the storm surge risk. that is the deadliest part of this storm. potentially. from port lavaca up towards galveston upwards of 7-foot storm surge. that is those counterclockwise winds bringing the gulf of mexico up towards the coast. and 7 feet is above my height and that's low lying areas around the galveston region. that's going to be a huge concern. we will continue to keep you up to date. fox weather reporters all up and down the texas coast. it's going to continue to move towards the mississippi valley the next few days. keep you up to date.
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>> a big ring maker. j.d., thank you very much. all right. meanwhile, 6:04 in new york city. another fox news alert. at least four senior democrats are pluckily calling for president biden to step aside as his campaign faces mounting pressure following that abc news interview that was supposed to get him in better shape. well, it didn't work. >> ainsley: no, did not. madeleine rivera is in washington wallet details for us. maddy? >> madeleine: good mornings, guys. one house democrat isn't mincing words about the chaos they will face today. check out from axios the blank is going to hit the fan on monday when congress returns. >> the house democrats told the outlet. people are scared about their own races but also worried about the country and about democracy. at least five house democrats have gone public with their calls for the president to step aside. but there is a lot more frurex churning behind closed doors. hakeem jeffries had a virtual
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meeting with house committee dems on sunday. several of them voiced concerns about the president's viability. congressman jerry nadler, adam smith, joe gri value da saying he should drop out. taking abc news anchor george stephanopoulos. >> i did events in north carolina. did i events in -- in georgia. i did events like this today. large crowds, overwhelming response. no, no slipping. and so i just had a bad night. i don't know why. >> madeleine: the president's schedule is chock-full of official and gain events the next two weeks. next big item on his agenda nato summit kicks off in d.c. tomorrow. he will deliver speeches in las vegas next week as counter programming to the republican national convention and the biden campaign adding more trips to battleground states this month to try and quiet the noise regarding the president's
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physical and mental stamina. steve, ainsley and guy? >> steve: maddy, that axios quote how the s is going to hit the fan today is because congress can coming back today and all those members of congress they are worried about not only their party on the democratic side. but they're worried about their own jobs. >> they are worried about down ballot races in the fall for sure, steve. that's one of the big concerns amongst so many house democrats and i'm sure the hallways of congress today will be filled with reporters hounding democrats about what the president is planning to do next. >> steve: can you count on that. thank you very much. >> ainsley: maddy, the media is acting like it's such a big surprise. they have been protecting him. covering up. sending notes. axios also released this information of these big note cards that he carries with him with big pictures of podiums and hallways and says walk toward the podium. >> steve: podium. >> ainsley: they have been protecting him so long. they couldn't protect him at that debate. he had to have a debate against
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his opponent donald trump. and we sue what the republicans have been worried about. here it is, yeah. >> steve: walk to podium there is the other side, that's the first part. >> ainsley: large picture. >> steve: where do i go? go over there. >> ainsley: can't protect him. media changing their tune. so many lawmakers saying they think he should step down. some advisers, david axelrod. is predicting that biden is heading for a landslide defeat. guy pivot extraordinary. all the way up to that debate a few weeks ago. everything is fine. >> steve: 20 minutes, i could say 20 seconds. >> guy: first big malfunction then the panic set in and text messages started going everywhere. up until that moment, it was just reassurances, gaslighting. cheap fakes. all of it. we were the crazy ones. there is a fox news story. all made up. and then on a dime, it went to owe bleep, we have to do
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something about this. after 14 million people have voted for joe biden in a non-contested primary. all the warning signs were there for years. they insisted none of that was true or real. and now they are stuck in a very small time box with apparently a candidate who doesn't want to go anywhere. >> he doesn't. but then again, if he as challenged as it appears he is. he doesn't get the, you know, the peril for his party. so after the debacle that was the debate thursday ago, they said okay, we're going to go out there and flood the zone is he going to be on tv and say stuff. he wound up sitting down with george stephanopoulos on friday for 22 minutes. i thought it was going to be like an hour, 90 minutes, george was going to throw questions at him. he threw some good questions at him but his answers have a lot of people in the democratic party saying waited, that's the hail mary? if you missed it, it was short. but we got some of the
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highlights from the abc friday night interview. watch. this you say you were exhausted and i know have you said that before as well. you came and you did have a tough month. you came home from europe about 11 or 12 days before the debate. spent six days in camp david. why wouldn't that enough time, enough recovery time? >> because i was sick. i was feeling terrible. >> i guess the question, the problem is here for a lot of the americans watching this, you have said going back to 2020, "watch me." to people who are concerned about your age and 50 million americans watched that debate it. seemed to confirm fears they already had. >> well, look, after that debate i did 10 major events in a row including until 2:00 in the morning after that debate. i did events in north carolina. i did events in -- in georgia. i did events like this today. large crowds. overwhelming response. no -- no -- no slipping. so i just had a bad night. i don't know why. >> have you had the specific
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cognitive test and have you had a neurologist a specialist do an examination? >> no. no one said i had to. no one said ---they said i'm good. >> would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cotion anyive tests and release the rules to the american people? >> look, i have a c cognitive tt every single day. everybody day i have had tests. >> do you have the mental and physical capacity to do it for another four years. >> i wouldn't be run going i didn't think i did. look,. >> i'm running again because i think i understand best what has to be done to take this nation to a completely new level. we're on our way. >> but are you being honest yourself as well about your ability to defeat donald trump right now? >> yes. yes, yes, yes. >> ainsley: i noticed in that interview so many cringe worthy
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moments george went after him about -- >> steve: he did a good job. >> ainsley: he did. joe biden said i get some crowds. you should come to my rallies. and george stephanopoulos said, well have you seen donald trump's crowds he? gets large crowds. what was interesting is that his answers were so short. normally as a politician you would pivot. you would say okay, i had a bad night. but, look what i have done that's great, blah blah blah blah blah. we did not have a a lot of that. >> steve: no. absolutely not. what's interesting so given the fact that that was -- that friday night interview was supposed to bail him out. it's clear nothing is working right now. the white house, the people closest around him are digging in. and they are insistent that he can ride the storm. the "new york post" headline right now as you can see says time to go, joe. and when madeleine rivera was with us a little while ago, she was talking about how today is the day the stuff going to hit the fan, because congress
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returns. remember, mark warner, the democrat senator from the great commonwealth of virginia was going to have essentially all the democrat senators in one room today, and they were going to talk about the future of the party and future of joe biden. they decided at the last minute because word had leaked out, you know what? maybe we better not do that but, during that interview, the president said that he had talked to every high ranking democrat and they all said stay the course. stay. in according to, i believe it was "the washington post" that i read this morning behind the scenes for the most part every top democrat says he has got to go. they can't tell the president you have got to government he has got to figure it out. >> guy: these are some of the people calling for him to drop out. others doing so privately as well. but, this is a very divided party. you look at a lot of the polling come out since the debate. more democrats want biden to stay in as their nominee. these are rank and file voters. than want him to get out. that's an issue for the party.
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you also have major figures within the democratic party in washington. who are backing up biden. john fetterman saying stop wetting your pants, basically democrats. we have got to go through with this. maxine water the other day said there will not be another candidate warm reception with that crowd. others as well. so there is a tear, they have been auto lot of sorting out to do very, very quickly palms are showing that donald trump beats joe and camera. first four we showed you this morning were senior democrats that privately joined a phone call with hakeem jeffries the minority leader and that also include jerry nadler as you can see. these are top democrats that were on that call yesterday -- last night. and then we have the list of people who have publicly called for biden to withdraw congress
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members. other calls to drop out from other democratic officials like hulaian castro the former housing secretary. tim ryan the former ohio congressman who are asking limb to step down. >> steve: as we said a moment ago. if the president is as challenged as cognitively challenged as he appears, and certainly appeared even he says just one bad debate. well, he has had one really bad year. if he as challenged, he doesn't know he should drop out. well, you know what? he gave us the metric for him stepping down, in that interview on friday night. and, you know what? a lot of people didn't see this coming. watch. >> i convinced myself of two things. i am the most qualified person to beat him and i know how to get things done. >> if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump, will you stand down? >> if the lord almighty tells me
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that i might do that. >> if chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi come down and say we are worried if you stay in the race we're going to lose the house and senate how would you respond. >> i would go into detail with them. i have spoken to all of them in detail. including jim clyburn, every one of them, they all said i should stay in the race. stay in the race. no one said -- none of the people said i should leave. >> if they do? >> well, it's like -- ha ha ha, we're not going to do that. >> are you sure? >> well, yeah, i'm sure. >> steve: if the lord almighty calls you, generally that means it's your last day. so, that would be one way he wouldn't run if he simply. >> ainsley: a lot of people go to god and they pray show me what to do. that's what tim scott said about vice president. i just want to be used. use me where you want me. the president said lord
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almighty. i don't think is he going to do that. george stephanopoulos said i don't think the lord going to tell you to leave. >> guy: if the democrats are going to replace the man at the top of the ticket. three conditions have to be met. one of which there has to be almost perfect unanimity on the left that he needs to go. as i mentioned moments ago we don't have that yet. we haven't seen it. second one consensus who would come snex who is the alternative. kamala harris is the growing understanding on that incident to. still, we may not get there. because, most importantly, item number 3, they have to have the willing participation of joe biden. he is the incumbent. he all these votes. if he doesn't want to leave. they can't do anything about it. until that dynamic changes. it's going to be awfully difficult to shake this things loose. my question is are they going to either convince him quote unquote to get out very quickly
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or do they rally around the flag if they come too relation, he r. he means it. we can't stab him in the back. we have to unify. they have to do one of those two things. >> steve: ultimately, the democratic party united around the theory if donald trump is elected democracy as we know it is going to end. donald trump will wipe the flash with joe biden that guy showed up the debate no way he can win. i bet lawrence jones a dollar. i'm all in on him pulling out "wall street journal" was reacting to what joe biden said to mr. stephanopoulos regarding the almighty. they write on the op-ed page. mr. president, the almighty is on the line. not the deity you invoked friday night in your interview on nbc the r. the big guy appears to be sitting out this presidential race. we mean the closest thing in almighty in american politics,
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democrat media establishment. they want you gone, sir. the question is when you admit it and oblige. ultimately it's going to take the first lady is going to have to say, joe, you know what? they're right. >> he might very much resent the media for the way he has been treated. >> steve: he has had great media conch for his whole life. >> guy: he hasn't but he doesn't see it that way. yesterday he was lecturing some reporter saying you guys have been wrong about everything. counted me out so many times. you are wrong again. the order of the day is defiance. it's a huge week in washington in front of the cameras and of course behind the scenes. >> ainsley: when republicans and moderates and independents were worried about him mumbling through speeches. having large font on his notes. having to send yes, sir to these radio hosts in advance of the interview. there were. >> steve: i want that deal. >> ainsley: a lot of people saying gosh, is he mumbling. is he falling down the stairs.
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he fell on the stage at the graduation. so, republicans and a lot of people have noticed. this but the media has defended them. he has had them in his back pocket up until that debate and that interview with george. if you don't believe me, here's a look back. >> he is very lucid, very well informed. he speaks quietly and a little bit slowly but, you know. >> we spent way too much time talking about this president's age. i will say it again. when ronald reagan was the oldest person to ever be in the white house to run for re-election. i don't recall at love people within his own party talking about the fact that we need to get another person. he's too old. >> he is totally focused and very sharp. the proof is in the performance, but comparing that guy's mental state, i have said it for years now, is he cogent. but i undersold him when i said he was cogent. is he far beyond cogent. in fact, i think he is better than he has ever been.
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intellectually. analytically. >> democrats themselves who are in the meetings with president biden, they say that he is all there. >> biden is stately and comes with gravitas but he is not entertaining. >> steve: despite what we have heard over the last eon is he not as sharp as a tack. to your point, guy, ainsley used this word how the democratic party is in a pickle. just imagine they stick with joe biden. and let's just imagine that that final debate, the second debate they haddie s. just like the first one. >> todd: if happens. >> listen, it has got to happen. >> whoever drops out looks even worse. >> yeah. it's going to happen. the big question is will it be donald trump vs. joe biden or donald trump vs. somebody else? but, if that guy we saw two thursdays ago shows up, how dupre tend -- [talking over each other] >> ainsley: has to be joe biden or kamala.
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>> steve: many blitz idea, primary throw it open. she would have -- the vice president would have to buy into it. essentially they would say okay, the top six people in the country who want it, we have a mini it. >> guy: auto why would she agree to that. >> ainsley: only have a month. >> steve: i'm in the tv business. i want that to happen. >> ainsley: there's not enough time for that primary. quick things biden speech in philadelphia in that church that video philadelphia got him across the line when he was running for senate of a different state in delaware. >> steve: go figure. >> ainsley: turning now to headlines, fox news alert. boeing agreeing to actually plead guilty to a criminal fraud charge relating to 737 max crashes that killed 346 people back in 2018 and 19. a lawyer for some of the victims' families saying, quote the sweetheart deal fails to recognize because of boeing's conspiracy, 346 people died.
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through crafting lawyering between boeing and the doj. the deadly consequences of will boeing's crime is being hidden. riots erupting in france after a left wing political coalition secured the most seats in the country's par men taking elections. it went the other way the last time. victory comes as upset to the right wing national party who led the first round of the elections. the conservative party ended up in third place behind president emmanuel macron centrist party and prime minister expected to resign today as a response. tens of thousands of people testing their bravery in northern spain for the running of the bull us. the tradition to kick off the nine day san fermin festival. and they are trying to outrun six fighting bulls. and some oxen through the states of patch loamma. unfortunately one reveler was taken away on a stretcher. no word yet on that person's
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condition when i got engaged at least 100 people and 17 killed in chicago. one month before the democrats descend on that city for the convention. a report coming up next.
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that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> ainsley: at least 100 people were shot this independence day weekend in chicago, these according to the police. officers say 17 of them were killed and 83 were injured. todd piro joins us now. todd, this is where the dnc is going to be in a month. >> todd: exactly, ainsley, this independence day weekend a very violent one in the city. shootings reported all across chicago. one happening outside the university of chicago medical center emergency room. another along the train track notice southern part of the city and several inside residential neighborhoods. the youngest victim just 8 years
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old. this all starting on thursday during independence day celebrations. so far are police are reporting at least 100 people in total were shot. officers say there could be even more that have not yet been reported. 17 of them have died, 83 hurt hurt based upon the math. mayor brandon johnson releasing a statement friday amid the chaos saying quote: we are devastated by the recent violence that has left our city in a safety grief and we extend our heart felt condolences to the families and communities impacted by these recent events. city police also taking on the extra burden. the mayor deploying officers days off for the weekend were previously canceled to maximize police presence during the unrest. now this weekend's violence comes over a month until the democratic national convention. chicago police and the secret service are ramps up security efforts amid concerns over crime and, of course, over a nth anti-israel protests as well. an emergency assistance center will be open tomorrow to support
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community members there steve, over to you. >> steve: all right, todd, thank you very much. meanwhile, president biden's political future facing a pivotal week. congress returning today to the hill amid a growing push for joe to go. with members of his own party calling for vice president harris to take over. but a defiant joe biden insists he is not going anywhere. folks, democratic strategist and former new york state senator david carlucci joins us now. david, good morning to you. >> good morning, great to be with you. >> steve: well, you know, here's the thing. there are a number of people in your party who are lawmakers, they have not yet come out to say, joey, go. or joe, stay, because they are taking the temperature. typical politicians they want to see what the people say. >> well, that's right. i mean, the media is saying it's an avalanche. if you read the editorials, but it's really a little trickle. you have a few politicians that have actually come forth and
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said joe biden should step aside. meanwhile a majority, overwhelming majority of elected democratic leaders that are sticking with joe biden. and when you look at these polling numbers, you would think that it would be an avalanche. but it's no. you see an average of only 3 points. separating donald trump and joe biden. and when you look at the swing states, you look at wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, and in all of those states, the polling averages have these two gentlemen less than 3 points apart. so, it would be a major investment, major risk for the democratic party with a little reward, little chance of reward. you don't see many other people polling better than joe biden against donald trump, so, it's kind of putting the cart before the horse. joe biden is still in it, and this is the joe biden we need to see. reinvigor rated, out there, and running like he is behind. >> steve: david, we got eyes. we saw how bad he did. we saw that george stephanopoulos interview on friday.
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that was terrible, too. and rather than going for an hour. he only went for 22 minutes. it's like okay, turn off the camera. that kind of thing. if joe biden is the leading democrat. it's because, rights now, at this point, you know, his vice president, historically has had worse polls than he has. >> well, it's about beating donald trump. and that's what democrats care about. and we know as much as we don't like it, more people are voting against someone than they are voting for them. that's why we see onslaught of negative campaigning, many people are more concerned about what donald trump actually said in those debates as opposed to what biden struggled to say. and things like refusing to accept the results of the election is something that you might say disqualifies joe biden for his mumbling but at the same time you got to disqualify donald trump for what he actually said and was asked three times during the debate. that's a disqualifier for many
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people in the united states. as they start to look closely at this election. it's more about what donald trump said as opposed to what joe biden mumbled. >> steve: but, david, you nosy that you watched the debate. i'm sure after the debate you said to yourself donald trump won that debate. i mean, didn't you say donald trump won the debate because joe was terrible. joe said he was terrible. but then again he just said i had one bad debate. >> well, you are right. joe biden didn't win. but i can't say that donald trump won either. did donald trump have these fumbles that were obvious? no. but he had fumbles in his actual policy and his plan. and donald trump lacks that major policy reform. we talk about the affordable care act. a major achievement that the democrats have had and joe biden has pushed. and you see donald trump doesn't even have a plan on healthcare. >> steve: exit question. will joe biden be the nominee? >> i believe joe biden will be
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the nominee. i think we'll see this week people coming -- starting to come forcefully behind joe biden and say stick with it. >> steve: i think there are a lot of people yelling at their tv right now saying that guy is wrong. but, you know, you might be right. let's just see how it all plays out. david, thank you very much for joining us live. >> any time. great to be with you. >> steve: thank you, sir. meanwhile, 6:34 here in new york city. president biden repeatedly refusing an independent cognitive test. watch this. >> white house -- >> look, i have a cognitive test every single day. every day i have had tests. >> steve: dr. marc siegel coming up on what he sees when he looks at the president to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies.
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>> steve: 20 before the top of the hour and a fox weather alert. hurricane beryl is battering parts of eastern texas with
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life-threatening storm surge this morning since making landfall as a cat 1 storm about hour and a half ago. storm surge flood watches. fox meteorologist is live on the ground in the total town of surfside, texas. and beretta, it still looks like you are hunkered down in that car. >> yeah. we have been hunkering down in the car, steve, for over an hour at this point. the winds that we have been taking on over ninth miles per hour. riding out beryl with the surfside beach fire department. until the water started to taking over the actual fire department and then they offered us an escort to the base of the bridge. off in the distance you with see the storm surge that is encircling the gas station in front of us. that's really the beginning of the barrier island here in surfside beach. again, beryl already making landfall but we are still being
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hit by the powerful right side of the storm with 90-plus mile-per-hour winds. and then the storm surge only getting deeper. in fact, high tide is not for another two hours. so the water level is only continuing to rise. this is the safest position that we can find at the base of the bridge. keeping us out of the water and at least somewhat protecting us from the winds. as i look up towards the power lines, you will notice a little bit of a flicker. they are sparking and we do have lines that are drifting from that power pole. so conditions they are tough. there is a mandatory evacuation for this barrier island. there we go with another power pop as well. the power has been on and off. so, steve, we're going to continue to shelter in place inside the vehicle. but once we are able to safely get out and give you a view of what is happening on this barrier island we will go ahead and find us at fox weather to find out how can you view us on your favorite connected tv device or download our app. we are always on and always
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free. >> steve: all right, britta, stay safe. and the cops say you got to move you got to move. we will check back in with you in about half an hour. ainsley? >> ainsley: thanks, steve. president biden dodging questions whether he would take neurological test after disastrous debate performance. >> have you had specific c cognitive test and have you had a neurologist, a specialist do an examination. >> no. no one said i had to. no one said -- said i'm good. >> would you be willing to undergo independent evaluation included cognitive test and release the results to the american people. >> look, i have a cognitive test every single day. every day i have had tests. >> ainsley: dr. marc siegel raised concerns about the president's cognitive abilities in 2020 here on fox. and he joins us this morning. good morning, dr. siegel. >> good morning, ainsley. good to see you. >> ainsley: good to see you. if he did agree to a cognitive
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test or neurological test with a professional with a doctor, what would that look like? >> well, the one that president trump had when he was in office was the monday montrell cognitie assessment. given lacy of words and few minutes later asked to recall them and asked to copy objects. it's an issue of making sure that you are oriented. that you are oriented to time, place, person. it tests thinking, learning, understanding. remembering and, most of all, paying attention and judgment. now, those words might sound familiar. they're what a president needs most of all. decision-making, focusing in. attention. orientation and the other issue is and you know, we started pointing this out four years ago. i mean, the media is pointing it out now with all due respect to george stephanopoulos. i was talking about this with sean hannity four years ago. because that's when it looked like we were starting to see signs of what is called mild cognitive impairment. to the public now it looks like
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it's progressed more. we'll don't know. i'm not his doctor. i will haven't examined him. but there is issues clearly with spatial orientation with severe memory lapses. and another thing the media did which didn't do him any favors is call these gaffes. it's not a gaffe if you have an error that's related to something going on with your thinking, judgment, attention. these are really important things patient is always the last to know, ainsley. >> ainsley: you hate to speculated. i heard sundowner syndrome affiliated dementia or alzheimer's. later at night get confused when sun goes down. which explains why does better rallies during the day. dementia, if he has any of these your loved one after you watched that debated, wouldn't you definitely schedule a doctor's appointment? if it f. they do would they schedule an mri and would that information be public. >> first of all, i think an mri is even more important than a
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cognitive test at this point. if you did a cognitive test it would be very help festival doesn't score well. if he scored borderline we wouldn't know what that means. m.r.i. shows something you just talked about. insufficient blood flow to tiny pockets of your brain because you have atrial fibrillation irreg heart beat which he does have by the way. that might well show up. some of the other things you talked about and i won't speculate but i want to point out that alzheimer's, i don't think that's what this is. that usually has a lot more behavioral issues than is he showing. and parkinson's. you know, they talk a lot about somebody visiting him but specifically said on his last exam he didn't have it. now, if dr. o'connor is going to put in writing he doesn't have parkinson's i would respect that he danced around what he might actually have. i find that very disappointing. i think transparency is what you need in democracy, actually. i think we need a lot more of it here. steve. >> ainsley: we do wish him well. it's been sad to see him go down
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so quickly over the last few years. thank you, dr. siegel for coming on. >> that's very important we show compassion and empathy. thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: thank you. former president trump could announce his v.p. pick one week from today. we're going to ask trump's campaign senior adviser jason miller about the top contenders. ♪ hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight.
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>> ainsley: we are back with a fox news alert. boeing agreeing to plead guilty to criminal fraud charge relating to two 737 crashes. the first one indonesia in 2018 and killed 189 people. the second one happened a year later in ethiopia and 157 people died. paul castle, a lawyer for some of the victims' families says boeing's plea deal doesn't do the victims justice saying, quote. this sweetheart deal fails to recognize because of boeing's conspiracy, 346 people died through crafty laguardia, between boeing and the doj, the deadly consequences of boeing's crime are being hidden. boeing will have to pay more than $487 million in feelings compliance and safety programs. according to a court filing. boeing and the doj are working
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to file a complete written plea federal court by the 19th. we will of course keep you posted, guy over to you. >> guy: 6:52 a.m. on the east coast. former president trump expected to announce his running mate a week from today. that's the report at least. that would be the first day of the rnc. senators j.d. vance, marco rubio, ohio, florida respectively at the center of those talks according to those reports. this as trump's fundraising committee already inviting donors to events next week featuring, quote: the nominee for vice president. jason miller is a senior adviser for the trump campaign. he joins us now. all right, jason, you can tell us. just among friends, who is it going to be? >> great question. here's what we know is by this time next monday we will know who president trump has selected as his running mate for the 2024 election. president trump has some great choices. i really like all of the finalists. it could happen any time this week it. could happen literally right up until the first day of the convention. guy, what we don't know is who
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president trump and his running mate will be running against, ultimately, with all the talk this morning about joe biden and whether or not he can hang on in the presidential spot, we also need to be asking the question of how long people in the white house have known about joe biden's decline and what's the cover-up been behind it? >> so you mentioned the finalists, and there are names that have been put out there. rubio, vance, maybe burgum, are those really the final three or could there be some dark horses still out there? >> well, i can tell that you president trump has discussed even more names than that and, again, this is one of those -- it's almost an embarrassment of riches that there are so many good people. and what president trump has said whoever he does pick needs to step in and do the job on day one of the each of the different prospects has their own strengths and can help chart the nation forward. i look ahead as a campaign-- strike that just as to what does that vice presidential debate look like. maybe kamala or swap her out for
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someone even more liberal or more extreme that might be touch tough to do. i like the people that president trump has in front of him. >> jason, quickly i want to ask about this. first lady maybe making a swing through the south today. one of her stops is in florida. there are people close to biden who have basically conceded florida is not probably probably on the map for them. what's going on? is this fundraising, a waste of time for flotus? >> it is a waste of time. doing joe biden a disservice for two reasons. number one highlighting the fact that joe biden cannot do three campaign stops in a day. joe biden can't do three minutes on a campaign trail in a day. we saw what happened in this weekend in pennsylvania. besides that, i really think that what joe biden should have done is told joe biden to make good on his promise to be a transition candidate, to hand off the baton to somebody else. but now it's too little too late. president trump right now is leading, guy, in new jersey. is he leading in new hampshire. is he leading in minnesota. so, while democrats might want to talk about going on offense,
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they are really on heir heels in blue states. >> guy: keep an eye on that. certainly some states creeping into the conversation. jason miller, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> guy: more "fox & friends" coming your way after this.t coming your way after this.t ♪ knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality.
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