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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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continues to be the best way to build generational wealth. i also do believe that it is part of the american dream and has always been. long term, right, it is still a good investment. it may not aappreciate to the same degree we saw during the pandemic. let's say you move to another property and rent out that property and diversify it against stocks and bonds and a hedge against inflation, speaking about inflation. there is a lot of benefits to owning property still nowadays. you just have to consult the right professional. they get into trouble if they don't. >> ainsley: thank you for waking up early for us and watch mansion global with katrina on fox nation. sean hannity with interview donald trump for the first time since the debate. that's at 9:00. >> bill: good morning, everybody. is that democratic dam breaking? the start of what will be a
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pivotal week. several house democrats say it is time for the president to step aside. that's where we start. the band is back together. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." it is pretty stunning that we're just four months from the election and this is our headlines. democrats think that the president should get out. president biden is facing intense pressure to save his campaign. more house democrats are coming out against him saying a november loss is looking more and more likely. >> should not be even close and there is only one reason it is close, the president's age. >> i don't know that the interview on friday night did enough to answer those questions. so i think this week is going to be absolutely critical. >> many of my colleagues and constituents share he may just not be the best choice to take on donald trump and insure we win in november. >> bill: that sets the table. president biden meanwhile is
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doubling down. he told george stephanopolous on friday night he is still the most qualified person to beat donald trump. >> president biden: here is my answer. i am running and going to win again. >> if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump will you stand down? >> it depends on if the lord almighty tells me that i might do that. >> dana: the cover of the post is time to go, joe, alex thompson is here and we have team fox coverage as will. gillian turner at the white house. let's go to aishah hosni on capitol hill. >> good morning to you, dana and bill i'm standing in front of mark warner's office. everyone is waiting to hear from him directly after being reported on friday he was apparently rounding up a group of senate democrats to go to the white house and ask president biden to step aside. there was reportedly, dana, a
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meeting that was scheduled with senate democrats later on tonight. fox is now told that is not happening and dana it is not happening because details about that meeting, the planning, were leaked. still this is the first day that senate democrats are back face-to-face in the same building since the debate so expect a lot of movement and developments today. the dominoes are already falling on the other side of this complex. top democrats in the house are calling on the president to drop out. we're talking ranking members, powerful committees like jerry nadler, and others according to punch bowl. it happened during a private leadership call on sunday. it was held by democrat leader hakeem jeffries. those ranking members join at least rank and file members who have already called on biden to quit for the sake of the down-ballot races. >> you can't just deny it.
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it isn't in the polls. you can't go to a coffee shop, bar or soccer game where people aren't talking about this in a negative sense. that reality is there and i think, you know, it is important to be loyal but part of being loyal is being honest. >> meanwhile house republicans are demanding president biden's doctor come to the hill and testify before congress to answer questions about the president's mental state. unlike democrats, republicans are already questioning whether or not the president is even fit to serve in office as of today. but again, congress back in town, dana and bill, and things are going to move very rapidly. back to you. >> dana: thank you so much. as doubt engulfs his re-election campaign he spokes to voters in pennsylvania to calm their fears. gillian turner is live at the white house as damage control is
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underway. >> calls for the president to step aside from within his own party are escalating despite the president pleading his case to abc news friday and participating in campaign events throughout the weekend. axios says biden doesn't have a lot to look forward to today as congress returns. people are scared about their own races but also worried about the country and about democracy. former democrats privately called on biden to bow out during the listening session with hakeem jeffries and senate dems will bring up the issue tomorrow. the president doesn't seem bothered by any of it, listen. [shouted question] >> he has a big week. nato summit begins in washington tomorrow. heads of state and government from around the world will all
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be here. vice president kamala harris, though, interestingly, will be out of town for pretty much all of it. >> the vice president would be a phenomenal president. she has the experience, judgment, leadership, built to be an extraordinary president. >> biden has a high stakes solo press conference here on thursday. he has then going to spend the next week traveling doing campaign events. the president is at the white house and the only thing on his schedule is the daily briefing that he is getting this morning. >> dana: gillian turner at the white house. >> alex thompson has been working 24/seven. from axios. good morning to you. let's play the david axelrod clip. he hasn't changed his tune. he is on cnn sunday. >> he is not winning this race. he is more likely if you look at the data and talk to people around the country, political
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people around the country, it is more likely that he will lose by a landslide than win narrowly this race. >> bill: what gives next, alex? or does anything give so long as joe biden continues with his current stance and position on this? >> the thing is inside the inner circle the core group of six to ten people near joe biden they don't believe he is headed for a landslide. they don't believe he is behind. if he is, it is very narrow. they think he is the most electable democrat against donald trump. even the course of potential evidence and adam schiff's opinion it is an unshakable belief. if you believe that, then you don't care what congressional democrats are saying. i expect many more congressional democrats to come out this week and say they think joe biden should step aside. the two groups that you should really watch for, though, are the congressional black caucus
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that backed joe biden through and through and really -- james clyburn is part of that and nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi is one of the few people that joe biden really deeply respects, considers a peer, someone who has done the nitty-gritty of politics for a long time. those are the two groups you should watch for. if anyone would come close to the lord almighty standard it would be those. >> dana: two questions for you. my first one is, but wouldn't the congressional black caucus possibly say that they were more excited about the idea of a kamala harris stepping in to be the candidate? >> that's possible. it's notable they haven't yet. ric richmond, long time biden aide from louisiana also noted that none of them have come out. i think your point is well taken. the prospect of the first black woman vice president -- president could, you have know,
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eventually make them start, you know, thinking of joe biden stepping aside. >> dana: i've been following your work for a long time. we both have. and you have not been one to shy away from talking about the president's age in the past three years. but many other reporters did. and it was pretty jarring last week to see carl bernstein basically almost say this is worse than watergate but then he had known for several months that the president's decline had accelerated and yet they don't say anything until after the debate. why do you think that is? >> it has been really striking to see some of these congressional democrats that have come out and said, you know, it wasn't just a bad night with regards to thursday's debate. that implies that they thought that there was something wrong long before then. this is part of the thing within the democratic party that's -- they will have to wreckon with
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including harris, one of the most pub politic validators of president biden's mental fitness. you have a situation in which a lot of members of the administration have serious concerns about joe biden's ability to serve as president 4 1/2 years from now in 2028. which is what he is running to do. >> bill: you report this on axios. these pictures are note cards given to the president. one shows walk to podium with a picture of the room you are walking into. and the next one says walk to podium as well and they are stacked side-by-side, there we go. biden campaign staffer told you it surprised me that a seasoned political pro like the president would need detailed verbal and visual instructions how to enter and exit a room. we've all watched him for three years. i don't think a lot of us have surprised people who paid attention. i think back to dana's point, why then did it surprise members
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of the media who allegedly were watching the same man that we've been watching? >> i will say i do think there was perhaps a lack of curiosity in some cases. in regards to that report, what was really striking to me is that it was a member that worked an event for joe biden that told me that they were really struck by the amount of hand holding the advance teams would have to do. now doing advance, dana has probably this. it is not abnormal but the level of advance work that has struck some people that have worked joe biden's events as hand holding and abnormal and the same thing with teleprompter. every president uses one for quick fundraising remarks. joe biden has, especially recently. >> dana: that's i guess one on the prep on the advance work, i could say okay, well, they are super detailed. i don't know if he needs it or
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if that's the staffers' position but maybe a little bit of both. it is good for a president to be told when you go to the room you will go to the podium. you remember the picture of president bush when he went the wrong way in china and tried to get out that door and it was locked? "the new york times" had five photographs of the scene the next day because it was such a huge deal. these fundraisers using a teleprompter, people knew about this and what i'm stunned about and wondering if -- i believe this has been happening for you -- are there calls coming from within the white house? i don't want names. but people who are sufficiently concerned who are working inside the white house who think how can we suggest that the president continue to be the nominee when they themselves told you all that he is only dependably engaged from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.? >> well, i think the justification, the calculus is that joe biden, even engaged ten
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to four or joe biden at 86 is better than donald trump. and that is an often how they are justifying even if they are concerned. 10-four now, what is it like when he is 85, 86 years old? they know that and i think there is some grappling especially after the debate. it goes beyond just whether or not joe biden can still beat donald trump. he has taken a political hit after the debate but the other question what happens if he does beat donald trump and what does a second joe biden term look like if he continues to slip? >> bill: a lot of voters ask themselves if it continues to be this way. we're watching. we're watching the lord almighty, nancy pelosi and cbc. right now we're getting word the president has sent a letter to members of congress saying he is, quote, firmly committed to staying in the race. he is not blind to the people's concerns in that letter as well.
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says he would not be running if he didn't believe he was the best person to beat trump and has had extensive conversations with democratic leaders and elected officials and voters alone pick the presidential nominees, not pundits, donors, or the press all in that letter to congress that apparently was just received. >> dana: he will play a game of chicken with the voters and the donors and the media and the editorial pages. the game of chicken? i'll watch it. >> bill: don't mess with the lord almighty. galveston, texas underwater after beryl makes landfall early this morning as a category 1 threatening. storm surges and damaging winds. katie burn is live in galveston. how goes it there? >> we've reached major flood stage. storm surge is over 3 1/2 feet high and all of that water is coming from the gulf right behind me.
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you can see the water, the waves are crashing over the sea wall flooding out the main boulevard and then also that water is reaching buildings and flooding buildings as well including our own hotel. but we know we've seen widespread torrential downpours and storm surge leading to flooding but inland in texas in places like houston, an hour southwest of houston in a town called rosenberg, texas where rescues are under way with the ridesing floodwaters. we've been dealing with the condition since 2:00 in the morning here local time. the power went out. pretty soon after i checked my therms stat it was 80 degrees. people with outages, 1 1/2 million texans without power and half of this island is without power and dealing with the heat but woken up throughout the night by the sound of the howling winds and rain pelting the windows. it feels like sharp nails
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pounding my back right now when you are standing in it. we're monitoring the conditions here. i hear some thunder behind me. we know people are concerned getting through the coming days with the outages and dealing with texas heat. this all as the storm continues to push north and up next is arkansas. we could also feel the impact as far as the midwest and northeast later in the week. we won't be done talking about beryl for some time. >> bill: katie burn, thank you, nice to have you in galveston and hoping for the best. >> dana: and remember this, fox weather has you covered 24/seven. download the app for free and scan the qr code on the screen and stream on your favorite device. now this. >> we will get through this moment but these moments won't end without all of us working together to insure that tragedy doesn't become normalized. >> bill: we'll be in chicago in five weeks and that city is reeling from a deadly fourth of
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july weekend. the violence worse than a year ago. we'll check into what is behind it now. >> dana: as nato meets in washington, russia launching a deadly attack on a ukrainian children's hospital. how the alliance is reacting. >> bill: house republicans demanding testimony from president biden's own doctor. this as they accuse the white house of a physical cover-up. >> is anyone in the white house hiding information about the president's health or his ability to do the job day-to-day? >> absolutely not. there's an og in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> dana: president biden releasing a long letter to house democrats saying i want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, i am firmly committed to staying in this race to run
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in this race to the end and beating donald trump. democrats's doubts accelerating. he missed a chance to -- >> if you stay in and trump is elected an everything you are warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in january? >> i will feel as long as i gave it my all and i did the job i know i could do, that's what this is about. >> dana: campaign advisors have their work cut out for them. philippe, i got your thoughts here about party unity and that being important and everybody sticking together. i do really have to ask you, you've been around a long time. you are not -- the democrats aren't just asking for president biden to win an election. but they're asking him to serve for another four years as commander-in-chief the leader of the free world. are you comfortable that joe
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biden has the capacity and ability to be the commander-in-chief for the next 4 1/2 years? >> i am comfortable with the system that the founders put in place that when someone can't do the job, we have a vice president. that might sound trite. i've noticed no republicans despite saying the guy has lost it and shouldn't be president starting january 21, 2025, have said he should leave right now. if mac called for it i haven't seen it and maybe he does now. >> dana: there has been a few. >> out of hundreds including your nominee. to me it's inconsistent. >> dana: it's striking to me that you will have somebody inside the white house, marc, tell axios, the reporter we just had on, that president biden is only dependably engaged from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. every day. remember the famous 3:00 a.m. phone call ad, philippe, you remember that ad from 2016.
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these calls and the weight of the world is on the shoulders of the president at all times. i do think it is a valid question regardless of him saying i'll stay in. but the next four years, you think you can do this? >> i think my friend philippe would not look into the camera and say that he believes joe biden will be president in four years from now if he wins re-election. there is no chance in hell that joe biden will be sitting in the oval office four years from now if he were to win this election. and the reality is we have a constitutional crisis right now. if the democrats take him off the ballot because he is too mentally cognitively declined to serve as their nominee how is he capable of being commander-in-chief? not since edith wilson was running the white house after woodrow wilson had a stroke at the start of the last century have we had this kind of a situation where the president is not capable of fulfilling his duties as commander-in-chief.
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in that interview you showed, he couldn't answer the question as to why he should -- why he should stay on the ballot. the speech writer wrote it for him in the letter. the letter you just showed was very articulate explanation of why he thinks he is the best person to beat donald trump. he couldn't say it when he was asked. if he sends a letter that somebody else wrote he can say things but sitting with george stephanopolous he can't make the case why you should stay on the ballot. >> when joe biden was 78, nobody said this. marc didn't like what he stood for but he didn't say this. donald trump will be 82 when he is in office and frankly -- >> dana: when he was 78 was she showing signs in front of a camera. >> it's not about a number, philippe. i was just in chicago and i saw the rolling stones and mick jagger was running around on
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that stage doing the rooster, pointing fingers. he is the same age as joe biden. it is not -- >> if he wants to replace donald trump with mick jagger. >> dana: one last question, philippe. you believe and just for our viewers to hear your point of view because it's important, that the election is winnable for democrats whether biden is on the ticket or not, is that correct? >> i believe it's a choice between two guys. it is what it is. they are both old. i can't see in the future about either one of them. and the truth is, is that there is only one person that can decide what joe biden does. no one can make me go to the dentist except for me. no one can make joe biden step aside except for him. and he has made pretty clear what he is doing. i believe that this is winnable for him. do i believe it's tougher today than 11 days ago? of course it is.
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it was hard 11 days ago. but you know what? it was hard in 2020. he remains the only person who had beaten donald trump. i think he can do it again because of a simple fact. we have seen donald trump as president and he was rejected and fired. i hope it happens again. if people want to vote based on his age. >> he is leading now. >> dana: i want to have this conversation in a week if we can and just see how things change between then. >> see you in a week. >> i'll be with you in milwaukee, dana, we can do it. >> bill: doing the rooster, marc. former president trump seeing some cracks in the democrats' blue wall. show you how the map is breaking on the board in the battleground states. north dakota governor doug burgum will join us live. alec baldwin heads to court tomorrow as jury selection begins in the deadly shooting on the rust movie set. a story many will be watching
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>> i wanted to see what joe biden has to say. what he will offer pennsylvania and the american public. i believe he has still got it. >> we have no other choice. we can't be changing the game four months before the election. >> i will vote for biden, this is joking, even if he is in a casket. >> bill: that's a little bit of a round-up from folks voting in pennsylvania from over the weekend. we want to give you an idea of battleground states and see where they're breaking. according to our path of 270, what you need to get to the white house, we have biden today at 215, okay? if you were to take that 215. we've done the math. trust us on this. and you give him pennsylvania at 19, michigan at 15, wisconsin and min ten each, he would be at
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269. needing one more. conversely with trump, we've got him today at 219. based on some of the polling if you were to give him north carolina at 16, georgia at 16, arizona 11 and nevada at six, he would be at 268 electoral votes, just shy of that. under that scenario, trump will need somewhere up here in the upper midwest to pick up those extra electoral votes. there is one other factor here under the biden scenario, if he were to go four for four in minnesota, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, you have the electoral vote in omaha, nebraska that we still have in gray as a toss-up. that would be under that scenario as crazy as it might sound. you go for four for four in the upper midwest, one in nebraska 27. virginia, on oh phone call over the weekend in governors in new
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mexico and the maine throwing out caution signs if joe biden still stays in. this map can move and likely will for the coming four months or so. as i come back over to my partner, colin reid, who you have had on your podcast, he had a comment about this, right? how things go. here is what he said. if the math is expanded in this degree take it to the bank the so-called blue wall of michigan, p.a. and wisconsin has long ago crumb lid and you can kiss joe biden's way to the white house is done. >> dana: he is right. that's a good combo. >> bill: we'll see how the map changes. north dakota governor doug burgum. what is your hunch with these states? >> i have been to michigan,
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wisconsin and minnesota in the last three weeks. in addition to the polling, there is an enthusiasm gap that is just huge in terms of in favor of president trump because the folks in these states are all like north dakota, northern border states. all affected by the open border that joe biden has allowed to happen. they are all affected by inflation. and then if you throw in pennsylvania, people keep forgetting about pennsylvania. that has become an energy state. they have a huge natural gas resource that could really supercharge their economy. it is all being choked by joe biden's regulation. i like where president trump stands across all these northern states. i think he has a chance to do well in all of them. >> dana: john fetterman is a senator from pennsylvania. the state you just mentioned and he actually has been fairly supportive of energy sector there, at odds with the biden white house really. this was him talking about who had kicked somebody's rear end. watch here?
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>> there is only one person in this room that kicked trump's ass in an election. [cheers and applause] there is only one person in this state that has kicked trump's ass in an election. [cheers and applause] there is only one person in the country that has ever kicked trump's ass in an election. and that is your president. >> dana: he is pointing there if you can't see it to joe biden who was in the room at a campaign event and what have you heard since the debate about either in pennsylvania or across the board? this 2024 is shopping up to be very different to the 2020 election. >> since the debate, i think the emperor has no clothes. people realized it is not just joe biden himself is a national security risk. joe biden is really perhaps not even capable of being president now, much less for the next four
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years. then the whole party, the ruling coalition that they assembled four years ago, is completely in disarray. their fundraising is collapsing and so we don't know who will be on the top or bottom of the ticket. meanwhile president trump stronger than ever and charging forward and so it is a -- what you are hearing with people out there, people are shocked if they've been watching fox, they know that this is what's been going on and there has been a cover-up. you talk to people watching some of these other networks the last couple of years and they were blown away by the debate because they have all been lied to about his condition. >> bill: listen, the other thing, the crystal ball, move michigan to a toss-up. the other thing you have to consider on the board. we'll know soon. you are like one of the leading contenders and see whether or not you get the magic call here. here was jason miller earlier
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today on when that is going to come. watch. >> here is what we know. by this time next monday we'll know who president trump has selected as his running mate for the 2024 election. president trump has some great choices, i like all the finalists and could happen any time this week. could happen right up until the first day of the convention. >> bill: see whether it happens. if you want to break news today, go for it. i want to ask you a different question. if you aren't the pick, do you expect to be part of this trump administration if he were to win? >> well, i think the thing that's most important for america, most important for north dakota and still as a sitting governor of this state we have to get president trump elected. while the polling is really encouraging in these northern border states, we know we have an issue. if you go to the rural counties in minnesota like where i was yesterday, it is trump flags, trump enthusiasm everywhere. whether it's minneapolis/st.
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paul, milwaukee, madison, detroit. republicans we need to get a ground game going. we know how strong the democrats are there. we shouldn't take anything for granted. president trump has a great selection of people for vp and he will have a ton of talent that want to work in this administration going forward because it is so important that we have to go in. he needs a governing partner, a governing administration to help clean up this mess that joe biden has left. >> dana: governor, thank you so much for being on. we appreciate you. >> great. thank you. >> dana: i wanted to point out one thing. i don't know if we can pull it up here. a lawyer writes for the "washington post" and she wrote this. what we've already learned from the cognitive test biden won't take. she said no matter -- regardless, she said i will vote for biden over trump no matter what happens from now to election day. the risk of diminished biden is
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less than an empowered and reelected trump. there is work to do for the republicans. >> joe biden is doing an interview by telephone on another network. i don't know if that's ever happened since he has become president. >> dana: he is not shouting interview questions over marine one. >> bill: there is not a lot going on today. tuesday is relatively speaking for this president is stacked. wednesday is more crowded. thursday is more crowded than that. into friday as well and make visits to states across the country that we're showing on the map. point being, this is a critical week. does he get through this schedule unscathed or does he make a mistake? >> dana: aren't you glad you are with me for this week? >> bill: everyone is watching. >> dana: the producers are going to crush us. all right. we'll get to this. life threatening storm surge over texas, hurricane beryl shows also signs of slowing
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>> dana: president biden promising voters to put up a fight. as we reported moments ago he sent a letter to congressional democrats refusing to set aside. growing doubt from the left force him to put the gloves down? the power rankings show the post debate impact hurting democrats. joining us now "wall street journal" editor at large jerry baker. we were in a break saying we can't believe this is actually the cover story we're having to have in july. if you look back you realize we've kind of been having it here and now the democrats are joining the chat. >> democrats are in disarray
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this week. i've spoken to several senior democrats in congress and outside congress over the weekend and they are furious. they are furious, many of them, that the president is putting up this fight. furious with his performance in the abc interview with stephanopoulos the other night. they didn't like the denial and blaming other people and media. they're stuck here. if he really is serious as he says in this letter appears to be serious that he will carry on, what can they do? how can you run a presidential campaign, dana, when so many of your elected officials publicly and many, many more privately are known to believe you cannot be president of the united states? it is an impossible situation. >> bill: you have the stand-off among democrats then. biden said on msnbc10 minutes ago i'm not going anywhere. i haven't lost to trump. losing isn't an option. he says i don't care what the millionaires think and on and on it goes. you've got a question as to what gives and when does it give?
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>> you are right. under the rules of the democratic party, under our constitution, biden has every right. he can tell everybody to stick it. i've been nominated and won the primary and go to the convention and mandated to vote for me. he can do that. how in practice can you have a candidate? all donald trump has to do from now to november is run video of these democrats saying he can't be president. he shouldn't be president. he can't do the job. this is his own party. it is a little like -- a bit like but in 2016 do you remember when we had the axis hollywood meltdown and several people walked away from trump. that was a month before the election. that's the situation we'll have for four months. democrats are out there publicly and even more emphatically privately saying this man cannot be president. it is a gift for the republican party and donald trump. >> dana: can i ask you about this also.
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the nato leaders are coming to washington this week. and we had the g7 meeting two weeks ago. after the debate, you heard that these leaders were leaking to reporters that yeah, they were alarmed. so -- do you have any insight into what the european leaders are thinking? >> this is not new. you've talked about this a lot. this cover-up with the media for the last couple of years. people have been -- i talked to british officials two years ago when biden went to britain a couple of years ago who said my god, the man is -- senior british officials saying everything had to be plotted so he didn't fall over. lost his way during remarks. this was two years ago. he is getting worse. this week we saw that reporting last week that the d-day commemoration last month he was forgetting things. he was being reintroduced to people he met a few minutes ago is one of the things i heard. it will be like that again this
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week. all those people. what are they going to do? a new prime minister in britain will be here this week. the president of france will be here. they will be here in a show of strength. imagine that, a show of strength of the alliance to show to the rest of the world how strong they are when no one thinks the president is capable. >> bill: a lot of his policies have been direct and dictate the military hardware that have gone into ukraine. watch the money here in the u.s. what are the big democratic donors doing? do they keep their hands in their pocket and dry up? >> many of them will. we saw what hasings, the netflix guy last week. i've spoken to democratic donors who say i can't do this. i won't throw good many after bad. they all think biden will lose. it's partly, you know, that's a rather cynical colonel can
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youlation. the man shouldn't be president because he isn't capable. in their calculation he will lose. what's the point? he will go down. >> bill: he said i am running. a quote from joe biden. >> he is running until he is not. >> dana: 100%. >> bill: you mentioned nato. 75 years of nato alliance holds a summit in washington this week. will the age concerns over the president steal the spotlight? biden says it will take an act of god for him to drop. how is he making his case with leading democrat is. senator john fetterman is our guest and coming up live in a moment on that. your tools from t something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey!
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>> dana: a video so good we count wait to show it to you. a new hampshire teen gets off his jet ski to stop a boat out of control. 65 miles from portland. witnesses say the boat captain was knocked into the water
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causing the boat to start speeding in circles. he is shipping off to navy boot camp this fall but hailed a hero already. we thank him for that. >> bill: great move. pretty smooth, too. a little -- moments ago defense secretary lloyd austin welcoming nato secretary general at the pentagon. this before a two-day summit in washington this week. it will be critical. leaders expected to unite again behind ukraine. membership is out of sight for that nation. edward lawrence following it from the white house today. good morning to you. >> out of sight but top of mind for those world leaders coming here to washington, d.c. security fencing has put up around the white house complex ahead of those nato meetings. the big elephant in the room in those nato meetings will be president biden's mental fitness. the nato secretary general was asked about that and we attached your republican response to his comments. listen. >> if i start to answer questions like that i will be
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dragged into u.s. internal debate and the reason why nato is the most successful alliance in history is that we have stayed out of domestic issues and continue to do so. >> let me translate that. the swift answer would have been of course not, joe biden is great. the answer was yes, of course we're talking about that but we won't get into that. that's the appropriate answer for him given his position. >> president joe biden believes he is the only one who can stand up to russian president vladimir putin. the invasion happened on his watch after decisions president biden made that affect the globe. >> president biden: we have to put nato together, a future. no one -- i'm the guy that shoved putin down. no one thought it could happen. >> he will give a nato address welcoming world leaders coming


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