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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 8, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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debate and the reason why nato is the most successful alliance in history is that we have stayed out of domestic issues and continue to do so. >> let me translate that. the swift answer would have been of course not, joe biden is great. the answer was yes, of course we're talking about that but we won't get into that. that's the appropriate answer for him given his position. >> president joe biden believes he is the only one who can stand up to russian president vladimir putin. the invasion happened on his watch after decisions president biden made that affect the globe. >> president biden: we have to put nato together, a future. no one -- i'm the guy that shoved putin down. no one thought it could happen. >> he will give a nato address welcoming world leaders coming
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here tomorrow. >> bill: watching it all. edward lawrence from the white house today. thank you. >> dana: president biden is defiant and doubling down refusing to give up his bid for a second term as the course of calls for him to step aside gross louder by the hour. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. the calls to quit the race could be getting a lot louder in the next few hours and week ahead. congress comes back from a long holiday resource. at least four senior house democrats joining five of their colleagues calling for change at the top of that ticket. >> dana: the president is digging his heels in further this morning. in fact, he sent a letter to house democrats defending his decision to stay in the race and followed that up by calling into his favorite morning show, morning joe. he is always welcome here any time. >> bill: of course, we invite that, right? the invitation is always out there. >> dana: love to talk to him.
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>> bill: chad pergram is watching and listening. what do you have, chad? >> there has been a lot of chatter here on capitol hill about the 25th amendment to the constitution featuring a safety valve to remove a president who is not fit to serve. don't expect a vote in the house any time soon. but lawmakers are discussing it. >> what we're seeing is that they have decided to cover up for joe biden, to protect their radical agenda as opposed to doing what is in the best interests of the american people. if that resolution hits the floor, i would vote for it 100%. >> here is how it works. the vice president and half the cabinet must agree the president is incapacitated and cannot carry out his duties. the president could override them and stay put. however, a 2/three both by the house and senate could quash that and remove the president. >> in this instance we're having vice president harris decide her own boss is incapable of the job
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which would elevate her to the highest office in the land. you can get house of cards quickly with the incentive structure there and why the ratifyers made it such a high barrier to adopt this type of amendment. >> now questions about the president's fitness are why house republicans want the audio tapes of mr. biden's interview with special counsel robert hur. a vote on that could come wednesday. some democrats scoff at the very mention of the 25th amendment. >> it's just another example of the gop trying to score political points as opposed to doing what's best for the country. instead of looking at donald trump the republican party is trying to score cheap shots on joe biden. >> even though republicans may talk about the 25th amendment this is the province. executive branch. because this deals with removing the president, no member can just force a vote on the 25th amendment on the spot. >> bill: thank you, chad. back to you shortly. president biden insists he isn't going anywhere as he defends his
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campaign this morning a few moments ago on msnbc. we have more on what he said, gillian. >> just wrapping up listening to that interview now. president biden took to the airwaves essentially to reiterate what he has been saying all weekend long. he said he is in this race 110%. he is committed. he said he feels confident and insisted he does have the backing of his full party despite voices that have been popping up since friday calling for him to step aside. he said the big names who are questioning him right now whether it's the media, politicians, whether it's political competitors are all wrong. they were wrong in 2020 and they are wrong again now. he did go on defense when it came to his mental and physical fitness and health. he said this interestingly. he said he had a neurological physical in february. whatever that is.
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and when he was asked point blank if he has had concerns about his cognitive health, whether he has undergone any tests he had a rambling answer. listen to what he said. >> president biden: i had, before i was feeling so badly before the debate, when i came back, they checked me for -- i thought maybe i had covid, maybe there was something wrong. i had an infection or something. they tested me and gave me the tests. i was clear, so -- but look, i had a bad night but the fact of the matter is, look at what -- let me put it this way. if there was something that was wrong that night, it is not like that's one night and it goes away. that's -- i'm testing myself and tested everywhere i go. >> he also penned interestingly a letter to congressional democrats just a few moments ago, a quick excerpt. i have had extensive
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conversations with the leadership of the party and democratic voters over the past ten days or so and heard the concerns that people have. their good faith fierce and worries, i am not blind to them. this is the president going on defense now in the media. this comes as congressional leaders are back on capitol hill today. and we're going to see more movement, more dominoes falling in the race for calls for him to bow out of the race. we'll be asking the press secretary about it. >> bill: gillian turner from the white house. >> dana: president biden hitting the campaign trail yesterday in the vital state of pennsylvania. our next guest pennsylvania senator john fetterman offered his strong endorsement. i have to tell you, sir, everyone should have a friend like you because i think about people who look to you for your support of israel, stalwart.
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you are a loyal person and i admire it so much. do you think, though, this is dealing in reality with what the situation is? thank goodness you recovered from your stroke and people can recover from strokes. but recovering from the effects of age is not necessarily the same thing. yet you still think that this will quiet down and democrats will rally behind joe biden? >> yeah. thank you for your nice words. yeah, and i have actually have disagreed with the president on israel. i've been on your network to talk about that. and so i can disagree with joe biden, but i do agree with joe biden that he is going to be the right guy in this cycle and yeah, he didn't have a great debate. he says that. i didn't have a great debate back in 2022. i know you can pull up a lot of great hits out of mine. but i'm here right now and i'm
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defending him and i spent the whole day with the president. he was perfect the entire time whether in philadelphia or harrisburg. people were really happy to meet him and they really wanted a picture. i wouldn't be on your network right now if he had a rough day or if it wasn't a good situation. he was joe, perfect joe that day, and i'm really happy to report that. >> bill: appreciate your time. thank you for being here. some democrats, maybe not senators, but democrats in congress who have a very different view about how this should be handled. here is one, adam schiff talking on sunday about it. >> he should be mopping the floor with donald trump. joe biden is running against a criminal. it should not be even close. there is only one reason it is close. the president's age. >> bill: he went on to say kamala harris would be winning overwhelmingly against donald trump. there is a report that mark warner, the senator from
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virginia would convene a meeting tonight. when word leaked out he canceled that. i don't know what the truth is there. what have you done so far? have you felt compelled to reach out to your fellow democratic senators and convince them from jumping ship? >> no, i haven't reached out to anyone. i'm not really interest in what their views are. they are entitled to whatever there is. i don't disagree with my soon to be colleague schiff in the senate after he wins. i don't agree with that. it will be very close. it is always going to be close. i've been saying it would be very close in 2020 and it was and biden really beat him badly. and then it was going to be very close in 2016. it wasn't trump actually prevailed. the same conversation we've been having for eight years. trump is very popular and be strong especially in my own state. i know he is coming to butler and you can go through my
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personal twitter. i referenced when he in 2020 when he visited butler. it has a huge crowd. it will be competitive but joe biden already beat him in pennsylvania and he will do it again. and i'm standing with the president and i think you are going to find a majority of my colleagues in the senate and caucus will do that. and like i said i'm not going to throw away a great president after 90 minutes of a debate. >> dana: you are probably busy yesterday but the only person that would have been willing to come on. shannon bream from "fox news sunday" she and her team called everybody they could find to try to come on and defend joe biden. they weren't able to do that. i know you were with the president all day and that might not have been possible for you. here is former representative tim ryan from a democratic coalition with blue collar workers. >> i'm here in ohio. you can't go to a coffee shop, you can't go to a bar or a
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soccer game where people aren't talking about this in a negative sense. so that reality is there and i think, you know, it is important to be loyal but part of being loyal is being honest and i think we have to be honest to each other of just how difficult of a situation this is. >> dana: senator, when you had your debate there had been 700,000 ballots sent in. the timing was certainly different as well. two questions, one, do you concede that? and two, do you wish if you could go back, do you wish and do you think the biden's should be as forthcoming as possible about the health challenges the president has? >> well first let me say that i'm not sure who really gives a shit what tim ryan thinks about the situation. you know, i know that it says former -- former. he is not really a part of it in that conversation right now. and also in this situation let's
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just focus on where we're at. it will be a close race here. now i'm concerned and i think trump is about project 25. what is more about this? and why did he want to run away from that? it seems like it is kind of election that we have that we have things more to be talking about whether these kinds of questions so that what about project 25? and it is going to be very close and competitive and i am proud to stand with joe biden and i would like to remind everybody here that biden won and it really was very costly for fox after they repeated a lot of the lies that trump had after he lost. >> bill: senator, wow. donald trump has an opportunity now to run ads repeatedly with democrats who are opposed to joe
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biden's candidacy. how can you win when that is going to be the story for the next four months? >> well, he is just going to run a campaign. joe biden had a great day and he is going to have a strong campaign. and i said a major of democrats will back him and you have random people say these things. i don't know why it's helpful or anything like that. joe biden is the right democrat right now in this cycle and he is going to win but it is going to be very close. and trump is going to run a strong campaign. i've always said that and been saying that same thing for the last three cycles here. >> dana: you have been. thank you. >> bill: the last two weeks made this much more of a challenge and see how it goes. thank you for your time. john fetterman, thank you. he talked about butler pennsylvania north of pittsburgh and he is right, he had a big rally there recently the last couple of years. the president will be there on saturday before he kicks off his big campaign in milwaukee come
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monday. >> dana: getting more interesting by the minute. watch this. >> imagine four hours of winds that are gusting above 90 miles-an-hour. that's a reality. i have to tell you, the winds with beryl just when you feel like it will let up it just comes rushing right back in. >> bill: been a storm for some time now. tracking the hurricane charging into southern texas. the storm heading to houston after knocking out power for a million people in its wake. >> dana: a violent holiday nightmare in chicago as shootings injured or kill at least 100 people. >> bill: mainstream media is shifting its tune about the president and why they are suddenly worried about his physical and mental fitness. will president biden be able to change their minds? >> joe biden is a national security threat because everyone knows he is on the decline and not making decisions. the only decision essential he is making now is between apple sauce and ice cream.
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>> bill: keep an eye on this story. moscow launching massive assaults across ukraine. dozens of people reported killed. among the targets this time a children's hospital in kiev. crews combing through the rubble for survivors as you see on the video here. russia used hypersonic missiles. hypersonic missile travels well over the speed of sound and nothing on this planet that can defend against it. ukraine accuses moscow of deliberately targeting children. that's a live look at kiev. that's not on video as we watch it now. 10:19 back in new york. >> we will get through this moment but these moments won't end without all of us working together to insure that tragedy doesn't become normalized. >> dana: the mayor addressing
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the wave of gun violence over the holiday weekend in chicago. at least 100 people were shot, 19 died from their injuries. garrett tenney live with the latest on the holiday tragedy. >> here in the next few minutes the mayor and police superintendent are expected to say more about the weekend violence that we saw and how the city plans to respond. that weekend of violence included four mass shootings across the city. one of those was on the city's south side early friday morning. according to police, several people with rifles and pistons pulled up to a house around 6:00 a.m. and started shooting it up. inside was 7-year-old bryson ore. his friends caused him smiley. he was shot and killed along with his mom and his 24-year-old aunt who died shielding her 1-year-old baby from the gunfire. two other young boys inside were also shot and are still in the hospital. at a community peace rally on
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friday the family's grandmother talked about what it is they are going through. >> to see your two ventilators. >> we are people who will go into a home and fire upon children, where is that outrage? where is that anger for those children? i tell you right now, i'm angry. >> so far no arrests have been made for that shantey. the city has also seen a lot of recent violence around the 31st street beach where five people were shot and one stabbed last month. the city enacted a curfew for the beach over at least the holiday weekend but now say that could be extended. >> we unfortunately have to make adjustment when there are shootings and concern for safety. it is very unfortunate.
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the people suffering are typically not the ones involved in crime. >> for folks who live here there is a lot of concern that what we saw this weekend could be a precursor of what the rest of the summer to look like. >> eight days ago the president needed to consider getting out and i think we're still there. >> bill: that was friday. the presidential debate forcing many mainstream media to change their tune on the president's acuity. last week joe scarborough called for him to step aside and today he is saying this. >> i had enough calls from elites over the last couple weeks who want him out. enough calls from members of the sort of democratic rank and file. they aren't ready for him to get out. they are wondering why the
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elites are splitting the party. >> bill: i think it was after that time the president called that program on the phone. here is kennedy, here is charlie hurt. where are we, sir, as you track the media? >> well, democrats are in a real pickle here. that letter that joe biden sent to members of the house, he makes a lot of very good points in it. democrats however fraudulent you think is primary was. they held one. voters did select joe biden to be the nominee. it is interesting that democrats are running this campaign about saving democracy as they are trying to take democracy out with a garbage and replace joe biden because they don't like the polls. it won't work. if the media were covering this they would call it the media insurrection. >> dana: they would never do that. democrat. the democrats jared this pickle themselves. >> they had a lot of members of
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the mainstream media carrying their pickle juice for them. some it's water, sometimes vinegar and spice. in this case it is completely rotten. those of us who have been objectively watching president biden's behavior since 2016, you can notice the decline. any of us who have had family members who have had cognitive and mental decline, you know how the story ends. i thought it was a poignant question you asked senator fetterman. things be fall us in life that you can recover from. the fact that they've propped him up in the way they have has not an incredible disservice to the country, you see what is happening in russia. i don't think they would have done that if we had a president who was in charge of his full faculties. it is incredibly cruel to do to the president and to anyone else who is battling these issues. it makes them seem like there is something wrong with them and for anyone who is suffering, you
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know it is not your fault. >> bill: as of now he is in and he will fight. if he makes a mistake this week. everybody is watching very carefully. now the idea of a cognitive test. i don't know if he has done this. george stephanopolous asked him about it friday night. >> have you had the specific cognitive tests and a neurologist, a specialist, do an examination? >> no one said i had to. they said i'm good. i have a cognitive test every single day, every day i have tests. >> bill: comer wants a doctor to testify. given your connection with the biden family we need to know if you can provide accurate interviews of the president to serve. i would say the chances of that doctor showing up are 0 to none. >> we'll expand the contempt of congress charges to beyond this. that's the most biden thing in the world.
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you always get these presidential physical evaluations and sometimes they are like it's a family doctor and say whatever. he is so healthy. but this is the biden thing that there has ever been. this doctor is involved in one of the family's business deals involving jim biden and that's why congressman comer wants him to come to testify. it is such a biden thing. there is always some self-dealing factor to all of it that screws up the whole process. >> dana: what i've been -- i want to add something to what you have been saying. this is bothering me all week. we're taught to respect our elders and take care of them and to be kind and loving and help them into this next phase of their lives. and instead what has happened is now we have a president and we are making jokes and there are jokes everywhere. there are people who are dealing with age-related issues. many people who might watch this
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show are helping parents in this next stage and it isn't right. >> that's what's incredibly painful and i want to point something out. george stephanopolous lost his father a couple of weeks ago. he was a towering figure in the greek orthodox church. so it was poignant the way he was asking questions of the president. i think he was feeling his own loss and grief and respect for his dad in that moment. >> one other thing that is sort of interesting here, i'm struck by how many elderly people i talk to who say i understand where joe biden is. i wouldn't want to be president. which is a whole other level of it. what are they doing? >> dana: biden has put himself into a different gear. now it's my survival. all right, let's go. >> yeah. his family and the family's survival. >> dana: happy monday to you both. a growing number of democrats
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>> i think the vice president would be a phenomenal president. she has the judgment and leadership ability. >> could she win overwhelmingly? >> i think she could. before we get into a decision about who else it should be, the president needs to make the decision whether it's him. >> bill: that was on sunday, right? president biden since that time this morning wrote a letter, a long letter 2 1/2 pages long curbing the attention the vice president is getting to replace him. i want to bring in clay travis and juan williams to talk about this. new this morning an hour ago on msnbc the president called in by telephone. i can't recall another time during his presidency when he has done that. if he has it hasn't happened
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office. a clip of what he said on morning joe. >> president biden: they were wrong in 2020. they are wrong in 2022 about the red wave and wrong in 2024. come out with me and watch people react. you make the judgment. you make a judgment. >> bill: so we have a good old stand-off, clay, right now for the democratic nomination. biden says he is sticking. some people are already on the record publicly saying he should get out. what gives? >> well, first of all, i give credit to the biden team because i don't think anybody thought they were going to come out double barreled like they did today. it was very orchestrated. you write a letter. in that letter you make it clear if anybody attacks you or tries to remove you as the democrat nominee, that you are going to say it's a direct attack upon democracy because they just had the democrat nomination process. biden got 87% of the votes as he said in that letter.
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you forced one guy to drop out of the democrat primary completely, rfk junior, the other guy got smoked, dean phillips who tried to make the argument many democrats are making now. to your point, bill, i don't remember joe biden calling into any msnbc program like this unscheduled or unannounced to essentially say i'm the guy, i am going to win and in that clip you played saying there have been past store eaves where people said i wasn't going to win. i'm the new version of the comeback kid and i will find a way to win. this is very planned. it says to me and i'm curious what juan says, i'm not going down without a fight. >> bill: how do you see it, juan? >> the bottom line for democrats is beating donald trump. picking up on what clay just said. the reality is that this week is so critical that there was no choice for the biden administration but to come out
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with both barrels flaming to write the letter, go on msnbc. i think we'll see it continue. the argument coming from the biden white house this morning is that the president has spoken with congressional leaders. this is in direct contradiction to the morning newspapers that say that you have six key chairmen in the house talking with hakeem jeffries telling him joe biden should get out. so there is all this talk now about kamala harris, the vice president as a result. there was joe biden in pennsylvania, in philadelphia yesterday, black church and black ministers saying they are sticking with biden. congressional black caucus sticking with biden. a tricky moment. the reason the white house is being aggressive they realize this week may determine the future of joe biden and the democratic party's ability to beat donald trump. >> bill: you can be exactly right about that.
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everybody will be focused on him. the schedule is packed. one last comment here, i can't recall a schedule given out by the white house in 3 1/2 years that is as crowded as the one that we received this morning. tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday. last comment from you. >> i think the happiest people in america right now have to be the trump campaign because if biden is not going away without a fight, maybe he survives as the nominee. i don't see any way in the world that he can win this race after what we saw on june 27th. >> bill: rally in florida for trump tomorrow. rally for trump on saturday. the convention begins a week from today in milwaukee. thank you both. glad to have you on. >> you dealt with president biden for many years. have you seen a cognitive decline whatsoever? >> if i start to answer questions like that i will be dragged into a u.s. internal
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debate. >> dana: leader dodging questions over biden's fitness. he has to show everyone he has what it takes to lead the world for another four years. general jack keane is up next to discuss. we'll be right back. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> bill: this russian missile attack, a major attack hitting a
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children's hospital in the capital city of kiev. these are images now, some of them live in a moment here. rescuers digging through the rubble. started on sunday and continuing today trying to find survivors. the horrific attack killing dozens and injuring more than 100. mike emanuel with the update out of washington now. mike, what do we have? >> it's described as russia's largest missile attack on ukraine in months with the kiev children's hospital a central target. ukrainian officials say at least 26 people have been killed and dozens more injured. the attack coming early in the morning. ukraine time. more than 40 missiles launched toward five cities according to president zelenskyy. much of the worst damage at the children's hospital in kiev. officials are worried more victims could be trapped under the rubble. there are certainly concerns the death toll could go much higher. there is a frantic search for survivors. this coming as nato leaders are about to arrive in washington. support for ukraine is expected
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to be a central issue. it is expected the alliance will pledge to provide $40 billion in annual military aid to ukraine showing a long-term commitment. mike johnson is expected to meet with president zelenskyy on wednesday as he makes rounds in washington. a short time ago a key advisor briefed journalists and promised ukraine would have a forceful and immediate response to russia. zelenskyy is calling for russia to be held accountable for its crimes against people, children and humanity in general. >> bill: significant story and development in this war. thank you. >> dana: general jack keane joins me now. help us put this into context. is putin ratcheting up here targeting a children's hospital? >> they've been ratcheting up for some time ever since the ukrainians did not have the appropriate numbers and quality of air defense systems russia
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certainly has been taking advantage of that. now those systems are moving into ukraine but they are still not in place to the degree they were in the past. russia from the outset as we knew, their offensive operations in terms of ground maneuver has failed largely in 2022. a lot of what they were trying to accomplish this year hasn't come anywhere near what they wanted to accomplish. their air campaign, they have focused on ukrainian people. an attempt to break their will and also to destroy as much of the energy infrastructure as they can. and that is what is going on here. hopefully the rest of these air defense systems get into ukraine as quickly as possible or this horrible result that we're seeing today will continue. >> dana: i wonder as i read this the headline to you from "politico" if putin is thinking about the current situation here in america. the headline is america allies
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fear biden is finished and can't beat trump. concerns how much longer biden can muster american support for europe's defense especially after what is likely to be a close election against a republican former president skeptical of assisting partners abroad. do you think putin is looking at this situation and thinking now is the time to press ahead? >> i think putin certainly is very well versed on the political situation in the united states. after all, he has organized considerable effort and interfering in our elections, national elections largely for the last 12 years. so yes, he is certainly cognizant of what is taking place here and a master at manipulating american presidents to a certain degree and he has believed ever since biden took over, that biden's judgment wasn't what it should be.
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that he is an appeaseer and would not confront him. that's why he moved 70,000 troops 60 days into the biden administration to the border of ukraine and when president biden was asked what are you going to do about that, the answer was depends on how much territory he takes. that was a green light for putin. he saw the judgment being rendered over afghanistan. the horror of what took place remaining days and loss of life. it was horrific. what they got out of that was the judgment decision of walking away from an ally we were with for 20 years side-by-side and be willing to surrender the country to the adversary that we were fighting together. they saw that as weakness. and yes, that's what is at play here. there is a reason why russia, china, iran and north korea are all more aggressive in the last
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three years. i think it sits at the feet of their perception that the national leadership in the united states is weak and they are not going to be confronted. they see opportunity based on our vulnerabilities and taking advantage of it. >> dana: just the last comment from me on that. last week you had somebody within the white house calling axios and saying that the president is only dependably engaged between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. that was coming from inside the white house. all of it is certainly interesting but troubling as well. thank you for your thoughts today, sir. >> great talking to you, dana. have a wonderful week. >> bill: more to come on that with nato later in the week. rough scenes in texas outside the front door of someone's home. intense flooding in south texas, hurricane beryl making landfall. we're live in the lone star state to see about conditions at this hour.
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>> bill: the word we're getting the from the coast guard saving five people off the coast of florida clinging to an overturned boat. the boaters sharing an emotional moment when they were back on shore. that's nice. well done, shout-out to the coast guard. >> dana: hurricane beryl is moving in on houston packing 90 miles-per-hour and storm surge.
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everybody better pay attention. >> it has been a dangerous and treacherous morning for peach around the houston area. we're in ross en berg southwest of houston. most people stayed off the roadways and freeways. we did see plenty of stranded cars and flash floods. we also saw downed trees and utility poles. several people trying to push their cars out of the water. of course, in situations like this, texas officials, as always, are urging people not to be risky today. >> we don't want people having to have first responders put themselves in danger simply because they didn't heed the advice to stay indoors while the hurricane passes. so please help us with that. >> how can we help you? by staying at home.
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looking out for your families, neighbors, pets. >> in harris county, texas, the sheriff reports a man who was trying to ride out the storm had a tree collapse onto his home, killing him. we plan on heading there after this live report. we'll keep you updated around the houston area today. >> dana: thank you, matt. >> one more, one more, one more. right away, let's reload. >> bill: what you are watching is video from a rehearsal. the rust trial getting underway tomorrow. that video might be critical. a jury will decide if the actor is guilty of involuntary manslaughter. jonathan hunt live in sante fe, new mexico. we're watching a case that will get a lot of attention. jonathan, hello.
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>> that is for sure. it has taken us three years to get to this point. today there is a pre-trial motion hearing underway. alec baldwin doesn't have to be here today. he has to tomorrow, of course. he did show up today. colleagues at fox news digital caught him as he walked into the court this morning. he is currently inside the courtroom, sat next to his lawyers listening to these pre-trial motions. tomorrow jury selection will begin. on that one charge of involuntary manslaughter in the death of helene hutchins fired from a gun he was holding during a rehearsal on the taping of the rust. prosecutors say testing proves that he pulled the trigger. >> the trigger wasn't pulled. i didn't pull the trigger. >> you never pulled the trying sneer >> i would never do that.
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>> did mr. baldwin also contribute when he pointed the gun at people and pulled the hammer back and regardless what he said the george stephanopolous pulled the trigger? >> yes, he is. >> there will be questions as to whether baldwin as a producer of the movie is culpable for what many witnesses will say was the lack of safety precautions in general on the set of rust. if convicted baldwin faces 18 months in jail. >> bill: televised, is that right, jonathan? how long is the trial expected to last? >> you can see it all -- expect it to go about two weeks. we expect things to wrap up about a week friday, bill. the prosecution has said they need a couple of days. defense has said they need five days. we'll get to about the end of next week. then we expect it to go to the jury. >> thank you. a lot of us are watching it to
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see how it goes. before we go. >> dana: i had to go and i got you a special cupcake. the weather gods conspired against us. we haven't been on the show together for a while. i gave you blue. that's your favorite color. i have a new assistant. >> we'll judge this. >> dana: it will be a momentous few weeks. we have a vice president announcement from president trump and the convention in milwaukee. we have a special show on sunday. >> bill: this will give me a sugar high. meet the american who it is now out. it is a terrific job. not like henry ford, this is like the people you never expect. all american. >> dana: it will be a great piece. a lot of good stuff on fox nation. harris faulkner is up next. here she is.


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