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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 8, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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see how it goes. before we go. >> dana: i had to go and i got you a special cupcake. the weather gods conspired against us. we haven't been on the show together for a while. i gave you blue. that's your favorite color. i have a new assistant. >> we'll judge this. >> dana: it will be a momentous few weeks. we have a vice president announcement from president trump and the convention in milwaukee. we have a special show on sunday. >> bill: this will give me a sugar high. meet the american who it is now out. it is a terrific job. not like henry ford, this is like the people you never expect. all american. >> dana: it will be a great piece. a lot of good stuff on fox nation. harris faulkner is up next.
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here she is. >> dagen: this is an historic week. president biden's bid for a second term on the line. the course of lawmakers, political analysts and voters from the president's own party growing louder. they want the 81-year-old to step aside. the president saying no way. it is the most crucial week of his political career. not one public event on his schedule today. this is "the faulkner focus" and i'm dagen mcdowell in for harris. no official events but he called into msnbc last hour to hammer this point home. >> president biden: the bottom line here is that we're not going anywhere. i am not going anywhere. i wouldn't be running if i didn't absolutely believe that i am the best candidate to beat donald trump in 2024. we had a democratic nominating process where the voters spoke clearly. i won 14 million of those votes,
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etc. i not only believe that from the beginning but i wanted to reassert and demonstrate it's true and i will do that all through this week and here on. >> dagen: senior house democrats calling on the president to step aside. committee ranking members jerry nadler, adam smith, and others are reportedly among them. president biden also using a letter to push back this morning. he wrote to congressional democrats quote, i want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, i am firmly committed to staying in this race. to running this race to the end and to beating donald trump. those typical biden gaffes like this from yesterday cannot be helping his case. >> president biden: even when i was running for senate, each time i ran, quite frankly, not a joke, philadelphia in particular got me across the line.
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i'm not joking. no, i mean it, seriously. organizationally and in terms of fundraising, the whole deal. look, here is the deal. >> dagen: a searing "new york post" cover, another one this morning, time to go, joe. some of the democrat party are vocally standing by their man. >> president biden can clearly defeat donald trump, the most dangerous president in the history of this country. the choice is quite clear. >> the only thing i'm asking everyone to do is to unite around the ticket. the ticket at this point in time is biden and harris. >> joe biden is the right democrat right now in this cycle and he is going to win. >> dagen: senior white house correspondent peter doocy with a whole lot to unpack. >> you guys played a clip of the phone interview the president did this morning. at one point towards the end you can hear him leaving through pages of something and then he
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said i'm reading from a list of things that trump has said. but in that interview he said he is not going anywhere, even though a biden white house official is now telling "the new york times" he really should. part of the article says after watching mr. biden in private, public and while traveling with him, the official said they no longer the president had what it took to beat donald trump. he said mr. biden steadily showed more signs of his age in recent months including speaking more slowly, haltingly and quietly and being fatigued in private. the leaks are coming quick. a former advance staffer released to axios a picture book showing president biden how to get to a podium and how to exit a stage. trump's advance director said they never did that for him. democratic operatives say it is pretty common in d.c.
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something not common, biden's team sending questions to somebody interviewing him. >> were those questions given to you by the white house or did you have -- or the campaign, or did you have to submit questions ahead of this interview? >> the questions were sent to me for approval. i approved of them. >> the white house sent the questions to you ahead of the interview. >> yes. i got several questions, eight of them, and the four they were chose en are the ones i approved. >> the campaign insists this is not an uncommon practice. a sort familiar with biden booking operation say they'll refrain from offering suggested questions. over the weekend that radio host and her station in philadelphia parted ways. the management didn't like the president's campaign was
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dictating what could be asked, >> dagen: thank you so much for that. let us start with the axios report that peter just talked about. it includes the big font and lots of photos included in a template showing how staffers could prepare to guide joe biden exactly where he needs to go at events. tammy bruce, fox news contributor. this is perfectly normal. >> totally. and it has been so normal we've seen it from the beginning. this is not new. we've seen little pictures of him with cards in his hands about who to call on, what the question will be, the question setups are not new. it has been a joke that he says who am i supposed to call on or they won't let me call on you. oh, it's been indicated from -- during the campaign. this isn't new. the difference is the media is acknowledging it. now they are just judging it, oh my god, isn't that awful? i think why the bidens are
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digging in perhaps they should is this was the arrangement. this was the deal that we are going to protect you. they know that he wasn't capable. that we'll get you through this. we've got to beat trump and people know you. it has been 50 years. the only one who can do it because we can shape it. don't worry, we've got your back and suddenly they don't have his back and they don't have his back because they failed at knee capping donald trump, which was the other piece of how he would win again. this is the group that talks about democracy being in danger. now that it has failed, their scheme failed to get rid of trump, they are now throwing this couple and that family under the bus that they knew and were going to be fine and their reputations are destroyed and now they are saying, he won the primaries. he did. the only way to remove him is the 25th amendment which would require more scrutiny and so now we're looking at people bullying
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this guy to abandon his post effectively, destroying the nature of the com-- that's the democratic party and the failure in this country and that's why the nominee, that's the problem we've been facing in this nation. >> dagen: you mention the people who stood by. i will get to that. because his message the way i read it, the letter and what he is saying, did defiance is you knew this was going on all along and now you turn? >> exactly. >> dagen: it is not just the capitol hill democrat they want to see step aside. several people in hollywood wants to see him replaced. the co-founder of netflix and a movie mogul who has been stage crafting and managing his campaign, dilhr and his wife and
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polling guru nate silver. we should formulate a plan to transition the presidency to harris in 30 to 60 days. i'm there now. something the clearly now. the most generous way to put it he doesn't seem in command. he also said this. >> he hasn't come to grips with it. he is not winning this race. he is more likely if you just look at the data and talk to people around the country, political people around the country, it is more likely that he will lose by a landslide. >> dagen: that was david axelrod former obama strategist. he posted the interview that aired friday night. denial, delusion, defiance. let's just stand right there for a second. but my read on this was from joe biden, you have known all along and don't you dare turn on me
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now. including jeffrey castle berg. he has been castigated for saying -- he called him i forget what the phrase was, a superstar. like he has super energy or something like that? >> we've heard that kind of lie. the cheap fake videos that biden didn't know where he was. now all those bets are off. the fact is that these are the individuals who have known from the beginning. the denial has been the media. it has been corporate america that had backed him and the democratic party. this is the problem when they talk about democracy, there is nothing in the constitution that says you can put up an actor who will be framed by any directors in hollywood and then when they want to they will just flip it over to somebody else. you are voting for the president, right?
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it is not like we'll vote for this guy and switch him out. this is an abuse of the system entirely. we've seen it with trump. they did the same kind of fake dynamic of abusing the process with trump. they've done it with biden. but who is it really being done to? us. this is happening to us and they stand there and they crow about defending democracy and now they just want him to transition? what part of elections involve the transition to somebody else and that you abandon this guy because he is losing in the polls despite americans voting? they've told us the entire time the 2020 election, 81 million people voted for biden. he is the president. it is an incredible success. now it's like you have to just take the exit door. that's not how it works here. we don't like what biden is doing, it is horrible, i want him gone. i want him gone on november 5th and donald trump will be president on january 20th.
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none of this musical chairs stuff with anonymous people running the country. you have get rid of the actor because he suddenly has been exposed as not being the man he was sold as. shame on them. there is a lot at stake here. >> dagen: the image protection police, the media. jen psaki interviewing jamie raskin, three weeks ago accused the "new york post" of inaccurately, falsely talking about joe biden freezing. and wandering. inaccurately. although the american people could see it with their own eyes. how did things get to this point? a new opinion piece said the media is complicit in ignoring biden's decline for months or even years. we have seen the liberal media say things like this. >> he is very lucid, very well informed. he speaks quietly and a little
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bit slowly but, you know. >> we've spent way too much time talking about this president's age. >> totally focused, very sharp. >> comparing that guy's mental state? i've said it for years now. he is cogent. i under sold him when i said that. he is far beyond cogent. in fact, i think he is better than he has ever been. >> one of the themes this election cycle is joe biden is too old to lead. everyone is seizing upon this and it is a classic disinformation tactic. >> dagen: another op-ed, the trump-hating white house media betrayed voters by hiding biden's alarming condition and now it could backfire. the media's conspiracy of silence was intended to keep donald trump from returning to the white house for a second term. it is ironic the deception and hypocrisy may be what leads trump straight back to the oval
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office. they were most concerned with reporting about what flag justice alito's wife was flying outside their house. >> even now this conversation, while very important because it is a part of this entire charade, but what we're not discussing still the major issues on the minds of voters, immigration, economy, continued inflation, continued destruction of the future. people talk about making america great again. we want the future to be great again. in order for that to happen all of this has to change. are you seeing the fact this isn't a one off or a bad night or just covering for a guy. this has been a collusion to gas light the entire nation and the world. people like putin and xi understand it and they are taking their actions. but we will be heard and thank goodness trump did not bow. that has been a monumental scandal in american history.
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>> dagen: the gas lighting of your reality is not real has been true not just about joe biden but true about inflation. their experiences with joe biden economy and bidenomics and the open border and true about everything. the american people know what's real and know what their reality is at the kitchen table and in their front yard and in their cities and towns. tammy bruce, thank you so much. former president trump could name his running mate this week. a new report says the list is down to just a handful of candidates. plus a new report says a park insan's specialist visited the white house ten times since 2022. >> let me tell you what, these types of doctors are so rare they aren't making house calls for just anybody. >> dagen: the white house responding to that as house republicans demand testimony from the white house physician. our own dr. marc siegel is in
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>> dagen: if you thought concerns about joe biden's health and fitness could not get worse, they can. white house visitor logs reviewed by the "new york post" show a parkinson's disease specialist met with president biden's doctor earlier this year. that specialist had visited the white house ten times since late 2022. the big question now, why? the white house responding to the "washington examiner" quote, a wide variety of specialists from the walter reed-separately house oversight committee chairman james comer is calling
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on the white house physician, dr. kevin o'connor, to testify before congress after -- about the president's fitness to serve. comer says o'connor has ties to the biden family business that could compromise his medical assessments of the president. dr. marc siegel, professor of medicine at la gone medical center and fox news contributor is here with more. a parkinson's disease specialist met with president biden's physician in the white house ten times since 2022. wouldn't they have done the basic test for parkinson's on the president, dr. siegel, which we have no evidence of. i think it's called a dat scan, a dopamine transporter scan if they suspected parkinson's disease or there would be some evidence of tremors in the president if they suspected that? >> those are great questions.
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first of all, you can have parkinson's without the tremor. they have actually reported twice now in yearly physicals that he doesn't have parkinson's. the gait that he has is not a shuffling gait we see with parkinson's but i think they probably were looking at him for this. but you know, not only was that scan not reported anywhere, what about a basic mri? he has atrial fibrillation, irregular heartbeat and leads often to something called vascular dementia. that would be number one of my lists of concerns. an mri can show this. carl bernstein reporting freezing episodes could be due to the white matter on the outside of the brain if there is insufficient blood flow. here is the real point. we don't have any of this information. we don't know. that's what is most disturbing. we have the glowing physicals
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that he had these huge neurological evaluations and all is well. no mri listed, no cognitive testing listed and looks like that there is a huge cover-up that has gone on. my concern is i'm angry and the american public should be angry at the handling here. at the first lady. the president himself may be suffering from denial. if he has possibly worsening dementia he will be the last to know. i feel compassion and empathy for him but i don't feel that for the white house. >> dagen: president biden has dug in. dug the hole deeper refusing to assure the american people he is fit for term or office. listen to this, dr. >> would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive tests and release the results to the american people? >> president biden: i have a cognitive test every single day, every day i have had tests.
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everything i do. >> dagen: calls from both sides of the aisle for cognitive tests for presidential candidates have been growing since biden's debate debacle. >> what i would like to see is both biden take a cognitive test. i think everybody going forward in the line of succession. i'm offended by the idea that he shouldn't take a competency test given all the evidence in front of us. he is not only in denial, this is a dangerous time for the american people to have somebody at the ship leading the ship of state who seems to be compromised. >> dagen: a fox news poll earlier this year it shows a large majority of voters from both parties support mental competency tests for politicians older than 75. today in that phone call, that interview if you want to call it that on msnbc president biden said he had a neurological
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physical in february. but he hasn't had a brain scan based on what he has said. i have sent relatives to get brain scans. i have sent relatives to have these cognitive tests. they are very simple and certainly the american people deserve to have the commander-in-chief take one now, do they not? >> yeah, but dagen, listen, a couple of things about what you said. i can't imagine a neural gift seeing someone with these problems and not doing an mri right away. i wonder if it's a cover up. the cognitive test is a low bar. he says he is passing a cognitive test every day. these lapses with spatial disorientation and getting names wrong and memories off. not remembering where you are. not being able to go from the beginning to a end of a sentence. i'm sorry, mr. president, that's
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a failed cognitive test. the cognitive test that president trump took is a 15-minute test that judges recall, judgment, focus, attentiveness and i think that's for sure a fair game for him to be taking that montreal test. i'm concerned the problem is way worse than that. of course it would help us if he scores low on that. even if he scores well it doesn't prove anything. one moment in time. much more concerning is the performance we're seeing for someone that is supposed to be making these decisions that affect all of us in an extremely important way. the lack of transparency is a blow to democracy here. >> dagen: dr. marc siegel. thank you so much. the biden debate debacle sparking growing buzz about using a constitutional remedy for incapacitated presidents. >> the 25th?
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>> that's absurd. >> republicans on capitol hill not laughing. some plan to push a 25th amendment resolution this week. gop congressman michael mccaul in "focus" next. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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(soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? >> dagen: since president biden's train wreak of a debate, talk has grown in washington about invoking the 25th amendment. it spells out how to remove an incapacitated president from office. chip roy has introduced a resolution that could do just that to president biden. he plans to discuss it with colleagues this week. fellow republican byron donalds says he is here for it. >> well, i do agree we do have a responsibility to make sure that the occupants of the oval office has the mental capabilities to do that job. that responsibility relies with
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the vice president, kamala harris and the with cabinet. what we're seeing is they have decided to cover up for joe biden, to protect their radical agenda as opposed to doing what is in the best interests of the american people. if that resolution hits the floor, i would vote for it 100%. >> dagen: house speaker mike johnson signaled he may also support such a move and called the president's public slip-ups alarge. democrats from congress are doing their level best to downplay all of this. >> it's another example of the gop trying to score political points as opposed to doing what's best for the country. >> has there been any conversation among cabinet members invoking the 25th amendment? >> no, that's absurd. >> dagen: texas congressman michael mccaul chairs the house foreign affairs committee and sits on the house homeland security committee. great to see you.
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this is invoking the 25th amendment is the purview of the vice president and cabinet, is it not? the republicans in the house and senate can talk about it, but they can only act on it if this resolution, if it was voted on against the president, the president challenges it, and it winds up in the house and in the senate. >> that's correct. the fact is the cabinet makes that decision. i would be supportive of the resolution, however, it is really under the 25th amendment is up to the cabinet to decide that. and the vice president, who you just heard from is saying that's ridiculous. i don't think -- i would put pressure but i don't think it will change the situation. what i think is a a better alternative would be to call for an independent medical examination. this could be done by the director of walter reed, for
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instance, somebody not a biased person. like the current white house physician has i think a conflict of interest with financial dealings with the bidens. but the real cognitive test, dagen, was the debate itself. i believe he failed that test that night. i've never seen a more devastating performance in my 62 years of life on this planet of a president, united states commander-in-chief not having the wherewithal and cognitive ability to even speak. think about what our foreign adversaries think when they see that and say putin or xi in china or the ayatollah, they see a weak president, as they have seen since he came into office. and in their point of view, it is time to strike. >> dagen: the man's mouth was agape when he wasn't speaking and quite frankly the interview with george stephanopolous, one
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of the early answers to a question about the debate where he was -- began talking about how he prepared for the debate, devolved into an answer that was as coherent and clear as a bowl of oatmeal. luna, the florida congresswoman said this on sunday morning futures to marina bartiromo. she expects to advance a measure in the house that would find attorney garland from not handing over the interview of biden. >> we fully intend on bringing this up on wednesday afternoon potentially. with the speaker supporting this i do believe it will pass. how this will work is garland will be required out of his own pockets to pay a $10,000 a day fine for every day he holds out
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on those tapes. it will serve two purposes. one there shouldn't be a double standard of justice in this country. we have people in jail for doing what he did but i think it will force him to produce the tapes or step down. >> dagen: is there ever a chance that anyone gets to hear these tapes, congressman? >> look, i worked at the department of justice. this was a valid subpoena. they turned over the transcript but not the videotape. that's unacceptable. no matter who is being subpoenaed, even if it's the attorney general of the united states, under law and due process he needs to turn over the videotape of this conversation with the president. i think it will be very dispositive of many things. the investigation being conducted and cognitive skills. again, look, does anybody like
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seeing this? i think everybody feels very uncomfortable. my mother had alzheimer's. nobody wants to see this. i think for the good of the nation he should get an independent medical evaluation. if he can't pass that test, put the interests of the nation above himself and not go into possibly four more years, can you imagine with this state of mind where he has first strike capability with our nuclear arsenal? do you realize how dangerous the situation really is? >> dagen: the american people realize that. all anyone wanted to speak to me about over the weekend and over the holiday. regardless of who they voted for during the last election. congressman michael mccaul, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> dagen: the countdown is on to next week's republican national convention and president trump's big reveal of his running mate. latest reports are he narrowed it down to a handful of names.
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plus this. >> now i believe before this is all said and done, that president biden most likely will be replaced. >> dagen: he is hardly the only one saying that. who is being talked about as potential replacements for biden? and how it might all work. power panel in "focus" next. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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>> dagen: tropical storm beryl is battering parts of east texas. it was a category 1 hurricane this morning. there is life threatening storm surges and flash flooding that could affect millions. more than 2 million customers are currently without power and high winds are preventing crews from restoring that power. we're in gal vast ton, texas with more. >> we're still dealing with those strong winds here. could be an indication how long it might take to start the power restoration efforts. the winds are still strong. not safe for crews to start the work yet at least where we are. conditions are improving here along the coast as the storm has now really just made its way
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through the heart of the houston metro. here we're seeing conditions get a little bit better. we're along the coast of texas in galveston. strong winds and storm surge and rain has affected us. people inland, too, tragically the storm is to blame for two deaths in harris county, one man in his 50s and a woman in her 70s both killed when trees fell on their homes. we know rising water has led to rescues in houston and rosenberg, and hour southwest of the city. where we're in galveston along the coast. 60% of the county is without power. we spoke with the mayor here who said crews are just now starting to get out on the ground and assess damage. >> we got reports of a tornado. we had some -- one house fire. also i've heard roofs being lifted off on the west end of the island. we're asking for all the
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residents to stay sheltered where they are right now. this storm has still got a couple more, three or four more hours to go before we feel we're out of harm's way. >> power restoration will be a priority as we enter a hot stretch of days. in the texas heat. we lost power in our hotel last night and not long for the thermostat to reach 80 degrees. the storm heads towards arkansas next and we could feel its impact as far as the midwest and northeast later this week. back to you. >> dagen: thank you for that. we've just confirmed that john kirby, the white house national security communications advisor, will join today's briefing. we expect him to speak on the russian military attack, the hypersonic missile attack on a children's hospital in kiev, ukraine. he could also face questions about biden's age, fitness and
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cognitive decline as many republicans question his abilities on the world stage. is it a national security threat? biden will host the nato summit this week. that briefing with kirby and karine jean-pierre is set for 1:30 p.m. eastern time. president biden sending a letter to democrats in congress this morning insisting he is firmly committed to running the race against former president trump to the end. meantime calls for him to drop out keep growing. the "new york post" quote, democrats are going to get president biden off the ticket. there is even talk of a shadow campaign or shadow campaign with several prominent democrats floated as possible replacements. vice president harris, of course, on that list. many taking note that she mentioned president biden's name only once. yep, one time during an event in new orleans this weekend.
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>> i would ask people in the room to raise your hand if you believe student loan debt relief because he voted in 2020 and joe biden and i came in office and were able to forgive billion else of dollars of student loan debt. in 122 days, we each have the power to decide what kind of country we want to live in. >> dagen: when it comes to finding a possible replacement, the "washington post" with the report quote, donors pledge $2 million for mini primary if biden drops out. the group of donors is pressing for an open competition for the democrat nomination that would draw public attention. if biden drops out the group looking for robust debates rather than coalescing around vice president harris or another nominee. within the gop they're saying if the other side is making a mistake, keep clear. >> this is all about the democrats' power. they are continuing to remain in
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power. kamala harris will probably be the candidate running against donald trump. we're just going to stay out of their way and let them cut their own throat. it is a disaster. >> dagen: power panel. casey, and richard fowler fox news contributor. casey, do you first on this. cassie, do you first on this, a letter from biden. he did a radio interview this morning -- radio, he called in to msnbc and said not going anywhere. does it change with the nato meeting? he has a solo press conference scheduled for thursday. he is awfully confident. >> certainly more opportunity for people to see joe biden this week, i guess. however controlled those opportunities might be. here is the reality. if i'm donald trump i remind voters of every single day. gas prices and grocery prices
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and everything is higher, the border is not secure and they lied about all of it. not the least of which do we have a sitting president now capable of doing the job? they lied to you about all of it. no voter should let the democrat and allies in the media get away with it. that's what we're up against right now. they lied to you. >> dagen: richard, will joe biden and jill biden, speaking of jill biden, she arrived in north carolina moments ago as calls grow for her husband to step aside. joe biden isn't doing anything today, but the first lady is the first stop on her southern campaign blitz. she is making remarks in florida and georgia today. three stops, three states for her, 0 public events scheduled today during the most crucial week of joe biden's political career, although he called into
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msnbc this morning and sent out a letter to the democrats. can they stave off all of these democrats standing up and saying no more even if they are doing it in privately, the chorus is growing and it is loud. >> we'll have to wait and see. the president called into morning joe early this morning and likely see more interviews pop up on his schedule between now and thursday's press conference he gives during the nato meeting but the president is spending this time preparing for what is a big nato meeting where ukraine will take center stage and most world leaders coming to the united states. we haven't hosted a nato meeting in a couple of years. the president and his team are focused on that and trying to figure out how we get some ground in ukraine as well as celebrating the fact that he expanded nato. the first president to do so in a couple of decades. >> dagen: cassie, he prepared how long for that debate, a
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week? and he couldn't keep his mouth closed. and he froze up. and it was frightening for every single person, democrat and republican. should we be frightened about the nato meeting? >> well, it seems those in nato are a little frightened what they're seeing. the head of nato skirted around whether it was something of concern. a topic of conversation amongst them. it appears of course it is. any time you see any vulnerability from the united states it's a concern for nato and the rest of the world. when the vulnerability is the leader of the free world, of course they are concerned about it. i don't know there is any preparation he can do for this meeting, any amount of time you can give him to allay those concerns from the allies. >> i do think it provides a contrast, though, right? when the question was asked about nato in the debate. what stood out to me is how trump responded.
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shrugged his sold shoulders and maybe i will stay and maybe i want. we need world allies coming together when we have china and all these meetings happening at the same time. >> dagen: i want to move on to this. his response to george stephanopolous was arrogance. i'm the only person who can hold nato together was what he said. which was astonishing. the republican national convention is now seven days away when former president trump will officially become the gop nominee for president and expected to announce his running mate. the list narrowed to three top candidates. rubio, vance and burgum, lindsey graham says somebody else who is not counted out. >> it is youngkin from virginia. if we win virginia, we win. it is over. so i'm hoping president trump is looking for a v.p. pick that not
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only can carry on the american first agenda after he leaves, but also win in 2024. >> dagen: richard, 15 seconds. >> i don't agree here. the math doesn't match. youngkin had a legislative race in his state and lost both chambers of the house and upper chamber. >> dagen: it was not good for glenn youngkin. cassie, what say you? >> no one understands tv better than donald trump. he will hold off on all of it until he has a good tv moment. he won't step on joe biden this week. >> dagen: you want to take a pick? >> i think they are all good options. >> dagen: that was a political answer. cassie and richard, terrific to see both of you. thank you so much for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" is right after the break.
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>> kayleigh: facing thmo


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