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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 8, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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number one categorically that president biden did not have a medical checkup after the debate. we found out that was not true. number two, big question for karine jean-pierre. john levine, you're heard him say it here. why was a parkinson's specialist at the white house ahead of the president is a goal and number three, have you ever scripted a question for the reporters it if so, if yes, how many times have you done it. three questions of money. it will be an interesting 1:30 p.m. press conference. we are one week away from the start of the republican national convention in milwaukee. that is when donald trump will officially become the party's nominee and we will bring you all of the latest here on fox news so tune into our coverage and tonight sean hannity has an interview with president trump at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. tune in. big newsday. next up, "america reports." >> are you confident you can serve another four years? >> on positive.
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>> biden is old. he's not as articulate as he once was. >> i'm going to run and win again. >> he may not be the best choice to take on donald trump. >> are you sure you are being honest with yourself when you say you have the mental and physical capacity to serve another four years. >> you have to pick the strongest candidate possible and every day he delays in making that decision makes it more difficult. >> joe biden is running against a criminal. it should not be even close and there is one reason it is close and that is the president's age. >> do you have questions? >> all the data shows the average datagram out there in the 14 million of them that voted for me still want me to be the nominee. >> john: president biden facing what could be the most consequential week of his career as more lawmakers in his own party car on him and to end his reelection campaign. in a short time from now we are expected to get reaction from the white hou when the briefing gets underway. that will be interesting.
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hello, i am john roberts in washington. great to be back with you after vacation. >> sandra: it's great to have you back and i'm glad you had a great trip and it's good to have you back in the chair appeared i'm sandra smith in the chair and this is "america reports." america wrote covers say it's time to go joe. citing house democrats who are concerned with his ability to win election day. >> john: and he's trying to put those concerns to rest writing a letter to house democrats insisting he is firmly committed to staying in the race. how is that letter being received by his own party? we will ask massachusetts democratic senator coming up. >> sandra: asia hosni with the fallout on capitol hill. >> john: to our senior white house correspondent peter doocy on the north lawn and we have the briefing coming up scheduled for half an hour from now. president himself planning to defend his ability to serve another four years on camera today? >> no plan for that to happen on
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camera but they did send of the first lady down to battleground north carolina. >> president biden wakes up every morning ready to work for you. that's what this election is all about. you. for all the talk out there about this race, joe has made it clear that he is all in. >> the bidens are basically daring democratic officials to remove him as the nominee despite millions and millions of primary ballots putting him in that position. in a new letter to house democrats today the president himself writes the voters and the voters alone decide the nominee of the democratic party. how can we stand for democracy and our nation if we ignore it in our own party? i cannot do that, i will not do that. something else he will not do when given a chance is let us know definitively whether or not he has been screened for dementia or parkinson's.
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>> in terms of my neurological capacity, i had a physical. a neurological physical as well in february. it's released. i released all my records. all of them. all of them. and i have a neurological test every single day. try sitting behind this desk and making decisions. >> despite controversy over the weekend wear a black radio host admitted that she was interviewing president biden with questions provided by the campaign, this morning on the phone president biden blurted out that he was still reading from some kind of a script. >> you know, i did nothing to stop the invasion of ukraine. in fact, he said i think i encouraged russia. i think he encouraged russia going in. i'm reading from a list of lies. >> democratic lawmakers want president biden to leave the race. by this friday and there is no
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indication that he is going to do that. at least not willingly but friday would be the day after president biden's first formal solo press conference since the end of last year. sandor and john. >> john: we will see how that goes and can you imagine what the chicago convention would look like in august if he drops out. sandra. >> sandra: i don't think anybody can guess what would happen there. peter doocy, thank you for that. our coverage continues. lawmakers grappling with mounting concerns over president biden's health, his age, his mental acuity. asia hosni's life from capitol hill and she has more on what she's hearing there. >> good afternoon to you. we are not seeing a tsunami of democratic defectors just yet but those ripples we are seeing every few hours someone comes out and expresses their frustration with the president. right now we are seeing just outside of senator warner's office appeared mark warner the
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intel chair in the senate and that is because there are reports that he was apparently trying to gather a group of senate democrats to try to call on the president to step aside. we are waiting to hear that directly from him. that meeting was scheduled for later tonight but apparently it is not happening because those plans were leaked peered over in the house though, i can tell you the dominoes have already started to fall. over the weekend, for senior democrats in the house, jerry nadler, adam smith, mark takano, and joe morelle, they all decided to abandon joe biden. that is according to punch bowl. they made their wishes very clear during a private leadership call on sunday that was held by a democrat leader hakeem jeffries. they join at least five rank-and-file members calling on the president to quit and apparently more are said to be coming. >> i know individuals that i have talked to who have been
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processing this and thinking about it and talking to their constituents. most importantly looking at polls. it's going to be an amazing and unfortunately horrible week but i do think that the numbers will grow. i don't know how the president will react to that. >> the president did get a boost today. an endorsement from the congressional black caucus chair not from the whole caucus. that's an important note to make though. he is trying to stem anymore defectors sending democrats this letter this morning. it reads in part the question of how to move forward has been well aired for over a week now and it is time for it to end. any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps trump and hurts us. meanwhile house republicans are demanding the president's doctor testify here on capitol hill to answer questions about the president's mental state. the bottom line here is congress is back, members are headed back this evening and this is going
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to be one heck of a week for the president. >> sandra: you better believe it. it will be one heck of an hour. a whole lot more coming up on that. thank you. john. >> john: let's bring a democratic massachusetts congressman jake locker closet. congressman, thank you for joining us. welcome to the program for the first time. the drumbeat among democrats is rising for the president to get out of the race. he addressed those concerns in a letter that was sent to congressional democrats today. he talks about all of the concerns that they have and then he says that spirit i can respond it to all of this by saying clearly and unequivocally i would not be running again if i did not absolutely believe i was the best person to be donald trump in 2024. the biting campaign strategy was to talk about donald trump and make this election all about donald trump. but now the selection has become all about joe biden. is that an election he can win? >> 14 million democratic primary
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voters think he can win it and the democratic party should walk humbly before contravening the will of the voters. unlike the republican party we respect free and fair elections and what unifies us as a party is knowing that donald trump is an existential threat to democracy. my challenge to my republican colleagues is why are you not having the same public and pop came full conversation your menomini. donald trump lied every 90 seconds and refused to say that he would accept the results when last time around police officers died in the line of duty because he tried to incite an insurrection. he's trying to handle ukraine back over to russia. how much more do house republicans need to hear before they are willing to do the right thing? >> john: with respect to the primaries, 14 millionths democrats voted for president biden. they did not have a viable alternative to vote for in those primaries. you said last week that the proper way for the democratic party to have this discussion about biden's viability is to do it behind closed doors. but there are a number of your
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democratic colleagues who believe there should be an open discussion, a very public one because the future of the party in these elections are at stake. do you disagree with that? >> i think the party needs to have a dynamic discussion about our best ticket. regardless of the outcome here, it will be a team sport going forward. democratic party has a terrific bench of talent. we have pete buttigieg to go out and talk about infrastructure in the economy. talking about domestic manufacturing and out competing china. kamala harris on reproductive rights and rule of law. we have a strong story because we have a strong record. this economy was flat on its back four years ago and since then it has been 15 million jobs and 18 million small business applications. united states a stronger relative to china for the first time in a presidential administration in the 21st century. we don't need any one single adjudicator. we need a team of communicators to put voice to our accomplishments over the last four years. >> john: . >> john: your colleague adam schiff thinks that kamala harris
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would make a good presidential candidate saying i think the vice president would be a phenomenal president and in polling on trump against biden versus trump versus harris, it doesn't look good for the president. trump would beat him 49-43% but only beat errors by 47%-45%. that race is a lot closer. would it be better to put up a different candidate? >> donald trump is historically unpopular and for good reason. they saw what the disaster of his first term was and we know that there are haley voters in the heartland who are desperate to vote for anybody besides trump. we need to have a message of law and order to appeal to those voters. republicans are trying to defund the fbi and they are nominating a convicted felon appeared they are trying to surge machine guns onto our streets in our schools. this is not a party that respect the rule of law. >> john: with respect congressman, i keep asking about joe biden and you keep talking about donald trump. >> the questions about joe biden are questions about who can be
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donald trump because donald trump is against democracy. >> john: do you think donald joe biden can be donald trump or would kamala harris be better for that or would gavin newsom e a better person to do that? do you think after that debate performance this is the guy you want running for president. >> everyone of those names you just mention could be donald trump and the reason why is because donald trump is unpopular. he is probably the most unpopular national politician and modern american history because voters don't want to see their tax returns have a little partisan affiliation box they need to check. they don't want their social security checks to come with strings attached. they don't want force deportations of their friends and their neighbors were trying to become american citizens. they don't want to see them supplicating himself in front of latimer put in like he did. >> john: but there are democratic and independent voters who want to see someone with the mental confidence to run and increasingly they don't think it is joe biden. >> the opinion of pennsylvanians and michigan's and wisconsinites is vital and i don't disagree with you there and that will be
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the challenge ahead and the top of the democratic ticket is to make a strong and sharp contrast against what donald trump is offering. this is not about the past and accomplishments this is the future as well and democrats have a much more compelling vision than republicans do. we want an economy that works for everyone. we don't want the next tax bill to reward the wealthy and well-connected. we want to defend and enhance u.s. global leadership and that will resonate with voters but yes, we need strong communicators for it. >> john: we will see how it goes. voting begins in a couple of months. congressman, thank you for being with us. appreciate it. >> john: nice to be with you. >> john: sandra, can you imagine if biden were to say before the convention in august i am not going to run. and much of the same way lyndon johnson did in 1968. that 1968 chicago convention for the democrats was an absolute cluster and i can imagine this one would be to. >> sandra: we thank the democratic congress meant for coming on the program. you gave it your best shot
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getting the questions in there but there wasn't a whole lot of pro for anyone of those candidates presented by him to beat donald trump and that is the core question for democrats at this hour. >> john: and there are some polls that show if the nominee were gavin newsom, trump would beat him by a larger margin that he would president biden. >> sandra: a whole lot more of this is likely to come up in that briefing room bottom right of your screen. we are watching for that. about 15 minutes away from the briefing plant starts. you can imagine there will be a whole lot of questions over the future of the party in the future of the country. and now this. >> i am the best candidate to be donald trump in 2024. you have a democratic nominated process where the voters vote clearly. i won 14 million of the votes. >> sandra: president biden doubling down there. he is going to stay in this race claiming a key voting bloc is on his side. will it be enough to save his
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campaign? we will ask charles payne who is joining us live. >> john: jeff flock with a look at the housing market and the problems that homeowners continue to face. jeff. >> we can talk about politics or we can talk about what people really care about which is their home. the booming home remodeling. if you can't afford to the house that you love, love the one you that you love, love the one you are with. this story in a minute. this story in a minute. stay tunedr, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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>> john: the american dream drifting further away out of reach from young americans that can't afford a home. while current homeowners that might be ready to sell their homes and downsize face their own unique set of challenges. jeff flock with boots on the ground in new jersey. what kind of projects are people doing to spruce up their homes?
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>> how about rip out the whole kitchen? that's what they are doing right here in new jersey right now. that's the old sink i think and the countertops are going out the door. people now have mortgages under 4%. they are going to buy another house. so they want to improve what they have got which is where they come in. cipriani remodeling could you are seeing a boom in this. >> absolutely peered people want to invest in their homes and improve the way they use their kitchen. it's a great way to just make a big change. >> they are going to blow this wall of john. this is a wall here into the dining room and they will take it out. take a look at this. it used to be people made this decision based on am i going to get value for what i do in terms of a remodeling project. we looked at some numbers from remodeling magazine. if you put a new garage door on that apparently is a big return
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on investment. a roof or a mage and kitchen repair, a new suite, you don't get your money back but people are still doing it. why is that? >> the impact it has on their lives. when we do a remodel like this we are expanding and you get to put in an eyelid. it really changes the way you use your house. >> i will use it with this one john. something a little less pricey. the power of paint. folks at salo -- the folks at zillah looked at home sales. they found if you have a deep dark color in your kitchen, that gets you more money. more cabinets going out the door here. also in the living room bold colors are big. what's that about? >> it's a look. dark color like gray, navy greens, forest greens, navy b blue. they add contrast. it adds to the dynamic look of the space. >> things have changed. i don't know if you like this
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color john. this used to be a favorite color up there. kind of looks like someone spit something up or something. but no more. you can improve it. back to you. >> john: vomit yellow. not everybody's favorite color. jeff flock for us. thank you. >> sandra: maybe we will call it buttercup. we are moments away from today's white house press briefing. a highly anticipated one as the chair of the congressional black caucus issues a new statement throwing the president a lifeline declaring his support for the president's campaign but as for right this moment that does not appear to be the view of the entire caucus. charles payne as host of making money on the fox business network. this happened a short time ago. this seems to be bag for president biden. the support. how big is it? >> it is big. president biden went to a black church over the weekend where the pastor sort of said listen, what we sought the debate was someone with a stuttering problem.
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i'm reading stephen horse fordham his president dumb it comes about president biden as the nominee and toward the end it bothers me a lot. speed your present but it the nominee. the voters in nevada claire about a thriving and equitable economy picking on big corporations to lower the cost and protecting the hard-fought freedoms and rights and opportunities we have earned. it goes on and concludes with this. we are not going back, we are moving forward. >> obviously whenever they drop these freedoms. the ku klux klan is coming to get us although the democrats started that or they want to hurt us like planned parenthood was designed specifically to make sure black families didn't have babies. they want to hurt us. the lies about history, the democratic party and a black people are just amazing. what's amazing is they get away with it. that's what's amazing. everything they have ever said with respect to how they treat black people is a lie.
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how they treat us? ask our children who go to school and predominantly democratic cities. how well they are doing. let's talk about this. we won't go back. well, right now for black women weekly wages are $286. in the third quarter of two to 18 there were $250. they rallied up with the rest of the economy over 300 bucks and now they are down to $286. black unemployment has been skyrocketing at 6.3% well above the national average. in september 2,019th, right before the end of covid it was 5.3%. you don't want to go back to that? you prefer 6.3% over 5%. i'm not done. let's talk about prison disparities. where's the prison reform. we know president biden ran on president reform. racial disparities in prison.
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fwhere's all the improvement. this came out two months ago. where is the thing that biden is doing that is so amazing for black people. where is it besides rhetoric. >> sandra: perhaps that is why he is losing black support. here biden is slamming that very idea that he is losing support with black voters. this was that brand-new interview this morning. >> i'm here for two reasons. number one, to rebuild the economy for a hardworking middle-class people and give everyone a shot. a straight shot. everyone gets a fair chance. number one. number two, remember all this talk about how i don't have the black support, give me a break. >> sandra: he is slamming the idea while some are coming to his defense. this is whoopi goldberg on the view. >> i don't care if he has his
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pants. i don't care if he can't put a sentence together. show me he can't do the job and then i will say maybe it's time to go. i would rather all his teeth fell out and he his pants and had to roll across the street then she was a man that i know is out to destroy the country that i grew up believing in. >> sandra: to your point, joe biden's policies may not be working and in fact hurting millions of black voters, voters, whoopi goldberg still says it is the guy for her and the guy for the country. >> she is a show for her takes her to work every single day and there are people who simply believe. i was reading this amazing story. i am reading about the peloponnesian wars and a philosopher back then said it was the greatest were in the history of mankind. there was something interesting about sparta. all of the misinformation. the first thing that people here they tend to believe and never bother to look for the facts.
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it's interesting. that has been a part of humankind from the very beginning of time. so misinformation within the black community instead of just saying am i really better off. and by the way, to my hatred for someone that i'm not sure why i hate supersedes the need for me and my family. whoopi goldberg could afford to make this mistake. i don't think most black americans can. >> sandra: charles, that's why you want so many people to thrive and prosper and you are holding a town hall unbreakable investor on wednesday at 2:00 p.m. speak of the greatest transfer of wealth in history and we want to make sure two things. 30 and 40 years old let's make sure that your family as part of that. because if you think there's a disparity right now, and of course is a town hall. it will be fun. >> sandra: john. >> john: that will be fun. we are awaiting a white house plot briefing at any moment now speaking of fun as the democrats explore a replacement for president biden.
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could the democratic ticket change even before we learn about trump's vice president pick? we have a reaction from leo terrell coming up next. >> sandra: plus we are watching this storm, beryl downgraded to a tropical storm as it heads toward a busy city in the lone star state paired matt finn as live on the ground in houston on what to expect. hey matt. >> sandra we are live in the northeastern part of houston. tragically the man who was apparently abiding by the rules of sheltering inside his room lost his life when a tree fell onto his house. we will have more in a live report coming up. ng all ni. or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on cooling tempur-breeze mattresses. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening)
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>> sandra: beryl downgraded to a tropical storm as it moves in on the lone star state's most populated city. the 90-mile-an-hour winds leaving over 2 million residents they are without power. and at least two people dead. matt finn's live in houston for us. what exactly is happening on the
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ground now? >> sandra, right now we are not far from the george bush airport and this is a large wind event here as we have been driving around we have seen trees down all over the place. very large mature trees causing a lot of damage and it tragically behind me here a man who was apparently abiding by the shelter in place guidelines was tragically killed in his own home than a large tree fell onto his brick home here. you can see some of the police tape up and some of the law enforcement response for a short while ago i talked to a woman here who said she is terrified now because there's a lot of mature trees here in this area that we see swaying and a short while ago i spoke to the acting governor here in texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. he is tried to warn people especially people in the northeastern part of texas that this storm is not over. >> we are in the pathway of account one storm that has 70,
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80, 90-mile-an-hour winds possible over 100 gusts and eight to 10 inches of rain. that's a major event and that is what you playing in the greater houston area. >> we have been driving around the greater houston area today. we had whiteout conditions, strong wind. a heavy downpour's. we saw several people pushing their cars out of the flash flood zones. the area we are in now not so much flooding but a very strong wind event and of course the acting governor urging people to use caution especially considering what has happened here in this area where a man has tragically lost of life. >> sandra: are best all of those in the community. a lot happening there. we will check back in soon. thank you. >> john: we are anticipating a briefing from the white house any moment now. support dwindles for president biden within his own party and it's up to democrats to promote a possible replacement as the party pops up vice president harris as a potential successor. let's bring in leo terrel
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fox news contributor and a civil rights attorney. you are in a good position to talk about this because at one point in your life you are a democrat and president biden is doing all he can to try to reassure democrats that he has the right person for the job in a letter that was sent to congressional democrats he said in part i want you to know that despite all the speculation i am firmly committed to staying in this race to running this race to the end and beating donald trump. it would seem he is not going to go gently into that good night. >> you are absolutely right and thank you for having me. first of all he will never be donald trump. and don't think any democrat will. but here's the problem. joe biden has been asked twice will you take a cognitive test. george stephanopoulos asked him and they asked him on morning joe appeared he won't answer. he redirects and talks about his past. it's about the future. he's incompetent. he needs to resign and he's going to resign. i think the only choice at the
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democrats have, john, as kamala harris peered she's incompetent, unlikable, not good in the polls but she has an ace in the hole. her skin color. if they pick anyone over her, that party will implode because they play identity politics and because of her skin color they have no other choice but to move her up if joe biden steps down. >> john: in terms of replacing joe biden on the ticket, short of invoking the 25th amendment or a wholesale revolt among delegates at the convention who are pledged to bite him but don't necessarily have to vote for him, there would seem to be no way to shove them aside. >> joe biden holds the key. he has the delegates. that's why that letter was a wolf letter. he basically said to challenge me. you will lose. he has to step down and the only way he will step down is money. the money has to dry up. and that again leads
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kamala harris in the cats eat because all the money that has been collected, has joe biden's name on it and kamala harris. she controls the purse strings. the democrats have no other choice but to pick her and again, the race card is in play because the democrats play politics. kamala harris has to be the choice. >> john: under the rules there are ways he could be replaced and she not be on the ticket but one of the people that has talked about his gavin newsom. here's what he said about the prospect of becoming the nominee. listen here. >> no. it's not even -- to me it's not a hypothetical that gets away in progress of proning his candidacy and that's exactly where trump and everyone else is asking the question and that's where the party wants us to be is having this internal fight and i think it is extraordinarily unhelpful. >> john: he says he wouldn't put his name into nomination if it were to be an open convention. he can say that now but do you think of his name came up in the middle of august he would say
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no? >> absolutely not. let me be very clear i live in california. gavin newsom has destroyed california for the american people do not want gavin newsom to destroy america. gavin newsom would lose to donald trump worse than kamala harris because he has destroyed california. there is nothing good about the state. by the way, i am leaving because of people he gavin newsom. this state has hit rock bottom. >> john: let me ask you this and i know it's a hypothetical but if biden were to announce that he is not going to run and it is an open convention, what would that look like? i think back to 1968 after lyndon johnson said he wasn't going to run again and that was a rhymes with hit show in chicago. would this be the same? >> absolutely and worse. because just like lbj in 1968 which was totally chaotic you
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would have a convention. besides was going on in the convention, outside. there could be rampant crime going on. the city would be totally destroyed but i will simply tell you this. there's only two options. kamala harris into her vice president would beat. it would have to be gretchen whitmer because i need to win michigan. they can't pick josh shapiro as vp because democrats are anti-israel. pro-hamas. it's really gretchen and kemal in my opinion. >> john: no one wants to seek crime and chaos outside of the convention but inside the convention it would be must-see tv for sure. leo, great to get your thoughts on this. appreciate it. >> thank you john. >> john: sandra. >> sandra: the trump and biden campaigns are vying for the youth vote ahead of november but what does the youngest voting bloc say about the oldest presidential candidates question work our panel made up of gen z and millennial voters will join us live next. plus that spirit >> the chinese have been telling the world that
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america is an irreversible decline. look at joe biden appeared he is the embodiment of decline. iran is saying the same thing. >> john: president biden preparing toast the leaders of more than 30 nations in a jam-packed nato summit. how will those leaders view him on the world stage. we will get the read from john rack ahead and the white house briefing delayed to 2:00. as neighbors might say, surprise, surprise, surprise. th. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪
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the oldest parade this guy three years younger and a lot less competent. look at the record and look at what i've done. >> sandra: as calls girl out of her president biden to bow out of the 20 ready for race, voters especially gen z and millennial voters are concerned about the candidates and how age will impact their ability to lead the country paired let's bring in our panel now. chairman of the republican national committee youth advisory council and at julian's or avian, democratic pollster. political influencer. i am wowed by both of you because you are so established and so far along in your life considering your age. you are 18 years old? >> yes, ma'am. >> you been at politics for how long? >> seven years. >> sandra: incredible. how is the youngest group of voters feeling about these. i will ask about one candidate. i will ask you about both candidates and let's start with their age. >> i will say this. i have a copy for you.
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your audience can get them on amazon right now but as for the question i don't think they are concerned about a trade we are concerned about cognitive ability. it was clear in that debate that joe biden is not cognitively there. he hasn't sharp as a tack like president trump. he shirt. his critics say that president trump is too sharp at times but biden was stumbling and stumbling. i'm concerned behind-the-scenes and he went on a dnc friendly talk show to attempt to have a recovery. a safe interview. you know what he did? he went on there and said repeatedly that it is these dnc elites that are kicking him off of the ballot. joe biden has been in washington, d.c., for 45 years. 45 years. he is the definition of a dnc lead. what is he talking about? >> sandra: lets let julian respond as i put up on the screen and welcome to you the 18-29-year-olds who say that they are backing -- more of them are backing former president
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donald trump then current president joe biden. it is 40%-40% and there's 12% who don't know or they refused to answer. is there concern not just from your age group of voters but from your party about joe biden's ability to lead? >> i think it's a great question here first i will note that polls are not always accurate. it may be today that we see one that says trump is in the lead and tomorrow it says one says biden is in the lead. i want to make clear to directly answer the question you asked earlier, to be blunt to many people in my generation are disenchanted by both candidates. frankly because it we would just love to see somebody who is a bit younger. a bit more with it. irrespective of how they perform in one debate. we connect more readily and easily with folks in gen x and millennials and with folks in gen z. i want to make one qualification to what was mentioned earlier
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and there's a big difference between debating and governing. biden may not have had a great debate performance, i will readily acknowledge that. but when you look at the man's track record, when you look at the fact that his administration has had the second lowest turnover in the cabinet of any administration in the last 25 years and all of the major pieces of legislation he has accomplished. >> sandra: are you supportive -- i know he referenced the poles but are you personally are you supporting him to stay in this race. >> i am but i also don't have a real say eared >> sandra: you are of voter and we are talking about it. >> my position on it, to be frank with you, is this late in the race i think it would be a chaotic mess to try and plug somebody else end. biden, for me as a democrat and as a voter, he was not in my top five for the nominee back in 2020. i've been very open about that on my platform but this is where we are at. >> sandra: i don't since a lot
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of enthusiasm from you but let's get by when back in here and give us your thoughts. can donald trump d joe biden? >> that pull you just put on the screen had an eight-point lead for president trump with young voters prayed that's not a little day by day pole. that is a major shift in pol polling. and make america great again isn't just a bumper sticker. it's not a campaign slogan. it's the way of life my generation wants back. i'm looking at his track record and all i'm saying is failure after failure after failure peered i look at his history and this was not an isolated incident. we have seen this for three plus years where joe biden is not just stuttering, blundering, losing his train of thought and losing sentences, falling up and down the stairs of air force one. i'm concerned about this and youth voters have a say despite what he said. >> sandra: you have a lot of enthusiasm. >> yes. >> sandra: any real quick final thoughts from you? >> listen.
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am i the most enthusiastic and excited about joe biden as a candidate? not necessarily. am i excited about what he brings to the future of america by way of women's reproductive rights, strengthening our democracy, voting rights, and all of the accomplishments that he has had from capping insulin to infrastructure to codifying the right of folks who were queer to get married, 100%. >> sandra: we appreciate you coming on. >> i couldn't be more excited about president trump. >> sandra: one generation away. john. >> john: russia hitting a children's hospital in a daytime strike in kyiv. a massive barrage of missiles targeting several ukrainian cities plus this. >> the questions were sent to me for approval. i approved them. >> the white house sent the questions to you ahead of the interview. >> yes. >> sandra: the white house caught feeding questions to a radio host as president biden
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>> john: a massive russian missile strike it kills at least 31 people and enters more than 150. emergency crews searching through the rubble of a
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children's hospital for victims. mike emanuel is here at the latest of the horrifying attack and horrifying it was. >> it is described as russia's largest missile attack on ukraine in recent months with the kiev children's hospital a central target paired ukrainian officials say 31 people have been killed and many more injured. the attack coming early in the morning ukraine time. 40 missiles launched toward at least five cities according to ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy. much of the worst damage at the children's hospital in kyiv. officials are worried more victims could be trapped under the rubble so there are concerns that the death toll could go much higher. there is a frantic search for survivors. that's coming as nato leaders are about to arrive here in washington. support for ukraine is expected to be a central issue. in fact it is expected that the alliance will pledge to provide $40 million in annual military aid to ukraine showing a long-term commitment. house speaker mike johnson is expected to meet with zelinski on wednesday as he makes the
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rounds here in washington. the key advisor to zelenskyy was asked about ukraine's response. >> president zelenskyy always keep the word and the second that we definitely not leave this terroristic attack without answer. i absolutely am sure that this crime will be answered by force. >> and this is the live look at the search for survivors there. you can see the devastation. zelenskyy is calling for russia to be held fully accountable for its crimes against people, against children, and against humanity in general. >> john: haven't heard a tremendous amount of outrage in the west here over this attack but it is absolutely horrific. mike, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: john we are waiting that white house press briefing and expected to be under time
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