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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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biden is in that situation now and he is the 1 not leaving? craig from staten island, you've been hostages for the last 4 years just to, nothing new. what he have a, by proxy? is that thing? not it from missouri, bidenomics has been holding my wallet hostages and stay 1 of his administration. randy from longer grande prairie texas, i wonder how hillary will feel if kamala harris becomes the first shema president, you know what hillary is capable of. and we mean anything. drawn from texas, jesse spend a buck on 8 good pen, you got ink on your talking hand, i know, in a talk with my hands and so it's pretty obvious. that is offered tonight, dvr to the show, degrade sean hannity is on after this, jesse outromac mike.
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>> sean: welcome to "hannity", we're just 119 days away from the 2024 presidential election, only 70 days away from early voting, data begins in pennsylvania, rolls out in many states across the country. and just a moment, the 45th and possibly 47th president of the united states, donald trump will join us for an exclusive interview. this a b. presidents trumps first interview since democrats in the state 1 medium mob started to acknowledge the obvious truth about joe biden mental and physical health, and his cognitive decline of. the charade, the cover of, the corruption and lying is officially over, they are pointing fingers and blaming and acting as if they were not complicit, which is a joke. now it is america's time for choosing to. now this is not a choice between trump and joe biden, instead, you, you will decide, a need to decide whether we have a
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constitutional republic for the people, by the people, or will a cabal of a joe biden enablers and state run media lined and covering up and a far left unelected deep state bureaucrats continued to run at this country into the ground with joe biden or some other democrat as at their front person? make no mistake, joe biden is not uncharged at. [ singing ] hundred pennsylvania avenue, he's not calling the shot's, he's not making the decisions, in fact joe biden has been a cognitive wreck from before he was even sworn in which is something that we have been reporting and it been criticized for for more than a 5 by years, before the 2020 election. take a look to remind you. return again to the ever weak, frail, cognitive mess that is all think is joe biden and it is to become. so obvious he having a kind it -- a cognitive issues and that is being a polite. he is having more and more trouble recalling the basic facts, vide of the week it is,
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what office he is running for. the are all busy hiding something about joe biden, in all likelihood, they are hiding get the full extent of joe biden's cognitive struggles poop -- because and you goes toward or 3 days in a row it is an unmitigated disaster. despite of the famed outrage and a shock and horror out of the debate, everybody that works in state run media, the mob is like, they have known beyond any doubt that joe biden is mentally impaired, for 3 years he barely did any press conferences or other unspoken events. heated up a few to sit down interviews, very few for between? unusual shuffle, barely getting his feet off the ground. we have seen him fall over and over again, than is a big boy steps up to air force one, replaced with the little boy stayed gaze, also joe biden took almost every weekend off and when he was out of the white
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house, his calendar featured barely 1 public event on average per day. those events are always a short, tightly controlled, and still, he struggled. the majority of americans, as much is 70 percent, have long believed that joe biden does not fit to serve. it has been obvious, he was never up to the job, but the medium mob due to the best to cover this up and live for him for years. is even tried to gaslight any american into thinking very real videos showing joe biden struggles, they were cheap fake videos! again, those of a real videos or an edited, and this is only a couple of weeks ago. they attack the special counsel, because you dared to refer to joe biden as an elderly man with a poor memory was asking questions like if i was still vice president into thousand 9. and now joe biden's weapon as department of justice is refusing to let you see the
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interview and decide for yourself. that is at the doj campaign contribution to joe biden, and a cover up of monumental, and historic proportions. this is bad for our country. and while, i was attacked repeatedly, all of the conspiracy theorists were pointing to out of the obvious the transparent truth about joe biden's cognitive state. they have been lying and covering up for joe biden and what has been a coordinated effort to beat trump at any and all costs. they told the world that a joe biden was as sharp as ever, he gets more done in an hour than most of you accomplish in a single day! it is 1 huge lie! and every american has been traded by this and this cover up, and the country has suffered needlessly from the radical policies implemented by this new green ideal radical socialist waxes party, all supported by
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state run media and the mob, but now finally, the truth has started to emerge from the left. not out of concern of joe biden or the country, but because they fear they will lose to donald trump. at the polls don't look good a joe biden, with some surveys taken out of joe's disaster -- after joe's disasters debate shows donald trump up by 15 points in arizona guided a sample has trump of by 5 in pennsylvania, 4 in michigan, trump is ahead in every battle ground estate in the country, and is up by several multiple nationwide polls. oh by the way, now democrats, they media, they trying to humiliate joe biden, forced him out of this race, and that is why be a single bombshell reports like this 1 from abc quote "parkinson's expert visited white house 8 times in 8 months, met with biden's doc doctor". and this is story from axioms detailing the german does effort needed to just to get joe biden
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on a stage, not only does the staff help guide of the present in person, aparna lee also print out big pictures for joe biden showing him at the exact path to get to the podium and the stage, given simple step-by-step instructions and in huge font, like "walked to podium". it actually says that. anyway, we continue, 1 staff working at a fundraiser told axioms "it surprised me a seasoned political pro like the president would need detailed a verbal individual how to enter and exit a room" pier mac way gets worse, this week, on suspicions confirmed, it appears the white house, the joe biden campaign is in the habit of feeding the preapproved questions to so-called journalists ahead of their interviews. these toward where radio hosts that have come forward, admitting that joe biden team admitted -- provided "acceptable questions for the president" and
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despite all of this collusion, joe biden still struggles in a big way, here is joe biden accidentally referring to himself as a black woman, li listen... >> president biden: i am proud to be, as a set, the first vice president, first black woman, first lack president c3 on sunday, another unusual moment from joe biden appeared to freeze up during a church service, nervously looking to was his handlers for guidance, take a look at this. >> president biden: let us stand together. [ singing ] at the cross. ♪ where i first saw the light. ♪ and my heart. ♪ it was a my faith. ♪ and i am happy all the days.
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♪ >> sean: anyway, all weekend joe biden tried to demonstrated baker and his heart he cumulated himself over and over again, weird rambling stories, thousand yard gaze, was emptiness in his eyes dug you decide. >> president biden: i will tell you what, when i went to a local parade, this place in delaware, right down to the pennsylvania border after my son had passed and i was sitting at home thinking, it was his favorite parade so i decided to go into it, and i was walking along in this small community, and a 3 guys, 4 guys, about your size, and they came running up, a true story, they said to joe, what is all this dance about a pennsylvania? disco delaware! it never leaves you!
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and with my help, you will get a hell of a lot done for the american people? anyway, i guess if i stand here long enough, all the social backers will die of sunstroke. i would be riding down the street in the vehicle before, see the kids in the schoolyard, i would stop and get out of. realistically i cannot do that anymore, it is just too dangerous what is going on out there. >> sean: remember how many times you have shown videos, is nowhere to exit stage left or right, trends and he shakes air like that. all man and woman created by the saying, you know, the sanga! the creator it kind of everything! it's not a good. we have yet to see a lengthy press conference from joe biden, and start on friday his side down for a whopping 22 minutes with former clinton and takeda, georgie stephanopoulos and another sad attempt to demonstrated bigger.
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he told george he would have no regrets about staying into the race as long as he does "he is goodest job you could do". >> if he stays and trump is elected, how will you feel in january? >> president biden: i feel as long as i gave it my all, and do as a goodest job as i can do, that's what this is about. >> sean: goodest job and only a message from god himself would cause him to step down, now more and more democrats disagree, they want him out but it joe biden's closes the devices will not let that happen? doctor jill and hundred biden want joe biden disdained this phrase no matter what, they are desperately clinging to power, in what michael moore is comparing to elder abuse. so will joe biden survive this politically and make it to november? i have no idea, blew me tell you what is clear, joe biden is not running the show at 1600 pennsylvania avenue and know this, know that 1 thing, every
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name of every democrat mentioned as a possible replacement keg understand this is a radic radicalized, new green and deal, socialist, marxist party. they will implement the same failed policies as joe biden on the economy, immigration law and order, energy, education, america abandoning their role as a leader of the free world. it won't make a difference if it's him or any of the other marxist, socialist, radical new green deal democrats. if you truly value our democratic republic over a permanent bureaucracy, there is really only 1 enjoys, in this election, early voting, it starts in 70 days. when we come back, my exclusive interview with donald jay trump, straight ahead. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: tonight, chaos is brewing into the democratic party as calls for joe biden to drop out our growing. joining us now for an exclusive interview on the phone, former president donald trump, great to have easter, how are you? >> mr. trump: thank you very much, and find, thank you. >> sean: let's go back to the debate with you and president joe biden, because immediately you notice his voice was raspy but beyond that, was in minutes i could tell this was not going to be a good night for joe bi biden. what was going through your head at that time? >> mr. trump: well, it was a big evening and you can feel a lot of energy, energy like you have not felt in a long time. on any of the debates, of done a lot of debates and we have had
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great success with debates but it was something very special for whatever reason. it just seemed a big. when i got to atlanta, the cnn headquarters, there was a lot of excitement, there were 10 million-dollar trucks with the antennas all over them. very incredible equipment, on looking at things, it was more a scene than it would normally be. and it really was that way right from the start, right from the moment they introduced as, they -- then they introduced him and introduced me and i walked out, and he looked extremely pail to put it nicely. at a know, maybe it was a good makeover job or maybe it was not about it -- he was a very pale -looking demand. when he started to speak i thought his voice was kind of weak, i did not know what was happening it was strange. i do have to say, cnn, jake and dana were very, they were pretty good.
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i thought they were fair. i thought they were fair and i thought of the questions were fair. it was a strange evening i will tell you, very strange debate because within a couple of minutes, the answers given by him were... they did not make a lot of sense. >> sean: that we ask you this, is think that's right i think some of the worst moments for president joe biden was when he was not talking, there was this blank, vacant chair, like he was checked out. and around a montage of it, when you were speaking, he looked over, did you notice that as well? >> mr. trump: you know, hours thinking about what i was saying, a wasn't looking over at him almost at all except 1 he went over to -- a little bit haywire, i did not look at him at all. very disappointed in him, he's the worst president in the history of our country, what he has done to our borders, what
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he's done to our country, inflation kinds of people that he's hurting. he is destroying social security,, destroying social security! and people, i'm just so upset with him as president. so i wasn't really looking over, are purposely was not. i did take a couple of peaks when he was in the midst of giving some really bad answers, they were not even answers, they were just voice clips without meaning or sense but for the most part i did not really look over. >> sean: since before the 2020 election, radio and tv, have chronicles the fact that joe looked weak and fairer -- frail and a cognitive mess long before the election in 2020. that media, i called the state 1 media, democrats, they are all acting shocked like this just came out of nowhere, is this 1 incident or is this something permanent? like he did they not notice the
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guy can to give a press conference, they did not notice you does not use of the vague voice -- big boys stairs, getting on air force one? did they not notice the plan to surround him as he walks? that he would not do a super bowl interview, the lei of interview for any president really! what part of his cognitive decline do you think they missed or did they purposely comment -- cover for him and your view? >> mr. trump: is a covered for him and they still are sort of covering but now it's getting very difficult to do that, it looks to me like he may very well stay in, he has an ego and he does not want to quit, he does not want to do that, looks to me that's what he wants. i think it jill would like to see him stay, she's having a good time, she seems to be having a really good time and i'm hearing that hunter's calling the shot's. this is not necessarily a very popular thing for a country but i think he might very well stay
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in and if he does, nobody wants to give it up that way. he will feel badly about himself or a long time. it's hard to give it up that way, the weightier try to force him out. really have to speak to his doctors, obviously has been sheltered by the fake news media, that's why they call it fake news. >> sean: do you mr. president, do you want joe biden to step aside? do you care? >> mr. trump: well we prepared for him, but i don't think it will matter. we had a -- we had a grade 55 years, at the border was the strongest ever, our economy precovid-19 was incredible, the best ever. then when we got hit with the gift from china, the china virus, that came and we did a fantastic job. the stock market was she hired just prior to the covid-19 coming in. so we have done the job, the
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military, we defeated isis, to go to the terrorists in the world and defeated ices, that was a big thank you. i was told it would take 5 years and it took us a couple of months. the military's fantastic, by the way the military's not awoke, the people out of the topper awoke but the military will never be woke, they are incredible people. what they did for me in the fight for ices, we had no wars, we are headed to world war iii in my opinion with her this man say me running things. he is not running things, the people surrounding the oval office, resolute desk, the beat a resolute desk are running things in washington i suspect and it's really bad. he got them into warfare and law fair, many different terms, you can use. basically going after let it go opponents using the justice department, using local das, using the local attorney general's going after political opponents, nobody has ever seen anything like that.
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there are those that lit it -- read article that it's been a positive but it's not a, it's very unfair, it's fighting an unfair battle. but he is the 1 that got us into that. all of these lawsuits easy and everything else, that is all joe biden inspired, meaning biden people inspired. and i think it is a very sad time for our country, we are not respected anywhere in the world, he is not respected, our countries and very serious trouble. and i'll tell you what if we are not careful, we will be right in the middle of world war iii and that it won't be a warlike and he would have seen it before because of the weaponry. the weaponry as a whole lot different than 2 army tank is going up against each other, this is a whole different world. don't have a somebody that can properly represent us, there's no question about that. >> sean: what do you make all of the talk that if joe biden steps aside or is pushed out, that it would be vise president of kamala harris? de expect that much which
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changed? >> mr. trump: well i think it will be her, think they are very concerned about it the vote if it is not hurry. they are very, very, they don't want to do it any other way. i've come to believe that is what they are going to do, i think she is on ineffective prison, she was in charge of the borders, she has never been there. she did not do a good job but she has not done a good job on a lot of things. it would seem to me from a political standpoint, that is who they are going with, there not even talking what alternatives. it seems that if he gets out for whatever reason, i don't think he wants to get out. but if he gets out, it will be her. interestingly, he has a lot of power because he got the delegates. when he have the delegates, unless he says i'm getting out, they can do anything to get him out all the -- except for the 25th amendment, if they want to do a different route. but let's assume with not a very
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much time left, there's not much time left and we can straighten out our country, we will make america great again, rate? but there's not a lot of time left. i think unless they use the 25th amendment, which they could use in a different sense, he has all the power. he has the delegates, there is nothing they can do to get him out to. so to get the nomination, and then, have the meeting in chicago which by the way, last week, 117 people were shot and his 17 people were killed, that was last week and in chicago. that is echo warzone. but they had their convention in chicago and is always a very proud of chicago. and love chicago, i have investments in chicago but when you look at a crime in a chicago, you go what has gone wrong with chicago, it is not a very good thing to be displaying rate now.
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>> sean: i still think every election is about the future, about peace and prosperity, and this case it to be a boat of the border, the economy, law & order, green agenda, america's role in the world. the 1 issue that pops almost at the top of every poll in the minds of america's -- americans, all 2, the border and the economy. started with the border, we have 11 million and better to joe biden immigrants in this country, you from nearly 180 countries, money from countries that have terror ties, conches like iran, syria, egypt, of ghana stand, venezuela, kazakhstan attack nearly 16,000 from china in just the last 18 months. tens of thousands from russia. and i worry that this is now a clear and present danger for the country, in that the likelihood that terror cells are probably already here is very high. i do not think i'm wrong, i pray
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to god i am wrong, i don't think i am. and the media kind of democrats, have ignored is the issue and they've allowed it to happen, and joe biden and kamala harris and they have all settled as the border is closed and secure when they bragged about ending the policies you had in place when they got into power. i think a preventable problem, i'm worried about our national security like never before. >> mr. trump: well, the 1 thing you have not said tonight that he always say is that it is 100 percent certain that we will have a terror attack and i agree with you on that. it is 100 percent certain. >> sean: i pray i am wrong! >> mr. trump: we have let's tear into our country at a level that we have never seen before, terrorists are coming in, and they are coming in from mental institutions, and insane asylums, they're coming from prisons and jails from all over
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the world, not just south america, is it coming from the congo, africa, every part of the world. some of these parts are rough parts of the world and they are pouring into our country, prisoners, mental patients, they're coming into our country and they are coming and also as terrorists. this is poisoning our country. and nobody should have been subjected to this, they should have never been allowed to do this, that is nothing good that can come out of it and we will have to get of these criminals and a lot of them are criminals, and a very high level, very bad criminals. we will get them out, we will have the largest deportation in our history, larger than the eisenhower deportation and we have no choice. i don't want to do that about this man has destroyed our country, and i will say in rallies, i'm doing a big 1 tomorrow in miami, i say at rallies, you can take the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country and put them together, they will not have down the destruction and damage
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as this man has done. he has been a horrible president, the worst president frankly the worst president in the history by 4-3 and by the way, jimmy carter is the happiest guy around because jimmy carter now is saying, he was a good genie as compared to what joe biden is that his administration was a brilliant compared to the joe biden administration. so it's a very sad time in our country. >> sean: let me ask about the economy, i know they said from the beginning that it widens an inflation which is a inherited 1.4 percent, it is up over 20 percent, 25 percent of americans say that they have heart of the -- had to forgo meals, 60 plus percent of americans are watching water because of economic policies errand biden's inflation. how do you fix that and how quickly do you think you could fix that? >> mr. trump: what we have to fix it fast and what are they are doing is the illegal
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migrants are pouring into our countries, many of them are staying at a luxury hotels all over our country. they are paying -- being shipped up, every new state as a border state, whether it is idaho, iowa, or ohio, it is not make any difference, they are all border because they are pouring through our country. 1 of the things that was incredible, assignee post is when they, it? that if we are actually flying to them and. does not just these people comment in totally unchecked an undivided, they are flying tens of thousands of people into our country, migrants, and many of these people were not people that were welcomed to stay in the country? they're coming up here and when i originally said, that they are not sending to their finest back these are people that it are coming from other countries sean, where the president, the whoever is running the country, including the dictators, are
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sending them into our country and if you look at it venezuela, their crime is down 72 percent? think it would, down the 72 and ours is up! and we will have a new form of crime, these people are just getting comfortable, gages getting settled and. will have a new form of crime and it's called a biden migrant crime, it's a new category. and it's a very serious category, and it might blow all of our crime out of the window because frankly, you can probably double, when i tell you those numbers in chicago, wanting people dying this weekend, think of it, over a weekend, over a three-day period, 4 day period, you had over 100 people shot and 17 people dead? that is probably does not include the migrants, although i guarantee there was some of that in there as well. we have a new form, any category, and it's going to be very, very serious for a long time to come. and we have to get them out of our country, we don't want them out, drop them out of jails and
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prisons, we don't want them in our country. it is not sustainable by any country. >> sean: it's amazing when he came down the escalator in 2015 and he said some very good people 1 a better life and they will be bad people and they will be murder and rape, it is unfolding, look at lake and riley, in girls being raped and -- in broad daylight, this young girl in texas, mother of 5. let me ask you 1 last question if i may, under this was last minute, thank you for calling in tonight, going to ask you about your vp choice. how soon do you think you will be making that choice, number 1, number 2, we keep reading there is a short list and on the shortlist we hear names like senator rubio, senator tim scott, senator jd vance, governor brigham, is that -- are those reports accurate? are the people, maybe people are
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not paying attention to? wendy thank he will announce that? >> mr. trump: we started out with a lot of people, we have a lot of good people, have a great bench in the republican party. the names that you mentioned are absolutely under consideration and i have not made final decisions but have some ideas as to where we are going, and we wanted to see whether they are doing to be honest because it might make a difference, i don't know, i'm not sure edward but there are those that are saying trump is waiting until he finds out what happens with crooked joe biden and we will see what happens with joe biden. but i think that probably within the next week and have, i would love to do it during the convention, my people say that's a little complicated, in the old days they would announce a vice president during the convention. today, with modern-day technology. [ chuckling ] you can do things he could have done 50 years ago they easily? probably admitted before the convention but not much, you could even be doing that convention that we do it. i would love to do it during the
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convention, think it would be a very interesting to builds up and import into the convention, would make it even more exciting, it will be amazing. >> sean: if you announced it right now owned this show, i think it would make a lot of news, i'm just saying. >> mr. trump: if i did it i would love to do it with you, there will be an announcement soon and i think everybody would be very happy, the choice will be very good. it'll be a great vice president, meaning a president that can do a fantastic job as a president because you always have to think of that first, and then seconded, summary that helps to get elected, and there's nothing wrong with that. >> sean: mr. president, thank you for your time tonight, we appreciate it. >> mr. trump: thank you. >> sean: coming up, today's white house press conference was intense, disaster in many ways, after karine jean-pierre dodged issues and questions about it joe abandons mental fitness for office and why a parkinson's doctor visited the white house, our own peter doocy live, next.e
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: questions contained to swirl around joe biden's house, new information continues to come to life. what has visitor logs that show a noted neurologist at my end a movement disorder specialist from walter reed medical centre who recently studied parkinson's disease visited the white house 8 times since last year. so what was he doing there? well, karine jean-pierre was not really willing to tell anybody today, in fact,, she would not even confirm whether the doctor in question even went to the white house at all, take a look at this wild exchange... >> a president i can tell you has seen a neurologist 3 times as is connected to a physical that he gets every year that we
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provide spoon of a basic cabbage direct questions to be on hold on, hold on! wait a second! >> 8 times or at least once in a guard to the president? >> wait, hold on a second? no, no! wait a minute, comment -- edit, please, a little respect here. security reasons we cannot share names. we cannot share names! we have to -- >> he cannot share names? >> we cannot share names of specialists broadly, from a dermatologist to a neurologist. we cannot share names, there are security reasons. we have to protect -- look i understand that -- i hear you! i hear you, i cannot from here confirm any of that because we have to keep that privacy. >> sean: right, here was more
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senior what has corresponded peter doocy, i say this affectionately to you as i was watching the this white house briefing today, it was almost like the whole room became like peter doocy and ask real questions! at times it even got hostel and us are shaken up and upset karine jean-pierre, a lot different than the average day at that press briefing. >> and that is a good thing that there were some other peter doocy type questions because i do not ultimately like getting called on any time today, but the problem with her answer that the president has seen a neurologist 3 times for each of the 3 physicals that they have told us about it, is the last 1 was in february, about 5 months ago. and it based on all of the reporting to from people who are anonymously talking to the new york times and the washington post, in the 5 months since that last published physical report,
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that is when these people who were anonymously and onto the president say that he had started to show signs of misspeaking more, in losing his train of thought, and she insists that he has not been rescreened for any of these i'm going to -- on msnbc they were calling it age-related illnesses and the time sense. but what a difference a couple of months makes because when i asked karine jean-pierre in february before the report came out about this fundraiser where the president kept telling donors that he had just gotten back from a conference where he spoke to ap and the leader who was long dead, i was told that, a question like that is a rabbit hole, it's not a rabbit hole anymore, and have a feeling that astuteness she went back to the press area, they were -- there was a big discussion about how exactly they are going to get the entire press corps to cover something else.
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it is not just us anymore. >> sean: peter, since before the last election, i have been pointing out the fact that joe biden is weak and frail and a cognitive mask i have been criticized for it, but it was transparent and obvious to anybody with her eyes to see. it was only a few weeks ago that the media and the white house are telling americans that are real videos, and edited videos of joe biden were cheap fake videos of right-wing media. they were real videos. but what really frustrates me is you work with a lot of people, any have always been very honest and willing to ask the tough questions on a daily basis, not now that they're back is against the wall but you've never convinced me in a million years that every single person in that room that covers that a president did not know that he had trouble getting up with the big boys stairs, needed to be surrounded to get on and off,
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that he rarely does an scope at press conferences, and that when he does, he struggles, he always struggles! he even struggles with that teleprompter! they have known for the whole time, and to me that is a cover up, what is the reaction, does not come up in the press briefing to in any way? or among the discussions y'all have? >> it's... it's a new sink in the briefing room, look at the last couple of months, they have gone to short as it stairs and shorter speeches everywhere, but they have also gone for making good jokes about the president's age which they started to do after the report, now getting it like 50 questions about whether or not of the president has been tested or is being treated for parkinson's disease! that is a huge change! and have the white house is not going to have a better answers about why -- and these what has visitor logs people are talking
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about, they are public? it's not like a database you have to comb through, you can just look on your phone, white house visitor log, type and the doctors names, it pops up. you can see he met with the president's position. it's in the new york post, the person who treated trump and obama and bush, he says that that a physician would be taking meetings like that before something relating to the president's care, and so the answer from the white house about we can talk about anything because of there is a privacy concern, maybe they are concerned about privacy but it would be the presidents privacy or somebody in the first family, according to what ronnie jackson is pointing out in the new york post. >> sean: this is a cover up of historic proportions, and the cover-up has been stayed 1 media and most of the people unfortunately i would argue that you work with, i don't want to
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drag you into what i say, and every democrat as well. and all of the people that have been around him, everybody knows, anybody has known, and have known for years, and that is why he gets instructions, walk to the podium, in big font. that is -- we have known about that! here, let us give you a list of questions, if you're going to interview the president to. anyway, peter doocy, we appreciate you, think you have been vindicated in a lot of this as well, thank you for your time. straightahead, senator lindsey grant weighs in on whether joe biden should drop out of the race or a democrat should stay behind the scenes cut and why he is worried about your national security, that is straightahead. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> sean: following joe biden's disasters debate performance, senator lindsey grant is sending the alarm on national security concerns, now that joe biden's inability to serve as commander in chief it was televised to the entire world and senator grant's concerns are valid. tonight of the wall street journal is reporting that if there's a group of 7 it is somewhat back in 2022, jill bennett did not even show up to an early evening meeting with the german chancellor, because according to antony blinken, you had to go to bed. this is just a few months before the start of the russian invasion of ukraine. here with reaction is south carolina senator, lindsay graham, senator, every single democrat that you work with, every 1 of them, they all lied to the country, they all knew, they all covered it up. kamala harris new. now joe biden's say he's going to go to bed at 8:00 pm, well
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what if there is a crisis at 2:00 am or 3:00 am that requires him to stay awake 24, 36, 48 straight hours, you cannot do it. our security is in jeopardy! >> i think so. inc. heavens, it's good to have the republican nominee for president, trump is ready to go on day 1, could strength -- strain out of the world play quickly. here's what i'm worried about, the whole world is watching, these are the interviews and the debate, how does world war iii started? 1 way to start world war iii is for the irradiance to break out, and acquire nuclear weapons, a promise you every arab into the middle east would want a nuclear weapon of their own in the next thing you know, we are on the road to armageddon. trump how to iran in a box, the irradiance are now running wild under joe biden. here's what i would tell president biden, 80 percent of the people watching -- into the pole think that you are too old to be president of the united
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states. i am worried about heaving commander in chief of performance, much less 4 more years, 100 take at -- a cognitive exam to assure all of us that you are as ready as you say you are because all of us doubted. take a cognitive test, because he would kill it? he knows he would fail. everybody who wants joe biden disdained place know that he will fail, and it scares the hell out of me that we are going to be having this man be commander-in-chief or former months. >> sean: here is the problem we have, because the same policies at the joe biden has supported, would be supported by kamala harris. >> absolutely. >> sean: the same weakness on the world stage, the same with new green deal policies, same orc -- open border policies, same economic policies, seam energy policies, just fill in the name, replaced joe biden and you have the same horrible policies that have failed
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miserably, and by the way, donald trump can stay up for 48 hours because he does not sleep anyway, let's be honest. >> number 1, i have never seen a guy with as much energy at any age, he's playing the best golf of his life, i played with him sunday. then we talk about changing the name and the policies, you are right, she has been involved in every policy decision, that it was a disaster including afghanistan. she is going to be more bizarre, we have got more illegal immigrants. she's for the greeny new deal, she cosponsored those bills, she's for medicare for all, she cosponsored got a bill. in many ways, she is a liberal. but what i worry about is the president's ability to project the capability at a time of really -- >> sean: none of them have policies that in any way shows strength to the world, but go ahead because we have about
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22nd. >> policy it, i agree with you. the policies are weak but this man, first guy i talked to this morning, trust me, he is very worried about of the irradiance with nuclear weapons. i cannot wait until trump comes back in. >> sean: that is scary, what's scary is that you work with a bunch of liars and they have known the whole time. historic proportions. more "hannity", next. [ ♪♪ ]
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join millions of satisfied homeowners, schedule your free inspection today! call 833 leaffilter, or visit fifty years ago, i prayed this prayer, and it changed my life, and it can change your life. you see, i was just sick and tired of being sick and tired, and my life was in a mess. i just got on my knees one night and i said, "god, i've sinned against you. i'm sorry, forgive me." i said, "i believe jesus christ is your son, i believe that he took my sins to the cross and he died and shed his blood for my sins, and that he was buried and that you raised him to life, and i'd like to invite him to come into my heart right now." i prayed that prayer and god heard my prayer, and he forgave me. and he will forgive you, and he will cleanse you and change your life starting today. just pray this prayer. just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord, from this day forward, amen."
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if you prayed that prayer, i want you to call right now that number that's on the screen. call that number and may god bless you. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: unfortunately that is all the time that we have left this evening. thank you for making that show possible. never ever missed an episode of "hannity" i have good news. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. have a great night. [ ♪♪ ]