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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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not asking for a handout but it would be nice. there i am with my two short shorts. and then look at those blue eyes. unbelievable and looks nothing like me and a beautiful sunset. also down bergen who was a total disaster. >> the 17 -year-old jumps from a jet ski and controls the vessel and thank god. >> congratulations. >> have a great time.
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>> it's more likely lose by a landslide. >> biden takes the democratic party hostage and has a list of demands. >> you think i am kidding? i am not. >> i can share the president has seen a neurologist for his physical three times. there is no reason to go back and forth. >> but how information has been shared with the press corps. >> the white house medical cover-up. a special report. >> think of starting a party until midnight. >> that is a different type of party that is the after party. >> sued for sex trafficking and what is keeping him above water? america is the greatest country in the world because? >> beaches and alcohol.
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♪ >> jesse: washington in the middle of a hostage crisis after the democratic party was taken captive joe biden sent a letter with a list of demands telling the democrats he is firmly committed to staying in the race whether they like it or not. stick with me and no one gets hurt while democrats are looking around to say if we stick with you we all get hurt. if they lose they will lose with him it wouldn't be fair to the democrats who have already voted as if the party cares about voter integrity i call hostage negotiations you bring a family member into talk down the hostage taker. morning joe try to talk to the president releasing the hostages and resigning and it did not go well. >> i am not going anywhere. i believe i am the best candidate to be donald trump in
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2024. i'm here for two rebuild the economy. it is a straight shot. everybody has a fair chance and talk about how i don't have the support. come with me and watch. watch. i'm getting so frustrated by the elites in the party. not you guys but they know so much more but they don't think who should run against me? challenge. >> hunter is holding the party hostage. the very people who put joe in the white house and have been covering for him. he was still be a delaware senator and the media parachuted into the presidency and hid his
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condition. biden wanted to be abraham lincoln so badly he got himself into a civil war. democrats are dashing their teeth at the gates of the white house demanding joe come out with his hands up. >> it's more likely he will lose by a landslide man when narrowly this race and if the stakes are as large as he says and i believe they are, then he really aside. and then makes it more difficult for a new person to come on board who can defeat donald trump. >> your legacy is set the only
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thing you can do now to cement that for all time and prevent utter catastrophe is to step down and let someone else do this. >> biden facing cost to step down from congressional leaders tied to the congressional community. intel and judiciary in our services calling for biden's head. the cia made biden and they are about to break him. the president knows what a coup looks like and has left his feet up to the lord almighty. >> look. if they say get out of the race. >> something more powerful than the lord almighty but it is the dollar. he cannot win without intel but cannot win without donors they have alligator arm suddenly they cannot find their wallets they feel deceived and actor rob reiner says it's time to stop laughing around is time for biden to step down. the disney errors netflix ce
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ceo, other ceos will not be held hostage with the president of a 37 percent approval rating. they are vowing to pull all donations and also from house and senate democrats until he is off the ticket. he is losing intel, the donors. what about the media? he had a rough one. >> there's no reason to go back and forth. >> and then every time i answer the question. >> ask about a medical exam that's in the line of question. that is something the president has a couple times a week and
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then media has been upset by biden's condition and in on the cover-up. they've never raise the age before. cnn top doctor has been saying for years biden seems fit. no need to take a cognitive test. now he wants a test? >> have we been looking at episodes or is this reflective or deeper underlying conditions cracks if you were my dad i would get more cognitive testing and more detailed movement disorder testing as well. >> this morning the media said mr. president everything will be okay just come out and take a cognitive test. we can all go home safely like nothing happened.
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>> pre- parkinson's or anything like that have you had a night you cannot finish sentences? >> [laughter] look. i had a bad night but the fact of the matter is. i will put it to this way. i have been testing myself to go out and make the case. i was out till 2:00 in the morning the very night. people talk about this. >> we take a cognitive test? you are driving me nuts. staying up until 2:00 a.m. >> now staying up till 2:00 a.m.
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now biden means you are qualified cracks doing something he's never done before win the election without help. "the new york times" says having the media and the intelligence turn fully against you is more devastating for a democratic president because the democrats generally see themselves as a party that trust the mainstream press and respectable opinions. the democrats listen to the elites and take orders from them. disobey orders biden tries to mimic trump in 2016. do you think he can pull a general election off alone quirks the only reason he has been nominated back to back he was the only one who could be trump but that was never true. media hollywood and the
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intelligence agencies. even if he had their help 72 percent of the country thinks he is physically or mentally not fit to be president. peggy noonan says the image of a debilitated president has burned its way into the american brain and there is no erasing it. unscripted offense is not the answer. >> every time i have ran philadelphia in particular. >> philly got you elected senator in delaware cracks does he know they don't vote or is that voter fraud? he cannot do unscripted or scripted interviews. he called into morning joe and could not read the joke. >> he hasn't done a damn thing
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since the debate riding around the golf cart with his friends at mar-a-lago. >> they admitted the white house sent a list of questions to ask the president. >> were those given to you by the white house or did you have to submit questions ahead? >> the questions were sent to me for approval. i approve them. >> so the white house sent the questions to you ahead of the interview? >> yes. i got several. eight of them and four of them i approved. >> even when biden knows the questions he cannot answer. >> . >> entering as a black female
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gives a shot and she was fired and now the cover-up continues. operation bubblewrap is worse than we ever imagined. and then to get briefed how to walk to the podium including photos that show a path to the stage with a note to that says walk to podium. they are leaking about his light schedule he's only with it from 10:00 a.m. through 4:00 o'clock p.m. and the group of governors he just needs more sleep. everyone has known biden has been incapacitated. this is a party afraid of itself literally afraid of its own groups and component parts. their own delegates and party professionals.
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but that's how the party looks with the leaders in washington frozen and incapable in charge. jill and hunter are in charge. hunter is been embedded with his dad since the debate acting as the official gatekeeper. the real chief of staff whispering in joe's ear he has to stay in the race. not only needs a pardon but because the family is broke and biden will not make millions on the lecture circuit and cannot write a book people will read. the legacy is on the line politically and financially. and those powerbrokers know all about the biden family dirt. here is some money do the right
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thing and resign with dignity we will hit hunter with a racketeering charge leading straight to the big guy. doctor joe we wish was a medical doctor is urging her husband to stay and fight. >> . >> dealing with a dysfunctional family putting themselves above the country why they sold out america to the chinese for millions. the more he pulls the tighter the squeeze the final humiliation comes on thursday in front of the world the president is planning a solo news conference without a teleprompter hopefully without scripted questions one of the last chances to negotiate the release of the democratic party hostages. this ends in a landslide.
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>> and we have to tell everybody because if i don't we will to predict that biden would not be the nominee. what happened? >> i still stand by it biden will not be the nominee. here is how i see it the longer they wait between now and late august the better it is for the democrats. there will be a honeymoon phase for whatever new candidate they put up. and still on the honeymoon phase. and as a tortured prisoner has to set them free. then we will play this out for
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another month getting too late august before they make the switch. >> so that could happen in the convention? you do that may be kamela harris at the convention but can he survive a month and a half with this type of scrutiny? >> and then to negotiate the golden parachute. always looking out for themselves and it is suitable for themselves that will happen the next six weeks everything else is public posturing. >> to be accurate with predictions is a kamela harris? >> or michelle obama that silly with the democratic party gets off the identity politics. it is how badly they want to
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win. >> dana perino's ears exploded when she heard that but she will be fine. >> a former 2024 candidate doug, how does this change the posture of the campaign taking place on the left? >> so let's go back and understand president trump on that historic night with a knockout blow on the debate performance with 15 rounds and defeated biden and he may have knocked out the candidate but also the entire party into a complete collapse in freefall describing the donors and intelligentsia and the media.
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and to have the courage. and what a mistake had been made that president trump agreed any time or any place and anywhere. another world is turned upside down and i think it doesn't really matter who the candidate is. if it is the two we are talking about and they are all complicit in the cover-up and kamela harris is leading the charge. that's the first thing she should have to answer to if running for president why were you involved in a lie to the american public? >> the first female president and african-american woman doing all the glossy photo shoots. it is a di extravaganza.
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is he prepared for the media onslaught? >> it doesn't matter. and then to defend the failed policies of the biden administration it doesn't matter. people suffering because of the crime. they have to answer to all of that. president trump has an answer for all of it in terms of how he reduces inflation and secure the border. and they will lose on the policies and the american people understand they were better off under trump pan under biden or his replacements. >> jesse: if you thought the first debate was exciting i'm getting excited already. thank you for joining jesse waters prime time. >> up next, biden and
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parkinson's but the white house is hiding. johnny celebrates the fourth. ♪ respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect e
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>> jesse: a major medical scandal rocking the biden white house. the president's condition is worse than we thought and so was the cover-up. visitor logs reveal his personal doctor has been having regular meetings with a top parkinson's experts. these meetings have happened at the white house.
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this parkinson's specialist may have been examining president biden but we don't know because they will not tell us. doctor kenard a movement disorder specialist at walter reed who happens to be a biden donor has been to the white house eight times in the last year. even though the visits are public record the white house will not admit they happened. >> can you state clearly yes or no is that expert here regarding the care of the president. >> we have had a compreh comprehensive, another setback, comprehensive physical examination to give a comprehensive report every year he has this exam he sees a neurologist. >> answer the direct questions. >> . >> eight times or at least once. >> hold on. wait a minute.
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please. we have to keep their privacy. >> is the president being treated for parkinson's? know. is he taking medication? snow. >> of cancer doctors regularly visit the white house to meet with a physician it's legitimate to wonder if the president has cancer but most cancer does not affect the brain and the american people deserve to know if the commander-in-chief's faculties are fully functioning he works for us remember? we pay his salary if my employee had a debilitating disease affecting his or her work that is my business. walter reed is owned by the military you don't think the intelligence agencies know the top parkinson's doctor is making house calls to the president? they are looking into his doctor's ties to a shady biden family business deal.
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talk about the white house doctors involvement with the biden family business. we know that doctor o'connor was had to deal with americorps health we know this was with jim biden because he talked about in the transcribed interview our committee conducted. he mentioned white house position and said he was his healthcare advisor. and said why we involved with the healthcare scheme with no background he mentioned the white house position was consulting. we did not press that but now we have asked for the white house position to come in and we expect him to come in. or i will subpoena him but either way we will ask a lot of questions about the report and just a few months ago saying
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that joe biden was in tip top physical condition there's only two people i can find that one joe biden to remain in the race the biden family and the white house position both of whom are in a lot of trouble in the biden family schemes. i find it ironic that now the media is reporting there are coverups involved in the president's house. that's obvious to every american. so the main character is also involved with the influence peddling schemes. so now asking questions under oath and we will release the transcript. >> that is the deal paying biden hundreds of thousands of dollars that he sent those to his brother joe and he said yes. that was just alone that is a doctor that oversees the president's health he is involved in that. that's great i do hope you get a hold of him under oath and get
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to the truth. thank you so much congressman. we appreciate it. kicking biden off the ticket will not be easy but the democrats have a plan. next. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪
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>> jesse: "fox news alert" the entire democratic establishment wounds biden with 1000 cuts looking for a replacement. kamela harris happens to rebrand herself. "the new york times" is reintroducing her to the rest of america. that might be necessary because the people johnny talks to do not know her at all. >> who is that? >> she is a black woman. >> i don't know. >> how proud are you have kamela harris? >> all she does is laugh especially loves a lot of things but not her people, is behind
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the biden's and waiting for this moment for years and this is her moment democrats have three options go with joe and lose or switch out and roll the dice or have a blitz primary like american idol where everybody gets to addition those are the options adam corolla joins me now. what will go down the rest of the summer? >> joe biden will not step down because it is jill biden's job to help him down steps and she will not do it. >> jesse: so jill is the king maker or breaker you heard the
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name kamela harris and gavin newsom who you are too familiar with. anything is possible. >> i'm not sure about the relaunch of kamela harris. i feel like bill cosby would have a better shot at relaunching new coke. >> jesse: he's not a great pitch man for coke as in the soft drink? also probably not doing a new vote or die push gretchen witmer the lady in which -- -- michigan who shut everybody down. i have heard people's names i don't even know. they are talking about josh schapiro? a short governor from pennsylvania? this is going deep into the bench. >> it is.
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gretchen witmer shut everybody down except for her husband who wanted to go boating. she did not shut everyone down she let her husband go bass fishing don't forget. >> does not rule with the iron fist of doctor jill but also hunter plays chief of staff. can you believe he is hunkered down with hunter who we hear may have approved were money for ukraine? he is now calling the shots. >> think about the mess we are in. we have joe biden who is the face of the country and running the country but not really but don't worry we have jill biden his not really a doctor and up or no junkie calling the shots in the background. this will turn out great. >> is just what the deep state and that's why, seems to be the perfect choice they are telling
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her mad him president we need to launch missile strikes into russia and she wants to be tough like hillary yes sir. let's go. lights out. >> i'm glad it is backfiring on them with their dia hiring that was a horrible idea i said it was horrible at the time you cannot mess around you need the most qualified person who could be black or indian or woman or half of each are not identify as either she is not competent and she set the movement back 10 years. >> if she is the nominee it will set the party back. go check out the podcast and it will make you laugh and cry. thank you. >> breaking news on pdd and happy independence day. >> told is america? >> 900? c hundred? 700?
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>> jesse: for amen in trouble it seems like did he does not have a care in the world. the disgraced music mogul spent is weak white water rafting the legally up the creek without a paddle. he is officially the subject of a federal grand jury investigation in new york city and also just slapped with his tenth lawsuit since november. a former porn star dash stars suing him and others in the network for $50 billion claiming she was six trafficked, groomed and drugged and assaulted. she worked 2004 through 2009 is a go-go dancer working white parties in exchange for his connections he was supposed to help her break into the music industry and help her into the modeling world but she claims she was tortured. she says soon after she started working his parties he would force her to drink from liquor
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bottles laced with ecstasy and coerced her to having sex with his guest and he had hidden cameras in every room which corroborative it just corroborates are reporting and that he has videos of her being sexually assaulted while unconscious. if true that means those tapes could be in the fbi hands after they rated his mansion. the lawsuit claims he would threaten her her her as she tried to leave and blackballed her from industry when she moved to california. his lawyer denies all allegations thing he never's sexually assaulted her trafficked anyone and confident he will prevail in court. but with the lawsuits piling up it's getting harder to survive. and anti- human trafficking advocate, this is the second major lawsuit, not only claiming sex trafficking that also making the analogy of what diddy was
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doing almost exactly as epstein. what does that tell you? >> good evening. thank you for having me on. that is correct. i love your opening to the segment. it is a horror movie out of tinseltown scripted by doctor evil. unfortunately it is textbook and how this works. the fact he goes in front of a grand jury tells us that there is enough admissible evidence that points to the definition of human trafficking. and under these allegations would be tried as a sex trafficker. that's we wanted to see epstein tried as. >> what about white water rafting? is he trying to send a message? what would that be? >> probably you could imagine his pr team said is business as
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usual. he's got away with it over 20 years. they are so cavalier he is delusional. he has found ways to coerce victims for years and normally get away with it because they have a whole cadre of people protecting them in the industry and this time hopefully the cookie will crumble. >> jesse: i'm not a pr expert or a lawyer. if it has been months where the fbi seized the electronics and devices, they have at all. why is it still taking so long to indict him? >> human trafficking cases are difficult. you don't want to plead down. they are truly going after sex trafficking you have to have a case that will hold up in court
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so a corrupted judge or da does not pleaded down to something smaller. it is good they take building a solid case based on the law and get the forensic interviews on tape because the evidence was thrown out of court on a technicality and they are waiting to discredit the plaintiff so it's good they get it right because you are right the fbi has the tape. >> now they will contain this so nobody above diddy takes the fall because a lot of executives were mentioned and have dirt on their hands. thank you for coming on the show we respect your. >> having a great week on assignment. celebrating america's birthday. what did johnny do? i made him work on the beach. >> happy fourth of july.
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america is the greatest country in the world because? >> we have beaches and alcohol. >> guns. >> girls. >> what is the reason we celebrate the fourth of july? >> hotdog. >> our freedom. >> to walk the land freely and cautiously but also not at the same time. >> i don't know what he said at the end of that sentence i don't think he knows what he said either. >> i will does america? - - how old is america? >> 900. 800. 700. >> 2024 years old. >> 248. >> older than joe biden but not
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by much. >> when did we -- -- who did we declare our independence from? >> philadelphia. >> brazil. >> britain. >> massachusetts. >> there was a king in great britain. >> king alexander. >> king henry. >> king george. >> king tut. >> what year did we declare our independence? >> i cannot even believe this. >> 1975. >> 50 years ago. >> 1776? >> 1976. >> that is a tough one. it is tough to understand. >> going to war for independence what is the name? >> world war i. >> the red war. >> civil war.
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>> the democrat war. >> revolutionary war. >> normandy. >> what was the name of the general? >> what? the general? on our side? >> i don't know any of your questions. >> general mills. >> george washington. >> carver. george carver. >> it was the first president of the united states? >> abraham lincoln. >> george washington. >> you answered every question. >> who signed the declaration of independence? >> fdr. >> abraham lincoln. >> mark twain. >> michael jordan. >> benjamin franklin. >> hancock. >> john jacob jingle heimer schmidt. >> that's my name to.
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>> joe biden's message. ho ho ho. happy independence day. >> what is your message to jesse waters? >> ojo how. >> happy fourth of july. >> happy fourth of july. >> happy fourth of july. >> family vacation photos straight ahead. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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>> jesse: i was on assignment at the beach.
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word a week to take off. nothing really happened while i was gone. that's a place i proposed with the whole family. son sunset action and dinner at parker's garage. there is gg. and my short shorts were a little too short. a great time maybe i should just go back on vacation and do the show on monday. i am paid the same. >> going on vacation biden had the worst week ever take the rest of the year off. when you think we will see the letter from 51 doctor saying that joe is okay? >> i even think it has gotten too late. >> immediate told us of trump
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was in again he would never leave the white house be at biden is in that situation now and he's not leaving. >> hostages for the last four years. nothing new. do you have munchausen by proxy? >> biden economics has been holding my wallet hostage. >> i wonder how hillary will feel if kamela harris becomes the first female president? we know what hillary is capable of. we mean anything. >> spend a back on a good pen. you have ink on your talking hand. >> and i talk with my hand it is obvious. dvr the show. sean hannity is next. i am watters and this is my world. >>


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