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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 8, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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was in again he would never leave the white house be at biden is in that situation now and he's not leaving. >> hostages for the last four years. nothing new. do you have munchausen by proxy? >> biden economics has been holding my wallet hostage. >> i wonder how hillary will feel if kamela harris becomes the first female president? we know what hillary is capable of. we mean anything. >> spend a back on a good pen. you have ink on your talking hand. >> and i talk with my hand it is obvious. dvr the show. sean hannity is next. i am watters and this is my world. >> .
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>> welcome to hannity and we are just 119 days away from the 2024 presidential election only 70 days preside awantys ay from ead it begins in pennsylvania that rules out many states across the country and in just oss a momenh and possibly 47th president of the united states donald trump will join us for an exclusive interview this will be presidents first interview since democrats and the state run media mob started to acknowledge the obvious trut 1h about bidens mental and physical health and cognitive declinmente the charae and cover-up and corruption is now officially ovecorruptir poig fingers and blaming and acting as if they were not complicit which is a joke an notd now it s america's time for choosing. this is not a choice between
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trump and biden but instead you will decide and need to decide if we have a constitutional republic for the people and by the people or will the cobol of enablers and state run media lying of the deep state bureaucrats continue to run the country into the r ground with biden or some other democrat as a front person? make no mistake biden is not i narge charge at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. he's not calling the shots are making thealling decisions. he has been a wreck from before he was even sworn in which is something we have been reporting and have been criticized for before the 2020 election. >> return once again to the weak and frail cognitive mess of joe biden obviously who is having cognitive issues. that is being polite he's s havm more trouble recalling basic
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facts the day of the week and what office he is running for they are hiding something in all likelihood they are hiding the full extent of his cognitive struggles because when he does go out two or three days in a row it is the unmitigated disaster. >> despite the shock and horror at the debate everyone that works the state run. n media they are known that he is mentally impaired and barely did any press conferences or other s okenunscripted events very few sitdown interviews few and far between and has struggled to walk with the unusual suffer -- -- shuffle we saw him fall over and over again then the big boy steps up to aistr force one also joe took almost evern toy weeked offff and the calendar featured
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barely one public event on average per day. they were short and tightly controlled and still he struggled the majority of americans as much as 70 percent have long believed that biden is not fit to serve it is obvious he was never up to the job but they did their best toob cover t up and live for him for years and even try to gaslight any american to think any real video about the struggles and those were unedited and this was a couple of weeks ago attacking the special counsel because he t dared to refer as an elderly man with a poor memory asking question was i still vice president in 2009?
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and a weapon raising the department of justice and refusing to let you see the terview fand decide for yourself.nt as the doj campaign contribution to joe and aributi cover-up of monumental and historic proportions. this is bad for our country. meanwhile i was attacked repeatedly and called a conspiracy theorist for pointing out the obviouorispoins of the transparent truth about joe hebiden's cognitive state. they have been lying and covering up for joe which has been a coordinated effort to beat donald trump at any and all cost and he gets more done in an hour that most of you accomplish in a single day. it is one huge lie. every american has been betrayed by this and this cover-up and the country has suffered needlessly from the radical policies implementedha by the nw green deal radical socialist
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marxist party all supported by state run media and the mob. now finally the truth has started to emerge from the left has.ou not out of concern for biden and the country but they fear they will lose to donalntryd trump. the polls don't look good for joe. a recent survey taken after the disastrous debate show s trump up by 15 pointse's in arizona. five in pennsylvania, for i michigan. he is the head and every battleground state in the country and up by several pointp and multiple nationwide polls. democrats and the media try to humiliate biden and forced him out of the race. that's why we see bombshell reports like this from abc. parkinson's expert visited white house eight times and eight months and met with biden's and the story from axioms
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detailing the effort needed just to get joe oo gen stage. not only do they help guide him in person but also print outures pictures showing him the exact path to get to the podium and the stage. step-by-stepd th instructions wk to podium.wa it actually sayslk when staff are working at a fundraiser said it surprises me as seasoned political professional like the present we need detailed verbal and visual instructions how to enter and exit the room. it gets worse. this week our suspicions were confirmed. the white house, and the campaign is in the habit of feeding preapproved questions to journalist ahead of their interviews theirrviewse toe .tt to radio host have come forward admitting the team provided acceptable questions for the
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ed -ptabpresident. despit e all of this assistance and collusion he still strugglee in a big here he is accidentally referring to himself as a black woman. >> referlack i am proud to be tt vice president the first black woman to serve with the first black president. >> on sunday and other unusual moment he appears to freeze up during a church service looking to his handlers for guidance. >> ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> all weekend biden try to demonstrate bigger but instead humiliated himself over and o over. wither weird rambling stories ad his gaze with empty eyes. you decide. ey>> i went to a local parade in delaware on the pennsylvania border after our son had passed and i was sitting at homd passei thinking i should just ago and i was walking along and three or four guys came running up and i said joe what is all the damn stuff about pennsylvania? yodiu are from delaware.scves it never leaves.
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and withu! your help i know i he your help with my help and working together we will get a lot done for the american getpeople. anyway if i stand here long enough all of those and back will die of sunstroke. >> i have wrote down the street in the vehicle i see kids weaving i would stop and get out. realistically i cannot do that anymore it is just too dangerout dangerous. >> how many times have we shown videos he doesn't know whether to exit or he turns and shakes the air.n an these truths are self-evidentsa they areyi created by the thing. for god the creator ofof everything. we still have yet to see a lengthy press conference. down for her 22 minutes with george stephanopoulos at another sad
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attempt and have no regrets about staying inge the race as long as he does the greatest job he can do. >> if trump is elected and everything you learns about comes to pass how you feel in january? >> as long as i gave it my all and digaved the greatest job ths what this is about.t. >> only a message from god himself would cause him to step down but now more and more democrats disagree they want joe out that his closest advisers will not let that happen. doctor jill and hunter want biden to stay in the race no matter what. they are desperately clinging to power and what michael miller compares to elder abuse. will he survive this politicalll making it to november cracks i have no idea. he is not running th youe show.
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and every name of every democrat mentioned as a possiblas ae replacement understand, this is a radicalized new green deal socialist marxist party. they will implement the same failed policies as joe, immigration, law and or order, america abandoning their role as leader of the free world. it doesn't make a difference if it is him or any otherf marxist socialist new green deal democrats. if youw truly value the democratic republic there is only one choice. early voting starts in 70 days. when we come back my exclusive interview with donald trump. straight aheaddupixe. this is better. this is better.
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[ ♪ ] >> sean: tonight, chaos is brewing into the democratic party as calls for joe biden to >> tonight chaos is brewing in the commitment dash democratic party calling for biden to drop out is growing. for an exclusive interview former president trump. good to have you. >> thank you very much. i am fine. u verythank yo u. >> go back to the debate with you and president biden because immediately you can notice his voice was raspy but beyond thatt within minutes i could tell this was not going to be a good night for joe biden what was going through your head at that time. >> it was a big evening and you could feel a lot of energy like you haven't felt in a long timet on any of the debates.
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i have done a lot of debates and we have had success but this wad special for whatever reason. and when i got to atlanta at cnn headquarters. there were eyes excitement the 10 million-dollar i'm looking at the equipment. i it was more of a scene than normal. itan was that way right from the moment they introduced us and then they introduced as, t him i walked out and he looked extremely pale to put itd ex ni. maybe it was a good makeup job - but he was a very pale looking man. and when he started to speak, io thought his voice was weak. i didn't know what exactly was happening. it was strange. th he cnn moderators were prett
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thgood.e i thought theyfa were fair. i thought the questions to him and me. it was a strange evening and a .trange debate because within a couple of yinutes he answers given b him, did not make a lot of se sense. >> john: let me ask you, i think some of the worst moments for the president is when he was not talking. s whthere was a blank, vacant se like he was checked out. i have run a montage of it. when you were speaking and you would look over did yo u notice ll?that? >> i was thinking about what i was saying. i was not looking at him almost at all except when he went a e little haywire.
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i am very disappointed in him. he's the worst president in the history of our country. we've had nothing like what he is done to our borders, country, inflation. he is destroying social security. destroying it an peopl d i am so upset with him as president so i really wasn't looking over and i did take a couple of peaks while he was giving some bad answers. not even answers but just words put together that haice d no meg but i did nos wit look over. >> john: since before 2020 election i have chronicled the fact that joe looked weak and frail and a cognitive mess long before the election of 2020. the state run media and democrats are acting all shocked like this just came out of i innowhere.y ca
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is a something permanent? did they not notice he cannot give a press conferencn toe cras that he doesn't use ththe big voice or the plan to surround him as he walks to and from marine one? t he would have to the super bowl interview? the layup interview what part of his cognitive decline did they miss for purposely cover forheys him?ed >> they cover for him and they still sort of our but now it's getting difficult. it looks like he may stay in. he has an ego and doesn't want towant quit it looks like that's what he wants. i think jill would like to see him stay t. she's having a good time and i'm hearing hunter is calling thei' so this isn't a positive thing for our country. but he may very well stay in.
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if he does nobody wants to give it up that way he will feel badly about himself for a longlf time it's hard to give it up that way when you are forced out you have to speak to his doctors but obviously he has been sheltered by the media that's why they call it fake news. >> john: mr. president do you want joe biden to step aside? dosteel care? >> we had prepared for him but i don't think it will matter. we had a great four years. our border was5 the strongest ever, the economy pre- covid was incredible. the best ever but then we were hit with the gift from china with the china virus. we did a fantastic job where the fantasti higher than prior tocovi covid.
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we defeated isis and that was ae big thing i was told it would take five years and it took us a couple of months. the military is fantastic. a the people at the top of the military is woke but they will never be woke they are incredible people what they did for me and then we had no wars. we are headed into world war iii with this man in my opinion semi running things. he's not running things the people that surround the oval office and i the resolute desk they are running things in washington i suspect. he got them into the warfare. basically going after your political opponent with da andca attorney generals going after your political tone in. nobody has ever seen anything like that.s evit
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'sand i read it has been a positive for me but that is the unfair battle.ry unfai but he got us into that and now all these those are bidehin people inspir. at the time -- -- it's a sad time in the country. he's not respected and we are not respected in the world. if we are not careful we will be in the middle of world war iii not will. that will be a more nobody has seen before because of the weaponry. that's a whole lot different than to our meetings going up against each otherrm. we will have somebody that can properly represent us. no question about that. >> john: what do you make of all the talk if biden steps aside was pushed out it would be vice presidents harris?
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you expect that much would change? >> i think it will be her. i think they are very concerned about the vote if it is noconcdu rrher. they are gun shy and don't want to do it any other way. i have come to believe that is what they will do. she is a do,n effective. she was in charge of the border. she has never been there. she has not done her job on a lot oft g things. but what seemed to me from a political standpoint that's who they are going with. they are not talking about altealternatives. it seems if he gets out for whatever reason. i don't think he wants to. but if he does, it will be her. interestingly, he has a lot of power because he has the delegates. he says i'm getting down to the cannot dothee hao anything othea nal thl e 25th amendment going a different route. but let's assume that with not
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very much time left and then we can straight out the country and make america greatn there's not a lot of time left. but unless the use the 25theh amendment in a different sense he has all the power and the delegates he doesn't have to get out there's nothing they can deo to get him out so he will get the nomination and then have the meeting in chicago which the bye way, last week, 117 people were shot in 17 killed last weekend in chicago. it is a war zone but they have their convention in chicago. obviously they are very proud.a cr i love chicago i have investments in chicago but if you look at the crime and what has gone wrong, it is not a good thing to displayry g right now.
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>> john: i still think every election is about the future, peace and prosperity. in this case the border and economy, and order, green agenda and america's role in the world. e popone issue that pops at thp of every poll, the border in the economy. we have nearly 11 million w unvented immigrants from 180 countries. but many from countries that have ties to terror iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan. nearly 60000 from china in just the last 18 months. tens of thousands from russia.or i worry this is a clear and present danger for the country and the likelihood the terror cells.
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i pray to god i am wrong. i don't believe that ii pr am. and the media, democrats have ignored the issue and allow it to happen. biden and harris and mallorca say the border is closed and secure but they brag about the policies you had in place when they got into power. i think e e pra preventable prom i'm worried about national security like neveonalr before. >> the one thing you have not said tonight that you always say is that it is 100 percent certain we will have a terror attack and i agree with that i.. >> john: i always say i pray i t am wrong. >> they are putting terraced into a country and a level we have never seen before. terrace are coming in and they are coming in from mental institutions and insane asylum's and prisons and jails not just
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south america. congo in africa, every part of the world. some of these parts are rough parts of the world. they are pouring into the country as prisoners, mental patients, and they come in tr as terrace. this is poisoning our country. nobody should have beenou subjecteldd to the nation and never allowed to do this. nothing good to come oof it. we have to get the criminals with very high level bad criminal and have the largest deportation larger than the eisenhower deportation. we have no choice. i don't want to but the man has destroyed our country. i have asa big rally tomorrow in
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miami. i say you can take the 10 worst presidents in the history of the country up with them together. they would not have done the destruction and damage as this man has done. he has been a horrible president. the worst, frankly the worst in history by far. jimmy carter is the happiest guy around which is now he is a genius compared to biden. his administration is brilliant compared to biden administratione . it is a sad time in our country. >> john: let me ask about the k economy. i know they said from the beginning that biden's inflation they inheritedn one.4 percent. now it's up over 20 percent. 25 percent of americans say they have to forgo meals and they are drinking water because of the policietchb inflatioidn. w how do you fix that and how quickly can you fix that? >> we have to fix it fast them
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illegal migrants pouring into the country many are staying in arluxury hotels, shipped that every state is now a border statstate whether idaho or iowar ohio. it doesn't make any difference because they are pouring through the country. one of the1 of statistic thes wp osincredible is it came out we e flying them in. not even them coming through unchecked and unvented but flying tens of thousands of people into our country, migrants ano oud manyc? not people that are welcome to stay in their country. they are coming up , here. s originally i said they are not sending their finest. these are people coming fromco other countries where whoever is running the country includingcl the dictatoruds are sending them
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into the country if you look at venezuela the crime is downce nt72 percent and hours is up and we have a new form because they are just getting comfortable and settled in. g seill have a new form of crime it is called biden migraine crime and it is a new category and it iw cas serious. it may blow our crime out the window because frankly you coulo double. t i told you the numbers in chicago 17 people dying thishisi nkweekend, over a three day or four day period over 100 people shot and 17 dead? that probably does not include the migrants although i guarantee that is in that their. there is a new category and it will be very serious for a long time to come ser. we have to get them out ofan our country. they drop them out of their
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p thjails and prisons. it is not sustainable by any country. >> sean: it's amazing when you came down the escalator in 2015 and said some are good people that want a better life and there will be bahed peopley andt is unfolding. look at young girls being raped in broad daylight. mother of five in broad daylight in texas. i know this is last-minute thank you for calling in. asking about your vp choice. how soon will you make thau tht choice? t and we keep reading there is a short list. on their we hear names likhe e senator rubio, senator scott, jd vance, are those reports
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accurate or are there other people people are not paying attention to cracks when will you announce?>> >> we started off with a lot o i good people and we have a great bench in the republican party. the names you mentioned absolutely are under consideration. i have not made a final decision but i have some ideas where we are goinome arg. we want to see what they are doing to be honest because it might make a difference. i don't know but some say trump waits until he finds out what happens with crooked joe biden. we will see what happens. but i think probably within the k thnext i would love to do it during the convention. my people say that's complicated in the old days they would announce the vice president during the convention but now with modern-day technology you cannot do things you could've done 50 years ago. may be a little before but not much. on b even be during thei woconvention.
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love to do that that would be an interesting build up and make it even more exciting. >> sean: if you announce it right now on this show it would make a lot of news. i'm just saying. >> i would love to do it with you but we will announce soon. everybody will be very happy. the choice will be very goodhine .en a great vice president meaning a person that can do a fantastic job ast th president. you always have to think of that first and then second somebody who helps you get elected.summde >> sean: thank you for your time, mr. president. we appreciate it. >> thank you.e >> sean: the white house press conference today was intense and presnse,a disaster after dodginn esover biden's mental fitness ad we are live next.
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[ ♪ ] >> sean: questions contained to swirl around joe biden's house, new infor >> sean: as questions swirl around biden self new information comes to light to c. white house visitor logs show a noted neurologist and a movement disorder specialist from walter reed who has studied parkinson's recently visited the white housy eight times since last year. what wasea he doing there?en the white house would not even confirm if the doctor in question even went to the white house at allto. look at this wild exchange. >> the president i can tell you have seen a neurologis cant thre
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times connected to a physical that he gets every year that wte provide.ic >> answer the direct questions. >> weight. wait a second. >> eight times or at least once. >> least hold on.>> wait a w minute. please. a little respect. security reasons we cannot share names. we cannot share names. >> you can share names.e >> we cannot share names ocafsp specialist broadly. from the dermatologist to a neurologist there are security e reasons. were have to protect. i understand that and i hear y you. i cannot from here confirm any of that because we have to keep oftheir privacy.
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>> sean: here with more is fox news senior white housoredo correspondenoct. peter, i say this affectionately to you as i was watching the white house house briefing. it's almost like the old room started to ask real questions qut hostile it was a lot different than the average press briefing. >> and that is a good thing there were other peter type of questions because ultimately i did not get called on it any point but the problem with her answern an tt that the presidens seen a neurologist for each of the three physicals that the y have told us about but the last one was in february about five months ago and based on all ofal the reporting from those who are not as well dash anonymous -- -- anonymously talking that senses the five months the physical
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report that is when these people who are anonymous that he has started to show signs of losing his train of thought and speaking. she insist he has not been of rescreened for these age-red illnesses in the time since. but what a difference a couple months make because when i askee karine jean-pierre in february before the report came out with a fundraiser the president kept tellin g donors he had just gotten back from a conference speaking to a european leader who was long dead, i was told a question like that is a rabbit hole but not anymore i have a feeling as soon as she went back into the press area there was a big discussion of how exactlye they will get the entire press corps covering something
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>> since before the last election i have been pointing out he is weak and frail and a cognitive mess. i have been criticized for. and only a few weeks ago the media and the white house were telling americans that real videos and unedited videos were cheap fake of right-wing media. but you work with a lot of people and you have been very ofhonest. but you would never convince me in a million years that every single person in thast room they
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each had trouble getting up the big way stairs and had to be surrounded to get on and off marine one. rarely does unscripted conferences and when he does he struggles. he doees,ggles with th teleprompter. and to me that is a cover-up.o >> and among thein discussions. so the last couple months they went to shorter stairs and shorter speeches. making jokes about thejoke presidents age now 50 questions whether or not the president has been tested or treated for parkinson's disease. that is a huge change if the white house haing s better answs
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they are public and is not a a dadatabase. and with the presidents physician treating trump and obama and bush but that physician would only be taking meetings like thate .s going to the presidents care so the answer from the white house's we cannot talk about anything because there is a privacy concern.conc with the presidents privacy or someone in the first family. >> that is a cover-up of the historic proportions of state run media i don't want to drag
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you in bed all the people that have been around him. and we have known for years he gets instructions walk to the podium and big font. let us give you a list of questions.anyw >> we appreciate you peter. thank yothinu for your time. >> senator graham ways and if biden should drop out and what democrats are saying and worried about national security. straightahead. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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>> sean: following biden disaster is debate performance senator graham is sounding the alarm on national security concerns now his inability to serve as commander in chief was televised to the entire world and his concerns are valid. tonight "the wall street journal" is reportin atortonighetnal g that the group of seven summit in 2022 biden did not even show up to the early evening meeting with the german chancellor because he had to gito to bed. remember this was a few months after the start of the russian invasion of ukraine. here with reaction we have south heitcarolina senator graham. every single democrat you work .ith everyone lied to the country. t they knew. they covered it up. kamela. harris new. now joe biden says he goes to beto gd at 8:00 o'clock.
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what if there is a crisis that 2:00 a.m. that requires him to stay awake 36 or 48 hours cracks he cannot do it. our security is in jeopardy. >> i think so. thank you for having me. it's great to have a republican nominee for presidenthe publt to was ready to go in the number one to straighten out the world quickly. but the whole world is watching the saw the interview in the debateworld isatchese ar a. how does world war iii start? one way is for the radians toap break out and acquire a nuclear weapon. i promise everons, ay arab willt one of their own and then the next thing you know we're on the road to armageddon the. trump had ran in a box now they are running wild under, th bide, this is that i would tell the president. 80 percent of the people 8percey
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thank you are too old to be president of the united states. i'm worried about you being commander in chief for more months let alone four more years. take a cognitive exam to assure all of us that you are as fit as you say you are because all of us doubt that. why won't he? because he would fail. he knows he would faill of taniti kill it.s everybody who wants him to stay in place knows he will fail. a it scares the hell out of me that we're having thisre man o commander-in-chief four r more months>>. >> sean: the same policies that biden has supported would now be supported by kamelakamalr harris.rd the same weakness on the world stage, the same new greeern deal policies, open border, economic, energy. fill in the name and replace biden and yoe nau have the same
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horrible policies that have failed miserably. by the way trump can stay up 48 hours because he doesn't sleep anyway. be honest. >> i've never seen a guy with this much energy at any age. he's playing the best golf of his life. talk about changing the name and the policies. she has been involved in every policy decision and that was a disaster including afghanistan word we have for her being at the border 10000 immigrants cosponsored aoc bill and wants she' all and so she is more liberal in many ways. but i worry about the presidents ability to project capability t added time. >> sean: none of them haveny w policies that in any way show strength twso the world.
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>> policy i agree that is weak the first guy talk to this morning trust me he's worried about the iranians getting a nuclear weapon. i cannot wait until trump comes back into the madness. >> sean: you work with wires t and they have known the whole time. hehistoric proportions. moore cap-x.
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>> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have.l thank you for being with us making the shothtimew possible t your dvr so you never miss an episode. that feld is standing by putting a smile on your face thank you for being with us and have a great night.