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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 9, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have.l thank you for being with us making the shothtimew possible t your dvr so you never miss an episode. that feld is standing by putting a smile on your face thank you for being with us and have a great night.
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[applause] yes. [applause] you to at the parking lot after. happy monday. president biden participated in a 22 minute interview with george stephanopoulos. bu mt sadly when he heard it was with george he assumed it was this fellow ff snuffle up against. and a recent interview he said e.he has no doubt that joe biden is capable oe,f serving as president if biden was really old and weak he would've had him killed witakh covid.
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true. according to a report staff provide no cards with large printed photos including instructions for finding auc podiumti.ho how big were the notecards? here is one of them. some democrats have suggested holding a celebrity led primary to replace biden with weekly forms hosted by big names like opera and taylor swift. meanwhile biden suggested others such as betty white and elvis .resley and bob hopeothers suc e they are all dead. several democrats in congress asking him to step down in colluding jerry nadler. you have to hand it to nadler.he that takes a lot of balls and he cannot even see his and biden
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says he will drop out if god tells him to. thatthat seems pretty easy god s on "fox & friends" earlier. >> god thank you for being here i have been trying to get his ass out of the white house for years almost as embarrassing ase rsonyou. i would send you to help you are already on "fox & friends". also take it down a notch. >> he will do our show margo robbie is pregnant with her first child. we were already able to get a sonogram of the baby -. >> so unrelated.
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>> here we go remember harvey weinstein the sex fiend so awful stood out in an industry where pepper spray is a condiment. do remember what he said if you forgive him the mission is tod send donald trump intobe retirement thinking that will deflect us away from the depravity that we found out later all of hollywood kne outw abouknt. so either the accusations wouldr blow up or harvey would cover his ass with enough trump hate to beat the rap. up to the media he would have succeeded but there were too many victims er and they were talking loudly. doesn't that sound exactly what is happeningg now?at that scary dog the whole neighborhood hated the biden dementia story has left the yari
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parking. trump hatred is the weapon of mass distraction.on >> this election remains about one thing only. the threat of losing our democracy. none of this absolves the media and the democratic establishment of their failures. that american politics right now is a big building on fire with two candidates. one stands for democracy and ons doesn't.nnin that is the beginning and the end of the realization that voters need tog have. >> biden's condition whether tiredness or something else is almost.levant but >> what ia sanctimonious phonya so the weinstein strategy isnili look at hitler to promote his senility so confidence in joe withfrom scranton is fading liks spray tan. like hollywood covering for
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harvey because they gain then media hagains been covering. joe disintegrated those who called out his incapacity were denigrated o r ignored like jesse watters cas had a nude beach. meanwhile the times, "washington post" and axial's abscess on a flag outside of justice alito's house or bombard us with russian clues and tales.le and what do they havs,e in comm? trump hate as distraction it isc oma scandal keeping injecting trump as hitler and you can cure any bad the city for the left aside the fact is you lose your cityhair. now the shocked media is running with the story full blast. after ignoring that joe ran the 2020 campaign foafter ignor his.
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we saw pictures of his notecards with pre- submitted questions and answers from reporters.. now once dismissed as a cheap fake is proof by the same media boutlet. before the debate they were bogus such as dana perino to be nice to orphans. true the president has not been running this joint the last four years in the media is not interested in asking who has? not kamela harris she reads to children and their literacy scores bee the reason for this i call it the media learned quickly to win a war do nothing but exposes on trump and they were handing out pulitzers but you'd never win awards for exposing democrats. that would be a vampire biting the neck of anothe br vampire.
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meanwhile the biggest scandal of our lifetime is our president is vegetable adjacent has been ignored for years and instead got police malfeasance and diversity of military and ge gender. [bleep] so now why are they feeding on his carcass like pelosi with a hijacked blood mobile? because once the story escaped in the wild it was a .oneymaker the dementia scandal now gets the clicks from the general eaudience unlike the red so he made the usually feeedd the bas now they do not cover theithr as but their as the reportersin try to paint themselves as investigators but also that they ares heroic. but you are not a hero when you are caught lying. orthat's why i have to give back t awards. be
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suddenly then media and the dems are truth tellers even jerry alers. question with fitness he looks like a parade flow with a slowlyh . let's not forget the others. the fake laptop and russian collusion and find people. the media did not see them as a hoax because they made them. we did not missy mas i'm the guy doing his job. yoy u must be the other guy. welcome tonight's guest. he puts the brother in brooks brothers. charles payne. former miss citrus dedicating he r life. morgan. sorry ladies he is single.
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she knows your dirty laundry because she steals fro fm charles i have yet to hear from you on the story what is your time is shiftingia into i am an investigativevest reporter? >> the barn opening the door was fantastic that was not a cheap fake everybody watched it and going on?evl is but i remember when they did this big investigation and found biden probably committed a lot of crimes but he's too feeble to stand trial. he says i'm an elderly man i don't know what the hell am doing.rly. that is the line right there.
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this is crazy in plain sight.hi we just have to look the other way? spent myngs. favorite at the enthjuneteenth celebration. and then sunday he was at thend blacayk church every time he's around black people as like he wants to cal likl the police. p adbring the whole gang of paddy wagons. we will charge them later. did you see his face at the church? he was scared as hell. [laughter] he said i was raised in a black church and he had to show how to give theo show offering.ike what? we take money noat?t give it. biden. dammit it has been amazing to watch. >> i wish i was only having half
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as much fun. e morgan you are a national security expert? >> i play one onxp tv. >> what risk does joe pose for americans if he were not to resign in the next sixyou were ? >> the whole thing started during the debate the first fe f minutes. wait a minute this guy should not beis president right now muh less run for reelection. the media and the democrats arem sooc this -- -- dishonest. they knocaw he cannot go the net four years but want to get them over the finish line and then install the vice president. even if he dropped out todayy that still seven or eight months and a lot caann happen. we have new wars and chaos in every theater.ha i would remind everybody we knew this was going on for a longve o time. fromor the second obamand administration there was a new
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york times article bragging how the obama team manipulated the dc press corps and had such contempt for them he called them the blob. it has been around for a lonr g time. >> greg: i thought that was the affectionate term. blo i don't know what to ask you with that mustache. how long have you been doing adul t films? >> for a long time in my own house. take it to the next level. >> so low. >> i did it for you. >> greg: i love hearing everybody's take because for once almost everybody agrees. it is crazy. >> a lot of the subjects i'm one the show feel like i've been
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crazy but it's been four years of theears jokes and just now everyone says may bere he is. you feel like you are insane. we have saidike this and i cant say that.e will he is orange. look at his hair. that immences stupid. o but this hasra been happening fr so long.. >> you would be shamed if you talked about his poor health but they put it out there. who was worse that guy is sick but do i s wopeopt anyway? >> give cramps the key to the car. >> who gave the gun toey the ba? what is your take on the lovely monday evening? >> when he said he had canceran
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two years ago.ce he said i have wheeled cancer than the press corps came out and said many americans have been affected. we all heard it that's why agree it is crazy.d it but what is crazy year are the ones that are holding out like playing thate clip also debbie wasserman schultz on cnn.he she is frustrating me how people are dissecting every word he says. he is the president of the united states and you are ignoring thet of fact that trump a felon. that is the take.s the media is not covering that cracks what planet are you want. >> greg: trump is the most vetted president in history. accepted it challenge by republican candidates. w
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>> kat: now finally it is okay two years after the oil cancer this is kind of weird. the ones that still don't want to. but trumeirdthp but why don't yt to way and how weird this is cracks it was supposed to be a return to normal. >> biden wrote that letter. and he took on the democrats.. no one wanted to challenge me. of course he dropped out. so watching them go at each other. >> greg: i think the letter was a big mistake that's what they want. but republicans should want hiwu in.i >> there may be five or six commercials in that letter commalready. i'm filming commercials left and right. >> we have more to come. working with joe for a amazing t could not tell he was senile.
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>> greg: the uncanny ability to lie about theh he senility vo the fall of last year kamela harris was asked about biden's mental competency. she overplayed and dismissed because joe biden will be fine. >> joe biden will be fine. let me tell you something perk i work with joe biden every day. >> the whole issue they are raising about his age is again, because they have nothing to run ing abis on. this is someone who is tireless.
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in terms of working on behalf of the american people. >> age is more than a chronological fact. >> not only is the president not only authoritative in rooms around the globe but around the oval office. >> i'm not lying that i'm telling you a fact. >> ia prf there is a problem cod you tell the public? >> of course if necessary but there is no need for that. >> if she had a brain eating worm it would apply for food stampsitng f. if she ends up being the nominee that looks like the case the cover-up is not going away and she is right in the middle. they could argue truly ignorant
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of his mental state then you also argue she is a moron. so either she knew about it and lied to the american people or she is so stupid she had no idea her boss is brain-dead. is a tough call. not saying she is stupid but she thinks senile is what you do when you visit egypt. i will give morgan three options. lying, stupid or drunk. >> all of the above. she is so awkward.e is she is like a dad on tender. she is so awkward she is like hunter biden's browser history. i'm trying to be funny. is that working? >> just look in the mirror. >> getting that was a compliment? >> greg: i turn 42 i will take th e compliment. t
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>> greg: stick to the issues. >> i turn 36 on october 29urup.e >> leonardo dicaprio would say you are both too old.y the democratic party pushed her aside being the female of color. >> she's the best choice i feel like wsh h>> se should stop makn of biden if she is the nominee everyone who opposes her is a racist and sexist they will be pay dash replay the obama stuff anything critical you are just a racistl .us all they will do is go after women to make them feel guilty we have to vote for her because we all share ovaries. supposedly if you believe that's .hat makes a woman >> greg: i don't condone sharing ovaries.
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jeff, will she be at the top o f the ticket? >> 's i think they will take care of the problem before it gets to that. but it does have anna nicole toh vibes. why does everybody act like i have something to gain about his age? everybody dropped the age hi thing. yes you will be the president that is what is happenin g butut she keeps acting like that's not what is happening. you ar shee hacks. i'm with him every day. >> you should know better than anybody. >> greg: she is hiding behind him. [laughter] but if she is in a debate the big issue is the cover-up. you lied to the american people. >> she will respond with wild
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word salad has nothing to do with the question asked him people will move on. she just says staff that has nothing to do with what she isnd asked. >> inside a circle cracks that is a venn diagram. >> buses and that is her favorite. >> a little girl on th e school bu s.scho >> this makes sense maybe why she never does bus anything.r maybe she noticed a early on. you would have to and she thought i would take the steppingstone while distancing myself from his brand. >> greg: maybe she is the smartest one of all. because how often do you think about that? she doesn't do that much.g: >> she hasn't done anything at i ngall. may be that was her strategies. >> she was in charge of the border and we saw what happened. there may be something to thebe idea that she knew the deal the
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whole time. but look at this she is the first person to lose in tht e democratic primary. the first person kicked out one week before that i was on the plane with her coming from dc. she was chatting like she knew me wasn't sure. i really felt sorry for her because she wanted someone to notice her so bad finally at the top of the ramp. but i felt so bad for her one person knew her. than before sh e left i said can you come on my show? she what show is it? said foxbusiness charles payne. she was so upset but the pointhw is that i think she knew this all the time. whatever the people say she is
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the vice president on the test to become the nominee and most unpopular vice president in history. t the first person to lose the democratic nomination but somehow weaved her way to the top. >>o th also there was edited the video i am not lying and then a long pause and some lives.on very >> greg: she will be great for us. up next, hack gets carried away. 's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. wetjet. >> when the saw dust settless di >> when the saw dust settless di and the engine roars, the thinfg you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freigh do it, sog about the job feels different. >> your wallet, whatever you do
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,she gave a speech, one hinge that joy bakers jaw at snack time g. >> hit it. ncaa delegates, we can do this work. we must do work. do we get to do this work. we do this work because. our students are depending on us to win. oh, the things we have to win. l oh, oh, oh, the thing. oh, oh. the things our colleagues are depending on us to win. all the things keep going. nea to preserve our democracy. we win.l of oh, that thing. delegates we won't go back.s, we will keep going forward! because we are nea. we are the nea. we are the nea. nea and that's what we do.
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>> she raises a very importantpe question, though.ll >> what are all the things, cat, cat? what are all the things catse al do? >> you know? >> eunveryone's making of this, but i feel like itf wasn't that ba d. >> explain. no. okay. comparatively to the stufft waso that we've been hearing from teachers unions over the past couple of yearly the tts at leah was saying that they should sayi. why? what's the do you like? >> do you guys not remember that for two years, teachers guy were like, it's not safe for us to work? yes. and actually, the thing about schools, n uo, they were like they mentioned students we being wer thing. they were kids. i mean, on the list of issues with teachers unions about., i l
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this was comparatively great. >> say nony e of your none of te things, jack, you know, you claim to be a performer. yeah, true. yes. amateur how would you rate her performance? terrible. >> tas so vague and disingenuous. >> i don't know. you could catcerrible. sh the he to these type of thing. d i don't know. you should just do that. that'sno allowed anywhere.s alle very awkward and weird. and that's why we're criticizing. because it's disingenuous to just say a bunch of vague thingss about a subject doesn't do anything. it just rilehings up like snakel salesman thing. you see it on the view with every o sentence of theview view. if you've ever watched that show, it's just yo watchk that is that getswome a bunch of women in the crowd to clap. you knowin, it's like men do. we men like, but why do need men? like, it's just the dumbest. so it's like they'll say nothing vaguely in a confident kind the of.everybod
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and then everyone that you know it, you just identified this that grew out of i think like nineties talk show s where aha like i like better no good everl good. >> yeah. yeah. and that's a now cliche noike y! ing clicw become like a play do that here too though no nap. yeah you never charles i t hereto see never mentioned education or children so nondescript i thought that there was a positive detriments and the fact that our kids are. kid yeah. the rest of the world in terms of education. i mean if they're going to do something, do your job, your real jomean youb. yeah. forget about being in politics. forget about all the fear mongerin g b.s. we're tired w of that stuff. because what i'm really afraid of are the kide thas have to gov her schools and graduate unprepared for a world with amazing opportunities. >> we're living in thefor amazg time in arab human history that by the way a lot of it,
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most of it nurtured in this country, that a large swath of our children will not participate in. yeah, it's crazy. we're creatinguntra lo our own s and we call it equity and social justice greg:. ustice >> and it does.>> t well, they they make that up to make up for the fact that sha faith and little black johnny and kindergarten that yo u them the watered down test so by the time he graduated 12th grade he couldn't even read at seventh grade level but you've offered hiy thm a thousand dill will force you on some companiesrade will giveil you free housing. we give you free food. luckily, more and more black people arel giveg. that they'rek no, i want the american dream. parentople ares are saying, givd the most rigorous education you have. this woman, i hope, is a dinosaur. give m >> and on her way out. last word to you. more. >> you have children, correct? i have a daughter. yes. yes. correyou her to school or do you need some preschool? >> yeah, actually a preschool. she's only three and a half. >> oh, wow. pretty slow child then, huh? yeah.
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>> could you. could you speak two languages yet? yes. she's in a hebre greg: pretty wo school. oh, see you there. i was being a jokester. ?i have no idea what that means: what do you think of this? i think that was some weir td fr what also was interesting to me, as i before i watched o the video that this woman is under fire for spinning $8,000 for a three day hair f appointment. and i. i better get the money back when i have a video. yeah, that was. that was my son, charles. i just want to say i more. well, you know, if you're going to spend $8,000 of taxpayer money because some taxpayer money, i would just you know, i don't know what the before picture is. >> that's a good point.. i could be like that could be $8,000 worth of work. we don't know what was. o oh, she she went into the salon and said, give me all the things we do n. oh, nicely done. >> on that note, he stole luggage all the time, but now
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that's 1-800- 6909813.e fr >> a story in five words. no jail time for. all right, jeff, let me explain this to you. nonbinary expired a nuclear official sam britain who was charged with felon thiy theft, pled guilty to petite larceny. that's larceny. but really small in a plea y deal with no jail time. so this guy gets since he gets i away with it, he has to do a letter of apology, undergo a mental health. would it be nice to do bee that before you got the job. you know, if this were you. yeah. stealing people's luggage, you'd be in prison. i'd be in. well, i don't know how they wouls luggagd be id deal with me >> i don't clean up as well as this gal. deal wit yeah, but, you know, you steal one bag. does that make you a bag>> b tht ? >> more than one, right?
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oh, yeah. three times and drives yes. how i forgot that this is a repeat offender who keeps away with this. >> also, what a weird crime. yes. yeahso wha. >> yeah. like, how is this keep, like, he's got problems. yeah, but he was. he's in charge of nuclear stuff. yeahbut charg, and they brough. they probably didn't give him a mental evaluation because. eyd >> they didn't want to, like, cross any, you know, offend anybody. i'm willin wt tog to do it here. and now i'm going to look at this image here. yeah, my mental evaluation . ag >> crazy. please work locally. >> gre >> it's obvious to me that he's on. wellocally., but you can't say y that these days, even when they wear itthat t on their sle. >> you can't say this guy's gotr a problem. shaved hea d, you know, a mustache, life jacket. >> and then in a red dress, d he steals from some lady at the airport. >> that's somebody who is so. .l steal >> yeah, but what are the odds that he always still suitcases in addresses fit what ar to tha?
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>> i mean, they've always ruled out looking at the ladydy on the plane. >> that's what he's doing. o i know something's up.remember my golly. because i remember one of the women we interviewed. she's clothing designer.wa >> she's like, oh, my stuff is gone. stuf stool was wearing it like, i don't know, that happened. >> what? i don't. >> but anywa ghter]y, i think the crazy thing, though, is he said, how much jail time would anyone else get? that's a lot. i meanyou saiduc really that's s serious stuff like that. that'sthat i got to be more a ir heard of this crime. >> petite. yeah, but it's like when you shoplift little tiny saucer . >> unless i have a petite larceny. >> please. it's very strange. morgan, again, i go back to youre larc your your dee expertise. this guy , didn't he? >> he was in charge of nuclear waste disposal. yeahn o. >> brings a whole new meaning to the phrase stole my look.
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i'm. >> yeah, maybe sam is good at, you know, nuclear energy or nuclear? lly, y i have no idea. but normally, typically you really do. ouactually have these type t of mental evaluations for security clearance. like you're lookino evaluas ofg at someone's background, you're looking at are they trustworthy, you're looking at theiyou'remebh finances. y? i mean, you're supposed to have, especially if you're in charge of,e in the nation's nuclear secrets. >> you really are supposed to have what's called like a fullrg scope investigation ino one's life. i have a hard time. i meane i'd love to see what the investigators came up with that would just look in his wardrobin where it's not hard to tell. >> maybe they weren'd to tt paying him enough cat. so he had to get his wardrobe at the airport. caus >> there's no explanation for. stealing a suitcase with the mystery contents insids noe evey time. >> right. but what's excitin>> thrg is you don't know what's in there. like a pack of baseball cards? yeah. >>ou you're going
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to get. >> yeah, but storage wars, you know. yeahyou dow what you. yeah. but here's the thing. i know. i keep. i know i keep going back to the same thing, but it's lik inet is how suitcases do you think he stole? if he's beene how caught three times, right? yeah. well, i mean, he's like a million. he couldeeughttimes. responsibl of lost suitcases. >> i also feel likbee. lik >> well, maybe not, becausebecas it's not like there's no cameras at the airport. yeah yeah, which is why if you're going to do crimes, you'd want the pay off w to be a little higher. if you're going to be doing such high risk crime>> if yo wo but i want the apology. you got to write the facbut tjal that no jail time apology letter, obviously. bs. i want to read it though.. >> yeah, i want to read the apology. how do you apology guys for stealing you know when you don't have your bag at the airport that's the horriblsteale day. no horrible day. yeah. i did that to you not even knowing what was in yourdio i.t >>er want to read the letter? i think the daily mail can probably get it. yeah. they get everything. yent ts they got my diary. what's crazy is this guy didn't get jail time and trump may. >> yeah, that'll happen. s ch trust me. trust me. i don't know what i'm sayingtim
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in public, but he hated not being recognized. makeup al, a mal people pushed past him and they weren't being nice. and he realize bald i miss famez >> this is being honest. m or is this a real this a real sy story? >> that's a real story. he's lik?t ise being, you know,o i've got a little bit of fame and it's helped me out a lot. i remember i was at the dm a lva and a line was outside, around the corner, bound to the back and corne do walked up, come too here and took me all the way to the front. so sometimes illt out for you, r you know. >> wow, you were that guy? yeah. noe thatt kevin bacon ish, but, you know, i'm working where i saw that happen at the airport with rod stewart. arriv and i sainw that happen recently with martha. what's her name? the martha stewart. yeah. so i. i called up. i called up. i was talking. my brother said, you know, i sa walk to the walke front of the counter. yeah. then i went down by the security the f i said, you know, i think the same woman just walked in front everyone at security i ge eve t on the planet gets i'm sitting next to the
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woman, i'm like, how to help you just cut the line liketo?s yeah, i was surprised. >> you still find commercial then. yeahe line i'm surp. oh, you know what's interesting ? think that like, you know, unlike me, i got famous as ake , full iy formed adult. so i understand what it's like pet to be famoused adult. >> perhaps somebody like bacon doesn't know what it's like to be obscurrhe bacoe, and that that shocked him. >> i've never seen anything. he's beee. n in really not footloose. >> he's no, it's about like, don' t dance. >> no. footloose is about a man who loses his feet. oh, well, i know that's not true. e th then i would have watched that. yeah, it's amazing. daniit's with daniel, it's like those dads, and they're all like, we're going to dance anyway no chan, right? i don't want you tell us. yeah, like, i think i already i might as. all >> well as this.s i will see him soon, though, because he lost all his money to bernie madoff . >> so he's doing that thing now. he's making a movie a month now, going back to one of his mov movies. >> but also it's different being an act, being a famousie actor, because like, people don't either don't know who you are. they love you. yeah. if someone dtho y a or they see,
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it could be.w i don't know who you are. i love you or who's busy.who >> the country you hate you so like. yeah, and that's from kill me to wait. so, jeff, are you do you get recognized as. >> probably not. no, not a lot. probt. o i'm just a regular guy. you're a regular guy on the buas . yeah, no, but it's one of those things too. it's like one. i'm surprised he would say thi>s . yeah, because you're supposed to act like even if you're really famous, you have to be like, ohupd like eve you,. i'm just everyone else. no, everyoneffeeffee else. then they should. also, i do want to criticize the articl liky e we were sent. it was like he would he hadad his hollywood person himke a in this thing, so he looked like a regular person. they change his teeth. but in the article they showed this photoarn buarticle like hd in the sleepy hollow. >> that's not how he was at theo coffee shop had been more famouass if it was at thefe coffee shop when he wore that day, mistook him for
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biden hate. >> he got really brought to then front by jill. but i think i think it's weirdi. that he said it but i dot. what he's saying. yeah. because what he's really saying is like he wanted to be himself agai but wh thinkn back to who he isk >> i don't think so.o he i i think he liks.e the status and the good to be him. yeah, it's like he like you getm beufing caf being famous. >> morgan, i'm sure you've, morg gotten a lot of that. >> i never get recognized people. >>ther getm the ortega's family? >> no, but this is the truth. the only time people come up to me, the airport is they say, we love it when you're on. >> gutfeld do you havee at lot of fans? en you, that is not all that matters. >> fame is based on me. >> if you cross me.ers? morgan, you're dead. i well, i so i was i have never been famous, but i did i always i still have an identity, chris. >> i know. >> love to make fun of me for yu that. thank you. but i do have an identicals ha twin. >> so when we were well, thiss is all it happened to us that we've.
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but it's that at that pointa mo mustaches with jeff. maybe you have a chance but i always had to be nice because someone could think that i'm my sister. >> sbe o people would come upp to to me and say, oh, you were so rude to me at some event. and u were. ha hello >> i'm like, no, that'sy my identical twin, and no one would ever believe it. so i'm like, no, seriouslyiden . usly >> and then she went to work for the cia, and then people really thought i wad the wow. i always tell that olyf was [ my identicalbe was the one i on the lawn and department store on the zoom at the airport. >> yeah. use. and at my house. don't go away. >> we'll be right back. oh, my grandkids mean the most to me. it's very important to be active them. balance of nature has been a really good product for me. i'm to keep taking balance in nature forever. get 50% off your first step when you order as a preferred customer and use discount code
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