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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 9, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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volumes. >> wow. you know, something i don't consider myself a celebrity or an actor or any of it. i stepped away from it and started ultra free because i feel we are dealing with common sense and humanity issues before even politics. personally, f hollywood because they are part of the system. they're totally bought and sold at this point. i don't trust any of it. wow, if they really have those moderators and use all of these actors to push this agenda, then our country and the people, we, the people are lost. >> you said f hollywood, it looks like based on the latest office numbers. not just drea de matteo. we appreciate it. with that, carley shimkus. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: carley and todd, you are absolutely right. "fox & friends" does start right now 6:00 a.m. right now on the couch in new york city, tuesday, july 9th, 2024. welcome to the show. the white house is in full damage control, breaking overnight. president biden's physician now explaining why a top neurologist and parkinson's specialist reportedly visited white house 8 times in eight months. what was that about? well, we do know there was chaos inside the briefing room. >> very basic direct question. >> wait, wait, wait. hold on, waited, wait a second. there is no reason to get -- go back and forth and be in that aggressive way. >> my how information has been shared with the press corps. >> steve: go, ed. >> former president trump breaks his post debate silence predicting biden's ego will not let him drop out. > looks to me like he may well stay. in he has an ego and he doesn't
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want to quit. he doesn't want to do it. we prepared for him but i don't think it's going to matter. >> lawrence: who is really running the country. the former house speaker says one unelected official is calling the shots. >> jill doesn't want to leave either. 78 times this when we had meetings in the oval office jill was there as well. >> lawrence: we will discuss that "fox & friends" starts now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ainsley: we start with a fox news alert. late last night president biden's personal physician released a letter to try clean up all the questions and all the confusion yesterday regarding the president's health. >> steve: this comes after a report has revealed that a renowned parkinson's' specialist visited the house 8 times over 8 months. >> lawrence: so the white house is saying in a press briefing that went chaotic yesterday with reporters, questions about why the specialist was there and how it relates to the president. i mean, i felt like you are
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dealing with a press corps now that has been fooled for so long or they feel like that the white house hasn't been truthful for them. they covered for the white house and now it's just exploding, ainsley. >> ainsley: if you watch the other channels, we have been talking about it for four years. dr. siegel had questions on sean hannity show 2020 about biden's health. we have seen him fall. we have seen the deterioration of his health the last few years. they don't report that they don't show the mumbling, the gaffes, they don't show him overall him falling as much as he does. people are shocked. people around the country that don't watch fox news are saying wow, after they watched that debate what's happening? here we are a month until the convention severing hitting the fan. >> steve: it is hitting the fan. in fact we heard yesterday it was going to hit the fan. but it sounds like it's going to hit the fan again today. although it hit the fan yesterday in the briefing room. >> lawrence: yeah, it did. >> steve: the reason the reporters were so steamed was
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the fact that they were asking very simple questions. the cover of the new york post today, white house stonewalls on repeated visit bye the parkinson's' expert. why did he keep going? and extraordinarily. she -- the "new york post" broke this story a couple days ago about hey some parkinson's' guy had went to the white house a bunch of times, probably met with the president's personal physician, mr. conley. well, the problem is, we don't know exactly why he went and kjp yesterday, did not do the president any favors because she was talking about i'm not going to talk about any specific details for security reasons, which is extraordinary. because we know the people's names. we know the name of the specialist. we know. >> ainsley: the visitor log. >> steve: expert. we know he went to the white house facility in the residence. so it's like we can connect the dots. so why didn't she help? >> ainsley: well, and the doctor, his physician, his name is dr. o'connor, he sent this letter, this memo out explaining
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why dr. kevin canard, this neurologist, why he was there. >> steve: from walter reed. >> ainsley: great doctor from walter reed, one of the best. he has been there for his annual physicals. well, he has had threable physicals, obviously one every year since he has been president. the question is what about the other five visits in the last eight months why was he there those five times. >> lawrence: yesterday during the briefing room. this is when all hell broke loose. let's watch it. >> can you state very clearly "yes" or "no," was that expert here to participate in anything surrounding the care of the president of the united states. >> so, let me just say a couple of things. we have had a comprehensive you, i just want to take another step back, comprehensive physical examination, the president has had that. we have given the comprehensive report. >> hey, hey, hold on, wait, wait, wait, wait a second. wait. >> 8 times or at least once. >> there's no reason to get -- go back and forth and be in this
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arrest way. >> miffed about how information has been shared with the press corps. >> clear this all up by saying what he was doing here and everyone is connected to the president, yes or no? >> i am not going to confirm -- >> why don't you have a cognitive test just to rule out that there are any issues? >> the neurologists have said it is not warranted. the president himself he said it today, he said it multiple times, i just want to take a step back for a second. sometimes i don't have the information. and i will always, always admit that. but i do take offense to what was just happening at the beginning of this briefing. it's not okay. >> lawrence: take to offense to whatever she wants to take offense. to say the reality is they have been extremely evasive to basic information. they have made fun of people that are on the other side -- they have accused us of putting out disinformation to the american public and it's just not true. to say see how they are handling the scandal and, steve, you
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brought up a great point. sean addressed it last night on his show as well. this whole idea that the private residence in the white house is the same as the white house physician office is utter nonsense and they know it's nonsense, why is a doctor, a specialist, not going to just the white house medical office but in the residence where the president is or his family is. who in the residence are part of the president's family is seeing this doctor and just to say oh, it's just three times. they are evading it intentionally, steve. >> steve: well, the problem is, you know, they were only asking about the president of the united states. >> lawrence: that's it. >> steve: it's not like neurologist guy came to see someone in the steno pool. clearly, if did you go to the residence, it's for one of the primaries. what the president of the united states, who is fighting for his political life, should have done, he should have gone downstairs. lawrence lawrence yeah. >> steve: he is afraid of all those people.
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ed o'keefe at cbs did a great job at essentially litigating why don't you tell us if the president of the united states has parkinson's or give us some more details about that? but they didn't. and that's what infuriated so many people. the other thing is the president of the united states could have released his medical records forget about the security issue. in the interest of fairness and openness, take a look. here's why that doctor, dr. canard was at the white house residence. it's that simple. >> ainsley: his main doctor said he received permission from dr. canard and his physician to stalk about this. can jb says i cannot talk about it because of national security reasons. she said he didn't have parkinson's. prior to the pandemic and following its end, canard, meaning dr. canard has held
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regular neurology clinics at the white house medical clinic in support of the thousands of active duty members assigned in support of white house operations dr. canard was the neurological specialist president biden for annual fills. his findings have within my public i have released the results of the annual physical. president biden has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical question is how. >> steve: we have a lot of questions. >> lawrence: friday, the president didn't see a doctor after that big debate. there was no doctor visit. and then the president comes out and says, actually i did. and so upset you are giving us this information and we have to keep calling to get more information. and the question is like aing
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two a bone. sources feel more willing to leak, ainsley. what are they going to do with all -- >> ainsley: they are freaking out for so long the media has covered for him now they are freaking out because of that debate and because of that interview on ax afterwards. and so now they they are asking a million questions and freaking out because they know time is of the essence. >> steve: ultimately, if it is revealed that the president had some sort of cognitive problem. the democrats are going to say, joe, you got to go. right this second. the former president donald trump was on with sean last night. and sean asked a bunch of great questions. but here is something particularly the germane to what we are talking about. and that is does former president trump care if joe biden is not the guy who is the nominee? watch. >> looks to me like he may very well stay. in he has got an ego and he doesn't want to quit. he doesn't want to do it.
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it looks to me like that's what he wants. i think jill would like it see him stay. she is having a good time. we prepared for him but i don't think it's going to matter. we had a great four years economy was the best ever. took out the worst terrorist in the world. defeated isis. i was told it took us five year and took us a couple of months. we are heading into world war iii with this man semi running things because he is not running things. >> what could you a make of all the talk if biden steps aside or pushed out that it would be vice president harris? >> i think that it will be her they are very concerned about the vote if it's not her. gun shy any other way. i have actually come to believe that's what they're going to do i think she is ineffective
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person. >> lawrence: ainsley while you were on vacation steve and i decided to do a bet. >> ainsley: i heard about this yesterday. >> steve: a dollar bet. >> lawrence: i still have the same view as the former president does as well. it's clear why the former president says she is the easiest person to beat as well. joe biden is not going anywhere. last week talking about the 25 house democrats that were supposed to go on record and say hey, we want him out. it's only 6 or 8 of them now that are willing to go hear 'meetings in the senate. rally together and get him out. meetings are canceled. the democratic party has a hold on how they do things. it's run from the top. if joe does not want to go, he is not going to go. the concerning thing for americans now is that jill biden, it looks like she is assisting him with this plan hunter biden is now in meetings.
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why in the hell is he there? a convicted felon? how do you go on the debate stage and look at your opponent and say you're a felon and then have your son who is a felon in these meetings that argument is dead now. here is jill biden making the case. she says that he is in it to win it. watch. >> joe has made it clear that he's all in! that's the decision that he's made. and just as he has always supported my career, i am all in, too. [applause] >> president biden wakes up every morning ready to work for you. [cheers and applause] >> that's what this election is all about. you. for all the talk out there about this race, joe has made it clear that he's all in. [cheers and applause]
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[chanting four more years] >> ainsley: she said i supportee supported my career i'm supporting him. yesterday alone in north carolina, georgia and florida. and kevin mccarthy was interviewed about what is he seeing? what is he seeing behind the scenes? he said she is actually the one who calls the shots. listen. >> jill out there, she is hard campaigner. i will tell you it's much different of why i know that they're going to stay in this race. jill doesn't want to leave either. many times we had meetings in the oval office, jill was there as well. many times -- i don't think she is there for policy. i think she is there to give him comfort and direct the meetings. >> steve: it was very telling in that sound bite we just played with her. joe is all in and so am i. many who feel because the president appears infirm or
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needs stage direction. she is essentially the stable manager. >> ainsley: maybe it's i'm all in so therefore is he in. >> steve: they are fighting for their lives but rather than him being out, because he can't. she is out. that's why she is barn storming. that's why she was in three states yesterday. because they had made it clear they are not going to leave the white house without a fight. and joe has warned people close to him, according to axios, he is staying in but that is not a sewer thing. he knows if the democratic leaders or the elites as he referred to him yesterday. if they say joe, we can't raise money anymore. hollywood says you have got to go. the pundits say you have got to go. all these democrats in unsafe for democrat congressional districts say you got go. he has got to go. donald trump hit the nail on the head. it's about ego. it's not just joe biden's ego. it's jill biden's ego.
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>> lawrence: can we just talk about it because you know we were told in the past administration about norms and customs. did you hear about melania in the oval office with meetings? did you hear about michelle obama in the oval office with meetings? did you hear about laura bush? i mean maybe we heard about hillary clinton. absolutely not. maybe she would have discovered some things if she was in the oval office. there has never been a time where the first lady is directing things with inside of the oval office it is just sad. we -- "fox & friends first" had a guest on that was talking about this. at what point does it become elder abuse. it's clear he doesn't know certain things are happening. >> ainsley: something that i noticed when she was walking from the coffee shop to the car, when she was out on the campaign trail yesterday, a reporter, a female reporter, we couldn't see her face was yelling, saying what do you think about these house democrats calling for your husband to drop out? and she didn't answer and she is walking to the car. then she finally turns to the reporters who scream questions at them all the time. i have never seen this reaction
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from her. she says why are you screaming at me? you know me. don't scream at me. let me talk. but then she didn't talk. here she is telling the reporters. this with you it's very telling. >> steve: and she didn't answer the question. >> ainsley: she didn't answer the question. it's very telling. she normally doesn't stop and talk to the reporters. to me it seems like she is so tired of everyone asking her and putting pressure on her that in that moment she turned to them and she just snapped in a way. >> steve: well, listen, i think ultimately, for the bidens, it is an existential threat to their survival because i think joe thinks as well as he can that if he is not president, he can't protect his family. >> ainsley: exactly, talking about hunter? >> steve: well, you know what? he knows and we have heard this from the hunter team that they feel like republicans if they could would go after hunter. and that's why. >> ainsley: they probably.
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were there he has done politics his entire life. >> steve: i think joe worries about his whole family and the peril they could be if donald trump and republicans return to power in the administration. so it's like i'm not going to listen to anybody, because i'm doing this for, not for america but for my family. >> lawrence: he has already said it's not about winning. he wanted to do the best that he can. i have never heard a political candidate say i just want to do the best -- this is stuff we tell our children we do our best. not from the presidency. >> ainsley: i was shocked by his answer too. his answer was i am going to win. i'm not worried about not winning. >> steve: we're going to be discussing this throughout tuesday morning. as the president's health intensifies he faces a major test at the start of the nato sum hit in our nation's capital. madeleine rivera is live in washington. >> the president himself set the stakes for the nato summit. he said in his exclusive interview with abc anchor george
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stephanopoulos the conference would be a good way to judge him. the days ahead will be filled with meetings, speeches and dinners. this will be the president's first time meeting with allied leaders since the debate. national security council spokesperson john kirby says is he not picking up concern from allies after the president's performance. that is despite reports like this one from the "wall street journal" during the g-7 summit two years ago, the outlet states german officials aware of biden's fatigue at night sought to accommodate the president by planning a june 2022 event with the german chancellor olaf schultz or in the early evenings biden didn't show, surprising the chancellor and his aides instead biden had go to bed. they said he never made that statement. senate majority whip dick durbin staunch biden ally says the president's debate performance raised questions and montana
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snearnlt senator jon tester says president biden has got to prove to the american people, including me that, he is up to the job for another four years. house democrats are also holding a super secret caucus meeting this mornings. they are expected to talk about the party's divide over the president's re-election prospects. steve, ainsley and lawrence? >> steve: as soon as they do then the leaking will start. all right, madeleine, thank you very much. >> ainsley: thank you. turning to more headlines for you. with a fox weather alert. bedroom still causing a lot of chaos in texas it moves into the midwest as a tropical depression now. the storm leaving at least seven people dead and more than 2 million without power. beryl made landfall as a cat 1 south of houston blasting the coast with 90 mile-per-hour winds and life-threatening storm surges. multiple tornadoes reported in texas and louisiana houses like you are seeing here and uprooting trees. high risk of even more twisters today. shocking video shows dozens of people confronting a person of
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interest in a new york city homicide cases on monday. one man even appears to throw a punch as police were trying to take the suspect into custody. the victim's mother was part of that angry mob, officers say her 31-year-old daughter's body was found stuffed inside a sleeping bag and left next to a pile of trash on friday. the victim had been shot in the headed faa launching an investigation after know boeing plan losing laf lost one of its main landing gear tires yesterday morning. the flight did continue on landing safely in denver. united releasing a statement saying quote the wheel has been recovered in los angeles and we are investigating what caused this event. this is the second boeing plane to have lost the tire in the last four months. remember one flew into the parking lot and landed on a car. former president trump is hitting the campaign trail today in south florida alongside vp con tender marco rubio. and trump is still weighing his
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options ahead of next week's republican national convention. >> i haven't made a final decision. but i have some ideas as to where we are going. and a little bit, you know, we wanted to see what they're doing to be honest. because, you know, it might make it difference. i don't know. i'm not sure that it would. there are those that say trump is waiting until he finds out what is going to happen with crooked joe biden. and we'll see what happens with biden. but, you know, i think probably within the next week, we and a half. probably some time, i would love to do it during the convention. >> ainsley: "the washington post" reports the top three contenders for vp are marco rubio. ohio senator j.d. vance and north dakota governor doug burgum. >> steve: so it will be interesting to see who is going to be at the convention, who the president says "you're hired." axios has a it alludes to what the president said soundbite waiting to see what happens with crooked joe biden. essentially what axios is saying because of biden's problems.
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the former president can pick a vice presidential candidate who he likes personally rather than just somebody who helps him politically for whatever reason as has historically been the case. the one who aligns with him the best is probably j.d. vance. although marco rubio is going to appear with him today but j.d. vance is closer to the maga movement than the other two. >> lawrence: i think if the president wants a landslide victory. anyone that feels like can give him any additional points, i am of the opinion the president has already decided on who he wants to pick. is he just waiting. >> steve: absolutely. >> lawrence: waiting for the right media cycle to announce that person. >> ainsley: interesting they narrowed it down. "the washington post," right? those three individuals, because what about tim scott? he was in the running a week ago. ben carson, too. you said he started following him recently. >> steve: he did. >> ainsley: now doing this rally in florida dural with ruby.
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>> steve: could be the night of the convention we are all in milwaukee, ladies and gentlemen the next vice president tulsi gabbard. come on up. >> lawrence: let me tell if you joe biden didn't do so bad. i many under a the impression we would know this week. >> ainsley: yeah. donald trump stayed quiet. okay. i will let this media cycle run its course. >> ainsley: smart he said for the next week i'm not announcing. i want the narrative to be on joe biden not who is my vp. >> steve: and it has been. >> ainsley: we have a fox weather alert. heat wave across the u.s. shattering records now as death valley hits 128 degrees.ame >> lawrence: plus, hurricane berypharl pummeling texas, janis tracking it all. i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works.
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>> janice: a lot of folks don't have air conditioning up there and they have been dealing with heat alerts for weeks now. and today is you know, very alarming excessive heated warnings throughout the week until sunday. record highs for seattle 94. portland 103. reno, nevada, las vegas. so yes it gets hot out west, especially across the southwest, but this is extreme and long lasting. set up area of hire, very stubborn. that is going to expand eastward over the next several days. another big concern where we had our hurricane made landfall yesterday we have 2 million people without power. heat alerts. heat indices over 100 degrees. that's very concerning if they don't get the power and air conditioning up and running, there is the forecast. remnants of beryl moving across the ohio river valley, northeast. could see weather, including tornadoes, we will cover all of it throughout "fox & friends"
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and fox as well. lawrence, back to you. >> got us covered. president biden's doctor trying to explain why top neurologist and parkinson's' expert visited 8 times in 8 months. dr. kevin o'connor saying quote dr. ken canard visited president biden for physicals. his findings have been made public for each time and released the annual physical. president biden has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical. it comes as house republicans accused him of shady ties. demanding he testify. fox news contributor jason chaffetz joins us now. jason, this is just -- it all seems shady. >> well, the white house has zero credibility for karine jean-pierre to go up to the microphone and try to answer those questions. she makes the situation worse because it was just two weeks ago they were telling us hey, these are cheap fakes.
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and we have been able to see it with our own eyes over the course of years. the media has never asked tough questions until now. they haven't been doing their job either. so, fortunately, the oversight committee, james comer has called for trind interview and that doctor get to come to capitol hill and answer questions from both sides of the aisle. >> lawrence: so the interesting thing is we have been following this, the divide within the democratic party. it seems like you have people coming out, and saying that they want joe biden to step aside. but then they started to change, it seems to be some wavering going on. this is a little bit about the divide with the dems, watch. >> publicly, the day after the debate and i support president joe biden, the democratic ticket, my position has not changed. >> your statement said you thought there was problems. >> my statement speaks for itself. >> joe biden is our nominee.
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he is not leaving this race. he is in this race and i support him. >> do you have concerns about president biden? >> no comment, really. >> joe biden is our president. we're going to support him. >> a lot of folks are raising some questions. at the end of the day we have got to beat donald trump. >> do you think he can do this for four more years after what you saw in the debate? >> yes. >> i think we have to be honts with our is the situation is not getting better. frankly, it's getting worse. >> lawrence: jason, i guess my point is when you look at the governors, when you look at the house, there has been some rumor or some leaks saying that people want him to step aside in large they are staying with him. >> they are all going to be on the ballot with him. every one of those house members gets to be on the election ballot with joe biden. they will get questions from the media and their constituents are you supportive of the president is he capable of doing the job. the problem with joe biden is he is not meeting with the members of congress. is he not assuaging their
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concerns by meeting with them one-on-one. he hasn't done that for a few years now. and joe biden hasn't had a solo press conference since november of 2023. so there is only so long joe bijillbiden can get up there anl and screen scream. president has to do this and he is not willing to do it. you would think that the democrats would join republicans issuing that hur report where is the audio? they should be joining republicans in expressing the desire to hear the audio of the hur report. >> lawrence: we just showed you the big wall. i think it was 8 on the wall. how do you only have 8 after that debate performance and after the leaks that are coming behind closed doors saying that he is only up for a certain period of time or he needs to go to bed early? is he canceling meetings. got jill in the oval office. but only 8? don't ever talk about the republicans being in lock step with donald trump after j 6 after only 8 people can condemn
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the president. jason, thanks so much for joining the program. >> thanks, lawrence. >> lawrence: so today president biden will try to calm nato allies' concerns. but is it too little too late, former president trump thinks so. >> we're not respected anywhere in the world. he is not respected. and if we're not careful we are going to be right in the middle of world war iii. ♪ for moms, from centrum. ♪ (this new mom here i go) ♪ ♪ (i am strong and brave) ♪ ♪ (i know) ♪ ♪ (with a little time for me) ♪ ♪ (no doubt i'll get through) ♪ ♪ (loving me is loving you) ♪
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anymore. but president biden is going to try to calm concerns at home and abroad today with a speech to open the three-day nato summit that starts in washington. john kirby had a little something to say about that yesterday. >> how does he plan to reassure american allies in nato that he is up for the job now when he couldn't confront trump on stage then. >> i think your question presupposes the notion they need to be areassured of america's commitment and president biden's commitment. i don't believe that's the case. we are not picking that up from our allies at all. quite contrary. they are excited about this summit and the possibilities and the things we're going to be doing together. >> steve: okay. co-chair of america first policy institute center for american security and fox news contributor retired lieutenant general keith kellogg joins us now. general, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. thanks for having me. >> steve: you bet. so you have john kirby the admirable right th admiral.
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he hasn't heard about any of the world leaders worried about joe biden. however, politico it, sounds like talked to 20 insiders who are going to be at the nato summit. and the allies essentially are worried after the debate performance whether joe biden can finish his term. what's going on with that? >> yeah. well, look. when you look a chance to meet with over 160 foreign ministers, defense ministers and ambassadors since november trump. what is happening with president biden. president trump last night when he talked about potential for world war 3, steve. that's not hyperbole. when you look at what is happening. in europe, that's a major war. a couple data points. the russian army in the field, numbers in ukraine, numbers range of 460,000. the entire united states army is 440,000. when you look at the losses,
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they left afghanistan, russians, the soviets lost 15,000 got out of afghanistan. they have lost over 300,000 in the field right now. and they are expanding the war. they are bringing north korean troops are coming in to ukraine. call them engineering units. i don't necessarily buy that they be bringing that in. unrestricted warfare and president trump. the only guy that can bring this to a conclusion. this war is actually president trump. i think the nato allies and the leaders understand that. they know that's not going to happen with president biden. look, president biden has not talked to vladimir putin in two years. i don't care how are. you have to talk to not only friends. you have to talk to adversaries and they have got to bring this war to a conclusion. >> >> steve: sure. one of the things, general, is the fact that the united states has always been pretty much since the get-go we have been a super power over the last 100 years or so. and when people look at joe biden. particularly after that, you know, that crazy debate about 10
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days ago. they go, that's america's strong guy? that's the guy running america? that's it? >> yeah. look. let's go back to the federalist papers. back when we were forming the constitution. and alexander hamilton was asked a question and he wrote in the federalist papers. what is one of the key attributes of a leader of a national leader? and he said energy. and he was talking both intellectual energy physical energy. go back to the start of our republic and what was essential for a commander-in-chief. you can't have a part time commander-in-chief. i cannot tell you, steve, how many times we had to wake the president up, president trump up in the middle of the night to have a decision. and he was right on it right away. look, that time when we killed soleimani, we woke him up in the middle of the night. we got an answer. that was on the first of januar. on the third of january, 2020. soleimani was dead. that was a quick decision, a hard decision made nut middle of the night. so that's the kind of attributes
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you want as a commander-in-chief. that's what the world wants to have. and that's what these leaders who are coming together today in the nato summit want to sees a well. there is a real question that they have got and the world has got can this guy, president biden actually do the job other than just five or six hours a day. >> steve: yeah, no kidding. because the president himself said look, i don't want to do anything after #:00. oh, sorry. so it's no longer the presidential daily briefing. it's more like a while you were sleeping memo that they give him first thing in the morning. all right. general kellogg, thank you very much for joining us today. >> thanks, steve. thanks for having me. >> steve: let's see how things turn out nato summit kicks off today. meanwhile, it might not be exactly the iron man suit -- >> and 3, 2, 1.
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>> steve: well, that's just a movie. in real life the united states military is now working on an ai-powered super soldier. the advancement on this week's tech tuesday coming up. ♪ r, johnny morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club.
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>> ainsley: three high ranking administrators at columbia university are being removed from their post after officials say they sent anti-semitic text messages during a jewish student forum. brooke has the latest for us. >> columbia university officials sent a letter to the campus community on monday saying the message is, quote, disturbingly touched on ancient anti-semitic tropes. using vomit emojis and saying i'm going to throw up while referring to a campus rabbi sounding the alarm about the anti-semitism at the university. the three columbia administrators involved kristin crumb the dean of undergraduate student life. matthew, formerly the associate dean. and susan chang kim the vice dean and administrative officer. the school's president describing these messages as unacceptable and deeply
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unsettling conveying a lack of seriousness about the concerns and experiences of members of our jewish community as of this morning. the administrators are still employed by the university, but they have been placed on indefinite leave and they will not be returning to their previous jobs. all three declined to comment. ainsley? >> ainsley: okay. thank you so much, brooke. it might not be an iron man suit but soon military operators might be fighting with artificial intelligence on their side. the military's hyper enabled operator program is developing ai assistance for individual soldiers to make better decisions on the battlefield and most importantly bring our troops home safely. so will ai powered soldiers be the next great arm's race. we are asking kurt the cyberguy. hey, kurt. >> hey, ainsley, good morning to you. the actor robert. >> ainsley: go for it. just explain all this to us. >> kurt: actor robert downy junior this morning played the character tony hawkeye in the movie "iron man" donned a suit armor against anything coming at
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him. the military was working on that. and now they are switching to what that had helmet did ai powered tackle assistant for soldiers now in the works for u.s. it's called the hyper enabled operator or heo for those in the know. technology designed for special ops forces in the future. ai powered guidance could help protect soldiers during special ops and questionable gray zones that sit between real dangerous areas and safe zones they have to get into. it's like a real life iron man dom life here complete with sensing and edge computing takes the data in from multiple sources at once to help make rapid decisions and honestly, this thing, if it's true. when with it comes out, could make all the difference in the field. >> ainsley: all right. we support it then if it will bring our troops home safely. in new york state, there is a story out this morning, they are trying to help older people who are lone lib by giving them free robot friends, tell us more about this and what these robots can do. >> all right.
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at first i thought it was kind of the joke and gimmicky and not really helpful, but it turns out they are very helpful. we already knew that the more our brains remain engaged as we get older the better off we are cognitively. the state of new york is figuring that out as well. leq is the name of the social robot that helps older adults live independently at home. leq voices of sound light movement suggest activities, music, play games, read news, or do you want to video call a friend or someone in your family. it's an artificial companion, 95% of the people in the initial pilot of this say they actually feel less lonely. that's a big advancement. working for those. six years has me a little concerned why do they need that for six years? we got our eye on this. it's got some pros and cons to
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it. also, ainsley we continue to track a story about dangers to your iphone and a new threat that's affecting 1.4 billion people. find that at >> ainsley: when you send text messages do not click on that and give information. those robots tell them when to take their medicine which can be very helpful. >> ainsley: thank you so much, kurt. very interesting. hand it over to carley for more headlines. >> carley: michigan man lucky to be alive after a truck smashed into his home just inches from where he was sitting. hid everything here and got to garage. i got the new life today. authorities investigating the track droid suck bushes. they believe the driver suffered a medical emergency. no word on their can be. check out this wild video of an intense boat fire in northern california. two people and a dog were able
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to escape the 45-foot boat by jumping ship. a good samaritan eventually plucked them out of the san francisco bay. the cause of that fire is still unclear. ainsley, over to you. a you thank you so much, carley, more "fox & friends" just moments away. ♪ dance, dance, dance, dance ♪ creeping up on you
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