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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 9, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> good morning, everyone. 7:00 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, jerusalem 9th. this is "fox & friends." desperate house democrats set to meet behind closed doors in less than two hours as anxiety mounts or biden's campaign. and former president trump slams the media for failing to the cover the president's decline. >> well, they cover for him. and they still are sort of covering. but now it's getting very difficult to do that. obviously, he has been sheltered by the fake news media. >> ainsley: rnc co-chair lara trump will join us this how. >> lawrence: biden's physician writes a letter late last night trying to explain why the top neurologist reportedly visited 8 times in eight months after chaos erupted inside the briefing room. >> a direct question. >> hold on, hold on, wait. wait, wait a second. there is no reason to get back -- go back and forth nah
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gretchen way. >> miffed around here about how the information has been shared with the press corps. >> steve: go ed. and nervous white house aides aren't the only ones sweating this morning. a heat waive shattering records, janice tracks the maps. looks like too hot to play pickleball today. just about killed me yesterday. second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now! ♪ >> lawrence: all right. buckle up. fox news alert. in less than two hours. house democrats will meet behind closed doors as questions and concerns about president biden's health intensify. >> and senate democrats are preparing to meet for the first time since the debate as the commander-in-chief faces a major test at the start of the nato summit in washington gillian turner has more from the white house from this tuesday morning. gillian, good morning. >> good morning, it is a big day for president biden on the world stage, foreign leaders right now as we speak are converging on
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the nation's capitol for the nato summit. they are all jockeying for facetime with president biden. here at home is he facing what we all know could well be an existential crisis take a look at report out there politico this morning. lawmakers, even some with biden are harboring serious doubts about their nominee in private according to interviews with more than 30 folks on capitol hill. there is widespread anxiety over which route would be worse. sticking with biden or, instead, trying to toss him out. now, among democrats, opinions about where exactly biden's campaign should go from here, do appear split. listen. >> day after the debate and i support president joe biden, the democratic ticket. my position has not changed. >> statement said you thought there was a problem here. >> my statement speaks for itself. >> he is not leaving this race. he is in this race and i support him. >> do you have concerns about
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president biden? >> no commented, really. >> joe biden is our president and we're going to support him. >> at the end of the day we have got to beat donald trump. >> well, then there are leaks like this, not helping the president. from the "wall street journal." they report german officials biden's fatigue at night sought to accommodate the president by planning a june 2022 event with german chancellor, olaf scholz in the early evening, biden didn't show surprising chancellor and his aides. instead secretary of state antony blinken arrived biden had to go to bed according to two people who were there. the state department says that is not true. it never happened. either way, biden is going to see the chancellor this week. is he going to kick off the nato summit later this afternoon about 5:00, 5:30. he will deliver opening or welcome remarks to all the delegation those are now here in washington. back to you guys. >> lawrence: you know, gillian, you are at the white house in a different capacity now. but you were once at the white house with the national security
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council. and i'm just curious how do you feel when you see all these reports coming out. i'm sure you are in washington. you are covering it. to have auto to breech a president described this way. what do you make of it. >> gillian: well, all i can tell you, lawrence, is that getting the president briefed up ahead of a nato summit like this is a herculean task. there are literally hundreds of people involved. putting together his briefing materials. the hope and the belief in the faith among staff is always that the president is going to receive that information, think it over, digest it, give it a lot of time before he gets, you know, gays to face with other foreign heads of stated like is he going to be doing in rapid succession over the next couple of days, president biden has much bigger fish to fry though at the moment as we all know. is he fighting right now what could be this existential fight to continue his candidacy. >> steve: indeed. all right, gillian, thank you very much. so, house dems are going to meet
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offsite. not at their regular headquarters today. and then have a lunch with the senate democrats. what's interesting, she cited one of the stories in politico this morning. also, apparently, a -- what they are going to do at these meetings, they are going to go okay, how does everybody feel about joe biden? you all saw him. this is the first time a lot of the them have seen each other sings the debate. and so one of the things they are going to do is well, we have done some polling politico got a look at the polling and what they are going to presents today. donald trump beats joe biden 43-42. interesting according to their polling and done by a democratic pollster. kamala harris beats donald trump by one. 42-41. a third of democrats do not think that joe biden is fit to be president of the united states. what's interesting.
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they also tested all the other people we have been talking about. newsom finishes behind trump. whitmer finishes behind trump. but do you know who beats trump? hillary clinton they tested hillary clinton. hillary clinton would get 43% to trump's 41. >> lawrence: run her, again. >> steve: if hillary clinton selected kamala harris as the vice president, the current state of the race is, hillary and harris 43 and trump 40. these are some of the numbers they are going to present to the democrats to try to force joe biden out today. >> ainsley: i don't even trust that joe biden beat donald trump before. why wouldn't they keep him. hillary clinton lost to donald trump. maybe times have changed i don't know. but i can't see her winning. >> i'm telling you this is some of the data i read another poll that said he beat both of them. trump would beat biden and kamala. trump was on with sean
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hannity last night. this is the first time he has been on because. >> lawrence: since the debate. he was smart not to do it. hasn't released the vice president yet. lay low and let everyone talking about what is happening with joe biden. here is he talking business records, his fears of world war iii if biden wins and if biden steps aside. listen. >> prepared for him but i don't think it's going to matter. we have -- we had a great four years. our border was the strongest ever. our economy pre-covid was incredible. the best ever. took out the worst terrorists in the world. and defeated isis. and that was a big thing i was told it would take five years and it took us a couple of months. we are heading into world war iii in my opinion with this man semi running things. because he is not running things. >> sean: what do you make of all the talk that if biden steps aside or is pushed out that it would be vice president harris? >> i think it will be her. i think they are very concerned about the vote if it's not her.
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they are very, very -- i mean they are gun-shy. they don't want to do it any other way. i have actually come to believe that's what they're going to do. i think she is an ineffective person. >> lawrence: if you look at the former president, he is incredibly calm right now. is he kind of just letting this happen in the moment. not staring up -- not doing press conferences and rallies right now. because there is really no need to, especially when you have got the convention coming up. it's interesting, when you look at democrats right now, and you listen to some of the pundits that want biden to stay, they have this new line that you're not just voting for the presidency, but you are voting for the executive office. meaning the staff as well. so, even if joe biden is unfit, you're voting for the people who help guide him. the administration, and from their view, steve, this administration has been successful. so you can still get your
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progressive policies with this administration, even though the president is unwell. >> steve: do you know what? america didn't vote for the staff. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> steve: america, joe biden wound up with more electoral votes. he is the one. what is troubling though for a lot of people we saw him 10 days ago. that thursday night with the debate down in atlanta. and he was terrible. everybody knows. and the retort and what they resort to on the democratic side is well he had one bad day. well, you know what? how do we know that? to a lot of people in the "wall street journal" reporting this morning is such that he has had pretty much a bad year behind the scenes. and it brings up if joe biden is not running the country, who is it? we have heard about some of the advisers. this morning we kind of focused in on jill biden the first lady because yesterday in north carolina, i think it was. joe's in. and i'm in. which is curious. and i was -- i got text from one
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of my doctor friends who reminded me given what we have seen of joe biden in public, regarding, perhaps, his capacity, kind of reminds my doctor friend of edith wilson. edith wilson was woodrow wilson's first lady. after r. after he had a couple of strokes, first lady who pretty much ran the show it appears jill biden who yesterday was very vital. went to three different states over just a couple of days, she is running the country. >> ainsley: a lot of his advisers helping her. he has been in politics whole life. tough time for their family. they are probably thinking well, what do you do? you hear when people retire they have to go back to work miss working and spinning their wheels. she is probably thinking what happens if he drops out? what about to our family? what happens to hunter biden if
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donald trump wins and so they are fighting for this. she says if my husband's in, i'm in with him. trump was being interviewed as we just showed you on sean hannity's show last night. and he made a good point about the media. you know, they have attacked him, gone after him, year after year. tried to throw him in jail. you know, all these different court cases. >> steve: still trying. >> ainsley: all these court cases and now for the first time we are seeing the media going after joe biden because they can't cover for him anymore after the debate. listen. >> it really was that way right from the start. right from the moment they introduced us and then they introduced him and introduced me and walked out. he looked extremely pale to put it nicely. i don't know, maybe it was a good makeup job or maybe it wasn't. but he was a very pale looking man. and when he started to speak i don't know i thought his voice was weak. i don't know exactly what was
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happening. it was strange. they cover for him and they still have sort of covering. now it's getting very difficult to do it. you know, it looks to me like he may very well stay in. he has got an ego. he doesn't want to quit. he doesn't want to do that it looks to me that's what he wants. i think jill would like to see him stay. she is having a good time. i notice she always seems to be having a good time. i'm hearing that hunter is calling the shots. so this isn't necessarily a very positive thing for our country. but, i think he -- you know, might very well stay in. if he does. nobody wants to give that up that way. he is going to feel badly about himself for a long time. it's hard to give it up that way. the way where they are trying to force him out. so, i mean, you really have to speak his doctors. but, obviously, he has been sheltered by the fake news media. that's why they call it the fake news. >> lawrence: well, i think the president is right. and i think the outrage that you are seeing in the briefing
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lately, because, remember, it was only peter doocy and a couple others asking tough questions in the briefings room before. the debate. i think the media feels embarrassed. i think they are embarrassed and their readers, their viewers are saying you guys knew. there was a report from the new yorker said sat on the story since january that they knew, o ---the editors didn't green light him until after the debate? then the report she says that the reason these things take time. but why the rush now? why the rush with all of these leaks and all of this information when you guys have seen the president more than us, the american public, and you don't do any type of reporting on this? any of it? and so i think there is great umbrage when it comes to the press now because it's out. the american people have seen it. and all of the lies that the staff were telling the press behind the scenes that is not true.
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i don't think they are buying it anymore. >> steve: well, one of the problems is, you know, yesterday, it blew up in the brady briefing room because kjp was not helping the president. the job of the press secretary is to protect the president ultimately. but she just stonewalled to the point where now we have got more questions because we don't know enough about you, know, she left so many plates spinning, nobody has any idea what she was talking about. had the president simply gone downstairs i was watching this upstairs. i went down. let me answer your questions, but he can't. one of the reason the press is angry, i feel, their inside sources for the last year or two have been saying trust me, behind the scenes is he sharp as a tack, we know that's not true. >> steve: they were lied to. >> lawrence: the press secretary yesterday said the president did an interview after our show he did an interview where he called. in and the president, she says
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that he had no notes. we could hear -- we could hear the papers changing in the middle of the interview. and he said. >> steve: i'm reading off a list of lies. >> ainsley: they came out and said no, no, he didn't have notes. >> lawrence: no, he didn't. >> ainsley: let's bring in dr. janette nesheiwat she is a physician, emergency medical doctor. good morning to you dr. nesheiwat. >> good morning. >> ainsley: what responsibility does his doctor have? what responsibility does his family have? i remember when my great grandmother had alzheimer's and they said she either needs a nurse living with her or sell the house and put her somewhere. grandfather sick. not allowed to drive anymore. take the keys. tough decisions as a elm if a. in this situation we are talking about the president of the united states. is he run owrg country. we heard, sorry for a long question. we heard general kellogg say when they killed soleimani, it was in the middle of the night. 2:00 a.m. so what responsibility does the family have and the doctor have to make some of this information
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public? >> you're absolutely right, ainsley. the health of our president is critical to know. and it matters now more than ever. because there are diseases and injuries, illnesses influence the decisions they make and have a direct impact on all of americans and on a global stage. so they have a responsibility and duty to americans, number one. and also the family has a responsibility and duty to their father, to their husband, to the president. it's important to diagnose and get it right to get it right to determine what does he have and begin the treatment right away. otherwise, his symptoms, his disease, whatever it is that he is going through can worsen. so you want to diagnose it early so you can britain treatment early whether it's medications or whether it's physical therapy or close monitoring. you want to know so you can begin the treatment and try to stabilize his situation. >> steve: sure. >> i think we are all distracted by the fact that we hear the word parkinson's, a specialist that's been visiting the white house. i think that's distraction from
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the big picture. now, what are we seeing? remember, what are we seeing with president biden? we are seeing me memo memory los and confusion, problems with his movement. slow movement, brady kin nearby shah. speech and thinking, could all of that be a part of parkinson's could it be louie body ghen have a or vascular dementia or early autonomous zone disease or simple cognitive impairment for some people could be part of normal aging the problem is we don't know and how do we find out? >> steve: and how do we find out? will dementia he has to stop being president right that second. his personal doctor. dr. kevin o'connor put out a statement last night puzzling what saying yesterday at the briefing. put out this clarification which
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is still kind of broad, dr. nesheiwat. dr. cannard, that's the neurologist, neurological specialist examined president biden for each of his annual physicals. his findings have been made public each time i have released the results of the president's annual physical. president biden has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical saw a neurologist as part of the physical. dr. nesheiwat, isn't it malpractice for his personal doctor to see that performance and not say hey, you know, maybe we should do some other tests. >> yeah, think think a are doing them but withholding that information. what i would do if i had a patient presenting like the president is, number one, i would repeat an examination six months ago was the last examine. that's a long time for an
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81-year-old. first thing i would do if he were my patient complete, physical, mental and neurological examination which includes a mini mental status examination. then i would consider some simple blood work to check for maybe hormone deficiency, thyroid deficiency, vitamin or mineral deficiency or other type of disease like wilson's disease excess of copper, for example. needs to consider imaging. there are specialized imaging brain scans that check for dome mean activity or maybe signs of a stroke or tumor or infection. there are tests that can be done. he is the president of the united states and he has full access to all of those tests. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> i think they are being conducted and that information is being withheld and a duty to share that information with america because we have an election coming up and we want to choose someone that is strong, that is a good leader, that is coherent and. >> steve: healthy. >> make the right decisions for us and our country. >> lawrence: doc, such a good
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point. we have a country right now and is the president up for the job. i get the impression from the white house that they're much like lawyer speak, they are giving us doctor speak. the stuff that average americans. we don't understand they are speaking in cryptic language and appears like they are evading real answers to -- i don't like it at all. doc,thank you so much for joining the program. >> thank you, guys. have a great day. >> ainsley: thank you. >> steve: i don't know. i don't think they are testing him because if the tests came back and it's like yep, is he positive for this that's it. they can't hide that. >> ainsley: can a doctor live with himself if he is not testing his patient for what. >> steve: you would have to talked to the doctor. it's frustrating why so much boiling over in the briefing room. >> ainsley: surely they have to be testing him. if it were your loved one you would test them. if they had something maybe there is medicine can you give them that would help them or if
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they had a disease you could cure it. surely they have to be testing him. >> lawrence: do they care more about the politics. >> ainsley: the power. >> lawrence: politics and power or do do they care about their loved one. carley. >> carley: questions people are asking. and there is a lot going on with national security. today house and homeland security members will take part in a classified briefing on possible terror threats on our southwest border. the meeting comes in response to a report that at least 400 illegal immigrants came -- have crossed the border can the help of an isis linked smuggling network. also comes after the arrest of 8 men from tajikistan who reportedly have ties to isis-k. in massachusetts. time is up for more than 100 migrants living at boston's logan airport. the migrants have been sleeping on the floor there for the past few months. after state shelters hit max capacity. some those migrants will be
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inspector general to a new shelter the state is opening at a former prison. and we are now learning that the head of the largest teacher's union in the country visited the white house 24 times since president biden took office. now, you might remember her from this viral speech delivered just last week. >> voters are depending on us to win to all the things! nea we have to win all the thing! all the thing! all thes! >> becky pringle attended several white house events in 2021, 2022, and even met with president biden one-on-one in 2022 as well. and she now believes they have to win. nailed it steve. >> lawrence: she wanted to be a preacher she could have went to seminary. maybe she shouldn't be in the classroom. >> ainsley: she is over one of the teacher's unions. the other one.
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>> steve: randy weingarten. >> ainsley: that is running our schools two ladies. >> lawrence: as scramble to biden's future the republicans are gearing up for milwaukee. >> ain ains highly anticipate you had convention as the veepstakeson e continues. >> steve: morning. jus so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. what's up, you seem kinda sluggish today. things aren't really movin'. you could use some metamucil. metamucil's psyllium fiber helps keep your digestive system moving so you can feel lighter and more energetic.
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steve let's talk weather. more than 156 million people across the united states are under heat alerts this morning in new york city. could be at your house too. records broken all across the country. on the west coast, four people near portland, oregon have died from suspected heat-related illnesses. and in california a motorcycle list died from heat exposure in death valley. temperatures topped out 129 degrees this weekend. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean. janice, very active hurricane season and now a very active hot season. >> yeah. absolutely. and some of the areas that are without power across texas are going to be into the 100-degree zone when it comes to humidity and heat combined. look at the west. this has been a story for weeks now. and temperatures at least 10 to 20 degrees above average. i know it gets hot in the summertime.
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but this is excessive heat. and it's long duration. so you have got millions of people under excessive heat warnings, heat watches and heat advisories all the way up to the northwest, death valley, we were talking about that. 127 for the next couple of days and then finally the heat will break, so to speak as we get into sunday and monday phoenix, average daytime high this time of year is 107, way above averages for the next few days as we mentioned we have millions of people across southeast, texas, 2.3 million without power after that hurricane moved through. it's crossing over arkansas, up towards the ohio valley in the next 24 to 36 hours, heat alerts for all of these people without power. temperatures are going to feel well over 100 degrees that's very concerning. here's your forecast today. the remnants of beryl moving across the ohio valley up towards the northeast, and then, of course, the heat is going to be "the big story." even across the east coast. where it's going to feel not
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only, the temperatures in the 90's, well over 100 degrees with the heat index combined. all right. ainsley, we will continue to keep you up to date. fox for all of your latest. >> ainsley: very hot in some of those places. death valley, thank you so much. thanks, janice. president trump ripping into president biden's record on the border as we are now a week away from the 2024 republican convention in milwaukee. >> well, we have to fix it fast. what they are doing is the illegal migrants that are pouring into our countries, many of them are staying in luxury hotels all over our country. they are being ships up. you know, as we say now, every state is a border state. whether it's idaho or iowa or ohio, it doesn't make any difference. they are all border. because they are pouring through our country. >> ainsley: and the trump campaign and rnc announcing a day-by-day themed program centered on making america wealthy, safe, strong, and great once again.
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here with more, republican national committee co-chair lara trump, good morning to you, lara. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: i know we are gearing up to head to milwaukee over the weekend to report on monday. you will be there, obviously. tell us what the themes are, what the lineup is, and what we can expect. >> yeah. well, look. these themes reflect, i think, the concerns of the american people. and what they are talking about right now at their kitchen table. bring inflation and gas prices down. bring us back our energy independence. make america safe again. ainsley, you just heard the southern border is a disaster everybody state is a border state people across this country impact communities. the fact we have crime skyrocketing all over this country. make america strong again. we want to have our standing back on the world stage.
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we want peace agreements, not wars around the world. we know who brought this to us and we know who brought us american greatness. it was donald trump. those are the th themes of our convention because we know these are the big concerns the american people have right now. i think the incredible thing, ainsley, as we head into next week is really the wind that is in donald trump's sails. and in our sails as a party. you have never seen a more united republican party than we have right now. it is in stark contrast to what is going on on the other side of the aisle. they are fractured and in disarray on the other side of the aisle. talking about whether they have to get rid of joe biden. the 25th amendment. they are going to ask him to step down. there is a whole host of problems they have on that side of the aisle. you could not have more different candidates in donald trump and joe biden in two different visions for the future of this country. that is what we are going to highlight next week. >> ainsley: i know he is going
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to be down in dural in miami for this rally later today. and he is asking marco rubio to join him or marco rubio probably volunteered to join him. wants to be down there to support donald trump. is that an indication that he will be the vp choice? >> i would tell everybody to tune in to the rally in durrell and this weekend as well in butler, pennsylvania. maybe you will get some hints there what can i confirm is that we do have a slot for the vp nominee alongside donald trump to speak before he does. in the days before donald trump does at our convention here in milwaukee next week. so, look, as donald trump always does, he is ever the showman. he will keep everyone waiting. but he may give you some hints over the course of the next week. so pay attention. stay tuned and i would say tune in to those rallies. >> ainsley: let me make sure i have got, this whoever the vp is going to be they will speak before donald trump at the convention on monday? >> they will be speaking in one of the days leading up to donald
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trump's acceptance of our party's nomination. that will be in the days before. >> ainsley: will j.d. vance, tim scott, and youngkin speak? if we keep checking the boxes. >> you stroll stay tuned, ainsley. come check out our convention. it will be exciting. i promise. >> ainsley: thank you so much for being here and waking up early. >> thank you. >> ainsley: see you next week. thank you. some senate democrats reportedly strategizing on how to oust president biden as biden vows to push on. we are asking two democrats what they think. ♪ goodbye ruby tuesday ♪ who could have hang a name on you ♪ when you change with every new day ♪ still i'm going to miss you ♪
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>> steve: today, democrat senators meeting for the first time since joe biden's disastrous debate reportedly set to huddle about president biden's future amid growing calls for him to drop out. but, biden, as you saw yesterday, insisting he is not going anywhere, urging top democratic donors in a call to move on past the debate and stand with him. former obama economic adviser robert wolf was on that call. is he screen right there. and he joins us right now. along with democrat strategist doug schoen, guys, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> robert, i read that somebody else on the call said essentially joe biden took four questions from people on the call. and his message was i'm in it and people need to get off my back, period. >> yeah. listen, i would look at yesterday as a day that
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president biden won. he went on offense this whole wave of naysayers didn't take place in washington. if anything, just the opposite happened. you had hakeem jeffries show support. the congressional black caucus. congressional hispanic caucus. wes moore, governor gavin newsom, governor josh shapiro. donor call excellent. any time have you ad hoc call with 400 people listening and president to chime in that's a win. and now three days of nato where he has the best bully pulpit the president can have as commander-in-chief. i would be on the other side of what happened yesterday. i know the media is in frenzy. but i would call yesterday a winning day for the democrats. steve doug, if the media is in a frenzy, it's because we all have eyes and we all saw how bad joe biden was a couple of thursdays ago. you say it's not a question of if he is going to quit but when.
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>> yeah. i say that, steve, because the polling is showing inexorable decline across the country. even more palpable decline in the swing states. it's becoming very clear to me that joe biden can not win. democrats are afraid all the way from the top to the bottom of the ticket that if biden gets beaten badly, there will be a blowout. and i'm picking up from my democratic sources notwithstanding what bob wolf says, that there is a lot of restiveness at the grassroots particularly among elected officials who believe he may bring them and the party down. so i don't think it's by any means decided that biden will be the candidate. i think more likely it's a question of when he goes, not if. >> steve: doug, bob a moment ago mentioned the congressional black caucus. you say you told one of our
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producers that one of the reasons the cbc is supporting joe is because they have an ulterior motive. >> the way i put it is if joe biden doesn't maintain his candidacy, which is as i said is highly likely, kamala harris is the likely nominee. i think the black caucus led my steven horseberg who i know who has been a client friend of mine for many years. understands staying by joe biden now is tactically smart and should he pull out, as i expect him to. that will leave the black caucus and hopefully in their minds the rest of the democratic party to embrace kamala harris. i think it's a smart move by them. >> steve: all right. robert, i'm going to give you the final word. and i hope you talk a little bit about the fact that james carville is in the "new york times" today and is he talking
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about how you know, joe biden has got to go and essentially we need a plan. and here's one. what he is suggesting is having a mini primary where you have four big town halls across the country. and you got bill clinton and you got barack obama asking the questions. >> yeah. you know, james and i have been on the opposite side of biden. i was one of the early supporters of biden before he even decided to be a candidate for the 2020 election. james was never supportive of him. i had actually lunch recently with james. he likes to think outside the box. i think his idea is doa but that's james. he likes to be an influencer and makes himself continually be relevant and he is a sharp guy but i would be on the other side of his thought process here. >> steve: doug -- >> steve, it's a smart idea. i hope the democrats implement it. >> steve: all right. let's see what happens.
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thank you so much. >> thank you. >> steve: quarter before the top of the hour. happening later today jury selection on alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial is set to begin. we have a live report from what to expect inside the courtroom straight ahead. ♪ serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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>> ainsley: we are back with a big story happening today. alec baldwin's manslaughter trial starts in new mexico. three years after the accidental killing of rust cinematographer halyna hutchins. >> todd: jury selection will begin in santa fe. that trial expected to last 10 days. the actor charged with one felony count of involuntary manslaughter for the death of the rust cinematographer halyna hutchins. she was struck by a bullet from a gun he was holding during rehearsals back in october of 2021. the shooting also wounded the film's director. baldwin has pleaded not guilty. says the gun fired fired accidentally. he insisted never pulled the trigger. unaware it contained a live round. prosecutors argue that the pistol could not have discharged had he not pulled the hammer back. the armorer was convicted for her role in the shooting back in march. she is calling for a new trial. last month the new mexico judge
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denied a request by baldwin's legal team to have his case dismissed. but baldwin did score a huge win yesterday when the judge ruled that his role as a co-producer of rust is not relevant to the trial. opening statements could begin as soon as tomorrow. alec baldwin facing 18 months in jailing if convicted. back over to you. steve thank you very much, todd. >> lawrence: thanks, todd. >> ainsley: we will be watching it. it's amazing to see how all of this has unfolded. bless her heart, she died because of this accident that happened the question is how did they get real bullets. >> lawrence: live ammo. >> ainsley: live ammo on the set. >> steve: we have heard different stories how they would actually do target practice that was part of the armorer's trial one mistake after another. >> lawrence: also the big thing there were already issues on the set about protocols and procedures that was brought up.
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>> ainsley: because it happened before. >> lawrence: because it happened before. there was no concern about it at all when it came to the people that run it. and alec baldwin is one of the executive producers. we will be following it. >> ainsley: does he not have to be in the courtroom. he wasn't in the video. >> lawrence: that's a good question. >> ainsley: maybe that was old video because the trial starts today, jury selection. >> steve: that's right. there have been a couple of legal proceedings. >> steve: carley joins us with news from out west. >> carley: a wildfire alert to get to. firefighters in south central utah working around the clock to stop the advance of the silver king fire. it's nearly doubled in size to just over 10,000 acres. and it is zero percent contained. meanwhile, in california the lake fire has now charred over 21,000 acres. in santa barbara county. that fire is only 8% contained. and down in florida where
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another shark attack has put a teenager in the hospital. a 14-year-old was bitten on monday. during a lifeguard training camp drill just south of daytona beach. the victim says he dove right on top of the shark which then bit his leg. the teen needed 17 stitches to sosew up his cast. this marks the third shark attack in the area the past week. another young man was playing football in knee high water at new smyrna beach when a shark bit his foot. a third person suffered a minor injury in the attack at the same beach on friday. yikes. okay. competitive eater joey chestnut once again showing why he is the greatest egreat eater. scarfing down 200 boneless chicken wings 38 minutes. chestnut displaying his accomplishment in the same fashion of basketball legend wilt chamberland after his 100 point gain. the 16 time nathan hot dog
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eating champion typically recovering from contest this time of year. since signing with impossible foods, chestnut has been free to compete in other events. he has eaten boneless wings and 200 of them. >> steve: that's right. hats off to buffalo wild wings because they got great promotion. that was all part of all you can eat wings thing. of course, i just read. runs through august 14th. it's been extended but i got a feeling buffalo wild wings doesn't want you to eat 200. [laughter] >> carley: that's right. promotions but at a cost. >> ainsley: exactly. you don't ask for a to go box when you go to the buffet. >> steve: that's right. joey chestnut competed on the fourth of july. those four soldiers down in fort bliss he beat all four of them. he ate 57 hot dogs. >> ainsley: he is a legend. >> steve: don't move a jampacked final hour of "fox & friends" straight ahead. >> lawrence: is it already hour
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3? >> steve: good morning, new york. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide
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