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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 9, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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a daily supplement for joint health support in dogs of all sizes. for your co-everything, choose cosequin. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> lawrence: hour number three. it's 8:00 on the east coast, tuesday, july 9th, this is "fox and friends." desperate house dems will meet in less than two hours as anxiety mounts over biden's vow to continue his campaign. >> steve: former president donald trump is predicting joe biden will day in the race for this season. he may well stay in, he's got an ego, he does not want to quit. we prepared for him, it will not matter. >> steve: plus the president trying to calm nato allies but are demands of the job too much for joe. >> we had to wait president trump up, like the time when we killed soleimani we woke him up and got an answer on the 3rd of january, soleimani was dead. >> ainsley: today migrant families sleeping at logan international airport, they have
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to be out as the border cries continues in blue cities. final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now, number three. >> steve: we're number one. what are you talking about? >> ainsley: third hour for the number one show. >> lawrence: fox news alert, less than one hour, house democrats meet behind closed doors as questions and concerns about president biden's health tenseifiy. >> steve: senate democrats will meet at lunch as commander faces major test at start of the nato summit in washington. >> ainsley: gillian turner has more from the white house. >> it is a very big day for president biden as nato summit kicks off in washington. the stakes could not be higher. he has to impress world leaders while doing major damage control with american voters, lawmakers at home, listen.
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>> george, i'm the guy that put nato together, no one thought i could expand if. i shut putin down, no one thought it account happen. >> putin's military not shot down, search and rescue efforts are underway in ukraine after a russian missile strike destroyed a children's hospital in kyiv the yesterday. people are left trapped beneath the rubble. that is the president's first challenge. he faces this. among democrats, there is widespread anxiety over which route would be worse, sticking with biden or trying tos to him out. >> day after the debate, i support president joe biden and democratic ticket. my position has not changed. >> your statement says you thought there was a problem.
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>> my statement speaks for itself. >> i support him. >> do you have concerns about joe biden? >> no comment. >> we have to beat donald trump. >> the president has daily intelligence brief this morning. in the afternoon, he will deliver opening remarks to various world leaders here with their gelgation. in between, pretty safe to assume the president will hit up the phone lines as hard as he can. he spent last few days doing damage control, picking up the phone and etch radioing out to allies and adversaries trying to personally prevail upon them to stick with him as he faces this e existential crisis. >> steve: he's fighting for his political life, why is he on the phone. he talked to 20 congressional leaders. joe biden has been a great politician, why not drive over
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and have lunch with the senators and listen to democratic caucusus and say, you think i'm not all here, i'm all here, let's talk. if i were joe biden, that is what i would do. >> not a bad idea, i will put that in the suggestion box over here for you. maybe we will see him do more retail politicking. >> steve: try to get a word in edge wise in briefing room, i think ed o'keriko'keefe is stil yelling. you did a good job, ed. >> lawrence: you would think they would try to do press conferences with the president before putting him -- i know he's at home. this is a world stage type event, where he is meeting with leaders in nato and then he has
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to answer questions, we don't know how many questions will be out there. is this wide ranging press conference? for this to be the first big moment over the debate, it is a gamble. >> ainsley: this is president of the united states, we need transparency. the 2:00 call like there was for soleimani, we have to make sure we have someone who can run our country. you may not like his politics, the bible is clear about this, pray for your president. our country is more important than politics and party. i'm just concerned, i feel sorry for him. we watched cognitive decline over four years. i want someone who is strong to run our country and i want that message to be spread around the world. we've seen putin, invading
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ukraine, see what is happening innin choo, china sending spy balloon and threatening taiwan. this is happening around us and they are saying, people come across the border wearing biden t-shirt. that debate did not help. >> steve: it didn't. the white house is going, he's on the world stage, politico talked to 20 people from nato from various countries. they have tv service around the world and they saw joe biden, that debate guy and they are thinking, okay, should we be worried about him? is he going to make it four years? donald trump was asked by sean hannity last night, is joe biden going to make it to the nomination and here is what he said. >> being loos like he may well stay in, he's got an ego, and he does not want to quit. looks like that is what he wants. i think jill would like to see
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him stay, she's having a good time. we prepare for him, we had a great four years, border strongest ever, our economy was incredible, the best ever, took out the worst terrorist in the world. i was told it would take years and it took a couple months. we are heading into world war iii, with him running things. he is not running things. >> sean: if biden steps aside, it would be vice president harris. >> i think it will be her, they are concerned about the vote, if it is not her. they are very gun shy, they don't want to do it any other way. i've actually come to believe that is what they are going to do. she is an ineffective person. >> lawrence: i think the president is right when it comes to him not stepping aside. he will stay where he's at and
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part of the reason he's able to remain in his position is the people signing off. kamala harris signed off, all good. every single democratic governor -- >> steve: she would rather be -- come on. >> lawrence: you have democratic governors, everyone signed off, bulk of house in democratic circle, six on the record said he should step aside, the rest signed off, senate signed off. all of them are responsible at this point for anything that happens in the country and if something goes back, god forbid, that is on them. by the way, all of the cabinet signed off, as well. >> steve: one problem, lawrence, donors and i read an item that said donors have closed their checkbooks. they saw joe biden and are terrified he would be the nominee, he will lose to donald trump.
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we talked to robert wolf, long-time democrat and adviser to obama, he was on the donor call and he said he thought it sounded good. what i read in wash"washington " this morning, one democratic bunked ler said the president was sympatheteck and defient, concerned he was not battle ready. he lost a step, maybe 10 steps. is the democratic party comfortable hitching their wagon to joe biden? we told you earlier, politico has a thing out this morning that talks about democratic polling data they are going to present and shows joe biden would lose to donald trump and so many of those house republicans are counting on the fact joe will be the nominee. democrats would like to see somebody else so they can take the house.
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>> ainsley: yeah, they were praying that he could get over the finish line, we have a few more months and he collapsed right before the finish line and they are scrambling. >> steve: imagine if he collapsed in the september debate, sos close. >> ainsley: what will the september debate look like? who will pull out of that? that makes him look weaker when he pulls out. >> lawrence: there is no point in debating. >> steve: he won by a million miles. >> lawrence: he sits on his win. no one will say he's fearful after the last debate, what value to the american public to have what we saw happen again? i just remember after the last election because everyone wanted to protect democracy, the former presidents got together, bill clinton, george w bush, barack
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obama, and all showed a force of unity, i would like to see those same presidents have a conversation with joe biden, not talking about the next election, right now. they have had the job, they see what is happening, they cannot feel good about this. they talk about protecting democracy, protect the country right now. we appreciate your service, let it go. >> steve: see, i think that i'm of the opinion, lawrence and i have a dollar bet. i think joe is going to drop out sooner than later. if it is kamala harris or another democrat, that is what americans would want to see. >> ainsley: few months from the election and neither ticket is solidified, we don't know if democratic ticket is going to change and we don't have a vice president under donald trump. he says he will make that decision over the income week. we have heard by monday at the
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rnc or some point this week. donald trump was on with sean hannity last night, first time donald trump has talked, an exclusive interview. here he is talking about his v.p. announcement. >> i have not made a final decision, i have some ideas where we are going and a little bit, we want to see what they are doing, it might make a difference, not sure it would, there are those that say trump is waiting until he finds out what is going to happen with crooked joe biden. we'll see what happens with biden. in the next week, week and a half, i would love to do it during the convention. >> steve: who will it be? the names we're hearing a lot, j.d. vance is an insider, has inside line. marco rubio will appear with him. bergman bergdahl /* /*, do not
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d discount glenn youngkin. he was going to appear with the former president in hampton roads or some place and i said, how did this rally happen? he said, he had been and met with the former president trump a couple weeks earlier and trump said, right now it looks like i am tied with joe biden in virginia, which joe biden won by 10 points. he said, how do i win? glenn youngkin said do a rally in hampton road to show you support the military. the former president did and he went to virginia and was with glenn youngkin fchl he saw the glenn youngkin i saw, he is one of the best retail politicians i've seen in my life. i think donald trump would be impressed with the man who ran
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the car llisle group. you got to add him to the list. who knows. >> lawrence: the president mads had decision, he's a master with the media cycle and understanding when is the moment and when is not the moment and before joe biden disasterous debate, everybody talking about donald trump. only way he wants you to talk about joe biden, in a negative way. i think he is allowing that to take place. everyone knows narrative will shift during the rnc, you want to be talking about the republicans. leading in, i predict thursday or friday, some sort of leak of this week, i don't think he cares about weekend, who the nominee. not announcement of donald trump, some type of leaks who it is and you will see the shift. >> ainsley: what happened to tim scott? why is he not up there, too?
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i like him. i know him personally. i like them all, he's such a nice man. >> lawrence: what happened? >> steve: i think he will announce at the rnc. spotlight, empty spot and poof, here comes to be determined. >> ainsley: tim scott could be in the running. >> steve: it is speculation. talk about something you know about and that is it is hot. more than 156 million people are under heat alert this morning. records are being broken across the country. >> lawrence: four people near portland died from heat related and a motorcyclist died in death valley. >> ainsley: temperatures topping out at 129 degrees. janice, i was flipping around and cbs went to death valley
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interviewing people. some people wanted to go experience what that kind of heat felt like. >> janice: i highly say don't do that ever. there is reason they call it death valley. we have temperatures 10 to 20 degrees above where they should be this time of year in death valley, you don't want to be there. here are heat alerts across northwest. high pressure is dominating the region and going to expand and move eastward. until at least friday and through the weekend, we'll be dealing with excessive heat. potential record highs, seattle, portland, reno, nevada. all-time high. this is going to stick around, so portland, break it on wednesday. average high is 76 and a lot of folks across northwest don't have air conditioning. you are dealing with heat like
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this for a long duration, it becomes dangerous. houston, we had a hurricane move through, 2.3 million people and temperatures over 100. that is concerning. we'll continue to keep you up to date. over to you for more headlines. >> out of new york city, shocking video shows dozens confronting a person of interest in a am hoicide case. one man appears to throw a punch as police were trying toic tathe suspect into custody. the victim's mother was part of the angry mob. her 31-year-old daughter's body was found stuffed inside a sleeping bag and left next to a pile of trash. found her on friday, the victim had been shot in the head. there is security footage that shows a man in an electric w wheelchair dragging her body to where it was found. the motive remains unclear. closing arguments continue in
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senator bob menendez federal corruption trial. the democrat is accused of accepting bribes in exchange for influence to carry out favors for three businessmen. the fbi found486,000 in cash hidden in the senator's home and 13 gold bars worth $100,000. the senator will not take the stand, he expectses the jury to find him not guilty. faa launching an investigation after a boeing plane lost a wheel during takeoff. united airlines plan out of lax. the flight did continue on and landed safely in denver. united released statement saying the wheel has been recovered andy woo are investigating what caused this event. this is second boeing plane to have lost a tire in four months.
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i like my plane to haveula the wheels when i land. >> steve: that is key, when you land. >> carley: i don't ask for much. >> steve: lucas tomlinson sent me this, look at this, new york tim tim tim tim tim scotts -- "new york times" asking joe biden to step down. elite at "new york times" as joe talked about yesterday and you have people on late night. >> ainsley: watch this montage of funny stuff. >> president biden is facing calls to drop out of the 2024 election following debate with former president trump and every image looks like he just found o out. that is not the face you make when you are winning the debate, this is face you make when a magician correctly guesses your card. try turning on captions, that
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just made it worse. >> biden's team tried to put out the fire with a bucket of gasoline, telling reporters weak performance was because he had a cold. i hate summer colds where your voice gets hoarse, and . >> pro-demom rase bumper sticker nor is what are you going to do? >> lawrence: easy content here and for the last two years, it has been there. i think everybody is just onboard with it. the laughing and jokes is part of the reason joe biden is staying in. ego aspects, wanting to prove this is not true. when stuff like this happens, it only makes him dig in heels to
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stay in office. >> steve: when "new york times" and "washington post" has turned on you and publications turn on you and you lose late night, stick a fork in him, he's done. >> ainsley: it is just we're watching the same story over and over. we saw this with russia and republicans said not true, and that was proven. we saw with the lapd, they s silenced that and did not want to mention that. we found out it was true. over and over republicans have been concerned about joe biden's health for four years and they have said it and said it and now democrats are realizing they were right. republicans were right, it is true. >> steve: because they want another candidate. >> ainsley: whatever it is, you got to stop, media has to stop protecting joe biden, finally they are not for first time and they are telling the truth. they protected him so long and
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this is our country at stake, a few months out and they do not have a good candidate. >> steve: speaking of repo reporters -- >> ainsley: chaos in the briefing room, takes me a while to catch on. par parkinson expert reportedly visiting the white house. >> direct question. >> hold on, hold on, wait, wait, wait a second. no reason to go back and forth with me in this aggressive way. we are miffed how information has been shared with the press corps about him. >> steve: john roberts has sat in that briefing room and yelled at people. he's coming up next. ♪ ♪ [water flowing] [water flowing] [phone dings] oh my god.
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what? the host is coming back. (♪) [birds chirping] [phone dings] meanwhile, at a vrbo... oh my god. what? i got onekeycash on this house. hmm... [water flowing] hmm... when other vacation rentals throw curveballs, try one that gives rewards.
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>> lawrence: fox news alert. last night president biden doctor trying to explain why a top neurologist and parkinson's expert visited. dr. o'connor saying dr. cannard
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is the doctor. president biden has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical. this comes after chaos erupted in the briefing room. >> direct question. >> wait, wait, wait, hold on. wait a second. there is no reason to go back and forth with me in this aggressive way. >> we are miffed how information has been shared with the press corps about him. >> lawrence: america reports coanchor john roberts joins us now. he used to be in the briefing room and knows it all too well. there has been a change in the corps. it was just peter doocy and a few others, now the spinning that happened yesterday, what do you make of it? >> peter doocy is in there and
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known for ask ing pointed questions. ed o'keefe does ask pointed questions. for most part press corps gives them a pass and asks tepid questions and gets an answer. yesterday was a free for all, likes of which i have not seen during the biden white house. your job is to go out and make news the white house wants to have made and you take questions from the press. you say a lot, you say nothing and you walk away from the podium having made no news andef looing reporters satisfied they have information. it was anything, but that yesterday. steve doocy said karine jean-pierre left a lot of plates spinning in the air creating more questions than answers. dr. kevin o'connor had to issue a rare memo saying dr. cannard
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had examined the president. why they did not have that prepared during the briefing, i couldn't tell you. >> lawrence: there has not been any clarification, there is a difference between the doctor's office outside of the residence and the physician's office. they say they can't release information, it would cloud entire white house when everyone is asking as regard to the president of the united states, can you break that down for us? >> john: white house is supposed to be public. they released results of medical, to say he was seen by a neurologist, does not seem to be contro venning national security concern. they should tell us instead of saying, i don't care how hard you press me, i will not give the name and have the white house physician give it looks
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s suspicious. >> lawrence: general kellogg had this to say, you know that 3:00 a.m. phone call, is joe biden ready for it? watch. >> you can't have a part-time commander-in-chief. we had to wake president trump in the middle of the night for a decision, he was on it right away. when we killed soleimani, we woke him up in middle of the night and got an answer on 1 of january, 3rd of january, 2020, soleimani was dead. there is a real question the world has got, can president biden do the job other than five or six hours per day. >> lawrence: is he ready for it, john? as someone that has been in washington for so long, i don't understand why you have not and press corps heard more from the cabinet. it is clear the president is not ready for the call. >> john: if uryoo a member of the cabinet, you have to tow the
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line. what will biden be look at the conf conference? here is bottom line, heading into next week's republican convention, what is big question for the republican convention? that question is who is donald trump's running mate, what is big question for the convention in august? who is running for president? take a look at the state that the two parties are in, republicans have advantage here on the pr side. >> lawrence: it is going to be interesting and donald trump has not touched media landscape until the interview with sean hannity last night. thank you for getting up, watch "america reports" 1:00 p.m. eastern time and sandra will be there, as well. >> lawrence: it's time to go. first lady swinging across,
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fears about her husband's campaign. is her ambest of my recollection schedule sending another message? miranda devine on who is really in charge, next. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits.
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>> ainsley: the first lady making a slew of stops across the south downplaying concerns about her husband's ability to serve. >> as commander-in-chief, president biden wakes up every morning ready to work for you. for all the talk out there about this race, joe has made it clear that he is all in. that's the decision he's made and just as he's always
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supported my career, i'm all in, too. [cheering] >> ainsley: some, including our next guest say her campaign schedule is making people wonder who is running the country. miranda devine joins us. good morning. >> good morning, how are you? >> ainsley: wash"washington pos opinion piece is warning jill biden is trying to avoid cinderella moment. jill byted appear to be running the show and clear she is ush approximating her husband to return in the race. never mind the stroke of midnight and to first lady status, staff, stylist and magazine covers, for former first ladies cinderella was
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written. expand on that. >> yes, you can see jill biden is reveling in perks and trappings of office. she really comes alive when she's at these high falutfaluti fundraising galas in hamptons or in manhattan. she loves to dress up and fly around on air force one. yesterday she went to three states, georgia, north carolina and florida. she did not get home to the white house until after 9:00 p.m. by contrast, the president had nothing on his schedule yesterday apart from a presentation of the presidential brief, which is not open to the press. you could see the first lady, pressure was wearing on her.
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when she was in florida, she snapped at reporters calling out questions to her. if she's behaving as proxy president campaigning on his behalf when he's not campaign, she should be answering questions. she got angry and said, why are you screaming at me, shouting at me, just let me answer the question and did not answer the question. >> ainsley: we have that sound bite. in case folks at home have not seen. leaving the coffee shop and going to the car. watch this. >> do you have a message to house democrats calling for your husband to drop out of the race? how are you feeling about the state of the race? >> all right, ladies. >> ainsley: what is going on there? i've never seen her act like that to a report er? is that getting to her? >> i think she has delusions of
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grandeur. anybody that wants to dislodge joe biden, they have to come through her and hunter biden first. hunter biden is sitting in on meetings, acting as gatekeeper, stopping anybody from removing hsz father from office. jill biden has the same goal he does. >> ainsley: contrast to nancy reagan, she protected her husband at all cost. >> you would think she would do that, rather than jet off on air force one trying to stop him from humiliating himself. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> thank you. >> ainsley: migrant families sleeping at boston's logan international airport need to be out starting it. a live report next. of bringing textile manufacturing back to america.
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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> ainsley: remaining migrants who were living on the floor of boston's logan airport are being cleared out. >> steve: mollie line is at the airport with the latest. >> migrants are seeking shelter
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in the overnight hours, will no longer be allowed to do so as of tonight. it's been several months now that migrant families have been sleeping on make-shift beds and toting luggage. for democratic governor healy, the practice ends tonight. they are opening up a refur bished old prison, that will hold people. with shelters, packed capacity and cost estimate climbing to billion perrer yoo, here is the governor. >> what is important to know, from the beginning we never thought logan was appropriate place for people to stay overnight. we worked hard to house people locations. we are working to depopulate logan. >> healy sent a delegation to the southern border last month.
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massachusetts is full and healy signed a nine-month limit to families in emergency shelter. the agency that runs logan airport and state officials will be there to relay this message to migrant families and help those that need it find transportation to other locations. back to you. >> lawrence: consequence of open borders. >> ainsley: bizarre, why would they let them sleep there anyway. >> steve: a lot of space and a lot of people. you join us with news from a famous person. >> carley: a trial we've been following for years, jury selection in actor alec baldwin involuntary manslaughter trial today. a judge ruled baldwin's role as co-producer of "rust" is not rel be vant to the case. baldwin was charged after halyna
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hutchins was struck and killed from a bullet from a prop gun he was holding. baldwin pled not guilty and he faces 18 months behind bars if convicted. and today classified briefing on possible terror threats at the south west border. there is report 400 illegal imbe grants crossed the border with help of isis-linked smuggling network. those are headlines. back to you. >> steve: thank you very much. here is news of great interest. columbia university taking action placing three deans on leave because of antisemitic texts. >> lawrence: on leave. they should be fired. >> ainsley: let's check in with bill hemmer. >> bill: a lot of suspense today and donald trump sizing up play days before the republican big week in milwaukee, we'll play that for you. ton of action in washington.
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tonight might tell us a lot whery woo are going next with president biden, don't misthat. nato leaders have come to d.c. and dana and i will roll in nine be minutes, come join.
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>> steve: an update to a story we've been talking about. this morning three columbia university deans are now on leave and officially removed from their teaching roles accused of sending anti-semitic text messages. in one of the exchanges one of the accused deans used the quasi and vomit emojis. her colleague responded i'll throw up. our next guest says this development is a good start but far from enough. columbia university students jonas joins us now. they aren't doing much, are they? >> right. this comes days after the text messages were initially released and also these administrators
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are still employed by the university. new reporting just came out they will be shuffled around to different positions. at the end of the day there is lack of accountability at this school and the rot goes into the administration. >> steve: in other words, the university had to look like they were doing something so they said okay, we've taken these people with the anti-semitic texts, their words, and we're shuffling them around. any real consequence to them? >> no. there is no real consequence. the dean of columbia college, he is fully in his position still. he is not being disciplined at all. he just had to issue an apology. the same thing we see with the students. protestors who were arrested. their charges were all dropped by the manhattan d.a. >> steve: what do you have to do to get in trouble at columbia? >> a lot it seems like. >> steve: i understand while a lot of the jewish students who we've spoken to over the last
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number of months, they feel like we're happy we complained and there has been some action but pro-palestinian students and protestors say this is a witch hunt, unacceptable. >> this is exactly what they're saying after the news broke yesterday that these deans would be suspended. they're saying it is a witch hunt. i think it is ironic. these are the same protestors that are going after quote, unquote, zionists on campus and saying we don't want them here and trying to filter out their friend groups out of anyone who might be remotely pro-israel. it is hypocrisy. >> steve: we have a snippet of the quote the university president put out yesterday. this incident revealed unprofessional and disturbingly touched on anti-semitic tribes conveying a lack of seriousness and concern about the jewish
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community antithetical to the standards we must uphold in our community. for your friends who are jewish, do they feel like this is a victory or they still feel unsafe on campus? >> what i'll say is that we've been covering this at the columbia sun dial on campus and they feel this is a step in the right direction, yes, but it is not nearly enough. they expect accountability and they expect these administrators to at the least be dismissed from their positions and going into the fall the protestors are saying they will come back stronger. we'll have to see if administration acts. >> steve: let's see. it is an election year and trying to influence joe biden. he might not be around at that point. jonas, thank you for joining us live. that will wrap up "fox & friends." thanks for joining us today, see you tomorrow. here now is "america's newsroom." >> bill: thank you, steve. good morning and pivotal day for president biden. you are watching house


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