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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 9, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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standards we must uphold in our community. for your friends who are jewish, do they feel like this is a victory or they still feel unsafe on campus? >> what i'll say is that we've been covering this at the columbia sun dial on campus and they feel this is a step in the right direction, yes, but it is not nearly enough. they expect accountability and they expect these administrators to at the least be dismissed from their positions and going into the fall the protestors are saying they will come back stronger. we'll have to see if administration acts. >> steve: let's see. it is an election year and trying to influence joe biden. he might not be around at that point. jonas, thank you for joining us live. that will wrap up "fox & friends." thanks for joining us today, see you tomorrow. here now is "america's newsroom." >> bill: thank you, steve. good morning and pivotal day for president biden. you are watching house democrats
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enter a closed door meeting on the future of joe biden as their nominee. things could get messy or not and very interesting for sure. we'll take you there live moments from now. off we go. waiting for this day. it is here. >> dana: i feel every day is a big day lately. i'm dana perino. i'll say one thing. at least it is interesting. axios calling it a make or break day for president biden. so far six house democrats have publicly urged him to exit the race. it could increase as the caucus holds its first meeting since the president's disastrous debate. >> i think he should step aside. i think it has become clear he is not the best person to carry the democratic message. take a step back. look at what is best for the party, what is best for the country. what happens? personally, i think kamala harris would be a much better, stronger candidate. >> bill: that's adam smith from washington state. the journalists accusing the white house of a lack of
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transparency in regard in a neurologist who visited the white house eight times in eight months. bret baier with analysis. gillian turner reports from the white house. aishah hosni is outside that democratic congressional campaign committee headquarters on capitol hill where they are coming in one-by-one. what have you got? good morning. >> good morning bill and dana. good to see you. that meeting is underway from the top of the hour. it's top secret. members aren't allowed to have cell phones in there to prevent any leaks as we've seen in the past few days lots of leaks when members start texting the press. they're trying to avoid that and allow a safe space for the members to speak. you have some republican interns from the nrcc holding a sign with a question that democrats will unfortunately for them be
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asking about the president, whether he is fit for office for the next four years. now, even though house democratic leadership supports the president as the next nominee, there are still nine members who publicly oppose that and even more that are questioning it. watch. >> right now i'm listening to members and see where they are. our members need to continue to just see how this week plays out and see the president in unscripted situations. >> his decision what he wants to do. i respect that. i respect the nomination process and support vigorously whoever the nominee is. >> meanwhile senate democrats will get together today as well during lunch and while majority leader chuck schumer says he is for joe his vulnerable colleagues are not on the same page. we're talking about senators like brown, heinrich, tester. they are distancing themselves from the president and pennsylvania senator bob casey
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who supports the president was with him at a rally over the weekend isn't willing to pressure his colleagues to save the president. >> i want people to stop talking about this and move on and focus on november. it doesn't seem like senate colleagues want to start the conversation. >> i'm not going to -- [inaudible] what they talk about. i have a race to run in a very contentious state and a tough election. i will focus on my race. >> bill, the president did get a big boost of support from the hispanic and black caucus chairs last night. if he wants democrats to shut up about his age, that's not going to happen today at all. that's all they are talking about. >> bill: watching that line go in one-by-one, aishah. not a lot of folks talking on the way in and see what we hear on the way out. thank you for that coverage. >> dana: overnight the white house physician released a
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letter attempting to clarify confusion about a neurologist's repeated visits to the white house. tensions flared at the white house briefing yesterday. >> could you state very clearly yes or no, was that expert here to participate in anything surrounding the care of the president of the united states? >> the president i can tell you has seen a neurologist three times as it is connected to a physical that he gets every year that we provide to all of you. >> very basic, direct question. >> hold on, wait, wait, wait a second. >> eight times, at least once in regards to the president specifically. >> no reason to go back and forth and be -- >> information shared with the press. >> dana: gillian turner live from the south lawn. i don't know if tensions have cooled overnight. >> they haven't, dana. and reporters as you saw really
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dug in their heels when karine jean-pierre refused to say whether a parkinson's disease specialist who visited the white house was there to talk about the president. >> no, no, no, no, wait a minute. ed, please. a little respect here, please. so every year around the president's physical examination, he sees a neurologist. that's three times, right? so i'm telling you that he has seen a neurologist three times while he has been in this presidency is what i'm saying. i'm telling you he has seen him three times. >> that specialist is dr. canard who examined biden for his physical back in february. after yesterday's press scuffle the president's primary doctor released a letter to the press noting the president hasn't seen a neurologist outside of these
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checkups but insisting an extremely detailed neurological exam was reassuring and no findings consistent with any cerebellar or other neurological disorder such as a stroke, parkinson's or ascending lateral -- >> the president that i see every day, including yesterday a couple of times in the oval office, is robust. he is lucid, he is clear and direct and he is in command of the context and the information. he was asking me questions yesterday about events in europe that i simply didn't have the answers for. >> national security council spokesman john kirby. the president has a big day today with nato kicking off to impress foreign leaders over the next three days and do major damage control when it comes to american voters, lawmakers here in washington on both sides of the aisle. dana and bill. >> dana: so much to talk about. thank you so much. >> bill: want to bring in bret to join us now.
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good morning. "new york times" twice now in two days here it is. democratic party must speak the plain truth to the president. here is two sentences from that. as the situation has become more dire, he, meaning biden, has come to regard himself as indispensable and he doesn't seem to understand he is the problem and the best hope for democrats to retain the white house is for him to step aside, end quote. where do you see it now, bret? >> those are the elitists according to president biden yesterday on msnbc. listen, i think there are two camps of democrats. the democrats now that are saying it's time to move on. let's go. this is our guy, and there is the democrats saying i need to see more. i need to see something else. he needs to prove to me he can do it. fewer and fewer democrats saying 100% he needs to get out right now, but there are people saying he needs to show more.
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i don't think the white house installed confidence in how they've handled this especially yesterday. >> dana: to say the least. jill biden snapped at some reporters yesterday. watch here. >> house democrats calling for your husband to drop out of the race. how are you feeling about the -- >> all right. [inaudible] >> dana: well, i mean, we're all ears if you would like to talk. karine jean-pierre yesterday having to get into that neurologist thing. he came but didn't see the president or did he? i don't know. he was there, was he there? then she references the military aides as if guys carrying around the nuclear football with being checked for parkinson's. >> bret: the fact that physician
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had to put out talking points. democrats have 14 million democrats decided he is the nominee. those 14 million democrats didn't see president biden on that debate stage. they never got a chance to see a biden debate in a primary and they just saw the debate for that -- for -- against former president trump and obviously have had the fallout since. >> bill: speaking of the former president. he was on with sean last night on the phone. he thinks joe biden is going to be the guy as of today. watch. >> they cover for him and they still are sort of covering. now it is getting difficult to do that. looks like he may very well stay in. >> bill: looks like he may very well stay in. if you watch the full on offensive from yesterday, those were the signals that biden and the white house were giving. every person they contacted and the letter that went to congressional democrats, nancy pelosi, will she say something? hang on.
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i take it that's a no. continue, bret. >> bret: well, i just think in the words of godfather, they are going to the mattresses. this is their time to fight for staying in office because once you become -- you say you won't be the nominee, the next immediate question is well then how can you be president for the next six months if that's how you are going to step down? i think they are fighting with everything they have. i'm not sure they've convinced all these democrats meeting right now that he has got the vigor to continue. what we've seen so far with the radio interviews where the hosts got the questions that they were supposed to ask and yet he didn't succeed exceptionally well even after that. and how the white house has handled this i think has become more of a problem. >> dana: "the new york times" editorial page said his debate performance was feeble. you had the deputy press
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secretary, john kirby just describe the president as lucid. i actually think the question of the hour is what the nrcc interns are holding up there, is joe biden fit to be president right now? i told hemmer i have this idea if you could get the cabinet in front of congress under oath and ask them do you think this president has the capabilities right now to be commander-in-chief not only for the next week, but the next four years under oath will you swear to that? i wonder what kind of answers we would get. >> bret: fascinating. i agree with you. i think the white house is going to try everything it can to do something else, to have some other chainy things that people can look at and say it is a success. this week is nato. by the way i have john kirby on special report tonight but they are probably going to look for something tangible from nato this week. i wouldn't be surprised if there
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are other foreign policy efforts next week during the rnc convention by the white house to say this president is still getting it done despite all of this focus. he is not doing any more one-on-ones. >> dana: do you think president trump wants joe biden to stay in and be the nominee? >> bret: i do. i do think that. i think trump campaign has been pretty disciplined for letting the news cycle, the biden news cycle continue. but i do think internally they would like to see this continue. independents, the former president already leads in the real clear politics average of polls with independents. this may shift it even more. we'll get new polls in the next couple of days. >> bill: a couple of things as we watch them file past, jamie raskin said nothing, steny hoyer said nothing. jerry nadler suggested the democrats need to move on side nothing. presley said to the cameras joe
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biden is the nominee. moments ago, one more here, aoc walk by and said nothing. but joe biden is the nominee was the one comment we got from presley. a little bit of a mix there and see what happens on the inside. aishah reporting no cell phones allowed. how the reporting gets out and what leaks we get from it will be determined. >> dana: maybe someone will have an apple watch. i don't have one of those. >> bill: i don't know if they're on the list or not. >> dana: bret baier, thank you. thank you for being on my podcast this week. talked about a lot of this and a trip down memory lane what it was like in the briefing room and if this would have happened. i reveal who i would choose as my vice president if there was a height requirement. that they had to be shorter than me. you will see. >> bret: only a few qualify. >> dana: one of them, she is a winner. thank you so much. >> bill: see you in milwaukee very soon. join the fox news channel special coverage republican
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national convention begins on sunday and then we'll have special coverage every night next week monday through thursday 10:00 a.m. eastern time. we'll have the whole team in milwaukee bringing you every shift and move and turn for the rnc. stand by. in the meantime we have crews performing high water rescues in texas working hard to restore power to more than 2 million. we have a live report out of galveston. >> alec baldwin manslaughter charger in new mexico. the judge isn't worried about picking a jury. >> hands off, now. >> hands off. >> hands up right now. >> bill: that's a moment body cam footage capturing a tense stand-off in the state of florida. in a moment we'll let you know how this turned out. can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own.
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>> dana: we're back with a fox news alert here. the democrats on the house side have been walking into this building you see there on your left. a big all hands on meeting. they do not get to take their phones inside but they are meeting to talk about, i guess they'll say a lot of things in legislation and all the things they have to do. the only thing on people's mind right now is what will happen with joe biden and his candidacy? he is saying i'm staying. and right now the democrats, they are split, bill. i will let you take people through how you see it as the full press continues. >> bill: you wonder who speaks on behalf on the president or against the president behind closed doors. do you get a ground swell of support one way or the other. you need to keep an eye on that. clear yesterday when we were on the air the president has gone
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on offense. they made a decision over the weekend they were going to make monday their moment and this is part of that from msnbc. >> president biden: i am not going anywhere. i wouldn't be running if i didn't absolutely believe that i am the best candidate to beat donald trump in 2024. i want to reassert and demonstrate that and i'll do it all through this week and here on. >> bill: that interview was 20 minutes in length. we think it's the only time he has made a call that like on the phone live on television yesterday, monday, july 8th. here you go. open letter to democrats making his case he will stay in the race. the tv interview and phone we played a clip. call in the afternoon with top democratic donors trying to reassure them and last night had the a meeting with the congressional black caucus. all important in the democratic race to keep the nomination. today at 5:00 you have remarks to nato leaders in washington,
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d.c. we'll watch that. i want to bring in two gentlemen. john kirby said thursday at the nato summit he will have a big boy press conference. i don't know what that looks like and we'll watch it together. kevin, behind closed door what is the tug-of-war among the democratic lawmakers? >> i think the tug-of-war and view from the white house is when you are in a situation like this you have to win every day, right? it's a question of hours and days in terms of mitigating the fallout from the debate from two weeks ago. president was on a cross-country tour these last ten days, georgia, wisconsin, pennsylvania, continuing that campaign swing to reassure democrats coming out of that debate that he is in it to win it. you have only seen a handful of defections from my party in support of the president. you had a failed effort from senator warner, virginia senator warner that tried to rally some
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of his colleagues against the president. that fell by the wayside. you are seeing the full-court press to your point to shore up the democrats and you have to keep winning the day. the president is winning the day and hopefully the week. >> plenty of time for all this to shift or change. listen to the former president last night with sean hannity. >> he has an ego and he doesn't want to quit. he doesn't want to do that it. looks to me like that's what he wants. jill would like to see him stay. she is having a good time. i notice she seems to be having a good time and i'm hearing that hunter is calling the shots. so this isn't necessarily a very positive thing for our country, but i think -- he might very well stay in. >> bill: the point is there is a reason why in 60 years only one president has given up at the end of one term. and that whole comment about the ego may very well be in play
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right now. go ahead. >> every politician i've worked for or against has a healthy ego. sometimes unhealthy as the case may be. that is true regardless of party. that's true in every campaign whether you run for city councilman or president. clearly president biden has an ego, clearly donald trump has an ego. i think we'll talk basketball terms. a tar healy find it refreshing. joe biden is on the offense is the unc basketball offense, stalling and delaying the clock. what we've seen with biden. phone calls and shows where you have notes in front of you don't really count. the meeting this morning with democrats is important but they would have this meeting anyway. we saw a disastrous debate from bind. heard democrats like mark warner and others say we need to see more of the president. eight days for the stephanopoulos interview and six days from that interview to get
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to the press conference post nato. joe biden is trying to run out this clock. a smart strategy but also tells you that he does not have a strong hand. >> bill: slip this in. aoc yesterday and her conversations with the president. >> i have spoken to the president. i have spoken with him extensively. he made clear then and he has made clear since that he is in this race. the matter is closed. he has reiterated this morning and in public. joe biden is our nominee. he is not leaving this race. he is in this race and i support him. >> bill: there is a chance after this meeting he could come out stronger at least for today, kevin. >> i think that's right. those are strong words from the congresswoman. the two key -- two of my key caucuses, hispanic caucus and black caucus last night have come out in support of the president. that's a near majority of house members in support of the
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democrat. it will become more and more politically untenable to call into question the president's candidacy. i think it is a good one. it's about timing and running out the clock. 40 days or so towards the roll call for my party and again as i said earlier it is about winning every single day, running out that clock. president got 14 million votes. one every single state. the party's nominee and will continue to be so. >> bill: kevin, thank you, doug, thank you as well. we'll read the tea leaves as we move throughout the day. >> dana: a storm has been threatening heavy rains and flooding in the midwest and on going to drench the northeast. beryl has caused widespread damage and flash floods. the danger is not behind us. katie burn is live in galveston,
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texas. >> 2 million texans have no power. in galveston is supposed to feel like 103 degrees. what they'll do for the coming days. no air conditioning. you can see the power restoration crews have work cut out for them. they have stretches of downed power lines just like this when you drive through the city. officials warn it will take a few days to get powerfully back. we have businesses closed here, traffic lights out. some homes are missing roofs and at least one is completely destroyed. its walls ripped off from a likely tornado. michael lives in the neighborhood and feels lucky his home wasn't hit and now preparing to be without power in the heat. >> so i put my them oz stat down to 70. you couldn't open up all the
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windows. the rain would come pouring in. >> the storm went through houston and officials confirm the storm claimed seven houston area lives. as it moved through it hit louisiana, one person died, 11 others were killed when beryl hit the caribbean and mexico and now she is hitting arkansas and then to the midwest later today. >> dana: we'll pay attention, fox weather is the place to check in. >> bill: house democrats meeting behind closed doors. what will the expression of unity sound like when they're finished? we're monitoring it for you all morning law. plus this out of vegas. >> hold on, babies. come on. come on. >> bill: that's a good sight right there. it was hot outside, hotter on the inside. the sheriff's deputy coming to the rescue to save two furry friends on the inside.
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>> bill: what will they say when they're done? most are inside for the meeting. 9:34 on the hill. we'll watch it and bring you the reaction as soon as they emerge. the democratic members of the house now meeting on the fate and future of president joe biden. >> dana: you have to wonder if they are playing red rover in there. josh is here and hillary has been around for a long time and had thoughts about when biden blamed the elites for the problem. she said if biden doesn't step down to increase our chances of winning, then yeah, we'll have to circle the wag yens and i'm a shoulders against trump. please stop pretending or casting blame. president biden and his behavior alone is responsible for this problem. not the voters, not the media, not his opponents, not the
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party, and not the elite. do you think there will be people in that room this morning that will express something like that? >> well, hillary rosen is right. the democrats can come up with strategies but the reality if joe biden doesn't want to step aside for kamala harris or anyone else, it would divide the party and cause a whole lot more problems. joe biden himself wrote a letter yesterday to house democrats to congressional leaders all but saying any effort to replace him without getting the voters involved in a primary process is anti-democratic. goes against the american way. so, you know, i don't see -- first of all, i don't think you'll see a lot of house democrats defecting. we saw ten democrats publicly coming out in favor of biden stepping aside, but ever since that initial wave after the
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debate and after the panicking in democratic circles a whole lot more democrats including the head of the congressional black caucus and other leading democrats came out saying they want to stay the course. look, i think democrats realize they are damned if they do or don't. any divisions within the party could hurt them more. >> dana: representative jerry nadler, my congressman in new york, had come out saying that biden should leave over this past weekend and recently said look, i guess he will be our nominee and we'll have to get behind him and resigned to it. which i think is very interesting. and do you think, if biden does stick it out somehow and somehow the democrats are it's fine, as long as he is lucid for the next three weeks we'll be able to get through it, let alone the next four years. if they want to do that. if he stays on the ticket, is that good for former president trump in the election? >> look, i think trump wants to
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run against a weakened joe biden. joe biden, it's a success when he is able to get his message across on the campaign on a regular basis. the bar has gotten so low it's basically what's considered a victory for democrats these days. so yes, i think they would love to magically wave a wand and find someone who is younger and more capable to be the standard bearer. democrats made their own bed. they could have had a competitive primary and said all these things a year ago when there was a real opportunity to have a contest, replace joe biden. they decided not to. kicked the can down the road and now they are in a very, very difficult situation. democrats also, by the way, dana, kamala harris is not necessarily the most popular democrat, either. if you are a red state democrat running for re-election, purple state lawmaker, kamala harris might have as much downside risk as joe biden especially given the pummel it will take to
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replace biden. not a lot of good options for democrats here. >> dana: they kicked the can into a round about and are circling around and around. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: novak djokovic advancing but not without some controversy. that was the crowd cheering on his opponent. he heard them as boos and let everyone know he wasn't happy about it. >> to all those people that have chosen to disrespect the player in this case me. have a gooood night.
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gooood night. >> dana: he won the match in just over two hours winning every set. the opponent said he was better than me today. >> bill: no way to win friends at wimbledon. >> dana: especially from him i think he can do it. they are turn around. england plays tomorrow. the netherlands in the soccer game. 2:33 game. get it together, hemmer. get your sports right. >> bill: you have to keep me posted, right? former president trump getting ready for a rally in florida that will happen later tonight. and a vp contender, marco rubio, will be by his side. who will the republican vp be? what will be a huge political story sometime in the next couple days. plus russia launching one of its
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more lethal missile strikes against ukraine. >> the president still believes that nato is in ukraine's future. what that future looks like depends on an awful lot of factors. right now you have a war going on inside ukraine and the focus has to be on helping them win that war. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things!
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>> dana: before we get to milwaukee we have to go to washington, d.c. this is where the house democrats are meeting and this building here is the democratic national committee meeting. outside the interns from the national republican committee are there with signs saying is joe biden fit to be president? inside that's where the conversation is taking place among house democrats where there is a split. it seems to me that they are basically going to walk the
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plank with biden at this point. which is pretty incredible. is anyone in that room going to ask the question is joe biden fit to be president? not today, not tomorrow, but they want him for another four years? this is very risky for democrats but that's the direction they are going. >> the president that e every day, including yesterday a couple of times in the oval office, is robust, he is lucid, he is clear and direct. and he is in command of the context and the information. >> bill: lucid, clear and direct now. white house defending the president. big questions about his age and mental acuity. those reassurances will have a spotlight like none other at this week's nato summit in d.c. the president is trying to convince the world he can lead the world on the world stage. robert, thank you for coming back here. you believe nato has lost its way.
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how so? >> thanks for having me, bill. this is a historic summit and it was important, i think, the alliance played a role in defeating the soviet union but squandered that inheritance. population grew but less men under arms. gdp grew and spending less on defense. it will have to repurpose itself if it will help in the colder war against china and an opportunity how we get the conflict in ukraine that he failed to deter. i think that's more important. >> our apoll -- >> we're not respected anywhere in the world. he is not respected. and our country is in very serious trouble. i will tell you what, if we're not careful we will be right in the middle of world war iii. this is a whole different world and we don't have somebody that
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can properly represent us. there is no question about that. >> bill: i was looking at your comments. you piled on that and said flawed policies for this administration, poor execution and weakness has contributed to what, robert? >> conflict, land conflict in europe and that's the focus of the nato summit this week and the conflict in ukraine. again, the second time putin invaded ukraine and joe biden was in the white house for both of those. a crisis in the middle east and pending conflict in asia. i think all these things demand world attention. the last question we want is the competence of our president under question as he leads the free world. not clear who is in charge. all that sets the stage for an interesting summit. the stakes couldn't be higher. >> bill: if president trump were to resume office again, how do you think ukraine would change? how do you think gaza would change? how do you think the relationship with china with regard to taiwan would change?
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>> i think returning to the stated policies is through strength and restoring deterrents. credibility in the commander-in-chief is a critical component. these conflicts started not under president trump but under president biden. i think we can more confidence in president trump's ability to reverse it. it is not going to be easy or happen immediately but i think it will happen in short order and restoring the credibility in the presence in the white house is a critical part of it. >> bill: we'll hear a lot of that next week in milwaukee and see how it plays. thank you for your time. apologies for the audience for the breakup in the audio. we'll speak again. >> bill: thanks for having me, bill. >> dana: that meeting didn't take too long. i was telling you about it. house democrats are starting to leave their meeting. they've been trying to figure out what's happening to their party, to the president, and to this election and to you. so we are keeping an eye on it. so far not many are talking but we're on it and we'll be right
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back. stunning new video shows a suspect ramming an officer's car. dana marie mcnicholl is live in miami with more. dana marie. >> good morning. dana. that's right, two separate videos that we show have officers putting their life at risk while chasing suspects. one of them lucky to be alive today. >> he ran over me. oh. i need -- my leg is broken. >> a deputy in the tampa area
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tried to make a stop on the fourth of july after p the suspect ran over him. he was rushed to the hospital and had surgery to repair his broken leg. >> i expected the driver to flee on foot. was not expecting the car to drive around the back side of the car. i was in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> in the daytona beach area over the weekend body cam video shows a man hitting an officer in a stolen car leading police on a high-speed chase and eventually being taken down in a muddy swamp water. according to the cdc motor vehicle related incidents are the leading cause of line of duty deaths for law enforcement officers in the united states. the only incident more fatal for officers involve firearms. both those officers you saw on the videos are expected to be
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okay and the suspects have been identified, dana. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: as that is happening out of florida, this is happening in d.c. some democrats filing out of that top secret meeting. no one is really talking. but they must be saying something behind closed doors. >> dana: leaving early. that must be interesting. >> bill: we're monitoring for updates and bring you that when we continue. live in d.c. in a moment. get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪) (vo) if you have graves' disease,
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or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. >> bill: in boston now they're moving them out. more than 100 migrants sheltering at the airport in boston get an early wake-up call today. state officials announcing that sleeping at the terminal will not be allowed effective today. molly line is in boston. good morning there. >> good morning, bill. you said it. tonight is the deadline. migrant families will no longer be able to overnight.
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there have been upwards of 100 people at given nights sleeping in terminal e. sometimes with makeshift beds. many having luggage and small children. the governor says the practice ends tonight after a concerted effort to open additional emergency shelter sites elsewhere. a refurbished old prison holding up to 450 people. with shelters packed to capacity and cost estimates at a billion a year healey sent a delegation to the southern border coming to send a message. >> we made clear to those who might think about coming to massachusetts, we won't be able to provide housing nor are you going to be able to stay at logan airport anymore. >> the state has a unique right to shelter law. in april healey signed a nine month limit for families in emergency shelters. the rules allow for some extensions. state will have staff on hand at
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logan airport to help migrant families arriving here informing them of the new policy and finding transportation. >> bill: we'll see how it goes. molly line at logan in boston. >> dana: president biden's inner advisors are circling the wagons mounting an effort to save his campaign. house democrats leaving the closed-door meeting discussing the president's chances of winning a second term. i'm dana perino. that hour went by quickly. >> bill: good morning. i'm bill hemmer, good morning. today is a pivotal day we should learn where the democrats stand on biden's future in the bid for four more years. their first time meeting together in person since the troubling debate performance of a week and a half ago. >> dana: chad pergram is live with more. have we heard anything? >> right now democrats are just starting to filter out of this


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