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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 9, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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parkinson specialist but not a single reporter asked whether it was the white house or the campaign, who in team barden del mike white and was scripting for reporter's? top question is did you ever script a question, karine jean-pierre, if so many times? that should be asked today all coming at 5:00 p.m., presidential remarks for the 75th anniversary of nato as the summit kicks off in washington. looking for remarks today but the white house dubbed big boy press conference this coming thursday. that's what they are calling it, not i. and of course 7:00 p.m. tonight from rallies close to miami marco rubio said to be there. lots of news we will keep you updated on every single detail. thanks everyone, dvr the show and join us at noon but for now "america reports." >> he's a good man, he has good
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policies, there is no reason to change. >> are you worried? >> no i'm not. i'm good with it in the last few weeks. >> he just has to step down because he can't win. >> the democrat candidate joe biden has my support. >> what i do say? >> i shared my position. >> biden all the way joe biden. >> i am not going to comment n now. >> we have to elect him. >> a lot of folks are raising questions. >> senator warren do you support biden? >> john: there was a wide reaction from democrats today on the future of president biden as we wait to hear from the white house any minute now. white house secretary karine jean-pierre set to take more questions after a chaotic q&a yesterday when reporters pressed on basic answers about parkinson's expert visiting the white house on several
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occasions. here we go tuesday john roberts and washington center, you got a head start on me but this will be an interesting afternoon. >> sandra: just another tuesday. i am sandra smith in new york this is "america reports" that highly anticipated briefing is coming up meanwhile here is the cover of "the new york post" today. biden's medical mystery of the house stonewalls repeat visits from parkinson's expert. the president 's acuity and age at the center of two democrat meetings on the hill today as the party looks for a path forward with or without biden at the home. >> john: fox news coverage with chad pergram live on capital katie pavlich has reaction on everything we have seen but beginning with peter doocy live from the white house briefing room. it is about to light up again. peter? >> and john yoo describe what happened here yesterday as chaotic. the reason is they were very basic questions whether or not president biden had been seen by a parkinson specialist at all and there were no answers to
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those very basic questions but about eight hours after that briefing wrapped close to 10:00 last night the president's dr. lisa letter via the white house and he explained that president biden has not ser any neurologist since his last physical they told us about february. so despite some of the recent reporting and anonymous sources people close to the president who claim he has been slipping more in private and on the road, there has not been a reason according to the white house medical team to rescreen him. and they are telling us the president's doctor is telling us this dr. kevin kinard did not come to the white house all those times because of his parkinson's specialty but instead because he is a movement disorder specialist who has been patients at the white house for more than 12 years. why that was not able to be shared yesterday, we don't know but we expect that to be at least the beginning of today's
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event. also notable on capitol hill as democratic lawmakers try to sort out whether or not they are going to firmly back president biden staying in the race, the treasury secretary was asked about a cabinet level discussions of the 25th amendment to remove the president that way and she says if the secretaries are talking about it she doesn't know about it. >> john: all right, peter we await the fireworks thinking. center? >> sandra: team coverage continues with the latest on those crucial democrat meetings. chad pergram with an update now live on capitol hill. what are we hearing, chad? >> sander, good afternoon. democrats are showing two things today. division and avoidance. some are very vocal in their support of president biden. others were outspoken their concerns but then diabetic criticism. dick durbin is skeptical of mr. biden. >> showing us in the way you campaign you can effectively
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beat donald trump you've shown you are a good candidate and i believe he is. it's not typical of what we will see in the future. >> mostly democrats are ducking the press corps. many would not even respond to questions, others said they were rushing to meetings or said the deal was done after the president won the primaries. >> senator warren would you see signs you support biden? >> you've been very clear about the threat donald trump is. you think joe biden is the best person to make sure trump isn't president again? >> 14 million democrats have artie made the decision. >> president biden met virtually with the congressional black caucus last night, squad member cori bush faces a prime number next month. she argues the g.o.p. is trying to split democrats. >> congressman do you describe the temperature in the room? >> right now the same right wing influencers trying to take me down are trying to take down
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president biden. so i'm listening to my colleagues and my constituents. at the end of the day we have to beat back these right-wing influences. >> senate democrats are meeting right now for the first time since the debates but don't expect the president to meet in person with democrats. a source says congressional democrats will say things to president biden that he does not want to hear. center? >> sandra: chad pergram. by the way, chad we are learning some sad news about our former republican senator just a couple of hours ago. >> yes former g.o.p. oklahoma senator jim has died who suffered a stroke earlier this month. served in the house before moving to the senate in 1994 he retired last month. the armed services committee jim inhofe was 89 years old. sander? >> sandra: came down with an illness over the holidays and wanted a hospice about a month ago. he will be missed. our prayers are with his family. john? >> john: that is h shame.
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katie pavlik editor for congressman adam smith in washington says biden has to go. listen to what he suggested yesterday. >> i think he should step aside. i think it's time that he is not the best person. look at what is best to the country and i think kamala harris would be a much better/stronger candidate. >> john: where do you think this is headed? we have a him and some others we have seen in a minute saying biden has to go but at the same time this movement seems to be failing to reach critical mass. >> they can talk about him leaving all they want. they can try to get a coalition of democrats which is why these meetings a capitol hill or ab about. including hunter biden who is can so mike advising him to try to leave. biden has been making phone calls to donors, he has been making phone calls to the media saying he is not going anywhere.
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if the president does not want to go, he is not going to. it is interesting to see the split with the politics of course a lot of politics dumb i are saying he is buying in the polls to donald trump but if you look at the other democrats who potentially could step up to the plate which is unlikely unless president agrees, kamala harris still trails donald trump. gavin newsom trails donald trump. they are not beating him on the issues, the inflation, the economy, and there is this lack of discussion among democrats not just about the politics of winning but the national security implications and the danger the president has put this country in in this cognitive decline and the people around him at the white house trying to hide this from the media and from the american people even though if you've been putting in your attention for a while it's obvious if you open your eyes to look. >> on the kamala harris front there is some contradictory points that i will get to these of the six democrats who have said biden has to go.
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adam smith among them and some others but still there is a broad measure of support from other democrats. listen to what they said yesterday. >> i made clear publicly the day after the debate that i support president joe biden to any democratic ticket. my position has not changed. >> joe biden is our nominee he is not leaving this race he is in this race. >> the candidate who should be dropping out of this race is the twice impeached convicted felon who has vowed to destroy our democracy. >> john: on whether biden is the best with some internal polling that politico got access to trump beats biden 43-42 but in that polling kamala harris beats trump 42-41. clinton with the top of the ticket trails trump 43-40 so when you take a look at that internal information, is
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sticking with biden the right way to go? >> in the margin of error of course. they think that to bring back hillary clinton to leapfrog over kamala harris for the nomination and have her tuesday. >> john: third time this charm. >> maybe this will be her moment but also polling asking whether joe biden is the right person to move forward from the ape rp today showing that donald trump is beating joe biden by six points in wisconsin. it is well outside the margin of error that is having of rfk jr. but they have to say whether it's worth to replace the nominee and have the american people buy the argument when quite frankly this could have been done through rigorous primary process and could have been done six months ago and instead it is happening what they been warning about for a long time now. >> biden is saying that he said yesterday how come we go for
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democracy when we ignored in our own party saying hey just because we don't think biden is the best person for the job doesn't mean were not democratic. >> and the winning aspect of this going into the debate, joe biden had a very difficult task of trying to continue to bring his coalition together. bringing young voters, hispanics, black voters, now in the situation where his party is not focusing on how to win, they are focusing whether they can convince him to leave his position as the nominee and that of course begs the question if he can't run for a second term, is he fit to be president at this very moment? so he is distracted by this problem and of course this week was supposed to be very different. donald trump was about to get sentenced and that got pushed off now the focus is on biden and the press house secretary coming up. >> great to see you think you very much. sandra, to her point there come when you look at the position donald trump is in no, he is not getting sentenced this week. and in the republican convention
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where is the big question of the democratic convention is who will be running for president? i think given the two choices he would rather be republican. >> john: mike >> sandra: with james carbo out there saying he thinks it's inevitable that biden will drop out of this race so we are likely to learn a lot more in the next few minutes so it's already running a bit behind but as we know that's usually the case and we will certainly carry the slide when it begins, john. now this is president biden on the world stage today as he hosts the nato summit this week the alliant celebrating 75 years. will the questions about his health and acuity still the stop spotlight? just ahead. >> guys, guys, guys hold on a second there is no reason to go back and forth. not in this aggressive way. >> but about how information is shared with the press. >> john: a rather testy
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exchange of the white house briefing room yesterday about mixed messaging while biden's health. we are moments away from today's briefing. will we get more clarity or will she pop smoke again? ell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> in the white house briefing on "60 minutes" behind schedule with will bring the briefing as soon as it begins. >> sandra: now 75 years of nato and members in d.c. this week as concerns over the president's ability to leave the president talking about aid in ukraine and the party behind his in general, great to have you on the program.
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first your thoughts in this moment. obviously we are awaiting the white house press briefing, nato as the president's meeting with our allies but there are growing concerns about his ability to not only run for another term in office but his ability to lead, general. >> yes, well certainly nato is coming together to celebrate 75 years in their existence and they came together to make sure there was no other anything like world war ii. having all those leaders at the time experienced world war i and world war ii they largely succeeded at that. but their hands are full. they know the full authoritarian regimes russia, china, iran, north korea conducted a coordinated effort at the expense of the united states and western allies to achieve their goals in the world to flat change the international orders that exist today driven largely
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by the united states and like-minded democracies. they believe the united states and our allies are vulnerable and there are opportunities for them to take advantage of each other pair you have a war in europe certainly which putin is threatening to expand into eastern europe so iran is destabilized the middle east, operationalize all its proxies, they've tied up shipping to the suez canal, every country setting in washington, d.c., has supply chains interrupted by that. china is financing a war in europe that russia is conducting and also financing what iran is doing as well. they have their hands full here and certainly i think many of them are familiar with some of the challenges the president has been facing last few years, they've seen it up close. i think you be curious when they meet with them to see for themselves what is happening now and what the implications could
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be for them going forward. i think that likely has made some adjustment deal for with the president and some of his obvious weaknesses some time ago but it remains to be seen how he conducts himself at this meeting but they have their hands full because of the threats they are facing that they have not seen in decades. >> sandra: yes, general "the wall street journal " is reporting actually that some german officials knew the president's deficiencies back in 2022 and his inner circle was working to keep the signs of age and under wraps. journal officials though my turn officials sought to accompany him with meetings in the early evening and biden didn't show surprising his aid and instead antony blinken arrived unannounced biden had to go to bed according to two people who were there. that's in the journal and that is the journal's reporting great
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i spoke to senator cassidy about the president's readiness and concerns about that as this meeting is happening this week, listen up. >> any world leader has to be on the top of his or her game at all times. and president biden is not on the top of his game at any time. now they say between ten and 4:00 may be between 10:00 and 4:00 he is better but does anyone think that these events only happen between 10:00 and 4:00 or that that's when he is sharp enough to take on a true emergency? of course not. >> sandra: feel free to react to that as i also bring this to you, that viktor orban who made a visit to china after similar trips to russia and ukraine last week, the goal of these visits we are told was to discuss to the more than two year war between russia and ukraine, the next stop, general, is to nato summit in d.c.
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the biggest agenda item is supporting ukraine. so, will the meetings over the last week have any impact here? how do you see that playing out this week? >> certainly troublesome we've seen issues before with nato members, everyone lightly running authoritarian regime now in turkey doing much the same thing as cultural relationships with russia that he has with some nato members. it's not terribly consequential, but it is a problem certainly and it frustrates the nato members as sometimes it slows down their voting process on various issues. norway and sweden being an example being admitted into nato and also funding for the ukraine. i don't see it that consequential, nato has managed this before and if it becomes
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that much of a problem, they can certainly ask him to depart. i really think the issues here dealing with our adversaries has more to do with our policies than anything else. as they factor in the president personally on this, i'm sure they do. their intelligence asians probably have a good feel for what is actually going on while many americans don't have that kind of clarity, but the reality is they see with us as the part of the united states and didn't deter russia from going into ukraine despite all the rhetoric and when it came to iran the first thing the administration did was reach out and try to go back to the nuclear deal, shut down two military shipment of arms to uae and saudi arabia they had already paid for and
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started to remove the trump maximum sanctions paid all of this in the first 60 days did that send a message to iran that united states policy was changing? the same thing with president xi with more evidence on the table during this biden three year presidency certainly that anything we've seen with the previous demonstration. those are indisputable facts our adversaries believed that the united states is in a position of weakness where we can take advantage of the opportunities that are there based on our vulnerabilities. >> sandra: general hacking we will see what comes up in this whitewhite white house press prt on my briefing room general it's always to have you on. >> john: sandra a live look at the white house press briefing room where a surprise, surprise, surprise, the white house briefing has been pushed back to 1:45 buried more questions suspected president biden's
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health after they say a parkinss specialist visits eight times in eight months. dr. siegel. >> sandra: and in new mexico today as his criminal trial begins jonathan hunt is there with us what are we seeing so far? >> sandra, alec baldwin arrived along with his wife, hilario, for day one in this high-stakes trial paid as he arrived we asked how he was feeling. we will show you his response after the break. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪
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>> sandra: jury selection underway and in alec baldwin alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial in new mexico he is accused in the involuntary manslaughter in the shop shooting of 2021. in santa fe, jonathan, when do we expect to see the jury seated for this?
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>> sondra, the judge has said she would like to see that jury to be seated by days end. she seems to run a pretty tight ship so if that happens, we will get to opening statements tomorrow morning. in what is of course for alec baldwin a high-stakes trial. we asked him about it as he arrived this morning listen here. >> mr. boozman are you feeling confident today? are you going to be a free man and two weeks, mr. bolden? now, bolden was followed into court a few seconds after that by his wife, hill area. baldwin of course faces one count of involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of cinematographer halyna hutchins on the set of "rust" back in october of 2021. prosecutor saying he was negligent and reckless and going to go up the cinematographer. the baldwin legal team will argue he had no way of knowing that there was a live round loaded in that weapon and he was
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simply following the directors' in cinematographer's instructions. another words they will say the death of that cinematographer, halyna hutchins, was simply a tragic accident. here his how those two will play out. >> we do intend to argue that mr. baldwin did not have subjective knowledge of a substantial risk to ms. hudgins' life because there wasn't a live bullet and in his mind there was not a liable and the gun. >> he should have been aware that his conduct and pointing and stomach a firearm and cocking the hammer and pulling the trigger is reckless conduct. >> the armor loaded the weapon has already been sentenced to 18 months behind bars in this case. if he is found guilty, alec baldwin could face that same 18 month sentence. >> sandra: jonathan on that for us. thank you very much for more on
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that story had to fox nation where judge jeanine will give you the final take of alec baldwin in the "rust" shooting available to stream right now. >> you said the president's doctor a suit has no reason to evaluate him and reevaluate him since i physical in february for parkinson's can you restate that? >> can you state break clearly yes or no was that expert here to say anything for the president of the united states? >> i said three times the directions has the president be mike been treated parkinson's? no. it has he been treated? is he taking medication for parkinson's? no. >> john: tense talks as they talk about why a neurologist visited the ground the white house at least eight times. again where the white house holds another briefing about 9 minutes from now. dr. marc siegel is a fox news medical contributor and
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professor of medicine at nyu medical center. so the press secretary yesterday didn't seem to do the president any favors. left more questions unanswered than answered. prompting the white house doctor, kevin o'connor. the white house physician to release the following memo saying "dr. devon kinard was the neurological specialist that examined president biden for each of its annual physicals. president biden has not seen a neurologist outside of his physical. dr. kinard was chosen for this responsibility not because he is a specialist but because is a highly regarded neurologist across the military health system." so come in your mind and i know you're married to a neurologist, does this put the issue to rest? >> well, john, i don't think this is parkinson's. and i think what puts the issue to rest are a couple of things. one is you realize kevin o'connor has written in two physicals now the words "he doesn't have parkinson's" and i
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don't believe a physician whose license was on the line would want to directly lie in the medical record. now there are issues of hepa and protection of privacy even with the president, but you don't have to say an untruth. so i think we have to go by this and he said it again yesterday. dr. kinard from walter reed came, saw him, but it's not parkinson's. so just flat out saying that. there are a lot of other things this could be. my concern is we keep going down the parkinson's rabbit hole but we look at what is going on here. spatial disorientation, lot of of forgetfulness, lapses, you know, a certain hour of the day or night saying he was stressed, traveling bothering him, all of these excuses. colds, this was the president of the united states and he needs a lot of what is called cognitive reserve meaning if you are stressed and you haven't slept or if you have a cold you still have to do well. you can't be mumbling to the end of the sentence, starting the sentence one place and ending in
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another, i feel bad for the president because to me it is clear he is suffering from some form of cognitive impairment or dementia and it does not matter actually what is causing it now. now, john if you want to know what i think is causing it, i think it is that he has atrial fibrillation which is an irregular heartbeat which you are very familiar with which can lead to different amounts of blood flow to the brain if you are in that rhythm. and then he had aneurysms repaired in 1998 with a bleed to. all of that can lead to long-term cognitive impairment or silent strokes which leads me to this point. i'm not so interested in the cognitive test as i am in an mri. why hasn't that mri been released? what does an mri show here with diffusion? does it show areas which are not being fully perfused? that's where the money is. but again he refused to release that. >> john: doc i am with you on the atrial fibrillation thing because before i got it fixed after the cleveland clinic i
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would have episodes. when i got end of that i could barely even run round name. remember my own name. why don't you put forward dr. kevin o'connor the w way, wy dr. ronny jackson to answer questions from the media like trump and obama did? >> they really should and i should point out something to 1935 before we were born in 1955 eisenhower had a big heart attack and dr. white from the mass general hospital came and revealed everything to the public and said let's use this as a teaching moment for the public. guess what? i got reelected the next year. i don't think the public, may be times of changed, but maybe he should be front and center answering medical question soy feel there is some transparency here we are entitled to no. if we want to think they're afraid to have them undergo a
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cognitive test because of you were to fail at it be game over? >> that's a really, really good point. the cognitive tests like the cognitive assessment where you recall words and then you are asked to identify shapes and objects or the mini mental status exam those arm mental tasks and there is a low bar for mild monk to my cognitive impaimpairment. if you do poorly on that it's a real sign something is going on. for all we know he has had them and they don't want to release the results but i think that is right to. and then he comes out and says yesterday i've been passing a cognitive test every day and my job except we, the public, don't think you are passing that. it does not look like it certainly on a regular basis. and as you know two other points one mental status waxes and wanes if you have cognitive problem and two you tend to be in denial over that.
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my patients don't admit it themselves usually in order that the president. >> sandra: atrial tribulation is intriguing because his is persistent in the white house keeps telling us he has no symptoms from that. dockery to see you think you so much. speak i think that's where the money is in think you're right, john good to see you. >> sandra: you too. >> john: thank you, john fox news alert as we are just getting word a live shot of capitol hill on the left senate democrats are meeting for their weekly caucus lunch. this would be the first time they have met since biden's debate performance obviously amid growing concerns from some members about the president's ability to continue to lead and especially to run for reel reelection. screen right any moment the press briefing is set to begin as their should be pressure that he is not fit for the job fair will bring you to both of those life events as we go more. white house press briefing push
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to one: 45. >> sandra: plus the price of somewhere to live is shutting down potential home buyers. lydia? >> hey, john. the country just does not have enough homes. that is driving prices higher. to so why aren't homebuilders just building more homes? coming up we will talk about the roadblocks to building and the potential solutions come stay with us. the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. (male vo) dan made progress with his mental health, but his medication caused unintentional movements
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>> sandra: three things we are watching right now. senate democrats are right now behind closed doors to discuss the future of the presidency. they will hold a briefing following their weekly lunch. house democrats are also said to speak out followed the closed door meeting this morning in the
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white house press briefing should be underway any moment no. we are watching all of those life events and we will bring it to you as they happen. >> sandra: a lot going on this afternoon the constant shelter soaring to all-time highs now while the housing market struggled to give up with demand. complete coverage on fox with the bird's-eye view of the economy and strong headwinds hitting so many home buyers but first lydia who is talking to a homebuilder in new jersey. what does the builder say about a business and about increasing the housing supply? >> boy does he ever see the need to build more homes and he wants to answer that call but he says he needs a couple of things to happen. first, john he says he needs more workers. he can't find enough. there has been an uptick in hiring in the construction related fields, but on balance the whole industry is short about 400,000 workers. that's according to the national association of homebuilders. they say with all those workers
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now it's relating to delays in home building. listen here. >> in the state of new jersey they see virtually nobody coming out to the four-year colleges looking for careers on the construction business. virtually no one. i think we have an orientation in this country that it's almost taboo to be in construction versus in engineering or finance and so forth. >> that's why promoting careers in these trades is important including nahb they also say the country needs to eliminate excessive regulations and ease of zoning restrictions to increase the housing stock and supply. this is the perfect example saying they have nine lots but instead of buying nine homes he is building two on each lot as a duplex as a way of housing more
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people. in order to accomplish that, he had to get special permission from the local zoning board. it took years to get. the first time in decades the local officials allowed that to happen so he wants to buy more homes with duplexes but he may not be able to with zoning restrictions standing in the way. take that example and apply that across the country because zoning is a problem nationwide. they say changing zoning, regulations, and increase in the labor force will be a big start to the solution to addressing the housing and affordability and supply. john, back to you. >> john: very difficult for folks just getting going to think they will ever get any of their own home. lydia who for us thank you. sender? >> sandra: okay joining us now reagan our economist great to have you on the program and i always know you have a unique way of looking at things. so this housing market is unprecedented on so many levels. we are in an environment you
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tell me that we have it seen before in the country. the employment to jewish housing situation the stock market situation, when it comes to house and come what are your thoughts on this? people are questioning whether or not the american dream is slipping away and owning a home is realistic anymore. >> a couple things if i can but first when you look at housing prices you have to prepare it with compare with inflation. we see housing prices rising but also five or 6% this year may be a little more than inflation but not much more than inflation. if you look compared to the stock market i don't think it has done nearly as well as the stock market has this year. when i look at housing i really look at it as being a local phenomenon. you have a house on a locked it can't be moved it can be switched around the country. what you have is when you have migration you have certain areas that are abandoned. those houses go and then you have other areas with rapid
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growth. property taxes are the one overlooked feature. now regulations are true and building permitting is true too a property taxes are very serious issues. property taxes are on the level of income taxes in the u.s. as well so i really focus on housing as being a local issue and very susceptible to property taxes and some areas for example in davidson county in nashville, tennessee, the property taxes had a big sharp increase about one and a half-2 years ago to 5% so that has a big impact on housing prices et cetera. that's where i look at housing. we need to get this market going with labor and all of that is true but always look at the local issue for hosting because housing is local. >> sandra: the builder saying it is hard to find skilled labor and they are having to pay them all not know mike a lot more because there is such a squeeze on that labor, the building materials have gone up with inflation just a cost to build
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us up there. jade powell weighed in this morning on housing supply to get your reaction to this. >> the best thing we can do is get inflation under control so the rates can come back down so they can have a more normalized set of rates and a more normalized housing system. i think paul sighs to increase housing supply are really not so much in the hands of the fed they are in the hands of legislatures. >> sandra: who would've thought bring inflation down get it under control so they can bring those rates down, you bring the rates down and people could feel comfortable getting out of their current house and increase supply and all of a sudden they have a functioning housing market. final thought? >> those with a low mortgage rate remember if they sold their house they would have to get a house themselves so it's demand and supply on that which i would not rely on it being a major factor and we need rates down
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and inflation downs and i hope powell doesn't. >> sandra: hard to believe the median home price in this country the average is $400,000, you are talking about salaries much higher than ever. just to get into that. >> if you own a house that's wonderful. just remember if you own one it's great the other way. >> sandra: the haves and have-nots are less. the very people to set an administration said they were out to help the most getting hurt the most right now. art, thank you. john? >> john: sandra, boston setting a deadline for migrants to clear out of the airport by the end of the day. we are alive to look at theu ha airport to show you how it's coming up coming uthinp next. can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor.
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>> john: deadline day for migrants sleeping and molly are the migrants leaving? >> yes this morning all the migrants that had been spending what will be the last night here at logan airport committed left early this morning and as you mentioned tonight is the deadline with the demonstration in massachusetts for months now people have been in this international terminal here at logan airport. sometimes more than 100 people at a time sleeping on makeshift beds toting their luggage and
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small children but per governor healy and her administration that ends tonight after a concerted effort to open additional sites elsewhere including a refurbished old prison in massachusetts which is slated to hold up to 450 people with shelters packed to capacity of course the state and cost estimates climbing to near billion dollars a year sending a delegation to the southern border him to send a message. >> also made clear to those who may think about coming to massachusetts that we are not going to be able to provide housing nor will you be able to stay at logan airport anymore. >> in april healy signed into law a nine month limit for families at emergency shelters but the rules allowed for extensions. peter durrant says that c.a.p. does not go far enough. he wants the states right to shelter law changed to apply to legal state residents only. >> we would like to see the
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right to shelter law completely amended by simply saying you have to be here for a period of time. if people knew they had to be here six months or a year, that would make it less attractive. if you cut out the other services that are available as part of it. >> this state will have staff social workers to talk to migrant families if they arrive this evening also giving them information on transportation and other availabilities for silk stomach shelter elsewhere. >> john: squeezes being all across this country. >> sandra: we are still awaiting the white house press briefing here is a shot in the briefing room from both chambers said to speak at separate news conference as you can see those happening. they all come after holding crucial meetings on the hill to discuss president biden's future. we have a whole bunch with those
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