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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: top of the next hour as we await the white house press briefing set for 1:00 p.m. eastern time that has been pushed back now a couple of times after a heated day for press secretary karine jean-pierre yesterday. member, it happened during this hour. in house and senate democrats following high-stakes closed-door meetings on the on the future of the president. >> joe biden all the way. >> he just has to step down because he can't win. >> no i am not. with him in the final few weeks. >> joe biden is the nominee. >> exactly the discussion we should be having. this is what democracy is about. >> sandra: all right welcome back to "america reports" i am sandra smith in new york, john great to be with you.
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>> john: good to be with you maybe this hour-long delay means we are in for something really special. i am john roberts in washington. it is a pivotal day for the president to redeem himself in the world stage. the nato summit today and the briefing the leg of this are the big question through all of it can president biden assure his party and our allies that he is in fact fit to lead? we have republican senator josh hawley standing by but first aishah hasnie live on capitol hill watching all of the action today. >> john, good afternoon i think we are in for more of the same it doesn't seem like anything has moved or shifted in the last few hours and capitol hill at least the big private meeting with the democratic caucus lasted about two hours long, secret no cell phones allowed and when people came out it was clear there was no consensus. the conference not unified beyond president biden as there are still a few stragglers, a
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few hold outs that do not want him at the top of the ticket while others also still concerned he may not be the best person on the ballot, listen to this. >> congresswoman herrell -- president biden -- >> this is what democracy is about, right? >> what'd you say in the room? >> i assured my position. >> is there not -- , rissman dingle is there any consensus in there? they are still talking, what does that tell you? >> our caucuses united in support of each other. >> john, that is the house. the senate, not any better. senate democrats are meeting for lunch right now. it's the first time they are face-to-face since the disastrous debate performance
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and while majority leader chuck schumer says he is for joe his vulnerable colleagues and on the same page. senator brown, mark heinrich all on the screen are distancing themselves from the president. >> ia continue to listen and my job to do with it. >> should he step down in your opinion? >> i have said going to say. >> john if president biden wanted to nip this in the bud today, that is not going to happen. this is shaping up to be a very long week for him. john? >> not over yet that's for sure. aishah hasnie with the latest from capitol hill thank you. >> sandra: less brand republican senator thank you for being here and welcome. first off is the large shot as we are waiting this white house press briefing. you are in the room your question to the white house is what?
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what should we be demanding as the american public today. >> my question is why hasn't the 25th amendment been invoked when the president is incapable of discharging the functions of his office he needs to be removed and replaced. the cabinet can do that. we are talking about the election and of course that's important but let's talk about right now. let's talk about the security of the american people. this guy has the nuclear codes let's not forget. we've all seen debate footage and cut press conferences, and the state of the end and this guy is clearly not capable. not only of running for reelection, that is least of it. he is not capable of being president and he ought to be removed right now. speech of their questions whether those who may be in the democratic party that believe as you do and if they are there are not a lot of them believing that. this is cori bush when asked if the party is backing the president right now, listen. >> congresswoman can you describe the tempter in the
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room? >> right now the same right wing influences that are trying to take me down are trying to take down president biden so that's where my head is but i'm listening to my colleagues. at the end of the day we need to be back these right wing influences. >> sandra: some democrats standing by the president's side insisting he should continue to run. cori bush is suggesting right wing influences right now are trying to take democrats down, trying to take the president down. honey responded that? >> well i think joe biden's worst enemy is joe biden. and the person responsible for where biden is is biden himself. now we know we have been lied to by the white house's parkinson's expert has been a how may times we have been lied to the cabinet members who say he is fine, he is great, he is short behind closed doors come it's all a lie. we know it's a lie paired we've
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been lied to by the media who saw him day after day after day after that day and said he looks good. he doesn't look good, he looks like he can't handle the job because he's not up to doing the job. they've all lied to us. it's time for some account ability. is time for the president to step aside. the 25th amendment ought to be invoked right here right now. >> sandra: the governor gretchen was asked today if they joe biden she met with is the same joe biden that we all saw on the debate stage, listen. >> i mean, he is absolutely the same joe biden we all of known. i think we all have our bad moments and certainly he is the first to admit it was not the best performance at the debate, but nonetheless he is doing this job and showing up with receipts for the american public. >> sandra: okay there is that and then senator patty murray who is now a flip-flop on the situation. and if there could be more, we will see but on april, the senator said he engages in a
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very personal way asking questions, he is listening and absorbing when asked about his cognitive ability. today and she says we need to see a much more forceful and energetic candidate on the campaign trail in the very near future in order for him to convince voters he is up for the job. so, i guess we will see in the coming hours and days as aishah hasnie just pointed out this could be really tough week for the present. we will see with white house press secretary has to say but how do you see this going next, senator? >> these democrats act like this is a revelation to them that the debate was suddenly oh, my gosh, we've never seen this before. that's ridiculous. they have been with this guy behind closed doors come in public, every single day they knew all of this. the difference is the american people got to see up close and personal. i can tell you they may not be seeing it in public work but in private they want him gone. i don't have is any doubt that
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the majority that democrats in congress particularly those running for reelection in the senate they want biden off the ticket. but you know what? he says he is not going to go. listen this is a disaster of their own making but the biggest thing is not the election, is the safety of the country right now. that's why i say again if the democrats had real guts they would be saying we need to invoke the 25th amendment. >> sandra: it looks like the democrats around the hill is on their way let me know if we have that shot up, okay. so we know these meetings are ongoing, and both chambers they are meeting, they are disc discussing, they are walking out of these meetings insisting coming together inking where they will go next on this. where is your party today as you move forward with donald trump as the nominee this is the platform on abortion, i want to finish with this. in 2016 this is a comparison of where the party is today, we support a human life amendment
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to the constitution and legislation to be clear the 14th amendment's protection apply to children before birth. in 20242 term abortion in prenatal care access to birth control and ivf fertility treatments or how would you describe the party's involvement when it comes to abortion? >> i hope the republican party will stay a pro-life party. we are saying we are absolutely opposed to federal funding of abortions, taxpayer funding of abortions under any circumstance we are opposed to the military being used for abortions which the democrats are doing right now. that we want to be a party that endorses the right to life, supports the right to life and advocates for it so i think it is important that we maintain our historic commitment to the right to life and we encourage voters who have the authority to decide this we urge the position
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and we fi fight for life. >> sandra: we appreciate you joining us. how stem leaders are now holding a presser let's listen for a minute. >> given an opportunity to govern, chaos and confusion are the order of the day and the will of the american people is ignored. the extreme republicans in charge have not passed a single bill to create one job, but they have voted to roll back thousands clean energy jobs. they have not passed legislation to combat rising prices, but they have promised to repeal the $35 a month insulin guarantee for our seniors. they have not done nothing to address the situation of the border. in fact they have killed the most significant border security bill in decades while the policies of president biden have brought border crossings down to prepend a michelobs. the choice before the american people this november is moving forward with a stronger economy,
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lowering costs, and safer streets where the chaos and extremism of donald trump. together with the biden/harris we will continue to increase in every zip code and deliver for working families. vice chair? >> thank you. donald trump campaign on overturning roe vs. wade, trump then appointed -- >> sandra: we are told they will take questions, the dumb leaders they are meeting on capitol hill they obviously haven't started that quite yet but we obviously think i could get pretty interesting when it does, so john, we will keep listening and we will dip back into this presser on capitol hill with the questions. >> john: maybe sometime before the end of the week we will see the white house briefing as well. >> sandra: where is that? >> john: hot standby on that one pair of former president trump said to hold his first big rally since the day after his debate with president biden, that is set to begin 7:00 tonight at the trump golf club in miami on one of his
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short list vice presidential contenders is expected to join him. bryan llenas' live in florida with the latest and brian, would be unnatural for marco rubio to be they are seeing is a former senator but a lot of people can't help but wonder if you will be on the ticket. speak of that sense exactly right, former senator marco rubio will be speaking at trump's golf club behind me. we have seen some folks lining up to get in on the short-list for a potential to beat trump's vp pick, senators j.d. vance as well as tim scott and governor were on the short-list. they are expecting thousands of people tonight at the rally which is also a campaign fund-raiser by the way, $25,000 gets you a vip meet and greet, former president trump says there are two thinks he is considering for his vp. someone who can step in and be
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president and someone who can help them get elected. for rubio the three term senator he has the experience he is also cuban-american and can sell trump's message on spanish-language television. left on hannity from said he has not made his decision yet and said this about the timing of his vp announcement. >> probably a little before the convention but not much. it could even be during the convention that we are all love to do it during the convention. think would be a very interesting buildup and important for the convention would make it even more exc exciting. >> trump also said the decision on replacing biden or not could impact his decision tonight is the first rally in 11 days he is laying low and that seems to be a campaign source on fox when democrats are in disarray, why get in their way of them shooting at each other? that's a quote. the campaign says tonight we can expect the former president to
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really lay into this idea of a cover-up attacking the president, the white house, the democratic party and the media for what they believe is a cover-up of president biden's cognitive decline and we can expect, john more attacks against vice president kamala harris was looking like the favorite to replace biden if he decides to step down, john. >> sandra: we will see how it goes he has to somebody at some point because they are slated to give a speech tomorrow so he asked to make a pick. bryan llenas, thank you for it of course, sandra, the president shakes it up again >> sandra: you never know. do we mention we are waiting on this white house press briefing, that's the podium, the press secretary has not started yet. the last update we got from the white house was that it was postponed from the original 1:00 scheduled time to 1:45. no another half hour you can
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only imagine what's being discussed behind closed doors. >> john: what could they be up to? >> sandra: plus this. >> the present i see including a couple of times in the oval office is robust, he is lucid, he is clear, he is direct. spewing to hear from john kirby but now president biden it's time for them to prove himself on the world stage. sitting down the former ambassador to nato on how pivotal today is for the president just had. write myster. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear, much sharper. i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. do you want to close out?
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[ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ >> sandra: antony blinken just met with the secretary general including the push to get into the alliance but all eyes are on president biden at this hour. can ensure our allies are fit to continue to lead?
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chief security correspondent jennifer griffith is here for the pentagon, jennifer what are we expecting to see at the three-day summit? >> presents linsky will speak at the ronald reagan institute and present biden will be given one of the most consequential speeches of his presidency at 5:00 p.m. today in the auditorium in washington, d.c. were president harry truman signed the treaty making the u.s. 1 of 12 and eight founding member 75 years ago. the alliance's goal has not changed to counter the rise of russia and at the time and the soviet union to protect the hard fought gains against authoritarian rulers in world war ii. the rise of populist nationalist movements in europe and increased isolationism in the u.s. puts nato at a crossroads what used to be a feeling of unity is now filling us with anxiety as they worry about instability in the u.s. and
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allies scramble to prepare for a possible trump presidency with the repeated threats to pull out of nato if there is not a an increase in defense spending. >> you have to pay and they said what would happen if we don't and we won't defend you against russia. >> this is the leader of the world's largest democracy india's prime minister warmly embraced vladimir putin today in moscow and attempt to create a new alliance in counterpoint to moscow. after targeting a hospital in care of killing more than 42 people mostly ukrainian children being treated at the hospital there. from defense spending to support for ukraine the three-day nato summit in d.c. will have a full agenda perinatal leaders plan to not lock in pledges to continue to fund ukraine but they are unlikely to be given immediate memberships with the u.s. and germany opposed love ukraine were continues.
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one thing that has changed in the last three years when biden became president only nine of the 32 nato members were spending 2% or more of their gdp on defense. now 23 nato allies are doing so and president biden will likely highlight those not pulling their weight including canada, spain, italy, and belgium home to nato headquarters. >> sandra: live at the headquarters. john? >> john: kurt volker the ambassador, great to see you. this nato summit here in washington, d.c., with disrupting traffic is supposed to be all about this policy but the number one question on everyone's lips is joe biden up for the job? i've never heard such a thing before. >> that is exactly right, john. two things on people's minds. the first is is there a strategy to help ukraine win the war against russia or what we have the war for a lot longer?
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the answer is we don't have a strategy for winning at. and who will lead the alliance? joe biden is he fit to lead right now? will he run for reelection or will the democrats replace him? if he doesn't run or if it is president trump our next president what does that mean for u.s. leadership as well. a lot of questions on people's minds right now. >> john: some members of nato are taking shots at biden, this is what the polish foreign minister vladislav sikorsky said in the debate on the 27th he said "marcus aurelius was a great emperor but he screwed up his succession by passing the baton to his feckless son, come at us." from the gladiator movie. it is important to manage one's ride into the sunset" i mean this is a guy who has quoted controversy in social media before but holy cow. >> he's not not the only one thinking that. most needle leaders are not going to say anything. they will show up here and go through the motions and talk
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privately among themselves but they are not going to want to embarrass president biden. we have that major speech today in the auditorium that was mentioned but i think everyone will be launching is he able to pull off something like that? be coherent, be convincing, showing leadership in the alliance is a high-stakes for him. >> john: whatsit signed as it sent to the world's bad actors when the question being is the u.s. president capable of leading the alliance? >> it right, a terrible time right now. because not only did our allies see president biden as debate performance and have questions about his future. all of our adversaries saw that as well. and they see six months ahead even before a new president takes office when it is unclear exactly what kind of leadership the u.s. is going to have. we can just imagine russia conducting more attacks like it
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just did on the children's hospital. we can see other countries hedging their bets whether russia will survive and win this or not. china wrapping up its pressure on taiwan so on and so on so it's a dangerous time when people question american leadership. >> john: a "wall street journal" article about how the white house was keeping biden's aging and the effects of it under wraps. part of that extended to nato saying this "german officials where biden fatigues to not accommodate the present by planning a june 22 event in the early evening. biden didn't show surprising the chancellor white of his aides official said instead secretary state antony blinken announced and said that biden had to go back to bed. according to two people that were there. but it seems to track with what we are hearing. >> i heard a similar story. i heard a similar story and i've heard other stories as well where he has skipped or
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curtailed evening activities particularly while traveling. look, being the president of the united states and being the leader of the free world is a tough job. it's a demanding job. and it is one where you have to show up. if you are not able to do 100%, it does affect america's interest. >> john: no question about that. kurt, always great to get your thoughts thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> john: semper? >> sandra: we heard this a few moments ago we showed the dumb leaders in the senate who just met and then they were holding a news conference will chad pergram was here. able to get one question in >> you say but it doesn't seem that everyone is clear-eyed about the future of this resident can you address and characterize what those concerns are and attribute how you do get everybody on the same page?
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>> our congress meeting is about listening to others. there is no instruction how to get on the same page we are talking about the importance the twin goals we have preventing donald trump from setting foot in the white house and getting 218 votes for hakeem jeffries on january 3rd. that is the focus of house democrats. you have heard us say before that unity is something so helpful to us. unanimity is not the same as unity. house democrats bring different thoughts and ideas and viewpoints each and every day to this house chamber. we accept that each member's perspective and our focus is to be unified. if we are unified that donald trump cannot win and we are unified that hakeem jeffries needs to be speaker to help the public. >> it's more about is that not
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the solution here you are talking consistently about former president trump and not advocating that he is the guy who has to be donald trump? >> right now president biden is the nominee and we support the democratic nominee. that will beat donald trump. that is a fact. that is where we are. and preventing donald trump from the disastrous reign where he can level project 25, where he can deport kids from families, ripped families apart, that's what we want to prevent here. that is in duty to ensuring as a speaker. >> john: that just happen while we are waiting on this press house my stomach white house press briefing. >> john: did i hear hear him correctly saying right now joe biden is the nominee? >> sandra: yes. right now? as in maybe not two weeks from now? or maybe not next month?
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that i thought was pretty telling. be to okay it tells you where they stand. i'm just taking about this white house press briefing we are now 90 minutes past when this was set to begin. when you think about this yesterday when karine jean-pierre had to explain why this neurologist who specializes in parkinson's disease is visiting the white house as we now know eight times in as many months, she said it was a personal attack to even ask about it. i mean, that is pretty remarkable. so right now they are about 90 minutes past when they said the briefing would begin. you can only imagine what the discussion is because after the white house press briefing, john, they then had to release this letter explaining those visits. and the president's doctor said the president has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical back in february
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and does not plan to see another one until his next physical. >> sandra: a tried and true tactic if your back is against the wall you don't have any answers you pull and you say how dare you ask a question like that. they dare ask because this is information that the public should have. why did a motion disease specialist go to the white house eight times? was it always see the president or to talk to dr. kevin o'connor who is his personal physician? was it to see other people? whether to discuss policy? what was it for? those are easy answers. but for pete aguilar to say right now joe biden is the nominee, that kind of tells you where things are with the democratic party. >> john: mark penn was on this program yesterday and said something very similar. this is who they have chosen and who they have to stick with. it seems right now that is the message we are getting from these democrats as they continued to be behind closed
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doors. >> john: "right now" seems to be a turn of phrase today. >> sandra: got it i would heavy hitters bailing on biden brian bromberg and jack adela jiles are here and ready and they will join us live next. of
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texas is currently out of the country. the president then called the lieutenant governor of texas to ensure that texans are getting the resources they need and deserve following this derve following this devastating storm. on the call the president raised the need for a major disaster declaration and immediately approved it while on the call when the lieutenant governor requested it. with this major declaration in place to provide life saving and life-sustaining abilities. he and his team have been working around the clock for the past few days to ensure texas has the resources and tools needed to respond and keep america safe. those from the coast guard and fema have been on the ground and senior white house officials have been in constant contact with their counterparts.
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our greatest concern right now there is extreme heat to ask them to remain vigilant as temperatures rise including major adults and those with underlying conditions. fortunately 800,000 have had power restored overnight and we expect another 1 million to have their power restored today. the federal government has also generators to help reduce the impact of the power outages. the president continues to take the decisive action to help the people of texas recover and he looks forward to working with the state to get more critical resources to the people that need them. i also want to share one additional scheduling item with all of you as well at the top. in addition to many nato meetings we announced yesterday on thursday afternoon president biden will meet with president zelenskyy of ukraine for the unwavering support in
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that meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. at the convention center which as you all know is where the nato sessions are being held and it will take place that will be the third meeting between both presidents in recent weeks following their sit down and a sit down at the g7 and italy. it will further demonstrate the strength of a partnership between our countries. and finally just on a personal note here i want to say a few things about sam michelle here who served as acting deputy press secretary for the good part of this year we are sad today is his last day. >> sandra: the update was right at the top there she said a bit of what she does, she comes out and gives an update. she did say at the very top there she had just met with the president and the oval office
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which would explain the late nature of the briefing which was originally scheduled for 1:00 eastern. >> john: she made a strong point of saying the president is taking decisive action here saying he is up to the job. so we will see how this goes. >> sandra: first question, let's get back in. >> correct me if i'm wrong but it didn't seem to explicitly describe the nature with dr. o'connor. can you say how that was related to the president himself question marks because i can say it was not. >> and can i ask why that information that information was not said? >> no a lot of what was in the letter was set at the briefing to be very, very clear. i said many of the things in the letter was repeated right here behind us lecturing at this podium yesterday.
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i said many of the things. many of the things. and with that clarification obviously from dr. o'connor, but it was in line when i said only three i said only three visits i set a neurologist. will not confirm the name and i said we do not share private information that is something we respect and to make sure we protect our consultants here with the white house medical unit and i cannot confirm that obviously dr. o'connor later confirms that but we had to get permission from dr. kinard and s not normal. that also states that in dr. o'connor. but many things i said right here at this podium.
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>> can i ask a little this is the second time in less than a week that the briefing had prompted any earlier clarification on questions about the president's health. i was wondering if you could speak to -- >> i disagree. it is not. yesterday a lot of the things i said i know you are not in a briefing room, it's in the letter. it was in the letter. it was being incorrectly assumed that the president had seen dr. kinard more than three times. i said it was only three times that the president had seen a neurologist. i did not confirm the name but i did say it was only three times. it was being incorrectly assumed and incinerated that the doctor was being treated for parkinson's. i said right here the president was not being treated for parkinson's. actually went a step further and said he is not taking medication for parkinson's. i said that right here. it is also being assumed and insinuated a doctor kinard was someone who only part worked on parkinson's when he is a general neurologist. dr. o'connor was actually able
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to confirm that he is a general neurologist. in fact a general neurologist. we also just wanted to set the record straight. so it is important we believe it's important to all of you. i actually even said here at the podium if there was more information that we could provide, we would do that. we would do that. and we did. many of the things i said right here is in the letter. it's in the letter. >> does the president feel like he has beat back his effort to step aside? >> look, you know, you heard the president yesterday when you called in the morning about 18 minutes of q&a yesterday morning. he spoke very forcefully and passionately about where he stands, about how he sees things moving forward. and we also have said many times we respect members of congress, we respect their view, but i
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also want to say there is a long list of congressional members who have been very clear and in support of this president. whether it's the cdc who gave full support of the congressional black caucus, i'm not sure if everyone knows what cbc is they were supportive and they said this is a representative choice they need to be clear. we think the call went extremely well and the president was extremely responsive. representative carter who is also air member of the cdc was elated to hear directly
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know there are hundreds of members. now a list of folks who have supported him, we have heard from senator combs and senator fetterman, their support as well for him so i just want to make sure to put that out there as well. absolutely end representative gregory meeks has said coming out of the congressional democrats meeting said they are united. and you just saw the leadership take from those at the capital that is important as well to note. but look, he had a bad night. we talked about it. he understands people's concerns. we have been out there as we have been in the past ten days more than ten days now since the
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debate. and you see from the engagement with everyday people on the ground. we see him with congressional members who are showing their support speaking on behalf of this president while we are on the ground. in that respective state or commonwealth being in pennsylvania on sunday so we will continue that. but look, what i can say is look we respect people's opinion. we just mention two senators we were very proud working with the vast 3.5 years to get historic legislation done and that's what we want to focus on. you are right, we want to turn the page and you heard me say this last week. we want to get to the other side of this and continue doing the work and that's with the president is going to do. >> and to be sure are there plants talk of leadership? >> we don't have calls to read out or preview, he will continue to engage we just don't have anything right now to share this moment.
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he talked to the cdc again the congressional black caucus members yesterday and had a very, very good call so. >> white house is obviously having a lot of questions in recent days about the president's health. were there any reconsidering of statements you have made on that issue? >> i appreciate the question, i really do, and the opportunity. i think there has been moments here when i have said, especially in the gaggle i think and yesterday if i have -- misled and something i have said or have not had the full information i own up to that. and i say i will do my best to give you the right information. hence the letter from dr. o'connor, right? so i have always said i have
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been committed to doing the best i can to giving you the information that we have. that is a commitment from the team. it has been an unprecedented time. i think you can admit that, right? it's an unprecedented time. so we are meeting a new moment that has never really existed before. so we want to make sure we get you all the information that we have. and when we don't have it come we do try our best to provide that information. and so that is something i am going to continue to do and i've always said it is an honor and a privilege to be standing in front of you every day exercising in the freedom of the press. this is a briefing watch around the world because we lead in democracy. we lead in the freedom of the press and what that looks like. honor and privilege and will continue to do our best to teach that. >> and we know you speak on behalf of the president and you defend him, his actions, his decisions come his policy positions included.
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can i just ask you about one example going back that comes to mind? >> in the past you are talking about the last 12 days? >> i'm talking about -- recent months. >> you said recently, we've been going back and forth so in the last 12 days or so that i believe is what you asked. >> i'm talking generally. but if i could ask you about one example. >> if you'll ask me about something from months ago it will probably be fair i won't be able to answer that right away whatever it is you are going to say to me. but i am happy to do that but it's also to say hey, from september of one every year, right? that is something i should give a little space to kind of see exactly what you are speaking of. >> that's fine. >> i want to make sure we kind of give some context here. >> yes. and you will remember this it was an event where the president
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called out jackie walorski even though she had recently died. you told multiple reporters at the time and this was -- >> she was -- >> right because she was top of mind for the president. on that example would you offer a different explanation? >> i will not because honestly i spoke to the president right before coming out that day. that is with the president told me. it is not something that came for me, that is something that came from the president. >> so he was saying even as -- he was looking for her in the moment western mark >> she was top of mind. as you said i speak for the president, i speak on behalf of him. that was coming from him and i was delivering what he was thinking at the time. >> very different kind of example. this is more recent. when the president was in italy for the g7 and you remember he skipped one of the leaders dinner which was a major event
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for the summit i remember you were asked and you said we shouldn't read too much into the fact he is skipping a dinner. i mean, with the explanation actually have been that he was tired and that he needed to do something in the evening? >> my answer stays the same is not the first time that he has. he has a really busy schedule and there is a lot going on as you know the president has continued to do domestic stuff as well as meeting with global leaders. so i truly would not read too much into it, and i will leave it there. >> final question on the annual letter from dr. o'connor. he said the president is fit for duties and has no exceptions or accommodations just because it has been a couple of months do you note that statement was really direct on mike eckert?
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thank you. >> there was an announcement in the department of justice about a crackdown effort on a russian state-sponsored bot operation ai operation to denigrate politicians in the united states and elsewhere. do you have any concerns right now that this is the edge of any russian effort to interfere with elections as has the president spoken on this and have you seen any evidence that the russians or any other foreign powers have tried to seize on the debate performance or repeat some of the president's most embarrassing moments? >> that's a very good question. i would have to talk to our team about those particular questions that you had there were multiple
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questions in your statement there. and the department of justice as what they announced. that is for them to speak to. ai has always been a concern. that's why the president made some announcements recently to take executive action on how we can deal with ai. we want to see more action more fulsome action legislatively from congress and that is something, it is a cutting-edge technology that we need to get our hands on and get a better understanding of what it could potentially do. and so that is something the president certainly is looking to make sure that we deal with this in a full hold government weigh. and those particular questions i would have to check in with our team here and obviously i will refer you to that. >> you said just a minute ago
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the president wants to turn the page for the white house has president biden seen enough of a support for the last 36 hours from fellow democrats in congress to now start to turning the page and look ahead? has his reaction been to what he has seen since congress has come back? >> it's similar to how i answered for some of your colleagues he is focused on what is ahead. he is very much focused with a fulsome/robust schedule next two weeks we have laid out for all of you. he wants to focus on that. the messages he wants to come out he goes to texas next week. he is going to be on the road on friday as well. i also want to say he is proud of the congressional black caucus who have said he has their support and the congressional hispanic caucus to the same.
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and other members. he wants to move forward as your colleagues said, definitely unite the party continuing to unite the party. we heard from representative meeks who said the democrats came out of the meeting today united and i think that is important to note but the president will move forward. he will continue to go out there and engage with the american public like you saw him doing pennsylvania. and he will stay focused. >> does he feel he has weathered the storm so to speak? >> look, i think he is more determined than ever to continue to get the job done. to continue to build an economy that works for all. to continue to make sure we have a depth classed do middle class that is strong. that we don't have a trickle-down economy that it is built from the bottom up middle out that's what he wants to continue to do.
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i think this week with the nato summit 75th year of nato let's not forget nato has helped to protect americans and also protect the world in what it has been able to do the last 25 years you will see the president engaging with 32 leaders of this alliance. i think that's really important. on behalf of the american people he wants to do that. he has a lot on his mind and as it deals with making sure we deliver for the american people, peter, i know we got a check yesterday. >> does president biden commit to serving a full second term if reelected? >> yes. >> thank you. we know the president says his health is fine but it is just his brain and that he is sharp sharp -- >> he was joking by the way. he was making a like comic light
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hearted joke as he was speaking off-the-cuff. he was making a joke you know the president he likes to joke a lot. he is the same guy who says i know i'll look 40, right? so likes to make jokes. it is a joke. i think people laugh when he says it. >> he also says he's sharpest before ten so say they pick up something new it's 11:00 p.m. who do you call, the first lady? >> he has a team that lets him know of any news impertinent and important to the american people. he has someone or that is decided obviously in this national security council who gets to tell him that news. >> kevin mccarthy just said when he was the speaker many times when there were meetings and little oval office joe was there as well. when the first lady is in these meetings is she making decisions or just advising the president? >> no. he is the president of the united states. he makes the decisions.
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>> another family member president biden has told me before he and his son don't have any business dealings together. so what is hunter biden doing in the white house? >> are you talking about the meeting where they came together from camp david and the two of them walked to the presidents meeting and he was there? >> there is a report that aids were struck by his presence. >> i certainly will not get into a private conversations that occur i spoke to this before and they came back from camp david a couple of days at camp david were spent with his family. he is there as you know it was a legal fourth of july which is why his family members were here last week. >> nisi hunter biden has access to because of an information >> no.
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>> since february are you testing president biden for parkinson's or dementia because if he gets a bad result, it's all over that day? >> again, as i've said many, many times before, the president the president has had a fulsome comprehensive what we said and shared with comprehensive a conference of physical barely shown the results of the physicals the past three years. we've shown it just four months ago. it is in line with what we have done similar to obama, similar to george w. bush. we are committed to continue to be transparent in the result of those physicals and look, if the president's team that makes a decision. you're not a doctor, i'm not a doctor it's the medical unit
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that makes a decision on what the president needs. >> not a doctor just play one on tv. but i know that especially as adults get into their 80s health conditions can pop up more than once a year in the physical. i think if my wife saw me on tv mid is speaking or saying the wrong thing, or saying it changed my appearance, she would probably say let's go to a doctor just to make sure you are okay, we have a family, you have an important job. why doesn't anyone in the president's family urge him to get checked out to say the coast is clear? >> just to step back a little bit, because i think you were not in the briefing or must we come i don't want to go backwards but just to share a little bit about that night, the president said it was a bad night. he talked about it. he had a cold, right? he talked about his schedule. being abroad. so we have spoken about what that night was lik


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