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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 9, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> they came up short in parliamentary terms, they ended of third. of actually won the largest share of the vote, that right wing party, got 37% of the vote, much farther ahead than anybody else, they are the largest single party in the french parliament to. what happened was the other two ganged up against them, either one the left of the center standing down constituencies where the right wing was standing, so they kind of combined to defeat enough of those candidates to deprive them of a solid majority in the parliament. they are very much on the rise, ten years ago, 12 years ago that party only had to go seats in parliament. they went up to 89 seats in 2022 and now they're up to 145, there on the rise like populist parties everywhere. >> neil: always good seeing you, here comes the five. ♪ ♪
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>> i'm jesse watters along with judged with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford, jr., dana perino and greg gutfeld. 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. and just moments from now, president bite and about to face a critical test, to assure world leaders his brain is fine and is up to the job as he addresses nato's 75th anniversary summit. while we wait for that, it's a full-blown democrat dumpster fire. president biden trying to fend off a mutiny as democrats hold two secret crisis meetings about what to do about old yeller. the big guy has been working the phones making it clear he's not going anywhere. hostage negotiations are split in the caucus. democrats are coming out of those meetings saying there is no agreement on his future come only heartache. axios reports on a group of swing district democrats who held what sources describe as a
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despond at a gathering tears. but not for the biden, for their own hides. one anonymous democratic lawmaker told punch bowl the meeting felt like a funeral -- check out how unified the party is. >> are you on the same page? what do you mean you're not on the same page? >> where not even in the same book. >> joe biden all the way, joe biden. >> he has to step down, because he can't win. >> i've been with him in the last few weeks. >> do you have any concerns about president biden being on the ticket? >> of course i do. >> we are writing with biden. >> i'm hearing discussions and legitimate questions about the president and i continue to listen. >> do you support biden? >> there is one person in this country that has kicked trump in
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2020 and that's my money is on 2024. >> jessie: they got a crack over biden's health. >> does he commit to serving a full second term of reelected? >> yes. >> why doesn't anybody in the president's family urge them to go to checked out to say the coast is clear. >> the white house medical unit, is doctor, they don't believe that he needs anything more than what we have been able to provide -- a full, detailed, very comprehensive physical that he had a four months ago. it is their decision to make it is not yours, it's not mine. >> are you sure are a handful of offenses giving him a representative view of the voters? >> the president has been out there, he engaged with everyday people. >> jessie: who has the
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momentum? the anti-by the democrats of the pro-biden democrats? >> dana: the answer is donald trump, since the debates they have lost every day in the new cycle since then. president trump has played it smart, played it cool, he did the hannity interview last night but it didn't make a ton of news, he will make news when he makes his vice presidential choice next weekend you will see a lot of the republicans -- i still think the story is going to be largely about biden. when it comes to the democrats -- this meeting is very interesting. live on the newsroom -- these guys love a camera but everybody went right by the cameras, nobody wants to talk except for a few and they basically say everyone is fired up, we are on the same page -- that's what some people said to. than other people said we aren't even in the same book. they are not unified to. i think it's also interesting hakeem jeffries left the back door because he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. he's realizing if it's going to
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be him and it's not going to leave i guess we have to deal with that. there's senators like senator patty murray from washington, she ripped "the wall street journal" for its reporting a couple weeks ago saying there are sources saying he has cognitive decline but now she's saying we need to see improvement from biden now. senator fetterman is your best friend you could ever have, he is loyal and he's the only one to calmly take questions from the press. somebody like bob casey in pennsylvania, he's running against dave mccormick, he's the incompetent democrat i think he's realizing i guess i'm going to have to focus on my own race because he says he's one of biden's best friends. he spent time with biden campaigning, but said i'm focused on my own race. the last thing i would point out is the congressional black caucus had this conference call and biden was on it. i think it's interesting, strategic on his part -- what could possibly get the
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congressional black caucus more excited at this point in the race if biden is not staying in? it would presumably be kamala harris being able to step in and go for it. again biden outflanked her on that. >> jessie: it seems like everyone is out for their own political survival, kind of how things are on this show. >> greg: it is especially with you around, he was supposed to speak at 5:00 p.m., now 5:30. he's always late. it's appropriate since we said it felt like a funeral. did anyone bring a casserole dish? where are the bagpipes? we were told if you didn't vote for joe biden the white house would be occupied by a powermad tyrant who refuses t ewhen evers he's unfit and a convicted felon would be running the country. turns out you got all that if you voted for joe biden. elected joe and a crazy bonkers mad royal family who treat
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democracy like commander treats secret service agents. if he doesn't drop out this week he's proving that he's guilty of everything that they falsely accused trump of, selfishly insanely clinging to power. no wonder he looked orange -- what's next, he's going to start a line of biden stakes? this is starting to feel like manuel noriega, they're going to start playing metallic allowed outside the white house they claim he's working the phones, he couldn't work a jitterbug. if i were a delegate, one of his delegates i would be really pas- he stole my vote, the voters were sold a lemon and once it got off the lot collapsed. the white house as the car dealer -- too late, you bought it. that was his letter. he said sorry, too late, i got your vote. no wonder it felt like a funeral in there. seriously it's a funeral without a corpse.
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i feel bad for joe getting endorsed by the squad that's the only people in his corner, like getting endorsed by hamas. >> jessie: judge jeanine, your thoughts. >> jeanine: biden is guilty of a court of public opinion, everyone think there's something wrong with him, nobody thinks he's going to be able to lead for the next four years. but in order to have a rebellion, you need to have a leader. and there is no leader. there is just this guy in the white house who yells and screams and everybody is like all of a sudden the difference between last friday and today is stunning. jerry nadler who is now pulling back. you have congresspeople saying maybe he's okay -- i'm with joe, not that he's great but i'm with joe now. they got the message and you want to talk about totalitarian -- that's who the democrats are. this is our guy and that's the end of it. even though in one poll, kamala harris was ahead of joe,
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they do still don't believe capable of being the person to run against donald trump. as whoopi goldberg said yesterday, they don't care how sick joe biden is, they don't care if he poops his pants or anything else, they just want him out there. but you've got is a dishonesty that is so in parent and this alleged transparency of the democrats, it doesn't exist. americans know it doesn't exist. in the end, they are returning joe if he gets to this week if he gets to the presser today at five or whenever, 5:30 now and on thursday after nato, he said dumb things in last couple of days. he said -- people are like he's our guy. that's the democrats for you. >> jessie: yesterday you seemed pretty confident that his days were numbered he might not make it through the weekend. you still feel the same way? >> harold: i'm not totally persuaded he will be the
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nominee, i will say this. i'm curious and i would be curious to hear some other things, takeaways from these two meetings between the house members and senate members. i would be curious to know if anyone asks the question over the last 12 days, has pres president biden talk to voters in wisconsin were tammy baldwin is up for election, ohio and michigan were sherrod brown is up for election, the voters in those states, has he driven those voters closer to us or further from us? i don't know the answer that -- i have an opinion on it and i don't think he is driven i'm closer to us. two, the president is one big mistake away from not being on the ticket. if we have another moment, whether it comes at some point today or another point before the nomination is given to him officially -- it's not good because after he gets the nomination all we can then do is hope and pray that he doesn't have a moment because changing from a nominee after the
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convention is obviously very difficult. i hope the members in that meeting who expressed concern about how difficult it may be to move on the nominee before the convention and how messy it can be understand if you believe what president biden has campaigned on, the accidental threat posed by the opponent on the republican side, how hard will it be then? maybe we've reconciled ourselves to that, i imagine those in the room have. but i wonder about delegates and voters. i'm wondering if this is what everybody wants to at the end of the day i will be there. i do hope those two questions were asked and i hope those questions were answered sufficiently and convincingly. >> jessie: that was just melancholy. >> harold: happy birthday. >> greg: the big 5-0. >> jessie: coming up, joe biden's creaky brain is
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freaking out our allies and i'm not 50 and they are worried about his nap time. ♪ ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: president biden arriving at the nato summit, he's expected to address the 75th anniversary of the alliance that comes amid other troubling reports about how his flipping mental acuity is freaking out some key allies. "the wall street journal" details an alarming incident where the president snuck off to bed instead of meeting with the german chancellor during the g7 event two years ago. the article said german officials aware of his fatigue at night sought to accommodate
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the president by planning an event in the early evening. biden didn't show, surprising the chancellor and his aides. instead secretary of state antony blinken arrived and announced biden had to go to b bed. where is hillary clinton when you need her to invoke her infamous 2008 campaign ads -- remember this one was mike the 3:00 a.m. phone call? >> it's 3:00 a.m. and your children are safe in the sleep but there's a phone in the white house and it's ringing. something is happening in the world. your vote will decide who answers that call. 's before this incident was two years ago, wasn't a week ago, wasn't after he had covid or went to europe and twice and had jet lag, may be jet-lagged at this thing but we are spending billions of dollars there and at the time even more vocal trying to help ukraine beat back the russians and the president couldn't get there. >> i would take the secretary of state at his word, he took a nap
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and went to sleep. i give the president tremendous amount of credit around nato and how he's been able to keep the group together but i think it's a legitimate question about the nuclear codes in light of what we know about president biden. i look at his record i look at his background, i was a top advisor to president obama -- he has a record. i do hope they respond to this seriously. >> dana: one of the things it was a problem, our system does not say unelected people can make big decisions. when peter doocy asks a question do we have the call? he says joe biden says he's best before 8:00 p.m. but the pentagon picks up an incoming nuclear weapons call at 11:00 p.m., who do you call? karine jean-pierre says he has a team of the team is unelected to.
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the president's signing executive orders and his staff is doing the work of the american people are supposed to have him doing. >> jessie: we should ask who is president after 4:00? if he is asleep at 4, who was president? are they not making decisions and those decisions are languishing until biden finishes his breakfast? no one knows these answers. right now we are on basically fighting a proxy war on russia's doorstep and their military doctor and says if there is an exit central threat to the contrary they can use a tactical nuclear weapon. and biden has trouble walking to the podium and he needs to practice standing? and he forgets what the word of veteran means. i don't know if i'm not confident but everyone is going to be watching this nato thing -- not now because that's on a teleprompter. he can stand and read barely. but at a news conference,
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they're going to be watching what he says and how he says it. like greg said, this guy sounded like he was bonkers up with hunter calling into cable news saying like a crazed animal. people want to call him, they want him to tell the democratic party we are going to hang together and defeat donald trump and they are going to be looking at every single gaffe. jake tapper the other day looks like hannity tackling every single misstatement. i don't know how he survives the rest of the campaign without the help of the media. >> dana: do you think we will see a lot more of kamala harris during the nato meeting? >> jeanine: i suspect we will. she is the fallback i don't think there's any doubt about it. i think everybody knows -- it would be contrary to who they are to their dei to move in favor of someone other than kamala harris. there is to things, this report
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about biden going to bed early instead of meeting with a german chancellor two years ago when the german chancellor's at the meeting for early in the evening knowing biden goes to bed early. the white house denied they sent him there, who are you going to believe? are you going to believe the white house you know was not honest with us or germany who said we did it to accommodate you guys and antony blinken c came. they were accommodating us and the other thing is the visitor logs as it relates to joe biden. where has the press been on these visitor logs? there was a discussion yesterday about the doctors, you got dr. o'connor who is biden's regular physician, you've got dr. kinard who is a parkinson's doctor. karine jean-pierre was fighting with everyone saying there is all kinds of doctor-patient privilege and privacy issues, i can't get into it but i can tell
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you a thousand military members are treated by these parkinson's doctors as well and then we find out today, no -- they are treated at the eisenhower office building which is across the street from the white house where dr. kinard signed the visitor logs and went in. they have been lying to us, they continue to lie to us and get the democratic party is cool with that. one more point that i want to make. joe biden gets out there on monday and he says i'm running the world, i'm running nato, democracy is at stake, vladimir putin is on the march but i got to get to bed early -- who answers at 3:00? is it obama, is it susan rice, is it valerie jarrett, who kn knows? >> dana: i feel like if you are writing the screenplay you would have named the doctor dr. kinard to. >> greg: isn't that amazing? i know people are worried about
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joe and the nuclear codes, he can't even be trusted with the morse code. i want to talk about nato, he takes naps, trump takes names. know you know why so many world leaders preferred biden -- who would you rather prefer? a bull in a china shop or a slob on a stretcher? trump wears you out, joe puts her to sleep. trump asks questions about exactly where the money is going, what exactly do you do -- why are we paying this much? joe pats you on the back and tells you about the oil cancer intends to a few billion. he's like jon taffer on bar rescue. he asks where all the money is spent, not interested in having a drink with you or listening to your lies. especially the lies. biden is a symbol of america in the world happily dozing off while everybody picks our pocket and what did he do with nato, what was he doing the last decade with ukraine?
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he ran nato, it was all about nato, got a million dead people -- thanks, joe. >> dana: president biden is expected to address nato allies soon. coming up does donald trump want to face a diminished joe biden in november? we'll find out, next. ♪ these diamonds, diamonds on my teeth ♪ ♪ brand new whip is what they see, yeah ♪ ♪ in my bag like a bunch of groceries ♪ ♪ all this cheese and greens just come to me ♪ ♪ look at me on the go. always hustling. eyes on me ♪ ♪ all eyes on me, brand new drip is what they see ♪ ♪ these diamonds, diamonds on my teeth ♪ ♪ brand new whip is what they see, yeah ♪ freedom you can't take your eyes off. the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator. jeep. there's only one.
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>> harold: donald trump breaking his silence on the calls for his opponent president biden to drop out of the race, take a listen. >> they cover for him and they still are sort of covering but now with that getting difficult do that. he might very well stay in and if he does, nobody wants to give that up that way, he is going to feel badly about himself for a long time.
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it's hard to give it up that way, the way they are trying to force him out. they had to speak to his doctors. >> do you -- mr. president -- do you want joe biden to step aside, do you care? >> we prepared for him but i don't like it's going to matter. >> harold: he will be hitting the campaign trail with a rally in florida later tonight periods vice president announcement is expected to come by monday. "the new york post" reports it's come down to doug burgum and senator j.d. vance and trump is adding to the buzz. >> we have a great bench in the republican party, the names you mentioned absolutely they are under consideration. i haven't made a final decision but i have some ideas as to where we are going. we wanted to see what they are doing to be honest because it might make a difference -- i don't know i'm not sure that it would. >> harold: let me come to you first. on president biden it sounds as if president trump, the campaign
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was prepared -- is that what you think they are best prepared for and who is going to be the vp choice? >> jeanine: i really believe that donald trump doesn't care if it's joe or kamala, he believes it's his agenda against the democrat agenda. obviously with joe he's got a lot of things he can make fun of, we've got a guy who says he's transparent but there are secret visits by a neurologist, scripted questions working with social media companies on what we should see and what we shouldn't see but i think in the end, then of course you've got kamala -- i think in the end it's not that important to him. he's got his people and his message. i think it's very interesting between the two. with doug burgum you have a guy who is low key, he's on the stump. he is someone who i think would be loyal to president trump. he doesn't really expand donald trump's reach in any way and he's not really a maga kind
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of guy. j.d. vance is popular among the group, he's very smart, he went to harvard to, he's got an incredible story to talk about in terms of his background. but ohio is no longer a battleground states and i think in the end it's really who he is comfortable with. i know what he wants is someone who can do the job and run for president after so he can continue with the legacy of donald trump. >> harold: president trump has said that if something happens that may influence who he chooses, do you think -- >> jessie: i think her analysis was excellent i wouldn't add anything to it. i heard something maybe it makes it more likely he would go with j.d. vance because his poll numbers are so high because j.d. vance is a little bit younger and riskier but i think what she said is accurate on that.
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trump is not getting credit that he wants for biden's disaster. we had doug burgum come on prime time and say everyone is saying this is some big meltdown -- trump put this guy on the ground, he put this guy on the canvas, it was trump who exposed to joe biden it wasn't just that he walked out there and fell apart, he hit him with a few and fell down and never got back up. now he's separated him from his donors, he's separated joe biden from the media he separated him from members of congress and this party is split and there's no way joe biden can win this election without that kind of air cover. i think he is wrong when he says it doesn't matter if it's kamala or trump, if it's kamala she's going to talk about abortion and he's going to have to debate differently and run different kind of ads. you are running against an agenda, she is that agenda. he has his agenda, that should be easy. >> harold: would you still only choose them between j.d.
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and doug burgum? >> jessie: i heard rubio is in the mix, he's down there right now. >> greg: i like doug burgum i look at his eyebrows i keep waiting for them to turn into butterflies. [laughter] trump's victory is far from guaranteed, that's what you have a look at the debate has a perfect moment of how this next six months should go. let's delete joe biden talk and it side with the audience and look and look bemused. the dems want trump to antagonize the independents and play to the hoaxes of orange hitler, he should be perversely normal. dramatically undramatic. take a page out of burgum and to be boring. this isn't my idea i think this is scott adams idea, he should hold small meetings with democrats who have tds. face-to-face conversations with four or five people to discuss the hoaxes the dems have amplified to. so you can have people there and
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he can sit there and go what about the fine people on both sides? you said to drink bleach you said there would be a federal ban on abortion -- we all have met trump, we know what he's like. in person he is likable and that would put a fork in the potato of tds. >> jessie: a tds town hall. >> greg: this was an idea. i guarantee you the reaction after word from the participants would be transformational. it was another hoax, i was told by my media that this guy was insane. the guy remembered my name, looked me in the eye, talk to me about my family and it's going to go proof like that. >> harold: you have some new analysis. >> dana: you know this and everybody knows this but just to remind everyone, a big mistake a lot of people make when running for reelection is they run the same race that they did before
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and that's what biden has been trying to do, he's saying i'm the one that will protect democracy but that's not what the analysis shows that people in the polls say and he said i will be the nonchaos candidate. but what you just described talking about how president trump has been quiet over the last two weeks since the debate, who was the chaos candidate now? you have the democrats coming out of their meeting today saying they are not in the same page and on the same book. 15 days since the debate in the democrats have lost every single news cycle since the debate and now it's starting to show the numbers, the newest analysis is coming from the cook political reports. they look at all the states, the swing states and they will look at it and say that leads democrats, that means repu republican. in these six places, arizona, georgia, minnesota, nebraska because of the electoral college, new hampshire and nevada they have moved every one of those races from either toss-up to lean r or likely d to
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lean d. that's why you said you're not convinced he will be the candidate in the end i think the rest of this week as the numbers come in will tell us more. >> harold: president biden expected to talk any minute now to nato leaders. head first lady dr. jill biden is doubling down on her husband staying in the race. michael moore called elder abuse. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jeanine: president biden expected to speak soon but in the meantime, first lady jill biden says to with the critics, joe is all in on 2024 and she is there with him. >> for all the talk out there about this phrase, joe has made
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it clear that he's all in. that's the decision he has made and just as he has always supported my career, i am all in too. >> jeanine: liberal filmmaker michael moore sees what's happening to joe biden then calls it for what it is. speak of the problem here is i think it's a form of elder abuse going on here. something was wrong that night, we all saw it. we can't not see it, my eyes weren't lying and weren't ei either. >> jeanine: it's very interesting, they call it the coolest form of elder abuse. there's no question they admitted he has hours between ten and 4:00 and he doesn't make international meetings and dinners, that means he's being propped up all the time. this a lot of pressure on him to not fall, to not skip up, did not mumble, that's a lot for him. >> harold: it probably is.
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i listen to dr. biden and i know and appreciate the fact that president biden has been supportive her for her and her career but elections aren't about that. elections are about the future. i listen to a commentator on another network say that tom brady won a super bowl iii years ago, he can't play in the nfl now because agent fitness has caught up with him. that's what these elections are about and i think the question that the family and others should have for president biden's can you over the next four years lead and guide and steer this country and the most effective and strongest ways? they have reached an opinion, a conclusion on that. i think what michael moore is saying about the abuse -- one of the reasons many of us think president biden should be giving long form interviews, taking tough questions from audiences and individuals who you may not think are friendly is because we want to see if he can withstand that kind of pressure than what you put out you were only up
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10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., it begins to undermine and poke holes in some of the story. >> jeanine: there is an interesting article i saw a written by a presidential historian douglas brinkley, he said harry truman could have stayed on and lyndon johnson could have stayed on but they both said no. it's because their wives, their spouses said enough. brinkley said that's not the case with joe biden. she likes power, she wants to stay, she wants some sense of revenge. >> dana: not going to argue with the good doctor historian but also for lbj, the democrats went to him and he said you are losing all of your support. biden doesn't have that problem yet. today to come out of their meeting and they are mixed. that hasn't happened yet. even if misses johnson had wanted him to stay in, he realizes the writing is on the wall you're going to have to
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go -- or maybe that was nixon, later on if you look at them -- a crisis communications expert was on today, i thought he had a great point. he said you can get elected even if you are hated to. you cannot get elected if you are ridiculed and considered a joke. that's part of the elder abuse thing i think michael moore is talking about. >> jeanine: jesse? >> jessie: what was the question? >> jeanine: is it a form of elder abuse? >> jessie: if i were a president and emma was sitting there and she said go get them i would try to beat my opponent i would try to beat the pulp out of them. if he's thinking he would pass a lot of great legislation and the beat trump once and he thinks kamala is a joke and why not give it a shot? if he loses he loses with honor. why drop out now and have kamala
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be a lamb to the slaughter and sit there regretting that you dropped out like a quitter? that's his calculation. he doesn't think anybody else is a better shot than he does. >> jeanine: if he loses with honor is it about him or about the country? >> greg: i can't wait to see when you're really old and they try to take your car keys. you know the thing about jill? dr. frankenstein was also what doctor. those who can't do teach. those who can't teach get doctorates in education. a doctorate in education is as tough to get as pink eye as a preschool. that tells you what she's all about. she demands that you call her doctor because it's always been about status. exaggerating her credentials, being important, that's what's driving -- she craves status the way hunter craved hookers.
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she can't read the writing on the wall -- a reporter has to ask one question was mike why don't you do the right thing? the right thing is to keep this evil monster out of the office and save democracy -- if that's true, why are you putting this comatose candidate up against trump like that why don't you get the very best candidate? she won't which tells you it's not about trump, she doesn't think trump is evil, it's about her. >> dana: i do want to correct myself i was talking about nixon, not johnson but that's stuck in my head to. >> jessie: i don't want to correct myself. >> jeanine: biden is about to address nato to prove his fitness but what specifically does he have to do to prove that he's fit? >> dana: all these things they want him to do, do three or four events per day? the bar is so low. >> jeanine: fox news alert, president biden addressing world leaders at nato's 75th
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anniversary summit in d.c. -- let's listen in. ♪ ♪ [applause] >> president biden: welcome. in 1949 leaders of 12 countries including president truman came together in this very room. history was watching. it had been four years since the surrender of the axis powers and the end of the most devastating world war the world had ever known. here these 12 leaders gathered to make a sacred pledge to defend each other against aggression pooled or collective security and answer threats as one because they knew to prevent future wars, to protect democracies, to lay the groundwork for lasting peace and prosperity, they needed a new approach. they need to combine their strengths, they needed an
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alliance. here they signed the washington treaty and created the north atlantic treaty organization. the single greatest, most effective defensive alliance in the history of the world. mr. secretary general, leaders of nato countries, foreign defense ministers, representatives of partner nations and the european union, members of congress, the singer's guests, welcome. welcome to the 2024 nato summit. [applause] it's a pleasure to host you in this milestone year to look back with pride at all we have achieved and look ahead at our shared future with strength and with resolve. together we rebuilt europe in the ruins of war, held high the torch of liberty in long decades of the cold war.
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when former adversaries became fellow democracies we welcome them into the alliance. when war broke out in the balkans we intervened to. we restored peace and stop ethnic cleansing and when the united states was attacked on september 11th, our nato allies all of you stood with us invoking article five for the first time in nato history. treating an attack on us as an attack on all of us. a breathtaking display of friendship that the american people will never forget. through all this history, great changes occurred, people would ask can nato adapt? and every time we proved we can adapt and we did. evolving our strategies to stay ahead of threats, reaching out to new partners and increase our effectiveness. here with us today our countries from the indo-pacific region. they are here because they have a stake in our success and we have a stake in there is.
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today, nato is more powerful than ever. 332 nations strong. for years, finland and sweden were among our closest partners, now they have chosen to officially join nato because of the power and meaning of article five guarantees -- that's the reason. the most important aspect of the alliance in 1949, still the most important aspect. i would also note finland and sweden joined the alliance not just because their leaders sought it but because their citizens called for it. in overwhelming numbers. remember, nato's character is fundamentally democratic. always has been and always must continue to be. today, nato is better resource than it ever has been. i want to pause on this because it's significant.
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in the year 2020, the year i was elected president, only nine nato allies were spending 2% of their gdp on defense. this year, 23 will spend at least 2%. and some will spend more than that. the remaining countries that have not yet reached that milestone will get there soon. this remarkable progress, proof that our commitment is broad and deep, that we are ready, that we are willing, we are able to deter aggression and defend every inch of territory across every domain. land, air, sea, cyber, space. my friends it's good that we are stronger than ever because this moment in history calls for our collective strength.
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autocrats want to overturn global order which has by and large kept for nearly 80 years and counting. terrorist groups continue to plot evil schemes to cause mayhem and chaos and suffering. in europe, vladimir putin's war of aggression against ukraine continues and he wants nothing less then ukraine's total subjugation. to end ukraine's democracy, to destroy ukraine's culture and to wipe ukraine off the map. we know putin won't stop at ukraine. make no mistake. ukraine can and will stop putin. [applause] especially with our full, collective support, they have our full support. even before russian bombs were falling on ukraine, the alliance
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acted. i order the u.s. reinforcements are nato's eastern flank. more troops, more aircraft, more capabilities. now the united states has more than 100,000 troops on the continent of europe. nato moved swiftly as well, not only reinforcing the four existing battle groups in the east but also adding four more in bulgaria, hungary, romania, and slovakia. doubling nato's strength on the eastern flank. together we built a global coalition to stand with ukraine. up together we provided significant economic and humanitarian assistance. together, we supplied ukraine with weapons it needs to defend itself. tanks, armored fighting vehicles, air defense systems. long-range missiles, millions of munitions. of the united states, nearly two dozen allied partners have
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signed a bilateral security agreement to ukraine. more countries will follow. today i'm announcing a historic donation of air defensive equipment for ukraine. the united states, germany, the netherlands, romania, and italy will provide ukraine with equipment for five additional strategic air defense systems and in the coming months the united states and our partners intend to provide ukraine with dozens of additional tactical air defense systems. the united states will make sure that when we export critical air defense interceptors, they go to the front of the line. [applause] they will get this assistance before anyone else gets it. all told ukraine will receive hundreds of additional interceptors over the next year, to help protect ukrainian cities against russian missiles and ukrainian troops
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make no mistake russia is failing in this warp. more that two years putin's war of choice choices are staggering. 300,000 russian troops dead or wounded. nearly 1 million russians, many of them young people have left russia because they no longer see a future in russia. and kyiv, remember fellas and ladies supposed to fall in five days, remember? still standing two and a half years later and will continue to stand. [applause] all the allis knew before this war putin thought nato would break. today nato is stronger than it's ever been in its history. when this senseless war began. ukraine was a free country. today it is still a free country. and the war will end with ukraine remaining a free and independent country.
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russia will not prevail. [applause] ukraine will prevail. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, this is a pivotal moment for europe, for the trans-atlantic community and i might add for the world. let's remember, the fact that nato remains the bulwark of global security did not happen by accident it wasn't inevident continual. again and again critical moments we chose unity over disunion. progress over retreat. freedom over tyranny, hope or fear. again and again we stood behind our shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous trans-atlantic community. lehr it at this summit we gather to proclaim nato is ready and able to secure that vision today and well into the future. [applause] let me say this: an overwhelming bipartisan majority
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of the americans understand that nato makes us all safer. the fact that both democrat and republican parties are represented here today is a testament to that fact. the american people know with all the progress we have made in the past 75 years, has happened behind the shield of nato. and the american people understand what happened if there was no nato. another war in europe, american troops fighting and dying. dictators spreading chaos. economic collapse, catastrophe. americans, they know we're stronger with our friends. and we understand this is a sacred obligation. as president reagan put it and i quote: for our fellow democracy not secure we cannot be secure. if you are threatened, we are threatened. if you are not at peace, we cannot be at peace.
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reagan knew it then, and we know it now. our nations will continue to keep faith with what we pledged in years to come. now, if you will indulge me, i would like to end my remarks slightly unusual way. nato's alliance of nations also made up of leaders. and one person in particular has done an extraordinary job leading nato for the last decade. secretary general stoltenberg. will you come forward? [applause] >> so much of the progress we made in alliance is thanks to the secretary. is he man of integrity and intellectual rigger. calm temperament in a moment of crisis. consummate diplomat who works
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with leaders across the political spectrum and always finds a way to keep us moving forward. secretary you have guided this alliance through one of the most consequential periods of its history. i realize i was talking to your wife, i personally ask you to extend your service, ha ha forgive me. put your own plans on hold, when the russian war in ukraine began, you didn't hesitate, today, nato is stronger, smarter, and more energized, than when you began. a billion people across europe or north america indeed the whole world will reap the rewards of your labor for years to come. and the in the form of security, opportunity and greater freedom. for these reasons. i'm pleased to award you the highest civilian honor the united states can bestow, the presidential medal of freedom.
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[applause] >> ask the members of the military to come forward. [applause] and ask them to read the citation. [applause] >> the president of the united states of america awards this presidential medal of freedom to yen stoltenberg. a visionary statesman and seasless defender of democracy, secretary general jen saltibleberg guided the needle alliance for security since world war ii. when vladimir putin launched his brutal -- ukraine, betting that nato would break, secretary general stoltenberg proved him wrong.
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