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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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dave from minneapolis, happy birthday, jesse. okay dave, we just went over this. evan from florida, and you host "primetime" live from the presidential golf match? yes, joe biden is on the 19th. that would be great. i don't have a million to put up like clay. yet. tino from valley center, california, would the gulf challenge have to be between ten and four? steve from michigan, gretchen whitmer a moderate great sounds like j cal needs a cognitive test. merry from georgia, do you get botox, jesse? how dare you! i don't drink from straws, i don't like ice cream in public, and if i do, with a spoon. dvr the show, sean "hannity" is next. always remember, i'm watters and today is my birthday. [♪♪] welcome to "hannity" pick this is a fox news alert, a
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massive trump rally in miami, in florida is underway. we will get to my monolog coming up in the moment but first let's listen in as the former president speaks to a live huge crowd. there is nobody that has done destruction to our country, and now we find out he probably doesn't even know he did it. joe, why did you do it? >> what did i do? so if you want to save america, get your friends, it your family, it everyone you know and vote, vote early, vote absentee, vote on election day, vote anytime you want but vote and follow your vote, make sure it gets counted. you can do that. follow because these people cheat like nobody has before. frankly they are no good at policy but they are good at cheating. if you want to help us ensure election integrity, sign-up at protect the
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so in conclusion, from jacksonville to miami, from tampa to tallahassee, from the beautiful place that i know very well to right here in doral, we inherit the legacy of generations of american patriots who gave their blood, sweat and tears to defend our country and our freedom. we stand on the shoulders of american heroes who crossed the ocean, settled the continent, came to the wilderness, laid down the railroads, raised up those great beautiful skyscrapers, won two world wars and from right here in this beautiful state launched our brave american astronauts to plant the stars and stripes on the face of the moon. together they made america into the single greatest nation in the history of the world.
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[♪♪] [ cheering and applause ] [♪♪] [ cheering and applause ] [ chanting ] >> but now we are a nation in decline. we are a feeling nation.
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we are a nation that has the highest inflation in 50 years, banks are collapsing an interest rates are skyrocketing. likewise we are a nation where energy costs have reached the highest levels in our history. we are no longer energy independent as we were just a few short years ago. we are a nation that is begging venezuela and others for oil. please, please, please help us, joe biden says, and yet we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country anywhere in the world. we are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will be reducing their oil production while at the same time substantially increasing the price. and we met that threat by announcing we will no longer be drilling for oil in large areas of alaska and elsewhere in our
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precious land. we are a nation that is consumed by the radical left. everyone knows the green new scam is fake and will lead only to our destruction. we are a nation whose late -- leaders are demanding all electric cars, despite the fact that they don't go far, cost too much and whose batteries are produced in china with materials only available in china, when an unlimited amount of gasoline is available inexpensively in the united states, but not available in china. and now we are a nation that wants to make our revered and very powerful army tanks the best in the world, all electric, so that despite the fact that they are also not able to go far , fewer pollutants will be released into the air as we blast our way through enemy
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territory in an environmentally friendly way. and they also want to make our great jet fighters with a green stamp of energy savings, losing 15% efficiency but allowing us to keep our enemies atmosphere clean up emissions as we viciously and unceremoniously attack them at levels never seen before. who are these people, who are these fools that would do this, who are these people that would ruin our country? we are a nation that ended oil exploration and production in the united states, just as the price of oil reached an all-time high. what other country would do such a stupid thing, a foolish thing and to self-destruct itself just like we have done for four years can we be energy independent and even energy dominant again? yes, oh yes, and quickly says
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president trump, yes oh yes, and we will do it quickly. we are a nation that surrendered in afghanistan, leaving dead soldiers, american citizens and $85 billion worth of the finest military equipment anywhere in the world, we left it behind. and also abandoning one of the biggest military bases anywhere in the world, and only one hour away from where china makes it's nuclear weapons. and we are a nation that allowed russia, ukraine to fight, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and it will only get worse. it would never have happened with me as your president and for four straight years it did not happen. likewise the horrifying attack on israel would have never happened. they would not have even thought of doing such a thing if president trump was in the oval office. iran was broke onto the trump administration, they did not have the money to fund hamas,
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hezbollah and all of the other instruments of terror that they use. but those sanctions were lifted by a corrupt biden administration and now iran is a rich country with $250 billion. think of that. iran now has from nothing, they were broke, they now have $250 billion. $6 billion they also got for hostages. $6 billion. and for electricity to a rock they were given $10 billion, all compliments of an incompetent biden a ministration. and china with taiwan is next. we are a nation that allows radical left terrorist to violently attack our cities, leaving behind massive destruction and debt, and nothing happens to the criminals that do these terrible things. there is no punishment. but when people who love our country protest on january 6th in washington, they become hostages unfairly imprisoned for
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long periods of time. but fortunately the supreme court has just ruled that they should be out soon. [ cheering and applause ] >> we are a third world nation that has weaponized it's law enforcement against the opposing political party like never seen before in our country. we've got a federal bureau of investigation that won't allow election changing facts to be offered to the public and which offers $1 million to a writer of fiction about donald trump, to lie and to say it was fact. were hunter biden's laptop from hell was russian disinformation and the fbi knew it was. but 51 intelligence agents said it was and the department of justice refuses to investigate. egregious acts of voting irregularities and fraud, and we have a man who is totally
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corrupt, totally incompetent and to the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired and is a president who is not legally allowed to stand trial because he is mentally incompetent, but he is allowed to become the president of the united states again, and he's in no condition to lead and is now in charge of dealing with russia and china and all of these countries on possible nuclear war. he has no clue of what he's doing or were he is. and next will be world war iii because he doesn't know what he's doing. this will be a war more devastating than any of the other wars. it will be a war like no other because of the weaponry that no one wants to think about or ever talk about. we are a nation that no longer has a free and fair press. fake news is all you get, and
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they are indeed the enemy of the people. they refused to discuss the biden crime family but enjoy covering the false indictments of donald j trump who has done nothing wrong except win an election against crooked hillary clinton. [ cheering and applause ] >> we are a nation where free speech is no longer allowed and where crime is rampant and out of control like never before. we are a nation that is allowing iran to build a massive nuclear weapon and china to use the trillions and trillions of dollars it has taken from us to build a military to rival our own. less than four years ago, we had iran, china, russia, north korea all in check. they respected us, they were afraid of us, they weren't going to do anything against us and everyone knows it.
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now russia and china are holding summits to carve up the rest of the world and perhaps most importantly, we are a nation that is no longer admired, respected or listened to on the world stage, we just aren't. we are a nation in fact that in many ways has become a joke, and we are a nation that is hostile to liberty, freedom, faith and even to god. we are a nation whose economy is collapsing into a cesspool of ruin and the supply chain is broken, whose stores are not stocked, whose deliveries are not coming and whose educational system is ranked at the very bottom of every single list. we are a nation that just sold a once great company, united states steel, to japan. we are a nation whose stock markets continued success is contingent on maga winning the
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next election. if maga does not win the next election, you will have a 1929 type depression. we are a nation where large packs of sadistic criminals and thieves are allowed to go into stores and openly rob them, beat up and kill their workers and customers and leave with armloads of goods, but with no retribution, where the authority of our great police has been taken, where their families and pensions have been threatened and their lives would be destroyed for the mere mention of the words law enforcement. we are a nation where fentanyl and all other forms of illegal drugs are easier to get then groceries to feed our beautiful families and babies. we have become a drug infested crime-ridden nation which is incapable of solving even the simplest of problems. we will institute the powerful death penalty for drug dealers,
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were each dealer is responsible for the death during their lives of 500 people or more. mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdose in hospital, and we will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming, what can i do, what can i do, help me god, what can i do. we are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty crowded mass. you sit and wait for hours and then are notified that the plane won't leave, that they have no idea when they will, were ticket prices have tripled, they don't have the pilots to fly the planes, they don't seek qualified air-traffic controllers, and they just don't know what the hell they are doing. we are a nation -- if you are an illegal alien you are allowed to flow through by the millions and millions right over our southern border. we are a nation that has lost its confidence, lost its
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willpower and lost its strength. we are a nation that has lost its way. but we are not going to allow this horror to continue. less than four years ago we were a great nation, and we will soon be a great nation again. [ cheering and applause ] >> with the right leadership, every disaster joe biden has created can be fixed and quickly. every problem can be solved and every wrong can be rectified back and it will be rectified very quickly. by this time next year, america's borders will be strong, sealed and secure, inflation will be in full retreat, our economy will be at a level that will equal and even surpass what it was four years ago. optimism will be surging, the
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american dream will be thriving for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed. law and justice will rain all throughout our land, freedom will be restored, the flame of liberty will be burning bright, joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country will be a fading memory of the past and our great silent majority, including the ones forgotten men and women of our country, will be the ones shaping america's magnificent future when i am the 47th president of the united states. [ cheering and applause ] >> because we are all americans and together we will show november 5th to be the most important day in the history of america. we are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under god. and together we will make america powerful again. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again we will make america safe again. we will make america free again. and we will make america great again! thank you, florida, thank you perry much, thank you miami, god bless everyone, god bless you all, thank you. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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[♪♪] >> sean: president donald trump campaigning at a massive rally, tens and tens of thousands of people, we have pictures in the second to show you the crowd size. this is top democrats have now called on his opponent joe biden to step down. we've been hearing it since the debate. multiple editorial boards have done the same, left-wing hosts, pundits, cable news have been pleading with joe please leave the race. many of biden's friends and allies publicly diagnosing him with the dementia and said he was not capable of serving another four years. even george stephanopoulos who just interviewed biden said he does not thank biden can serve another term. this has been transparent. this has been obvious for over four years, president trump addressed this tonight as a huge cover-up. everyone around biden, every
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democrat, the state run media mob have all been involved in the joe biden cognitive decline cover-up. they all lied and now they are all acting shocked, they are feigning surprise. and another, you know, lie of historic proportions. they've known the whole time. with that said, joe biden in many ways just had the best day since the debate with the help of his usual teleprompter, the president delivered a whopping, in pretty decent for him, 15 minute speech in front of nato. donald trump's speech went on nearly one hour and 20 minutes, what should be a 15 minute speech, a lay up for any president, especially with the teleprompter, but for president biden it was high drama all day long, all eyes on biden. article after article, the world is watching, our allies are watching. he managed to exceed what were very low expectations and still it wasn't a particularly strong performance.
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you decide. >> to end ukraine's democracy, destroyed ukraine's culture and to wipe ukraine off the map. even before russian bombs were falling on ukraine, the alliance acted. u.s. reinforcements on the eastern flank, germany, netherlands, romania, italy will provide ukraine with equipment. for five additional strategic area of defense. and key, remember fellows and ladies, supposed to fall in five days, remember? i'm pleased to reward the highest civilian honor the united states campus tow, the presidential medal of freedom. [ applause ] >> sean: despite struggles, biden appears to have done enough in his 15 minute speech to pretty much stay in the race, maybe even silence some of the calls for him to step aside.
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couple that with the consistent support, and that was very evident today from the congressional black caucus, and biden might well make it past the dnc as the party's nominee. the odds are higher tonight. even congressman jerry nadler disappointed, once again now supporting president biden even though he did call for him to step aside, and showed a lot of consternation in his endorsement. take a look. >> the president made clear yesterday he's running. we have to support him. >> are you concerned about biden being on the top of the ticket? >> concerns are beside the point, he's going to be and we will have to support him. >> that was a pretty long pause when you were asked about concerns. what are your concerns about president biden right now?
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>> i think he has shown that the concerns we've had as a result of the debate, my concern really is that he could have another bad debate performance. >> sean: it appears that democrats are now resigned to the sad fact that a cognitively impaired joe biden will be there parties nominee in 2024. the most likely alternative vice president harris so deeply unpopular she is still polling lower than joe if you can believe that. we will get reaction tonight from ohio senator jd vance will wait in on the most disliked vice president in american history who has -- whose continued on popularity all but solidifies biden's nomination. but let's be clear tonight, this is a nightmare scenario for democrats, the cat is out of the bag. it was never really in the bag but democrats far and wide have already told the american people that joe is not fit to serve. for once they were honest, but
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only because they simply could not hide it anymore after that debate. they've always known, they've always lied, they've always covered up what has been nothing but a repulsive like cover-up of historic proportions. how do you ever trust these people, the democratic party, the media mob, that were complicit, how do you trust him again after all the other lobbying that they've done? but now they are going to ask the american people to vote for this very week, frail, cognitive rack, a guy who can only really function during the hours of, watch, 10:00 am and 4:00 pm with an afternoon nap mixed in, who's now pledging to governors that he will go to bed at 8:00 pm. that brings us to this old add from the clinton campaign, raising a pretty important question. more relevant today than ever. take a look. >> it's 3:00 am and her children are safe and asleep but there's
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a phone in the white house and it's ringing. something is happening in the world. your vote will decide who answers that call. >> sean: donald trump never sleeps. so what happens if biden gets the 3:00 am phone call, what would happen during a real crisis when the president is needed around the clock, 24 straight hours, 36, 48 hours straight? who will be in charge when your beleaguered president falls asleep? who decides or becomes so sick maybe he has a cold he can no longer function or has a hard time shaking off jet lag two weeks after an international trip? will doctor jill biden be in charge? she certainly appears to be drunk with power, but the first lady was not elected president, is not qualified to serve as president. on monday she had the campaign trail while joe stayed home. multiple stops, three states, her husband rested, prepping for his big 15 minute nato speech,
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likely joined by his son hunter. is this a sign that hunter will play a bigger role in another biden term? according to reports, the former admitted addict admitted he had no experience for example, you know, running an international family syndicate becomes a businessman, recently participating in high-level meetings with his father, pretty frightening scenario. and what happens when biden ultimately gets even worse? remember, we don't officially know biden's current medical condition. reporting tonight house oversight committee chairman is now going to subpoena biden's doctor and seek records from biden's medical visits. take a look at this. >> now we've asked for the white house physician to come in. we expect him to come in for a transcribed interview or i will subpoena him for a deposition. either way, we will ask a lot of questions about the report that
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was issued a few months ago that said joe biden was in tiptop physical condition. >> sean: by the way if he's in such tiptop shape, release the hurt tapes. despite all of the uncertainty it does appear the elites and the democratic party have failed to oust joe. remember biden won the democratic primary. the voters voted for him. it appears now the will of the primary voters will be respected even if it leads to a disaster come november. polls are not looking good for joe biden. in wisconsin now he's running a full 12 points behind the democratic senator and trump is up in every battleground state. but a lot can happen between now and november. democrats just imported millions of illegal immigrants. right now this is going on in washington, they are now planning to block the save act that would require voters to prove american citizenship before voting and before registering to vote. so why are democrats so fiercely against proof of citizenship?
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voter id? signature verification? why are they against any and all election integrity efforts so we can have integrity and our elections, confidence in our results? in multiple states mail-in ballots, drop boxes will once again take center stage. early voting starts in 68 days. this is not a secure process. to make matters worse, whoever wins the nomination will undoubtedly get the usual support from the state run media mob. they will get in line and another protective bubble might soon start to form around joe biden. but the american people, you now know the truth, you see the truth and you know they've been lobbying for four plus years. they know joe is struggling, they've always known. they can feel his disastrous policies, they lie about those and hopefully changes on the way. here with reaction car rnc cochair. let's react to the big
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democratic party media mob, joe biden, you know, cognitively in cognitive decline lie. they all have known, they are all feigning outrage and shock but they are not shocked. we've been showing these tapes for four years on this program. >> that's exactly right. what you are seeing before your very eyes is that the democrats are committing fraud against the american people. to your point, we all watched the same debate, we all know that joe biden is not fit to serve the next four months, let alone the next four years, in office, and the democrats have all known this and they have lied to the american people. what they have proven as a party is that they cannot be trusted. the fact you had jerry nadler come out and take that long pause, they know this guy cannot do the job.
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they have been lying though about so many things. don't forget about things like the charlottesville hoax, russia collusion, the hunter biden laptop. that is who this party is, america, wake up and see who they are. you can't trust them, you can't trust their candidate, whether joe biden, kamala harris or anyone else, they are trying to run, but i have great news for the american people, one week from now we will be where i am tonight in milwaukee, wisconsin for the republican national committee convention where we will nominate donald trump as our party's nominee and come november 5th, it all can change. we will see donald trump reelected as the 47th president. i believe we will take back the senate. but it has to be because the american people come out and vote. you have to take this one seriously, you cannot sit it out. at your friends it, your family, everyone you know out to vote. we will not survive four more years of democrats, no matter
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who it is, certainly if that person is joe biden. >> sean: 118 days until election day but early voting begins in pennsylvania in 68 days. i've talked about people voting early, voting by mail. i know people have had reluctance and resistance, they can't any longer, they've got to embrace not the system we want to, we've gone over this many times, but the system we are stuck with. what do you make of the crowds, let me show pictures from tonight from doral. tens of thousands of people. i mean there to see her father-in-law. there seems to be a groundswell of passion. he's always had big crowds but i feel this is different this time, do you feel the same? >> it's different, 100%. the same energy that you felt in 2016, it's out there, but it's so much bigger because there is
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so much more on the line. it's palpable across the country i think to every american, what is at stake in this election, they know who can deliver the results the country needs, they know who can make us secure as a country again, secure our southern border, give us our standing on the world stage, peace through strength, bring down inflation, it was back our energy independence, because he's done it once before. it's donald trump. the fact that this man has been fought against the way the democrats have, the weaponization of basically every system out there against him, and that he's not just standing, but still fighting, that gives people hope. he was made, donald trump was made for such a time as this. i don't think any other person would still be standing and fighting the way he is. and to the american people feel it. i'm telling you, we are poised for a huge election but we cannot take anything for granted, we need everybody to participate. you heard my father-in-law in
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his speech, protect the to be part of our election integrity team. donald j to be part of our volunteer team, we need everybody on board this november. >> sean: laura trump, that was great to have you, thank you. after today it looks more likely that in fact joe biden will remain in the race but if he is pushed out, odds are that he's going to be replaced by vice president kamala harris and if she were to be the nominee, kamala what have plenty to answer for including the biden administration, their entire record, especially her own complete failure as the borders are. she would not even go down to the real parts of the border that matter. but here's one thing we may have all forgotten about kamala harris. she is way more radical than joe biden is, if you can believe it. she practically is part of the squad. in fact just today in an interview with the nation magazine she said the anti-israel college protesters are "showing exactly what the human emotion should be as a
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response to gaza." what about the murder, the rape, the beheading, that kidnapping in israel? this just as biden's own director of national intelligence is warning that the iranian government is financially supporting the same protesters that she is praising. wasn't she the same person who tweeted out the bail fund during the rioting in the summer of 2020? the insurrection in the summer of 2020? that would be her. here with reaction, ohio senator jd vance whose name is mentioned quite often as a finalist for potential vp pick. it really seems to be coming down to you, doug burkum, marco rubio, tim scott. i have to imagine that's pretty overwhelming, senator, your thoughts? >> well it's an incredible honor to be considered with those guys and i think donald trump has a lot of talented people to choose from. the most important thing of course is that we reelect him
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because that's what matters, redelivering peace and prosperity to the american people and i think we all believe trump can do that because he has. we have to remember that the stakes in this election are so unusual and so obvious. never in my lifetime have we had an election where you have one guy who governed for four years successfully, one guy who governed for four years catastrophically, and whether joe biden at the top of the ticket or kamala harris who has covered for biden's cognitive decline and defended every policy from his disastrous border policy to his disastrous foreign policy, it really does not matter because the results speak for themselves. trump delivered peace and prosperity, he delivered lower grocery prices and higher wages, and the democrats delivered exactly the opposite. that's a really good record for us to run on and i think republicans will benefit up and down the ballot from that record in those results. >> sean: i keep pointing out the great cover up and lie prior to the election in 2020 i was
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showing videos of joe biden's cognitive decline. it's gotten worse but it was very obvious before the 2020 election. nobody could ever tell me with a straight face that they did not see what we were witnessing and playing every single night. the fact that they all covered it up, the media mob covered it out, the democrats covered it up, the people around biden covered it up, what is your reaction to that? >> it is so shameful. talking about kamala harris, this is a person who for four years has saddled the united states with a president who cannot do the job, and she did it all for political power. she knew that whether it was now or four years from now, she would be the person who stood to inherit the presidency. what about the american people, what about having a president who does not invite russia and other countries to be aggressive , what about having a president who does not invite iran and hamas to attack our
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allies, what about having a president who can function in the job and talk to world leaders without embarrassing us and god for bid causing a nuclear war? on every single issue kamala harris is responsible for joe biden's disastrous presidency because she has covered for it. like every other democrat and -- in elected leadership in the country, they have all gone on tv, radio, newspapers and said for years that joe biden can do the job and he's doing just fine. now we know they were lying and we should punish them for lying to our faces about it. >> sean: this election, the american people, they will render the final verdict and this is an inflection point for the country. senator, we appreciate you being with us as always, thank you. when we come back, the view cohosts are having a complete meltdown over calls for biden to drop out. you are not going to believe what will be goldberg says. we will get reaction from newt
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gingrich as our coverage continues. stay with us. create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪
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[♪♪] >> sean: the calls for biden to drop out have not stopped but not everyone on the left is on board. our friends at that hard hitting new show the view, the cohosts there had another meltdown over the growing anti-biden sentiment. take a look. >> i was watching television all week and i'm a little tired of all the biden bashing that's going on. i'm angry at it. there's a lot of biden bashing going on and no calls for the sexually abusive fell into step down. >> sean: joyless is angry at the biden bashing, and it got worse as cohost whoopi goldberg made this bizarre pretty offensive defense of biden. take a look.
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>> i don't care if he's pooped his pants. i don't care if he can't put a sentence together, show me he can't do the job and then i will say okay, maybe it's time to go. i have poop days all the time. i step in so much poop you can't even imagine. i'm not running the world, but i don't know anybody who doesn't step in stuff at some point. >> sean: very graphic, i will say that. here with reaction, fox news contributor, former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. i don't know, i never thought i would ask you, would you react to that? >> no, no. i told calista what you were going to do and she went are you nuts, you can't go on a show where the number 1 topic is whoopi goldberg pooping.
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and i know it's hard but there has to be some kind of level of -- look, what it tells you is, the left is literally faced with confronting a reality so terrifying that they are just running in circles and saying we are things. the truth is, as of tonight, biden is going to be the democratic nominee. biden is going to keep decaying. biden will almost certainly lose the general election. by january, the view is going to be in a world where donald j trump is being sworn in as president. if you are one of those folks and you are as left-wing as they are, and frankly on a good day they are fairly unbalanced, and now you are faced with this horrifying crisis, you just witness the initial meltdown but
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i predict if it happens the way i think it will, all fall you will see biden get weaker, weaker, more embarrassing, more impossible and by the time we get to the inauguration, you are going to see the left literally melted down. some of them will be in puddles. others will be admitting themselves to mental health institutions, some will be fleeing to new zealand. it will be an amazing moment. >> sean: you are a historian, a professor on top of being a former speaker. from and a stork a vantage point -- from a historical vantage point, when you look at the magnitude of the cover-up, everybody around him has known this, everybody in the media mob, they've all known it, i spent four years showing video after video after video, even before the 2020 election, democrats, they've all known it. now they are acting surprised.
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why the conversion? is that the poles, the panic? >> look, two things. one, someday an investigative reporter will write a brilliant book on how it happened, because it is so unimaginable that every reporter in the white house press conference, everybody who encountered him, everybody who worked with him, that there's this giant conspiracy. by the way, i do think george stephanopoulos today, even though he did not know he was being taped, the fact he would say after his interview, he literally does not think that biden can be president for four more years. first up in a, who worked for bill clinton, to say that i think tells you on enormous amount about where we are. but there's a second part to this which is what happened, and
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we happened to be ann rohmer, we got up and three in the morning to watch this thing live because we both at this instinct that you could not read about it later, you had to see it. i have to tell you, i was stunned. it never occurred to me that you would get 90 minutes, and i feel sad for him, it's like somebody's great-grandfather or grandfather who just cannot function. you are watching him disintegrate and i had the same feeling in the stephanopoulos interview. calista said to me earlier that she thought you could see george was sad doing the interview because he knew he was going through the motions with a man who could not possibly do the job. this is where it will change. for the last two weeks the question has been will he stay on the ticket? a couple weeks from now, if it's clear he will stay on the ticket, the issue will be can he
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really do the job for four years , and the country will realize it's impossible. it could not possibly work. >> sean: yeah, i think you are right. mr speaker, we appreciate you being with us. my apologies to callista about the opening question and then the topic of the program. but it is news. i don't make up the news. coming up, house democrats are freaking out as republican lawmakers try to ensure only american citizens can vote. house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan with the latest straight ahead. good morning, georgia. we're so happy to be in this great state and be with all of you today. making history, showing the united states and the world how to properly care for our heroes who cared for us we're here to break ground on our newest veterans village. it■ll house ninety of our heroes it is in a state of dilapidation. and we are going to be performing a full renovation of this property
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in houston, we're able to treat them one on one, and i think that's the real breakthrough that tunnel to towers has made. we treat the veteran as they are where they are. each of these units is an efficiency apartment. it has their own kitchenette with a cooktop, microwave, full size refrigerator and their own bathroom. it's their home. many people believe that we■ll be building shelters. we don't build shelters. if frank siller won't stay there or our donors wouldn't stay there, we're not putting anybody else there. we have financial training we have job placement, interviews. everything that they need to get back on their feet and return, if they can to the community. we■re here to help them do that. the idea here is that this is not a handout. it's a hand up. so the more support we that we recieve, the more we can support our veterans. well, once you become member of the tunnel to towers family, you're in it. after our groundbreaking, similar to this project we've got projects coming up in denver, colorado. all the way
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up to buffalo, new york, and extending out to las vegas. the second prong of our program, is our national case management network. anywhere in the united states where a veteran or their family are experiencing homelessness. we provide them with direct financial assistance so we're able to help veterans in real time if there's a veteran at need or at risk, you simply contact us either through our telephone number at our headquarters, or through we are dedicated 100% to eradicating veteran homelessness in the united states. we will not leave our veterans unsupported. we will not give up until no one is left behind. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you'll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it'll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. [♪♪] >> sean: panicking tonight over a republican bill set to be voted on this week. now the safeguard american voter
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eligibility act would simply require documented proof of u.s. citizenship to vote in federal elections. a bill you would think every lawmaker would support. instead democratic leadership urging house members to vote against the bill saying it would create "an extreme burden for countless americans." really? anyway, house speaker mike johnson released a 22 page report advocating the save act, saying congress must pass the bill to "restore confidence in u.s. elections. here with more is the chairman of the house judiciary committee jim jordan. democrats don't want proof of citizenship, voter id, signature verification. when i go to the republican national convention and the democratic national convention, i know from past experience if i don't have my credentials verified, i'm not getting in either building even though they say hello mr "hannity", where are your credentials?
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>> no kidding, that's how crazy their position is on this and frankly a host of other issues. here's a novel idea, how about we have american citizens of vote in american elections? imagine that. but the democrats, no, no, no. they want to say you can just attest you are a citizen when you show up at the drivers license bureau to get a drivers license. in some states that's all it takes, checking a box and you can vote. that's not how it should work in our great country, but this is just one of the many crazy positions the left, which now controls the democratic party, says. i love what sarah huckabee said a year ago, the divided america today is normal versus crazy. it's crazy not to have a border, it's crazy to say noncitizens should participate in our elections, but those are now the positions of the left which can -- control the democratic party. >> sean: if they don't want proof of citizenship, voter id, signature verification, if they don't want these basic integrity
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measures, you have to ask why. i could only come up with nefarious intentions of some kind. do you have any other possibilities? >> no. you talk about undermining trust in democracy. undermining trust in our election process. i don't know anything that would do more than this. but that is the position they take. i want -- i think they want to flood certain areas. four years ago we had a staffer here in dc, out district -- not a string -- swing district but in dc one of our staffers got four ballot some mailed to her address. if you flood ballots out there and have a simple process where someone can just attest they are a citizen, the potential for mischief i think is unbelievable that's what concerns americans, that's why we brought this legislation forward, that's why it will pass the house tomorrow and then we will see what chuck schumer does and what joe biden says about it but my guess is they will say the same thing house democrats are saying is we
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don't want to pass it. it's already illegal for noncitizens to vote in our election, but it's also illegal for 10 million people to come in our country, and that has happened under the biden a ministration. >> sean: what do you make of the cognitive decline a lie and cover-up? >> it's amazing. i guess the thing i'm struck with his how quickly they went from the cheap fakes of 12 days ago to we need someone different i think the american people, 60 some million watch the debate, i think the american people can see and hear, they know what's going on. you called this years ago. it's a real concern as this is our commander-in-chief currently but i think the good news is president trump did a tremendous job in that debate, we had great decisions from the supreme court ten days ago, good decisions for the country. i think president trump will win and that's exactly what our country needs at this time. >> sean: it's amazing. sixty-eight days from now early
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voting starts. your message to republicans? they been reluctant and resistant to vote early and by mail -- by mail. twenty seconds? >> vote early, it your ballot, it it in because i think that's the process the democrats are going to use, particularly with this we don't want ids, we don't want citizenship requirement to be eligible to vote. >> sean: all right, congressman jordan, thank you. more hannity straight ahead. your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's healing formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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>> ordinary americans who made an extraordinary impact. >> it's not just the idea, it's the actuality. >> those egg rolls sold like hot cakes. >> i'm bill hemer streaming now on fox nation. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why? greg gutfeld is standing by to put a smile right on your face. have a great night. [ cheering and applause