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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 9, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> ordinary americans who made an extraordinary impact. >> it's not just the idea, it's the actuality. >> those egg rolls sold like hot cakes. >> i'm bill hemer streaming now on fox nation. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why? greg gutfeld is standing by to put a smile right on your face. have a great night. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> greg: yes! i know, i know, i know. yeah. glad you liked those pictures. happy tuesday, everyone. so top democrats are saying that one more biden gaffe could be the nail in the coffin. ha! joke's on them! joe's being cremated. a parkinson's doctor visited the white house ten times last year, but the administration said the specialist was scheduled for only one checkup but joe kept wanting more lollipops. according to fox news digital, during a meeting with his national finance committee, biden told people to stop questioning him, and that was after someone asked why are you pooping on the rug. [ laughter ] to save his re-election bid,
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president biden has reportedly been working the phones, and by working the phones they mean these... whoopi goldberg said she didn't care if joe biden pooped his pants, she'd still vote for him. well, who knew when joe said if you don't vote for me, you ain't black, he meant his underpants. terrible. you like the poop jokes! today, congressional house democrats held closed-door meetings focused on biden's viability as a candidate. joe wasn't there because he can't open doors. that was good. i'm glad you liked that. reporter jake sherman says one in ten ds said that the meeting felt like a funeral. true, people were crying. others were paying their last respects. soon hunter would be trying to bang the widow. you don't get this [bleep] on
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special reports. jerry nadler who said he wanted biden to withdraw now said he's supports biden as the nominee. he's trying to have it both ways like when he goes to the combination taco bell/pizza hut. on monday stephen colbert suggested it might be best for biden to step down. meanwhile, johnny carson said, see you soon, joe. let's do the monolog. so with each passing day it becomes clearer that we're living in a country run by a demented royal family. you've got the evil queen and ego-mad status seeker who demands to be called doctor even though she's not. it's a doctorate in education. that's like demanding to be called a pilot because a flight attendant once pinned some wings
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on your shirt when you were 12. true, getting a doctorate in education is about as hard to acquire as a horse burger at my slaughterhouse. and, of course, there's the entitled prince, a cut-rate caligula whose idea of a family outing is an orgy. feels like they need their own theme song. ♪ america's royal ♪ ♪ family full of fools ♪ ♪ a twisted son ♪ ♪ a doctor mom ♪ ♪ a daddy who drools ♪ ♪ who runs the country ♪ ♪ who is really on the throne ♪ ♪ could it be the evil queen ♪ ♪ who does it alone ♪ ♪ his majesty ♪ ♪ just fumbles and keeps freezing ♪ ♪ his little prince lied ♪ ♪ about a gun ♪ ♪ courtisans were paid ♪ ♪ to shine his crown jewels ♪
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♪ sure must be fun ♪ ♪ who cleans up the messes ♪ ♪ when this king craps his pants ♪ ♪ he would be the duke of dementia's sycophants ♪ [ applause ] >> greg: let's start at the top. the guy's hanging by a thread and that thread is hanging by a hair plug. on monday joe said a letter to dems saying he's staying in. i'm told we have a copy of it. it reads, "the voters of the democratic party have voted. they have chosen me to be the nominee of the party. do we just say this process didn't matter, that the voters don't have a say? well, in truth democrat voters have less choice than the orphans i hired to shave my back. in short, the letter says, we successfully lied to you. it's too late. [bleep] off. it's defiant. he is raging not just against the democrats but against the
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dying of the light. he's saying to the dems come and get me. will they? not if the evil queen can help it. during a solo campaign stop in north carolina yesterday, jill claimed joe is all in. if she means entombed, she's right. >> for all the talk out there about this race, joe has made it clear that he's all in! that's the decision that he's made, and just as he has always supported my career, i am all in too! >> greg: wait, wait, wait. he supported your career? what exactly did he do for your career other than marry you? he didn't stop being a senator so you could go to fake doctor school. you were a substitute teacher. you weren't separating conjoined twins. so, like one of those sign language interpreters, you see her now at every event front and
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center waving her arms like she's warning people away from the bathroom that jerry nadler just left. the signal is a vote for joe is a vote for me. she's like lynyrd skynyrd. yeah, they still tour even though everyone's dead. yet the media is terrified to call her out because she'd do anything to stay where she is. she doesn't want to go back to delaware. no one does. the only thing in delaware worth seeing are the signs to new jersey. but her compassion is as phoney as her degree. she should be teaching summer school to the slow kids, but instead she masquerades as the good wife as she pushes her confused husband in to traffic. and how will that play out? joe can't resign. she'll be seen as the villain. it will be humiliating. no more parties. no more expensive dresses. no more spots on "the view" gagging on the persistent
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pungent blasts of whoopi's farts. here she is back in january talking about joe's vigor... >> he can do it. i see every day. i see him traveling around this country. i see his vigor. i see his energy. i see his passion. >> greg: vigor? more like rigor as in mortis. oddly she's becoming more like joe, refusing to answer questions. >> do you have any message to how democrats who are calling for your husband to drop out of the race? how are you feeling about the state of the race? >> why is she screaming at me? don't scream at me. just let me talk. >> greg: don't scream, just talk. that's exactly what i say to judge janine. let her talk and she doesn't. maybe she really is the acting president. pretty obvious that jill is the
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one out there campaigning because joe can't. if he wanted to prove that the debate was a one-off disaster, he would be out there proving it. instead all he did yesterday was call in to morning breath and yell, but to his credit at least he didn't try to order a pizza and for once people saying he's lost his mind weren't talking about scarborough. but what about the prince? joe's fun-loving son hunter is now the commander in chief's de facto gate keeper. more like de facto crypt keeper, but this job is right up hunter's alley. he's used to holding up in hotel rooms for weeks at a time planning and plotting and who better to give joe something to keep awake. we know how he can get cocaine delivered, right to the white house. it's weird that after all this hunter is in the oval office. can you believe that? from a halfway house to the white house. from crackhead to lincoln's bed. from meth pipes to stars and
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stripes. all of this is insane! you know, they told you that if you didn't vote for joe, the white house would be occupied by a power-hungry tyrant who refuses to leave office even when everyone knows he's unfit and that a convicted felon would be running the country. guess they were right. let's welcome tonight's guests! even he doesn't want to go to his shows. actor/writer/comedian jamie lasalle. she's a rarity at fox, tall, blonde, and attractive. fox business correspondent kelly o'grady! he's not happy to see you. that really is a gun in his pocket. former nypd inspector, pub morrow! and her idea of gaining weight is putting her phone in her pocket. "new york times" best selling author!
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jamie, it is so clear that joe's wife is currently running the show. how does that make you feel that your ex-wife and your kids are not at all involved in your life? >> yeah, my wife wouldn't even let me come to the show! [ laughter ] yeah, for real, though. dr. jill and president biden, could there be two people with more misleading titles? here's how to tell if you're not a real doctor... if you're at a restaurant and somebody goes, like, is there a doctor in the house and you're, like, i shouldn't say anything. if it was dr. jill, if she was like, i'm a doctor, would give somebody false hope, she would be do you want me to help rewrite your will? this is a fascinating... there's so much here. hunter is the gate keeper. is that super-secure to have hunter -- no one's getting to my old man unless you have a little bit of cocaine or boobs. if you have both, front of the line.
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i can't blame hunter. this has got to be the best job he's ever had. can you imagine, hey, dad, it's friday. i get 20 grand a week. joe is, okay, here is your 20 grand and hunter leaves for a minute. he comes back and goes, hey, dad, it's friday. can i grab my 20 grand? he's making 100 grand a week. >> greg: that is true. if you do the math. but i won't. kelly, welcome back to the show. so this jill thing, it seems to me -- and this is my opinion -- that she's putting her ego before the safety and security of this country. what say you, o'grady? >> okay, i mean, listen, i have to hand it to jill. if i got to be on the cover of "vogue," if i have to allegedly -- apparently she has a theme song when she walks in. mine would be "poker face." would have to be. that's the best job ever. all she has to do and be kris
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jenner and be, like, you're doing amazing, sweetie! there was this "wall street journal" report that said biden missed a meeting a couple years ago with the german chancellor because he just had to go to bed. the hard stuff doesn't happen between 10 and 4, okay? the hard stuff happens at 2 a.m. when things go bump in the night and instead you have someone pushing this. it's a national security issue. >> greg: i heard that was a breakfast meeting! i would love to be the after-dark president. shouldn't they do, like, shifts? i would love to be -- hi, i'm greg. i'm the after-dark president. come in to my dark house. paul! >> sir. >> greg: so we haven't spoken since all of this went down. who is running this show right now? what is happening? >> doesn't the whole thing feel to you at this point like a hostage negotiation? >> greg: yes. >> jill has the body. she's not giving it up, right.
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if we keep going like this a week from now, you're going to have chuck schumer on the white house lawn with a bull horn. jill biden, send out the president! come out with your hands up! really, it's true. that's her leverage. >> greg: joe's got to be like a "law & order" episode, no, i just want this cop to come in and you can't bring a gun. the guy puts the gun down and walks in. >> they're asking for brie and an 8 ball of coke! you know what, the son's in there. really what's going on is they both are watching each other. here's why... he's got that trial -- he was already convicted once. he's got a tax trial. he may very well go to jail. if anyone's read that docket, there's no love lost inside this family. he doesn't care for jill, et cetera, et cetera. he's not going to jail. he knows a lot. they've got to worry about that. even if his dad decides, okay, i'm giving it all up, i'm going
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to step down, as he walks to the election -- lectern, hunter is behind him with this saying sign this. with a tax case is restitution, fines. he's broke. that's their honey pot right there. they're watching each other and that's really what's going on. >> greg: this is the moment when trump says -- i know he's watching, donald, great to see you. i can call him donald. he should say i'll pardon hunter. if this is what's keeping you guys in the white house, i will pardon hunter. you have my word. sign it. hand it over. kat, is she the model wife? if this was cam and he was in the white house and clearly unfit, what would you do? >> it is tough, right?
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i mean, whenever the presidency ends, however that may happen, one thing's for sure... they're not going to be getting one of those obama's netflix deals. when it's over, like, that's it. >> greg: that's true. >> when joe's not the president, there's no second act even if he comes out of it alive. there's not going to be, like, the parties at -- like, nobody wants to hear more from joe at all because it doesn't -- like, that's a straight to rumble situation. and still nobody's going to listen, right? >> greg: the most he can hope for is maybe a balance of nature commercial. >> i don't think so. i don't think so because... >> greg: we love balance of nature. >> he needs to remember to say he feels great and he's never felt better and, like, the amount of studio time you'd have to book to get those two
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sentences out of him, what, three days? >> greg: but the balance of nature commercial would be great. he would be, like, when i was president, i never heard of balance of nature. i never heard of it. >> well, you look at him, you don't have any trouble falling asleep. >> he could do balance of nature and a reverse mortgage. his mortgage... >> he does look like a guy who would buy gold. >> greg: yes, he would buy gold! we must move on. boy, he could do a whole bunch of ads here. up next, biden's campaign continues to slow while donald trump lays low.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder
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>> a story in 5 words!
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>> greg: trump stays out of the way. that's six. damn! all right, kelly, while biden and the dems are in disarray, trump's been playing golf. his campaign told fox they don't want to get in the way of the dems shooting each other. good strategy or great strategy? >> excellent. a+ strategy, right? you're giving the dems the rope to hang themselves. they're chaotic as is. you think about everyone's knock against trump last time is he's not the person that's going to unify the country. he's always on social media saying all these different things. right now this undermines that messaging. the dems are the ones in chaos. admittedly as a journalist, i want a crazy dnc that is entertaining but right now this is kryptonite for them. >> greg: you know, kog makes a
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great point. you're just another kog at fox! paul, remember who was supposed to be the chaos candidate was trump. he was the chaos candidate. who is the chaos candidate now? have i hammered it home enough? thank you. >> how bad do things have to be in the biden white house for donald trump to say, you know what, the best move for me is i'm just going to shut up? admittedly he's speaking tonight or he spoke tonight down in florida, 20,000 people at a rally, but for donald trump that is staying out of the way. that is comparatively mild. realistically what you have is a little bit of a reversal of the last election. biden, people forget, we're supposed to forget the fact this dementia thing is recent. he wouldn't come out of his basement and somehow or other he's all of a sudden losing it? please. we have a little bit of a reversal because the best thing for donald trump to do now is
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nothing, just let them hang themselves. if that's all he has to do by that metric the way the bidens are behaving, if i'm the rnc, i would get trump a round-the-world tour. take three months, get on the boat, go see the caribbean because all he has to do is stay quiet. that's it. they'll hang themselves and they're doing it. >> greg: it's trump's turn to be in the basement. >> exactly. >> greg: kat, perhaps trump should be perversely normal, dramatically undramatic. what say you? >> he has been staying quiet but i want him to know who got him to do that because, i mean, this is a dude who just gets up there and riff about his own legal cases. he doesn't care. because forever -- this isn't new to say things will be better for trump if he just stopped with that. people have tried to tell him that forever and he can't either seem to help himself, doesn't care but he actually is. he actually has been staying
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pretty much overall quiet on this not somehow taking the attention away from this by saying something that people can latch on to and then make that the 24-hour news cycle focused on that. but i want to know because it has to be a new friend. there's a new friend who has somehow gotten him to do what people have been trying to get him to do since, what, 2015, 2016? >> greg: do you know how they tried to drug biden to get him up? >> downers! >> greg: maybe they're given trump downers. jamie, should i insult you or just ask you a straight question? >> i honestly could use an insult. i'm feeling pretty good. >> greg: you noticed trump is almost like disappeared much like your family. [ laughter ] >> i feel like with trump we'll eventually find him. i think kat's right. there's a very good chance trump
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has misplaced his phone. where is he? i just read... i just read that joe biden's approval rating is down to other bidens. very low. my favorite thing when he did the interview with stephanopoulos -- am i saying that right? when they said to joe you're getting an interview with st stephanopoulos, i can't wait to meet big bird! i feel like you shouldn't tempt god like that. you're 81 years old. do you remember that old joke where this guy is trapped in a building and there's a fire and this helicopter goes, why don't you get in a helicopter and we'll save you. this guy goes, no, god will save me. and then a fireman climbs up a ladder and says get on this ladder and then he dies and goes
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to heaven and goes, god, why didn't you save me? i sent you a helicopter and a ladder! joe biden, god is sending you hints, buddy! how about the dementia and not being able to use stairs correctly? >> greg: by the way, an act of god is a strong wind. >> at this point it is. >> greg: what? what is your problem, audience? wise up! no, i'm kidding. i love all of you. some might say too much. up next, kjp cries foul when reporters start to growl. get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪)
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♪ it's video of the day ♪ >> greg: she was less than cheery over a simple query, and the white house press sick of joe's mess. our video of the day comes to us from white house press secretary dr. karine janvier, fresh off a
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"grey's anatomy." >> could you state very clearly yes or no was that expert here to participate in anything surrounding the care of the president of the united states? >> i cannot speak to every person because there's actually a security reasons to protect their privacy. >> you're refusing to say if he was here to evaluate the president. he was consulting on the president's health. what was that meeting about? >> the president has seen a neurologist three times as it's connected to a physical that he gets every year that we provide to all... [ mixed voices ] hold on, wait, wait, wait. wait a second. >> eight times or at least once in regards to the president specifically? >> hold on a second. >> that one you should be able to answer by this point. >> there's no reason to go back
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and forth and be this aggressive. wait. >> how information has been shared with the press corps. >> greg: well, things were a lot more cordial when they asked questions about ice cream. so we need to respect the privacy of the doctor who might tell us there's something wrong with the president of the united states. that's the best excuse since i told mom that's how everybody tries on socks. this is from an administration that had no problem forcing every working american to share their medical status or risk getting fired. so i guess peter ducey was right all along. his dad is a big jerk. didn't think i was going to say that, did you. i tricked you. all right, paul... >> yes. >> greg: why are they not saying the truth? it's so obvious. why is there a neurologist coming there? >> yeah. you're never going to get that answer. first of all, what's happened here is the entire vaunted white
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house press corps is now right in duceyville. this has been him all along. i'm sure when he showed up, he looked very young, et cetera. i don't know, it's not inside baseball, but he showed up. they were like, he's the young fox guy but where are the pros. in fact, where's his pulitzer? they were handing pulitzers out like water. >> greg: mail that pulitzer to duceyville. population hot! >> i don't know what that means. [ laughter ] the other thing going on here, though, if you notice is that o'keefe, if you watch that whole clip, he started getting in to the ism zone and it scared 'em off. he's pressing for an even and you see at one point she's had enough and she starts to scowl. obviously he's coming from the left so he's sensitive to this stuff and he sees a leaked story tonight that says he would never have asked that question of john
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kirby because he's sexist, he's racist, whatever it is. so he knew, okay, i better back down. what that means at the end of the day is not only did he not get an answer but neither does the country. >> greg: her dei privilege only got so far at that moment. kat, what say you about what's going on there? it seems like the honeymoon has finally worn off. >> i was, like, almost triggered by her attitude i will admit. it, like, reminded me of, like, the ex-boyfriend. i don't know why she's calling me at 3 in the morning! why would you -- you don't trust me? it's because she's like, i certainly can't give all the medical information out of everybody who is in the white house as if that's what she was being asked to do. is this neurological specialist there to see the person who is the leader of the free world or not? it's really a yes or no question. lots of people get medical treatment at the white house.
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we're well aware of it. no one's saying, yes, we want to know everyone who saw this doctor, who are they, that's what this is about. you absolutely know if the doctor is seeing the president eight times or not and how many times he's seeing the president. it's so to be, i don't know. why would you... i'm, like, it reminds me of every -- that i spent way too much time with in my 20s. the same. now we're facing it as a country. >> greg: exactly. we all feel like you now, kat. america is kat. >> not now but when i was 25. well, 26, 27, 28. [ laughter ] 29... >> greg: jamie, when we talk about these doctor visits, multiple doctor visits, does that remind you of that time when the tennis pro would visit your home 10 to 12 times a month for private lessons and your wife didn't even own a racquet? >> yeah, but he did bring his
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balls. you know what, i... kat is so dead on with this. can you imagine how infuriating -- this whole clip is infuriating. can you imagine her interview for this position if they're like, hey, do you have some references you could show us? she would be, like, i can't show you references! i'm not going to tell you who i used to work for. they're like, you're hired! wow, that is really good. by the way, what a great job to be the president's neurologist. you wouldn't even have to bring your doctor bag to assess that. i feel like dr. jill could be, like, it's not good. [ laughter ] >> your doctor bag! >> i don't know. but this really does remind me of every conversation i ever had with my ex-wife. speaking of my ex-wife, i do record for psas for other divorced dads. we do have one for you tonight... >> tips from a divorced dad.
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>> so your kids are having trouble adjusting to your new girlfriend. just do what i did... take 'em to visit her at work and watch their faces light up when they get to put a dollar in to her g-string. >> greg: i think that's really helpful. really helpful for the kids. thank you, jamie. all right, kelly. you're in this business. do you have any sympathy for kjp? she's had such a soft ride so far and she's lied so many times but i don't want to put words in your mouth. >> i have negative sympathy for her. this was really frustrating to see as a reporter, and i'm going to term what both of you guys referenced. it's gaslighting, okay? she's like, no, no, no, you as white house press secretary, you have to know these questions are coming. you are pretending you can't give an answer? by the way, the fact that that
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doctor visited eight times, that's publicly available information. you can go to the white house logs. you can go there on line right now. just imagine if i as a reporter looked at you as an anchor and said, how could you possibly ask me that question about this story i was supposed to be prepare for, this cog in the fox machine would be fired! >> greg: by the way, that has happened on this show! [ laughter ] all right. coming up, whoopi takes a lax stance on the president crapping his pants. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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now we can focus on what we really enjoy. join millions of satisfied homeowners. get leaffilter. call 833 leaffilter today, or visit >> our view on "the view." >> greg: whoopi claims biden's loose bowels should make voters through in the towels. she doesn't care if biden can't speak. yes, it's a magical land where little debbies make big bellies. this week on "the view," whoopi doubled down on her support of
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joe biden's re-election, no surprise but it was peculiar poo-powered prose. >> i don't care if he's pooped his pants. i don't care if he can't put a sentence together. show me he can't do the job and then i'll say, okay, maybe it's time to go. i have poopy days all the time. i step in so much poo, you can't even imagine. >> what? >> now, i'm not running the world. but i don't know anybody who doesn't step in stuff at some point. if you are doing the job, i might not like everything you're doing. i don't like it all, but i'm going to stand behind you. >> greg: she doesn't care if he [bleep] his pants and in fact she'll stand right behind him. not only does she have a terrible case of trump derangement, she has no sense of smell or a really weird fetish,
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and i'm not one to kink shame. to each his own. i guess she just got tired of joy's crap. kat, you know what's the most interesting thing about this was the audience reaction. like, when she started talking about poop being everywhere, the audience was, like, frozen. they were like, i don't know what is going on here. whoopi has a poop problem. >> what does she mean she has poopy days? >> greg: i don't know, man. >> does she mean she steps in it... are we all supposed to relate to that? >> greg: it's like all of a sudden she's got a poopy day. she's covered in poop. >> if she at her level of wealth can't figure out how to not... spend days stepping in poop? what's the hope for the rest of us? >> greg: does she know when it's going to happen? >> again, honestly, i will say simply pooping your pants, not a reason to, like, not support a person.
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>> greg: it's a selfish moment, she hates trump, jamie, almost as much as your ex-wife hates you. >> i saw what she said, greg. with all disrespect, i think that she's -- like... okay. you're right. it's putting the sentences together. it's the pooping your pants. i feel like to be the president she's wrong and you should be able to put -- like, you could do some jobs like be on "the view." that's true. maybe that's why she's so messed up over this. i feel like pooping your pants. it's not once on the golf course with a hot dog. this is a consistent issue that's going on and i think that's -- if you do that, i'm just saying it ruins your credibility, do you know what i mean? if somebody goes the surgeon will be right there. he just [bleep] his pants again. [ laughter ] i would go... >> greg: the pilot is a little late. he defecated in his boxers. >> i would go, i don't trust this guy any more. i know for sure he's not good
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with delayed gratification. [ laughter ] >> i'd be fine with it. if he was walking around with it... >> greg: here's the deal, kelly. this was a great strategy on whoopi or poopi as i like to call her. she got us off the topic of talking about cognitive stuff. we're talking about intestinal unfortitude. >> not by choice. [ laughter ] >> welcome to the show! >> this just underscores... people hate trump so much on that side that this is what they're willing to accept. they are figuratively, literally willing to accept poop. that is horrifying! i think it underscores the point, like, this may be the left's best chance because he is such an anti-trump. maybe that's what they need. >> greg: i don't know. paul? >> all i can say is the bar is very low in the whoopi goldberg
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household. can you imagine what that tinder ad must look like? single black female. [bleep]. look, we're pressed for time so let me say this, ted danson, what were you thinking? >> greg: poopy days. everybody's got a poopy day. up next, mayor adams is a big fan of a fancy new trash can. on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> five more words! >> greg: adams unveils new trash can. paul, i've got to go to you because this is your city as a former cop. >> you're blaming me. >> greg: the mayor is getting trashed on line for touting his trash revolution. this is a plan for small residential buildings which is -- the plan is a wheelie trash can with wheels, like something that no one's ever had before. >> that's how bad we are here in the city. right now -- new york city obviously has always had garbage cans. in the old days they were metal. they were loud. now he's holding press conferences because he's added wheels. he's literally bragging about one of mankind's oldest
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inventions. we've got this new thing, it's called the wheel! tomorrow what he's going to do, they're going to have a press conference, fire! look at this! it's nice, you can cook. it keeps you nice and warm. that's how bad it is. the back story really is there is a grand jury empaneled. they've already subpoenaed one of his aides. they took his phones. they took his tablet and he's looking at an indictment. so he's being kind of quiet but doing these little things here because he ran across the biden administration, criticized the migrant situation, and the next thing you know they were banging on the doors. he's kind of been quite quiet. that's the back story. since you called it my city. i don't want it but anyway. >> greg: jamie, when you saw that wheelie garbage bin, did you think, hmm, i could live there? >> mm-hmm. that would be nice to have a little more space. no, it did remind me my ex-wife was nice enough to put my stuff
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in a bunch of those when i moved. i would have loved this commercial if he had gotten in it and locked it from the inside. [ laughter ] >> greg: i thought it was going to be used! >> i thought the garbage bag was going to disappear or something. i thought they found a way to make them smaller or something and then when he just did that. and then did you see the handshake debacle that happened afterwards? there was a fist bump that went to a hand and a fist and he did a thing and they hugged. >> greg: we don't have that, do we, producer? we do? let's see it. >> he's shooting for a fist... >> greg: the thing there. >> that part is infuriating. we get it. whoop, full hand! half hug. >> greg: you know what, that bothers me more than the trash thing. don't introduce a new hand gesture! >> absolutely. >> greg: 200,000 years of handshakes and now you want to do this? >> i prefer a fist bump. i don't want to touch your
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fingers! >> greg: now everybody thinks about what do i do? >> you don't touch my fingers with your fingers. that's what you do. >> greg: you only want one option. i'm sorry, kelly, are you as excited over this as the mayor? [ laughter ] >> wheels! listen, i had to back up, though, because my former employer, a consulting firm, was commissioned $4 million to determine if trash cans would help our trash problem in new york. $4 million. that's what we spend taxpayer money on. red flag right there. i have to bring up my frenchie. he likes the trash cans because the rats hide in there and he likes to hunt the rats. >> handshakes are weird, though. >> greg: what are? >> handshakes. that should go away. what should we do? let's hold hands for a second. >> especially if it's whoopi
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goldberg! >> i'm never excited to touch someone's fingers. >> greg: there's a whole evolutionary reason for it. it's to show that you don't have a weapon. >> yeah. look at me. i don't have a weapon. >> greg: if they know -- in the old days, like, in the 1940s. >> but trash cans are revolutionary for new york actually because that's the sad part. the bags are piled in mountains all over the street. >> greg: they reduced trash cans because of terrorism. now they're going back to trash cans. >> i take my dog for a walk and you'll be walking three, four blocks with a bag of poop because there's no trash cans any more. >> greg: there we go. more poop. we can't get away from it. we'll be right back. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath,
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thank you to our guests and studio audience, "fox news @ night" with trace gallagher. >> trace: 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 i


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