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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 10, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> steve: it is 7:00 here on the couch in new york city where it currently is 80 degrees already. >> ainsley: already? >> lawrence: smoking. >> steve: middle of july, july 10th, 2024. "fox & friends." democrats divided on joe biden's political future. swing district democrats are reportedly gathering with tears as one senator sounds the alarm about about old joe in november. >> lawrence: they are crying, too. >> donald trump is on track, i think, to win this election and maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the senate and the house. steve oops. >> ainsley: plus, fit to serve? tmz catching abc's george stephanopoulos admitting what he really thinks about joe biden. >> you think biden should step down? >> you talk to him more than anybody else have lately. and you can be honest. >> lawrence: something i have been telling you, about the rising threat of pickleball.
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[laughter] >> ainsley: have you been warning. >> lawrence: number two tennis player in the world blaming the phenomenon for putting his sport in danger. >> steve: is he right. >> brian: why didn't we lead with this. second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now remember your morning is better with friends. >> steve: and pickleball. >> ainsley: we start with a fox news alert. look at your screen. seven house democrats are calling on president biden to end his re-election bid and now michael bennet has become the first democrat from the senate to publicly echo the same sentiment. >> trump is on track, i think, to win this election. and maybe win it by a land slide and take with him the senate and the house and so for me, this isn't a question of polling, it's not a question of politics. >> brian: yep, this after house democrats met behind closed doors yesterday discussing biden's re-election bid. it seems they are still divided.
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>> are you all on the same page? >> no. >> what do you mean you are not on the same page? >> not even in the same book. >> we're ridin' with biden. >> conversation about. >> we're riding with biden. >> was there conversation about vice president kamala harris there. >> we're ridin' with biden. >> lawrence: why is he so smooth? axios reporting that just hours before yesterday's meeting a smaller group of swing districts democrats held what sources describe as a despondentens gathering with actual tears. >> steve: they were crying, that's right. the "new york times" calling out democrats saying they panic about joe biden but no doing to nudge him -- no doing to nudge him aside. >> ainsley: not doing anything to nudge him aside? >> steve: the "new york times" needs to fix that or we should with our teleprompter. >> brian: it's a standoff. let's not even do the show until we get an answer. >> steve: so, for rank and file
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democrat to come out and say hey, our leader has to step aside. that's a step too far for a lot of democrats. stories out there that he is the nominee for now. we will see how it goes with all sorts of things like the debate. in september. of course, that will be way too late. he does have tomorrow night though a press conference. the question is how is he going to do? if he has to answer some questions that are not scripted for him. that could be a problem. >> ainsley: yeah. on the other side. the republican ticket, some people don't support donald trump like liz cheney. so, this is not anything new. i know this is after the debate and all these democrats were for him. but, parties can be divided. they might like different candidates. but it looks like biden is there to stay. you said if best, brian, tough luck biden isn't leaving. >> brian: i don't say it like that. >> ainsley: you kind of yell like that.
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>> brian: undivided a different time. two years ago. the biggest polling shift so far this election cycle happened on the cook report. they just came out. so anybody who thought it's not going to be that big of deal like the biden people when they went in hibernation four days after the debate it's huge. now putting other states in play including minnesota, new hampshire, virginia, and maybe new york. george stephanopoulos, well, they caught up to him yesterday in new york and maybe didn't know he was being taped but he answered honestly what he thought about joe biden's future. listen. >> hey, excuse me. hey how are you doing? >> good. >> what do you think? do you think biden should step down? you talk to him more than anybody has lately you can be honest. >> he cannot serve four more years. >> brian: said yeah earlier today i responded to a question. i should have memorized it, to a question from a passersby. i shouldn't have.
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and then abc goes george expressed his own point of view not ours at abc news. okay. fine. we should keep that in mind, too. a lot of people talk to you out on the streets. i'm talking to myself how many. >> lawrence: we do, though. >> steve: we don't give an answer like that. >> lawrence: bingo. >> this is a guy not a regular news reporter. this is someone that use to the work in the white house that watched every single word. you are trained to do it because you speak for the president when you speak. so, this whole idea that he did not know what was going on. look, my personal opinion. this is a part of the pressure campaign. they have made it very clear that they're going to use their media allies to push joe biden out because he is so stubborn. and whether it the obama bros doing their podcast. jen psaki who used to work within the white house, that is openly having people that are contrary to the president on her program on msnbc. >> brian: she is complicit too, then.
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she knew the decline. >> lawrence: 100 percent. >> brian: she laughed. >> lawrence: this is not a sudden shift in the media. now they are complicit and now they have to save their tails. only way they can do it is to pressure him out. and it's through their media. >> steve: if it doesn't work, ultimately as we saw with michael bennet, the colorado senator, they don't want to lose the senate. and they could -- it could be a landslide in the house as well because now there are like close to 30 vulnerable democrats, in purple districts whose tail is on the line. to use your word right there. and i think -- i hand it to george stephanopoulos for being truthful. you know, he said it was his honest opinion. but then again, i wonder if the ladies on "the view" are going to be talking about that today. because he just works right down the hall. >> ainsley: before he had this job at abc he was working for bill clinton the spokesperson at the white house. we all know he is a democrat i
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was impressed with his interview with joe biden. he was very fair. he has this opinion. journalism has changed a lot. i mean, you know, this have never told us what we can and can't say on the curvey couch. i know we have a different type of show than he does. i think everyone in america knows he is a democrat. >> brian: i give him zero credit. because if he sat down on good morning america and michael strahan asked him what did you think of the interview and he said i don't think is he going to last four years. okay. to make a casual comments. that impact, to somebody you don't know on the streets and is he wondering. >> steve: it's dangerous. >> brian: number two guy at abc or the number one guy in his mind. >> ainsley: maybe he will go on from now on with michael strahan and say that. >> brian: keep in mind, too. back to the new york point a little bit earlier. so, in new york now it was about an 8 point distance. the president got huge crowd in the south bronx. now they say the president's popularity is growing so great despite the multiple court cases that he is now winning in
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battleground districts in new york, which could help the house, obviously. no one is going to -- do you know what it is going to mean? it's going to mean they have -- democrats got to put resources in. new york, virginia, minnesota, and new hampshire. >> ainsley: and wisconsin. >> brian: wisconsin, i feel like ainsley they always thought they had to. this is where they never thought they had to. >> steve: it's all about the house. and the lead story on politico. we are going to talk about that in a couple of minutes, first, we are heading to the white house. >> lawrence: looks like a couple chaotic days in the white house press briefing room as reporters ask if the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre wants to reconsider past statements on biden's mental health. >> steve: oh, man, jacqui heinrich is live in d.c. right now with the latest. hey, jacqui. >> jacqui: joining you from the nato summit here in d.c. the white house is playing clean-up hours africa written jean-pierre was asked if she
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wanted to reconsider any of her previous statements about the president's health. the white house late last night released new information about a visit that biden had with dr. kevin canard, the parkinson's' specialist who visited the white house 8 times in 8 months. africa written said that canard's visits had nothing to do with care for president biden, the white house is now admitting that a january 17th visit with biden related to a neurological exam that he was taking as part of his annual physical which, by the way, was not reported until a month later. >> karine issued a statement last night. she said because the state was not mentioned in the question. i wanted to be clear january 17th meeting between dr. o'connor and dr. cannard was for the president's physical. one of three times the president has seen dr. cannard each time for his physical. the findings of each exam have been released to the public. but every single word that is uttered by this white house
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right now is facing a lot of scrutiny. well, he also said he is sharpest before 8:00 p.m. so say to the pentagon at some point picks up an incoming nuke, it's 11:00 p.m., who do you call in the first lady? >> he has a team that lets him know of any -- of any news that is pertinent and important to the american people. he has someone -- or that is decided, obviously, with his national security council on who gets to tell him that news. >> jacqui: following that exchange nfc spokesman john kirby went on "special report" to try to assuage any concerns that the president's mental acuity is faltering. >> the man i see every day, including today, is in commands of the facts and context. he gets calls in the middle of night all the time. a couple of g-7s ago, bret, you might remember, there was an a missile that fell in poland, there was a concern that it could have been a russian
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missile that call came in to him in the middle of the night. he called together the g 7 in a snap meeting by 8:00 that morning. >> jacqui: kirby was actually researches the g-20 summit in indonesia. biden called a meeting g-7. he was meeting with staff in the overnight hours and made the call to the polish president before sunrise. the white house put out this photo at the time; however, all of this was in 2022. and it's somewhat of a poor example for john kirby to cite given that concerns about the president's age at that time were nowhere near as significant as they are now. more than a year and a half later, guys. >> steve: that is a great timeline. >> brian: real quick, jacqui, there is a story in the "wall street journal," the german officials tried to have a meeting, chancellor olaf scholz in the early evening to the president could meet. the president blew off the meeting and sent tony blinken in and that's because he was tired. >> steve: went to bed.
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>> jacqui: yeah. saw that report and was going to be really interesting is you have the nato leaders in town right now. i mean, we are talking to the polish prime minister later today and the fi finnish foreign minister in the afternoon. if there are other stories concerns allies have the president and his health given their interaction those stories will come out this week they are talking to a lot of the media out here. >> steve: they will indeed. jacqui, thank you very much. what is interesting -- actually, it's terrifying. when peter doocy asked kjb about okay, there is incoming nuke, what do you call the first lady? and for the press person to say that there is a team that decides what they should tell the president, you know, if there is any reason you should ever wake up the president, it's for an incoming nuke. hello. you know, and yesterday on our program, we had general keith kellogg on and he made it very clear. he told us, you know, we used to you wake up former president
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trump all the time. watch this. >> you can't have a part time commander-in-chief. i cannot tell you, steve, how many times we had to wake the president up, president trump up in the middle of the night to have a decision. and he was right on it right away. look, that time when we killed soleimani we woke him up in the middle of the night. we got an answer. that was on the first of januar. on the 3rd of january 2020 soleimani was dead. there is a real question that they have got and the world has got, can this guy, president biden, actually do the job, other than just five or six hours a day. >> brian: isn't that what he said to the democratic governors? my problem is i was tired. i promise to work less and sleep more. fantastic. i love that attitude. i'm going to go get him and change things by doing less and slemore anti-american attitude. >> lawrence: secretary was being honest there. the white house is being run by the staff that is the point and it's not just her that is saying that. they are openly campaigning, going on media outlets and
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saying, look, you are not just elected joe biden. you get the staff with him. and that is part of the talking points. >> ainsley: she was basically saying we wake him up half the time. we make the decisions we don't wake him up? we make the decisions in the middle of the night? what was she saying? >> steve: to your point, we heard the chief of staff say there is a lot of stuff that doesn't rise to the level of us telling the president of the united states. what's terrifying about this is okay, so the phone is ringing in the nsa and it's like oh, incoming, and if you got the vacation relief team, it's like is this something we would wake the president up for? >> brian: missile defense automated automatically going to block the unfortunately nuclear missiles out of the sky let's hope. >> steve: "star wars"? i think that was just an idea. >> brian: let's seal. the president is going to be in pennsylvania on saturday. last night he was at doral and he had a huge crowd and right there with him was.
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>> ainsley: look at that crowd, courtesy of sean hannity. >> brian: some people there took pictures? >> ainsley: he was on stage behind him and sean showed these pictures last night. >> brian: that's awesome. george stephanopoulos even told joe biden you don't want to play the crowd game. >> ainsley: right. >> brian: he had a great introduction from marco rubio very comfortable in front of huge crowds. one of his greatest assets and indicated is he obviously being thought of as the number two. here he is having -- the president is having fun. a lot is on prompter. some isn't. this is a follow-up to his debate challenge. >> lawrence: let's do another debate this week so that sleepy joe biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president. [laughter] but this time it will be man-to-man, no moderators, no holds barred. just name the place, any time, anywhere. and in the debate sleepy joe also declared that he wanted to test his skills and stamina
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against mine on the golf course. can you believe this? [laughter] did you ever see him swing? he is like this. [laughter] that's w this evening i am also -- and this is in honor of you and everybody -- it is a 45,000 people. that's a lot of people. [cheers and applause] i'm also officially challenging crooked joe to an 18 hole golf match right here. [cheers] >> i will give him 10 strokes a side. and if he wins i will give the charity of his choice, any charity that he wants $1 million. [cheers] >> lawrence: so obviously a funny moment, ainsley. i do think that -- obviously joe biden is not going to agree do either one of these. the one-on-one or to the golf match. but i think the former president to his credit, he said in the
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stage to say he is not going to do another debate. after he gave joe biden everything that he wanted, he still didn't perform. and i think this is where we are going to get a mercy rule where he says, you know what? i don't think it's needed anymore. >> ainsley: i thought one of the funniest parts of the debate was when there are two guys and us women, we know how y'all are you are so competitive with each other when it documents sports. and arguing about steve their handicap. >> ainsley: their handicap and their swing. and then trump takes the opportunity to say but let's let's not be childish. stop the discussion. but then he brings it back up last night in doral and the crowd goes crazy. >> brian: last 12 days president trump has been keeping a low profile because there is nothing he should do to steal the news cycle. athey are desperately trying to look at 2025. heritage foundation 900 page saying that's the trump agenda there are some things he likes in it. 900 pages put together by think
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tank as prestigious as heritage it is in the community he says he has no idea about it. there are some people there that he lie likes that did it. that's the theme on the right. president trump is not playing into it. allowing people to focus on joe biden. and that's frustrating them. >> lawrence: yesterday they also to that point, brian. they released the party platform for the republican national committee. some people upset by it wanted some people liking it. by the way the most simple platform i have ever seen the republicans come out with normally long but just bullet points essentially just basic stuff. and the president is saying that is his plan. not the project from the heritage foundation. >> steve: it has upset a lot of people regarding abortion. but, last night's show at doral was brilliant trump and classic trump because not only did he do two things that he knows joe biden would never do and the first one is challenge him to a debate because trump is absolutely right. he knows that joe biden would
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never say okay, i'm going to do that again. if he is still the nominee in september, there will be a debate. but then the whole thing about the golf and making it a charity thing, it made it hard for joe biden not to respond. and so last night. his. >> lawrence: the staff again. >> steve: they came up. the staff offered up their own challenges. he said they said we challenge donald trump to create jobs. but he lost 3 million. we challenged donald trump. >> lawrence: so lame. >> ainsley: brought up the 2025 thing, too. >> steve: answer the question. >> ainsley: we challenge him not to be a criminal. >> lawrence: tell that to your son. >> steve: biden team came up with all of the metrics regarding the debate and that completely blew up in their face. so they have got to change the subject. >> ainsley: when is sentencing day? the 11th? >> brian: not anymore. they moved it. >> steve: in september. >> brian: we will see it if that moves again the immunity and role it now plays in the decision, the supreme court really is forcing everything to be re-evaluated. donald trump would be joining me
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on radio today at 9:06. >> ainsley: good job, brian. >> brian: we managed to blow upp the network break go straight through. some people thinks he names a vice president tomorrow. that's what i was hearing. >> ainsley: get him to do it on your show. >> steve: do it today. >> brian: i don't want to take away. >> steve: do it today. >> brian: get him to do it today? or give me the wrong name and then i will run with that and then i will look terrible. >> ainsley: biden's people to send you questions? they do that. >> brian: my questions should be coming at any minute now. also the other story we have not discussed is nikki haley saying take my delegates. i have not gotten an invite to the rnc. i hope to give invite. >> ainsley: i hope they invite her. >> steve: she said yesterday she was not invited it's all about unity which you do not see on the democrat side. >> brian: we will be going. >> ainsley: we will be going. >> steve: we will be in milwaukee having fun.
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lead story on po politico right. biden support slips in deep blue new york now a battleground state. >> ainsley: do you believe that? >> steve: joe biden won new york stated by 23. and the biden team expects to win all 28 electoral college votes in new york. and they probably will because of new york city. but there are five essentially swing districts with five congressman's jobs on the line. >> lawrence: that's the real impact. >> >> steve: that is it. the worry is if donald trump does really well in those, it's going to sweep house away from the democrats to a point where they can't get it for a very long time. >> brian: go ahead. >> lawrence: i think the suggestion is that maybe donald trump loses when it comes to new york. but at least he has. >> steve: electoral college. >> lawrence: when it comes to the house seats that would be the real benefit. i'm sure the democrats are regretting keeping him in new york this entire time for the sham trial that they had which is going to be overturned. so you did all of that and now
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you are going to lose seetsz as a result of that because he was here campaigning. >> ainsley: i will tell you what is happening in the city what i have heard from people that always were democrats. many of them jewish, and now they are saying quietly silently to me i'm going to vote for trump. don't tell anyone my name will be mud in my group. democrats outnumber republicans in new york two to one. >> brian: zeldin lost by just six points and democrats have earned this anger. the way they have refused to crack down on criminals. the way they have allowed illegal immigrants to overwhelm the city. >> lawrence: that's baking one. >> brian: 67,000 strong do you know where you put them? working class areas, under privileged areas like queens. four cops beat up when they heard about minors walking the streets of queens. they showed up. the illegal immigrants goes and attacks the cops. so we're giving them free food, giving them debit cards and place to live. >> lawrence: kicking them out of houses. >> brian: now you beat up coming when they show up to find your kids who you have let walk
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around the streets of queens at 1:00 in the morning. >> steve: all about safety. >> brian: that's why you vote. >> steve: so a democrat who is the manhattan borough president president mark levin said to politico we are still acting like this is a one party state which for pretty much 20, 25 years it has been. i truly believe we are now a battleground state. >> ainsley: we pay so much in taxes here in, no. many people can't afford the things they want on their kitchen table or in refrigerator or put gas in their cars. now we are learning we just had this story a few days ago that we are spending a billion taxpayer dollars to house these illegal immigrants hotels. >> brian: right to shelter all indoctrinated in new york's laws. >> ainsley: 23 minutes after the top of the hour. girl power push. voters think vp harris and hillary clinton could step up to replace biden. and "the view" is suggesting a second in command.
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>> you say kamala is the heir apparent would you run her vice president. >> i will never say never. that's not something i'm angling for. >> oh you will never say never.r ♪un it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. [audience laughing] worried you'll laugh so hard you'll leak? well always discreet can hold your biggest gushes with up to zero leaks and odor. so you're not just dry. you're laugh until you cry dry. we've got you, always. always discreet. were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next.
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and with the humidity it feels even worse than that heat advisories all up and down the east coast. excessive heat warnings for the new york city area where it's examination to feel close to 10. 103 is what it is going to feel like in philadelphia. 106 in washington, d.c. this is what is left of beryl moving across the northeast and the great lakes. we actually have a tornadoes risk for some of these areas. first level 3 tornado threat in at least 18 years. yes. it could happen later on today. and then the power outages almost 2 million people still without power for parts of texas. this is a dire situation because we have heat alerts. no air conditioning in these areas and the heat index up to 106 degrees. so very, very dangerous. houston is going to be very warm. not only today but through the rest of the week and into the weekend. so we need that electricity. we need the air conditioning. fox for all of your latest details and, carley, i will send it over to you for more headlines. >> carley: janice, thank you so much. got a startling story to get to.
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officials in colorado confirming one person bubonic plague. unclear how the person contracted the disease. it is through bites infected fever, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes. while the disease killed millions of people in europe during the middle ages, nowadays it's considered extremely rare. federal reserve chair jerome powell will be back on capitol hill today after warning lawmakers that cutting interest rates and a weak labor market are just as much of a risk to our economy as inflation. >> our labor market is slowing, is it not? >> yes. but i would say unemployment is still, you know, is still low by historical standards. yes. we have seen cooling, yes. >> when are you going to lower interest rates? >> i'm -- today i'm not going to be sending any signals about the timing of any future actions. >> carley: this coming as the june jobs report showed the
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unemployment rate increase to 4.1%. which is the highest level since 2021. those are your headlines. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: good deal. thank you so much, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> carley: democrat women rising to the top of the pack as best possible replacements for president biden. many are suggesting vice president harris or another familiar face. politico reporting that with biden damaged polling suggests that v.p. and hillary clinton give democrats the best chance to beat trump. here to react mary katharine ham, fox news contributor and columnist. hey, mary katharine. >> hello, how is it going? >> ainsley: good morning. what do you think about this? could we see hillary clinton get back in? >> i mean this seems like a poor choice. [laughter] >> for a comeback to group against trump. i feel like we have seen this movie before. look, there is a really risky game of chicken going on right now in the democratic party. and no amount of girl power is going to paper it over.
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i think the sort of like moral and constitutionally provided for solution for the democratic party right now is for president biden to step aside because he is not doing the job. and give the presidency to kamala harris. at that point, yes, you could think about will this girl power possible ticket give them a little boost in the polls? i think that might be a risk worth taking. particularly because you could have somebody who can listen in briefings and understand what they are telling her; however, president biden has to be the one who makes this decision. and i said more than a week ago, two weeks ago now, they need unanimity of purpose and plan if they want to make a switch aroo. almost two weeks sings the debate and they do not have it. the democrats came out of the meeting saying we are still trying to figure out what to do. if they haven't figured out what to do. biden is staying on the ticket. >> ainsley: could you imagine if they did pair hillary clinton with harris, who would be the president and who would be the vice president? hillary is not going to take the vice president position when she ran for president. wanted to be president and
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didn't win, right? >> i know, that's the problem they talk about having a blitz primary. you would have to have a blitz primary between the two of them to figure out who would be top of the ticket. and a lack of charisma off when it comes to the general election. which one of them can outdo the other one? i just think that this is misguided. and they might be getting quite a bit of ahead of themselves. because the president is still the president and the nominee. >> ainsley: that's true. hillary would not want to play second fiddle to kamala harris. she would want to be president. she lost to donald trump before so i don't think they would pick her. gretchen whitmer was on "the view" yesterday and was asked if she would want to be on the ticket. listen to this. >> you say kamala is the heir apparent. would you run for her -- would you run as her vice president? >> you know what? i have never looked at opportunities in washington, d.c. with a lot of excitement. but, you know, i will never say never but that's not something that i am angling for. >> awe, you will never say never.
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>> ainsley: mary katharine, what's your reaction? >> i think whitmer is emblematic of democrats inability to get on the same page. in the middle of that answer she gets a little tripped up probably by her own ambition and doesn't want to clothes door on this possibility when, in fact, for the party, politically probably what she should be doing hey, that's not what we're talking about right now. we are talking about president biden and his record and what he has done so well. that's i her job in this moment. they can't focus on that the secret is they don't know what to do. right? they are kind of flailing in moments like this. it does open the door and leads to more speculation and causes trouble for him, politically as he seems to be determined to stay on this ticket. >> ainsley: she said never say never and now we are talking about her this morning. she did come to new york city to be on "the view." thank you so much, mary katharine, for coming on. great to see you. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. trump teasing a florida crowd with his vice presidential pick. >> i think they probably think i'm going to be announcing that marco is going to be vice president. i have a great idea. how about no tax on tips?
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mark, you are going to vote for it i hope? well you may not be there to vote for it but you will be involved. >> but is there a new dark horse as we get closer to the rnc? ♪
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if you prayed that prayer, i want you to call right now that number that's on the screen. call that number and may god bless you.
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♪ >> europe, middle east, the pacific, the whole world is looking to autumn. looking to november. and putin awaits november 2 it's time to step out of the senate to make strong decisions. >> brian: fox news alert.
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ukrainian president zelenskyy warning nato leaders against waiting until the u.s. elections in november to help his war-ravaged country as president biden's political future looms in d.c. byron york is here on that. is he right don't wait until november, get him the weapons now. things will change in november. >> is he worried that donald trump will become president and trump has said he has a peace plan for ukraine and it's pretty clear what the peace plan is. which is to pressure both ukraine and russia to negotiate, probably involve territorial concessions from ukraine, something zelenskyy doesn't want. but, clearly trump would use, u.s. aid as leverage to force ukraine to negotiate so, yeah. i think it's clear zelenskyy would like to get everything in the pipeline right now before trump possibly became president. >> brian: he has got two allies right now with vladimir putin, very chummy, got the modi of
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india, giving him a bear hug the day that vladimir putin takes out a children's hospital. targets it. and then you also have him with the hungarian leader. they are meeting there. trump could effect both those things. >> oh, absolutely. and trump -- one of trump's campaign appeals is that he knows the leaders who are involved in all of this. he was involved with him in his first term as president. and would hit the ground running if he were elected to a second term. but, the fact is he believes, trump believes he could exert pressure on putin regardless of putin's allies. to stop in ukraine. who he no, sir if the plan is actually going to work. but, zelenskyy is certainly doesn't want to see trump have a chance to do it. >> brian: president had a massive rally last night. i don't know if you saw any of the pictures. 40,000 showed up at doral. he has been quiet last 12 days. he had marco rubio introduce him and he said you know, wouldn't
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he be -- basically wouldn't he a great vice president? who do you think is on that list? who do you think the president -- the former president should pick? >> >> well, i think rubio is a valuable surrogate for the president. but i don't think heson 00 finalist in part because of the constitutional problem, which is the 12th amendment prohibits the state's electors for voting for both the president and vice president from that same state. so, for rubio to be on the ticket and for trump and rubio to be able to win floral's electoral votes. one of them would have to move out of florida, which is kind of an awkward situation if you are the senator from florida. >> right, that's true. but he does have a house in washington. "new york post" and "the national review" said youngkin should be in the mix with all the chaos on the left because they picked shah-mile-an-hour row as a running mate for kamala. you need virginia. youngkin should deliver virginia. should youngkin be on that list? >> yes, he should. it's a really interesting situation now.
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youngkin and doug burgum kind of fit the same thing, the businessman governor. but there is an electoral college appeal for youngkin that burgum doesn't have. which is this. the most conventional way for trump to win the presidency, is to win all of the states he won in 2020. and then add georgia and arizona and then you have to win won of pennsylvania, michigan or wisconsin. but, he won virginia, he wouldn't have to win any of pennsylvania, michigan or wisconsin. >> brian: so interesting. because he is in a dead heat now the last three polls in virginia even without youngkin on the ticket. byron, it's a fascinating time in play minnesota, new hampshire and virginia new york. democrats are really getting panicked. thank you, byron. >> thank you. >> brian: you got it. kamala harris claiming these anti-israeli protesters are showing exactly what the human emotion should be? as a response to gaza? are you kidding me?
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♪ (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ >> lawrence: so this morning, america's top intel official revealing that the world's number one state sponsor of terror, iran, has been providing support to anti-israeli protesters raging across the country. meanwhile, in an interview with the nation magazine, kamala
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harris claiming these anti-israeli protesters are, quote: showing exactly what the human emotion should be as a response to gaza. this kind of response to israel that has some jewish americans, including our next guest feeling abandoned by the democratic party and now voting for the republican party for the very first time. melissa chatman joins us now. melissa, thanks so much for getting up this morning with us. we have been talking about. >> my pleasure. >> lawrence: thank you. we have been talking about this for a while. we kind of had a feeling that they maybe getting some outside money, but to have it confirmed by our highest intel official, how does that make you feel? >> i mean, you could see from the way the 23456r789s were, everyone had the same you know, tents, and the way that everything was so coordinated, the messaging was the same it did seem like they were paid paid. it did seem like there was a force that was not -- you know wasn't just random kids but a
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coordinated campaign. i'm not surprised that it's being funded by iran and other, you know, unsavory, not american agents come in and trying to take over, you know, and create this messaging for college students. and everyone -- people on the streets. i mean, truthfully, as a new yorker right now, i feel like i'm being hunted as a jew on the street. like, the fact that you -- they are wearing masks, they have this coordinated messaging that no one can be identified. it's -- i feel uncomfortable in my own city. i have been living in new york city for 50 years. i don't feel comfortable walking in the streets wearing the star of david necklace i'm wearing right now. >> lawrence: yeah. it's gotten out of control. i know, melissa, you may feel alone during this moment, but, i got some encouraging news for you. we were looking at some of the polling when it documents biden support amongst jewish voters. back in 2020, he had 69%. a new poll in april is showing that he is at 61%.
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why are you deciding to turn to republican party instead of the democratic party right now? >> i mean, i was -- i'm sorry, i was the perfect democrat. i did everything right. i supported every single party that i felt as a democrat you should. the lgbtq+. you know, black lives matter. i did everything. and then as soon as october 7th happened, i was completely abandoned by every single group that i supported. and just the messaging that's coming out of biden's campaign now that -- i mean, there were -- there were five living american hostages that have not -- their names should be on the lips of every single person. >> lawrence: that's right. >> when britney brittney griner when she was arrested and she was in jail, her name was on the lips of every american. the fact there are american citizens who are -- have been held hostage in gaza by a terrorist organization and the
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administration has done nothing the administration has done nothing about anything that's happened since october 7th. as a jew, i don't feel frequent protected. every single organization i supported completely abandoned me. >> lawrence: yeah. >> these are all democratic organizations. and i don't feel -- i don't feel like the brand has my best interest at heart anymore. >> lawrence: to that point, melissa, i don't mean to cut you off. kamala harris just said she stands with those protesters. how do you feel about that? >> i cannot even believe the things that she is saying. first of all, in the speech, she didn't say anything about the facts that hamas is the one that started. this they are a terrorist organization. what is their responsibility to giving their own women sanitary napkins? what is their responsibility to giving their own people water? you know, clean water. she saying there is not clean water to, you know, make flour. they are using the water for
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rockets. how can this -- how can i support a government that is speaking this way about a terrorist organization? any democrat, if you are an american, you should be upset, forget about being jewish, as an american. the fact that they're burning flags in the streets and this is what she is talking about? shouldn't she be talking about the fact that like people are burning american flags in the streets? this is -- it's like the world has gone mad. >> lawrence: so, melissa, i have got to ask you, because of what we are dealing with right now, can you see yourself voting for donald trump? >> oh, 100 percent. and it's funny because i posted this story that i did in the "new york post" yesterday. people were like you're going to vote for donald trump? not even a question because i feel that oh i feel that the squad members is contingent. democratic party that we knew from 2020 is no longer the democratic party now. it's more of like a socialist party and it's changing. i feel republicans are like old
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school liberal democrats. that's how it seems to me. >> lawrence: wow. >> for me, republican is the only way to go at this point. any american, for get about jew, american, if you are an american you can't support the democratic party that is literally the v.p. is saying that hamas, you know, is, you know, she feels bad for the people in gaza. and puts no blame on hamas. >> zero blame on hamas. >> lawrence: melissa, powerful words this morning. i wish i had more time with you. thank you so much. >> thank you. thank you. >> lawrence: you got it. more "fox & friends" c coming u, don't go anywhere. fo♪un powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own.
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