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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> ainsley: it's 8:00 on the east coast, it is wednesday, july 10. this is fox. president biden continues his week with world leaders. peter doocy asking important questions, of course. >> peter: you say he's sharpest before 8 p.m. say the pentagon picks up an incoming nuke, it's 11 p.m., who do you call? >> lawrence: oh.
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>> steve: the first lady. >> lawrence: and george the george stephanopoulos. do you think biden could should step down? >> brian: all eyes on v.p. speculation. it swirls because trump has to make a choice, next week is the rnc. will he make it today or tomorrow? he attacks v.p. harris. >> he picked kamala harris as his vice president. no, it was brilliant because it was an insurance policy, maybe the best i've ever seen. >> steve: all right, folks, final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. >> brian: fox news alert, the president will be front and center today hosting world
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leaders in washington for second day of the nato summit celebrating 75 years of a alliance. >> steve: it comes after yesterday carefully reading the teleprompter. >> lawrence: lucas tomlinson is live. >> lucas: no travel for president biden because it takes place in the nation's capitol. biden kicked off things in the melon auditorium, where trum an signed the treaty establishing nato 75 years ago. >> president biden: in the year 2020, year i was elected president, only nine nato allies were spending gdp on defense. this year, 23 will spend at least 2%. >> lucas: according to marc thiessen, "washington post" column, former president trump, not biden, who is responsible for 80% of new defense spending.
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ukraine president spoke yesterday after arriving in washington. >> upeurope, middle east and pacific, whole world is looking to november and through his speaking putin awaits november 2. it's time to step out of the shells to make strong decisions work and not to wait for november or any other month to decide. we must be strong and uncompromising. >> lucas: president zelenskyy will meet with senators and house speaker mike johnson. a good editorial on johnson today. a >> brian: zelenskyy nineteens western press and i talked to marc thiessen about this, he parallels president trump.
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he came from the reality show world. he came from the theatrical world, he was a personality. he knew russia inside and out. he thought he could convince vladamir putin step down. people of moscow, nobody wants to invade ukraine. he thought he could talk his way through it. he's stepped up and done his best to clean up corruption. he had a swamp and doing his best to stand up to it. >> lawrence: how appalling of the current president to claim credit for funding with nato. he's trying to make it sound like donald trump wants to defund nato. donald trump said countries were del delinquent and 80% of funding he took credit for came from donald trump's pressure on countries to pay up and he does this when it comes to insulin prices, that
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started under donald trump. when it comes to juneteenth, he goes to black america, i got this done. that started under donald trump, as well. you have policies or different moments he continues to take credit for. only 20% is not a victory to celebrate. >> brian: here is what mark said. watch. >> marc: i'm watching. >> brian: it will come. >> marc: donald trump is going to nato allies and say, you are not spending enough, he put allies on notice, if you don't meet your 2%, we will not defend you and they came up with 130 billion more. they committed pie 2024 to spend 400 billion more. we are inure 22, it is 510 billion.
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80% was commitments donald trump secured when he was president and the other 10 or 20% is mostly because vladamir putin invaded ukraine, not because of joe biden. >> brian: we added two other countries. he thinkings we should get gdp spending up to 3% not 2% and germany has to get their act together. >> lawrence: and canada. >> ainsley: fox news alert, seven house democrats are calling on president biden to end his reelection bid and michael bennett first democrat to publicly echo that csentimen. >> donald trump is on track to win this election and maybe win by landslide and take the senate and house. for me, this is not a question of polling, not a question of politics. >> lawrence: this after house democrats met behind closed doors yesterday discussing
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biden's reelection bid and they are still divided. >> are you on the same page? >> no. >> what do you mean you are not on the same page? >> not even in the same book. >> we are riding with biden. >> comments about vice president harris in there? >> we are riding with biden. >> steve: they are riding with biden. axios reporting a smaller group of swing district democrats held what sources describe as a despondent gathering with actual tears. >> brian: meanwhile, this. "new york times" calling out democrats saying they panic about president biden but not doing so would nudge him aside. they have two editorials telling him to step aside. one reports one third want him gone, one third want him to stay and one third are resigned that
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he is nominee and think he is going to lose. i have news for you, he is not leaving. >> lawrence: nope. >> brian: hakeem jeffries says i'm strongly in the corner, black caucuses i'm in the corner. >> ainsley: nadler flipped back. >> steve: aoc . behind scenes, democrats and brian beautifully breaking it down. democrats want joe biden to blow it this week. they are hoping that he blows it at that press conference tomorrow and has a bad moment in front of the world stage at this nato thing. nancy pelosi was just on another show and asked whether or not he should drop out and her answer should not make him feel good, him being joe biden. watch. >> it's up to the president to decide if he's going to run.
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we're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. >> you want him to run? >> i want him to do whatever he decides to do and that's the way it is. whatever he decides, we go with. let's hold off. whatever you are thinking, either tell somebody privately, you don't have to put that on the table until we see how we go this week. >> steve: that is very telling at the end, let's see how it goes this week. >> ainsley: nancy, he did decide, he said i'm not going anywhere and she said she supports him and will stick by his side no matter what. >> brian: what does that mean? >> lawrence: i tell you what i think, no one more precise with words than nancy pelosi. >> brian: even when she slurs them. >> lawrence: we have to encourage him behind the scenes to step aside but whatever he
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wants to do, if he's staying in it, we're with him. that is happening behind the scenes. >> ainsley: not answering the question. >> lawrence: it is not, it is to provide cover for democrats openly saying we want him to go. end of the day, as a party, we have to back them. >> brian: i think sean hannity, jake tap per stole his monologu yesterday. and stephen colbert took off his glasses and said step aside and jon stewart was cursing. why are you in this? >> lawrence: only took 3-1/2 years. >> brian: like being donald trump in the golf cart going, look at this car accident. >> ainsley: like they have been watching fox for four years. democrats are finally being h honest. they can't control the media
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anymore, debate was public and 8.5 -- how many people watched? >> brian: 8.5 million watched george stephanopoulos. >> steve: they can't hide anymore. white house is trying to control everything he does and some democrats are saying we told him behind the scenes he has to go. he has to do something big. maybe the press conference tomorrow, then again, you have "new york times" on editorial page saying get out two times and he doesn't do it. joe biden paralyzed democratic party. we forecast after that debate no way that guy from thursday, last thursday can beat donald trump. >> lawrence: they keep talking about this press conference, how much worse can he do? >> brian: let's see. >> lawrence: what moment could he have even if he does not rise to the occasion that is worst
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than the debate? >> brian: even the rehab tour has not been good. two or threein loos are unintelligible. he changed republican insstance too. trump has taken a step back and not talking and saying the minute i pick a v.p., it steals the news cycle. who should i pick that will be best against kamala harris or whitmer. >> steve: all it would take is to see another brain freeze we saw at debate or bad polling or if you are lucky enough -- >> brian: you have bad polling today, cook report says b biggest -- >> ainsley: trump is winning. >> steve: yesterday we were talking about data presented to democrats yesterday was done by democratic polling outfit and trump beats biden.
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then kamala harris beats trump and that is the same poll that shows hillary clinton and kamala harris would beat trump, as well. that is why you did that segment. if numbers come out and they are bad, that is not good. it will continue the drum beat behind the scenes. part of the rehab tour, he is going to sit down for an interview, it was with george stephanopoulos, 22 minutes, it was not extended. somebody caught up with george stephanopoulos, tmz, after he had done his show and asked him and george was honest, what he thought about joe biden and here is what joe is now explaining. >> excuse me, how you doing? what do you think? do you think biden should step down? you talk to him more than anybody else has lately, be
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honest. >> ainsley: i don't think he can serve more years, he said. this reporter comes up, i don't know if that was a passerby recording it, doesn't appear george knew he was on camera. whoever it is work for tmz or sold to tmz. george said i responded to a question i shouldn't have and abc told fox digital, george expressed his own view, not opinion of fox news. >> brian: i would have done that, sometimes people yell out to me. i don't think it is a value, i can see in the beginning i thought it was intentional. if someones you think he can do it? i don't think he can do another four years. >> ainsley: you say that on air. >> lawrence: he's a news anchor. >> ainsley: it is different position. you are a host, you give your
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opinion. >> lawrence: number two, he is used to speaking for the president, a former comms person, like dana perino. good luck catching her giving something off the cuff, she will not do it. her brain is trained. >> brian: i will try. what -- does she use? i will yell. >> steve: the thing about him, when we leave the studio, we're not on tv anymore. right across the street is xm, sirius, and tmz guys are out there and bring the camera over and ask questions and a lot of us don't answer them. when we leave the studio, we're not broadcasting, it is unfortunate for him that somebody was recording, i'm going to record the audio with my iphone right there. i don't think he will do that again. >> brian: trump just got nailed by some 18-year-old kid who
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decided to tape him and put that up. >> ainsley: so many rumors president obama does not want joe biden to take part in this. >> steve: wants joe biden to step down now. >> ainsley: obama is friends with the clintons and george stephanopoulos used to work for them. >> brian: nancy pelosi says joe should make a decision. he's made it. you say words are measured, that is the weirdest thing ever. first thing i will ask the president on the radio. >> ainsley: she covers herself. she says whatever he decides. if he decides to do this, i support him. if he decides to get out, i support him. >> steve: the nancy pelosi push, she wants him out. >> lawrence: she can't say that. >> ainsley: maybe she knows he is going to get out. >> lawrence: closer to steve paying me $1. as i said -- he ain't moving.
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>> steve: we're going to find out. >> ainsley: does your mom know you are betting? eck stereo i spent that money in my head. >> brian: i keep hearing "wolf of wall street," i ain't going. he is supposed to go, i ain't going. >> ainsley: and he dated a 20 year old. >> lawrence: another 20 year old is carley shimkus. >> carley: add decade and a half plus two. i think leo jumped on the table when he said that, i wouldn't anticipate joe biden doing that. >> brian: he said, i'm not leaving. >> carley: i'm not leaving. >> brian: i'm sorry. >> carley: you ruined my flow, i was about to dive in. >> brian: take a second. >> carley: a fox news alert, an 18-year-old shot and arrested after apparent carjacking attempt on deputy u.s. marshal
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outside d.c. home of sonia sotomayor, supreme court justice. the suspect pointed a gun at the marshal. federal police saying, the marshal drew his service weapon and fired several shotsats the suspect. a second marshal fired. the suspect was shot in the mouth and rushed to the hospital with nonlife-threatening vehicles. this handgun was recovered at the scene. police are investigating the death of a dartmouth college student found in a river. they are looking into whether fraternity hazing was involved in the death. hes last seen saturday night at informal social gathering near the dartmouth boathouse. the ivy league school suspend a fraternity and sorority while police investigate whether
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hazing played a factor. entire dartmouth community is grieving over the tragic loss of jang. and two planes flying too close to each other in syracuse on monday. delta flight was taking off as american flight was about to land. air traffic controller instructed american flight to go around at syracuse airport to keep separate from departing delta flight. former president trump challenging president biden to a golf match, once again, this time with $1 million charity donation on the line. >> i'm officially challenging crooked joe to an 18-hole golf match right here. i will give him 10 strokes and if he wins, i will give the charity of his choice, any charity he wants, $1 million.
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>> carley: biden's camp says the president is too busy, joe biden does not have time for donald trump's antics. 10 strokes and a million bucks. >> lawrence: what a lame response. >> ainsley: maybe biden's team will push him to play. >> brian: my first question, how many strokes. >> steve: thank you, carley. >> lawrence: maybe don't push the president, he is barely standing right now. >> ainsley: i just want to see the swing. >> steve: mark knowler tweeted out that joe biden has not played golf in 11 months. >> brian: okay. >> steve: i wonder why. >> lawrence: no. >> ainsley: interesting. adversaries and allies have their eyes on biden as nato
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meets in washington. >> lawrence: former ambassador to nato on what to expect from the president. in engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. it takes healthy joints to be a copilot, and a trusty coworker. give your dog cosequin, a daily supplement for joint health support
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something right now, with humidity it feels worse than that. this is remnants of beryl, we could have severe storms upstate new york, new england, including tornados. there are forecast highs. with humidity, it will feel 100 or more in places like baltimore and d.c. excessive heat warnings toward new york city. that front will bring relief, we will see temperatures move up again. southeast texas in houston, hurricane move through, close to 2 million people without power and we have heat alerts up to 106, that is dangerous. they need heat and air conditioning, so power will go on. hi there, buddy. there are galveston temperatures, warmest daily heat index for today and the weekend. that is something we'll watch over the weekend and today, as
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well. steve doocy, prayers for those folks in houston that do not have air conditioning, it is not good situation. >> steve: it is not. today in wash ush wa, nato -- washington, nato summit is continuing. joe biden's leadership at home is in question. >> president biden: vladamir putin wants nothing les than ukraine's total subjigation to end ukraine's democracy. all allies knew before the war putin thought nato would break. today nato is stronger than in its history. >> steve: biden making that stumble despite the help of a teleprompter, is the world seeing the same thing we are? former ambassador to nato, asa hutchinson asa hu kay bailey
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hutchinson joins us now. what do you make after what we've seen from joe biden? his team is countings ing on nato to elevate him. will it help? >> at nato, everyone tries to come together as umbrella of security for all of us and outreach president made to jens stoltenberg, giving him medal of freedom was a good touch. it was good for our allies to see that we are strong and that we will stand together and they know what has been happening here. they realize that, of course, we all do. america must be firm, we are the leader of nato and the essential
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leader of the free world. >> steve: that's right. mr. zelenskyy was pretty clear, he would like as much money from the united states as we can provide it because you never know what is going to happen in the next round. we have a sound bite we'll play and your reaction on the other side. watch. >> how much longer can putin last? the answer to this question is right here in washington. the whole world is looking toward him, looking to november and through his speaking putin awaits november 2. >> steve: what do you make of that, ambassador? >> first of all, i think he is a v valient leader, president zelenskyy has done incredible job of standing up to that behemeth on the border trying to take over their country. we do need to be the leader of the free world because if putin
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takes ukraine, he will not stop. he has shown he won't stop. since 2014 in crimea and georgia before that. he is looking for an opening and that is why we as leader of nato alliance, must stand strong and say, we are going to let ukraine win this war with our help, not with our boots on the ground and zelenskyy has never asked for our boots on the ground or people, he's asked for money. we need to give it to him so we will not put american boots on the ground later because 'of th nato commitment. >> steve: joe biden said your plan, give them more, we are not going in. thank you for joining us live from d.c. 8:31 now. former speaker of the house
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nancy pelosi just said this about president biden's future as democratic nominee for president. >> whatever you are thinking, either tell somebody privately, you don't have to put that on the table until we see how we go this week. >> steve: all about this week. tammy bruce is here today and she is coming up next. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®.
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let's hold off, whatever you are thinking, either tell somebody privately, you don't have to put that on the table until we see how we go this week. >> ainsley: nancy pelosi pressed on president biden political future as "new york times" urges leaders to tell him he is embarrassing himself and endangering his legacy. demonstrate the party is no longer following him. tammy bruce jons us now. he has decided, he sent a letter saying i'm not quitting. >> tammy: nancy is trying to make it sound like everyone else is still in charge. if anyone has ruined their legacy and embarrassed themselves it is democratic
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administration. lack of communication, because of this house of cards they set up in 2020. their plan did not work. knee cap donald trump, nothing else will matter, he won't be around, convicted felon. joe biden is same man he was when he ran and they have known this. this is not their plan. i would be furious, as the bidens are, the other plan did not work, they will get thrown your honor yoo the bus. good for them. bad for the country and how dare all of them treat us like we're a board game they sweep away the next day. er americans, it is important this is a lapdslide, make a statement about trump and what we expect for the future and it is not theirs to take. that simple. >> ainsley: biden family met after the debate and they were furious about his aides and hunter biden said he wanted his
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dad to say in. isaac shore said even if biden staum bells backward into reelection, democrats should never forgive the president or enablers for clawing to hold on to nomination with no idea how to beat trump. >> tammy: i had no idea that was part of democracy. he won the delegates, he won 81 million votes and people are supposed to be mad at him because he is respecting votes he received. nothing says if you are behind in polls and our plan fail, we get to ship you off for someone else. for the group screaming about democracy, they don't like it, do they? person respected election and american voices mattering in this process, god forbid, that is what this is and they need to be humiliated in november so
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this does not, they will try to make it happen again, there 34u69 be a statement or it will never end and they are fighting, but they will lose. >> ainsley: peter doocy asked karine jean-pierre what happens if there is national emergency after 8:00 p.m., what happens in middle of the night? peter lerner he said he is sharpest before 8:00 p.m. say the pentagon at some point picks up an incoming nuke, it is 11:00 p.m., who do you call, the first lady? >> his team let's him know of any news that is pertinent to the american people. som someone, that is decided with national security council who tell them that news. >> tammy: we're worried about
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our future and we care about this country and know there is a reason why founders set it up, an individual is elected and held accountable. who elected hunter biden and dr. jill biden? nobody. you have to have accountability and that does not exist, that is the person who will be called and what we vote on. this is a reminder about what is important and again how dare they put us in this position and have people run the country to get used to the fact that maybe elections don't matter, maybe people don't need to be elected. that is a lie and we will prove it a lie in november. >> ainsley: thank you, tammy. tune into "fox and friends" all next week as we have coming to you live from the republican national convention, we're heading to milwaukee and we'll be there live starting monday morning.
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vice president kamala harris taking serious flack after defe defending anti-israel protesters and jewish voters are taking notice. more on the electoral impact straight ahead.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> lawrence: this morning vice
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president kamala harris facing backlash over her response to anti-israel mobs at college campuses across the country. >> ainsley: claiming anti-israel protesters are showing what human emotion should be as response to gaza. >> brian: really? >> steve: this kind of response to israel has jewish americans, including one lawrence spoke to earlier, feeling abe bandoned by democratic party and voting republican for first time in her life. five living american hostages names should be on lips of every single american person. republican is only way to go at this point. every american, forget juice, if you are american, you can't support democratic party that v.p. is saying hamas is -- she feels bad for people in gaza.
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no point, no blame on hamas. as a new yorker, i feel like i'm be being haunted as a jew on the street. they are wearing masks, no one can be identified. i feel uncomfortable in my own city. i've been living in new york city for 50 years, i don't feel comfortable wearing the star of david necklace. >> lawrence: she went to all the right marches. she said i went to black lives matter and lgbtq rallies and they are nowhere to be found. she is voting for donald trump. >> steve: watch what happened on the campuses where jewish students did not feel it was safe to go to school and felt like a lot of their professors were on the other side and one of them did. >> brian: frustrating for all americans. embarrassing on the world stage,
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you expect that in areas of the middle east. the fact iran is behind it and money supplied by iran, might be iranians in the middle. remember students would tell us, i don't know who these people are and you have three professors mocking the students that did not feel secure as jewish students and texting back and forth talking about these privileged people, i can't believe we have to sit here and hear this and they have been suspended, not fired. >> ainsley: lawrence, that is a powerful interview. she is voting for donald trump, for 50 time ever voting for a republican. she said, it is interesting that kamala harris would support or try to sympathize with a terrorist organization. >> lawrence: i know. i know.
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i don't think of -- i can't think of another interview we have done with a message like that, to democrats that supported this group and saying to all americans, change the way they vote on this issue. >> brian: clay travis is next. >> ainsley: check in with dana perino for what is coming up top of the hour. brian said he would try to catch you like george stephanopoulos. >> dana: just say things, nobody recognizes me, i am short and have sun glasses, catch me if you can. senior democrats including nancy pelosi saying quiet part out loud, they do not think he can win in november. party rolls along and new evidence shows former president trump challenged biden to a round of golf, that will be epic dana reads sports and alec baldwin's trial underway in
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santa fe. we'll have the latest and we'll see you at 9:00. that's what we're doing.wday, we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique.
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down? you talk to him more than anybody else. >> george stephanopolous admitting he does not think biden can serve for four more years in office. days after his one-on-one interview with the president with 8.5 million viewers stephanopoulos say i responded to a question from a passerby. i shouldn't have. abc says that's not our position. george expressed his own point of view, not ours. clay travis is here to react. what does it tell you that stephanopoulos felt that way after 25 minutes with a guy he likes and has a history with. >> he is in agreement in 75 or 80% of the overall population, joe biden doesn't have the physical or mental fitness to be president and does stephanopoulos think he can do the job right now? i think it's no. that's scary to me over the next six month what happens in the
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presidential selection. he is in charge of everything for the next six months. i don't think he has the ability to do it. who gets called after 8:00 p.m. when he is in bed while ridiculous was perfectly expository of how absurd the situation we find ourselves in? >> brian: it is ridiculous. the answer was dumber. his staff. they won't wake him up. which is crazy. schumer says he should stay. clyburn says he should stay. hakim jeff reese says he should stay. nancy pelosi said he should make up his mind whatever he wants to do but do it quickly. he made up his mind and blitzing. he has a press conference tomorrow. read between the lines for me. >> yeah, unless god comes down, god almighty tells him not to run he will run. everybody is afraid to say what they think. which stephanopoulos said and
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then apologized. it is good for trump. no way joe biden can win. it is awful for democrats and here is what i would say. only two democrats that have the ability to step out and change the trajectory. barack obama and bill clinton together saying we served two terms. the two most popular democrat politicians in america right now, former presidents. we know that joe biden doesn't have the mental faculties to be able to do this job, democrats need a new candidate. unless barack obama and bill clinton potentially together come out and say that, i think joe biden is going to be the nominee and i think fortunately joe biden will get his ass kicked by donald trump in a little less than four months. >> brian: do you think trump should want president biden to stay? >> yes, 100%. the weakest candidate. kamala is bad. but kamala actually has a functional brain. if you ask me would i rather
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against someone without a functional brain or with one, if i'm trump i want the guy without the functional brain. he is not getting better over the next four months. he will get worse. he will have stumbles literal and physical in terms of the way he will be speaking and interacting. i don't see any way he will appeal to independents or win the battleground states. if everybody shows up and vote and all of you should do that i think trump will win and may win comfortably on election night. >> brian: check out and clay and buck radio show is streaming on fox nation. coming up in five minutes i will talk one-on-one with the former president of the united states for 29 straight minutes. we'll talk about all these things and more and find out how he feels about nancy pelosi's comments. go to our app, click on the headsets or watch and click over and see us. see you. >> bill: good morning. disarray is deepening by the day


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