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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 10, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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not occur other than reed failing to do her job. the assistant producer who pled guilty, he also failed to look in the gun and make sure that there is no live bullet in that gun. >> dana: this is getting underway. the jury is seated. opening statements about to get underway. i'm sure we'll touch base with you as the case continues. appreciate you. >> you bet, thanks so much. good seeing you guys. >> dana: before we go. a vegas police officer taking some dramatic action to save a pair of trapped dogs. a sweltering 110 degree day and it was -- inside the car. the dogs were taken to a shelter and they got some treatment and they are okay. that was some good work by the deputies. poor little guy. >> bill: get some water. >> dana: so hot. good to be here. we've got a big day on tap for the rest of the day. sandra smith is in for harris on "the faulkner focus." here she is.
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>> sandra: thank you. fox news alert any moment now president biden will be meeting with union leaders. later he hosts world leaders and tomorrow he is scheduled for what the white house is calling his big boy press conference. all eyes on his every move as he looks to prove to his own divided party that he has what it takes to beat donald trump and serve another four years in office. i'm sandra smith in for harris, both house and senate democrats met yesterday. some describes the hours-long chats as rough and said. plenty of headlines paint the pictures. democrats panic about biden but do nothing. dems split an biden's survival strategy. biden's support on capitol hill uncertain. cracks in the dem party are evident as biden's campaign shatters. house democrat steve cohen with this democrat >> are you on the same page? >> no. >> what do you mean you're not on the same page? >> not even in the same book.
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>> sandra: colorado senator michael bennett is now the upper chamber's first democrat to say this. >> this is the first time in more than 20 years that a republican president has been up in this part of the campaign. donald trump is on track, i think, to win this election and maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the senate and the house. for me it's not a question of polling or politics, it is a moral question about the future of our country. >> sandra: he joins the list of congressional democrats calling for biden to step aside or say he just simply can't win. new jersey's cheryl the listest for biden to step aside. jerry nadler was on the list but now an apparent walk-back. >> do you have concerns about him being on the top of the ticket? >> we have concerns is beside the point. he is going to be our nominee
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and we will have to support him. >> you do not want the president to drop out? >> i do not. >> sandra: former house speaker nancy pelosi softening her stance this morning saying of biden i want him to do whatever he decides to do. senator bernie sanders is backing the president and offers this advice. >> what i think is best is for him to get out, to talk to people, to do town meetings, to do press conferences and let the people decide. that's how i think you determine cognitive ability. what he has got to do is get out there. interact with people and turn off the teleprompter and people can make a judgment for themselves how well he is doing. >> sandra: we start with senior white house correspondent peter doocy. he was at that fiery press briefing yesterday and covered it live on america reports. another big day. >> happening during your show yesterday. for an administration that has nothing to hide concerning the
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president's age and acuity and i shall ours with those, their story changes a lot. now we're told that on january 17th when the neurological specialist cannard came to the bows white house for a meeting with the president's personal condition it was part of the president's annual physical despite what we were told here yesterday. >> could you say whether or not one meeting was related to the care for the president himself? >> i can say it was not. >> white house officials are also pointing out for concerned parties there are protocols in place to insure national security in times of emergency despite the president's plans to take it easy at night now. >> he is sharpest before 8:00 p.m. so say that the pentagon at some point picks up an incoming nuke. it is 11:00 p.m. who do you call, the first lady? >> he has a team that lets him
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know of any -- of any news that is pertinent and important to the american people. >> the president has been joined in white house meetings recently by his son, hunter biden, and his wife, dr. jill biden. >> when the first lady is in these meetings is she making decisions or advising the president? >> the president is the president of the united states and makes decisions. >> does hunter biden have access to classified information? >> no. >> just a few minutes ago george clooney has posted an op-ed in the "new york times." i read a line from it. i love joe biden as a senator, vice president and president. i consider him a friend and believe in him and his character and morals. he goes on to say he thinks that they need a new presidential nominee. remember just a couple of weeks ago president biden raced back from europe to get to los
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angeles for a george clooney-hosted fundraiser where barack obama was also there, bill clinton was there. george clooney is saying after he watched the debate, he wants a new top of the ticket. that's going to sting here at the white house and also in wilmington, sandra. >> sandra: another bit of big news as this continues. thank you very much, peter, with the update from the white house. "new york times" columnist nicholas chris was one of the first to call on president biden to withdraw. >> we can do better and get a president who is compherent in e evenings and can win and not trump. >> sandra: david carlucci former new york state senator. the clooney news. another bit of news there. david, start with you first. where does this go next? it is anybody's guess. what do you want to see happen? >> well look, no one has shown me a plan where it shows a
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better path to victory than joe biden. emerson poll came out just yesterday. one of the credible polls showing that a 50/50 split between joe biden and donald trump when the undecideds are push to make a decision. joe biden is polling better than any of the ideas of other candidates. so joe biden has a strong record to run on. obviously the age and the mental acuity is a big distraction but joe biden, i would say, get out there more, take donald trump's idea of another debate, because donald trump, the best thing he had going for him was the mute button in the last debate. if joe biden is able to get out there and express himself clearly, we have an opportunity to win this election. the bottom line is big risk, little reward. >> i have to get in here. david, with all due respect you are talking about winning an election. we're talking about the safety and security of america.
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we see a failed president and every democrat in the democratic leadership has lied to the american people. barack obama, george clooney, the clintons, nancy pelosi, they've all been lying to us about 3 1/2 years telling us that everything is just fine with joe biden. we saw at the debate everything is not fine. this is a president who is in decline. we know that a symptom of parkinson's is hallucinations. we've had a doctor come in, a specialist about parkinson's. you don't bring in a parkinson's specialist in to deal with jet lag and disease. joe biden should resign or kamala harris should step in with the 25th amendment. that's what should be happening. now talking about how to win an election. >> we're told the president is going deb -- president biden is making remarks now. let's watch here. [cheers and applause]
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>> sandra: the president has arrived at the afl-cio and will give remarks and looks like he is about to begin. let's listen and watch together as he has a bit of crowd behind him. unions for biden/harris. let's listen to the president. >> four more years, four more years, four more years, four more years, four more years, wow, wow, wow, wow. this is family. thank you, thank you, and welcome, mr. president. this is your home, this is your family. we couldn't be more honored that with all those nato leaders waiting for you down the street that you came here to the house of labor. yes. [cheers and applause] >> we are your nato is what i
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say in the u.s. so we are again here to support the record that you've had of creating millions of new jobs. bringing manufacturing back to this country. [cheers and applause] investing in clean energy and semi conductors and whole new industries creating good union jobs with labor standards. incredible. so we just want to say, mr. president, you support unions and working families and always had our back. we have your back. [cheers and applause] >> president biden: hey, folks. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. please sit down, sit down. look, number one, you know, the way i look at. i was thinking about this and
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going from here to the nato summit. you know, we have two strong, strong organizations in america and i look to for our security. one literally. i mean this sincerely is nato. nato, a joint assembly of democracies that made sure we're keeping the peace and no one will screw around. i think of you as my domestic nato. not a joke. you are the ones, beyond me. you know that better than i do. beyond me. it is all about whether or not we'll grow the economy, whether we're going to give working people a shot. i told you and you know because you -- a lot of you were there with me when i was a kid. i'm only 42. when i was -- when i was a kid back running for the senate at 29 years old. labor elected me and we were then at a right to work state and we changed it all. here is what we're doing. you are -- you've heard me say
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this 1,000 times and i'll say it again. middle class built this country. you built the middle class. no, no, no, by the way, i don't want to hurt your reputations, but wall street is acknowledging your power. i'm serious. look at every projection about what we want to do with the economy on the issues that we're talking about and what the other guy wants to do. they are supporting us. it is your agenda we're working on. by the way i've said from the beginning that when labor does well, everybody does better. not a joke. that's not a talking point. that is a reality. you know that, that's reality. absolute reality when we were going making -- i said i would be the most pro-union president in american history, guess what? i am and i'm staying there. [cheers and applause] i mean it.
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because you represent the folks i grew up with and where i come from and the vast majority of the american people. i come from a household with -- we weren't poor but we weren't -- we didn't have anything left over at the end of the month. three bedroom house, four kids, grandpa lived with us full-time. i live back and wondered how my dad handled it. the point is that we are just -- people fighting chance. when i got elected and when i was -- when you guys were with me going back into the 70s when i was a kid, what we talked about was the whole idea this was to give everybody a shot. no guarantees, just a shot. an even shot. that's why i determined and we've done it with your help and your leadership. we will build this country from the bottom up and middle out, not the top down. i mean it.
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not a joke. sharp [cheers and applause] not a joke. they wanted me not to take too much time with you all today in terms of talking but here is the deal, the fact of the matter is take a look at what all the major economists, including the wall street economists are saying. they are looking at his proposal, what he has done and what our propose all is moving forward. overwhelmingly, you got 16 nobel laureates and economic -- they won the nobel prize for economics, 16 of them. what did they say? they say his proposals will bankrupt the country and cause a recession, his proposals will cause us higher interest rates. and what you and i and you have been leading on or i've been following you or you following me, what we proposed is growing the country. no, no, the fastest growing economy in the world. that's a fact. we are the strongest economy in the world. here is what we have to do.
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we have to talk to our people. we have to talk to our people. food prices are still too high because of corporate greed. in a situation where rents are too high. we need more housing. a whole range of things we'll get done with your help in the second term because that's what we have to get done. folks, i have never been more optimistic about america's chances because of what we're doing together. i really mean it. we are in a better position than any country in the world to own the remainder of the 21st century because of union labor. [cheers and applause] i'm serious. >> thank you, mr. president. we are going to have a conversation. >> sandra: you heard from the president there and union leader off the top saying we have your back, mr. president. let's hear again. the president is still speaking.
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>> president biden: more minorities, more women, more labor, i'm serious, think about it. >> sandra: t.w. shannon still with us. david carlucci. david, to you first as a democrat. did he say or do anything there that could bring back democrats who are showing great concern? we had george clooney off the top democrats should look at somebody else at their nominee. nancy pelosi stopping short of staying he should stay in the race? is he persuading anyone that one night? >> it was a horrible debate performance. this is the place why joe biden does well. his back is against the wall. he knows there are a lot of democrats that are concerned about his performance. and now he has to perform and overperform. leaning into the base with labor, talking about his record, this is the joe biden that we want to see. if this is the joe biden that
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continues to show up, he will be reelected and return to the white house. look, remember, unfortunately the state of politics is where more people are voting against than they are for. under all these circumstances donald trump should be doing a lot better in the polls and he is not. >> sandra: let me get t.w.'s response. the president said they warned me not to talk to much. another moment where we as we cover the president wonder who it is who is telling the president of the united states what to do and when to talk and how long to go for. he also joked about his age saying i'm only 42. but referenced when he was running for the senate at 29 years old. labor elected me. your response to what you just heard. >> what the president said they warn me not to talk too long i panicked. what is the shadow government. the civil war happening in the democrat party. there is a civil war. the talking points are this.
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is the presidency senile part of the time. this is a president whose best days are behind him. we need a leader to make america great again and stand up and make sure america first is what it's about. why donald trump is leading in every battleground state right now because the people have seen through the farce the democrats are telling us. joe biden is a failed president. not just what happened on debate night but what happened the last 3 1/2 years. what he said in front of the labor union was. prices and interests rates are too high. it is not just about the debate. not ageism, this is ableism. joe biden is not able to lead and he prove it and proved the democrats have been lying to us for 3 1/2 years and all be ashamed of themselves. it is time to move, time for joe biden to step down or kamala harris to step up and do the right thing for the american people. >> surprising you are concerned about lying when we have donald trump on the record lying
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multiple times during the dey bait and multiple times beyond that. we aren't electing someone to go to the olympics but someone to get things done in washington. that's what joe biden has proven to do and donald trump has not. >> sandra: one other thing. as i keep asking all democrats when they are on are you fully in support of him running for another term? is that where you stand? stay in the race? >> yeah, he has the record and that's what matters about policy. >> in joe biden is the best democrat in the country, if that's the best democrat in the country we are really in trouble. san >> you think donald trump is the best republican? come on. >> we are a united party. he lowered taxes. >> sandra: who donald trump's vice president pick will be. that's when former president trump will officially become the party nominee. trump spoke to brian kilmeade this morning when the running mate announcement may come.
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>> not tomorrow. i will make it close to the convention. i would love to do it -- it used to be picked during the convention. made the convention more interesting. the pick used to be during the convention. that's what i would like to do. >> sandra: we know there is a rumored short list for the job. rubio, vance and burgum and youngkin. who knows? i don't know. t.w., go to you first on this. who do you want to see him pick or think he will pick? jump on in here. >> i think donald trump is smart. we don't know who the democrat nominee for president is yet. we have to figure that out first. i think j.d. vance is well positioned to make america great again and take the mantel and continue moving forward with making america first. >> sandra: vance is your pick. >> vance is great for democrats. not any show of movement toward the middle but digging into the maga base. that's all that donald trump has
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proven to do and continueing to do. that will help democrats as we helped into november. >> the maga base is 70% of america. let's move forward. >> sandra: i appreciate the debate. thank you for joining us. two astronauts stuck on if international space station are speaking live now. sunny and william will stuck there after issues with boeing star liner. they are down playing the extended stay in place and saying they're fine. we have to work on a few mechanics. the astronauts reassured people they'll get home safely. >> we got in star liner and ready to go. everything is in place as far pass what we know now. that's a good point. we're doing thruster testing as we speak. going through that process trying to replicate what we saw on that flight day two when we were -- we are going to learn and incorporate new processes
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and procedures to employ if necessary. right now we're ready. >> houston, thank you, that concludes our event. >> sandra: kind of amazing shot there. what a lack of gravity will do. we'll continue to monitor this and bring you news as we get it. the world is watching as president biden faces increased scrutiny. he delivered an almost gaffe-free speech from a teleprompter but appeared to read a stage direction on it. >> okay, come forward. [cheers and applause] >> harris: that's reading the citation. >> sandra: there are still two more days of this crucial summit. biden is scheduled to meet tomorrow with ukrainian
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president zelenskyy after pledging a new air defense support for the country. bret baier pressed john kirby over biden's claims during last friday's interview that biden has weakened putin. >> does he really think he shut vladimir putin down? >> he has held mr. putin and russia accountable. >> you saw what happened with the children's hospital being hit the other day? >> nobody is staying -- >> he didn't shut him down. >> nobody is saying they aren't capable of attacking ukraine. >> sandra: the president say judge him by his performance at the nato conference. foreign allies are expressing concern about the president's ability to lead and beat former president donald trump. ian bremmer, president of the eurasia group echoing those feelings. >> they don't think he can serve another four years. i will say that is true of every leader that i have met with that is attending the nato summit. it is not that they don't like
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him. they are deeply concerned. nato allies more than other countries around the world very concerned about what it would mean if trump were to become president given his beliefs. it is not like they're saying we don't biden and want him to go. they don't think he is up to it and think he is going to lose. >> sandra: senator marsha blackburn joins us now. thank you for joining us. i don't think it is hard for the american public to believe that our allies and adversaries saw what happened on that debate stage and see problems with this presidency and for our allies concerns that he is running again. >> you are so right, sandra. the world depends on a strong america. we are the first to show up and fight for freedom. when they see weakness, when they see a lack of resolve, when they see appeasement, then -- when they see a confused
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president, i think it does cause concern and rightfully so. because they want to know if they are our ally that they can count on us if they are our adversary, they need to be fearing us. >> sandra: are you getting the sense there is more chatter in washington than we're seeing let out publicly on the part of democrats and their concerns about his re-election? >> oh, yes indeed. there is so much chatter around this and who the ticket is actually going to end up being. of course, we will leave it to the democrats to sort out their mess. i just talked to a democrat colleague who said hey, i guess we found a way to get donald trump off the front page. so this is what you are hearing and democrats are being more outspoken. here is the thing, sandra, whoever it is, they are going to be running on the biden/harris
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policy. what have those policies done? made the world a more dangerous place. you have seen elevated crime in communities, the border is wide open. inflation, the real inflation number is at 20%. people can't fill up the grocery cart and the gas tank in the same week because of the struggles with the economy. >> sandra: those struggles are real and still there, senator. meantime some republicans are calling to invoke the 25th amendment that would allow for the vice president and majority of the cabinet to declare a president unfit for office. that section of the amendment has never been invoked. house hearing getting tense yesterday when new york republican congressman mike lawler grilled treasury secretary janet yell en about biden's competence. >> are you testifying that you have not seen any mental or cognitive decline? >> mr. chairman, point of
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inquiry. she have is not a physician. >> it's not a medical question. her interpretation as a member of the cabinet. i'm asking what your testimony is. >> mr. chairman, i move to have those words taken down. she is not a physician. >> have there been any discussion among cabinet secretaries about invoking the 25th amendment? >> no. >> sandra: "new york post" op-ed with the headline. biden's cowardly cabinet is a disgrace shirking its duty to remove him. because so many are wondering as they saw what they saw on the debate stage play out publicly in a no teleprompter manner, what his aides, cabinet and insiders have been seeing behind closed doors for a much longer time than this, senator. your thoughts. >> yes, and what the debate confirmed to the american people was that they had been gas lighted by the white house and by biden's inner circle with
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people constantly saying he is fit, he is working hard, he is energetic, he is on top of everything. they saw that no, that is not true. so sandra, they know that they are being gas lighted. i think for the american people, i talk to people from tennessee every day who say we're worried about the next few months. and what he might do because of the -- what they have witnessed firsthand and his lack of ability to give a speech or give a response unless he is using that teleprompter. >> sandra: always good to have you on. thank you for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> sandra: attorney general mer i can garland could face a hefty fine not turning over audio. >> the president is free to behave however he likes even
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criminally. conservative majority's decision on immunity is the most unamerican proposition. the american people are just tired of justices who think they are beyond accountability. >> sandra: the new lawfare tactic we're seeing unfold. matt whitaker is up next.
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>> sandra: republican congresswoman luna is pushing to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress without taking him into custody. she is looking to force a vote as early as today to fine him $10,000 per day for failing to comply with a congressional subpoena. garland is refusing to turn over audio tapes of biden's interview with robert hur over the retention of classified documents. chad pergram, senior congressional correspondent, is on capitol hill and what do we know, chad? >> good morning.
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this strategy is rare and unclear how the house could collect such a fine. but luna wants the house to use its own powers to get the tapes from the interview with robert hur. >> the resolution states that every day he doesn't bring the tapes to the well it is a $10,000 fine he will have to pay personally an adjusted that with the support of speaker johnson. we have a lot of members didn't know if they could take the vote on. using the agent at arms to bring punitive action in regards to detaining him. >> in his report investigating how the presidents classified documents at his home hur suggested that president biden was forgetful. republicans believe the tapes boost their argument that the president is out of it. they say this was on full display at the debate two weeks ago. not all republicans are on board with the gamut. including house speaker mike johnson. >> look, if it's brought to the floor, i will vote for it.
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but as a constitutional law litigator, my preference is to follow the legal process, legal proceedings. i am frankly have a little pause. >> democrats dismiss the effort as election year gamesmanship. >> it is just another example of the gop trying to score political points as opposed to doing what's best for the country. republicans never miss an opportunity to try to score cheap shots when we're trying to have a conversation what kind of a a country we want to look like in the next four years. >> democrats say the house already has a transcript from the interview. it is possible democrats could try to table or kill the resolution. sandra. >> sandra: okay, chad pergram on that for us. thank you. matt whitaker joining us now, acting attorney general until president trump. matt, thank you for joining us. obviously considering what has happened in the past couple of weeks in the debate performance,
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there is a growing push and need to hear that interview with robert hur, who he made some pretty strong conclusions over not bringing charges on the president. >> you are absolutely right. i think what we've learned since that debate performance is that it was not an anomaly. president biden suggested he had a bad night and enhances the need for having these tapes and hearing in the president's own words, cadence, voice, his ability to be interviewed by special counsel hur. i think the white house's arguments and department of justice arguments it is somehow executive privilege information falls flat on its face. this was a special counsel investigation, which would be actually outside of the executive privileged recommend and on the criminal contempt
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referred to d.o.j. merrick garland determined he can't be prosecuted. that's a fairly rich decision by the target of the subject investigation. >> sandra: for the gop to go at garland's wallet here, a, is this fair game and will it work? >> it's absolutely fair game. we haven't had a similar situation in about a century of american history. the mcgrane case from 1927 is the most relevant because it was held by the supreme court that there is inherent contempt to enforce congressional subpoenas and congress has to have that power in order to put teeth behind what they are doing and to make -- compel witnesses and testimony. so all of this says that they can do it. the question is like most of what congress does, whether it's impeachment or enforcing subpoenas, it is more of a political act than an actual
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legal act. at the same time they need to have an ability to compel witnesses and have some teeth in that compelling. >> sandra: let's not forget to way so it was dismissed by democrats and so attacked over this conclusion he made after that interview. but he was compelled enough to not bring charges because of what he described as a confused older man. >> right. i worked with rob hur at the department of justice in the trump administration and found him to be a fair-minded prosecutor. a lot of folks expected that he would not pursue this case. the basis for him not pursuing the case, the fact that joe biden was an elderly man with a poor memory, i think resonates a lot more after the debate performance. >> sandra: matt, great to have you on today. thank you for joining us. more and more democrats are calling for the president to step aside. several names are floating around with vice president
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kamala harris toward the top. maybe they are forgetting about her terrible polling and all that world salad she serves up. news breaking an hour ago one of biden's best and biggest donors is now calling for him to drop out of the race. we'll tell you what a-list actor george clooney is now saying about his decision. joe concha with lots of thoughts on all of it. he joins us next. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance
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>> we're 118 days out from the election. we always knew this election would be tough and the past few days have been a reminder that running for president of the united states is never easy. but the one thing we know about our president, joe biden, is that he is a fighter. he is a fighter. [cheers and applause] and he is the first to say, when you get knocked down, you get back up. >> sandra: heard that line a bit recently. vice president kamala harris there backing president biden in las vegas yesterday. by the day more and more democrats as we know are publicly calling for the president to drop out of the race. many see her as the most likely replacement. >> if joe biden doesn't maintain
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his candidacy, which as i said is highly likely, kamala harris is the likely nominee. >> kamala harris will take over as president. be the first demail president. biden will step down. >> i think we end up with kamala harris as the president either going into the future or the nominee now. >> sandra: not everybody is sold on the idea of a harris presidency. atlantic opinion piece says i don't think harris why the strongest choice to defeat trump. vulnerabilities in polling. the unfortunate position helping conceal biden's current condition or having been too far from the action to observe it up close. perhaps the bigger concern is according to multiple accounts the biden administration has not entrusted her with opportunities to lead. joe concha, fox news contributor. remember when she was appointed border czar years ago before it
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fell into complete chaos? your thoughts as this is a conundrum for democrats. >> there are some major issues with a kamala harris for president campaign. she was roundly rejected by democratic voters in 2019 running for president. she didn't get to iowa. then she blamed those same democratic voters of racism and sexism for not choosing her. the reason why she did so poorly. this hasn't changed five years later. she has authenticity issues, like built issues with her on staff and harris speaking with steelworkers or auto workers, farmers in wisconsin. this is a coastal elitist. on top of her linkedin page is border czar. if there is a grade below f, she would receive that for her performance on take front. finally, she hasn't been tested
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by the press. oftentimes has so profoundly odd things when speaking publicly. the one question you ask her first is why did you conceal the obvious issues the president had over all these months and years? >> sandra: yeah. by the way, just a little teaser for what we'll be covering on america reports this afternoon. the ladies of the view are chewing on this today saying anybody who teases her about her word salads or laughing in interviews are sexist. we'll have that later. but this is huge news and just happened. top of the hour as peter doocy was reporting, now actor george clooney, which as you know, joe, is a high-profile biden supporter and mega fundraiser, he is now the latest to call on the president to leave the race. his "new york times" guest
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essay. i supported any democratic candidate ever for president biden's re-election. i love joe biden. the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. joe, your response. >> sandra, that fundraiser was less than a month ago. clooney was up close and personal with joe biden. he didn't notice anything then? so this is just so phony. when you have lost danny ocean. the boycott of oceans 14 begin. we already heard from nancy pelosi going on msnbc this morning asking biden to re-examine his decision to stay in the race. clooney decided to jump off the titanic. we getting into avalanche territory. this is how the dam breaks. once people like rob wryner, bet midler and when they tell biden to leave the race you know it is completely over. >> sandra: there are so many now they'll have to follow up the
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messages of him leaving the race with who they will support. questions are looming, joe. some of the liberal media are outraged as pressure mounts on president. they are getting -- parkinson's doctor visiting the white house. >> can you confirm whether or not the president has seen this specialist? >> he was here to evaluate the president or consulting on the president's health. what was the meeting about? >> you said the president's doctor has seen no reason for re-evaluate him for parkinson's since the physical in february. what is that based on? >> it was the white house press corps, many of them, at their absolute worst in the way they approached press secretary karine jean-pierre, who was trying to be responsive. the grotesque behavioral overreaction by the white house
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press corps today most, not all of the white house press corps, was on display on video. >> sandra: stop asking those tough questions, right, joe? joy behar tore into it as well. >> tired of all the biden bashing going on. i'm pissed off of it. when you are telling the truth. biden was trying so hard to tell the truth it doesn't come as easily. >> sandra: sit down, ignore, ignore. a lot of questions about the media complicity running cover for biden and defending his age throughout his presidency. peers morgan called it out. a lot of folks pointed this out for a long time but the media and left didn't want to hear it, joe. >> not just during this presidency, sandra, even during
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the campaign there was a reason why joe biden was kept in his basement for most of that time. you have to wonder now during those interviews was he reading a teleprompter, right? why was he kept in that particular environment? maybe that was a problem and he have than on the campaign trail he said questionable things. that condition has only accelerated particularly in the last couple of months. journalists shouldn't be taking advice from lawrence o'donnell. he is so unsufferably con condescending as they come. it is tough for them to handle. the biggest cheerleaders of this president and appear to be defending him to the bitter end and look clownish in doing so. the whole narrative by the way, behar said that. this whole notion that joe biden went into george washington as a truth teller during the debate is laughable. it wasn't trump but biden who said no troops died under his watch during that debate and
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gold star families were upset and rightly so. it was also biden who said on abc that he was distracted during the debate because donald trump was yelling at him while trump's mike was off. we have a split screen of the two men the entire night and trump never acted that way once. so this is joe biden his entire life. dropped out of the 1988 presidential race due to plagiarism. insisted he was arresting to see nelson mandela in south africa and once drove an 18 wheeler and said his uncle was eaten by canibles. this is not the case and this is where we are at this point as far as this mess that the democrats have on their hands. utter mess. >> sandra: as the dam breaks he has his inner circle there and left wondering who that is and who is making the decisions. he spoke a few minutes ago at the union and he said they told me to limit how long i go. and a lot of people wonder who
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that they is. thank you very much, joe. always good to have you on. all right. actor alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter is underway. he faces the charge over the death of halyna hutchins. watch this. >> someone plays make believe with a real gun in a real life workplace. and while playing make believe with that gun, violates the cardinal rules of firearm safety. people's lives are in danger and someone could be killed. ladies and gentlemen, that is what this case is about. it's simple, straight forward. the evidence will show that someone who played make believe with a real gun and violated the cardinal rules of firearm safety
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is the defendant, alexander baldwin. >> sandra: for most people who know firearms safety and safe gun practices you know you never pull the trigger unless you look down the barrel yourself and know what's in it. baldwin said he was following protocol and handed the gun and told it was cold he went through with it. we'll monitor the trial all day and bring you updates from it. this is another busy news day. make sure you tune in at 1:00 eastern time. john roberts and i anchor america reports heading into the second half of a busy week. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." i'm sandra smith in for harris, join john roberts and me at 1:00 eastern time on america reports. "outnumbered" will be here right after the break. thank you for joining us.
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