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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 10, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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this summer. snacking. just. got. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is. >> president biden will appear on the world stayed with our
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nato allies. just minutes from now will take you there. he faces new calls to step aside now from a growing number of frustrated democrats publicly warning that biden is going to lose to donald trump come november. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered. i am kayleigh mcenany with emily compagno, also joining us carley shimkus, fox business anchor and cohost of "the bottom line" on fox business, dagen mcdowell. fox news contributor and host of the david webb show, david webb. top democrat lawmakers, allies, and now even george clooney, a big fund-raiser for president biden, pressuring biden to get out of the race. clooney just out with this bombshell guest essay in "the new york times." he writes "it's devastating to say it but the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the joe big
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effing deal joe biden of 2010. he wasn't even the joe biden of 2020. he was this the man who witnessed at the debate. we are not going to win in november with this president. on top of that we won't win the house and were going to lose the senate. this is george clooney. he was at a fund-raiser, hosting it with biden just three weeks ago. top democrats go even further warning that biden will lose in a landslide. >> the president just doesn't seem -- he hasn't come to grips with it. he's not winning this race. you just look at the data and talk to people around the country, political people around the country, it's more likely that he'll lose by a landslide then win narrowly this race. >> we have to be honest with ourselves. it's not just the white house at stake. all of these seats are going to be very, very closely contested so the top of the ticket is
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essential. >> just like in 2020 when everyone said joe biden is the guy, let's get behind him. i think we need a different choice of her going to be able to beat donald trump. >> i stand by my thing that he won't run. an idiotic choice. we are losing, we are not winning. >> donald trump is on track i think to win this election and may be win by a landslide and take with him the senate and the house. >> kayleigh: emily, i heard david axelrod say yesterday that he can find or think of democrats were willing to go into biden's living room and communicate them face-to-face some of the things that we are hearing on tv or mostly behind the scenes. you can't get closer most likely to the biden living room than a "new york times" op-ed it's probably on the coffee table with george clooney, one of your big fund-raisers, saying "it's time to go, joe." >> emily: that's right. i have to point this out at the
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risk of being obvious but george clooney is a megadonor and the top biller for fund-raising. he is who this president has been trotting out since by the way before 2020 to say hey, everyone, fall in line. donate as much as you can do my campaign. the thing that's notable about this, two points. number one, this is indeed a very public breaking of the guards. this is not an off-the-cuff answer to a reporter. it's not a text that was leaked. this is an op-ed that was published. fires not a call to arms in this, then i don't know what is. the second thing the question remains, who encouraged him to do this? was it george clooney himself i wonder? i doubt it. i think behind the scenes for his far more persuasive farmer leaving behind the scenes it said george we need you to do this. the bottom line is what now. he goes on to say let's hear from wes moore, kamala harris,
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gretchen whitmer, j.b. pritzker. let's agree that candidates not attack one another but focus on what will make this country sure and then we will go to the dnc and figured out. the final point if all of a sudden this is a catastrophe and everyone is seeing the light, what about the president governing? where were the calls for him to step out as we have all our servicemen and women and americans under biden's watch. >> kayleigh: we hear often from white house, top officials, he's healthier than the rest of us. younger aides can keep up with him. what we're looking at a moment ago was images from a fund-raiser three weeks ago. george clooney is basically saying to all the white house talking points we are hearing, that's not true. i saw him face-to-face. it's the same guy on the debate stage. >> carley: he said the debate was not a one-off. i saw this during the fund-raiser for the lord of the biggest fund-raiser this election cycle. something that i was thinking
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about before the op-ed came out, remember when you were younger and you were too afraid to dive into the pool because the water was cold so you walked in slowly in your miserable every step of the way, it's kind of like how democrats have been since the debate where no one with real political sway has dove into the "joe biden has got to go" pool. the whole party is miserable and doesn't really know where to go. we've talked a lot about how celebrity endorsements don't have sway about celebrity opposition is like a totally new thing. what will the fallout be? hollywood isn't capitol hill. sometimes there is very significant crossover, it could provide cover for other big donors, big celebrities to say joe biden, you must step aside because of all the real whitten points it george clooney gave. the other thing i thought was notable was nancy pelosi. she was asked, would you like
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joe biden to run for reelection in her response was i want joe biden to do what he wants to do. that's a very polite way of saying something when you think in your head about the big hook and you are yanking joe biden off the stage. >> kayleigh: we have that. i was as stunned as you were. here she is on morning joe. >> does he have your support to be the head of the democratic ticket? >> it's up to the president to decide if he's going to run. >> he has said, he's made the decision, he said firmly this week he's going to run. do you want him to run? >> i want him to do whatever he decides to do and that's the way it is. whatever he decides, we go away. i think it's really important i would hope everyone would join in to let him deal with this nato conference. this is a very big deal. over 30 heads of state are here.
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he's the host of it and that means not just posting it. it means orchestrating the discussion and setting the agenda and he's doing so magnificently. an ice said to everyone, -- i said to everyone, let's just hold off. whatever you're thinking, tell somebody privately or you don't have to put it out on the table until we see how we go this w week. >> kayleigh: huge deal. jake sherman said it was like a bomb going off on capitol hill. she says i'll wait for biden to decide. one problem, biden has decided. >> what's joe going to do? is he going to stay in the race? is he going to drop out? what's he going to do? here's my answer. i am running and going to win again! >> are you confident you can serve another four years? >> i'm positive. i don't think anyone's more qualified to be president or when the race than me. the bottom line is we're not going anywhere.
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i'm not going anywhere. >> kayleigh: here's what's remarkable, she told cps achievement mr. pisano by the media so she puts out a new statement. speaker pelosi fully supports whatever bike decides to do. he has decided! that's exactly what you said on msnbc. >> david: passive-aggressive much? can i go back to cluny? it's his wife that is the one to watch. this is a woman, the united nation's tribunal. the criminal court, all this and more she's the power player with the global list. that's the one to watch. they are concerned -- while they are winning and european nations with the left, if they lose in america they get a setback. now to pelosi, pelosi is the best at saying in washington what innocuous but means more. what she did there was she
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deflected and distracted. the president said it. she's playing it safe. she's an elitist. she is peter emeritus. she doesn't care. she's going to make a stock trader something someday that we don't know about. it's what she has. i don't put much on her. i put more on the people behind the scenes like amal, the globalists, george clooney is the actor. anybody knows him. that name is famous but we look what's behind with his wife and who's behind her, you see the agenda that is the leftist agenda. >> kayleigh: there was a stunning, that happened as we were coming to air, we have seen the george stephanopoulos suggesting he can't serve another four years. "abc news" says that's not our position. george said "i shouldn't have answer that question." this was chuck todd. this is the first i've ever heard this. he's talking about a senior cabinet official. cabinet officials can invoke the 25th amendment to remove the president of the united states. listen to what he said. a senior cabinet official told him not to days ago, two years
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ago. >> i'm going to out the cabinet secretary. i had a cabinet secretary two years ago, okay, two years ago, out of the blue asked me, do you really think -- he can't run again like this. i said well, you have more interaction with him than i do. they said, i don't have a lot of interaction with him. this is a pretty senior cabinet secretary. this was two years ago. >> kayleigh: the cabinet doesn't have interaction and they were questioning his mental acuity two years ago? soldiers died over those two years. >> dagen: i find with the media is doing now talking about this, and george clooney coming out and saying you should get out of the way, did the just the depths of disgusting. it is vile that they would come out. they are doing it in their own
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self-interest. the media and these celebrities, they are the grossest cocktail of arrogance and insecurity and ego where they don't want to be the last one standing up with joe biden. george clooney was at that fund-raiser where president obama had to walk joe biden off the stage. he didn't say anything then. he didn't stand up and say it's not misinformation, which was coming out of karine jean-pierre's mouth. he didn't say anything when i was sitting on this very sofa a year ago saying that joe biden is cognitively adult, that he is suffering what all of our family members do. he didn't same thing when i sat here and said joe biden will not be a self caring adult at the end of another term. he said nothing. they only care about their own
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egos and they don't care. they usually care about people in power paying attention to h him. now their egos have superseded that. they are stuck with joe biden, period. they did not stand up for the american people and the democrat voter. joe biden is not going anywhere. you are stuck with him. >> kayleigh: just to be clear, i do not care about the political repercussions. i don't care if biden is the nominee or not. i deeply care about two wars on joe biden's watch i deeply care the senior cabinet secretary, sr., question the mental acuity two years ago. we need a select committee on until acuity. we needed today. come on, republicans. all americans should demand that. president biden faces a new wave of calls to step aside, he's about to appear on the world stage with our nato allies any moment. we are going to bring it to you live as soon as it begins.
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>> kayleigh: you are looking live at the nato 75th anniversary summit. they are about to take the family photo. this is a big moment, biden with world leaders. you'll see the ukrainian president there in just a moment. you should also see the prime minister of japan. south korea, among others. it's a big moment for the president. there you go, shaking hands. president biden will likely be in the middle. this comes as he's about to meet with a new u.k. minister later today then he and the first later -- first lady jill biden will join them for dinner. not just a typical commander in chief event. it's an event that all eyes were on biden.
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there were bloomberg headlines about these leaders questioning joe biden, questioning if he can continue and then this comes after political report that says the nato leader seemed to be speaking to president trump. they are talking and golf analogies, paying their fair share, clearly saying they could be shaking a different hand on the horizon. >> carley: when it comes to president biden's messaging ahead of it, he has talked a lot, especially in the wake of all the fallout from the debate about how he has strengthened the nato alliance and gotten nato countries to pay their fair share. that started under former president trump. that's one thing. the other thing that's happening right now is that all the focus on president biden's condition is really overshadowing the main aim of the summit which is to project strength as a nation and as an alliance so you really have to ask yourself, what does president biden's current condition mean for our national
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security over the next four months and four months from now if he is to win reelection which is asking the american people for another four more years. i think one of the most important questions that all americans really do need to ask themselves right now because he is the commander in chief. he's the leader of our nation which is the strongest in the world. would you, with all due respect to the president, given his debate performance, would you trust joe biden to drive your child in a vehicle? if the answer is yes, what about four years from now? if the answer is no, do you trust him to drive this nation and therefore other countries futures as well? >> kayleigh: that's the big question. i go to bret baier asking john kirby about the late-night phone call and john kirby seemed to recount an event where there is a late night phone call and he seemed to rather thrillingly intimate that biden picked up the phone at 8:00 a.m. as if that were good news. the details were unclear but it's a question a lot of people
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are asking. >> dagen: in the interview biden did with george stephanopoulos, it was what i will call the elderly dug in democrat trifecta of the ad old, the denied, the arrogance of i am the only person who can hold nato together. these nations, some of them, have their contributions to nato as it percentage of their economy because russia went into yukraine which have been under joe biden's watch because of the disaster in the afghanistan withdrawal which you mentioned which happened because his energy policy which is foreign policy drove up the price of o oil. putin would've never gone into ukraine if we had not enriched and empowered him to do so. i just want to note that
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narendra modi put vladimir putin in a bearhug in moscow, really example five how biden has strengthened not just the access of russia, iran, china but also sent india into the arms of russia even more now it is importing about $50 billion a year in energy. we have been reached iran for the same reason. we have enriched russia. we have done nothing to stop the export of oil out of russia. they've built up their entire army of oil tankers and insurance. he has allowed iran to export oil about $100 billion worth of oil just to china in the last few years, giving iran money to fund terror proxies, attacking u.s. individuals, attacking israel. it's really astonishing.
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his policy is weak. now we see his mind and body are weak but his policy was weak from day one. >> kayleigh: emily, to reorient our viewers, you are looking at secretary general stoltenberg of nato standing next to president biden and biden awarded general stole bird with a medal of freedom. it was a surprise. they are shaking the hands of each and every world leader. magnified attention on every single hand gesture, movement, every word of the president. nancy pelosi, the take away, katie rogers of "the new york times" said hold your breath and i am paraphrasing but let's wait and see what happens at nato. that was the take away from any reporters, the take away i had. >> emily: keep in mind one of the stated purposes of this nato summit is to scale up defense support for ukraine and the whole point is admit what? russia's invasion that has lasted for years and what's interesting to note is on the
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heels, as you stated, our president bestowed the presidential idol of freedom, highest civilian honor to the outgoing secretary general, he took the home right when russia did invade ukraine and since then we have 23 of 32 of those member states that indeed reached the goal of contributing 2% of their gdp to the domestic defense spending. i bring it up because it's not 32 so what happened to the other seven plus two is nine, one of the other nine countries doing it so drink what's supposed to be an alliance, tricky and hungry have hijacked the consensus oriented purpose of nato, their stated purposes. we have a lot of friction my point is, against the climate as dagen detail. the reason ukraine needs more support. we hamstrung them. the reason the war lasted so long, we are dictating to them
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the terms with the support we have given them and it's why it continues to drag on. the climate against which these leaders are taking their photograph is one i argue not an alliance but certainly one reflective of rise in our enemies because the allies ship has been fractured under president biden's watch. >> kayleigh: to highlight point emily made about spending levels and how each of them are starting to meet their 2% target which president trump puts pressure on, the "politico" headline i mentioned earlier, "welcome to mar-a-nato." talking about countries showing tough love for countries that aren't meeting their heavy defense spending, even using golf analogies. when you're at a golf club you don't get to take to the green unless you pay your fair share. it's like a pitch, they see someone new coming. >> david: width of a like it or not, the likelihood is that somebody new comes in.
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two weeks ago nato puts its troop deployment plan against the counter to russia if they go further. why would they put that out? they do it annually. one finals that -- follows that in biden's habit yesterday, he brags about how we have 100,000 u.s. troops with near proximity to the conflict and in other areas in europe. that used to be about half that footprint. germany had the largest footprint of americans outside america. used to be around 53,000. all of these and more than a new look at our nato allies and what binds promising, other countries are stepping up because of self-interest. you have poland who made their own decision, you're correct about what happened during the trump years. to dagan's point, when russia was taken off this swiss banking system, what was left?
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oil transfer payments were left so the fuel that fuels russia's war, that fuel putin's effort. saudi arabia says we are going to get off the reserve currency and go to the you want. what do they do with the opec cartel? who is a member of the opec cartel? russia. he started to see energy policy overrun economic policy in the case of nato and europe and how this is likely to play out. this is a very dangerous cocktail right now. >> kayleigh: it is purely want to break away from this pair we will show you anything that happens fits of significance but i do want to play yesterday. curly, you intimated about the national security repercussions. this was john kirby in a stunning moment with bret baier asked about the late-night phone call. you heard us reference it but i want to play. >> i'll tell you.
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the guy that i see, the guy that i work with, the commander-in-chief that i know, is not the people side that debate on that debate stage. just not. he's sharp. he probes. >> a couple elections ago there was the 3m calling others real concern, can handle something that doesn't happen between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.? >> he gets calls in the middle of the night all the time. a couple g7s ago, you might remember there was a missile that fell in poland, it was a concern it could've been a russian missile. the call came in the middle of night. he called the g7 and the snap meeting. by 8:00 that morning. he gets calls a at all our stras before it was more to the story. maybe he didn't get every point out that he wanted to but i heard late-night phone call, 8:00 a.m. response. >> carley: karine jean-pierre was asked by peter doocy a similar question about what happens if something happens at
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11:00. joe biden said he wants to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. who gets the phone call? the first lady. she says there will be people who will wake up the president. there are but the question is is he clear enough to respond at that time question like he's the commander in chief after all. there's also this report earlier this week about how the president was supposed to hold this event with the german chancellor overseas. it was going to be at 8:00, pushed up because they knew about his early bedtime. he ended up not showing up. i believe it was antony blinken who did. now there's been pushed back, that's not true, of course they're saying that. a few years ago i remember when the president was speaking in hanoi during a press conference and he said, i've taken enough question. i'm going to bed. at the time it was like, you've got to be kidding. the president of the united states telling everybody you have to go to bed. during this critical moment when you rarely speak in front of the press. so the event time is a major issue.
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also this press conference tomorrow that he's going to hold my goodness, all eyes are going to be on him. you heard nancy pelosi say the same thing in her answer saying it was on was like she was saying i am not so sure about him. let's see how he does tomorrow. >> kayleigh: that's what it sounded like. i agree, the stakes are high for this press conference which is why i'm confounded. every word coming out of your mouth, every word, so much scrutiny. it's so confounding. when i heard karine jean-pierre last week called us the big boy press conference, i thought it was a mistake and i said she's going to regret saying that for them they double down. her and kirby are saying it's a big boy press conference tomorrow. watch. >> press conference. is that going to be a real big boy press conference? >> did you say big boy press conference? >> big boy justin overhears asking some big boy questions.
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>> there's going to be a press conference next week, a nato big boy press conference. this week president biden will speak to national labor leaders, host the national somata to the unprecedented strength of our alliance, holding press conference, big boy press conference. >> after that the president will hold a press conference, big boy press conference is what we're calling it. >> will here for the president thursday when he gets his press conference, big boy press conference. >> kayleigh: the big boys have exited the stage. why do you call that? >> david: you want people to focus on big boy and keep talking about it. the other were they are using a lot is robust. he has a robust schedule. the other where that's coming out come of the last way for us, his deputy. they simply want us to be distracted. this is the strategy of distraction from serious issues because what are we talking about? big boy, big boy, big boy is a hamburger chain. this is running the country.
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>> kayleigh: i would say, if i said big boy about president trump, i think he would have a word with me about it. this is the commander in chief. >> david: that's what i mean. they want the distraction. i get democrat emails, some of their emails, maybe they don't know they're sending them to me. they all get the same echo chamber and then he goes out media allies and they repeated until the public picks up on it. you know communication. from a communication standpoint, if you can inject something into today's lexicon, what happens? people repeated. >> kayleigh: big boy evokes an image of a big child. >> dagen: i can explain why they are doing it. i've been watching the very things she's trying to make nice, nice with the media. it is just this singsong -- she comes out and starts press briefings, it's like okay, we are here and we are going to
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have just a great little chitchat and we are going to go back before that debate, before everybody was on my case, and it's going to be a big boy press conference and it's trying to lighten it and it's trying to make them go easy on her. and it's just disastrous and it's not working. if you watch the whole thing, which we do some of the american people don't have to, sometimes, though that's part of it. before you get into the morass with the press because the press was the first to turn on them because they realize they were embarrassed that they had not been doing any job called journalism in last three and a half years they got hit in the face with that. it's their ego over their desire to be accepted by these people in power in the white house. >> kayleigh: does a disservice to her boss, i really think it
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does. i think you're probably right, emily. she has a third lie to address because she's of the generous 17th meeting with the parkinson's specialist was not about biden's health. then they had to come out say it was, third time. >> emily: third time this far. it totally and fantasizes him but that's the point. the worst problem, you hit the nail on the head. we are dissecting whether he can read a prompter, we should be dissecting is the failed policy who has put all of us in jeopardy. >> kayleigh: this is the family photo. i imagine pelosi is watching this, the democrats are wat watching. this is going on, and other breaking news item that came was
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an eighth house democrat has come out and said he needs to step aside. everyone watching this. tvs on capitol hill are watching this image. watching for anything. i think that it is sealed but he's going to be the nominee. he has the support of leadership but it's huge. tomorrow is huge. >> emily: in baseball what matters is your batting average. you look at the aggregate, it's okay. we rely on your average. the notion that people are dissecting potentially the presidents big boy press conference for his upcoming remarks, why? shouldn't the aggregate matter more? when he calls it a bad night in an utter failure of a debate that reality is that it's been a bad presidential run week, and so does the globe, our allies deserve better. the outgoing secretary general of nato, used to be the president of finland. the incoming one is the president of the netherlands, it bears worth repeating that our allies need to remain secure and strong and both the fractured,
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the desertion we exhibited in afghanistan, our allies there, the message its entire global allies of the fracturing policy we had with ukraine, the fractured support, all of this bodes horribly on the presidential candidate that now people are saying this is going to break the camel's back, this is the straw. i argue that straw was the last three years. now it seems as if the house of cards is falling one congressman at a time. senate, step up. >> kayleigh: president biden exiting the stage to more bad news. he is lost george clooney, he has lost house democrats. what's next? we'll tell you in just a moment. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year.
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also declared he wanted to test his skills and stamina against mine on the golf course. can you believe this? did you ever see him swing? that's why this evening i am also, and this is an honor of you and everybody. 45,000 people. that's a lot of people. i'm also potentially challenging joe to an 18 hole golf match right here. i will give him ten strokes a side and if he wins, i will give the charity of his choice, any charity that he wants, $1 million. >> emily: i love that so much. trump gave biden a chance to redeem himself and another
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face-to-face. >> officially offering joe the chance to redeem himself in front of the entire world. let's do another debate this week so that sleepy joe biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president. but this time it will be man-to-man, no moderators, no holds barred. name the place, anytime, anywhere. >> emily: anytime, anywhere. dagen. "rust" biden, dwindling by the second, they do keep, they will harp on president trump and what he says which is joking in many ways and try to goad him into saying something that they can reliably run with. feed it to the liberal lemmings in the media, something they will find outrageous and that
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will take over the news cycle. so the democrats are just desperate to make the news cycle now, something bad about president trump and put joe biden and his death, all of his problem starting with his frailty, his cognitive problems, even on this very day just to put on the back burner that joe biden is a president in name only. a >> emily: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.? >> david: he doesn't even do a full-time job. i like trump's approach because it resonates. it's very real because they world is seeing the debate. they sell it happen with joe biden and his failures on the debate stage. however it's obvious, for the
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record and i think you might be the other one who has seen this. i've seen trump play golf. i have been there. i've seen them at the club. this is a guy who's been playing golf and winning tournaments and he's offering biden a chance to give to a charity. come on, joe. i thought you were a charitable guy. if you can give it to a student for him if he can bail someone out with million dollars. or bring corn pop. >> emily: this is on the heels of just yesterday the political report moving six states away from joe biden toward donald trump. arizona, georgia, nevada have gone from to leaning republican. going from likely democratic to lean democratic. jokes aside it's really not looking good for biden. speak of that same report says crumbs current numbers with black and latino voters are
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incompatible with any possible democratic victory scenarios so another was what they are saying is that former president trump is too popular among black and latinos from joe biden to win. that's huge news. imagine hearing that just four years ago. >> emily: they also right that this represents the largest poll shifter theory gives biden with trump winning 47% to 44%. it's disastrous at best. >> it's of a deal. what is probably more of a big deal as this "new york times" piece that came out about new york. check this out. politico, rather. report on deep blue new york becoming a battleground state. elected officials, union leaders, political consultants are panicking over poll showing a steady erosion of biden support in the state he won my 23.4 years ago so you have these balls all shifting towards trump and then on top of that you have
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a communications director for biden. she's been in the private sector. "i know firsthand biden's team is all about data and ignoring the noise. when the battle over public data is so overwhelmingly negative it's a good moment to put forward your theory of the case. that's his communications director saying guys, guys i worked with, people, women, aides, lou look at the polls, look at the data. the pressure is hot. let's read pelosi or hakeem jeffries, you have biden's nominee. >> dagen: it's not biden. it's kamala harris. he will not make it to the end of the term whether she's the top of the ticket or second, she is who anybody would dare vote for for president. >> emily: house lawmakers are debating the save act of everything you need to know about republicans new election integrity bill and why democrats are trying to stop it.
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>> three weeks after hosting a huge fund-raiser for him, after george clooney calls on biden to drop out. what will the celebrity earthquake mean for biden why didn't clooney say this three weeks ago questioning the eyes
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of the world on biden at the nato summit. morgan ortega is here to break it down. we will talk to ukraine's defense minister about possible natal membership and how to end the war in ukraine. chicago's mayor blames the city's on a republican president. richard nixon. what is that all about? gianno caldwell and richard fowler are here. i'm john roberts. join sandra and me at the top of the hour for "america reports." you then. >> kayleigh: you are looking like that house lawmakers. the bill requires that if you want to vote you have to show proof of citizenship. seems pretty straightforward. republicans do not want noncitizens moaning in our elections but democrats are coming together to block the measure they say would make it harder for americans to vote. here's speaker the house mike johnson. >> we are about to find out very shortly if all the members of the chamber of gray because americans all over the country understand what's at stake here.
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they refused to hand over our country to illegal aliens, cartels, traffickers, and violent criminals and murderers. that's what's at stake. i hate to say it but we have so many noncitizens in the country right now that if only 1 out of 100 of those illegal aliens motive, you're talking about hundreds of thousands of votes being cast. >> kayleigh: democrats say we don't need this. we have something called the national voter registration act and it doesn't require states py are citizens. he relies on individuals attesting they are. this would require showing i.d. and other documents. >> dagen: it would also require the stage to purge noncitizens from the voter rolls as well. allow me to quote charlie hurt who cohosted "the bottom line" on monday. "one of the most pernicious things democrats crow, democrats
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say it's illegal for illegals to vote. it's also illegal for illegals to be in this country illegally, and that's why their circular argument completely blows up in their face." >> kayleigh: that's a fantastic point. david, the number of people who've entered the u.s. illegally. more than 5 million people on biden's watch. david. >> david: speaker johnson hits on that point. if one in every, one did he say, one in every thousand, whatever. the fact is we are not going after the underlying issues. clearing up the voter rolls well enough. can they pass a law? it's not going to get through the senate. it's good politics and i agree with that. at the state level like arizona where they have made the delineation between state voting on federal voting, if they keep winning step by step and go after something bigger, that's the same strategies the democrats used to get all these other acts from the '90s until now.
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we need to beat them at their game. >> kayleigh: i don't know why you wouldn't give the american people what they want. 81% of americans want proof of identification to vote. >> emily: you read my mind. this was six months ago, only 18% opposed. we start out the lexicon, the narrative. the left will say that you're racist if you require an i.d. we were told the same thing when the census was trying to occur in for some reason it was racist to ask about the numbers of households. everything will be chalked up to that rather than securing the integrity of elections in enforcing the law. >> carley: there was a mass movement among democrats who oppose this very thing, showing proof of citizenship to register to vote, democrat say placement extreme burden on palace americans. they even know that's not true. >> kayleigh: exactly right. we'll see what happens. we are getting the reaction from democrats to george clooney's scathing op-ed and his
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speak of the democratic infighting o over the president biden is boiling over as we were covering all of this news as we mentioned that eight house democrats, new york congressman, pat ryan described as a moderate is now urging biden to step aside. he says it is a "grave disservice" to call biden the party's best candidate. he said that but he also tied it to his fears with president trump who he calls an accidental threat. a lot of democratic commentators have made the points that he is an x essential threat but you're not putting up your best candidate, you can't have it both ways. also during our show to senator blumenthal who said yesterday that biden is the democratic nominee for president of the united states, he has my support and needs to aggressively make his case moments ago said this "an deeply
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concerned about president biden" so it is interesting. pelosi comes out and makes these comments, jake sherman says a bomb goes off on capitol hill and all of a sudden the messaging is mixed and it's all over. we are getting all of that explosive new reaction, more to come on george clooney's call for president biden to bow out. every congressman being chased down the hall and here is what tennessee democrat steve cohen had to say on that. >> george clooney just said in "the new york times" that biden needs to step down. are you worried that now democrats and congress and hollywood are saying biden is not mentally fit? >> george clooney is a producer. >> eight movie producer who raised 14 million for your guys three weeks ago so we have that. of thank you, dvr the show tomorrow will be here at noon b5 now. "america reports" now. >> the younger you are the more strength you have but on the other hand you do not have


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