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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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pelosi comes out and makes these comments, jake sherman says a bomb goes off on capitol hill and all of a sudden the messaging is mixed and it's all over. we are getting all of that explosive new reaction, more to come on george clooney's call for president biden to bow out. every congressman being chased down the hall and here is what tennessee democrat steve cohen had to say on that. >> george clooney just said in "the new york times" that biden needs to step down. are you worried that now democrats and congress and hollywood are saying biden is not mentally fit? >> george clooney is a producer. >> eight movie producer who raised 14 million for your guys three weeks ago so we have that. of thank you, dvr the show tomorrow will be here at noon b5 now. "america reports" now. >> the younger you are the more strength you have but on the other hand you do not have such
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fast life experience. >> real concern, can he handle some -- something that does not happen between 10:00 and 4:00 p.m.? >> he gets calls in the middle of the night all the time. >> is there a plan for the secretary of state to stay if it goes past 8:00 p.m. or will be presidents' day on? >> i won't speak to the president's schedule. >> use it often has not had any concerns about the president's health and conduct with him. can you clarify is that a question you've asked alston? >> the secretary has full confidence in the president's leadership as he has had from day one. >> he is sharpest before 8:00 p.m. so, said the pentagon at some point picks up an incoming news at 11:00 p.m. who do call, the first lady? >> he has a team that lets him know of any news that is pertinent and important to the american people. >> john: this is not getting any better. the nato summit becoming a high-stakes test of
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president biden's mental thickness as he seeks to reassure global leaders he is up to the job. it all comes as the top house democrat is in with the major warning for biden's reelection bid not to mention that movie producer. hello i am john roberts in washington is a very bad terrible horrible week for joe biden. >> sandra: it is and it continues we are more than halfway through i am sandra smith in new york this is "america reports." president biden is using the three-day summit to convey confidence, stability, strength all to save his candidacy for november but democratically one of his top supporters like congresswoman nancy pelosi are urging him to act fast. >> as long as the president -- it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. we are all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. >> donald trump is on track, i think, to win back the selection and may be win by a landslide.
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>> anything that has eased your concerns are? >> nothing more to say about this. >> sandra: former state department morgan ortagus on the make or break moment on the world stage. >> john: we have complete coverage now jennifer griffin live at the pentagon with what we can expect from today's events but first to where it is all happening white house senior correspondent peter doocy lives on the north along. peter, how is the biden campaign reacting to the fact that three weeks ago george clooney raised $30 million for the president and now wants to work throw him overboard? >> can i get the -- >> reacting to saying he is not going to drop out still pointed to the letter earlier in the week he sent to house democrat saying he will not drop out but the case clooney is making in this very long new york's time op-ed is based in part on this video we clipped from a fund-raiser he we hosted in california the clip where you can see barack obama nudging the president off stage. this is the video. the white house told us it was
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an out of context cheap fake but now george clooney is writing it is devastating to say it but the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the joe big effingham jill biden of 2010. he wasn't even the joe biden of 2020. he was the same we saw at the debate. be one to listen to the president. >> president biden: behind the nato shield. we are strong or than we have ever been. since we've taken office we have doubled these groups in the flanks the united states has. finland and sweden have joined the alliance and the number of allies spend at least 2% on defense has gone from 9223. that has not happened by chance, but by choice. at our summit in two years ago we launched the plan to modernize our deterrence and our defense. today we have to ask ourselves
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what is next? how can we keep making the shield stronger? one answer must be to strengthen our industrial base. right now russia is on a wartime footing with the regard to defense production. they are significantly ramping up their production of weapons, munitions, and vehicles. and if they are doing it with the help of china, north korea, and iran. we cannot, in my view, we cannot allow the alliance to fall behind. the fact is so many of my -- let me put it this way. i am very pleased that today all nato members are making the pledge to expand our industrial base and our industrial capacity. like our defense spending commitment. this is a critical step to make in security. the first time ever every nato nation is pledging to develop plans for defense production at
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home. that means as an alliance we will become more innovative and competitive. we are able to produce more critical defense equipment, more quickly and we may need it. we will not be surpassed and we cannot be suppressed by anyone when it comes to our readiness. here at home, americans have seen the power and investments like these. in my administration we have already invested $30 billion in defense manufacturing to restart or expand production across 35 of our states. we are investing billions more. the result, stronger supply chains, stronger economy, stronger military, and a stronger nation. let me close with this. this new pledge sends an unmistakable message to the world. every nato member is committed to doing their part to keep the alliance strong.
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we can and will defend every inch of nato territory, and we will do it together. and that we are investing in our future strength to ensure nato will always be ready for whatever threats we will face should be a clear message we are making and sending to the world. so i want to thank you. every nato member for your commitment, for our shared security, and i will now ask the press to depart so we can get started. >> thank you so much, president biden for those remarks. as the president said, this ends the public part of the meeting and we -- >> sandra: the president had his remarks live in washington. john, they are committed to giving the alliance strong says the president and all of this happening under intense scrutiny over president biden following his debate performance, john, on the world stage there he was. with other world leaders we saw that photo up just a short time ago shaking hands with all of
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them as they took to the stage there. >> john: i've been to a number of nato summits around the world now this one here in washington, d.c., and it has always been what is the u.s. president going to say in regards to the alliance? but today everybody is looking at biden to say to themselves is he going to be able to say it? i have never seen this quorum before. let's bring in morgan ortagus former spokesperson typically of the leadership is a given, it's what the president says in terms of policy. but in this case, it is watching for him to flub. >> yes, it is kind of sad. anyone paying attention last four years and even during the campaign in 2020, that is what they were waiting on as well. i'm in less income if we look at the substance of what biden talked about he said there are 30 billion in new defense manufacturing in the united states. that would be fantastic, john, if we had a defense budget that even kept up with inflation. we don't.
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in fact, we are not even keeping up with inflation in our current defense budget. we are unable to build the necessary submarines and ships to keep pace with the threat of the chinese communist party. and the russian economy is doing better than ever. as i said many times on this show, the ruble continues to trade higher than before the invasion. putin is not deterred. i believe a nato i think it's one of the most important relationships that we have on the international stage. president trump believes it and that's why he pushed everyone to get real and get serious about the 2% spending commitments. in fact given the threat from china and russia i think it should probably be at 3%. today we have chinese troops that are training in belarus. that is a stone's throw from nato. so nato countries need to get real and need to get serious and that should be the discussion today but unfortunately the discussion is about and the president of the united states stay away from the entire
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meeting? >> john: here is what new york times editorial board set on that on monday. he reportedly told democrat governors last week and needs to sleep more work less and avoid a public event after 8:00 p.m. when i mend that needs to clock out at eight should not perform simultaneously two of the world's most difficult and on all-consuming jobs. serving as president and running for president. peter doocy asked yesterday if it's after all the clock and there is a world crisis were they call, jill biden? but if the president is going to bed at 8:00 that leaves a lot of the world to do whatever it wants before he is woken up. >> i too would like to sleep more and not attend public events after 8:00 p.m. but my toddler does not allow me to do that. i spent two years with mike pompeo we were with the president several times overseas. the schedule that the secretary of state pompeo kept up was daunting. it was brutal. i was in my late 30s at the time and it was hard for me to
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keep up with the secretary of state much less the president. you need energy and ambition and drive beyond what normal human being can possess. we need that now more than ever. i would however say this is not me beating up on president biden, i want to make it very clear that we are in the precarious position we are and in the world because of the former biden appointees who are now biden appointees who have continued the failed obama foreign policies from his second term and taken them into the biden term so yes, president biden, in my opinion is not up to the job that we need right now. however, his top leadership, his top national security team, no one has been publicly recommended or reprimanded for what happened in 2021 with afghanistan. russia invading ukraine. october 7th with israel. oh, by the way, here we are juld hostage nine months later by a tour group. so it's president biden who is not doing great but even if
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kamala harris is at the top, as long as we have this team and their failed foreign policy around the globe, you will continue to have the problems we have because it's not just the failure of one man, it's the failure of an entire administration's national security and foreign policy. >> john: less sentimental left but i wanted to put on the screen these are the nato member nations that have met the 2% target that donald trump was really pushing them to. again, 23 of 32 members, canada, a notable exception to all of this, and now nato is getting ready for potentially the return of donald trump, here is what politico said. many allies anticipate at this time next year they will be dealing with a new trump administration. one defined by skepticism toward europe, a strident strain of right-wing isolationism had a hard result but confronting china above other global priorities. but at the same time, a lot of european parliaments are moving to the right and china is becoming a real global threat.
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>> destiny's child back in the early 2,000 had a great song called "bills, bills, bills" about paying your bills that's what donald trump will be same to our allies, it's time to get real and serious. and listen, there are some new countries who have made a lot of progress in nato, finland and sweden have been allowed in, tons of defense spending, tons of defense manufacturing, great additions but the rest of the stragglers especially our neighbor to the north, canada, you have to pay your bills. >> john: morgan ortagus with us and we would be remiss if we didn't say a very happy birthday for you thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> john: center? >> sandra: a happy birthday to morgan. president zelenskyy pleading for more aid as russia ramps up its aggression we will speak with roger zach i'm on where he sees the war heading this year and beyond the 2024 elections. plus this. >> time is running out for the merchants of crime and corruption in american society. the wave of crime is not going
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to be the wave of the future in the united states of america. >> john: that was a long, long time ago but guess what? chicago mayor brandon johnson playing the blame game once again over his crime plagued city, his puzzling claim that former president nixon is the one to blame. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next.
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that is ongoing. the alliance already sending f16 jets now belinsky is urging leaders to consider his country's membership. at roger zach himes the director of the ronald reagan foundation and institute joins us now. thank you for joining us. first your thoughts on what you said with the president and the world stage you spoke a moment ago but all eyes on the president for many reasons among which high scrutiny in that debate how world leaders are viewing after it. >> listening to president zelenskyy at the reagan institute when he thinks the world needs and strengths. of course that was a key debate point between president trump and president biden from president zelenskyy's perspective of america provides ukraine with one more potent and talking about the f-16s but saw the footage from
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president zelenskyy's perspective but i agree with this is too little too late nothing the united states has done has been done with the urgency or the decisive support that can make a impact on the battlefield and bring the conflict to an end. >> sandra: bret baier had the opportunity to ask zelenskyy about the u.s. leaving nato and i want to play this out with your response to it. >> do you feel it for president trump if he is to present again would pull out of nato? >> i hope the united states will never go out from the nato. otherwise the world will lose a lot of countries. a lot of countries because such people like putin. >> sandra: i want your reaction to that. >> president zelenskyy perhaps more than anyone else in the world understands who vladimir putin is and how he acts. what his message was last night
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was that the u.s. and nato or if nato and the united states support ukraine into the decisive fashion, vladimir putin will not be deterred and will not stop. he will go as you heard a moment ago he will attract other countries, nato countries, it countries that are allies of the united states. vladimir putin has carried out this war of aggression on the ukraine as you know since february of 2022. president zelenskyy understands the depths he will go to as he was talking last night from perspective as a father, as a president he said, as a human being he said the russians know exactly where their missiles target. they know they are going to target civilians. they know they are going to target the children's hospital in key have. and this man, but her brain putin, will only stop if we counter his aggression with strength. that was his message and frankly that is a message president trump emphasizes throughout his campaign. strength is what deters. be one dumb now are ideas that the allies are exposing concerns
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for president biden's ability to lead this country and especially on the world stage, john kirby was asked about that we heard it here live on monday. the white house press briefing room he seemed to dismiss those concerns. listen. >> we are not picking up any signs from that from our allies at all quite the contrary. the conversations we are having they are excited about this summit. i am not aware in the conversations that up and had certainly not with us. >> sandra: ian brammer of the eurasia group seems to be suggesting the complete opposite is getting talked about among world leaders, listen here. >> they have seen deterioration they have seen them slow down and it is not just physically slowing down, it is repeating the same anecdote twice in an individual meeting. i have heard that. for more litter today. it's not recognizing someone he knew quite well when he introduced them. >> you wonder today as he sits with them in washington.
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what they are thinking, roger? >> we saw a lot of reporting after the g7 meeting. anyone watching the president has witnessed a decline. not just the views of world leaders, it's the views of the american people are concerned. they believe 80% of americans are concerned about president biden's decline. to keep messages not just what he says or how he says that it's what he does. when it comes to ukraine and the war in europe, he has the opportunity to act decisively. nato has the opportunity to react decisively. these f-16s should be in the air out at the end of the summer but now. the support should commend in a resolute fashion that deters vladimir putin. this is the problem in the ukraine. this is the problem in the terms of the united states and nato not doing enough to deter vladimir putin. more support and out the deterrents we have seen from the biden administration and from the president in terms of always
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fearing escalation far more than they fear anything else. that is a problem because vladimir putin sees that, he exploits it, and it undermines not only security and the people of the ukraine but european security and ultimately u.s. national security. one last point, 74% of americans based on our most recent survey believe it is the united states interest to see ukraine win. american people know ukraine winning is great for u.s. security and our policy should reflect that. >> sandra: roger always could have been the program we appreciated and want our viewers to know the ukrainian defense minister will be joining us as a guest on this program coming up at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. we will get continued reaction to that and ask them how consequential this u.s. presidential election in november will be for ukraine. roger, thank you. john? >> john: growing concerns about biden's reliance on his family to help make important decisions.
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mollie hemingway ahead as democrats talk about the growing demo about biden winning inowing november. the country. they worry a lot about being in debt and having the money they need for their families. big credit card balances can add up over time. and now just making the minimum payments can break the family budget. refinance and take control of your credit card debt. call newday usa and get the financial piece of mind that you and your family deserve some days, you can feel like a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? talk to your doctor. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms.
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to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> sandra: all right so this is brand-new sound just in from former obama advisors david axelrod and jon favreau. it is a fascinating and remarkable exchange. it happen with a brand-new cnn interview, let's watch together. >> look, i think there is merit -- sometimes -- this is all a matter of risk assessment. there is risk associated with a really. the is is the risk of the status quo eclipsing the risk of trying something else and i think we have reached the point where many have come to that conclusion. but the part about the piece data that i thought was particularly impactful was clooney who just hosted a fund-raiser a major fund-raiser for the president a few weeks ago in california said you can't win the battle against time,
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none of us can it's devastating to say but the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the joe biden of 2010. he wasn't even the joe biden of 2020. he was the same and we witnessed at the debate. that is devastating. that is devastating. it is what people fear. >> it is exactly what i was going to ask john about because john, you were at that fund-raiser as well. i don't know if you spend as much time at president biden as george clooney did since he was one of the hosts, but that -- i am totally with you, david. that quote was like wow. >> i mean, it was not surprising to any of us at the fund-raiser. i was there, clooney was executor right. every single person i spoke to at the fund-raiser thought the same thing except the people who worked with joe biden and i remember my wife, emily turned to me and said what are we going to do and i said well there is a debate in a week. either he will do well on the debate and we will think he was
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just tired because he flew back from europe and that will be that or he will be like this at the debate and the whole country will talk about it so here we are. >> sandra: here we are. and the question is is the dam breaking? is this a moment of escalation for the push from joe biden to step out, john? remember david axelrod, he asks the question two days ago why is trump uncharacteristically holding fire as biden teeters? david axelrod thinks biden is dangerously out of touch. he said this for years that he needed to show more empathy to the american people from missing the on inflation. he has suggested he suffers, joe biden, from denial, delusion, defiance, he said a day ago joe biden has two weeks to build a blue wall. david axelrod has been raising the red flag for some time. longer than some other prominent democrats. john: it brings to mind how
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this is folding to john jay oppenheimer's device where there is a explosion that creates a chain reaction and everything goes. i think we are seeing the explosion, the chain reaction may be moments away. let's bring in mollie hemingway a senior editor for the federalist and a fox news contributor. i wanted to put of the george clooney quote again because this book in the last 9. op-ed in "the new york times" which he says the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the joe big effingham deal biden of 2010 and not even the joe biden 2020. he was the man we witnessed at the debate. it seems to me of someone who raised $30 million for the president is saying that, he is toast. >> it's a difficult situation for joe biden. the problem isn't the mental acuity, that is something much of the country has seen for years. democrat voters were talking about it for years. they still nominated him. the problem for people who run the democrat party is that joe biden is doing a very bad
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job in the election. even before the debate he was on the 30th percentile for favorability. right now today in the real clear politics average i think he is down 3.3 nationwide against trump. if you look back four years ago today he was up nine points in a head-to-head match against donald trump. the problem the democrats have with joe biden is not his age. we seen the stuff for years and i think it's important we acknowledge the reality this isn't here. what is new is democrats have lost confidence in his ability to win and they think it will take a lot of races down ticket. >> john: the number of elected democrat sitting in contract on my congress i think it's eight now calling from the stop down or think you won't win the election let's put it on the screens of people at home can see. and listen to it nancy pelosi said this morning listen here. >> it's up to the president to suicide dell might decide if he's going to run.
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we are all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. now everyone, let's just hold off. either tell someone privately but you don't have to put it down on the table until we see how we go this week. >> john: that same interview axelrod observes this about pelosi. she doesn't say what she doesn't want to say she said that for a reason. if you have a woman three years older than the president saying well jury is out on this -- >> a pretty brutal interview. that's vintage pelosi how she says joe biden needs to make a decision. joe biden has been very clear he has made a decision and he is not going anywhere so what she is saying is you need to revisit your decision. >> john: she is basically saying get out. >> absolutely but the problem for democrats is it is joe biden's policy is that a been problematic this season it
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is not as erasable. if anything joe biden won in 2020 because he could persuasively convince people he was a moderate. it is difficult to do that operation again once americans are clearly not happy with the foreign policy come with the domestic policy, with the border, with the economy. these are things that are not going to go away even if they succeed in doing a coup and one last thing, you have some names from democrats you have high-profile people like nancy pelosi now but democrats claim this is an election about democracy and they just held a primary where joe biden was overwhelmingly the winner. you can complain about how the primary was handled but this is going to be a very difficult thing to do a coup against their own voters. in an election year. >> john: joe biden made that point saying it would be undemocratic to throw me aside. >> and we are not seeing in the polling a strong from democratic voters to oust you see it in the media and with democrat leaders. i want to point out to you and that george clooney thing he is saying i was at this fund-raiser
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and it was awful. do you remember when fund-raiser happen? the media and other top democrat said it was a conspiracy theory to notice joe biden wasn't doing well. >> john: and how obama led them offstage on the question i had was that if george clooney is saying it today why didn't he say three weeks ago? >> it would've taken courage when it happened. >> journalists will get a chance to speak tomorrow evening the journalist the most recently got to spend a lot of time with him is george stephanopoulos who was talking to somebody on the street about biden and listen to this. >> do you think biden to step down? you talk to him more than anyone else i believe it. you don't think he can serve four more years? that's an answer. >> john: all right george stephanopoulos says can't serve another four years. abc has said george stephanopoulos' opinions are his
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own but stephanopoulos spent an awful lot of time with bill clinton in the early 1990s. he knows what it takes to be president and he is saying he doesn't have it. >> that comment was similar to how that interview with the president went. it was like george stephanopoulos a long time democrat operative very close with the clinton family and worked famously for bill clinton and handled. >> famously wore jeans and the oval office and put his feet on the coffee table. >> when that was a big deal. it seemed like he was a friend trying to encourage president biden to drop out for the sake of the democratic party so these are not a complete shock they are too, but then again, this is medium driven, elite democrat driven they have the issue of their own voters and how they will convince them this coup they are running against biden is in their best interest that remains to be s seen. >> john: if you are donald trump you are in the cat perch seat with the compare and contrast will be incredible. mali, great to see you think you.
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center? >> sandra: great stuff they are. now to capitol hill where our own hillary vaughn has been in the hallway is talking democrats especially about the latest from george clooney saying we need a new nominee. here are some of the reactions she has gotten so far. >> does that concern knew that someone like george clooney who is just with the president says you need a new nominee? if clooney has concerns about president biden's mental fitness, do you? >> i don't have concerns. >> democrats a hollywood's are quote, calling for the president to step aside you think he should? >> i think that's a decision for the president. >> pretty remarkable to hear from democrats she was able to stop and talk to some more democrats on the hill. wait until you hear that reaction more from hillary vaughn on the other side of this break now this. >> the radical love to democrat party is divided in chaos and
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having a full-scale break full-scale break down all because can't decide which of their candidates is more unfit to be president. >> john: formal president trump weighing in on the deep divide of the democratic party. now he is throwing heat at the vice president too coming up. including take-out. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. it's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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>> sandra: fox news alert as we hear from wire present democrats and donors it is time for joe biden to step aside and have someone else step up. hillary vaughn has been talking to democrats on capitol hill in the wake of george clooney saying we need a new nominee. it is devastating to say it but the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the joe big effing deal
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biden of 2010. hear more reactions from the hill. >> about joe biden calling for george clooney talking about joe biden dropping out of the race? do you have any concerns about the president's mental acuity? >> no, i don't. >> congressman goldman, george clooney is calling for president biden to drop out of the race he does not think democrats can won with him on the ticket. he also expressed major concerns about his mental fitness. what is your reaction to that? >> i appreciate mr. clooney's opinion and we will continue to deal with this within our democratic family to make sure we beat donald trump and protected democracy in the future. >> do you think people close to president biden are being honest about his mental state? >> sandra: put so many people
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in these democrats in a tough spot. clooney saying emphatically we won't win and we won't win back the house and we will lose the senate. there is an admission in this statement from clooney saying he wasn't even the joe biden of 2020 at that event three weeks ago. he was the same man we witnessed at that debate. he is saying that now, where was he then? where was he three weeks ago when he saw it? >> john: i'm wondering where is he waiting for why did he wait until now to do it? looking at the lay of the land and a lot of people are domain on that bandwagon let me get back out front and lead the charge on this? why didn't he lead the charge three weeks ago to say i just raised $30 million for this guy but i was profoundly concerned about what has happened in the last four years. >> sandra: and if clooney is talking to a lot of prominent donors every single day and in
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this statement he says this isn't only my opinion it's the opinion of every senator and congress member and governor i have spoken with in private. every single one irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly, john, and that is what everyone assumes but we are not seeing it straight from their mouths. the closest we are getting to one of the most prominent democrats of course is nancy pelosi in that new interview. >> sa>> john: the new principalf you create a main reaction the biden command though my campaign may explode in spectacular fashion we will see if we are at that point or not. formal president trump challenging president biden to another debate plus a round of 18 and taking aim at vice president harris as the world awaits his choice for running mate. tommy joins us in but mark meredith first tracking today's drama on the campaign trail. the former president speaking out a lot more lately. >> john and one from quiet to now trying to get back in the spotlight ahead of the
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convention. within days the trump campaign will unveil its pick for the vice president's nomination. the move could certainly shake up this race and trump himself is still dropping hints of who he has chosen. >> marco rubio being from florida with that stop you from picking him? >> no what it does make it more complicate end. you know, you do that it makes it more complicated. there are people without that complication. >> senator rubio was at the rally last night and trump has another rally scheduled saturday in pennsylvania not too far from the ohio border for further fueling speculation that ohio senator j.d. vance could be a pick. much of the alley last night against democrats including vice president kamala harris a hinting she could end up the person he faces off against a november. >> the radical left democrat party is divided in chaos and having a full-scale breakdown all because they can't decide
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which of their candidates is more unfit to be president. sleepy kirk at joe biden laughing, what? >> in three they are not giving up on nevada vice president so she campaign las vegas on tuesday. >> we continue to fight and we will continue to organize. in november we will win. [cheers and applause] we will win. we know what hard work looks like him we like hard work. hard work is good work. >> while harris was there yesterday the presently out of nevada next week when he spoke of efforts to boost latino americans one of the key voters making a big difference this fall. be when he was letting the democrats shoot themselves in if the foot for a while but now it's helping them out. we will see how this goes but he
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will have a big week next week. >> you are right about that one. >> mark meredith. center? >> sandra: let's bring in tommy a lauren, thank you for joining us. serious stuff democrats have a lot to deal with as you have seen and heard and our viewers have seen and heard. a reporter on capitol hill, hillary vaughn stopping these democrats. they are at a loss for words some of them on what to do in this moment. following george clooney now saying we need a new nominee. i love joe biden, but he says the one battle he cannot win as the fight against time. none of us can. it is devastating to say it by the joe biden i was with three weeks ago of the not the joe big effing deal biden of 2010 or 2020 thank you for your saying it now right, george? >> thank you for saying it now it only took you a few weeks or perhaps a few years. what i think is so disingenuous about all of this is that george clooney has had a front row seat to all of this.
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he had a front row seat watching former president barack obama help joe biden off that stage of that very fund-raiser but now he is coming out saying this because the world witnessed it a couple of weeks ago at that debate. if the world had not witnessed joe biden phalanx on such a stage he likely would not offend anything at all. it goes to show you these elites in hollywood are bankrolling a lot of these democrats including joe biden. they don't really care about the fate of the country. they care about their own reputations. they don't want to back a loser and they care about their party and the party winning. as for the state of the country and the state of the world and america's role in the world stage they don't really care because they were willing to put this man up as they are nominee, as their candidate with fanfare and lights and a stage until the world's behind the smoke screen now they want out because they are self-centered, they are narcissistic, and they care only about themselves and their power and that they are money and
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isn't that sick? >> sandra: now you have to ask what's happening next and kamala harris if they want her to be the nominee. the view tackles that in brand-new reaction, tommy. we can't wait to get your reaction to it. we will take a quick break, we'll be right back. tommy will stay with us. of bale into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy.
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to tomi lahren back with us now as i mentioned former president donald trump said laughing kemal and now the view is reacting to that saying this. >> it really takes me off about that though is this laughing kemal or mark. it is such a sexist remark because a guy i was with over the weekend a friend of mine said kemal is laugh annoys me. remember they said that about hilary's laugh that she was cackling. and men, they don't like a funny woman. they are afraid if you laugh or you make a joke that may be you will do that when they are in bed with you. it's like this fear. this fear of women laughing and comedy. >> that's good psychotherapy. >> sandra: to be clear we've covered the laughing which happens at very unusual and inappropriate times. i will recall a moment on the tarmac she was asked about the crisis of the southern border
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and instead of having a straightforward answer she started laughing. the president obviously seizing on some of these moments the former president to criticize her. with the view says it is a sexist, say you? >> of course they have to live this groundwork for vice president while harris should she be there nominee they have to play this card if you criticize, you are racist or sexist which is the same thing they try to do with hillary clinton in 2016 and it failed miserably. but you notice, send or they are not talking about vice president kamala harris' record of achievement as vice president, they are not talking about any accolades that she has achieved while in that position given that golden opportunity to tackle the border among others that she simply has not done. i'd also like to point out that kamala harris is not funny. kamala harris last it really inappropriate times and for joy behar talking about donald trump who is actually funny probably the most hilarious politician of our
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lifetime quite frankly she doesn't understand comedy but she has to shield and coddle vice president kamala harris because they are is nothing else to talk about when it comes to the vice president no achievements no record. >> sandra: thank you a lot a lot of breaking news happening this hour and this week we could get you on i hope you come back soon. thank you so much. >> john: all right, sandra is the dam starting to break for joe biden? the more follow-up from democrat to say it is time to go. a ba ink oute nk? get up to $70,000 with a newday 100 va cash out loan. -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ it's time to feed the dogs real food,
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