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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: issues continue to drop in hollywood you may remember this moment when he attended the star-studded campaign fund-raiser in l.a. that raised $30 million and it was spearheaded by george clooney. >> john: and you will remember this moment from left that night when there was video of president obama guiding biden
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off stage. that video set off a social media firestorm of claims the president froze up on stage. the white house responded that this way. >> president obama, president biden have a relationship. they are friends. they are like family to each other. and i think that is what you saw. who saw the president put his hand on the back of presi president biden and they walked off the stage. >> sandra: that was then fast forward to today george clooney peeling back the curtain even more writing the biden he saw at the fund-raiser was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. hello and welcome everyone i am sandra smith in new york here we go, john. >> john: here we go and is this reaching critical mass? in which suddenly something is going to happen? i'm john roberts in washington this is "america reports." calls for biden to drop out from hollywood all the way to washington. our own hillary vaughn got democrats on the record about the hollywood shark are hitless in here.
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>> "new york times" op-ed saying we know need a new nominee saying the guy from the fund-raiser a few weeks ago the same guy from the debate has concerns about mental fitness and needs to drop out. >> i haven't seen that. >> does that concern you that someone like george clooney who was just with the president says you need a new nominee? >> george clooney is a movie producer he needs to produce movies. >> if he has questions do you? democrats are calling for the president to step aside what you think? >> that is a decision for the president. >> sandra: robert wolf and steve moore are here. >> john: robert says yesterday biden had a very good day. let's get to aishah hasnie on capitol hill what are lawmakers telling you today are you sure? >> will get you in a second,
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john things are getting so concern on capitol hill that team biden is now stepping in. sources are telling us senior biden advisors mike donnellan and steve are and biden campaign chair jen o'malley dillon are going to come to the dsc see tomorrow and have lunch with senate democrats presumably to try to prevent anyone else from defecting. things are getting really awkward here on the hill. people are either sidestepping our questions were basically running away from us whenever we talk about joe biden, watch. >> do you believe president biden could win in november? >> i refer you to my statement i put out a couple of days ago still applies to everything. >> legitimate concerns from ohio voters? >> are there conversations you are having with other democrats? >> john, the dam is breaking though today congressman pat
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ryan from new york became the eighth lawmaker to publicly call on the president to drop out. he wrote this on x joe biden is a patriot but no longer the best candidate to defeat trump. this morning the hills most recognizable democrat set washington into a frenzy when she appeared to tell members to bite their tongues until the nato leaders are gone one also not really endorsing the president. >> i want him to do whatever he decides to do. and that is whatever he decides we go with. whatever you are thinking tell someone privately but you don't have to put that on the table until we see how we go this w week. >> democrats apparent when not listening to the former speaker because richie torres just a few short moments ago said "there must be a serious reckoning with the down ballot effect of whomever we nominate.
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more to come, more people to weigh whether or not they want to come out and weigh what they are feeling inside. >> john: this will be the craziest summer for the democrats since 1968. it's all happening the same place, chicago. thank you, aishah. >> sandra: and we have robert will former economic advisor to president obama. robert, there is a sense democrats are not letting on the true conversations happening behind closed doors. it appears in a statement from george clooney that every single member of congress which he hints is money feels the same way as he does and while he loves joe biden, it is time for a new nominee. what are you hearing? >> while there is deftly a lot of noise out there that's for sure. i think you have both sides standing strong. you have a bunch of people who obviously feel president biden
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should exit after seeing the debate performance but yesterday just to reply to what john roberts says to use my name, he did have a strong day yesterday. the congressional black caucus, the congressional hispanic caucus, you had russian and governor newsom with a whole slew of elected officials in the democratic party staying strong with biden. and he had a very good day with nato so i think yesterday was a good day. today, obviously, with what nancy pelosi said, you know it was concerning. that being said if you saw the interview with gretchen whitmer in michigan before that who won by 11 points in michigan, i actually think it is surprising no one is putting that out. >> sandra: yes but to george clooney's point he says when he is hearing behind closed doors is not when he is hearing, steve, from those democrats publicly. >> look i think there is so much hypocrisy among the democratic establishment. and we have known as voters for
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the last couple of years joe biden has been faltering and look, we all get old, i'm getting older and robert is getting older, but the fact is this was something hidden from the voters. the democratic establishment told all the voters in the primaries to go out and vote for joe biden. he was duly elected through the democratic process, and now they are spooked because they see joe biden is running behind trump fairly significantly in the polls. so they want to throw him over the side of the bus and put some details in. here is my problem with that, sandra, nobody voted for these other people. nobody voted for kamala harris or gretchen whitmer or gavin newsom. so they will bypass what millions and millions of voters have said in the democratic primaries and put in somebody else? i find that to be a danger to democracy. >> sandra: sorry guys i'm looking at my email it appears there is more coming from "the view" with the hollywood elite michael douglas is joining
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the chorus of top hollywood figures including george clooney who backed president biden in the past no suggesting he should end his reelection bid. he says he too is deeply concerned about the campaign. robert, it feels like this has been a moment, it feels like we are reaching a very particular point in this moment. could i ask you personally where you stand, do you want joe biden to stay in this waste? should he stay in this race? should he be the leader today and that white house? where do you stand? >> is a good question. and i am of the same place where steve is at. he is the presumptive nominee. this is a democracy. this is about joe biden making that decision. i am anyone but trump. this is a choice selection. >> sandra: but robert, robert, everyone is questioning, hold on everyone is questioning his ability to make that decision.
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that is the point. glad. >> yeah, and i think that's f fair. listen, i was on the donor call. the first one he was not on did not go well among the national finance committee. the one he was on the other day went well. i think everyone in the democratic party is all about beating president trump. and there are a lot of concerns today. there is no question but my view is there are only terkel choices today. if president biden decides on his own he wants to exit, then i will be supporting someone else. but today i'm not going to waver. its president biden. >> sandra: but and let me get steve back in here but robert, are democrats willing to sacrifice the potential safety of the country for the sake of beating the former president donald trump? >> well, i think if he wins it's because people think he would be the best candidate in the best president that's democracy. i think today i would take
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joe biden all day over president former president trump here that's why we have a vote. >> sandra: okay. i want people to hear you and where you stand on that is important. jon favreau just said this on cnn. and he too is hinting george clooney and others all saw this at that fund-raising night. >> i mean, it was not surprising to any of us who were at the fund-raiser. i was there and clooney was exactly right. every single person i talked to at the fund-raiser felt the same thing except for the people working for joe biden. >> sandra: rob reiner is weighing in an michael douglas and others "my friend george clooney clearly express what many of us have been saying. we love and respect biden we acknowledge all he has done for the country but democracy is facing an x essential threat. we need someone younger to fight back. joe biden must step aside. steve? >> as i said before these folks all knew this terkel years ago and now they are telling us he has to step aside because he is
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losing in the polls. this isn't really about his mental fitness because frankly he has had real problems at least in the last few years and remember four years ago, sandra, they had them in the basement he didn't even come out and campaign very much. i think the republicans like me, what we have to be saying is look, this isn't really about joe biden's mental fitness is what he has done to the country for goodness' sakes. i mean we have driven up the dead by $7 trillion, you have a border out of control, crime in our cities, chaos on our campuses, we've lost our energy independence, we should be as republicans talking about the issues and why joe biden because look, all of these democrats, however they go with will run with the same policy agenda that joe biden has which has been in my opinion ruinous for the country. >> sandra: robert i want to finish with you here. i mean you're talking to prominent democrats every single day. >> i know.
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my phone has not stopped since thursday night. i think i've been on fox every day since and speaking to you and all the hosts continually. this is difficult. but in my opinion i stay with the idea of it's a choice election. joe biden is the choice. if he was to step s down -- >> sandra: who would that be by the way? if he steps aside -- >> on the economy. >> sandra: i miss those too let's get back to that. >> what happened there? >> sandra: a lot has to happen first. i mean, robert, if he decides today the dam is broken already may be who knows maybe he will make a statement but if he does decide to step aside what is the game plan? what is plan b? you said you are talking to democrats your phone is ringing off the hook who is it? >> sandra, i am not backing off of the question. we would have to talk to the true process whether he is
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exiting preconvention, or postconvention. is he the nomination or is it open broken -- >> sandra: give me one scenario. give me one scenario. >> i think if he gets the nomination and he decides to move on and on his own because he will have the delegates, i will absolutely say it will be kamala harris. if it is an open convention it will be like the wild west. and i hope we don't have the wild west. >> sandra: you heard what george clooney said, gavin newsom, andy shearin, j.b. pritzker. >> sandra -- >> but he won't get the nomination. >> i want a saying that six or nine months ago? that's what was so fraudulent about this whole process. if they wanted somebody better than joe biden, why now? >> sandra: thank you to both of you. we could keep this going for a while.
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>> are we having fun yet? >> your phone is ringing so we will let you go, robert, thank you so much, guys. >> sandra: a remarkable moment, john this is for sure and as we said michael douglas now says it is time to step aside, joe. >> john: if history is any guide remember what happened in 1968 when lyndon johnson was told by advisors and members of congress look, you will lose the election. back in the end of march of 1968 he bowed out. the convention was a word i cannot mention on television-show that ended up with hubert humphrey being the nominee and nixon beat him by 20 points. [laughs] so, again if history is any guide, this could be a rough year for the democrats we will see. b2 who knows what will happen the next 45 minutes, stay tuned. >> john: a lot of things happen faster these days than they did in '68. comments from george stephanopoulos "abc news" anchor
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fueling concerns over president biden's fitness and ability to carry out a second term. mary katharine ham and outkast columnist about what some are saying about biden's reelection. >> i still think i stand by that he won't wrong but if he does we are making an idiotic transfer our country. what are you going to do? he couldn't meet the german chancellor because he had to go to bed. the proof is in the putting. they are moving states away from us we are losing what winning. that goes up with the market. their gains lock in, and when the market goes down, they don't lose money. forward with their money, never backward. and we do it for our clients every day. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> sandra: president biden hanging onto the race despite calls for him to bail to they have to wait for after the nato conference for him to move?
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jackie what are you hearing, welcome. >> hey, sandra. former speaker nancy pelosi's comments this morning that members should really hold their concerns until after the president gets through the nato summit are raising the stakes for his press conference tomorrow. it will be his first since november of last year, but we are seeing more admissions that people around the president are concerned about his age including from george clooney who just hosted that big fund-raiser for him about 3.5 weeks ago. he said that joe biden wasn't even the same joe biden as 2020 he was the same and we witnessed at the debate. now a former speechwriter to president obama who was also at that fund-raiser that night, is saying he sought the same thing. >> i was there. clooney was exactly right. my wife, emily, turned to me after the fund-raiser and said what are we going to do? and i said well, there is a debate in a week. either he will do well in the debate and we will think well, he was just tired because he flew all the way back from
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europe and that will be that or he will be like this at the debate and the whole country will be talking about. here we are. >> you will recall there was a video from that event of biden being let off the stage by former president obama. the white house characterized this video as a cheap fake, a targeted attack on biden. but here at nato so far the president is getting support from foreign leaders. >> yesterday i talked with president biden and there is no doubt everything is okay. you know, this is the decision of the president biden and his family. we don't interfere in the american elections because this is the beauty and this is the privilege of americans. to decide who is the president. >> politico reported this morning many private leaders are
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probably concerned biden cannot beat to trump, which they see as a threat to the nato alliance. they want biden to win. president delivered remarks just last hour, listening. >> russia is on a wartime footing with regard to defense production. they are significantly ramping up their production of weapons, munitions, and vehicles. and they are doing it with help of china, north korea, and iran. we cannot in my view we cannot allow the alliance to fall behind. >> biden had a good day at nato yesterday his remarks were smooth he was pretty smooth today, but that press conference tomorrow is what everyone will be watching for, sandra. >> sandra: jacqui heinrich on that. it's a lot happening. jackie, thinking we will see you again soon. >> john: for more on ukraine's attempt to get more aid for the united states let's bring in roots and no more the ukrainian ministry of defense. mr. minister, they were joining
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us. we appreciate you taking the time. let me ask you the difficult question right off the top polish prime minister addressed. do you, does the ukraine, have confidence in joe biden's leadership? >> it is your decision, we evaluate the american people are supporting us. i am focused as administrator of defense to the protective of my people but we will always value the american people support. at the american leadership and democracy. that is what we all stand for. >> john: clearly you have an interest in the outcome of the november election. what happens if biden wins in with the cabins trump becomes elected again questioning >> it's your choice. >> john: but it will affect you. >> definitely but only on one thing if we both believe in democracy and in u.s. leadership i think we will continue supporting ukraine and supporting that it is winning russia in our battlefield. >> john: we understand that
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the draft communication for the summit we don't know what the final communique has but it has language that ukraine's eventual membership in nato is "irreversible." irreversible doesn't necessarily mean imminent. so practically what does that mean for you? >> i just want to outline what does nato mean for ukraine in people it means security, and development so many people support nato membership. and we vote for it so ukrainian people want to be a member of the european union and a member of nato. so this is what we fight for. so we want already we are already received all of these weapons and we want these partner nations to understand and accept us into nato. >> john: but there is a big difference between having nato support and being a member of nato. there are a nu number of concers articulate it by this president and other leaders as well that ukraine still has a long way to
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go to qualify at least for nato membership on corruption, on good governance, and as well there is the issue of how do you extend nato membership to a country that is embroiled in a very, very hot war with a nuclear nation? >> i will explain that we had six presidents, 20 and prime ministers, nine different elections, terkel revolutions, ten years of war from one full-scale invasion in all of our people were fighting for democracy. and a rule of law so we have overcome we are fighting but we are changing so we overcame all of these obstacles. that is why we say our membership, we want to be a part of civilized world. and we are civilized and we are fighting the barbaric actions of russia so that is why we want american people to understand where we stand and for what we stand for. >> john: in terms of barbaric actions and the part of russia, on monday there was a horrific event in kyiv when a russian
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missile hit a children's hospital and killed a number of people. i would think if that happened in a different part of the world there would be a collective outrage by western governments and western media and yet we have not heard very much about this attack against this children's hospital in kyiv. is that? >> terrorism. russia is a terrorist state. they are targeting civilian places, children place, this hospital is actually curing the rare diseases and cancer. these children have been hit so we are fighting by the rules of engagement there, fighting by the rules of terrorism so that is the difference between us. >> john: but i'm thinking if israel were to have struck a children's hospital in gaza, the media would be a flame about it but yet we are not hearing that same sense of outrage over this missile attack against the children's hospital. >> it is a big pain for us
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because it is children and that is why we want always to express our thoughts that we need more air defense, we need to protect citizens, we need to protect critical natural stomach national infrastructure and the army. >> john: zelinski is asking for permission to strike deeper into russia with u.s. provided an nato provided weapons. make the case for that because americans think that could escalate the war. >> russia is already escalated it. they don't focus to the people, so they strike the hospitals, they strike civilian places. what we want to protect people who want to fire to the military targeting so we want to target only military targets. that is why we want to change from the lens to the functional to protect our cities because they are heading our cities, they are hitting our critical
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natural stomach national infrastructure and killing people which is why we need more area defense of more weapons to protect our citizens. >> john: do you think we will end this one-day? >> we are capable to win we have a plan and we are voicing out we need more weapons and hesitation to provide this weapon, hesitation to provide and lifting bands this takes time. the time is very crucial but we are able and capable of doing it. >> john: in the spring they seem to have been turned around to some degree so we will watch this to see how it goes and watch the nato summit as well. you for being with us we appreciated. >> thank you for inviting me. >> sandra: hollywood and democrats in panic mode. ben dominus will react next. >> donald trump is on track, i think, to win this election and only win by a landslide and take with him the senate and the house so for me this is not a question of polling and not a
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>> john: is this and other shoe to drop, senate democrats tomorrow will have a special lunch with senior biden policy advisors mike donnellan and steve were shutting and the campaign chairperson jen o'malley dillon. what is this all about? to reassure senators that biden is up to the job? or is this to listen to the senators and try to figure out where they are and what the way forward is? a lot of unknowns, sandra and all of this as momentum seems to be gathering. and a big change from yesterday for biden to be given the heave-ho. >> sandra: it's a struggle for them to answer any questions right now i was watching other
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capitol hill hallway walk with nancy pelosi on another network where she was pressed and kind of lost terkel. how to answer these growing questions so this is certainly reaching a particular moment in this moment if you will. and they are going to have to get together it looks like they are, john. >> john: democrats website look, george clooney is just a movie producer and an actor as well and a director. that's all he is a hollywood figure but he carries a tremendous amount of weight. witnessed by the fact he helped raise $30 million in a single day for the biden campaign. and if somebody with the prominence and the clout of george clooney is saying time to go, it's going to be hard to make the case to stay. >> sandra: also additional reporting coming out of chicago that we have not yet infinitely confirmed top chicago donors are now halting a convention fund-raising lunch for high dollar contributors. cnn is reporting right now that
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organizers at least one of the chicago fund-raisers scheduled ahead of the dnc, they decided not to proceed with it. so, you know, i don't know. we will see how this goes and what happens tomorrow with that, john. >> john: at the moment it's not looking good for biden even though he does seem in recent days to be better footing then back at the debate. >> sandra: now this as president biden vows to stay in the race getting a harsh dose of reality from former obama staffers who now host a political podcast. they are some of the more influential voices in democratic socials. first your thoughts right now, been on the happenings. >> i think a lot of this goes to the idea there is a much wider concert among democrat supporters, donors, and voters about joe biden as opposed to this idea advanced by the white house it is just a concern among washington elites.
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in fact i think what we are seeing is a number of people have come forward is that this is something where the concern has been widespread for a while. it is not as if this is something coming out of nowhere. in fact, when somebody likes clooney comes forward and it is followed very quickly by the pod to save america folks you also see i think this has been an underlying concern at the highest levels for those who have had the opportunity to interact with the president away from the limited access provided by the white house. that is something i think that indicates this is not going away anytime soon. the concerns are very real and i personally believe they will only grow. one of the things we should keep in mind of course about all of this is as much as we are starting to see the pole damage that the president has endured post debate, that is likely to increase in the coming week. we are obviously going to see the rnc and typically there is a
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convention bounce after that happens. if and how it was a small bounce could turn a lot of swing states where currently donald trump has a single digit lead according to the rcp average, that could turn into a double-digit lead. and at that point i think we will hear a lot more democrats come forward and honestly say something has to be done. >> sandra: we mentioned it jon favreau former obama speech writer said they have been voicing concerns about joe biden for months now. he said this on the debate "it was not just about the debate itself it was biden's response to the debate" watch. >> what is hurting joe biden want right now is not only the debate performance but the response to the debate performance. and that he has been unable to articulate a coherent and compelling argument against donald trump. who i believe represents the next x essential threat to our democracy. >> sandra: then american
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comedian and speechwriter love it posted this to x it started and i since the debate is the arrogant and small joe biden we have seen most hanging on, breaking, defensive, angry, weak. joe biden can leave office he says as one of the greatest presidents in our lifetime who defeated trump and put his country first at every turn or he can leave as a stubborn old man who allowed hubris and insecurity to destroy his legacy and perhaps our democracy with it. "this is brand-new from michael douglas who said this on "the view" after george clooney, mind you so hollywood is not happy, watch. >> i do want to mention george clooney just came out with an op-ed calling for biden to step aside saying the stakes are too high for future generations. would you like to respond to that? >> i mean i think it's a valid point. i am deeply, deeply concerned. i mean especially because the democrats have a big bench.
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i mean, they have a lot of heavy hitters. >> a lot of talent there. >> sandra: he, like george clooney, says it's time to go, joe. >> it's a shot across the bow and i think one of the things we should understand about this too in context is joe biden's relationship with hollywood has been critical in terms of his fund-raising over the years. his relationship with jeffrey katzenberg and others has been the fuel behind him financially. and this is not just about actors spouting off, it's an indication that the industry is raising real questions. which can affect the democratic party a lot more than it would say the republican party. i really believe what we are going to see over the next coming days is if we see the continued inability as favreau said of the white house to articulate a kind of reason for their case to stay up against donald trump, they will end up in a situation where they say we
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might as well roll with kemal up because she is actually higher at this point than joe. at the only reason we had joe was because of his performance in polls against donald trump. if we don't have him as that figurehead, as that way to transition as was thought beforehand to the next generation of leadership in the democratic party, what are we waiting for? let's move on. >> sandra: they keep talking about their deep bench or in michael douglas' point a big bench so who is it and who would it be? ben, thank you for joining us, appreciated. >> good to be with you. >> do you think biden should step down? you talk to a more than anybody else you can be honest. you don't think he could serve four more years? >> john: for more fallout from the street interview as concerns grow over president biden 'its ability to carry out a second term. mary katharine ham is here with a few thoughts on where this is all headed, stay tuned.
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>> sandra: more fallout from deep blue hollywood for president biden as george clooney's tough love op-ed is at the beginning? william la jeunesse is tracking reactions from los angeles and growing questions at this hour right, william? if george clooney had this statement, this formal statement put out, is there any chance he did that without running it past his good friend, barack obama? >> probably not, right? that is his real buddy. hey, they raise this money together, this $30 million wasn't just george. he brought in barack obama. he was the headliner, if you will. but the irony here is everyone around me, sandra, says no one based on what george clooney says. on the other hand, that is all they are talking about this 180 by clooney here is his statement
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now as democrats we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, we respect, walk off air force one or walk back to the microphone or answer an unscripted question. clooney has adopted a "new york times" columnist tom friedman approach open the convention, let everyone come complete while gavin newsom punted on the clooney question. >> a lot of people express in their opinion i respect people actively participating in our democracy by expressing themselves but i don't have any comment as it relates to george who i have known for years and years, admire, and respect. >> cash is the lifeblood of the campaign and the entertainment industry is the pillar of the democratic party like labor unions, a major source of cash for democrats $100 million in 2020, we don't replace that overnight. yet listen to these two influential liberal voices. >> i believe he is a good enough man, he has a good enough president to put the needs of the country ahead of the needs of his ego.
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however painful that might be, it is possible handing leadership to a younger generation is the right thing for the greater good. >> for a campaign based on honesty and decency, the spin about the debate seems to be blatant belief i am in no way saying biden has to drop out but can't stress test this candidacy? >> we don't know if any of the fund-raisers have stopped payment on their commitments, but at least five big donors have cut off the biden campaign, some of them very influential people in hollywood and they have a lot of money. will it make a difference in the end? we will see, back to you. >> sandra: interesting stuff william, thank you. >> john: sandra let's bring in fox news contributor mary katharine ham. i get the sense, i don't know if you do that george clooney has lit the fuse. now we are waiting for to burn down. >> that may be the case.
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i feel he is saying what all of us know. the interesting thing to me as he admitted in this piece that a couple of weeks ago when barack obama grabbed the wrist to lead joe biden off stage that in fact he was not the president that the media said he was. after that event remember they said all of this is a cheap fake, he is fine you are making hay out of nothing so that is an interesting admission. i think there is this moment george stephanopoulos admits in public on the street to a tmz cameraman or whoever it was that hey, i don't think he can do another four years. they are saying what we already knew. in fact 70% of voters said this long before the elites agreed with him at this point. the interesting thing is though joe biden does not agree with them. how do you get joe biden who is the leader of the free world to change his mind about this because you need him to do so. >> john: maybe you do it democrats had with lyndon johnson in 1968 you keep up the drumbeat and say you are going to lose, you're going to lose of course they put hubert humphrey and after a chaotic
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convention and he lost by 20 points. >> but the chaos as part of it because i thought right after the debate if they are going to move and do a switcheroo they need unanimity of purpose and a plane quickly. it has now been almost two weeks since that debate. this is not a plan. an op-ed from george clooney is not a plan. summer is-rolling here. and their dead light can's start coming in mid-august what are they going to do? >> john: if they don't get this sorted out by the convention it will be chaos. mk think of returning us we will be right back. ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free and gentle liquid is epa safer choice certified.
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>> sandra: with the days to go before the republican national convention kicks off in milwaukee and as the party platform takes shape, that is new questions about what a second trump administration may look like policy wise. a handbook for a new conservative government, with a coalition of think tanks has drawn controversy and political distance from the presumed gop nominee. ghost of fox news sunday shannon greene is here with details, hello. >> hello, we have been digging around on this, they say have nothing to do with the project 25 and disagrees with some over the things in the plan?
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of course many former drumbeat staffers are linked to this reclamation spearheaded by the heritage foundation, saying these are just suggestions. they do believe it reflects grassroots conservatives and... >> president trump is the boss, if he wins he will make the decisions. project 25 is a menu from which he can choose and has a database of personnel willing to go into office and work for him if he so chooses. >> democrats went down to quote project 20 or 25 and trump the same lumping them together as christian nationalists and white supremacists. >> this document as as cy as a takeover of the american former government in a collection of extreme maga ideas it will ruin our way of life. >> are released from project 2025 because allegations about a cutting social security canna cabana contraceptives, putting all things leading up to the
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legality of same-sex marriage is unequivocally false, these 8 is true, they would like to end of the department of education and control that to locals and states. joe biden also pointing to a video of the press secretary of her drumbeat talking about recruiting people to this effort, saying the video was made well before she started working for the campaign and the spokesperson said it trump's agenda when he 7 the only ones endorsed by trump. >> sandra: thank you at we will take a quick break, we will be right back
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