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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 10, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> this is the 5. my doppelgaenger george clooney and nancy pe my doppelgänger kes that could incinerate joe biden's tanking campaign. the big guy will come think thig he had survived a democratic mutiny, then nancy shows up on his favorite show tonight him in the back to. >> what's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. we are all encouraging him to make that decision, because time is running short. >> do you want him to run? >> i want him to do whatever he decides to do. let's hold off. whatever you are thinking, either tell somebody privately but you don't have to put that out on the table until we see how it goes this week. >> greg: she's not in the mood to elaborate more on her biden
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backstab of. >> do believe in waiting so lo long -- >> in my speaking english to you? i'm not going to be making any statements right now in the hallway. to a person i've never met before, a total stranger. >> greg: that is interesting, not long after, george clooney came out with an op-ed calling for a new democratic nominee saying "it's devastating to say it but the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at a fund-raiser was not the joe of 2010, he wasn't evenly biden of 2020, he was the same and we all witnessed at the debate. the a list are talking about te fund-raiser where barack obama
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had to yank a frozen joe off the stage. one of his former speechwriters was there too, he said that moment wasn't a cheap fake. >> it was not surprising to any of us at the fund-raiser, i was there. george clooney was exactly right in every single person i talked to at the fund-raiser thought the same thing except for people working for joe biden, at least they didn't say that. >> greg: now he says something, shouldn't we wait until brad pitt weighs in or at least tony danza? >> jessie: that was a great show, who's the boss? >> greg: that's taxi. >> jessie: you're a little older than i am. i think it was directed by barack to do it, he's their point man in hollywood's. he goes out and says this and the minute he drops it, all of obama's guys, they all rushed to cnn to say this and then another
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speechwriter called this guy a cranky old senile crabby fool but he did a great job as president so it's time to get out. then you have the hillary team also leaking polls showing she's doing well and paul begala and carville are on cnn blasting joe biden it's like a pincer movement. the military you get to go armies squeezing the enemy into a killing field that's what's happening. then you have joe biden saying i've decided to end she says no he hasn't. you haven't decided and you are on the clock. it seems like he is realizing the presidency is not the most powerful thing in washington. the democratic machine is. we had a guest on last night that says there's going to be a whistle-blower that's going to come forward soon may be from the security council, may be from the white house staff that says this guy is falling asleep in the situation room. this guy is putting our national security at risk and that is going to be the thing that really does it.
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>> greg: interesting but somewhat mundane analysis. how long did it take you to write his op-ed? >> i think it's good to be back around a table, i was out last night at dinner -- i want to make sure i do two things. i like george clooney, i don't know him but i know his movies. i'm more concerned, the white house should be more concerned about this polling data that shows single moms in wisconsin, single moms in michigan who are raising their families worried about the cost of food and rent and gas who go to see george clooney movies. it's interesting my party will be moved by some of the stuff in los angeles, a source of fund-raising for us and i appreciate that but what about the communities burdened by homelessness? that's the numbers are saying, they don't believe that joe biden is not committed to a lot of these issues, and i don't believe he can beat -- they saw with their own eyes the preoccupation he has with his
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age means he may not be able to beat donald trump. if you're a woman you're worried about if you were to have reproductive options. we spent the last 12 days talking about the political problems and some of us are being criticized for talking about a problem that he created. but for the performance the president had at the debate we would not be having this conversation. i understand where mr. clooney is coming from, i think the most significant news the day is the way former speaker pelosi has managed her words here in the last several days. it's becoming increasingly clear to me that maybe obama, maybe clinton, maybe chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries don't have the fortitude to say to the president, it might take this former speaker who has proven to be the most formidable lead of the democrats have had over the last ten have been 15 years to be the one who can deliver the message this is not your time
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sir but your service duty may have to take a detour here. >> greg: all this stuff with george clooney voters don't care but it's about the donors and the fund raising, the scary pa part. >> jeanine: it is about the donors and the fund-raising but what took george clooney so long? that was three weeks ago, the debate was to go weeks ago, what is with nancy pelosi? whatever he decides that's the way it's going to be and will not go with that, he already decided to. last weekend, he said on monday he says every day i'm in this. it tells me there's something going on behind the scenes, some kind of offer of we want to protect your legacy from the first term, the character and not the stick. the stick later down the road but chuck todd as an aside has on the podcast he said two years ago the senior biden cabinet member said he can't run again,
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he can't run again the way he is. everybody knows this. george clooney waits until 51 million americans watch the debates, then it's safe. what is it about the democrats, they are so in the lock step, they are afraid to come out and say what every american already knows? and this guy hasn't had a presser since last november and we are in an election year. all of a sudden they are saying it doesn't look -- you've got one senator, this guy mike bennett who's saying this is the first time in recent modern history that a republican is up at this point in the race. the fact they need to talk about it tells me they are offering a lot of things to joe but i think the final step is that at the convention they may be committed to joe but if in their conscience they cannot support
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him, then everything changes with the delegates. >> greg: you're a woman and congratulations. >> dana: are we still calling at that? >> what is your analysis of nancy pelosi's strange and pained response periods before she came in and poured the gasoline and clooney said let me let the match. peter says where do you want to eat i say i don't care you pick whatever you decide. he said great let's go to chinese and i don't want to eat that. you know what she wants to say. i think she came out -- she booked herself on morning joe we found out about that. why do you go on morning joe? why do you book yourself on fox & friends? you think trump is watching. we know biden is watching -- speaker america goes on morning joe and says this because i think you are right it's all coordinated. imagine this in hollywood, they are being asked to throw good
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money after bad and at some point to start writing checks. they all are realizing we have to try to do something differe different. the surprise might be the special counsel audiotape actually finally leaks. that would be something wow. i think george clooney remember in the old days when we were kids watching tv and you would see people in a boat and they are headed towards the falls and they don't know it but they have a sense, they start to paddle they are trying to get out of it, he's trying to prevent that. the other thing this has done because joe biden and his team's fault, this entire campaign now, this entire election is about biden's age. we are talking about immigration or crime or even inflation right now. it's can this person actually be president for the next four years? the actual question should be can he be president for the next four weeks.
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>> greg: or days. >> dana: hours, minutes, seconds. >> greg: it reminds you actors only play leads and movies, he did not lead to. >> dana: if i were in the biden team i would be very nervous about this press conference tomorrow night, they have raised the bar so high for him to clear and everyone will be nitpicking it and all the obama people will throw barb's. >> jessie: it's a big boy press conference. >> harold: the real people here are the delegates. at the delegates decide they want to detach themselves in divorce themselves from supporting joe biden they have every right to do that. this notion they are somehow another inseparable is just not true. they are the most important people in this conversation. >> greg: thank you, that really helped. coming up, orange godzilla feasting on the dem chaos and challenging joe biden to a round of golf. ♪ ♪
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we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> dana: thanks everybody for all your song suggestions. it looks like somebody is having a blast with his opposition's meltdown former president trump was dumping or should we say bouncing all over the chaos at his rally. >> the radical left democratic party is divided in chaos, having a full-scale break down all because they can't decide which of their candidates is more unfit to be president. a sleepy crooked joe biden or laughing kamala. joe's own party wants him to throw in the towel and surrender
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the presidency after a single 90 minute performance. they want to crooked joe of the race. >> dana: is this some foreshadowing? saving some of his sharpest attack for vice president kamala harris. >> whatever else can be said about crooked joe biden you have to give him credit for one brilliant position, probably the smartest decision he is ever made to. he picked kamala harris as his vice president. [boos] no, it was brilliant. because it was an insurance policy, may be the best insurance policy i've ever seen. if he had picked someone even halfway competent they would have bounced him from office years ago. >> dana: offering president biden a mulliken on his debate in the african this. >> i'm also officially challenging crooked joe to an 18 hole golf match right here.
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i will even give joe biden ten strokes, that's a lot to. that means 20 strokes in case you don't play golf. i will give him ten strokes aside, and if he wins i will give the charity of his choice any charity that he wants $1 million per golf >> dana: the biden campaign respond to this, we challenged donald trump to create lost 3 million, we challenged him to all of the law but he breaks it, joe biden doesn't have time for donald's weird antics he's busy getting america and defending the free world. >> greg: when you hear that you just here -- nobody is listening. from anything coming out of the white house any more, all they see -- the only 18 holes joe is familiar with are the ones the white house doctor makes in his arm looking for a fresh vein. you know what? this is joe biden, don't pick a sport that counts strokes.
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remember, the democrats are still intending to win and they have to go advantages. one, they are against republicans who can snatch defeat out a victory, look at the red wave. politics to republicans as a part-time job. at ranks below family, friends, god, country, and nascar. but for democrats politics is personal, career, a life choice, full-time job. it's everything to them. the dems are going to try to win with shenanigans, hoaxes, more accusations of russia and perhaps some funny business if you know what i mean. still pushing for the tds interventions, i would like to host it with three or four never trumpers. the only remaining obstacle are the lingering hoaxes. trump can sit there and said i never said it right police should go in and clear
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protesters, i never said were fine people and i'm not to the democrats say i am and then he should let these never trumpers pull on his face to make sure he's not hitler and a trump mask. when that happens, that is gone. >> dana: i love that idea i think he should host it. >> greg: fits in the works. >> dana: one of the things driving all of this is the number. the cook political report came out during our show yesterday and we showed people that all of those states, battlegrounds are moving towards republicans but also this, of the cross tabs show that biden's numbers with black americans are down to 71%, he won over 90% in 2020. hispanic now 48 to mecca 41, that's getting back to where george w. bush was with hispanics at the time but this is a huge one. young voters, 46% now. that's all that biden has. that is incompatible with any possible democratic win
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scenario. what is going to happen? >> harold: you rightly talked about those numbers when you were describing them yesterday i don't think anybody missed what you were saying everything was going towards republicans. the things that were leaning democrats are now likely democrat which means it's shifting back towards republicans, that's a cause for concern. before the debate the race was a very tight and it remains tight now but there is some movement the former president trump is enjoying. the reason it is is because before the debate in the number one issue on voters minds was president biden's age. that has not gone away. i'm not surprised if you look at the crosstabs, some of that movement might be taking place. president biden should immediately accept president trump's offer to debate him. call for it right away, he needs to debate before september because two weeks ago tomorrow was a one-off, he needs to show that. he needs to show there are
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differences between the candidates. he needs to show he can make that case for the next four years. their response about the jobs, all of that should be done in a debate setting. you cannot unsee what you saw two weeks ago, no matter how much we try no matter how much we say you've done over the last four years no matter how much you say you've done throughout your service journey, you have to show people you are not that person there two weeks ago and the longer you wait to do which the harder it's going to be regardless. you said something i thought about last night about how i'm often saying if he does three events a day and do interviews i'm beginning to think the longer we wait here we're not going to get rid of this narrative even if he does those three events a day, even if he does the interviews because every time you see him you think about what happened two weeks ago. it's hard to erase that from your mind. you said something a minute ago tomorrow about this press conference, all eyes will be on
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the president tomorrow. not only eyes of democrats and republicans but the most important voters in those six states, those independent voters, those 52 mike 150,000 in those four, five, six states to make the difference in the campaign and i believe we are driving more people away from us over the last two weeks then we are to us. >> dana: we are actually having a conversation that doesn't matter. all of these things -- biden announced he will do an interview with lester holt next monday. i feel like all of this has been overtaken by events. it's over. >> harold: you think he's going to be the nominee? >> dana: i do believe when democrats go to vote in november it will not be for joe biden. i believe this is obe, overtaken by events. >> jessie: there waiting for him to commit a gaffe, tell him
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to play 18 holes with trump. we know how he has trouble walking at the beach. >> harold: he can hit a ball, i've seen it. >> jessie: i'm upset with greg he doesn't have to refer to the red wave and motioned to me i was just looking at the polls and i lost money, it's a little bit of a sore subject. i disagree with trump this was a brilliant move to pick kamala as an insurance policy, it was a dei deal with that radical left. he was forced to pick someone like kamala in order for the left to vote for him and he sold it as this is going to be the bridge to the future and i'm going to hand her the baton. do you really think joe biden who's been running for president for 40 years had any intention he wasn't good to run for reelection? he's been going for eight years this whole time and he still thinks he is. i like how this focus on the kamala's come again. she's a california socialist, that's how donald trump described her.
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she's a bernie breaux, green new deal lady who's more radical than joe biden and called her a coconspirator with all of these people like chuck schumer and nancy pelosi who have the front of the american people and he and joe biden's condition from voters. that's criminal. >> dana: they just got subpoenaed to pick out three senior staffers at the white house got subpoenaed to come and testify in front of committee because they say did you cover the sub? they aren't going to let it go. >> jeanine: they subpoenaed first lady jill biden's top aide, deputy chief of staff and senior advisor ashley williams. all three are low-profile but very influential inside the white house. it's kind of interesting, i want to talk about the golf thing. i think that is hysterical. joe biden who called for a golf game in march, he can't do this he doesn't have the time because he is defending the free world.
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really? between 10:00 and 4:00? then they say there is no way he gets up, he says i have 86 handicap -- within 30 seconds he forgot he had a six, it's so pathetic, the whole thing is pathetic but you have to give it to trump. where does he want to do this? at the rowel. and of course he wants to, good for him. the democrats are saying let joe biden make his case -- make what case? he's not going to get any better. you think he's going to have fewer senior moments going forward? do you think anyone is going to not see that debate they have already seen? he is almost certain to make more errors and more mistakes and more screw ups. i think and you brought up something interesting and that is dei. the democrats have been hoisted on their own dei petard to. they wanted dei, they said it's got to be about equity and all this other stuff, it has messed
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up corporations, messed up the economy, messed up the universities, made them less safe for a lot of kids and now what they are saying is we can't overcome, we can't pass kamala -- you can't win with kamala. you know you're not going to win. they are in a catch-22, they can't do anything about this. the odds of winning continue to soar in new york, joe biden won in new york by 23 points in 2020. new york now, manhattan the democrat -- mark levin said we are leaning republican. this is in manhattan. they wanted dei, take it to the bank because we are going to go to the polls and hopefully without any problem get donald trump. >> dana: david plus on his podcast that he does with kellyanne conway said i think a switch carries risk but i
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believe at this point kamala harris gives you a better chance to win if you are a democrat. would she do as well with older seniors in wisconsin? probably not. but she would do better with the democratic coalition. we just came full circle and it was a beautiful thing. >> greg: i have some advice for the democrats. why not when joe returns for the press conference drive him to an identical white house. he will be napping in the car, drive him up there. set it up, there is hunter. play along, he won't know the difference and in six months it won't matter. >> jeanine: durable in the set up the whole pressroom for joe biden so he could read a teleprompter when it looked like he wasn't reading one? it was like the truman show. >> dana: maybe they will ask about that. him coming up, the man who saw the president up close to george stephanopoulos giving an honest take on president biden.
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do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! >> jeanine: it's getting harder and harder for the liberal media to cover up joe biden's decline in. including from the guy who interviewed the president just five days ago. george stephanopoulos caught on camera giving his brutally honest take on president biden. >> do you think joe biden should step down? you've talked to him more than anybody else, you can be honest. you don't think you can serve for four or more years? >> jeanine: he was forced to issue a pathetic apology for telling the truth. the joys of the world are freaking out about the media's coverage of biden?
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>> i'm a little tired of all the bashing what's going on. there's a lot of biden bashing and no calls for the abusive felon to step down. speak of the time isn't letting up with a seam laser focused on biden's agent acuity with no on the fact that donald trump has been showing serious signs of cognitive decline for years. >> jeanine: it's been two weeks, donald trump has been bashed for the last eight years including for the russia nonsense. >> jessie: one republicans are complaining about the media it's just the day of the week that ends with y. when democrats are complaining about the media, bill clinton is probably having an affair with the intern. when the media is complaining about the media, i've gone to heaven. pinch me somewhere good to. george stephanopoulos, being a journalist is the only job or you can't tell the truth.
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he sought this guy, he is incompetent in your job as a journalist is tell the american people the truth that he didn't. and he gets paid for not telling the truth, that is insane. >> jeanine: what is amazing as he apologized but he's not saying he was misquoted, he's not saying what he's saying was inaccurate. is he apologizing for gracie stepped outside the mainstream media's narrative? >> harold: i don't know. i hope no one catches me on the street and asks me, there's another reason why shouldn't speak to people you don't know on the street especially about politics. i hear people talk about dei, i think there are parts of it that aren't great but we didn't have any diversity, equity, and inclusion programs for a while and it's almost like the liberal press knows you can't believe your bashing biden. no one is bashing the president, he didn't know where he was two
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weeks ago, they asked for the debate, that's why we are having this conversation. all the people we showed in the segment are as concerned as i am about what's at stake in this campaign. there are those of us who don't think we should take this risk. we believe is another path to travel down. we can differ on that but there's no need -- the bashing is not because i want to do after anybody wants to do it, it's because the president demonstrated and verified and validated for those who have concerns about his agent acuity for a long time that those concerns were valid and now we are having to deal with that. >> jeanine: abc said he wasn't speaking for us but at the same time he never said he was. >> dana: i don't like the ambush in the street and that's why i don't talk to people very much. i always have one answer for somebody i don't know and i just say we'll see. i'm not going to do that. i think for a little context,
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kennedy was explaining the other day that george lost his father two weeks ago with a disease and let people think that biden has. i feel for george stephanopoulos being approached on the street, being asked of something being recorded and having that hit you in the face. i agree he shouldn't have said it -- at the end of that interview the next morning, that was a friday night, if on monday morning or on his sunday show he had said i don't think you can do it, was that his role? maybe. you could argue it possibly was but it's more evidence what we were talking about earlier, the obama people think that biden is toast and they are circling the wagons. george stephanopoulos is a clinton person, it's the entire democratic party except for the bidens. >> jeanine: do you think it's intentional? the guy's savvy enough to know you don't talk to people on the street. >> greg: i talk to people in the street all the time but i'm
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a man of the people, rich peop people. journalists lead to gold lives, they aren't like normal people. on camera and off-camera. we can't expect people who were not in the media to understand that but they are honest when they are off-camera and they are not honest when they are on camera except here at the five, we are honest all the time, except for bret baier. i'm joking. you see joy behar, enjoyed reading lawrence o'donnell, they are backtracking now. they are trying to play catch up and they are trying to say joe biden isn't as bad as the debate showed. but nothing has changed since then it's not like he convinced everybody it was a one-off. what has changed is joe has convinced the party and others this is a murder-suicide situation and the dems are now becoming hostage negotiators.
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they are buying time, trying to get -- they are backing off, he wants a cheeseburger and he wants to talk to his daughter. he only wants to talk to george clooney! he's got the bullhorn, that's what's going on right now. the one thing about the george clooney thing, everybody now critical of the biden has to do this long preamble. 50 years of service, such a wonderful guy. what kind of biden are we seeing right now? seeing an ambitious egocentric angry man the same as it ever was? it peeled away the facade of empathy joe which was a costume he exploited to win the kind old man seeking moderation and unity that never happened to. immediately when he became president what did he do? he ripped half of america and got angry. in truth the kind old man was never joe it always was a
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powermad angry opportunistic plagiarist. now because he has dementia it can't be hidden anymore. by the way i want to yell at you about dei but i don't have time. >> jessie: we want everybody to know harold is not here for dei, he's here on merit. >> greg: if your investor you would never invest in a company with dei. big companies can sustain a profit loss. >> harold: we need more of that. >> jeanine: you swear to tell that's on the bible? >> harold: you have one, you have a trump bible. >> jeanine: coming up, biden just dropped a bomb about the president's mental states. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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>> jessie: conquers a great solo artist, just how fried is the president's brain and how long has this inner circle kept things covered up? listen to this biographer of. >> i will tell you one of the president's closest friends thinks that joe biden should go up to walter reed and have a complete neurological exam, released the results and let the chips fall. >> jessie: let the chips fall, you think that's a good idea? >> jeanine: yeah. we've got the most scripted white house in history, we've got the most scripted fascist totalitarian white house in history. the truth is everyone has washed with the decline in the white house and all they have done is we know they send the questions, we know they identify the reporters who are going to be called on they tell the president how to go in and out -- shame on all of them.
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the question is how are they going to redeem themselves after all of this? it is so awful, the american people recognize it. this president trashed 73 million americans and he said that they are maga and this and that and they allowed him to do all of that and they still cheered him on, it's pathetic. >> jessie: what do you think the president has a better chance of accomplishing? playing an 18 hole match against trump or passing a neurological exam? >> harold: is there another answer. >> jessie: you have to choose. >> harold: if i were him i would accept it all, the golf come with a neurological test of the only way he has a chance of redeeming the narrative is reclaiming the narrative is to get people stuffing about the neurological issue. even then it may not work. i want to be reiterate, for
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those being critical of those who believe they were bashing president biden, we want to win this election we don't believe -- we starting to believe in becoming more convinced that he cannot win this election. >> jessie: you would say that, you elitist. [laughter] >> dana: even the staff that works for him was surprised by the debates. there is a report that his friends were so surprised they had to lie down on the floor because they were so upset about it. here's the thing i would do i would not have the president do this press conference tomorrow night. who was going to ask about nato? they're going to ask about george clooney and how it's going to get out and i would say the president that embarrassment, save the country that embarrassment and figure out how to make a smooth transition for him. >> jessie: how thoughtful of you. >> greg: joe biden thinks nato is the green hornet's sidekick.
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the cognitive test is a sore point, why doesn't joe just settle it? because he know he can't. it's like asking hunter to pee in the cup and the couple gets the clap. at delicious irony what stands in the way of an administration soaking in dei is an old white angry man, a democrat. not a republican, liberal progressive, not a country club in conservative. the fact they don't have a deep bench and the least talented candidates the one they had the least amount of confidence in as a black female who was chosen for this moment. this is an unadulterated victory for the concept of meritocracy, in your face. >> jessie: can you sign that for him i want to take that to my office. that was good to. coming up will having a beer to
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>> harold: could rocking a
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beard cost senator j.d. vance adp spots? a person familiar with trump's thinking say he has a beard and trump doesn't like facial hair, formeformer president from denit to. you have strong opinions about beards, what do you think? >> jeanine: i doubt the former president is going to make a decision about a vp based upon facial hair. looks matter too donald trump but don jr. has had a beard for a long time, eric supports one every once in a while. if he's worried about j.d. vance looking like a kid when he doesn't have beard, maybe he needs that, maybe they need to have something really younger. >> harold: what you think i would look like with a mustache? [laughter] >> greg: a handsome drug dealer. >> jeanine: wow. >> harold: prime time, look at that guy. strong opinions about beards and facial hair to! >> jeanine: i said mustache.
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>> jessie: i don't really think it matters if he has a beard a it matters if his wife s a beard to. if obama was the pick and you were the vp i would make you shave the afro. >> dana: you know what i would say? we'll see. >> harold: where do we go with this? >> greg: of course trump hates facial hair, it reminds him of omarosa. when people say men look good in beard this almost always the men look good to begin with. i call this the nate foy syndrome. he looks great with a beard but he wouldn't look great in a mumu. i want to point out how sexist this argument is, what about the bearded women. this is an affront to them, like the squad to. i love how this is a bone of contention among the republican party choices. meanwhile what do you have with
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the democrats? sam brinton, tyler cherry, you've got rachel levine. trump should be happy, all j.d. vance has is a beard to. >> harold: i think my man tyrus looks good with facial hair. i thank you for how you think i would look. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ hey. you seein' this? >> yeah. schedule free mobile service at safe like... wher .com fligh safe like replace. >> hey-, you saying this way was
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he's a great chef joe john fetterman, the senator, the actual senator will be on jesse watters primetime at eight there. good. yeah. wow. that's exciting. judge. okay, now, remember, i may you may remember i talked about making sure that you download the fox nation special on alec baldwin. get it? because right now he's on trial. and the issue is whether or not he pulled the trigger. the fbi said he pulled the trigger. the forensic expert said he did. he said he did not. the question is, then how is halyna hutchins killed? you got to download this fox nation. i'm going for the whole 10s. harold kate wetzel married sarah wetzel. they met in sixth grade. he put in the 12th grade yearbook. i bet i married 20 bucks and he won. congrats y'all. fella that's married. that's it for us. have a great night. welcome to jesse watters primetime


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