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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 11, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight turco schumer may be j dumping joe biden, plus... >> you know the moment when you look in someone's eyes and feel them staring at your soul and the whole world goes quiet? >> yes? >> laura: they don't want to renew the biden series and one turns out we will have analysis in his new york and play? shocking new democrat polls showing the g.o.p. gaining steam turco >> i believe we can win new york state and we have levels, we have levels of suppot that nobody has seen before turco look at this. >> laura: it is speaker night on "the angle" the current and two former speakers of the house here to impact these wild times he read my "angle" and moments but first... >> ride en with biden, ride in with biden.
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>> like i said before, i'm with joe, in which oh, i'm with joe. primo the question whether joe biden is the democrat nominee for president of the united states is very much open to aoc. axios dropped a bombshell behind closed doors, shock, i am with joe is signaling the donors and he's open to a ticket not led by president biden and over the last 12 days he's been listening to donor ideas and suggestions about the best way forward for the party according to three people familiar with the matter. that is not closed. gnomic former speaker nancy pelosi is also on board. >> does he have the support? >> it is up to the president to decide if he is going to run. we are all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. we want him to make that decision. >> he has said he has made the
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decision and said earlier this week, s he is going to run up yr do you want him to run? >> i want him to do whatever he decides to do. >> laura: cliburn heard the message loud and clear. he went riding with biden two may be i will drive my cell. >> is the decision final? >> i don't know. >> laura: it got so bad today that one reporter compared tim kaine's comments to seen from godfather part 2. >> we roll into new politics and the family should be organized. >> [indistinct] >> it was once. >> thanks, tom. thanks.
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>> i have complete confidence for joe biden to do the patriotic thing for the country. he's going to make that and has never disappointed me. is always put patriotism and the country ahead of himself, and i will respect that decision. >> laura: you see more clearly with your glasses on your forehead, by the way. aan end cracking came from hollywood pal and mega fund-raiser george clooney. just a few weeks ago he had a beverly hills blowout for biden but someone convinced him to want surface-to-air missile in "the new york times" riding. our party leaders need to stop telling us it will didn't see what we saw we are terrified of the prospect of a trump term we ignore every warning sign. the george stephanopoulos interview only really enforce what we saw the week before. as democrats we hold our breath to talk turn down the volume and we see the president when we
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respect walk off of air force one or back to a microphone to answer and descriptive question. clooney is no profile encourager here. his timing is totally political, but it is still quite effective. we will not win in november with this president and on top of that we won't win the house or the senate your coat this is only in my opinion but the senad governor whom i've spoken in private. every single one irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly. apparently everyone takes us call. if biden stays and, clooney just helped write a devastating campaign ad for republicans. more on that in the down ballot panic from the democrats later in the show. the democrats are headed for a cliff, but the bigger question for the voters tonight is how did we ever get into this mess? well, there are a lot of collaborators in the cover-up turco summer inching forward
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now. but none of these people have any guts. the truth is they were all willing to accept biden's condition and keep it all a secret until he began to hurt them politically. joining me now speaker of the house mike johnson. mr. speaker, great to see you on "the angle." we will get to the issue of illegal aliens potentially voting in the next election in a minute you're going want you to react to your predecessor my nancy pelosi's comments this morning. >> this is a very big deal. over 30 are here. let's just hold off whatever you are thinking and you can tell somebody privately but you don't have to put that out on the table until we see how we are going this week. >> laura: her confidence, let's see phase 17 will go along
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with the other leaders that know he's declining into everything t week? >> it is incredible thing to watch on capitol hill. the democrats are in total disarray. they don't know what to do and they don't have a plan b. june said it is the biggest political cover-up we have seen may be u.s. history and the most consequential as well. all those natal leaders and the prime minister's, heads of states and they are telling us privately that they are deeply concerned, a week america's bad for the whole world. >> laura: we keep hearing and are afraid of a trumped second term because america first and they like the freebies from the united states. so they like a weak president? >> i'm not getting that vibe who i'm meeting with privately and they tell you they are deeply concerned. they need a strong man in the white house because we have to protect strength and we maintain peace through strength turco >> laura: chuck schumer going from i'm with joe although you
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parse that show with joe, he didn't say he's endorsing joe for reelection or once him to stand but i'm with joe. what does that really mean, i'm with him, with him in spirit? >> it is an individual interpretation and carefully worded and he said it over and over not like chuck schumer who likes to give commentary. they don't know what to say. and they did it to themselves because they tried to hide the truth from the american people for three and a half years. >> laura: it was in plain sight, it was hidden in plain sight. >> we have all been saying it but the media went along with the charade and now the jig is up. >> laura: i was trying to imagine if this next clip i'm going to play for you was you saying this to someone in the hallways as speaker. i think all would have broken loose but this is nancy pelosi in the hallways yesterday. >> do you believe --
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>> them in the hallway. okay? >> are you concerned with her he can win? [indistinct] >> i'm not going to explain anything else to you. i'm not going to make any statements about that right now. >> laura: do you speak english to an african american female? >> it is a better look for nancy. at least you got the endpoint right that the nation is hanging in the balance. this is very dangerous. we have all the adversaries watching. >> laura: president xi and let them air pollutant know what's going on. >> it is a chinese-led axis of evil and they are having sport with this. >> laura: the legal immigrants pouring into the country, we have a side story in last couple of weeks but millions have come
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in and let's say even a small, small percentage manages to vote because they think they can reasonably believe they are allowed to. what of this? >> it is a very serious problem and the democrats trying to pretend as though it is not. we have millions, by our count as many as 60 million illegals in the country since joe biden took the oval office from day one and started issuing executive orders to open the border wide. here is the problem, and all the states it's easy to register to vote. when the illegals go to the welfare office or government office and sign up for benefits which most of them did they give registration card. all you have to do is check for u.s. citizen. we know many illegals have done that in some states have done their audits and shown to have thousands of people. that is nothing to throw in an election to change the outcome of congressional seat, majorities and one of the chambers of the congress. >> laura: the legislature will say what? it passed in the house a couple
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of years ago and by the way 198 democrats voted against it. >> laura: how many democrats voted for requiring only a legal american citizens to vote? five. >> that is all the bills as. you have to be u.s. citizens. >> laura: you smoke them out on that one. >> bit is devastating for them because no way to argue against that all it does is require of the registrars of voters in the offices where they are doing this to require proof of citizenship. currently under federal all the way the court is interpreting it, they can't ask for proof. so everybody can fill out this form fraudulently and this is a serious problem. >> i know you don't like predictions but we might do it fsec football. how many seats right now do you think republicans could potentially a cup in the house? >> you don't commit his not overpromise but i genuinely believe the majority right now for the three vote margin to
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something close to 15 or more. we will never have a 40 seat majority because gerrymandering in the districts but i'm telling you right now, we are very bullish about november. we don't take anything for granted but we are looking good in the swing states. >> laura: isn't this much more fun than the last time i had you on with all the chaos on the show? the united republican party is unstoppable, especially in the face of the decline of biden and his policies. mr. speaker, it is great to see you. thank you for coming on. trump's 50 state strategy is paying off. my "angle" explains it next. ♪ ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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one (800) 246-8751 and get this limited time offer by using discount code. fox news. and just breaking in the washington post, vermont senator and democrat peter welch just saying that joe biden should resign, not run for reelection. just not just just with with withdraw for the good of the country. so not resign, but withdraw for the good of the country. so that's one more what will happen next? well, we'll stay on this. and now trump rising. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now the red wave didn't materialize in 2022. but this year it's different. biden's record and performance is on the ballot. and now from coast to coast, his party is heading for a
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crushing defeat since the debate. now they're very concerned that it's not just the presidency that they could lose. they're concerned that they could lose the house and the senate. the senate was always going to be tough. now it's tougher. and they thought that they could maybe very well win the house back. now they're concerned they're not going to democrat members aren't just concerned. even the cockiest ones are irritated and they're on edge, especially when pressed. i do just want to ask you again, if you think president biden is the strongest person at the top of the ticket to win michigan in the fall, he he's the candidate right now. and these are do you beat your wife kind of questions? no, they're just logical questions. now the hits kept coming today. every new poll seems to bring worse news for the democrats. real clear politics polling averages for the swing states are breathtaking in arizona, trump is up by more than five points. in georgia, he's up by four. in michigan, he's up by 0.6. biden
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was leading there before that. and in pennsylvania. and this is stunning. biden's down by more than five points wisconsin that has trump up by two points. and not only does cook political reports show trump over biden by almost three points nationally, most major demographic groups are also shifting toward trump and away from biden. trump now has 41% of the hispanic vote, trailing biden by about six points. but in 2020, remember, biden beat him in that group by 21 points and biden's only up by five points among voters 18 to 29. now, that's an age group, biden won by 24 points in 2020. you see the shift. and among independents, it's trump over biden by six points. now wonder democrats are so depressed. donald trump is on track. i think to win this election and
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maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the senate and the house. so you're worried that your party is not just going to lose the white house if joe biden is at the top of the ticket, but that you're also going to lose both chambers of congress. i think that we could lose the whole thing. and it's staggering to me. are you concerned about the down ballot effect of all of this? absolutely. i'm a frontline member. do you share the concern that biden may be dragging down the ticket? i think joe biden shares that concern as well. and i think whatever decision he makes will take that into consideration. they're all talking about whatever decision he makes, and even blue states are changing. it turns out new york, a state that biden won by 23 points last time, may now also be in play. politico is reporting that biden's lead is down to eight points there, and private polls that politico analyzed have trump in a virtual tie with biden in key swing districts. they're in a brutal assessment. manhattan borough
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president mark levine, a lifelong dem, told politico. we're still acting like this is a one party state, which for pretty much 20 to 25 years it has been. i truly believe we're a battleground state now. now, whether trump wins new york or not, this is great news because now democrats are forced to spend money where they never had to before. now the angle, remember, told you that the 50 state strategy would work. and boy, it seems to be paying off. but at the same time, i was thinking about this today. if democrats believe that this is all about biden and all about the debate, they're wrong. because trump beats kamala by an even bigger margin in most surveys. despite all the democrat panic, this week. the truth is, it doesn't matter who they nominate because we are going to beat any one of them in thundering landslides, and this november is going to be amazing. it's going to be the most important election in the history of our country. now,
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voters know that they're not better off than they were four years ago, including african americans under. who did you do better financially, donald trump or joe biden financially? donald trump, to be honest, donald trump, donald trump. honestly, i feel like the economy at the end of the day was in a better standpoint. inflation was down, gas prices were down. biden's policies are the problem. his debate was lousy, but the policies are the real problem here. inflation, high food and fuel costs less money in the pockets of working families. millions of illegals using up our resources. of course, in a never ending war in ukraine. so for the first time since the 1980s, americans have a clear choice between a republican with a history of strong economic success and a democrat party that is simply managing decline. so if the gop can keep pressing ahead in all
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50 states and make this election about who will do the best job for the american people, then they can win, no matter who the democrats nominate. and that's the angle. joining me now, newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and fox news political analyst. newt, i want to get back to the breaking news i mentioned at the beginning of this segment, another liberal senator, peter welch of vermont, saying biden should withdraw from the race for the good of the country. he's the first senator, though, to say that specifically, your reaction. well, i think that when george stephanopoulos was picked up to say, saying to somebody he did not think that biden could last four more years, having just done that interview, i thought that was the breaking point. and here's what's going to happen right now. the question is, will biden run? if he decides to ru, the question is going to become, do you really think he can last four years? and nobody's going to think he can last, which means the race is
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about kamala. i think it's very scary. i just did an article for the new york sun outlining, you know, biden's comment in the stephanopoulos interview where he said that he had stopped putin. there's no evidence at all that he has stopped putin. and it makes you wonder how out of touch with reality the commander in chief is. but you put your finger on something and you did this also with speaker johnson. when you have 198 democrats vote to allow illegal immigrants to vote in american elections, refusing to tighten up the law. that's the kind of policy issue that is just going to kill them. devastating. they can't perform. they can't. they can't perform on high prices. they can't perform on closing the border. they can't perform on stopping criminals. and their value system is crazy. and all of that's coming together in a way biden allows them to sidestep, examining just how far away from the american people they are and the margins
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are huge. if you measure where are you? where do you think the republicans are? where do you think the democrats are? the democrats now are 2 or 3 times far away from the average american. as the republicans are. it's i mean, it's stunning, like newt in the 1980s, i came and worked in the reagan administration at the end of the reagan second term, reagan obviously was able to win new york. people think, oh, just write off all these blue states. trump made a decision not to do that. and now in new york's lieutenant governor antonio delgado released a statement late today saying that i joined with millions of americans, including everyday new yorkers from all walks of life, who are expressing legitimate concerns about biden's ability to wage a successful campaign. we should move forward with a nominee capable of reinvigorating and re-energizing americans new confidence in biden in new york is cratering, and that politico story today, eight points, only separates trump from biden in
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new york. and then think about what these folks are doing. if biden does stay in the race, the trump campaign is going to have so many democrats campaign commercials said so many tough things. you're just going to be you could run a 30 minute commercial of just democrat after democrat, who are all telling you, this guy can't possibly be commander in chief. and by the way, notice that prime minister modi of india is currently in moscow. that putin just met with xi jinping in central asia. we have real opponents and the world is really dangerous, and we have a commander in chief who is clearly out to lunch and has no clue what's going on in the real world. well, newt, you're the second speaker to be on the show tonight, and we're about to have the third with kevin mccarthy at newt. it's great. three. that's right. no, you got you got to count. count. nancy, this is a four speaker
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night for you. she hasn't she hasn't been on the angle but she was featured on the angle. she was featured on the angle. thank you newt. all right. [♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's healing formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it's 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform your outdoor living space into a shaded retreat your family will love! when you call, we'll rush you a special $200
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♪ >> laura: all right. this is a fox news alert. president biden going to appear at a nato event at the white house at any moment. and even more democrats tonight are calling for him to exit the race. but, in the meantime, you know things are going south for biden when his people start pushing him out to do one-on-one interviews. just like the debate itself, that's a risky move. and on monday, nbc's ever apropos lessest holt sit down by
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another plenty fit for re-election. by monday biden will have more polls to dismiss than he did in the network interview last week. >> i have never seen a president at 36% approval get reelected. >> well, i don't believe that's my approval rating. that's not what our polls show. >> do you really believe user not behind right now? >> i think all the pollsters i talk to right now tell me it's a tostoss-up. it's a toss-up. >> laura: toss-up in the brain. we know how that dunder out for biden with stephanopoulos saying the man cannot win. joining me mr. speaker of the house third speaker of the evening. >> your hat trick. i don't know that this has ever been done. >> laura: there is a first for television. i'm very proud of the plaque we're going to do the plaque later. you came back into town for some meetings, important meetings. what do you think about this whole wild situation with biden now coming out again on monday with lester holt?
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didn't do any interview. suddenlinely interview after interview. is he trying to protect himself. what is so interesting here is i have been talking about my interactions with biden for more than a year. this is -- this is really their watergate moment. who knew? what did they know? and what did they know when they found out? they have covered this up the entire time. from the vice president on down. and greatest insurance policy is kamala harris. since this has come forward after the debate, kamala harris with the potential of her being the nominee, her numbers are actually dropping and her unfavorables are rising more than 51%. so, biden is trying to say she can't win either. >> laura: so, right now, if you had to game this out, and you have been in washington for many, many years, you had to game this out, republicans on the hill, how -- what's the potential for pickup, given this disarray and the bad policies in this administration? >> this could be one of the biggest nights republicans have had since reagan in '84. things are in play. i have watched a district in
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california that biden won by 13 that trump is now winning by 13. and that's the democrat poll. david value day owes. i have seen down where you go down to scott, orange county. a seat that biden carried. trump is now i watched seat biden carried 26. trump is now carrying. this could be a place. if republicans were smart. remember what we did in the last election where we defeated the dccc chair they didn't think we could play in new york and came up late? we should play in seats we never thought about playing before. take it all the way out. >> laura: connecticut, rhode island, vermont, california, oakland. i would do it all. >> i won five in california and five in new york. most people say don't play there. one in california and oregon. >> laura: really smart. i want to talk about your meetings with biden. i know you shared some of this with us before. your impression at the time, especially the staff that helped manage him during those meetings? >> well, the first thing you realize is something wrong because the white house is so quiet. nothing is buzzing in the oval
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office, it's just him, and really you're only dealing between 8 and about 10 and 2 in the afternoon that you go to see him. but every meeting i had was different. the first thing i found out is every meeting, no matter if it's a few people. he had to talk from a card. and what i found was i disrupted him once he got in talking card. he would close it and he couldn't carry on a conversation. i found it as an advantage to let him start and then interject. the other thing i know, sometimes he would whisper. you didn't know what he said. he would always tell you these old stories back with reagan. so you kind of stopped negotiating ever with him and you went to staff. and staff knew it. staff just stayed quiet. there was this one time where he totally wasn't with it and he took us on a tours, took me down to the swimming pool in winter time and jill was across the table when he first said do you want to go outside and she goes no, they don't want to go outside. he turns around you don't want to go outside and continues to walk us down. it was the most disturbing.
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>> laura: is there a little desk in there? >> this is the interesting part. >> laura: i heard about the desk in the pool area. >> it's not in the pool. what it is is right outside the oval office. it's where trump had -- remember that gift shop? he has made it an office for himself. it's just 10 feet before the oval office, and there's a little table in there and then there's this valet and there was a blue dress shirt all wrinkled sitting on it as the president comes. the president gets like real happy when he walks in. like this is his happy place. i couldn't understand why are you having this office with the oval office right there? and why is the president ever taking shirt off staff not picking it up. >> laura: is that where trump used to keep the gifts in that thin little room? not in the place where trump would have lunch and stuff like that. >> no, he has the lunch spot. >> laura: wait a second. that room is really, really skinny. it's like a shelf in there. >> it's a little desk.
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maybe only three people. he has a painting that he has had since -- >> laura: why? what is going on? they like to keep him away. >> there i don't know why he wants to go in there you have the oval office for an office. when i left that meeting, i was physically and emotionally upset and disturbed that this was our president. >> laura: pelosi knows about it? >> she snows. staff knows about it chuck schumer xi, putin knows about it all the media people for the most part know about it? >> i will tell you when biden went after making that decision in afghanistan and not listening to his generals and sat down with putin, that's when putin decided to invade ukraine sitting across from him and decided. >> laura: he was kjb. cognitive decline is easy to see in person. >> anybody who sits with him knows. america knows it by looking at him. just his facial expression. the challenge here is it even gets worse almost every day. every meeting i had with him was different than the biden i had before. >> laura: you noticed the decline from meeting to meeting?
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>> yeah there was a couple times he was more engaged. it was different. every one i didn't know when joe biden i would get. i remember at the book deal up in new york, i wrought this forward like 10 months ago. kamala harris comes in and totally attacks me. but, also, think about that public servant doj said i can't prosecute him because he is a nice old man because he doesn't remember. >> doesn't want to reveal the audiotapes. >> this is really watergate. what did they know? why did they lie to the american public, but what about the cover-up. the cover-up is always the worst. >> laura: he still has the ability to launch term in mall nuclear war. someone will give him the codes. >> he still makes the decisions he will yell and makes the decisions. >> laura: kevin mccarthy great to see you. the third speaker tonight. thank you, as always. >> thank you. >> laura: up next, we expose the aides, what former speaker mccarthy was just referencing who have been helping in this cover-up for biden. the details and who they are, next
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> laura: live pictures biden welcoming nato leaders as more and more democrats call for him to drop out of the race. ♪ >> laura: annie thomas seeny. ashley williams and anthony.
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none of these are household names. each of them are top white house aides and each has been critical in the effort to conceal the truth about biden's fitness for office. axios reporting that one former biden aid annie, ashley and anthony create a protective bubble and potus. staff sod closely lost all independence. count on staff to nudge him who is he meeting. including staffers and advisers who biden should easily remember without a reminder from annie. house republicans want answers, and they have subpoenaed all three staffers. in a letter to the white house, the committee says that it's concerned that the three aides may be running interference on behalf of the president and perhaps doing some of the president's job for him. there are similar mentions in letters to the other two aides. now, joining me now, ben domenech, editor and chief of the spectator, fox news contributor. and alex marlow, author of
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breitbart news author of breaking biden. tell me about the three musketeers. >> ben: it's thrsmght these people come from jill biden's orbit. >> laura: jill? >> ben: all people who have been with the biden family for quite some time. very close associates. look, you are normally not going to judge somebody for hiring staffers that they have been close with for a long time. >> laura: of course no. >> ben: but when you have something like this happen, it looks very different. it looks like you're hiring people will purposefully cover for new a situation where other staffers might be willing to raise concerns. professionals who don't come from outside the orbit. and i thin raise concerns, professionals who don't come outside the orbit. >> and i think the -- around the president preventing stories we should havboute heard about. >> laura: alex, to ben's point come are these three simply
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dr. jill's proxies? and if so, how much of thecoul decision-making's in some cases good they actually influence?is especially tom who is by his side more than just an advanced person but a top aide. but is very concerning. when i first read this in politico or axios, whoever reported it, who are these people?t like i never heard of them but just like washington, we find out more. >> it is saying as if you are id the room and the deals, you should be deeply concerned. one of the things is the biden administration is very engaged with the the media until two weeks ago t would go along with it for some reason because they are in for it for the same cause, which is keeping out donald trump.resi this is how the biden circle has operated since he ran for president the first time in the posterior vads beer beard a tight circle and the key people in the circle or family membersl dr. jill biden, starteerdhis
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hunter biden. those are his go-to so the people who close to him are running the country right now. yes, i said hunter, hunter is in these deals. >> laura: i want to show aho video of an eight tom masini and this is when biden exiting marine one and she appears to walk in front of biden with sev others obstructing him as s rereporter shout questions hee that is what they meant running interference, again not like normal, this is to protect himut orh. protect us that we the peoe finding out the truth. >> i have to apologize for not using dr. jill required by law. this is a situation that type of interference is not something we are used to in any kind of real experience with the presidency because we are used toth having access to them in the modern era that allows them to hear the i questions and respond if they ln want to come et cetera, et cetera heward e but certainly will brsone more along the linef
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someone escorting an old person in a home from one place to the other. the question that emerges in mya mind, how many decisions areot they in the room for that traditional aides in these positions would not be in the room for? >> on the mike >> laura: jill's proxies. >> these are open questions we e deserve from the white house that has been lying to us for so long about this. >> laura: there was also thisic video from, alex, we will go from the waffle house, which also got a lot of attention after the look at this video and you will see anthony burnell.y visi he is uncomfortable as biden'so answers questions. watch this.rfor >> you have any concerns about your performance? >> no commit is hard, hard to debate a lot.e like 26 times. >> have you suffered? >> laura: did you see that?
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he's like -- he's ad-libbing here, alex. he's trying to de-escalate the situation. also, weaselinind g his way outf the video and a kind of tries to hide in the video. alex, your reaction to that.di >> this is the worst cover-ucapn the history of the country.he i was looking back from medical records from the 2020 race and hegate said he had sleep apnea.v what areer we talking about her? everybody has been covering this up and peopltee subpoenaed over oversight committee. and he did meet with parkinson's specialist in november but why aren't the american public, whyo don't we know the details of the president of the united states, leader of the free world. this is a colossal failure of the media of our government and all of these people need to be pulled in front of committees and explained everything they know. >> laura: every democrat alsoke who knew about this and pretending to act shocked and george clooney knew all about it. >> that is the worst thing since woodrow wilson. >> laura: great to see you so
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much.ho now trying to show the 18 and why?as a new presidential candidate, raymond arroyo with "seen and unseen" next. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat
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better. we're still the go to for politics breaking news, but
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we've got so much more sports, entertainment, lifestyle, bringing you the world according to fox. it's time for seen and unseen. will we reveal the stories behind the headlines? for that, we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond, on the hollywood front, we know clooney's dropping biden, but he's not the only one i understand tonight. well, sure. now, rob reiner supporting clooney, saying biden should step all out the family we need someone younger and to fight back. joe biden >> he need someone younger and to fight back and joe biden must step aside. and now the guy who started falling down is worried about biden doing the same. >> i'm deeply, deeply concerned. i don't necessarily worry today or tomorrow but a year down the line, i worry. i am concerned. >> laura: okay, first of all, falling down is a great movie. about raymond, what is going on and why the hollywood revolt? >> part of this is face-saving.
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clooney embarrassed himself once while blowing his pals to attend star-studded l.a. fund-raiser a few years ago and furious complaints. remember jeffrey katzenberg, biden's primary hollywood bundler with compatriots to throw as well also up in arms. he is so humiliated he skipped a biden campaign meeting. >> laura: maybe it is all up in the air. >> look, for reference, this is biden earlier today. because the fact is so many of my -- let me put it this way, 16 nobel economic -- they won the nobel rise for economic, 16 of them. >> laura: economic law professor people. >> oh, my god, of my totally lost but inconceivable whose image and communication and
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presence should fail to see biden over many years. and clooney writes "a group of strong democrats should come forward and tell us why they are best qualified to lead the country." he listed a host of possibilities and note he rejects the idea of having kamala harris filled the slot immediately. >> laura: the idea that he didn't know about the decline before this fund-raiser. they are all bad actors. he's a good actor but a bad actor on this ear canal, he is proposing this primary. it has been kind of whispered about. >> the leader's we talk to are already floating the idea of opening it up to all contenders having, let's call it a five-week speed dating primary, may be having debates between now and the convention. >> laura come after hearing that, we wonder, what might the
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democrat speed dating look like? >> on tonight's edition of the 2024 democrat primary speed dating... >> i want to start by thinking harvey weinstein for organizing this amazing day. >> my pronoun she/her/hers. >> nothing more than manufacture crisis. >> would you be so want to support the defunding movement? we don't need money for the police department. spearheading, i do support that. >> i feel the future is bright, we will have a new president who will lead the nation with integrity and with sense of fairness and justice, and she will be me. >> laura: she has been day drinking there. that is speed dating from. >> but you get the feeling that the democrats are looking for somebody, anybody to justify whatever voting. >> laura: maybe it is connie!
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>> and biden can't do it anymore. >> laura: may be additives clooney and dick cheney looking for the vice president of who will be the vice president and it was dick cheney. >> i was at the essence festival, and anybody but kamala harris. >> laura: i am personally saying it is kamala. raymond, just for you, we have a special guest, who hasn't been on "the angle" for seven years. your goddaughter, your goddaughter, my daughter, maria, who has gone off to texas a&m in just a few weeks and she said, i'm not saying anything. she is sitting there looking pretty. i said, if we still time for raymond, it has to be for his goddaughter. i'm getting weepy for her leaving. raymond, great segment, that is it for us and we will be live from the rnc sunday, special sunday show through next >> carley: today president biden will face his latest


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