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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 11, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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anymore. >> laura: may be additives clooney and dick cheney looking for the vice president of who will be the vice president and it was dick cheney. >> i was at the essence festival, and anybody but kamala harris. >> laura: i am personally saying it is kamala. raymond, just for you, we have a special guest, who hasn't been on "the angle" for seven years. your goddaughter, your goddaughter, my daughter, maria, who has gone off to texas a&m in just a few weeks and she said, i'm not saying anything. she is sitting there looking pretty. i said, if we still time for raymond, it has to be for his goddaughter. i'm getting weepy for her leaving. raymond, great segment, that is it for us and we will be live from the rnc sunday, special sunday show through next >> carley: today president biden will face his latest test a
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press conference at the nato summit. his campaign dealt a devastating blow by george clooney and two governors are softening hard-line support. governor chris sununu will be here to respond. >> todd: and alec baldwin's latest on the case for the actor before testimony resumes. >> carley: and players jump into the stands and brawl with fans, we will tell you what led up that. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: was that video of the democratic party? i'm todd piro. top story, president biden facing next political test this evening when he holds his nato news conference in washington. carol will he be able to calm the nerves of insiders who are
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increasingly bailing on his campaign? brooke singman is here to report details this morning. >> brooke: good morning. all eyes will be on president biden this evening as he looks to prove that he is still up to the job. the make or break press conference as top campaign officials will meet with senate democrats today. senator welch is the first to join the lawmakers calling on the president to step aside, writing, he saved us from donald trump once and he wants to do it again. he needs to re-assess if he is the best candidate to do that, in my view, he's not. pennsylvania senator john fetterman is doubling down on his support for the president. >> america has realized joe biden is old and he is not as sharp as he was five or 10 years ago, that is reality.
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that does not mean much for me personally about my supporting the president. i really don't think i've seen anything that makes me want to change that. >> brooke: chuck schumer could be open to dumping biden with axios reporting schumer has been insisting he's for joe, but in private, singing a different tune. schumer says, i will support president biden and remain committed to ensure donald trump is defeated in november. biden's press conference as fox news reveals he's gone 30 months without a press conference in his presidency. >> todd: to hollywood. >> brooke: top stars are suggesting he step aside, including george clooney who headlined a fundraiser with biden a few weeks ago, same fundraiser where barack obama
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appeared to usher biden off the stage after he looked like he froze. new oped, george clooney writing, the joe biden i was with three weeks ago was not the big joe of 2010 or 2020, he was same man we witnessed at the debate. rob reiner agreeing, democracy and facing a threat, we need someone younger to fight back. joe biden must step aside and actor michael douglas is chiming in. watch. >> a wonderful guy and this just happens to be an election that is so crucial. and it is really hard. i don't worry today or tomorrow, a year down the line, i worry. i am concerned. >> brooke: those comments and that damning op ed was not
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enough to sway house democrats. >> i appreciate hearing mr. george clooney's opinion and we'll continue to deal with this within our democratic family to make sure that we beat donald trump. george clooney is a movie producer, he needs to produce movies. >> he said the guy he was at the fundraiser was same guy on the debate stage, if clooney has concerns, do you? >> i don't, i don't have concerns. >> former obama advisor david axelrod says clooney's observation is devastateing and what people fear. >> carley: new reaction from gretchen whitmer who does not see the harm in president biden taking a cognitive test. >> should he go ahead and take a cognitive test and demand donald trump do the same? >> i don't think that would hurt.
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>> you think he should take -- >> i don't think it would hurt. we can't lose sight of how high the stakes are. unless one person, joe biden, makes alternative decision, this is the field and we have to go. >> carley: president biden said he's not taken a cognitive test, he has been examined by a neurologist. he has not said if he is willing to take further tests. >> todd: did you see this? speaker amerita lashing out at a reporter for asking if she thinks president should drop out. >> do you believe in waiting -- >> i will not comment in the hallway about -- [indiscernible] -- english to you? i'm not going to be making any statement about any of that right now in the hallway. >> todd: wow. that reporter was following up on nancy pelosi's interview earlier in the day when nancy
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pelosi said this. it is up to the president to decide if he's going to run. we're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. >> do you want him to run? >> i want him to do whatever he decides to do. >> carley: that is what you call a ringing endorsement, todd ufc president dana white will speak at next week's republican national convention, he will speak right before former president trump. white and trump have a long history and trump has been to many ufc events over the years. white spoke in 2020 and at the 2016 rnc in cleveland. >> todd: alexandria ocasio ocasio-cortez -- samuel alito and clarence thomas. they have spiralled into a
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constitution crisis threatening american democracy writ large. she filed three articles against justice thomas and two against samuel alito for failure to disclose financial income and gifts and for samuel alito includes failure to disclose financial gifts and recusal in cases he had a personal prejudice or bias. a lot of words for something going nowhere in the house and won't get to senate, it will be defeated. she likes to make a spectacle. >> carley: that was a verbal marathon. >> todd: a family's dream home turning into an absolute nightmare because of a make-shift junkyard next door. the homeowner begged her mayor and local officials for help and she's here next to tell her story. >> carley: following the latest on chaos at the white house. former national security advisor
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victoria coates, david webb, governor chris sununu all here live on "fox and friends first."
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moving north and east. almost done with it, potential for heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, mainly in northern new england. that is something we'll watch. the heat hangs on. we'll get a tiny bit of break. here is heat index with humidity, 91 in new york. we get a break tomorrow on friday, heading into next week, right up again. like take a look, 94 thursday. 87 friday. 98. and look at tuesday, 109 in washington, d.c. yeah, it is going to get worse in some areas. power outages, we have 1.3 million people without power in southeast texas and heat will be dangerous for people that don't have air conditioning. this is a big situation here. days after an event and we still don't have power for houston area toward groveton and huntsville and woodlands, those areas are hard hit by beryl.
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warmest daily heat index for six days, very warm. monday and tuesday, boom, up again. not getting relief. i'm concerned with thisirria. >> carley: triple digits becoming the norm is not normal. >> janice: maybe the new normal. talk to you soon. >> carley: thank you so much. new video showing moment expected drunk driver plows into a new york nail salon, killing four people, including an nypd. 10 people were hospitalized. the driver admitted to drinking 18 beers before getting behind the beer and pleaded guilty to a dwi charge in 2018. over the weekend hundreds gather to pay respect to a police officer in a long island service. alec baldwin manslaughter trial resumes, the actor sat
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stone-faced during opening statements yesterday. the jury was shown footage of halyna hutchins who died after she was shot with a prop gun alec baldwin was holding. >> the evidence will show that someone who played make believe with a real gun and violated the cardinal rule of firearm safety is the defendant, alec baldwin. >> this was unspeakable tragedy, alec baldwin committed no crime. he was an actor acting. >> alec baldwin pleaded not guilty. >> todd: in california, a family's dream home has turned into an absolute nightmare after their neighbor turned their property into a make-shift junkyard. the family purchased their home in 2021. they say the extreme hoarding their neighbor is doing is putting them and their two children at risk.
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i am so sorry this is happening to you. walk us through what can only be called your timeline of hell since purchasing this property. >> yeah, thank you for having me. i bought this property in 2021 with my family hoping we would have a lovely place to raise kids, open space, beautiful trees. within a few months, i saw trash building up and more hazardous and dangerous, melted car batteries, drug paraphernalia and trash and then eventually, i did try to involve city officials. i called 12 different city offices and have gotten no help at this point. >> todd: you have contacted 13 government agencies, what do they tell you when you go to them for help? >> they are passing the buck.
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the epa, declared this a hazardous waste site and say the soil is contaminated. they will not clean the soil until voehicles are removed. epa will not go until chp clears and chp will not enter the property until they feel it is safe for officers. each agency is not willing to engage because it is not safe. >> todd: you have to deal with the hazard, but the people we pay cannot go in because it is a hazard, is that correct? >> you are correct. >> todd: not just environmental and chemicals you worry about, sometimes this guy's vehicles or whatever the trash is called block your access to your home and you have a husband that unfortunately has cancer right now and is undergoing cancer
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treatment and might need to leave quickly for medical reasons. talk to us about that. >> yeah, that is what pushed me over the edge. my husband finished treatment and he has not done declared cancer free, but we're doing much better. when he was doing chemo and radiation everyday, we were in and out and asked the neighbors to ep coo the gate free. there was a time when my husband was vomiting and needed me to come get him and i was trapped in my house because of cars blocking my gates. i could not imagine someone not having empathy to move their car. >> todd: way this dichotomy works, the mom owns the property, the son who is the hoarder stays on the property. have you gone to the mom and
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said, i know your son has a problem, it is ruining my life. if so, what has the mom said? >> yes, i definitely have and of course you want to open up olive branch to your neighbors when you first move in. at thissin po, in the l.a. times art article, the mom quoted saying, i enable my son because i love him. she brings him food everyday here and of course she's worried about her son, as we all are as parents. she is endangering the community. we've had two fires in this canyon this week, two brush fires and the week is not over yet. >> todd: this is not a 15 year old, this is a 50-year-old man. >> yes, a 50-year-old person. >> todd: how much longer can you go on like this? >> we are at our limit here. i have two young children. both of us are working, we just dealt with cancer treatment, we are trapped here.
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i would never sell this property to another family and have them keel with that. i don't know what i can do. i can't sell the property and i can't get the city, state or federal government to do anything to remove this hazardous waste from the property, i'm stuck. >> todd: council woman rodriguez team says she is engaging with city depends on immediate next steps to resolve this issue. that gives me no confidence that your situation will be resolved by the government any time soon. i'm sorry. keep us posted. we are praying for you. glad your husband is doing better. good luck. >> todd: a new reality check as kids say for anti-israel campus protesters. one prestigious law firm now screening applicant says to see if they took part in those what i call riots. >> carley: interesting development i want to learn about.
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previewing president biden's nato press conference today and message being sent throughout the chaos happening with former trump national security official victoria coates, she is coming up next. eight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck,
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what do you think about this moment? >> good morning, good to be with you. this is extraordinary, the american people are watching their president turn into a lame duck on camera. they are watching him on their tv as he is so frail going through meetings with foreign leaders, partners and allies. we are seeing them at heritage foundation this week and everyone is terribly concerned. we have a political cries in the demo democratic party and national security kricrisis for the amern people. >> carley: the "washington post" reports leaders have questions. they write, two people have spoken with nato leaders and dignitaries, and most of them have key questions, one tracks with what many americans are asking, is biden going to drop out? if he does, will vice president harris replace him?
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what should they do to prepare for a possible trump presidency? the last one, a lot of democrats and members of media characterize former president trump as threat to nato alliance and say leaders are dreading his possible return and fear he could pull out of nato. what is your reaction of that? >> this is silly, we had four years of president trump and he did not pull out of nato, he was the best president for nato since the alliance. the united states is stretched thin, we have obligations in the middle east and pacific, which europeans do not share, they have to be in the lead of their own defenses, that is not cruel on part of the united states, that is common sense. i think the europeans hold it in
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their hands about whether or not they want him to stay in notice. if they wish to pay their 2% they pledged to meet in terms of their gdp for defense and want to invest that in a strategic way so they can take care of their defenses, of course the united states will be there with a nuclear umbrella and with assistance and leadership. they need to look in the mirror if they want the united states to stay in nato. >> carley: 5:30 p.m. eastern time is circled in red on president biden's calendar. everybody will be watching, in this country and adversaries, how important is this moment? >> it is critical. we've seen president xi and president putin meeting repeatedly in recent weeks, the
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ayatollah is watching this closely. to have the weakness we've had exposed from the commander in chief of the united states is deeply dangerous. my concern over next four months, however democrats decide to resolve their political crisis, you would have bad actors around the world see this as moment of opportunity. maybe they will do i think thises that a year ago they would not have are ced. it is very concerning time. >> carley: one last question. there is a war raging in the middle east, also one in upper yoo, we don't know what china is going to do. u.s. defense spending has fallen, on track to spend lowest amount of gdp since 1999. how did we let that happen and how do we ramp back up? >> this is something biden presided over. we have one of the most anemic defense budgets, that is
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something we at heritage foundation have been deeply concern about. it is hard for the united states to put pressure on european allies to spend more when the president of the united states requests a 1% increase when adjusted for inflation, that is decrease for our military. i think we need president trump back in position with the historic defense build-up he initiated in his first time. >> carley: the president will have a bilateral with president zelenskyy at 1:30 and a press conference later in the day. we'll be watching. thank you for joining us. now to the economy, we are awaiting release of highly anticipated inflation report after fed chair jerome powell made a huge admission withum las yesterday. >> todd: what was it? cheryl casone will tell us. >> cheryl: good morning, that is right, we are waiting on biggest
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data of the week 8:30 a.m. eastern time, consumer price index, new look at inflation. cpi expect the to be up and food and energy expected to hit 3.4%. this as jerome powell continued his testimony in front of house financial services committee yesterday. day two revealed that the fed chief has not seen biden in two years. watch this. >> last public meeting between you and president biden occurred may 31, 2022, does that sound accurate? >> i'm going to take your word for it. >> have you had private meetings with the president since that time? >> no. any phone calls with the president? >> i don't believe so. >> over two years with inflation still nagging us with cost out of control, president biden has not asked to meet with you in
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over two years? >> i have not had a meeting withim had, of course i don't seek meetings. >> cheryl: not even a phone call, guys, incredible. powell admitting labor market is softening. >> carley: and janet yellen said she would not say last time she spoke to the president. this reminds me of when lloyd austin was in the hospital and nobody knew. who is running our country. >> cheryl: he did not call president biden, his boss. >> carley: anti-israel protesters could face ramifications for rioting. >> cheryl: major wall street law firm is requiring job applicants to explain anti-israel protest. sul sullivan sullivan and cromwell. the firm is engaged background
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check company, higher right, to scower social media and record public appearances. applicants will be asked to list student groups that i have joined. many ceos, business leaders and wealthy donors have pulled money from colleges for allowing the protests. goldman sachs and amazon are biggest clients. this does matter. >> todd: white shoes firm. expect this to trickle down. this is bad for those guys, they should have known what they were doing. left in new york depriving you of another thing. >> carley: outrageous, i hate it. >> cheryl: new york state set to roll out ban on shampoo conditioner and bottles 59 hotel, personal care product is provided by a hotel inbe tended
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to be used on the human body or any part for cleansing. marri marrioshs t is onboard. a year later, it is for all hotels all over new york state. they say it is about waste. >> carley: this is so stupid, there is homelessness, crime, raging migrant issue, but small shampoo bottles will make the world a better place. >> todd: how do i get my shampoo now? >> cheryl: next time you go to a hotel, hoard it. >> carley: watch cheryl each morning with maria >> >> todd: that is enough to make you want to fight. check out this massive brawl breaking out after copa american ynl match between uyghur and
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columbia. it was over the fact that players went into the stands because colombia fans were doing something to families. darwin nunes said he jumped in to defend family of three. they face messi and argentina on sunday. watch that is fox. unclear if there will be a fight then. >> carley: wild scene. >> todd: i'd jump in if somebody was messing with my family. >> carley: they committed to youur uruguay. >> todd: george clooney is among a growing list calling for president biden to step down, including charlamagne. >> all i hear is ego, i hope
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they take him up on his offer. every democrat needs to challenge him, take him up on his offer. >> carley: david webb is here to react to that and all of biden's hollywood fall out, coming up n next. guys, it's time to stop treating your groins like junk. presenting the intimate pubic hair trimmer from gillette. it's not junk, so treat it right with a gentle and easy shave from america's #1 trusted men's grooming brand. respect your pubic region with gillette intimate.
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>> carley: former obama staffers say democrats worst fears about president biden have been confirmed after george clooney released a scathing oped. >> todd: lucas tomlinson has details. lucas. >> lucas: it was a tough day for president biden capped off with a flyover being cancelled due to bad weather. now the obama bros are piling on. >> i thought it was bad and at times very hard to watch. f fairness to biden, i don't think that interview could have stemmed the concern. the debate was not just a bad night, we all saw it. >> he was behind before the debate and now behind by more. what are you going to do to win over voters when you have that message with george stephanopoulos? >> george clooney helped raise
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30 million for president biden. now he rights, it is devastating to say, the joe biden i was with three weeks ago was not the joe of 2010 or the joe biden of 2020, he was same man we all witnessed at the debate. >> it was not surprising to any of us at the fundraiser, i was there, clooney was right and every person at the fundraiser thought the same thing except the people working for joe biden, at least they did not say that. >> it is merit to it, there is risk associated with everything. i think we have etch radioed the point where many are have come to that conclusion. >> lucas: biden campaign respond with anonymous quote saying biden stayed for three hours while clooney took a photo and
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left. if you are attacking clooney fitness, might be time to rethink. >> todd: bring in david webb. yesterday was clooney, who the heck knows what today will bring when this roller coaster finally stops. is joe biden the democratic nominee? >> yes. >> todd: why? >> he's not giving this up. he's always wanted it, he believes it. his ego, narcissism and unless joe biden is medically i incapacitated, he will remain president until he won again or beaten out of office. clooney is a coward because cloon clooney said nothing, the cover-up, attempt to gaslight americans that what the world
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saw and everybody saw before the debate was a cheap fake, deep fake, you are liars, this is s. they are most guilty. >> carley: reaction from members of congress about george clooney's oped, here is what they have to say. >> i appreciate hearing mr. clooney's opinion and we'll continue to deal with this within our democratic family to make sure we beat donald trump. george clooney is a movie producer, he needs to produce movies. >> he said the guy at the fundraiser same guy at the debate stage, if clooney has other than cans about president biden's mental fitness, do you? >> i don't have concerns. president goldman employs >> my family is better to me than they are to their own. >> david axelrod said this isef did stating, do you think this
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oped moves the needle behind the scenes? >> i don't know if it does or not, remember what i said, this is biden. he's in it, jill is going to keep him there and by the way, this is a dysfunctional family willing to sacrifice a family member on the altar of power. this is what we have to realize. clooney is a coward, clooney knew this. what happened to joe biden did not happen in the last three weeks. if you break your leg one day, fine the day before, this is not a broken leg. this is a growing problem with an addled president. >> carley: karine jean-pierre said that footage of president obama ushering president biden off the stage was a cheap fact. >> todd: for a party in lock step messaging, i'm sure you have your popcorn watching this disaster. when hillary vaughn hitting people up, they are all over the
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place. your thought on this, charlamagne the god urging democrats to challenge joe biden at the convention, listen to this. >> all i hear is ego, take him up on his offer. every democrat who feels like democrats can't win if president biden is the nominee, take him up on his offer. i've been saying this several months and asking questions are biden and harris a winnable ticket. if the answer is no, biden should step aside and folks should not be upset if y'all want to win. >> he says at the end, if democrats want to end, that is what charlamagne is concerned about, bottom line for democrats, they want to win and keep power. >> todd: david webb, love the insight, crazy times in the democratic party. don't go anywhere, new hampshire governor chris sununu coming up num next.
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>> i mean, i feel like every morning it's a breaking news edition of "fox & friends." a big thursday edition of "fox & friends," even hollywood liberals are turning their back on biden with george clooney releasing this scathing op-ed about the president's decline. barstool sports founder dave portnoy says he's no hero for saying it now. >> so what is, george? if he didn't do the debate
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regular vegetable you wouldn't have kept your mouth shut? >> lawrence: he is one person that beat biden in the democratic primaries this year. baltimore investor jason palmer won the american samoa caucuses and calling on biden to pass the torch. he will join us this morning, also. and former president trump weighing in on the vp stakes. and brian kilmeade has some theories of his own. >> i'm your vice president candidate. word is you won't pick j.d. vance because of his facial hair. is that true? >> no. i have never heard that one. [laughter] lawrence lawrence later said he looks like a mini abe lincoln. kellyanne is going to join guy benson. more at the top of the hour. >> todd: looking forward to it see you in five. former governor j.d. pritzker just caught on a hot mic taking
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a different tone. >> i mean, we just going to keep fighting. i don't know what to say. got to do what we have to do. i don't like where we are. >> todd: this all comes as michigan whitmer is open to joe biden taking a cognitive test. >> some people have suggested just go ahead and take a cognitive test and demand that donald trump do the same? >> i don't think that it would hurt, to be honest, at the end of the day. >> so you think he should take a cognitive test? >> i don't think it would hurt. >> chris sununu is the governor of the great state of new hampshire and joins us now. governor, good morning to you. it was a about a year ago that you said that president biden would not be the democrat nominee. what is your assessment now? >> well, yeah, i think there is a 60% chance he is still on there. obviously, the obama powers that be, the folks that pull a lot of strings within the democratic party are trying to make sure that that's not the case. look, whether he is on the ticket or not, i got one simple and very clear message for the
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republican party, this ain't over. this is the probably the worst you are going to see the biden campaign. some of the strongest poll numbers for trump and that is great. that is terrific. but you got to finish the marathon. that means all the other candidates on the ballot have to work hard. we still have to go out and knock on those doors and do those phone calls and keep consistent with the message. i think even if biden stays on the ticket, if he has a strong convention, right, if he has a strong presence there. he can read the teleprompter at the convention decently they will try to point to that the debate was just a fluke, let's not all panic. obviously we are going to support trump. we are going to support all the republicans. i don't want anyone sitting back and saying we got this thing wrapped up. there's a long way to go in this campaign. >> todd: without a doubt this is not a time if you are a republican to be spiking the football. >> right. >> todd: the absolute disarray in the democratic party cannot be ignored. 10 democrats calling on biden to withdraw. peter welch the first senator. your neighbor in vermont to
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publicly call biden to step down. they all sound defeatest in one way or another. even if they're endorsing the president. it's not very full-throated. as a student of history. can you recall a time when the democrat party, quite frankly, sounded this hopeless? >> well, ha ha ha, no. let's go back to the late 90's when clinton was having all his troubles with monica lewenski and republicans said this is the end of him and his presidency and legacy, it wasn't. right? so i guess i would say -- i don't know if it was quite this bad. but we have seen bad moments before. we have seen a lot of things turn. it's july as much as we're paying attention to all these numbers. at love americans are on vacation. they are taking their time. they are kind of taking a backseat with politics right now. it will all come to play late august, early september. around the democrat convention. so, yeah, this is definitely a big downside for the democrat party. but, let's not just -- we can revel in it on november 6th.
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how about that, right? we got about 120 days to go, something like that. to really work hard and win in thing. up and down our ballots. our mission should be making sure we win congress and the senate. we win our state houses, state senate seats, governorships. these are the things that can be more impactful in post 2025 in american lives than anything else. make sure we are winning those seats as well. >> focus on the top of the ticket down ballot races are critical. cook political reported came out with latest assessment. pretty good news for donald trump. moved arizona, georgia, nevada from toss-up to lean republican. when it documents new hampshire, likely democrat has the move to lead democrat as leader of the state. what do you think about that shift? is new hampshire a winnable state for donald trump? >> absolutely. there is no question. it's an absolute toss-up race. we always have a very, very high voter turnout. i think you are going to continue to see that so the democrat base is going to come
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out here. there's no question about it. but the trump supporters are going to council out. the republicans are going to come out. 400 members in our legislature that means 400 folks around the state with the little armies running for cease in november as well. they are going to push a strong republican message that live free or die thing. local control, low taxes, individual responsibility. those are the messages that really resonate with folks and translate up the ticket. support the bottom and the top of the ticket ends up coming with us. again, i think former president trump can be very, very strong here. >> todd: look, new hampshire, people are known for being fiercely independent. the actual independence in new hampshire as of may, giving trump a 14-point lead. that is big. chris sununu, governor, thanks so much, sir, we appreciate your time and insight, with that -- >> carley: fox and friends starts right now. ♪


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