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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 11, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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but the trump supporters are going to council out. the republicans are going to come out. 400 members in our legislature that means 400 folks around the state with the little armies running for cease in november as well. they are going to push a strong republican message that live free or die thing. local control, low taxes, individual responsibility. those are the messages that really resonate with folks and translate up the ticket. support the bottom and the top of the ticket ends up coming with us. again, i think former president trump can be very, very strong here. >> todd: look, new hampshire, people are known for being fiercely independent. the actual independence in new hampshire as of may, giving trump a 14-point lead. that is big. chris sununu, governor, thanks so much, sir, we appreciate your time and insight, with that -- >> carley: fox and friends starts right now. ♪ steve it is 6:00 in new york
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city on this curve i can't couch. it is thursday july 11th. that is right it it is 7:11. >> brian: we're open. >> steve: we never close. big boy press conference with the first democrat senator finally calling on joe to go. >> ainsley: and the white house responds to george clooney's lack of support. and does dave portnoy? >> george clooney, what a [bleep] hero this guy is, huh? if he didn't do the debate, biden and wasn't a vegetable? you didn't keep your mouth shut? >> steve: he will join us this morning brian from his couch. >> ainsley: get dressed, dave. >> brian: my pillow is so great he laid on it during the interview. wasn't the only one laughing at the drama from yesterday.
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>> you know things are crazy when 84-year-old nancy pelosi is telling an 81-year-old joe biden to retire. what is going on? >> brian: so funny. "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your mornings are better with friends. roll the pricy animation. >> steve: all right. happening today, 5:30 this afternoon eastern time president biden will be taking to the podium for what the white house has referred to as a big boy press conference as part of day 3 of the ongoing nato summit at the convention center in d.c. >> ainsley: it comes out of another sitdown interview that's planned for monday with nbc as he fights to save his re-election bid. >> lawrence: lucas tomlinson is live in washington with more. >> good morning. with pressure mounting on president biden to drop out of the race hold a rare solo press conference in washington at the nato summit as steve mentioned 5:30 this afternoon. expect a few questions from nato 32 heads of stated have
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gathered. house speaker mike johnson said world leaders are worried about the american president. >> nato leaders are here on the hill, a you know. these foreign leaders are come in. prime ministers, heads of state, and they are telling us, privately, that they are deeply concerned. a weak america is bad for the whole world. they tell you they are deeply concerned. they need a strong man in the white house. because we have to project strength. that's how we maintain peace through strength. >> perhaps, another ominous sign from the lord almighty the flyover to honor nato leaders at the white house was canceled last night due to a thunderstorm that arrived when the jets were supposed to be overhead, guys. >> steve: all right. >> ainsley: thank you, lucas. >> steve: thunderstorm indeed. during lucas' report ainsley referred to why did they refer to big boy news conference? solo press conference and justin cink from bloomberg, the
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newspaper and the channel as well he said hey, is this going to be like -- is it going to be one of those real big boy press conferences that we are used to when people would actually stand at the podium and take questions ffor an hour? that's where it came from. when you think big boy you think of justin cink. >> ainsley: that's not what i think of. when my little brother would do something great we would say you're such big boy. >> lawrence: white house using the same phrasing. they are clearly making monday fun of the president. take that same language and use and it you heard kirby say it and john karine pierre say big boy. >> brian: great pride in saying let's go brandon. they adapted it. do that again. a little surprise we are back with the high heat again. what the hell? i can't even concentrate. [laughter] >> ainsley: i'm sorry. >> brian: lawrence is trying to
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ask me a question and i can't concentrate my ch shins are mel. >> ainsley: it gets cold in here. >> steve: just before tease in the 5:00 hour the lights blew out. never happened. >> brian: more evidence the democratic party's confidence in the president is waning. the first senate democrat publicly calling for biden to drop out. >> ainsley: brooke singman is here now with all the details for us, hey, brooke. >> brooke: it is nice and warm in the studio thank you, ainsley. democratic senator peter welch of vermont becoming the first democrat in the senate to join that growing list of democrat lawmakers calling on the president to step aside while writing quote he saved us from donald trump once and he wants to do it again. he needs to reassess whether he is the best candidate to do. so in my view, he is not. now, a total of 10 democrats
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have now come out against president biden telling him to withdraw from the race. and michigan governor gretchen whitmer doesn't see the harm in biden taking a cognitive test. listen. >> some people have suggested just go ahead and take a cognitive test and demand that donald trump do the same? >> i don't think that it would hurt, to be honest, at the end of the day, you know,. >> so you think that he should take a cognitive test? >> i don't think it would hurt. >> brooke: top hollywood stars who previously backed the president are suggesting he step aside including george clooney who headlined that fundraiser with the president a few weeks oak. in the op-ed clooney wrote the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the joe big explicittive deal biden of 2010. wasn't even the joe biden of 2020. he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. now, a biden campaign source telling the "new york times" that the president stayed for over three hours at that fundraiser while clooney took a photo and quickly left. this is the same fundraiser
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where former president barack obama appeared to usher biden off the stage after it looked like he froze. back to you guys. >> steve: all right. brooke, thank you very much. and see that's the worry about tonight. you know, as we have heard from the president of the united states for a couple of years, he goes watch me, watch me. two weeks ago tonight was the night of the debate. and we watched him. and it was horrifying. and there are a number of, according to the "the washington post" this morning, there are a number you have democratic lawmakers who are holding their breath because they feel that if he has a bad performance and a lot of them are pulling for him to have a bad performance, so he wakes up and smells the cove you know, you are right. i shouldn't be doing. this. >> lawrence: i can't believe i'm saying this i have to defend the president. i think this is all wrong. >> steve: which part? >> lawrence: all the leaks coming out all the people witness before and decided they were still going to be with him. they have said publicly -- remember they criticized us for playing the video of that same
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event where president barack obama's escorting him off of stage like a little toddler. and so. >> steve: like a big boy. >> lawrence: like a big boy. so all of these people had his back before. and were with him and now they want him to get out of the race? i mean, look, i have been very clear. i think that he should resign as president right now because i don't think he can govern right now. but, on the face of this, i feel like they're all being cowards. if you believe this strongly, then have the 25th amendment. don't base it based on now that you guys are going to lose. i think that it's disloyal of them. i think it's hypocritical of them. i think that they hid this all from the american people. when you go see them in the movie now. remember. this remember all the people in the cabinet that are now coming out saying oh, yeah. we haven't been able to meet with him. companies crazy. >> brian: they tried to get george clooney to pull back on they had toler and he wouldn't. but they did come out with a
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response. annie carney says biden is fighting back on clooney from a source familiar with the event. the president stayed there for three hours. while clooney took a photo quickly and left. >> steve: that picture right there. >> brian: basically how we know? clooney is mad because joe biden condemned the international criminal court which his wife works on for indicting netanyahu. says you got to be kidding me. so he called up the white house and was mad prior to that you wonder if he was still going to do it. and what courage does it take? rob reiner says it's sad i have got to go. michael douglas said it's sad i got to go. okay, go ahead. >> ainsley: this is what i'm noticing after reading all the events the soundbites from people over the last 24 hours or more. when i came in this morning the overall theme is they all knew it behind the scenes. >> lawrence: that's right. >> george clooney. >> steve: we have been talking about it for years. they told us deep fakes, we were editing videos, george clooney
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said he knew it. still raised tens of millions of dollars and kept his mouth shut until now, when everyone is talking until after the debate. then have you this former adviser to obama, jon favreau who was saying that he is calling on the president to quit. he says it didn't surprise any of us. we were all talking about this at the fundraiser, saying the same thing except for the people working for joe. another one kept his mouth shut until now. chuck todd who said he talked to senior cabinet member who told him two years ago they didn't think that biden could continue as president. the theme is, they all knew it and they kept their mouth shut and thought and let america believe, democrats believe or other ore o. peer people watch the channel. >> the president thinks that well. they have been telling him everything is fine. imagine all of us have had family members that have dealt with some sort of mental health decline as they advance in age. imagine not being honest with them and then suddenly one day deciding when everybody turns their back against the person that there is something wrong?
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that's not right. >> steve: the momentum started with nancy pelosi and nancy pelosi goes essentially is that your final offer? and then have you chuck schumer apparently behind the scenes telling donors i'm okay with him not being at the top of the ticket. then have you george clooney. it seems it was all in the same day. and then a bunch of hollywood -- the dam was broken. >> lawrence: led by obama bros. >> brian: someone woke up dave portnoy. >> steve: he was on his couch. >> brian: great to be the ceo. if you are the ceo sit there in bed without a shirt on and make news. >> steve: no chirt? >> brian: listen to this. >> george clooney what a [bleep] hero this guy is. this guy clooney threw a fundraiser co-chair for biden 3 weeks ago. he was a regular tackle three weeks ago acting like he is doing some heroic things like we can't have a vegetable running for president not in this
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country. so, what? , george? if he didn't do the debate, biden and wasn't a vegetable, you didn't keep your mouth shut? like what's the deal there? and, by the way, you just found out biden was a vegetable three weeks ago? where have you been for two years? >> steve: the guy on the couch is going to be joining us. we are on the couch. >> brian: i think he has a bed cameraman. >> ainsley: is he holding it. >> lawrence: yeah. it's moving. >> steve: cameraman would be standing on top of him. >> brian: usually see shoulder. paramour in bed with him. we will find out shortly. jimmy fallon last night is pretending as if it's the old days with the tonight show which used to be an equal opportunity offender. listen. >> you know things are crazy when an 84-year-old nancy pelosi is telling an 81-year-old joe biden to retire. what is going on? that's right. when asked about biden wants
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candidacy, nancy pelosi said it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. in responds to that, president biden said i have already decided, i'm running. [laughter] the response to that pelosi said well, that's completely up to you. to which biden responded, i know it is and i'm telling you i'm running. to which pelosi said whatever you want. tell me, i will accept. [laughter] to which biden said i told you i am running. to which pelosi said either option is okay. so which biden said i understand that and i have chosen my option. to which pelosi said when you are ready to share that option i'm ready to share that option. biden said i already shared it i feel like you want me to drop out. >> it's not what you want and it's what you is to drop out. biden said that's not what i said. >> and pelosi said are you sure? to which biden said no, i can't remember. >> brian: where was that a year ago. >> steve: when you have lost late night, you have lost. because, not only is it jimmy
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fallon, stephen colbert essentially has said that he has lost faith in joe biden. and take that along with the fact that when george clooney wrote that op-ed in the "new york times" yesterday, the momentum changed. and there are a lot of people in washington, d.c. elected officials who cannot say publicly they want him to go. but they want him to go. because, for every elected democrat in washington, d.c., joe biden is an existential threat to their jobs at the capital. >> brian: they want to make it that trump is the threat. they keep saying we got to stop donald trump from making us a dictatorship and project 2025 is the n new mantra. please don't buy it. -b9 hundred page think tank book that's very interesting. a lot of stuff is good. it's well-researched but has nothing to do with trump even though staff on there. >> ainsley: heritage foundation. >> brian: it doesn't mean it's trump who wrote it. you don't have to reach.
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if you don't like donald trump, look at the platform for the rnc and have fun with that he wrote it basically. the big question is two things, rnc, what about the drama and surprises and who is going to be on the president's vp short list? is he getting closer to knocking that down? i asked him that. he was somewhat evasive but here's what he said. >> on your vice presidential candidate, word is that you won't pick j.d. vance because of his facial hair is that true? facial hair. >> no. i have never heard that one. looks like a young abraham lincoln. no. >> brian: number two, doug burgum abortion in north dakota. he signed some legislation does that hurt him. >> it's a little bit of an issue. it's a pretty strong ban. i think doug is great. but it is a strong -- he has taken a very strong stance or the state has. i don't know if it's doug but the state has, it's an issue. >> brian: marco rubio being from florida. would that stop you from picking him? >> no.
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but it does make it more complicated. you actually can. but they take delegates. and taking delegates is, you know, very risky thing to do. >> brian: also, when you talk about a finalist for this i wonder if it factors in that joe biden might not be the nominee? does that change your thinking maybe you need virginia and you might want to go get a youngkin? >> i don't think it does. i'm asked that question a lot. am i waiting for that the ax to fall? we planned for him. but whether we plan for him or anyone else, the planning, i think is the same. it's a policy that the democrats have. >> steve: that was really good, brian. >> brian: thanks. >> lawrence: you know, brian, you got him to admit to a lot more than other people have. he definitely is concerned about and my sources tell me the same thing that he is concerned about the abortion thing when it comes to burgum. he likes him as a person. great friends, definitely going to be somewhere within the administration. i'm also being told that a person that's become somewhat of a dark horse and the president
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really likes has no drama, no baggage is ben carson that he's on the list as well-being considered as well. still loves j.d. vance, loves marco rubio as well. >> brian: what did ben carson ever accomplish? brain surgery? just a clear record? he didn't come up with zero weeks. he signed it. >> ainsley: they put that the in campaign ad trying to get women and independent voters. that makes it a little bit more complicated. great job. i wai was interested in what hed about rubio. i hadn't heard that if he pulled him and his vp he would lose delegates? >> brian: florida delegates. i talked to lindsey graham yesterday a lawyer. he doesn't think it's an issue. look at the legislation and words. if he goes and moves to washington. he would immediately give up the seat. desantis would fill it. and he would -- i don't think senator rubio loved being senator anyway. run for president.
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>> lawrence: he was set to, after he ran for president, he was -- he didn't run for re-election. the desantis was set to take on that seat in the senate. and then they were concerned about losing the seat, so donald trump encouraged him to run for that senate seat for re-election. and then desantis run for governor. >> ainsley: are you all getting the feeling he doesn't know yet? >> steve: he knows. >> lawrence: i think he does know. as we get closer he is wavering. if i had my prediction. it is between marco rubio and ben carson. >> axios has got a great piece out essentially that lays out the trump strategy. and it says that ever since the debate, they have adjusted his agenda. the republican platform. his vice president, even his debating style it all comes down to they know they need to win more men, especially black and hispanic without scaring off women. so think about the candidates out there so far. but one of the other things is the number one job for the vice
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presidential pick will be to, according to axios, to raise money. and the more the better. just like the apprentice show. but the number two thing is then the vice presidential pick will go to pennsylvania. and essentially camp out in pennsylvania for the balance of the campaign. because the trump campaign wants to deny joe biden pennsylvania. and if they can do that. donald trump get reelected. >> ainsley: right. nikki haley, you asked him about nikki haley. she said she hasn't been invited. how great would that be if she were invited and spoke? >> brian: maybe they will play it today. i couldn't believe the biggest shocker for me. first time i'm hearing she hasn't been invited but she stayed in too long. and desantis got out when he lost. she should have gotten out. >> lawrence: i heard that. >> brian: she compared him to casic. don't you need moderates? he said i have moderates. they are obviously still some bad blood there. i will tell you that was vicious. but so was rubio vicious and so was ted cruz vicious. and they got over it they are friends now.
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ainsley: ted cruz they went after his wife. marco rubio they were making fun of each other's hands. the size of their hands. >> steve: a lot going on. >> lawrence: it was the viciousness. also when we are talking back in 2016. ted cruz was still close. marco rubio was still close. nikki haley was nowhere near close. and i think the president's position is that she should. >> ainsley: taking a while for the dust to settle when you lose and have to get out. we have seen that time and time again. ted cruz needed donald trump to win texas and that's when they made up. >> steve: question is whether or not she will end up getting invited. >> ainsley: i hope so. >> steve: yesterday we were talking about how ron desantis was not invited this morning not only is he invited is he going to talk. >> lawrence: is he speaking. >> ainsley: so is the wrestling guy. >> brian: dana white. >> brian: is he going to introduce the president, dramatic. >> lawrence: going to be a show. >> steve: it's going to be a show. is he trying to line up as many
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big performers as possible. is he going to have the reality show star, amber rose. she has got an opening slot on the first night. and 50-cent is going to be performing. 50, right? >> lawrence: that was good, steve. >> brian: some of my favorite songs that he has are -- never mind. couple things he does not have donnie osmond we do. >> steve: we have him tomorrow. do you know what donny osmond loves to do? >> brian: tackle me. >> steve: pickleball. that's your dream. >> brian: pickleball with him or have him tackle me. >> steve: he plays pickleball. >> brian: is he dreamy but i don't want him tackling me. >> carley: he already did that. >> brian: yes, he did. >> carley: one of the headlines is trump only likes clean-shaven men that is the thing with j.d. vance and now pro-beard. >> brian: pro link. sounds like i made it up. brian. >> ainsley: there is a reason you said that whole news to get.
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to say starting with a fox news alert here. a manhunt is underway in houston, texas, after an on-duty deputy was shot and killed overnight. the 28-year-old victim was a five year veteran of the agency. investigators are still looking into what prompted the shooting. the harris county sheriff saying, quote: none of us are ever prepared for such an untimely death and our members need your prayers and support. so far, no word on a suspect description. alec baldwin's manslaughter trial is set to pick back up in just a few hours. the actor sat stone faced yesterday during opening statements. and in his manslaughter trial. the jury was shown tragic body footage of cinematographer halyna hutchins. >> the evidence will show someone who played make believe with a real gun and violated the cardinal rule of firearm safety is the defendant, alexander baldwin. >> this was an unspeakable tragedy but alec baldwin
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committed no crime. he was an actor acting. >> baldwin was pleaded not guilty. he faces up to 18 months behind bars if convicted. check out this footage here. the coast guard rescuing five people hanging on to a coolner lake erie in ohio over the weekend after their boat was crushed by a wave so miles from the shore. diverted to help rescue boaters. hoisted out of the water and loaded safely into the helicopter. how about those waves and lakes? two astronauts who were due back on everett weeks ago are saying they are confident that boeing's space capsule will get them back to earth safely despite some breakdowns. >> failure is not an option. that's why we are staying here now. >> like we said we have practiced here a lot. i have a real good feeling in my heart that this spacecraft will bring us home. >> officials say earliest return
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could be the end of july. and those are your headlines. that was a wild story, guys. that's not getting enough attention. >> brian: i can't get her past her hair as much as i want her get back on boeing spacecraft her hair is distracting. >> ainsley: such an interesting interview. >> steve: in space no one can hear you scream about your hair. bad hair day. >> lawrence: to be stuck in space they are so calm. >> brian: send up a spacex craft. >> steve: george clooney did one of those movies. is he available. >> ainsley: it's a big night. we are waiting and watching for biden's solo news conference today. >> steve: big boy. >> brian: anything he say make a difference? guy benson troocket that senator fetterman not so convincing endorsement of joe. >> america has now realize that you had joe biden is old and he certainly isn't as sharp as he was five or 10 years ago. ♪
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. i really don't think i have seen
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anything that makes me want to change that. >> steve: okay. there you got pennsylvania senator john fetterman doubling down on his support for president joe biden. more of his democratic colleagues call on the president to get the heck out of the race. today joey is going to try to reassure people in a rare solo news conference 5:30 this afternoon. you will see it on fox. also planning another sitdown interview on monday with lester holt from austin, texas. meanwhile critics pointing out in his 41 months in office. 16 had no tv interviews and 30 had no solo press conferences but today is the day. and there is a lot riding on it. fox news contributor guy benson joins us from the d.c. area. okay. guy, you know, today -- opponent's press conference could be for all marbles. >> specia especially if he does. we would be arguing even if we didn't see the debate
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performance. as you noted this guy doesn't do at love these as you call it big boy press conferences. very strange and infantilizing term they have embraced. they are going with one. here is a president rarely does these in an elections year a few months out from the election. there will be a lot of eyes on this regardless. given the context, the stakes are enormously high. typically the way that politics works. you would have the opposition party, the republicans circling like sharks. looking for any sort of gaffe or a slip-up or something to jump in and exploit. and attack the president, you would have his party standing guard ready to say they are wrong. is he fabulous. the dynamic is in some ways reversed this afternoon. you will have a lot of people within the democratic party and within the democrat leaning media, meaning will mostly all of it. looking for any sign of weakness to exemployed to try to further their goal of forcing their own candidate out of the race so he knows that the knives are out
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for him. so he has got to perform well tonight or at least relatively well. >> steve: right. you know, and i mentioned a moment ago, wins have you lost late night, you're dead. he also has lost the "new york times," the op-ed page has come out twice and said, don't do it, joe. and he has lost hollywood. the cover of the "new york post" today, doesn't have a clooney. because george clooney wrote, among other things in the op-ed yesterday, he said it's devastating to say but the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at the big fundraiser was not the big f'ing deal biden of 2010. he wasn't even the joe biden of 2020. he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. how big a deal is it when hollywood turns on you because that's -- i have heard that their fundraising has pretty much stopped. everybody has closed their checkbooks. >> yeah, the cultural cachet part of it is significant. not decisive. fund raising is the bigger concern here for team biden. they have got to convince
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donors, including hollywood elites to, hey, you got stick with us. it's going to be us. keep the money flowing. we got beat donald trump, all of that i don't really care what george clooney has to say and oh his i would like to hear more and list all the people he would like to see in flash primary, to me the relevant piece of information from that op-ed they all saw in private at that fundraiser what we all saw in the video of barack obama leading him away by the wrist. that they all denied at the time. they said that was a cheap fake selectively edited. misinformation. but now i guess it can be told weeks later, oh, yeah, it actually was pretty bad behind the scenes. they kept their mouths shut because they felt like the race was close enough. now, steve, here's what is interesting. there is brand new poll out this morning from "the washington post, this one will absolutely land on the president's desk as soon as he wakes up. it shows the race exactly tied. 46-46. very competitive; however you slice it. that's the national poll from "the washington post.
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if joe biden is seeing a poll like that or one or two others that show that it's tight or competitive. how are you going to convince him that he has got to get out and could the democrats start to spook themselves into saying oh this guy can't win? well, maybe can he? are we bleeding him? are we being stupid? this is a god send poll for him this morning, i think. >> steve: do you know what? i'm looking at it. here's the headline. most democrats want biden to drop out but overall race is static. you are absolutely right. they are tied in the overall race. year all two and three adults say the president should step aside, including seven in ten independents. you know you can't win without the is. of course, that's baked into the poll and the top line is 46-46. the averages show trump is leading nationally and all the key swing states. but a major survey like that from a newspaper like "the washington post," i'm not talking about the actual state of the race. i'm talking about the state of
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joe biden's mindset. and this could all blow up a number of hours from now if he does poorly at this press conference. but he is going to see that number this morning and say see, i can win this thing. >> steve: one brain freeze of four seconds after ed o'keefe cbs asks a question stick a fork in him, he's done. >> could be. >> steve: thank you very much for getting us ready for the big show tonight. >> guy: you bet. >> steve: jason palmer one person who beat joe biden in the primaries this year remember that guy? that's right. and now he is urging democrats to acknowledge the reality of another biden term saying the emperor has no clothes. he's coming up. ♪ rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help.
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you see, i was just sick and tired of being sick and tired, and my life was in a mess. i just got on my knees one night and i said, "god, i've sinned against you. i'm sorry, forgive me." i said, "i believe jesus christ is your son, i believe that he took my sins to the cross and he died and shed his blood for my sins, and that he was buried and that you raised him to life, and i'd like to invite him to come into my heart right now." i prayed that prayer and god heard my prayer, and he forgave me. and he will forgive you, and he will cleanse you and change your life starting today. just pray this prayer. just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord, from this day forward, amen." if you prayed that prayer, i want you to call right now that number that's on the screen. call that number and may god bless you.
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was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it'll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. >> janice: good morning, everyone. remember this time yesterday talking about the potential for tornadoes upstate, new york. it happened. we had tornadoes around the buffalo area, northeast of syracuse, and a lot of damage not only wind. we saw some hail and heavy
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rainfall and, see the damage of the videos right now. so that happened and that's the remnants of beryl. finally moving north and eastward out of the country. we still have the potential for heavy rainfall for parts of upstate new york in towards new england. a couple of flash flood concerns here. you know, this system will eventually move up towards canada and will be out of the way, thank goodness. but we are dealing with the potential for development just off the southeast coast. we don't think it's going to get a name. but it is going to bring heavy rainfall and of course power outages 1.3 million people without power across southeast texas and heat aleft continue where it will feel well over 10l days, fox for latest details and held lines, over to you, brian. >> brian: only one person defeated joe biden during the primary election baltimore investor jason palmer won the american samoa with 56% of the votes. i always said if you win america
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samoa the rest should be easy. one of many call for biden to pass the torch. it's difficult to say and even more difficult to hear. but we need to speak the truth to our friends and the ones we love. the emperor has no clothes. jason palmer joins us now fully dressed. jason, what brought you to this conclusion? solidly from the debate? >> it was mostly the debate, definitely. anyone who watched that debate first 30 minutes in you could tell that president biden just didn't have it all there. i mean, he wasn't bringing a strong attack to donald trump when trump was lying on a number of different things. he wasn't bringing up the issues that were his strong points. and, you know, as the debate went on, the people i was watching it with, we ended up turning it of even before it got to the end it was so difficult to watch. >> brian: when you saw the fundraiser when he couldn't get off the stage, when you watch him not understand stage direction almost any time. when he reads the teleprompter and reads the stage direction out loud, when you see him call
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on congresswomen to stand up and they are dead. isn't that. so clues that maybe got you to jump in to begin with that everyone now who is surprised about his state, his health are really not surprised? >> well, i think if you look back in october, november, when i got in the race, he actually had gone on that plane flight over to israel right away after the october 7th attacks. and i saw him late at night. i believe it was on c-span where he was on the airplane. he was talking about the people he had spoken with. and i just said to myself this guy is not able to put together complete sentences. and we're talking about the deaths of, you know, hundreds of israelis in the worst terrorist attack we have seen in so long. just let the guy go to bed. i thought maybe he was just tired or something like that. but then you could see progressively. i don't think people have been hiding this in the white house. i really do think this is something that has come on over the last six months or. so it's getting worse. it's like the frog boiling in
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the pot where you don't know that the frog is going to get boiled because it's happening little by little. but, when you compare president biden now vs. how he sounded in 2020, there's a reason why 77 million people came tout to vote for him then. he was a much stronger candidate. he had much more forceful ideas about what he wanted to door to the country. now difficult for him to complete sentences and complete whole thoughts. so it is really time for him to do the right thing. to be like george washington, pass it to the next generation of leaders. and i really do hope he comes to this decision on his own. i don't want to see this, you know, become a crescendo where it takes four weeks to really do the right thing. it could happen it. could take that long. politics and government move very slowly, i'm hopeful he will realize in the next week sthted right thing to do. >> brian: we will see, the rnc will be a reprieve for him and lester holt on monday night. presser at 5:30. most democrats, i believe are
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hoping he fails and make it obvious. appreciate it. jason palmer, thank you. >> hey, brian, thank you. >> brian: have great day. harvard once again under fire after the university reversed the suspensions of five pro-palestinian protesters. a recent harvard grad who saw it all first hand is here next. ♪ losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer,
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>> ainsley: harvard's response to campus st state y anti-stilln urging of the faculty council. our next gteens examined witnesd anti-semitism. schaaf bows joins us now. how do you have about this? >> i'm shocked with you not surprised inevitable outcome infectless leadership chronic inability to protect jewish students and uphold values of quality and justice under the law. three polling metrics i want to focus on. the solidarity network found 66% of orthodox jews don't feel safe living in new york anymore. gallup found 36% drop in americans who have any type of
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confidence in higher education and harvard's own data suggests that there has been a 17% drop in early application. so it's hard to have sympathy for the leadership harvard university and the ivy leagues and higher education in the united states when they make one bad decision after the other. they have abandoned us. >> ainsley: i know you just graduated. what did you go through. what did these groups do to you and jewish friends? >> it was awful. when i was walking to class. self-appointed safety marshals bright yellow vests monitor jews as they were walking, recording them. not speaking but following us every hour of the day. at one point they used bolt cutters to try to break up the gates of harvard to allow the outside community to rush. in they had signs saying if you want to access this part of campus, you have to talk to us first. this was happening outside of the office of president of harvard alan garber useless leader who has done nothing about the situation as you just said has now reversed the decision to suspend the barely five students that they have actually disciplined. >> ainsley: right. there were more than five. >> exactly, not only were their
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hundreds of students participating in the encampments. faculty and professors. including faculty and professors horrifically anti-semitic cartoon why is it when it documents racism and hobby harvard disciplines it. creates a very strong culture whereby we disdain those things when it comes to anti-semitism it's so complicated and should have a task force on anti-phobe and anti-semitism. this is why americans are pissed off at higher education. >> ainsley: they said harvard has caved in. showing that the student intifada will always prevail. from the river to the sea, grounded in the rights of return and resistance. we will not rest until divestment from the israeli regime is melt. it sounds like they are going to do it again. >> 100 percent they will do it again. harvard told them you can follow
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jews on the way to class. have you violate school policy. set up tents, smoke weed and have open air laundry on campus and that's all okay. in that statement they do talk about the right of palestinian resistance which is not a surprise. they were the ones blaming jews for the largest massacre of jews on the night of october 7th. also talking about long live the student intifada. west word period of violence when school buses blown up. nursing homes and hospitals. some of my professors look at that good we need to globalize it and come to the united states. this is not just an attack on jews. it's an attack on americans. >> ainsley: really quickly, how is this going to effect the jewish voted. >> last time i was on here i got in trouble i said i don't know of any orthodox jew that is going to vote for biden again. there are some. there are jews leaving biden left and right. begging my party please, make the obvious policy solution. stand with the jewish people of the united states. stand with the state of israel. so it's going to be a disaster in november.
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>> ainsley: all right. thank you so much. we did reach tout harvard. they declined to comment on this, on individual disciplinary cases because they are private, they say. all right. let's hand it over to carley, thank you, chab bows, hand it over to carley for headlines. >> trending stories to get. to say a massive brawl breaking out at the copa america semi-final match uruguay and colombia after defeat. lunged into the stands and went after colombia's fans. can you believe that uruguayen players claim they jumped in to defend their families who were near a group of people that appeared to be getting aggressive with the players' loved ones. colombia faces messi and argentina in copa america final on sunday that game will be on fox. and vanna white is putting to rest rumors of a feud with her new wheel of fortune co-host ryan seacrest. comes after reports white was thinking of quitting due to the awkwardness of seacrest posting
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this photo of instagram sharing a meal with imh she wrote friends off and off camera enjoying one of our favorites chick and dumplings. pat sajak will be returning to the tv screen for celebrity wheel of fortune this fall. and how about this? new york state is rolling out a ban on small toiletry items in hotels. meaning you will no longer see little bottles of shampoo, conditioner, lotion under 12 ounces. and if the hotel does not comply, they will get a fine of up to 500 bucks. a spokesperson for marriott hotels says the move is to help reduce plastic waste and go into effect next year. they are going after the little shampoo bottles. >> steve: artery math time. >> lawrence: all smell like hippies because they smell so well. >> brian: how am i going to get body into my hair without shampoo? >> steve: brian, you could buy it at the store for yourself. >> brian: like i got something else to worry about now. usually naked, soaken wet and
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realize no shampoo. >> steve: does were in dallas last weekend. they didn't have the little bottles, big bottles, it said if you like the big bottle and you take it home we are going to charge you 30 bucks. >> ainsley: i wonder hotel industry in new york do, this say it's for the environment so >> steve: migrants. >> brian: mugshot that means we are out ofen. time. ♪ that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush.
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israel is under attack. fighting for her survival. here in america, anti-semitism is at an all time high. we must stand with israel like never before
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