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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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lumineux whitening strips. no peroxide. no pain. i can use them every day if i want. eat what i want. drink what i want. pop in a lumineux strip and hello... smile is back on point. easy. ♪
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>> brian: it's 8:00 on the east coast, thursday, july 11, this is "fox and friends." make or break moment happening today for president biden at nato press conference with first democratic senator calling for him to drop out. >> ainsley: lawmakers are not only ones with serious concerns about a second term. >> we need to be a country first, we need a president who is able to be president. if there is a crisis, is able to come talk to us. >> i will pick the guy that can do the job. >> i have to vote for trump after the debate, i bought me and my friend a 2024 shirt. >> steve: all democrats. chuck todd has been sitting on this nugget for a couple years. >> i had a cabinet secretary out of the blue ask me, do you really think, he can't run again like this? >> lawrence: he did not think he should tell us about it? >> steve: now he is.
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>> lawrence: third hour of "fox and friends" starts now and remember, mornings are better with friends. president biden will be taking the podium for a solo press conference as part of day three of the ongoing nato summit. >> steve: this is ahead of a sit-down interview planned with nbc monday night austin, texas, as joe fights to save his campaign. jake >> ainsley: and jacqui heinrich is live at the white house with the latest. >> nancy pelosi rejecting his final answer he's remaining in the race and chuck schumer signalling he is open to dumping biden at the top of the ticket and that george clooney oped calling for biden to drop out saying the same joe biden in the debate stage was same guy he was dealing with earlier faltering
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in old age. politico reported clooney gave former president obama a heads up what he was going to write and obama did not reject to it. there is video of obama leading biden off the stage. those were big developments for biden's circle which knowledged put to stop when black caucus came out saying they are with biden. and yesterday peter wells. in my view, he is not. new poll shows 56% of democratic voters agree. that number rises to 7-10 among
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not-fo independents. >> we need a president who is able to be president. if there is a cries, is able to come talk to us. >> i will pick the guy that can do the job. >> i have to vote for trump. after the debate, i bought me and my friend a 2024 shirt. >> we are trying to get jamie harris, he told us it is time to lock you're knees and stiffen your spine. no ambiguity there. vocal support for the president to stay in the race are coming from names voted to replace him like gretchen whitmer. although white house might not be happy with an answer she gave. she was asked if he should take a cognitive test and her answer is it wouldn't hurt. >> steve: tonight 5:30, people will see it live on fox, essentially a realtime cognitive
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test, as the white house would say. you know, having sat in the briefing room, reporters are steamed and have not had access to the president. if he takes four questions and turns around, he's going to look bad, isn't he? this is what the white house hopes will be redemption for him. >> they have been calling it a big boy press conference. this was a back and forth between a bloomberg reporter who was searching for a word and referred to as a big boy press conference. they said he will take questions from a mix of outlets, not just regular two-by-two when he has an occasional press conference that is very limited. i think the nbc interview is a backup plan in case things do not go well tonight. i it was looked upon as final
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test. if he were to fail it, that would be consequential. if things don't go well, he can redeem himself. >> brian: democrats, special caucus lunch at 12:30, mike d deneli and jen o'o'malley tryin to quell the problem, they lost a senator from vermont and senator bennett was negative. we see poll in "washington post" that says they are in dead heat head-to-head, which spells good news for joe biden. real clear average has trump up 3.5 and over 56% of democrats said he should end his canings day and american people give him 36% approval rating. most polls are dismal for the president. when they ask people who should replace president biden, the one who gets most is vice president
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kamala harris with 29%. gavin newsom with 7. >> lawrence: brian was talking about campaign staffers going over, why do they keep sending staff instead of joe biden himself to go? i was watching the meeting of some democrats coming out and some reporting suggested they said he won't even meet with them. i think that is part of the problem, not reassuring confidence by not meeting with be ms. >> ainsley: folks at the fundraiser, george clooney and john favor said we were at this fundraiser and noticed and said the guy we saw at the fundraiser is same guy we saw at the debate, they were not going to say anything about it, they have been protecting him. joe biden, the reason he has not done news interviews, they have been protecting him.
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during his emtntire presidency,0 months without a tv interview and 30 months without a solo press conference. they know what is happening behind the scenes, it was revealed to america during the debate. they have been trying to protect him and chuck todd said, i knew two years ago. >> steve: tonight 5:30, could be one of the biggest audiences ever for a tv. it will start a tidal wave of democrats saying, you know what, he said he had one bad night then he had another bad night and that is why to jacqui heinrich's point, lester holt is plan c fchl he has another bad night tonight, that is rede
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redemption. >> lawrence: had an interview with democrats and they saw same debate we did and had these observations about joe going. >> when i watched the debate, it was really the changing factor for me. i was like, i don't believe biden can lead this country or interact with other leaders, i will pick the guy that can do the job, i will pick trump. >> after the debate, i bought me and my friend a 2024 shirt, first political gear i've ever watch and my i say to every african american, vote for donald trump, they will hear you out, they want to win. you will force democrats, people you comfortably vote for to actually listen to you. >> getting frustrated with entire partisanship of our entire country. we need to be a country first, we need a president able to be president. if there is crisis is able to
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come talk to us, commands the room and able to answer questions on the fly and right now i'm not sure biden can do that. >> lawrence: yeah. two of the three said that they are voting for donald trump. that is why i think another debate is highly unlikely because i think the former president, republicans want final image voters see of joe biden is his debate performance. >> brian: dnc in chicago and riots outside for the palestinians. >> lawrence: something about that debate, though, i don't think people can see current president of the united states and condition he was that will stay with people for a while. >> steve: fascinating listening to democrats talking about it. yesterday, i have not revealed this, i had my annual physical and i saw a doctor here in mid midtown. has been a democrat his entire
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life, as blue as they get and one thing he told me, we were talking about the state of the race. he said, my son, who is in college, loves donald trump. and a lot of his friends and the kid was raised democratic. his friends love donald trump. it is not comparison between joe and don, he has a different personality he projectses to young people. >> brian: is your doctor, dr. siegel? >> steve: would you go to dr. siegel? i've been to dr. siegel, this is a diver doctor. there are a lot of democrats, same thing we heard in 2016. a lot of democrats are talking about, donald trump is looking good to me. >> brian: we'll see, supposed to get momentum from the rnc. r ron desantis will be speaking
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and dana white, regular people. somebody who no longer has a regular show is chuck todd, meet the press, had opportunity to have a huge story two years ago, he chose to wait until a crisis in the biden camp to reveal a story that he proudly says he held on to. listen. >> i had a cabinet secretary two years ago, okay, two years ago, out of the blue asked me, do you really think -- he can't run again like this. i said, well, you have more interaction with him know that i do. they said, i don't have a lot of in interaction with him, pretty senior cabinet secretary, this was two years ago. >> lawrence: he is still their chief political analyst, if i remember correctly. how do you not break the number one story of the decade if you have a scoop and you are the chief political journalist
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there? we can only infer that you were trying to protect him and when we just had jacqui on, talking about the axios piece of white house press corps being so upset. they are upset because you the american people know now when the white house promised he was okay and they saw everyday he wasn't okay. >> ainsley: jerome powell was being interviewed and said two years ago is last time he had a meeting with joe biden, more than two years ago, may 31, 2022. >> steve: you have janet yellen -- >> ainsley: we have inflation. >> steve: janet yellen says he's fine. jacqui heinrich talking about three daggers yesterday. one was this, yesterday one of hollywood's leading men, george clooney changing his tune after helping president biden raise nearly $30 million at a star-studded fundraiser. >> ainsley: he claims it is
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devastating to say it, joe biden i was with three weeks ago was not the same joe biden of 2010 or 2020, he was same man we witnessed at the debate. >> lawrence: next guest is calling out the actor for waiting to say anything. barstool founder dave dave portnoy joins us now. you are joining us with a shirt now. >> steve: what was that about? >> ainsley: he just got out of the water. >> island tyke in nantucket. >> lawrence: why are people coming out now? >> they want to whack him. i'm probably the minority. i tweeted during the debate, i thought biden did great, i thought he would not be able to put a assist together. if you paid any attention to joe biden over last year, two years,
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you know he's gone and it happens when you get old. you don't walk on to a stage and not be able to find your way off of it. you don't get corraled by leaders walking you off. you don't walk off your fall off your bike. it is one after another after another. i couldn't believe they let him do the debate. if clooney, chuck todd, everybody knew this man is basically a vegetable, why would you ever let him do that debate unless you wanted to show the world he's gone and get rid of him? it is shameful and the crazy part is, a lot of people and i said this in the rant, you can say trump versus head of lettuce and people hate trump so much, they may still vote for head of lettuce. we don't know who has been running the country for the last four years, who knows.
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>> steve: are you suggesting biden's own team set him up to blow it? >> yeah, i think the democrats. >> lawrence: wow. >> if you know each other fairly well and been around each other four years and you are like, this person has whatever, parkinson's or whatever and you walk him to a debate, what do they expect to happen? i literally was oh, he's doing better than i thought and rest of the country is like, this is worst thing ever. where have you been? i didn't think he could put a sentence together. >> brian: when obama walked him off the stage, people are saying we are rude we bring that up, that is what friends do. now we find out people were saying when he was not there and talking and staring into the distance, he looked out of it. nobody reported that. >> ainsley: before you talk, sorry to interrupt, play a
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flashback of the media montage. listen to this. >> president obama, president biden have a relationship, they are friends, they are like family to each other. that is what you saw. you saw the president put his hand on the back of president biden and they walked off the stage after taking questions. >> the video from l.a. fundraiser is election test. republicans see frailty, democrats see friendship. >> headline from "new york post," biden appear to freeze up led off stage by obama. comes one week after "new york post" made a cover out of appallingly editted tape. both articles are cheap fakes that are manipulated to fool viewers. >> brian: you were not fooled, dave. >> if you are on the internet, this is one of many and if -- it
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was every week a different incident and thinks they were saying, it was quite obvious he was well into decline and so to put him in a debate, when i saw he was going to do a live debate, i spit out my coffee, how, he cannot do it. he could not and everybody spit out their coffee. where have you been? you have not opinion paying attention. >> steve: you won't be at the press conference, if dave portnoy were at the event, i've got a question for you, what would your question be to joe biden? >> who is not letting you step down? i don't think it is biden, whether it is jill that clip even after the debate, she wanted to airplane him in mushed peas. you do a great job.
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nobody wants to give up power and somebody is running that and does not want to give it up. who is it? joe, you have to stay in the race because he's gone. it is obvious, everyone knows he's gone. >> ainsley: you said even ms. peaches know he's gone. >> she's a toddler and she knows. >> brian: how much damage is done to the press and their credibility? how could you be trusted again? they are not even acknowledging they ignored this story. >> yeah. the shame of it, i already had such little standards for it, it does not surprise me. and i think they'll be some people switch. this country is so politicized that people believe, republicans believe one thing, democrats the other. i don't know how anybody can believe anything being said about the president. >> lawrence: hope they remember
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people that told lies and said everything is okay. >> brian: what happens to b barstool when you go on vacation? do they know what to do? >> we have some people, i'm clocking in, i have my setup here. >> steve: have a lobster roll for lunch, have a feeling you will. >> thank you. app and good ice cream. >> steve: the best. carley has news from texas. >> carley: fox news alert, a manhunt underway in houston after deputy shot and killed in the line of duty. authorities say the detective was ambushed while looking for a man who had pistol whipped a man at little caesars. here is the press conference from this morning. >> they saw his undercover vehicle with multiple gun strikes and they checked on him and he suffered numerous gunshot wounds and rushed him to the emergency room, where he
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suc succumbed to his gunshot wounds. >> carley: victim was 28 years old and five-year veteran of the force. and a trooper disruptsing a human smuggling operation after pulling over a horse trailer. found four illegal immigrantses hiding, three from el salvador and one from mexico. the smuggler was arrested and the migrants have been referred to u.s. border patrol. tire on american airline flight caught fire on the runway before takeoff yesterday at tampa airport. watch this. oh, boy. >> whoa. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. blown engine. >> carley: the fire started after mechanical malfunction, all passengers and crew are okay. those are headlines.
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a lot going on with tires these days. >> brian: that is why tires have donuts, you just put it on. >> lawrence: yeah? >> steve: how do you pullover in the sky? >> brian: they are pulled over now, switch it. >> steve: thank you. >> brian: let me tell you what is next, with just days until the rnc, former president trump was talking to me about who is going to be hisun aring mate. >> i think i'm pretty well set in my own mind. you got some good people and i have changed a little bit. they are all great. i look back h great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan.
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[ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you.
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down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ >> janice: good morning, beautiful day in new york city. a little warm, we'll talk about that. on the map, we had tornados in upstate new york around syracuse and buffalo, that is crazy. top rainfall totals across the area close to five inches and that is what is left of beryl. w 1.3 million are still without power in texas. we have this area of low pressure bringing potential for heavy rain for florida and parts of the east coast. i have my friends here. where are you from?
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>> ohio. >> janice: what do you want to say to america? >> mornings are better with friends. >> janice: yeah, well done. brian, they are on to something. >> brian: might be a slogan we're going to use everyday, three times per day. let's talk politics. growing anticipation over who? donald trump will pick as a running mate. here is what he told me. >> we have a deep bench, marco was great last night, very popular, he's certainly one of the people. >> brian: you have j.d. vance, i was with governor bergman in north dakota and tim scott, four finalists. should i expand that? >> you could, i'm well set in my mind. you have some good people, i have changed a little bit. they are all great, anyone would be fantastic and a lot better than laughing kamala.
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>> brian: josh kraukraushauer. >> i think the three names you mentioned are the front-runners and three different tracks. there is political track which marco rubio makes most political sense. he's never lost an election, he's from a key state in florida. he could help donald trump make endroads with ispanic voters. you saw marco rubio. marco rubio has inside track. j.d. vance, if trump wants to go in a maga-base direction, j.d. vance has a lot of fans at mar-a-lago and with supporters. he could be rust belt play from ohio and pennsylvania, michigan,
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wisconsin, working class voters, key for donald trump to win. then there is governor berdoug burgum, i think he's the safe out of central casting pick for donald trump. he's a business guy, they connect on a personal level and he has establishment main-stream record that would give a lot of swing voters and peoplel who are not the most hardened trump supporters this is a solid pick. >> brian: one thing isser cloo, donors are holding on to dollars. nbc says it is disastrous, takes a major hit. sources say fundraising will drop by half this month. grassrootses dollar were said to be strong. the president goes into let the elites be elites. it does not matter, if we don't
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get donations, we will do it without them. any of these magic pill that gets him out ore keeps him in between nancy pelosi, clyburn, donations, obama. is your sense someone has the magic bullet? >> oh, boy, it is such a big deal when one of your leading fundraisers says you are incomp at any time, we heard george clooney say yesterday. that will dry up big dollar donations for the time being. small dollar donors who were giving has slowed down considerably, as well. i think this is a staring match between the anti-biden forces and democratic party and white house. if biden stays on the ticket, i have a hard time believing
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donors will stop giving to biden. i think there is a little bit of a staring game. if biden is nominee, i don't think he will have trouble with fundraising. message trying to be sent is a scare tactic. >> brian: i'm seeing now "new york times" editorial calling on republicans to reject trump. nice try. can you define the word thrashing? thanks, josh. straight ahead june inflation report drops any moment and we learn president biden has not met with the fed chair in two years. big money coast jackie deangelis is here to react. there are st jackie deang is here to react. hostst jackie . deangelis is here to react. st j deangelis is here to react. t ja deangelis is here to react. t li this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way.
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>> steve: alec baldwin's trial resumes in two hours, the actor is charged with one count of manslaughter for the death of r rust's halyna hutchins. todd piro has an update. >> todd: alec baldwin was in court yesterday as the jury was shown body cam footage of shall ifs trying to save halyna hutchins, who died after being shot with a gun alec baldwin was holding. there are different takes on the tragic situation. >> the evidence will show that someone who played make believe with a real gun and violated cardinal rules of firearm safety is the defendant, alec baldwin. >> this was unspeakable tragedy, alec baldwin committed no crime.
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he was an actor acting. >> todd: witness testimony is underway with nicholas leflore who was the first on the scene. hannah gutierrez-reed is -- over to you >> >> lawrence: hope we can get justice for that family. fox business aletters, consumer price index now released, key inflation report revealing cost of items still up from last year as a whole. here with what it means for you and your wallet moving forward, co-host of big money show, the great jackie deangelis. jackie, this is your lane, you know how it will impact people. how bad is it? >> overall 3% is headline number, better than expectation,
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it ticked down a tenth of a percent, which is core. core number 3.3 is better than expected, but up a tenth of a percent. this is hard part of inflation, we have to get from here to 2% and jerome powell reiterated that the other day. this bounces area. the core number strips out food and energy and usually makes them look better. it does not make them look better, food and energy is still higher and going up 3.3% year over year. i don't think it is a win. they will take a victory lap. futures are higher, they are saying, it is coming down, giving jerome powell impetus to say it is coming down. shipping cost in month of june up 33% year over year, this is
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stuff that has stuck with us. food prices up 20% over course of last 3-1/2 years. you can't get prices down without bringing oil prices down. that is what president trump is saying he'll do as opposed to president biden destroying the oil industry in this country. shelter costs are up, medical services costs are up and this is what the everyday american average person feels and is having trouble with. i don't look at inflation number that much, i look at other stuff. >> lawrence: all about the impact you talked about jerome powell quickly, said he has not spoken with the president in two years. i mean, isn't that troubling? >> it is troubling and not troubling, we know the president is not all there. i imagine he is speaking with other people, he is not lying when he says he has not spoken to the president.
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the president may not be calling the shots at the end of the day. he's looking at data and will make decisions. he said on capitol hill essentially he's looking a little bit more at rate cut being on the table. will it be in september or after the election? unerm ployment up. when i hike rates, people will lose their jobs and with revisions we are finding out that is upon haing. this is a mess, big mess. >> lawrence: huge mess and we have to deal with the big mess. thank you. so hollywood taking sides in the biden saga as more a-listers ditch the president. doos is on the loose ask ing everyday americans what they think, that is next. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving.
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>> i thought biden did great, i was expecting him to not be able to put a sentence together. if you have paid a tiny bit of attention to joe biden over the last year or two years, you know he's gone. it happens when you get old.
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you don't walk to a stage and not be able to find your way off of it, you don't fall off your bike, you don't say you had lunch with somebody that has been dead for five years. i couldn't believe they let him do the debate. if clooney, chuck todd, everybody knew this man was a vegetable, why let him do that debate unless you wanted to show the world he was gone and get rid of him? >> brian: great questions. dave portnoy sounding off after george clooney tells joe it is time to go. >> ainsley: what do everyday people think? doos is on the loose. steve. >> steve: hold on, i'm taking a selfie, what is your name? he watches everyday. how about big news -- you have to talk. okay. i thought he was going to you can ta. he cannot reveal how he feels about this. >> steve: how are you? we're on fox, did you see this,
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george clooneys that our current president should get out. >> no, no, we can't help, sorry. we're just tourists. >> where are you from? >> near london. >> steve: here is guy taking my picture. buddy, buddy. >> he's with us. >> steve: what is your name? >> bernie. joe biden has to go, according to george clooney, what do you think? >> i think he is 100% correct. >> steve: do you listen to movie stars? >> i don't listen to them, i just keep up for new rhetoric, people are fed up with injecting politics into sports hollywood. >> steve: central park, right? >> canada. >> steve: this issure tooists. kevin, what do you make of
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george clooney saying joe has to go? >> i would agree. >> steve: you would? >> absolutely. >> steve: do you, for the most part listen to what celebrities have to say? >> no, celebrities are for entertainment only. >> steve: thank you. there is actual celebrity mode of transportation, the bike brian kilmeade came to work on. a lot about celebrities. coming up in 11 minutes, man who is sitting on the 12th floor of that skyscraper will take over, bill hemmer, what do you have planned? >> bill: great effort, steve. good effort. we'll check passports next time. we have a great lineup. coming up in a moment here, we will talk with a man given access to white house for two years, wrote a book about it, what he learned inside. three democratic voters will
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tell us what they want from joe biden and team trump getting closer to a big week. what we're learning about their plan. come along, it will be a ride, dana and i will see you in 10 minutes, top of the hour.
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a>> ainsley: who he will pick a his running mate. to try to win more of the key voting blocks in seven different swing states. here with reaction is fox news contributor kellyanne conway. >> how are you? >> ainsley: doing great. thank you. how important is this to readjust, to look over new plans going forward before the election? >> i look at all of it as expansion how donald trump is expanding the map and even media outlets looking at minnesota, new hampshire, virginia, possibly new mexico places where president trump can be competitive at the least force the biden team to spend time and money, precious resources dwindling for them by the day in those states that nobody saw competitive a short time ago. i think he is expanding his
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reach into the demographic co-hurts. african-americans, gay and lesbians household. veterans. hispanics, union households. all these groups donald trump is doing better among than your typical republican candidate. he is not a typical republican candidate and doesn't need to win 50% of any of those groups to win the presidency. that's the key. politics is about math and science. if you can mitigate and in some cases eliminate the traditional deficits that a republican presidential candidate would have among those key constituents they win. he is eating what is a bad news cycle now for two weeks for the democrats. vp pick is incredibly important as he told brian kilmeade and others, he has a lot of great choices. i can't go wrong with the list he has got. i do think the person can't be a subtraction and detraction.
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you don't want to news cycle to switch over to the v.p. candidate if somebody who is a big shock and surprise. >> ainsley: you know well it is frustrating watching other networks. they don't tell you the truth. we've seen that. we saw the debate and everyone realizes now. if you follow on social media, a lot of young people do, they try to connect donald trump to project 2025. he said i'm not behind that at all. >> he has made that very clear. i think some people are ships without a port in the age of trump and maybe got a little bit ahead of their skis. i have known this for a while and had a conversation with him previously. you can't have former trump administration officials speaking for him when you are trying to foist policy that would not come from him. and this platform is much more align with the trump america first agenda. i was in manhattan on monday
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night at a fundraiser that melania trump hosted for the log cabin republicans. second event she hosted at one of her private homes. ainsley, they feel this is a platform that welcomes everyone. i think president trump is going to do much better among different constituents. the democratic party has taken for granted for so long. also this is president trump's nomination, his convention, his presidency. and i think there is so much in the america first agenda that we can all agree with without having to -- without having to be too aggressive in the words said. he wants to be expansive and inclusive. democrats are dividing their party. i was on the hill yesterday talking about healthcare. democrats are talking about one man's healthcare. i want republicans to come up with a positive plan. donald trump is unifying the party sitting with mitch
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mcconnell. endorsing larry hogan. considering people for his v.p. that weren't kind to him in the past. you have to have a platform that does the same, unify the party. >> ainsley: congratulations on your new fox nation show called here is the deal on fox nation. thank you. be sure to tune into "fox & friends" all next week. we'll come to you live from the republican national convention in milwaukee. we're heading out this weekend. the all american summer concert series continues tomorrow. look who we have. we have donny osmond. go to "fox & friends."com to register if you want to come and join us here on 6th avenue for v.i.p. access and free barbecue. have a wonderful day. tomorrow is friday. we'll be right here. >> bill: thank you, ainsley. here we go now. a live look at the white house in crisis. presiden


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