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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 11, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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it is okay to lean on family for advice. kushner had way more clout than priebus or kelly and mulvaney combined. that's okay. he got a lot done including the abraham accords. >> bill: last question. you said either the white house has something to hide or they are just obsessed with controlling the narrative. which one is it, a or b? >> you know, i think everybody has to judge for themselves. i think at this point, it's -- i will tell you this. i think that even some of the family and the inner circle around joe biden were shocked by that night, by biden's performance. >> dana: maybe they shouldn't have tried to control the narrative so much as you point out. thank you so much. >> bill: nice to have you on. it is that time. sante fe, new mexico alec baldwin arriving and jonathan hunt is there. jonathan.
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>> good morning, bill. alec baldwin just arrived for what is day three of this trial. he once again said absolutely nothing, as he left yesterday, i asked him why as somebody who doesn't run away from the media he isn't talking to us this time around. listen here. >> mr. baldwin, have your lawyers ordered you not to talk to reporters? you are usually so chatty. >> but again nothing from him. now in court yesterday we had opening statements. prosecutors said baldwin was simply reckless when on the set of the movie "rust." he pointed a weapon directly h hell -- halyna hutchins. >> he pointed the gun at another human being, cocked the hammer and pulled that trigger.
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a reckless disregard for miss hutchins' safety. >> baldwin's lawyers said he had absolutely no way of knowing there was a live round in that weapon and he had no formal responsibility for checking it. listen again. >> this was an unspeakable tragedy but alec baldwin committed no crime. he was an actor acting. >> we also saw yesterday some body cam video from the first law enforcement officer on the scene showing paramedics trying to save hutchins' life. a reminder while the focus is on baldwin, this trial is about a woman who lost her life. bill. >> bill: indeed. jonathan, thank you. the arrival moments ago when we were speaking with chris whipple about his time at the biden white house and writing that book. alec baldwin arrived at that moment and as jonathan said doesn't have a lot to say.
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sometimes can be very chatty on the streets of new york but a different matter now when you are charged with involuntary manslaughter. >> dana: he is a tall man. >> bill: 5'11" and his wife has been with him and so has his brother, steven baldwin as they head back in court for another day. >> dana: fascinating case. judge janine has a fox nation special. key democrats are lining up on a critical day for president biden. all eyes on his performance at the nato summit. democrats still standing up for the president could be falling like dominoes as the sun goes down tonight. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. or not. >> bill: good morning. any moment now president biden meets with nato leaders again for talks on threats to global peace and prosperity and there is a lot on the line. big focus on the war in ukraine,
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nuclear deterrents, cybersecurity, mutual defense. you have the axis of cooperation between china, russia, north korea, and iran. it is a tough world and meanwhile an entirely different topic is top of mind for a lot of people here at home. is president biden fit for the job he wants to keep for another four years? republicans are pushing hard to make that point. >> this is becoming the democrats' watergate. who knew it, when did they know it and what did they do? you will see a lot of damaginging forward and they are inflicting it themselves. i think president trump has played it smart. republicans played it smart. be quiet. let the democrats hemorrhage it by themselves. >> bill: off to chicago in august with someone at some time. edward lawrence is live at the convention center in d.c. for the nato conference. we begin the new hour with you. hello. >> hello, bill. we expect the president to be here any minute now and the president likes to say watch me.
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other world leaders are. the reviews concerning according to house speaker mike johnson. listen to this. >> these foreign leaders are coming in, prime ministers, heads of state and they are telling us privately that they are deeply concerned. >> so at least one former state department official says the more president biden interacts at the nato summit, the more he is losing the room. >> you need a commander-in-chief and someone who is a decision maker and you have already heard this from people not just low level staffers but from foreign leaders they aren't quoted by name but saying they don't think biden is up to the job. these are heads of state, part of nato. >> still president biden's team saying that he is on message today. the president meeting ukrainian president zelenskyy and holding a critical news conference as the president supplies ukraine with five more patriot missile batteries, f-16s by denmark and
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assurances without a set timetable. >> if i felt there was -- of course that would be of concern to me and i would do the appropriate thing. but i haven't seen that. that hasn't been my experience. >> the news conference later on today will be the first news conference president biden has had in about eight months or so. we'll have to see, bill, if he is overprepared. back to you. >> bill: edward lawrence watching the nato doings today in d.c. >> dana: a growing number of democrats are breaking from biden but some are staying the course. can a few vocal supporters counter the wave of criticism. hillary vaughn is live from capitol hill where the cat has a lot of tongues there, hillary. >> dana, that's true. democrats are sticking with biden even after george clooney bailed on him.
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clooney's concerns about biden's mental fitness questioning his ability to win is causing some democrats to clam up. >> that concerned you that someone like george clooney who was just with the president says you need a new nominee? >> george clooney is a movie producer. he needs to produce movies. i think president biden is a great president. >> will he make it another four years? >> i appreciate hearing mr. clooney's opinion and, you know, we'll continue to deal with this within our democratic family. >> do you think people close to president biden are being honest about his mental state? yesterday biden bled for democratic support bringing the tally to ten democrats calling him to step aside as the nominee. peter welch from vermont becoming the first senator to do so saying i understand why
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president biden wants to run. for the good of the country i'm calling on president biden to withdraw from the race. what a biden second term would mean if he is showing signs of decline something troubling democratic allies from clooney democrats are ignoring or avoiding. >> symptom that president biden could display to question his mental fitness? >> i think he is good to go. >> not something he could do, congressman, that would make you think maybe he can't serve another four years? [inaudible] >> do you think it's okay to have a president where there is this open question whether or not he is in cognitive decline? >> do you think it was right to have president trump in his cog intive decline for four years? >> one democratic senator says it is a waste of time if biden cannot come and make the case
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himself. it is the president that they actually want face time with today. >> dana: i love that we have you there, hillary. thank you so much. meanwhile there was another bombshell, axios reporting chuck schumer has told donors he is open to a democratic ticket not led by president biden. here is axios political reporter hans nichols. what a scoop you got. tell us what you heard. >> thanks for having me. i want to be clear what we reported and how far we went. the basic idea is that chuck schumer is open to the idea of having someone other than joe biden be atop that ticket. he is not actively advocating for a swap but listening to all his donors, allies, and also having this big listening session with members of his own caucus, senate democrats that made him majority leaders. a lot of democrats want to defeat donald trump and important to democrats. chuck schumer loses his job at
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senate majority leader if the senate loses 51 seats and why it is crucial to see what he is doing. he has mostly been silent giving this statement i'm for joe. he has now said that four times at least in my presence. what we don't know is where he is truly at. this is an indication he is at least open to something, right? >> bill: you write that and say in private he is singing a different tune. >> yeah. >> bill: clear that up. >> in public there is no doubt, no daylight in public between chuck schumer and the president of his own party with whom he served a decade in the senate and got to know well when biden was vice president. no public daylight. privately there is daylight. that is to say that he is open, chuck schumer, to someone not named joe biden being on the ticket. again, he is not sort of pushing these conversations, but he is using and listening to his allies and donors and the senators. >> dana: he is meeting the donors where they are and then you have the nbc report say the
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money is drying up for the campaign. the money dries up for the campaign you can't pay staffers and don't have a campaign. ron klain did an interview with greg sergeant and some of the things he said about biden's undecided voter support remaining strong. >> i don't think they are parked undecided. most of the polls parked under kennedy in some polls. those voters are gettable by biden. if you are a white working class voter in pennsylvania and aren't trumpy yet, i don't see how you get there in the next four months. those people may just not be wild about the prices of things and inflation and things like that and have doubts about biden's management. those are unfair but acknowledge they exist. >> dana: can you tell me what's the feeling in d.c.? i'm not there. i have a sense based on where i am now. what's the feeling there? to me the campaign that the biden team is trying to wage is a failing one and they are
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flailing and this press conference can't save them. what say you? >> i think it is tense. everyone is waiting to see at least for senate and house democrats there is a great deal of tension heading into this press conference. ron klain laid it out there. their theory of the case. also a hypothetical one. what klain and democratic party are saying take their word for it. these voters may come back to biden. they may be upset about inflation. all that is conditional. so what you have here is basically two different theories of the case, voters will either come back to biden or they have lost them and klain and biden are saying trust us. and what you are hearing a growing chorus on capitol hill we're not certain. >> bill: it's really the obama circle doing most of the pushing here. >> that is clear on the aide side. when you look at former aides,
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the sort of core people that i got to know when i covered the obama white house are all publicly saying what a lot of democrats in this town and some in the administration or closely are saying privately saying it will be very difficult for joe biden to beat donald trump if he continues to have the kind of debate performances he had and if he is not actually up to either the job or running for president. but you are right. that's the story, bill, you turned yourself into my assignment editor. we should try to figure out where obama is privately and after that i will try to figure where julia roberts is. she hasn't said anything. >> bill: can i add this? i think the biggest story in american is who is texting john king and van jones during the debate. they struck the match and it has changed the story entirely ever since. we'll get on that, too. >> dana: hans, thank you. >> bill: nice to see you. >> dana: also this from chuck
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todd, nbc, msnbc, i can't remember. he has known the biden team for a long time and biden himself and what he said about him yesterday. >> it has made me want to rethink a lot of the biden biography. i still can't believe he ran for president in the first place given his family was in crisis in 2018. i look -- you look at what has happened. i can't believe he put his family through this. and now looking at his behavior now and clinging to this, you know, i think the entire narrative on joe biden is going to change in that he was -- he has always been -- everything has been about his ambition and his ambition comes first. >> dana: i've been saying this for a while. if they believe that donald trump is such a threat why not figure out a way to make sure they had a strong nominee going into this election? now you have a situation where the bidens are 85% of d.c. has turned on them. probably soon to be more and
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this is not the reputation they wanted to leave with. >> bill: you could say that opinions move with crowds. >> dana: yes. >> bill: the crowd has moved. not entirely in unison but pretty close to it. >> dana: like a herd. >> bill: 14 past now. republican national convention only days away. nobody is even talking about it. former president trump is at a time where he has yet to name a v.p. this is a great secret or it will be one heck of a story next week in milwaukee. mark meredith is on that today. what are you hearing, mark? read the tea leaves. >> we certainly are. good morning. the countdown is on. former president trump expected to name his running mate in a matter of days. the convention less than a week away, which means a name could leak at any time. trump has publicly discussed several possible names for v.p. the top contenders are seen at j.d. vance, florida senator marco rubio and north dakota
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governor doug burgum. trump appeared to suggest that burgum's strong support for some pro-life policies may go beyond where trump stands. >> a little issue. a pretty strong man. doug is great but it is a strong -- he has taken a strong stance or the state has. i don't know if it's doug but the state has. so it's an issue. >> trump has brushed aside reports that senator vance's beard could be a problem. he said he looks like abraham lincoln in his book. we don't know if the senator will join trump at saturday's rally in butler, pennsylvania, 50 miles from the ohio border and trump has teased an announcement could happen before the convention. this could be the spot where that could be. trump strongly suggested during tuesday's rally in dor all he remains a fan of senator rubio. a contrast to eight years owing when they had a contentious
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relationship. we've learned florida governor ron desantis, a former trump opponent and supporters will speak at next week's gop convention in milwaukee. talk before he wasn't going to be there and now being there and also speaking. >> bill: thank you, mark. we'll be patient. it's not our call. >> we have to wait to find out. >> thank you, mark. >> dana: we're gearing up for a big week in milwaukee. "america's newsroom" live from the republican national convention and be there starting sunday noon eastern. biden will begin discussion with world leaders at the nato summit. he holds his first solo news conference tonight in eight months. what do our adversaries think? former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe ahead. >> bill: who really does all this matter to? the voters of course, democratic
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voters to be specific. have a last few weeks changed any of their minds? do they want a new nominee? we'll talk to three of them. one from michigan, one from wisconsin, one from new york when we come back. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. veteran homeowners
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>> bill: president biden's news conference is delayed, move to 6:30. hoping to change a lot of minds. repeat of last month's debate could be the final straw for some voters. let's hear from them right now. meet michael out of michigan living outside detroit. wayne county. skye from new york city here in manhattan. did i get it? >> fantastic. thank you. >> bill: joe adams is from wisconsin and in milwaukee with
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us now. joe, good morning to you. michael, start with you. you say you vice president given up on joe biden and will still get your vote. tell me why. >> i was an early biden supporter from the very beginning. i think he is the best candidate to beat president trump. he has already beat president trump in 2020. millions of voters voted for him through the primaries. he has the accomplishments now through his first term to be able to serve as a strong record for the american people. >> bill: joseph, you feel otherwise. from what i read you protested his candidacy and want him out. how come? >> yeah, i protested the madison recovery rally and well my big issue comes down to his ability to beat trump is not looking very good. he is constantly declining in
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odds to win. his polls are constantly in trump's favor and he is just a very unpopular president across key issues to voters. and so when you just look at it in terms of electability, joe biden is not the candidate for this time. he was great for 2020 but not now. >> bill: i might come back to michael on that comment in a moment. skye, you live in new york, a jewish american. do you think the democratic party is becoming the anti-israel party. quite a statement. who is your candidate then? >> you know, since october 7th my primary issue as a voter was israel. over the past two weeks the national narrative has shifted to whether president biden has the wherewithal to lead. traditionally elections focus on policy and personality and now it's neither. when we see george clooney come out with a op-ed that says i love biden but we need a new
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nominee, that's not about policy nor personality. when moderate democrats say i can't stand trump's personality, but what choice do i have? that's not about policy or personality, either. so the position we're in is not just bad for the democratic party, it is bad for the country because just a few months off from a national major election we're unable to have meaningful conversations about meaningful issues like the state of israel. the entire narrative is whether one nominee can stay awake past dinnertime. democratic leadership, biding their time is trumping the news cycle and the american people are paying the price. >> bill: michael. did his performance in that debate concern you? >> i think, you know, the truth is he had a bad night. i think from what i have seen overall, i think the president is strong and i don't have any serious concerns about his mental acuity or strength moving
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forward. i think the polls have been wrong from the beginning about president trump and about these elections. we're just in a very different time and a lot can happen between now and november as we know. i think we'll see what happens. >> bill: joseph, you want an open primary competition for that convention in chicago. i don't know if you'll get it. maybe you will. skye, you said i would rather have a strong president who says offensive things than a president who doesn't know what he is saying. >> yes, that's right. >> the first part of that refers to who, is that donald trump? >> i mean, he is known as a candidate that outspoken and outrageous and says offensive things. my feeling right now is i would choose that over someone that may or may not be able to lead this country when it comes down to the way people feel. policy aside it comes down feeling and that's the feeling i can't cast a vote for a
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president that i don't feel knows what is going on. >> bill: i appreciate the comments from all three of you. thank you, from new york, skye, milwaukee joseph, and michigan, michael. thanks for your time today. keep watching. >> i have never had an incident or encounter with joe biden like that debate. my wife and i watching it also found it shocking. it was not what we expected. >> dana: democrats were critical of president biden's last live event. the pressure is on for him this evening. will his news conference sooth his worried party or fuel more calls for him to step aside. actor alec baldwin back in court in new mexico this morning. we have a latest from the courthouse in sante fe. your investment portfolio and your retirement money? the smart investor has their money in a guaranteed product that goes up with the market.
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later to 6:30 tonight. it will be significant based on the questions and answers and how the president does. what we did over the last 3 1/2 years want to figure out where he went without a formal news conference or a television interview. just keep that me n mind. hurricane ida in louisiana back in 2021. september of 2021, the month after the plane that c-17 rolled down the runway in afghanistan. may of the next year you have the roe v. wade decision that was leaked and uvalde school shooting. massive story, again no formal news conference or tv interview on those topics. then you had the mar-a-lago raid. december britteny griner released. january then you have garland appointed special counsel. robert hur, silicon valley bank fails rocked the markets. no formal news conference or tv interview on that topic.
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then colorado trying to kick trump off the ballot there in the american west and claudine gay resigned as the president of harvard. all those went without a formal news conference or tv interview. that will change tonight at 6:30 and we'll have coverage for you then. dana has some ideas now. you were in that room. >> dana: president biden's political fate could rest on the solo news conference he is holding tonight. let's bring in karl rove. could the white house raise the bar any higher on a press conference that they announced several days in advance? >> it would be hard but they've succeeded in raising this to astronomical heights. why, i don't know. they need to just sort of do these things without raising expectations. this morning devastating news in the "washington post"/abc poll. the poor man's white board to show you. this is what they are walking into tonight at the news conference. should biden step aside?
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67% of adults, 56% of democrats, 73% of independents. should he continue as a candidate? 30% of adults, 42%. 42% of democrats, 24% of independents. the atmosphere out there is not good at all. >> bill: call for number three guys. this is what you are writing today, what biden's exit could do for democrats. one of the lines in your piece they want a new candidate to battle trump in november. it is not too late. go ahead and explain how that could play out. >> well, first of all it would require him to say i'm not going to be a candidate. when the democratic convention opens on the 19th of august the delegates would be free to nominate somebody other than him. it would require him to step aside. now between now and august 19th we would have people out there trying to get endorsements and showing their message and so forth. i don't think it would necessarily be ugly. every one of them would have
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things on other candidates but i think they would understand if they became overtly negative about others in the contest it would work to their disadvantage. democrat delegates won't like that. publicly they would put their case here is why i'm the best person to lead the democratic party. we would go into the convention and be watching it. we've never seen anything like this since 1976 and the republican convention in kansas city. we'd all pay attention to it. all have the major candidates having a chance to speak and making judgments. remember, the delegates to this are normal democrats. of the nearly 4,000 delegates only 43 are not slated by the biden campaign. that is to say nearly all of the delegates were chosen by the biden campaign. it won't be 45% bernie or democratic socialist but normal members that want to win.
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on the second ballot the 179 super delegates. the house of lords of the democratic party. donna bra zell and others get to vote on the other ballots. that's long established democrat people who want to win. my sense is they could end up with a normal candidate. what happens then? we have a hint of it in december and january when we started to see polls matching nikki haley against joe biden. donald trump and joe biden were head-to-head to head but nikki haley was winning in december by a six or eight points. by january was getting up into double digit leads over biden. why? because people wanted somebody new. the american people want somebody new. this is also from abc "washington post" poll, both too old. only trump is too old 2%. neither is too old 11%.
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you have 13% of the electorate says it is a donald trump only or both of them are available. both of them are eligible to run, but most people want somebody else and we would likely see that happen particularly if they got a normal democrat like gretchen whitmer or mark kelly or others. >> dana: what is the leverage or hinge point that could convince biden and his family to say now is the time to hang it up? >> they have to have reality hit them in the face. the only way to get that done in my opinion is for chuck schumer, nancy pelosi and minority leader hakeem jeffries to say with all due respect it is time for you to go. our caucus in the senate and house and democrats widely across the country don't think they can win with you. >> bill: no presidential candidate has ever won with
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people as dissatisfied. we expect to see president biden meeting with these allied leaders, nato summit in washington, d.c. former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe next on that. hollywood wants to roll the credits on joe biden's re-election. >> if all these people, everybody knew this man is a vegetable, why would you ever let him do that debate? with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need.
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>> bill: here it was moments ago. convention center in washington, d.c. president joe biden arriving at the nato summit. a working session. he was then met by anthony blinken and sitting to stoltenberg's right at the table. happening now in washington. former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe watching this. big issues talking about ukraine, putin, where the war is going to go. they were pumping their chest pretty big, which gives you an idea the war will continue. what is your observation about how these foreign leaders might be handling the news that we've been trying to figure out over the last two weeks? >> i think it will be a chance for a lot of these leaders to
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assess whether -- what they've been told by their own intelligence services is correct from their own observations of president biden. the fact is that foreign intelligence services probably haven't learned anything knew in the last couple of weeks than they haven't seen in the last three years. they do what we do. any time any foreign leader, both ally and adversaries in public, every appearance is scrutinized to a level you can't imagine. every photograph and video is looked with respect to is there a scratch or a spot, is there a tick or tremor, a change in motion or speech that would be indicative of some condition? we want to know what the leaders of the world are like in their physical and mental capabilities. they do that to us. i think it would be naive to think otherwise that some of this hasn't already been calculated into how foreign leaders and foreign nations have already taken action over the
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past couple of years as we've been talking about these things. this is just maybe new to some of the american public because of the dishonesty and the way it has been portrayed but to foreign leaders and particularly to the foreign intelligence services i think it is confirmation of what many of them already knew. >> dana: then do you think some of them like a putin, for example, have made decisions based on that? >> absolutely. there is no question. look, you have to look back, dana. the afghanistan withdrawal didn't happen overnight. it was 17 days of disarray and chaos from the time that the gani government left and -- the chinese had a spy balloon that traversed the united states over the course of eight days. it says a lot about the approach of the biden national security team and its indecisiveness.
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it is hard to believe that vladimir putin, that didn't calculate into his approach to ukraine or to xi's aggression and the iranian approach to proxies in the middle east. i think unfortunately, you know, we have all suffered in part from again what i would call the real big lie in politics, which has been joe biden's presidency and capacity to lead over a period of years, not just weeks. >> bill: if you take a step back, sir, and you think about putin and russia, you think about iran and all the trouble they are causing in the middle east and the relationship with china and russia and north korea and russia. the world is -- the temperature continues to rise, in my view. and i don't hear a lot of people talking about bringing the temperature down. and i think what we're positioning ourselves for is to be in a very dangerous place. how do you see that? >> well, our national security
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is clearly taking a hit because of that. you see that events are happening around the world that weren't happening before joe biden was the president. and i think what's contributing to that bill and dana is the fact that, you know, unfortunately what you are seeing play out is that even in the wake of this you have some in the democrat party and some in the media still undecided how to respond to this. some want to say the best way to address this is to pretend we're shocked and it is new information and for some it is to pretend it is still not happening and say joe biden is fit as a fiddle. what that says to our adversaries is there are many in the united states political structure who are willing to put power and authority and political gain over america's national security and again it would be naive to think foreign leaders don't take advantage of that or have not taken advantage of that over the last couple of years. >> bill: or will continue to. thank you for your time.
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nice to see you, john ratcliffe. thanks. >> dana: biden's political future could ride on tonight's press conference. will the president proves he has what it takes to beat president trump. one said president biden is incapable of meeting the moment. we'll be right back.
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>> dana: some down ballot democrats are distancing themselves from president biden. oklahoma candidate explains why in an essay where she says presidential ballot lacks a leader of meeting current demands. the democratic candidate. primary is behind her and she will go for it. you are from a small town and decided to throw your hat in the ring. you don't currently hold office. i imagine you look at what is happening in dc and probably dismayed. a lot of the country feels the same way. do you believe biden is incapable and would you extend that to kamala harris as well? >> yeah, appreciate you having
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me on first and foremost. you know, what my statement was that i do not see a current candidate on the ballot on either side that is capable of meeting this moment that we have right now and my statement is around the fact that we need strong leadership that is actually going to have the continuity not just for perhaps the next four years but even the next eight. the challenges that we're facing here at home and across the globe need stability and not a temporary fix. we need to be looking for a leadership that will emerge and be able to navigate us and unite us and be very strong in that. >> dana: is your concern more about the president's capabilities and his mental capacity or his sharpness and ability to be commander-in-chief or are you upset about policies? >> of course we can talk about policy that i'm frustrated with. i think to say i'm happy with all policy would be incorrect. but the reason why i felt the need to take a stand on this
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specific moment is because of the fact i worry about the direction of the country and again i worry about the fact that we are potentially suffocating american leadership and not creating the opportunity for someone to rise because we're worried about party politics, which i believe is the rot in the american political system right now. we are no longer fighting for the hope of what is the american dream. we are seeing fighting for party power and we are looking at a congress that is the most ineffective congress in u.s. history. so what are we doing? >> dana: my last question for you is will the democratic national committee or the dccc continue to support you though you have been vocal about your thoughts about the top of the ticket? >> you know, i don't know if that actually matters. it is not that i will say that i don't want their support or support in this race because it will be a tough race. but i think what we need right now is courageous leadership
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saying the things that the entire american population is seeing and wanting to say out loud. no one wanted to see a trump and biden ballot again in 2024. but yet here we are in a moment of chaos. >> dana: madison horn, thank you for coming on and i'll be in touch with you. >> bill: we'll see how that race goes. from california hollywood heavy weights, many with deep pockets, opening the floodgates yesterday calling for biden to get out. william la jeunesse has more from tinsel town, la specifically. >> let's say i helped you raise $30 million and then a few weeks later i say i will invest it in you, well, maybe i made a mistake. who looks worse, me or you or both of us? that's kind of where we have right now. george clooney didn't just back off biden, he cut him off at the knees saying it is devastating to say but the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not a joe biden
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of 2010 or 2020. he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate adding we aren't going to win in november with this president. this set off a huge drama. "washington post" calling it a celebrity revolt. there was a fundraiser who told clooney don't write the op-ed. he does anyway. whose side are you on? michael douglas told the view i think clooney has a valid point. others have said biden should step aside. last night stephen colbert mocked biden by channeling dr. seuss. >> is he mentally fit can he serve a full the term? just ask him the man loves to talk. as long as you ask him before 8:00. >> bottom line, bill, team biden is trying to plaster over all
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the cracks in the wall. >> bill: thank you, william. better you than us keeping an eye on it. before we go a bunch of things going on. starting on sunday going through the week on friday the rnc. check out the campaigns that made us. we helped on fox nation tackled three elections. you can watch it starting on sunday. >> dana: mine was 1968 and it was fascinating. >> mine was 2,000. a major trip down memory lane. i liked it. >> dana: i don't know if i could take it. >> bill: tallahassee, 37 days, nothing else like it. >> dana: john roberts is in for harris on "the faulkner focus." >> john: the year 2000, 18


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