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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 11, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: a brand-new hour and right now president biden is meeting with nato leaders and while there is a meeting with democrats and a campaign has a new memo claiming president biden has pathways to victory in november. saying "this remains a margin of error rates and key battleground states. hello and welcome everyone i'm sandra smith in new york and you just don't know what is coming next. >> john: you don't but as doug schoen pointed out plenty of poles to show something completely different like what jen o'malley dillon was saying. i'm john roberts in washington this is "america reports" the biden campaign says it is built to "win a close election" lest our turgor democrats told us it is time for biden to go.
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"the new york times" now reporting that biden advisors are discussing how to convince him to step aside. and the campaign is testing kamala harris' strength against trump. >> sandra: who is behind the growing push to dig biden? here is one as explained on "morning joe" >> i think what we have to underline here so viewers can follow what is going on behind the scenes is the biden campaign and many democratic officials do believe that barack obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this. >> john: fox team coverage starts now we will get brian kilmeade's take on all of this but first are jacqui heinrich live with the white house are there concerns there that obama is trying to throw them overboard? >> if there are, john, nobody is admitting that. but there are of course headlines, bad headlines that keep coming out biden in the
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hours ahead of this high-stakes press conference. we had political just report at least six democratic lawmakers have prepared statements they will release if he tanks tonight or has another so-called "bad night" "the new york times" reports some of biden 'his closest advisors are discussing ways to get him to gracefully bow out of the race and nbc appears to have corroborated some of that "new york times" reporting. who had three sources telling them they are directly involved in his reelection effort saying he needs to drop out and there is no way he can recover from this. the biden campaign called all of this reporting false. and his team or they say this team stands with the president, but they are also responding to calls from frantic democrats to show them the data. they want to see a path to victory ahead with joe biden at the top of the ticket. and top campaign and biden advisors heading to clubfoot cal to do just that road releasing this internal memo touting a new poll that shows it is a margin of error rates, no significant
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change in a head-to-head with term following the debate. but at the same time "the new york times" reports they are quietly testing the vp's strength in a matchup with trump even as they publicly say "hypothetical polling of alternative nominees will always be unreliable and surveys do not take into account the negative media environment that democratic nominee will encounter. the only democratic candidate from this is already baked in his president biden. meantime the democrat party chair is telling colleagues their public hand-wringing only helps from. >> it's time to lock your knees and stiffen your spines and get on board to support this president. if you are spending more of your time on tv talking about joe biden than talking about donald trump and project 2025, folks, you have to do a course correction. speak of the present today at nato met with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy who had brief remarks to an atomic but used a note card and he is not going to have that advantage
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tonight when he faces washington's press conference at 6:30 p.m. and expected to go on for somewhere around a half hour, john. >> john: and fairness lenski had a note card as well but in terms of convincing the president to step down, he didn't have much luck to get jean-pierre to do it so if you can't get the press secretary -- >> she didn't want to go. >> john: he probably doesn't either. >> that's what counts. >> we will see the success they have their thank you. >> sandra: all right, let's begin with brian kilmeade here cohost of "fox & friends" and host of "one nation" i was listening to every word of jack's report because things are changing by the minute here. as you sat down, we were watching a report pressure off of cnn's white house reporter that cabinet officials, this reporter is reporting that cabinet officials are expecting to some of their questions and talking points in advance of meeting with biden. the entire display is kind of an act. she goes into full detail over what has been happening behind
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closed doors for who knows how long. so there are a lot of angry democrats going why did his closest advisors cabinet officials see all of this happening behind-the-scenes and told no one? not tell the american public? >> the investigation to see those cabinet officials to keep the presidents held a secret the other thing to keep in mind too is "the wall street journal" three weeks ago. member of the meeting about ukraine they go around the room the president has almost nothing to add. he looks disinterested and attached himself similar to hearing about the hollywood situation at the big fund-raiser when he was not talking he was looking away and not paying attention. >> sandra: or being let off the stage for a president obama. >> someone puts him out to do the debate someone says i believe in you enough to go do that press conference at 6:30 instead of 5:30 p.m. normally what's the big deal both president biden now it seems like everything's a big deal. and now on monday he has this. if he pulls this off, we are going to be looking at a press
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conference where i think it will be the upside down world. republicans will help you pulls it off. democrats are hoping he feels spectacularly. so he has no way forward. >> sandra: you know marie harf she showed up on the program last hour and i asked her personally what needs to happen response, listen. >> i think what president obama and nancy pelosi whose comments have evolved, chuck schumer's comments have evolved we heard from hakeem jeffries that this is not just one bad night. i think democrats have a much better chance of winning with someone different at the top of the ticket. >> sandra: i asked her who and she said kamala harris. >> you know if that's called it's called the years 2023 it's time to run for reelection and you think of a better candidate. you tell joe biden in 2023 because you've been in meetings with him and you've seen he can't handle the job. and then that one time the primary him because if you are looking for the best of the party and best of the country, everything everybody is saying right now they all knew. maybe there is one reporter.
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>> sandra: if the american public wasn't -- if this wasn't obvious to the american public they were able to keep him going in the far left could push through their agenda with no change in the white house. >> they said look we are going against all drum. he has so many problems, so many court cases. if he gets through his primary he will be so damaged, joe won't even have to campaign, he will have surrogates do it. if you decide joe biden is not good for reelection, you can't have it both ways. he can't stay in the white white house. yet to move him out he is not doing the job he doesn't do press conferences, he does not do one-on-one interviews come he doesn't really talk to the, he never talks about policy. now we find out he is barely in the white house and his idea how to make things better according to what a democratic governor says is i have an idea, i will go to bed earlier and work less. that is not the american way. >> sandra: two things. first we mentioned two democrats lost our that joined us and said it's time for them to go.
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one was marie harf the other was doug schon, listen. >> it's very clear to me joe biden is behind. i think it's pretty darn clear that he is very unlikely to win back the selection. and the calls for him to get out are i think reasonable and responsible. >> sandra: i know they are saying get out for the reelection bid but what about now? with what the home right now? you sat down i said when the one things i get from viewers is hello the border is still open, hallow our grocery prices are still up 25%, gas prices are up 40%. this is jared bernstein. this is really important. what is happening right now? this is his closest economic advisor coming to his defense in the noon hour on msnbc, watch. >> i was his chief economist when he was vice president and since then i have been briefing him on economic reports exactly like this one. those briefings are frequent, they happen often, sometimes they are in person or over the
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phone. and the guy on the other end of the phone or sitting there in the oval talking about these reports is as sharp as ever. >> sharp as ever. >> that ship has sailed no one believes what he just said and he doesn't believe it. the one thing i'll point out about the washington report they said staffers but not the four people that have been around him most doing all the work. and others so the people around him doing everything i'm sure geo and hunter are handling the blunt of the work. we didn't elect jill and we certainly did not elect hunter drew the work. member the story that came out today essentially he's the jeopardy they think he's the chief of staff. can you believe this guy? we just watched on trial in washington about to go on trial again in august? >> sandra: before you go i know you have one nation coming up with former president donald trump affecting his vp choice let's play this real fast. >> and when you talk about a finalist for this i'm wondering if it factors in that joe biden
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might not be the nominee. and it does that factor in who you pick? a lot of people think it has to become all that would number one. she picks a battleground state governor like shapiro or witmer. does that change your thinking? may be need virginia and you might want to get a young can? >> i don't think it does. i'm asked that question a lot. am i waiting for that for the ax to fall and frankly i am amazed -- i know pete can carry it on and just assume you plan for him but whether or not we plan for him or anyone else, the planning i think is the same. >> sandra: such a great question, ryan. his answer tells me he is already decided. >> he kept telling me the issues he has bad issues but hers are worse on the issues then joe biden. i'm running against the border and the terrible former policy. i am running against the horrible economy. that's what he said when his focus is.
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>> sandra: thank you. see this we weekend. >> i'm with the ruthless podcast guys. >> sandra: we will look forward to that 9:00 saturday night thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: john i was having this conversation with our good friend and colleague bill hemmer. was thinking about the vp announcement if it happens on monday which he is still saying is that the case, brian? >> i think it's before monday. >> sandra: could be before monday. >> john: have to be soon because the candidate has to give a speech on wednesday. >> sandra: right that has to grab a lot of headlines which i think democrats would certainly welcome right now. >> if biden can get to friday maybe lose another day. >> john: there is a school of thought that i heard about that biden on a monday announces he is not going to seek reelection and that takes all of the focus off the republican convention. >> i mean -- >> not ours we are going will
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make it great it great. >> sandra: live on sunday. >> john: just promise me when you go you will bring you back a gift bag using. >> you've got it. i will get you a six of pabst blue ribbon too. and you can't afford it with all those taxes. >> get me a bacon buster i will love you forever. >> sandra: okay, brian thank you so much. >> john: democrats and advisors wrapping up on whether to stay in the race, alex thompson will weigh and just had. >> sandra: plus hillary vaughn catching up with house democrats on the president's mental acuity what are you hearing, hilary? >> we talked to house democrats still defending biden but some are more reluctant and less enthusiastic than they were earlier in the week. we have the exclusive video we will show you after the break. started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td,
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>> our conversations have been candid and clear it and they will keep going. >> are you worried that biden is a liability for your vulnerable members? >> no. >> sandra: hakeem jeffries as they meet with top advisors with hillary vaughn chasing down house democrats all day so hilary what are you hearing? >> sender house democrats are standing by their man. we caught up with congressional black caucus who say biden is good to go he is fit to serve and they are brushing off concerns that the people closest to the president might have been hiding his mental state from democrats in congress. >> i can tell you for sure i just talked to him this week. he had no problems. my problem is that people don't recognize the president has always been a gas master. >> even george clooney has
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raised concerns about the mental fitness of president biden. why does it seem like he has better insight into the president's state of mind then congress does? >> george clooney is just like anybody else. he has an opinion. >> you are convinced there is not a cover up going on from people closest to president biden to try to hide how he really is and his mental fitness? >> as far as i know there is not a corporate. >> there is a slight change of june in the course of biden's backers who are not rushing to defend how people closest to the president have handled the president's mental state. do you think the people close to president biden are being honest about his mental acuity? >> i am here. i'm not over there. >> do think the people of the white house have been really honest with the american people about how the president is doing? >> i mean, listen we will hear from the president today and people will be able to judge that for themselves. >> not close to the present i don't know those folks i can't speak to it. >> wouldn't concern you if it
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came out that the white house was protecting the president and essentially being complicit in keeping a commander in chief who is not mentally fit for office? >> i think everyone would be concerned by that no one wants to be duped. >> sandra democrats don't want to be duped and they say they will be tuning in tonight to see how the president does, sandor? >> sandra: really, really great stuff they are. getting it straight from them on the hill, walking and talking hilary you are the best thank you. john? >> john: for more on this let's bring in alex thompson political correspondent, hillary said something very significant there. democrats will be watching tonight to see how the president does. not to see what the president has to say about nato policy or foreign policy, but to see how he does. the state of where we are, alex is incredible. >> it's not new that's the same as the state of the union a few months ago where democrats weren't really worried about
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what the president was going to say but how he said it. and the same thing happened during the debate. obviously we had took a very different results and now we are in the situation where democrats are trying to figure out do they really go public? and basically tried to shame and pushed joe biden out of this race but by doing so they would risk potentially making a bad situation even worse because what happens if joe biden stays and they've all gone public and say he should go out? that's the worst of both worlds here. that's why a lot of democrats even as they are privately very concerned about joe biden's staying in this race and a lot of them are basically publicly sort of trying to find a middle ground. >> john: what happens if he stays in all the way to the convention when you have a delicate but on the floor? that could be huge mess as well. the meeting with senate democrats biden advisors, mike donlon, steve buscemi, new hampshire said she is forced
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combined behind biden. but this is not in part the case that jen o'malley dillon was making. when it democrats. she said while there is no question there is increased to anxiety following the debate we are not seeing this translate into a drastic shift in vote share. in fact this morning for the new ipsos poll shorty ty grace with no change since april. in addition what we believe is a clear pathway had an no indication that anyone else would outperform the president versus drum. is that just so much whistling past the graveyard here? >> i mean we don't know but i can tell you within biden world it is a commandment of sorts. it almost has really religiosity to it that joe biden is the most electable democrat against donald trump. if you really believe that if you believe that to your core why would you get out even in the face of pressure to drop o out? the other thing that is interesting about this is there are really tricky questions. one of the polling question of
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electability this november. i still think in part because donald trump is such a polarizing figure there is still a potential path to a political rebound here. there are tens of millions of people who would vote for trump over a 120-year-old joe biden and the mental fitness question of a year from now two years from now three years from now and i can tell you even people in the administration cannot tell you an unequivocal yes if they think joe biden will be able to do the job even two years from now. >> john: i visited the valley of the kings and looks for egypt and talking talk maybe they can put him on the ballot, who knows. marie harf said something very, very telling a little while ago. she was talking about top democrats like nancy pelosi and others saying they know this was not just one bad night. which is an indication of what we are getting in the last few days that democrats have known about this for a long time. but suddenly it has reached a
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crisis point because the election is running at them like ground rush when you jump out of an airplane. with a parachute hopefully. and they know time is running out. why didn't they do this before? why didn't they do this last year? >> a very good question because i have also noticed what you just said some democrats and members of congress who said this was not just one bad night, that implies that you realized and didn't say anything even with the george clooney op-ed which got a lot of attention yesterday, george clooney said the person we saw on the debate stage was the same person he saw just three weeks earlier at the big l.a. fund-raiser. if you saw that sort of man why didn't you speak out earlier? those are the questions democrats are really wrestling with. the real answer, at least that democrats are saying privately, is because it is the fear of donald trump that caused them to be quiet.
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because they know now there are no good options. you either stick with joe biden or you try to replace him at the last second with either vice president kamala harris or a messy convention fight just one month before early voting starts. there are no good options for the democratic party right now. >> john: he seems to be in the catbird seat, alex gray to talk to you think you come appreciate it. >> thank you so much. >> sandra? >> sandra: take a look at this this hour kamala harris speaking to a crowd in greensboro, north carolina. they are obviously maybe there is a protester being let out of the crowd there. okay, so obviously we are going to dip in here and let you know she was speaking but she is not speaking as there some activity there. let's listen for a minute. >> four more years that's what we are looking for. so as i was saying this is an extraordinary community of people who have always fought
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for civil rights and for the rights of all people to speak. when it's their turn to speak. a speech we were going to monitor her remarks in greensboro as we are dipping and it looked like some activity that led to a couple of people being escorted out of the gymnasium. so we are watching because obviously we had a democrat unless our who said this is there person. ray harper said she believes it's time for joe biden to go and when i pressed her on who she said kamala harris should step in. >> john: it's interesting for the past three and a half years people haven't paid much attention to kamala harris events but now they are. it's telling. >> sandra: john we will monitor this and tell you what news happens from this as it happens. >> when the donors want him to exit or stay in we have a democracy. right now he is the presumptive nominee and he will be the nominee if he decides to be.
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>> john: donor drama over the reelection pushed, larry kudlow who you they're giving a bit of his opinion a host of kudlow on fox business with more on how that could play out stay with us.
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>> sandra: all right kamala harris began her remarks there in greensboro, north carolina. a few minutes ago right off the top she called joe biden a fighter. she then repeated what he has said when you get kicked down you get back. she repeated that line and she said in november we will win. saying elections are never easy. larry kudlow has been watching to this with us host of fox business, let's dip in and take in the vice president's words. >> most entertaining. >> vice president harris: we have forgiven student loan debt
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for nearly 5 million americans. [cheers and applause] and it twice as much for our public servants. we, together, on the issue of gun violence. >> sandra: kamala harris making her and joe's pitch to the country, you tell me what you've been hearing here, larry. >> i think it is still her and joe biden. the problem is number one she and bernie sanders she and senator bernie sanders coast bond socialized medicine bill that was estimated, she has to defend the policies of the by the administration she becomes a candidate. i have no idea how this is going to play out, don't get me wrong. >> sandra: no one does. >> she has to do with
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affordability crisis because prices have outstripped wages. kitchen tables have been shrinking not expanding. she has to defend the open border crisis. with the attend in crime and reduction public safety that is concerning everybody else. she has two defend dei which is so unpopular, woke progressive sects and generals in the schools which is so unpopular, the whole progressive agenda. she has to defend the foreign policy beginning with the collapse of afghanistan and what has gone on in the middle east and russia and ukraine. she will have to defend all of that. she just mentioned student loans for example. the supreme court just said they do not have the authority to cancel student loans. these people may talk about democracy, but they are violating the law by trying to cancel student loans in the face of what the supreme court said. in fact, mr. biden himself seems to want to run against the supreme court, talk about pro-democracy, because it gave
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donald trump a certain degree of immunity where all the law fair case is aimed at tromp by the biden administration have completely fallen apart. so i am just saying vice president harris with all due respect has to defend all of those highly unsuccessful and highly unpopular policies. >> sandra: i'm sorry, okay. so we turned to the sound from the very top here she spent the first minute or so talking about the upcoming election and joe biden, listen. >> and the past few days have been a reminder that running for president of the united states is never easy. nor should it be. but one thing we know about our president, joe biden, is that he is a fighter. [cheers and applause] speak i mean the other key point here is mr. biden is already campaigned and ms. harris is campaigning on a huge $5 trillion tax hike. they want to repeal the entire
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trump tax cuts which were so successful and made america so competitive in the international business world. they want to repeal that, they want to tax wealth, they want to confiscate your wealth by taxing unrealized capital gains, i mean they want to continue their spending. they have spent $7 trillion more in debt than donald trump ever did. just look at the cbo baseline. >> sandra: which give us a lovely inflation we are all seeing. >> that's correct to trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. that is according to the cbo baseline. this is just a smattering of the failures of the biden administration. right now the economy is slumping very badly. it has dipped below 2% on its way to 1% with the threat of a recession before this year is over. that is one reason why the inflation rate has come back is a lack of consumer demand. she has to defend all that. >> sandra: like a fire hose of an incoming in periods because she has to defend all saying.
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>> sandra: senator manchin coming and apparently this video i will tell you what he said before we have that. following the meeting with democrats, senators and biden advisors, senator manchin walked out if there was any indication biden may step aside mansion responded none at all. and a suggestion at all he may drop out he was asked, not at all. they are saying is 100% running without question. mansion said everything i heard in her would indicate that is the case. >> looks, i don't doubt it. it's very hard to dump an incumbent that will controls the party machine repair whatever happens with george clooney and things of that sort i don't think that is central to look i don't understand democrats anymore. i haven't been a democrat in 55 or close to 60 years. joe manchin, however, should have run for president as a moderate old lying democrat.
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the problem is he did not because he knows the party is way far to the left. it is the party of big government socialism. it is the party of woke progressivism. it is the party of foreign policy failures. you cannot deny that. whether it is biden or harris they have to run on the same record of failures. donald trump will set their already pulling away in the lead, i know it's four months away and pulls are not boats, i got all that. but you will see trump's platform can i give a positive spin here? it is the growth theist platform lower taxes lower regulations reopen false full fuel spigots, get government out of the way. curb excessive spending. keep the dollar as the world's reserve currency. this is the growthiest platform
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since 1984. >> sandra: god knows our economy needs it. >> tromp has put together a working class coalition of all colors because that is what the middle-class wants. >> sandra: can't wait to watch your opening riff. great to have you here. thanks, larry. john? >> john: let's not forget election day is one month away but the republican national convention or president trump expected to announce his running mate at any moment now. mark meredith joins me now and certainly dropped lots of hints we might pick. >> hints for days but whether or not right before an announcement we're waiting to see the former president kept his options open when it comes to vice presidential contenders he has seen preys on many of them suggesting you want some suspense with this announcement. tromp has publicly discussed several possible names for vp but the top contenders are still seen as ohio senator j.d. vance, florida senator marco rubio and north dakota governor doug burgum. but during a fox radio interview
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trump also appeared to suggest program with strong support for pro-life policies may go beyond where trump stands. >> well, it's a little bit of an issue, a pretty strong band paired i think doug is great but he has taken a very strong sense sort of the site has spirit and don't know if it's done but state has. so it's an issue. >> trump has repeatedly said he will announce his pick either at or right before the convention. we heard from the republican party chair who says trump can't make a bad pick. >> i like my options. what i like a midwesterner? sure for all the obvious reasons, but i really honestly believe that donald trump has a set of choices that past nominees or may be nominees would be jealous of. >> the trump campaign may need to use the math and tv audience to boost his favorability ratings, a new abc
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"washington post" 2059% of registered voters don't seem a good light with nearly 44% having a favorable opinion. trump 'esteem has a growing campaign war chest to try to step up his messaging game and john we can expect that campaign to go to work for whoever the vp pick is going to be once one is announced. >> you can bet they've been fully vetted and who knows it could be two or three people. the other thing is you need to put the campaign signage together. that sort of thing. >> get the plane and the logo ready. be one the plane will always save trump. >> no the vp plane the little airplane. that's what counts. >> john: we will find out very soon thank you. mark meredith for us. >> sandra: a critical moment for presidential biden, how he is looking to win back over voters with a much anticipated life press conference tonight which the white house has dubbed the "big boy event" kayleigh mcenany from "unnumbered" will be joining us live at what is at stake she will join us live n next.
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>> you will certainly hear from the president on thursday when he gives his "big boy" test conference. >> we will hear cream talking about the conference you are about to have. >> john: hours to go before the soul "big boy" news comments of the year and the stakes cannot be higher. come after a busy week of nato events. bringing kayleigh mcenany former white house press secretary so this does come on the heels of nato, i assume there will be a couple of questions about nato but most of the questions i'm sure will be whether or not he is going to drop out. that is really kind of sad. >> it is. it speaks to the moment we are in. we were supposed to have donald trump being sentenced today in a manhattan courtroom. what many perceived as a trial
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deeply cut unfair but that is not happening. instead we are focus on a press conference and whether biden will remain the democratic nominee paired i don't like anyone would've guessed this is the moment we would be in. would say this, i don't expect him to do horribly tonight. this is why i say that. i've done press conferences i've also done hostile interviews. i think the george stephanopoulos interviewed by most critics was not a good episode for joe biden. he appeared weak, he appeared frail but there are two microphones going back and forth. as you know, john, the white house does control that microphone out with reporters. the white house thus far has let reporters like zeke miller and others ask follow-up questions but they can take the microphone away. they can at any moment have one microphone and it be the strong appearing commander and chief so that's one of the things i will be looking at. >> john: our colleague dana perino who also used to be a white house press secretary tweeted this out yesterday she said "i canceled tomorrow's press conference, save the
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embarrassment of the questions he will get. provide him dignified space to absorb what is happening." and a lot of people i've talked to have made that point. this is becoming very undignified. for president biden. that it's a very public spectacle saying here's a guy who is trying desperately to hang on. and probably does not have a hope in doing it. >> it is desperation but my question would be what is the alternative? if you read playbook this morning a deeply sourced piece of literature there, they say there are literally swing state democrats with statements prepared with the blessing of nancy pelosi that are ready to come out and break from biden. but nancy pelosi nancy pelosi who has denied the reporting says they are all waiting for the foreign leaders to leave town. so if that is happening nato wraps up today, you are a desperate president trying to shore this out. you have to do something. the press conference is an
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orchestrated endeavor to appear strong. i think the white house can orchestrate this in just the right way which by the way, john they still have not been asked we had two press briefings, still yet to be asked if they are scripting questions for the president on the heels of that interview on cnn paired we don't know if it was the campaign or the white house to answer that question but some of these questions could be scripted, who knows? >> john: what do you make of what george clooney did yesterday? i liken it to a nuclear device a two-stage explosive. you have to have a smaller implosion explosive at first to ignite a chain reaction. and it seems to me as though that george clooney op-ed was the implosion device and we are waiting for the chain reaction happened. >> without a doubt. george clooney in isolation is one thing, but george clooney getting essentially the blessing of barack obama, which is the political reporting this morning, yes, do what you want he did not try to stop it.
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that is an entirely different thing. when you are about with nancy pelosi on morning joe out there saying we are waiting for the president's decision when the president has quite clearly made a decision, you begin to wonder if there's a lot more happening behind the scenes then we know. these are not a few rogue ten democrats in the house popping off saying it's time for the president to step aside. when you pair pelosi was very deliberate with george clooney with the obama reporting, you begin to ask are we where we started a week ago where we were saying is he going to remain the nominee? i think that's a fair question this hour. >> john: i think the first big signal of what was about to happen was at the fund-raiser when obama grabbed biden by the wrist and took him out saying it is time to go. i think that was a huge signal about you? >> that was in the era of cheap fakes, john when we were told that was a cheap fake moment. right when indeed it was real footage. i think you are right that was a
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moment and clearly we have heard from jon favreau a former obama speech writer he saw the frailty of joe biden in that moment and yes, now you are right that wrist grab takes on an added context. >> john: i think it was a milestone moment. great to talk to we will see you again tomorrow and "outnumbered" >> thanks, john. >> sandra: the headlines won't go away. so many moments ago gavin newsom weighing in on george clooney's op-ed throwing joe under the bus, brand-new sound we will have it when we return. givingt became a bonding experience with my family. we're very persistent. let's just say that. we are. —persistent. —and driven. that is definitely a family trait of ours. absolutely, we're definitely endurance athletes. —yeah, let's see. —yeah. —so... —that explains it here. now you know. it's actually a part of your dna.
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california governor gavin newsom called for biden to drop out of the race. you'll remember newsom was at the los angeles fundraiser where he was deemed guiding him off the stage by obama. he was asked if what he saw that night was the same and he sought the debate. >> no, i think all of us who are at that fundraiser wondering what they were thinking scheduling the president who's just not overseas to a fundraiser late at night and i came home very exhausted that night and all i had to do is fly down from sacramento to la. and i thank the first comments ahead to the president were like
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who did you're schedule? i can't even handle three hours and a redeye let alone coming from overseas to me those are two different things. the person at the fundraiser was a human being like any of us exhausted. but as a relates to the debate that's a whole different debate and conversation. >> okays speckled different conversation because the president had taught always to get over his jet leg before that debate. on the homely times of going overseas on white house trips and other trips, you come back and you're pretty fried but that was a different type of fried we saw at the fundraiser. >> but it's part of the bigger question, if it was just that night and he was just tired like are you up for the job? >> but remember what marie told you, the people like nancy colosi know this is not just about one bad night, there is much more and yet they have all
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kept quiet about it but now suddenly clutching her processing what are we going to do. >> we will take a quick break because this is been a jampacked two hours. we'll be right back after this.
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12:00 pm
how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. just a reminder that the republican convention kicks off monday in milwaukee. we've bet a special show preview and all coming up 4:00 to 6:00 sunday. hope you will join us. it could be a big week ahead center as of this week was a big enough. >> sandra: hello some array? looking forward to that. 4:00 to 6:00 sunday watch it here we will cover the convention all next week. thank you for joining us set your dvr never miss a america reports thank you for joining us and sandra smith. >> john: and john roberts don't forget president's news conference tonight we will cover it. the story with martha maccallum begins now. >> martha: thank you very much john and sandra good


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