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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  July 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[ applause ] >> it's 11:00 pm on the east coast 8:00 here in los angeles
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and this is america's late news, fox news a night or can democratic leaders think president biden might have bought himself more time but voters appear to be more sceptical as the gaps, stuttering and stumbling just kind of kept on coming president biden spoke multiple times during his big boy news conference and he did not start off on the right foot pair. >> loke wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president if i did not think she was qualified to be... >> trace: that was then not -- not the first mixup of the day. world leaders got jumbled at the nato summit. >> i want to handed over to the president that has as much courage as he has determination president putin. >> trace: despite a growing number of members, 17 at last count calling on him to drop out, biden remains adamant he's
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not going anywhere. the senior national correspondent kevin corke's live with the latest on the follow-up from today's events per key. >> the president so lopressor obviously designed in part to allay concerns about his fitness for office to say nothing of his reelection run for the fall. while critics mostly seem to agree the president acquitted himself for the most part there were more than a few... >> what concerns do you have about vice president harris' ability to beat donald trump if she were at the top of the ticket. >> i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to beat vice president if i did not think she was qualified to be president so let's start there. >> trace: did he say vice president trump? as he did appear which of course it spawned a plethora of clever creations like this one on acts, yeah,. look at it soak it up the gaffe
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by the way did not go unnoticed by the former president who mocked biden on troop social with the quip a great job joe. and another memorable slip, biden referred to the chief of staff as my commander-in-chief before changing his mistake. he also hope your to lose his train of thought several times like during those seven -- seven minute answer to a question about china. trailing off midsentence as he ... just four minutes after he walked offstage, a top democrat on the house intel committee released a statement calling for biden to exit the race. now we will have more on that in the moment but keep this in mind. if that was the best joe biden can do, the donors who are already tightening the purse strings on democrats will have the final say in whether or not he stays in the race not biden himself. >> trace: thank you.
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the fox news in a commonsense department was watching the news conference very closely, very objectively. did he call president or vice president kamala harris trump yes. the mistakes exaggerations and outright falsehoods isn't what struck commonsense nor was it the rambling, stuttering and stumbling which has become part of the president incoherent delivery. what struck commonsense was the tone and tenor it, meaning the president's lack of authority p. are biden said many times tonight that nobody does the job better. he claims he's the best on foreign policy, the best on the economy, the best on the border, the best ever. joe biden is known for being a fabulist. his tall tales are part of the landscape and other landscape thinning. it's almost bearing. 's confidence is dwindling for better or worse. the biden persona has always
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been vibrant and alive. now it's unclear and unsure. many times he forgot the points so he paused and tried to regain his train of thought by using filler phrases like the idea, by the way, anyway and he seldom got back on point. even though the bar has been lowered dramatically, commonsense things the president is struggling to rise and the president knows it. let's bring in steve helton and... thank you both for coming onto. what did you think of the president's 59 minute speech or news conference. >> i think that we may look back on those 59 minutes and say that was nearly an hour when donald trump won the election. i think two things were clear from this.
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he's not going anywhere voluntarily. he wants to stay. and it's very difficult to see how they get him out. he is clearly determined to cling on to. 's ambition and his ego and his vanity and narcissism. that's what's driving this. they can't kick him out. the donors can't kick them out. he's already got $220 million in the bank. he's got enough to keep going. the second part is what you pointed out. that is a person that obviously can't serve as president for another four years and that's why i think two things are clear tonight and they were this morning. i think joe biden will be the democratic party's nominee in november and i think he will lose. >> trace: interesting because here is biden on ap would drop out for kamala harris. >> if your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president donald trump, would you reconsider your decision to
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stay in the race. >> not unless they came back and said there's no way you can win. me. no one saying that. >> trace: somebody is in the new york times and others have some bad news for president biden. >> real clear politics came out and continue to show that biden is trailing in the swing states. he's losing base voters that used to be young voters, hispanics, black voters, real clear politics has present -- president trump over 3 percent. the only thing that will convince him as a golden parachute which i believe the democrats are doing. that's why they are having these meetings. they are trying to set up doctor ... for the future. that is the only way we get them out. it's not going to be george clooney and these elites. of let the democrats get to work
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behind the scenes. >> trace: biden on taking a cognitive test. >> no matter what i did, no one's going to be satisfied. my doctors tell me i should have another neurological exam, i'll do it. no one is suggesting that to me know. >> trace: nobody suggested that. really nobody has suggested that? >> it's amazing that you still have the media, they are still repeating this nonsense about how donald trump is such a liar and... biden lies all the time including there. he was asked to his face to do it and if we had proper questions and an open press conference, not one that was right by the white house, then journalists could have actually asked him real questions that could have helped discover the truth about his abilities.
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actual questions rather than just an opportunity to spout propaganda. >> trace: the president says he can stay up past 8:00 he just needs to pace himself. your final thoughts on that. >> i don't think joe biden is going to last. i think he's not going to last the next ten days. it's going to be a slow, a cognitive decline. i don't believe he can stay up past 8:00 pm and i truly believe that americans are watching a historic moment, a decline of joe biden but a white guy that democrats still want to stand because they will not push for that black female kamala harris who is their plug-in dei person. they should be rooting for her today, shame on them. >> trace: thank you both. >> i think it's fair to say there were some verbal missteps and there were some periods of ... but also periods of genuinely impressive command and fluency. the likes of which we didn't really see at the debate.
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they are familiar to people who have been watching joe biden's career through the years. >> trace: how is the mainstream media that was caught so off guard by president biden's disastrous debate performance covering... thank you both for coming on. joy reid said this on msnbc after the debate. >> it gave president biden an opportunity to be normal. a lot of this struck me as very normal and i think that is something that he needed. this was president biden as a long time policy. >> it feels like you can see the news medias you have billeted in project getting up again. >> you're absolutely right. if you ever didn't think that the liberal media was in lockstep with the dnc and the
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democrats in the white house, now here's your proof. they are calling this normal but we saw him refer to president trump as his vice president and we saw him referred to zelenskyy as potent. we all watched the same press conference and she's right this is normal. normal for president biden. >> trace: >> i saw mastery. it was a tour de force and a tour of the world. talked a lot about nato and ukraine but about china and gaza. he seemed to have the substance really at his command. >> trace: tour de force you would think this is roosevelt's day of infamy speech and the way that he describes this. >> a tour de force of the president of the united states referring to his vice president as the former president donald trump. this performance by joe biden was a continuation of what we've seen at the debate before the debate and after it. the liberal media, joy reid's
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interpretation there, i don't think that's the norm of what we are seeing but it certainly what the progressive left is trying to spin. >> trace: we have biden, the former biden harris 2020 senior campaign advisor on cnn as well up your she said the following. >> i thought the president was incredibly strong. he was very forceful, deep on the substance in terms of foreign policy and domestic policy. today's performance was incredibly strong, it bolsters has pointed that he had a bad debate and we've now seen him in a press conference, in interview and at rallies and he seems a bit incredibly strong. >> just guessing but it sounds like she thought the president was incredibly strong. what are your thoughts on that? >> i think the liberal media has completely lost all credibility. we saw them cover up for joe biden for years and then turn on
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a dime after the debate cnn saying he should step down. her network included. we saw him... he's very strong, he's a strong leader. they've gone back and forth them all the while talked about his dementia. they've lost all credibility because we know they've been covering for years and now they are doing it again. >> trace: is the gas lighting starting all over again? >> i would say gas lighting for years conservative media in places... covering joe biden's various gaps and now it is politically advantageous and safe actually and left of centre media to criticize the president. >> trace: thank you both. more democrat lawmakers call for president biden to drop out of the race the house minority leader says he wants to know
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what every member of his caucus things before deciding his next move. match fen live with the latest on democrats in disarray. >> earlier tonight the list of congressional democrats that joined the growing list of demanding that president biden resign grew even larger from 15 to 17. earlier today democrats met with president biden's top advisors. the advisors did not provide any polling data in the meeting and it ended up being a fancy campaign pitch that failed to ease any worries. now given the historic biden debacle there's pressure on house minority leader hakeem jeffries to keep the party alive he says house democrats are having candid, clear eyed conversations about biden. >> house democrats are engaged in conversations with house democrats. as long as those conversations are ongoing, i'm going to
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respect the sanctity of those conversations until we conclude that process. >> at the same time one of the most powerful leaders of the democratic party, former house speaker nancy pelosi has not publicly signalled she's waiting to cf biden will drop out of the race after she insisted he would stay in. one democrat told... >> trace: thank you. meantime the recent silence from former president obama has been curious as fellow democrats continue questioning joe biden's future. and reported suggesting if not outright saying that the former president may be taking a much larger role behind-the-scenes. marianne rafferty is live with that side of the story. >> in the weeks following president biden's disastrous debate performance, some of the loudest voices calling for him to step aside have been some of those top advisors.
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as the former president, the only thing we've heard from him isn't... stating bad debate nights happen and that biden's debate performance doesn't change the fact that americans have the choice between someone who knows right from wrong and a liar. yet after that from george clooney calling provided to exit the race, the folks at morning joe made the suggestion about the kind of roll obama may be playing. >> what's going on behind the scenes is the biden campaign and many democratic officials do believe that barack obama is quietly working behind-the-scenes to orchestrate this. >> reporter: those claims follow a report that clooney did reach out to obama before he
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penned that and while the president didn't advise or encourage him in what to say, he reportedly didn't object to it either. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in conservative commentator... thank you both are coming on. the telegraph writes the following here, quoting... it goes on to say mr biden's team are now speculating that the man behind the article is the same one who ushered the president off the stage in los angeles. namely barack obama. azul -- elizabeth to you first, is obama and his team pulling the strings behind-the-scenes? >> i don't know who is pulling anything here but i think it's important for us to remember just how popular barack obama is. when we are talking democrat circles, we're talking hollywood circles, this man is probably one of the most influential if
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not... he has a lot on his plate here in terms of hit saving his own legacy. biden would not be the president if he hadn't served under barack obama. he would not have won the election if he had not have a strong support of barack obama which he had up until about two weeks ago. i think for obama it's not saving his own legacy and making the decision about what that entails. either letting joe biden stay and fight this out and possibly losing or bowing out right now and possibly being the man to save this country and again his own legacy. >> trace: morning joe they had one more soundbite on. whether barack obama is or is not involved in this plan. >> who do you think it was? are you saying barack obama put him up to this? >> i think barack obama has a lot of influence and i think that there's a lot there. >> trace: he definitely has a
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lot of influence. the question we are asking is is he using that influence? >> yes, but as my brother from another mother ben shapiro said, he like always is leading from behind, he's catching up because he was a part of the gas lighting right after the debate when he and hillary clinton and all these other liberals were coming out and saying we still support joe he is good but now we are finding out behind-the-scenes he's changed his mind. a mall clooney is not happen with the biden a ministration because of the report that she wrote saying all of these israeli government officials including netanyahu who the biden white house has been spying with ever since october 7th, she wanted all of them arrested. apparently there have been words had between her and the biden a ministration and... >> your brother from another mother is going to be on tomorrow night.
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the house until ranking member gave the following statement. it's been the honour of my career to work with him on the achievements that secured his remarkable legacy in american history. it's because of those traits and in consideration of that legacy that i hope president biden will step away from the presidential campaign and that was after tonight's news conference. are you surprised that the numbers keep growing? >> i'm not surprised. i think the numbers are going to continue to grow. the democrats are in a really rough spot. the have to decide or make a decision quickly. and they have to make it constitutionally and that's what makes this difficult. to have to decide if joe biden is going to leave the ticket or if he's going to leave the white house. making kamala harris the president and the present of nominee. they seem to already be in chaos. that's their number 1 priority right now because that's the
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argument about republicans this entire time. it's what's on all of their minds. they also have their own races to think about. >> trace: you've got hakeem jeffries who's going to huddle with his caucus. now he's going to huddle so two steps back. >> we will see what happens when they huddle and have these sanctified... it's fascinating. democrats are trying to say for democracy we should go to the convention. we need to let the people speak and go to the convention. the problem is the average voter in many voters recognize they didn't let the people speak. they didn't allow democratic primary and now they are the ones that are responsible for putting themselves in this corner. >> trace: thank you both. coming up threats to this country at an all-time high and hour next guest says our
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national security is at risk with the commander-in-chief who goes to bed at 8:00 pm. nicole parker joins us with that next. later on a lot of speculation surrounding barack obama and his influence on george clooney's op-ed in the new york times calling for joe biden to end his reelection campaign. some reports say he's working behind-the-scenes to force biden out. much control do you think obama has over biden's decision-making if barack obama publicly called for joe biden to step aside, do you think he would listen and why? let us know. cannot wait to read your responses on this coming up later in the nightcap we are coming right back with medical parker and national security
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>> trace: breaking news coming out of philadelphia. this is kind of an all hands on deck situation. this come from the wrong hurst neighbourhood in philly. you can see the water coming in there. the firefighters are on it. we do not know if there are anybody or any people still inside his apartment building. we know it's four stories. we know the upper level is totally engulfed in flames and the firefighters are trying to fight this thing to put it out. it's in the busy northeast philly intersection of roosevelt and... still too early for anyone -- any word on injuries or fatalities but we will keep our eyes on this in philadelphia. it's a fire clearly out of control, clearly engulfing an apartment building in philadelphia breaking news as it comes into fox news at night meantime, nervous world leaders
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in washington for the nato summit and they were watching president biden's high-stakes news conference very closely. kevin corke with more on world opinion. >> with a hot war in ukraine and growing questions about nato's future, this was meant to be a moment to shine for president biden. celebrate the strength of the alliance and the ability to keep the peace worldwide. in a moment reminiscent of the four head slapping scene from movie naked gun, mr biden while welcoming ukraine's president launched the intro in the worst way possible. >> president putin. he's going to beat president prudent. president zelenskyy. i'm so focused on beating putin. >> i'm better.
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>> speaking following the 75th anniversary of nato packed the president did his very best to draw a distinction between how he views the alliance and his private -- how his predecessor does. >> america cannot retreat from the world. it must lead the world. >> still with polls showing former president trump with a sizable lead over biden, doubts about the current president prospects are growing tonight. that according to officials and diplomats. in fact some european leaders took time during and after the conference to tout increases in defence spending, something mr trump has long demanded which i think should give you a very clear sense of the temperature in the room. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in former fbi special agent nicole parker. it's great to see you. andy mccarthy wrote this quoting
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here biden's fitness is not just a campaign issue with the national security issue china stepping up military activity in the far east as it contemplates an invasion of taiwan mindful of the biden harris a ministration's fecklessness and incoherence, the world has gone very dangerous how long can the u.s. go on with -- without a functioning president? is he right? >> he's correct. to be honest, any leader that's been watching fox news for the last several years, this is old news. the mental decline of joe biden is not news. this has been going on for years the mainstream media has chosen to cover it up. our adversaries, they are not buying it. they can see straight threw it. they can see our vulnerabilities and we are in a very difficult situation right now because we have someone who is leaving the united states who in a press conference thought that the vice president was trump. maybe he's sending a message that he thinks that trump
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probably would be the best person to lead our nation right now. >> trace: you talk about the adversaries but i want to talk about the world leaders. politico writes the following. you are worried if he knows which direction he's going. world leaders... we would prefer a more stable situation in the u.s. and the official... if the world allies leaders are nervous, you know that our enemies are looking at us as if were... >> this is the perfect moment for them and i hope that nothing happens prior to this upcoming election because they can see our vulnerabilities and we are at risk. we have heightened alerts across the board. all of our terroristic threats, the open border, the people who are here who we don't even know who they are. all of these countries had are god's. there would be nothing more than they would love to wreak havoc when there is no true leadership
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in the united states. have to say we allow this to happen. this administration, this is unacceptable. this is awful. president biden wanted to continue to run and keep him on the ticket and i believe keep them on the ticket and see who wins in november. >> trace: you said many times to us that as an fbi agent you had to be ready 24/7, 365. you would expect that americans would want their president to be the very same readiness level. >> absolutely, i can't even imagine just saying i'm tired i need to turn my phone off, it's 8:00 pm. know your phone rings 24/7, you are working... they don't care what time it is. i don't run on my schedule, i run on the criminal schedules and that's how the president should run. you are running on the schedule that... you have to be mentally strong and ready to go and physically present to be ready to go. we have to protect our nation and our allies. right now there's a very -- very
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little confidence that he's going to do that for us. >> trace: coming up have you seen this police dash cam video? they appear to come frighteningly close in the skies above syracuse new york. the faa investigating and so is matt fenn. we check in with him live next. we continue our reporting on police body cam video. we'd take you inside a burning building with a teenager and her pets at risk. aaron cohen will walk us threw them next and speaking of burning buildings we will update you on what's happening in philadelphia. that fire continues to burn. we are coming right back. with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush.
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[ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. i hear that. that's why we protect all your vehicles here.
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but hey...nothing wrong with sticking it to the boss. ooooh, flo, you gonna take that? why would that concern me? because you're...the... aren't you the..? huh...we never actually discussed hierarchy. ok, why don't we just stick to letting dave know how much he can save when he bundles his home or auto with his boat or rv. wait, i thought jamie was the boss. [ laughter ] it's funny because i'm not boss material!
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speed to incredible video to show you over near miss between two planes at an airport in syracuse new york. the federal aviation administration is investigating the let's get life back to matt finn for more on the near miss.
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>> the stunning video is hard to watch. it appears to show two commercial jets nearly colliding midair in syracuse. the incident is under investigation tonight. the near collision happened when the air traffic controller at the syracuse hancock airport apparently gave a delta and american eagle flight instructions to use the same runway causing them to come so close. air-traffic sounds seems to confirm the confusion that could have resulted in a much more catastrophic outcome. >> the video appears to show the planes coming very close but they are not calling it a close call and some say the flights were not truly on a collision course although there's a time they were flying about 700 feet apart. in a statement the faa writes in
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part an air traffic controller instructed psa airlines 5511 to go arounds... you have to wonder if any of the passengers realized how close it was. >> trace: when you are going hundreds of miles an hour, 700 feet is the blink of an eye. hogwash on this not being a close call. tonight we are bring you the latest addition of body cam heroes. and segment where we showcase stories about heroic police officers across the country. law-enforcement expert aaron cohen joins us on the heroic rescue by a police officer of a teenage girl and her pets. >> this one all started when an officer riley flynn, atlantic city police department her cries for help while patrolling a
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neighbourhood in atlantic city. you see him jump into action right away not playing around. makes forced entry into that resident structure. a ton of adrenaline dumping as we know. pumping through his blood. makes his way threw that smoke. and very tough to breathe. this isn't your average campfire. these are very toxic chemicals when ingested, makes his way upstairs while the heat is continuing to rise. most dangerous part of this callout for sure sound becomes the tactical tool as he uses it to hone in on the female teenager to find that girl, locates her in the bathroom, makes his way outside with her, important to note that you should always leave the pets behind, let the officers go back for them. which is happening here. we see that dog and cat being quickly extracted from that monster dump of smoke.
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you can hear them starting to intensify but not over yet. makes his way back in and then back to that bathroom and the grabs the last cat, makes his way outside. all of this done in just under two minutes. >> trace: standby if you would. we want to bring an officer flynn with us because he's... just watching the video, very compelling. i know that was you in their pure gum wondering as you are going in there we see you've got open stair gates, you can't see and what's the first thing you have to do, what's going on inside? >> the first thing was trying to figure out where i was with all the smoke. trying to see and hard to get your bearings. started calling out and eventually...
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i figured it was going to be right up the stairs. >> on wondering if you lose visibility at all up there, is there enough sound to be able to guide you in the right direction? >> that was the biggest thing is being able to hear her and direct me in the right direction at least. >> trace: it's interesting because i know you made at least two coat trips because you are talking about the teenage girl and then you had to go back for the pets. give me an idea what the priority here, you get the humans out first and foremost correct? >> absolutely every time. save human life. i felt comfortable enough to go back in for the pets. i know that they are loving memories of the family so i would hope that somebody would do that for me. >> trace: any second thoughts? is it hot? can you feel the heat? do you feel you need more protection going in there?
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>> definitely was hot. was up in a bit of an uncomfortable situation but no second thoughts. >> trace: when you are carrying this teenager out, water you watching out for? it seems like that is as treacherous as trying to get into the building, is that fair? >> absolutely. just because he went in one way doesn't mean it's safe to go out that way. once i got in there and i saw i had a path towards the direction i knew i needed to go, coming back out i took the same approach making sure it was still safe to get out that way as well. >> trace: who told you what to look out for a while inside. do you have any instruction from your superiors about what you are looking out for inside or are you just going in blind? >> we did get training in the police academy for fires and
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that sort of stuff. we also have leadership that continue to educate and train us and senior officers who help us younger officers out when situations like this arise. look up to a lot of them. >> trace: hats off to you, a big applause. a great job. thank you so much. i want to get back quickly over to aaron cohen here because the training is unbelievable. if i'm walking and i'm like i don't know where to go, what to do. you are just as blind as people who were stuck inside. >> to have those instincts, to be able to go in there and trusting your instincts and listening. he went above and beyond i believe what's expected as far
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as his profession but went in there and did an incredible job. body cam hero threw and through. hats off to him. >> trace: thank you so much. the fact that he had to go in twice is also remarkable. meantime this. >> the biden campaign and many democratic officials do believe that barack obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this. if joe biden believes that, that's not going to get him out of the race any faster. >> trace: joe scarborough thinks that even if barack obama was working behind the scenes to get joe biden to step aside and biden knew it it wouldn't matter. but what if obama publicly came out and said it's time to go. would biden listen? and why would he listen. let us know.
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we will read your responses. there's a bunch of them coming up next.
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>> trace: we're back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic obama drama.
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before george clooney came up with his op-ed calling for joe biden to end his reelection campaign he reportedly consulted barack obama who did not object to it. how much control do you think obama has over biden decision-making if obama publicly called for biden to step aside tomorrow, would biden listen and why or why not. or political expert steve hilton >> he would do the exact opposite. it's well-known the obama team patronized joe biden the whole time when he was vice president. keefe else knobbed and slighted by this. he think he's done a better job in one term than obama did in two. if he did it would strengthen biden's result to carry on. >> he is right. i do think the pressure would be in norma's if barack obama came out and did that.
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>> i agree with steve however i still feel like this is obama's third term and i think he's on a leash and i think he's very wobbly right now with some of this dysfunction. >> i kind of agree with erin. maybe there is some behind-the-scenes stuff going on and maybe he is going to make the decision for him. i don't know. >> i don't know it would make a difference. it's clear he has dug in his heels, huge names, huge publications that have called for him to step down and he is not listening to them. setting himself up for more gaps. connell think he's going to step aside right now. >> i like that you saved a meteorologist for last. on going to say the question is sizzling hot as the temperatures out west. >> trace: i think i disagree. i think if biden walks up and he doesn't have to go public he just whispers and josie are, it's time, i think biden drops out 15 minutes later picked out the way i see things and who
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knows i might be wrong but i seldom am a. we asked what you think. tomorrow you think joe would. 23 percent say yes. twenty-five on instagram. the vast majority say no and here we go. obama allows joe to decide the labour of ice cream and that's about it. obama can make it help for him but biden's sonar -- so narcissistic he will stay. >> biden has too big of an ego or can't remember who obama is. >> trace: thank you for joining and watching america's late news function is at night. we will see you back here to perfect your process. ♪
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