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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 12, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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[ applause >> greg: i love you, america. >> todd: president biden heading to detroit today after his gaffe-filled press conference
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following the nato summit and top ranking democrat says enough is enough, it is time for biden to drop out. >> carley: the president is still getting support >> governor gretchen whitmer who is struggling to defend him. >> is this the best america has to offer? is this the best the democratic has to offer? do you think he should debate again? >> todd: plus, nancy pelosi and former president barack obama may be more worried about the president's chances than they are letting on. wait until you hear the details of their private plan to oust joe biden. before the news, if you played the drinking game last night, every time president biden said anyways, you are in our thoughts and prayers. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: we start with president biden's press conference last night.
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the president's presser at nato summit failed to put democrats concerns to rest. dozens could call on president biden to step aside in the next 48 hors. >> todd: brooke singman has the latest. >> brooke: president biden will campaign in detroit today after making several mistakes in the presser. biden began by calling vice president kamala harris vice president trump. during an event before, he confused ukrainian president zelenskyy with russian president vladamir putin in front of the ukraine leader. watch. >> president biden: look, i know wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president, i think she is not qualified to be president, let's start there. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. president putin? he's going to beat president putin, president zelenskyy. i'm focused on beating putin.
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mr. president. >> i'm better. >> president biden: you're a hell of a lot better. >> brooke: the president trailing off on his thoughts and using the word anyway throughout the press conference, watch. >> president biden: look, folks, this is -- well, anyway. next debate i'm not going to be traveling in 15 time zones a week before. anyway, catching hell from my wife for that. anyway, it wasn't about -- anyway, read what his objective is. anyway, better than a lot of other people here today. anyway, just move along. anyway, from wisconsin to north carolina, anyway. >> brooke: anyway total of 17 congressional democrats have come forward publicly to call on the president to end his reelection bid. top democrat on the house intelligence committee calling on biden to suspend his campaign
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moments after the press conference. >> this is not about one press conference, one debate, one speech. this is about the presidency of the united states. we cannot be here anymore. this needs to be resolved in next five to seven days. >> brooke: sources say dozens of democratic lawmakers are expected to call on biden to step aside over the next 48 hours. >> carley: we're hearing next 48 hours could be brutal and president biden's campaign is reportedly testing the strength of kamala harris against former president trump in a head-to-head match up. they are looking for a plan b. >> todd: two fun facts about jim hymes, he is my congressman and has access to wealthy people, he comes from wall street. what upon has to wall street donor base with jim hymes out?
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thank you very much. meantime, independent presidential candidate r.f.k. jr. says call me, democrats, if they need a new nominee. >> the democratic party is scrambling to find a candidate, they can stop looking, i'm the only one that can beat him. my telephone number is on the internet, unfortunately. >> todd: was that a weird club-like horn in the middle of that? decision, never the less we continue on. nearing 10% in the latest three-way poll, currently on the ballot in eight states. >> carley: bob menendez federal corruption trial, deliberations com expected to start before lunchtime. the democrat is accused of participating in a bribery scheme with his wife for cash bribes and gold bars from three
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new jersey businessmen. he is accused of acting as a foreign agent to egypt. it is said his wife rin h inherited the gold from his family. the senator pleaded not guilty to 16 different felonies. if convicted, he faces 20 years in prison. his wife will face trial later this year. the case was split after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. >> todd: alec baldwin trial resumes. the lead detectives back on the stage this morning. prosecutors might call on convicted armorer hannah gutierrez-reed. she is in the process of ashes peeling her conviction. alec baldwin, his attorneys say he had no way to know live
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ammunition was in the gun and they say he was not responsible for on-set safety check. the judge ruled alec baldwin can hear a call made to his wife, in which he asks her to come visit him for "a good time," and alec baldwin did not know halyna hutchins was dead. >> carley: 15,000 haitian migrants overwhelmed economy in one ohio city. leaders are asking for help, but they are getting responses like this. >> my sense is that in the long run, immigration is neutral on inflation, in short run, it may have helped. >> it is not just housing, there are host of ways this immigration problem is having human consequences. >> carley: mayor and city manager are here next.
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>> todd: one suspect tried to run from cops, that is how it ended, his truck goes airborne, details and wild video when "fox and friends first" on this friday rolls along.
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[ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad.
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good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ >> todd: a fox wildfire alert. fast-growing vista fire in san bernardino mountains, burning at zero percent containment and the largest lake fire in santa barbara is only 16% contained. >> carley: in northern organ organization oregon, the fire
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is zero percent contained. janice dean has the fox weather forecast. >> janice: holy moly, unbelievable. zero percent containment. active wildfires greater than 100 acres and west is on fire. northwest part of the reason why we have not had a lot of wet weather here and it's been exceptionally warm and dry. look at this, record heat to start the summer. tucson, phoenix, las vegas, sacramento, we are ranked first and that tells you how hot it's been. we have heat alerts northwest. it is spreading eastward and we have excessive heat warnings. temperatures well above average for prolonged period of time. forecast highs today, redding, 115, boise, idaho 106, 115 in
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las vegas, that is the story. it will calm down this weekend and we'll get to see moisture moving into the southwest. otherwise, it's been a trying time in terms of heat. one million people without power in southeast texas, including houston area. this is a dire situation, we are on day five of no air conditioning for some folks and the temperature backs off today. look at this, sunday, monday, tuesday, heat index goes up and temperatures well above 100. that is a story we'll be following. area of low pressure off the shore, don't think it will develop, but it will bring wet weather and rip currents along the coasts. we will watch that, does not take much, sometimes things develop and the water is very warm. >> todd: thank you. check this out. happy friday. watch at home, police chase in south carolina ending with
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suspect's truck going airborne. police were chasing the man for fleeing a traffic stop. take a look again, truck flipping over before coming to a stop. suspect arrested for driving with a suspended license and he had meth and fentanyl. that's a big deal. he faces five charges, drug trafficking and possession with intent to distribute. on 16 suspected terrorists arrested in several states after being let into our country at the southern border. one terrorism expert calling this significant concern for law enforcement. i would say so. 400 migrants have been flagged for having ties to isis. >> carley: on the border issue, springfield, ohio facing significant housing crisis as thousands of haitian migrants have arrived because of federal government. haitian migrant population
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skyrocketed to estimated 20,000, that is one third of the city's population. senator j.d. vance brought this to light during a hearing with federal reserve chair jerome powell. >> what role do you see illegal immigration playing in driving up housing cost, main driver of inflation for american citizens? >> my sense, in the long run, immigration is neutral, short run, it may have helped. >> in conversations with folks in springfield, it is not just housing, this immigration problem is having human consequences. >> carley: mayor of springfield, ohio, and the city manager join me now. good morning to you both. mayor, tell us what is going on in springfield. >> what we've seen is quick increase of our population over the last five years. up to 15 to 20,000 immigrants have come into our community
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over overwhelming safety and causing concern for our community. >> brian, tell us more and how this flux is impacting the city. >> yeah, certainly, thank you for having us on this morning. when we see a 25% increase over a three-year period, we're a community, we do not have capacity to sustain that. it is taxing our infrastructure. it is taxing public safety. it is taxing our schools and healthcare and as j.d. vance spoke on, it is taxing our housing. we had a housing shortage well before immigration cries that is impacted our community and this is just made it 100 times worse. it is setting communities like springfield up to fail. and we do not have capacity to sustain it and without additional federal assistance or
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support, cities like springfield will fail. >> carley: cities like new york city, chicago, they get a lot of attention when it comes to this issue. but these mid-sized cities like yours are really struggling here, as well, and probably at a greater disadvantage because resources are not there. >> exactly. look at impact on our area like new york, they would receive 700,000 people at wons that is impact it is having on our area. safety services are exhausted, they are trying to care for the people in a safe manner. it is difficult. this border crisis, policy of this administration is failing cities like ours and taxing us beyond our limits. >> carley: what drew so many haitian migrants to springfield in the first place? they are here and might not want
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to leave. what do you do? >> yeah, so available jobs and affordable housing drew the haitian migrants to our community in the first place. they are a very communal culture. they come to place and find a place with jobs and housing, they tell more to come to springfield, ohio. unfortunately, you mention federal funding and resources, funding is tied to population. and these are not captured by the federal government. influx of 15 to 20,000 is not captured in our community. federal funding has been reduced and that is concerning as a community, because certainly adding 15 to 20,000 we need addit additional support and resources. frankly, the federal government, when they cross the border, they do not know where they are
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going. they are coming to communities like springfield, ohio. >> carley: mayor rue, how did you feel when censsenator j.d. e brought it up to powell? you are being heard by one. >> not just one, congressman turner brought light to this. we are in washington, d.c. pleading our case to department of homeland security. we were a bit shocked how easy it was for folks to come into the united states with little accountability and no funding to help cities like ours. >> carley: you are doing a lot with little support. thank you for joining us to shed light what is going on in your community. have a great day. here is a question. are barack obama and nancy pelosi working behind the scenes to push president biden out? that's a big question. it is all in a new report you
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don't want to miss, this look behind the curtain. >> todd: that is quite the question. here is the president's latest attempt to prove he's fit to be comm commander in chief. >> i wouldn't havic approximated vice president trump if i did not think she was qualified to be president, start there. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. >> todd: that happened, yet some in the media gave him a thumbs up. >> why haven't they had him doing more of these. >> give credit where credit is due, it was a solid performance, except one flub. >> todd: one flub? thank vice president reagan and vice president roosevelt, a lot of that, joe concha will opine on all of it.
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>> todd: president obama and nancy pelosi have concerns over president biden. >> former president obama and former house speaker nancy pelosi have spoken privately about the president's campaign and mentioned how much more difficult it has become to beat former president trump. deepening skepticism about winning reelection is one of the worst kept secrets in washington. when the history of american politics is written, fi fingerprints of obama and nancy pelosi will be more pattern than currently known. democratic elders have served as a guidepost for a party in
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panic. chairman of project 21 suggest there may be a riff between president obama and the president. >> i think there is a reason why barack obama did not endorse him in 2020, asked him not to run in 2016 and even after he's the in incumbent president, waited until he wrapped up the nomination before he would endorse him. the two people actually don't like each other. ing >> it has been widely reported that president biden and former president obama have a -- relationship, obama expressed doubt toward president biden presi presidential -- outlet saying ahead of closed door cabinet meetings, it is customary for
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cabinet officials to submit questions and key talking points they plan to present to white house aides. meetings are infrequent telling cnn they are uncertain of biden's condition because they so rarely see him. white house responded with a statement from agricultural secretary calling the process standard practice for any administration because there should not be surprises in be canet meetings. >> carley: last time president biden had a full cabinet meeting was nine months ago. president biden allies believe the president stuck the landing and delivered at the nato press conference, despite moments like this. >> president biden: i wouldn't havic approximated vice president trump to be vice president if i think she is not qualified to be president, let's start there. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. president putin?
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going to beat president putin. president zelenskyy. i'm focused on beat ing putin. >> i'm better. >> president biden: a hel of a lot better. >> todd: no joke. it is shocking to no one that the media wasted absolutely no time beginning the resuscitation effort of one joe biden after two whole weeks of asking questions, take a watch at that resuscitation effort. watch. >> why haven't they had him doing more of these? that is about as comfortable as he's going to get. >> he said vice president trump instead of vice president harris, he had lengthy answers. there were some verb missteps and periods of impresive command and fluency. he is strong on foreign policy and right on foreign policy. >> give credit where credit is
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due, it was a solid performance, except one flub. >> todd: joe, your reaction and once it is official biden is not going anywhere, is that the end of tough questions of joe biden? >> joe: tough questions. last night, these reporters were hand-picked for a reason. he had a list of reporters to call on. i did not hear questions around i will read them for you, questions i would have asked. okay. how can you, mr. president, not have a cabinet meet ing since october, nine months, when the world is seemingly onir foo. pretty good question. there was not one question about biden refusal to release medical records. not one question about a parkinson's doctor visiting the white house. do you have a neurological disease, sir? not one question about cost of
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living being up 20%, not one on inflation. incredible. number one issue in the election and a press conference and no one asks a question about gas prices, or about 10 million immigrants coming in illegally including hundreds on the fbi terror watch list. not one question about hunter biden being unofficial chief of staff to the president of the united states. add it up, i guess he stuck the landing like a boeing plane when you consider what we saw last night with all the gaffes. i'm sorry, if this is the bar, which is a speed bump, great, he passed it. bad for democrats at this point, guys, he did well enough in the msnbc world, where he now can say, see, i got this. now democrats can't say, you have to leave 6789. he will say, i did fine. >> todd: trump won last night. >> carley: on that point, one
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democratic lawmaker said this press conference was worst possible outcome unless you were hunter biden and need a pardon. he did well enough to prolong his candidacy moving forward. >> carley: one question notable and answer more so. reporter asking about kamala harris. >> iffureioteam came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president trump would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? >> president biden: no, unless they came back and said, there is no way you can win. me. no one is saying that, no poll says that. >> carley: no one is saying that, no poll says that. somebody in his campaign might want to show him this nbc news report saying several of joe biden's closest allies, three directly involved in efforts to reelect him told the news they
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see his chance of winning zero and likelihood of him taking down fellow democratic candidates is growing. he needs to drop out, he will never recover from this. this is from inside his own campaign, joe. >> todd: if he stays in the race, it's over. >> joe: i always wanted to do that, why does biden do the whisper thing? he is down in wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, he is tied in states like new mexico, new hampshire, new jersey, pick your new state, maine, minnesota, virginia, not nimble enough to defend all states and win back swing states. donald trump is looking like your 47th president, we have 114 days to go. tell me what changes on ground in terms of inflation and what made him unpopular before the debate in the first place. >> todd: your thoughts on "washington post" oped, as
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result of viewers of fox news understood. will that wake-up call be heeded? >> joe: of course it will not, we have eyesight, hearing and sanity and we cover the president's cognitive decline, not a complicated story. we were surprised. no surprise, you purposely ignored it, stop it. >> carley: it was a conspiracy until it was right. hunter biden lapd was conspiracy until it was right. and joe biden's cognitive issues were conspiracy until it was right. here is concern for biden-harris campaign. head of the united auto workers union does not think the president can beat the adopt. >> todd: no shock there.
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cheryl casone here with details right after this.
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soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> todd: the head of the united auto workers union has concern about the biden-harris campaign and is not sure they can beat donald trump. >> carley: cheryl casone is here with details. >> cheryl: president biden is heading to auto country, detroit, michigan, today as president of uaw has told union board he's worried trump could beat biden. according to reuters, he met with the board on thursday to discuss deep concerns with president joe biden's ability to defeat donald trump in the november election. despite recent surveys discussing ev purchases, biden administration will spend $1.know 7 billion to make
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electric vehicles. it is about swing states, michigan is one of several swing states they are targeting. the ev industry is one reason why many union members are not excited about another term of joe biden and many are going over to donald trump. and look, when i said this earlier in the week on the show, on both shows, actually, the leaders can endorse a candidate and be in front of a microphone, but the members may sing a different tune at the ballot box in november. >> todd: there will be union guy speaking day trump speaks at the convention. joe biden will lose a lot of union votes, that is important if you are a republican. cheryl casone don't misher mor morningss with maria. on heels of last night's biden
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press conference, jill biden continues in pennsylvania. and president biden will be in butler, pennsylvania tomorrow. two pennsylvania voters, a business owner and a campus reform correspondent and penn state student. start with last night, do you think any undecided voter in your state watched joe biden and said that inspired me to pull the lever for joe? >> not at all. how many times did he say anyways, he called donald trump his vice president, he called the president of ukraine putin, it is not inspiring at all. >> todd: pennsylvania is home to a lot of colleges, a lot of
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first-time voters will vote on november 5. here is biden talking about this thought process of why he's backed away from building a bridge to a younger generation of leaders. watch. >> president biden: what changed was the gravity of the situation i inherited in terms of the economy, our foreign policy and domestic division. most presidential historians give me credit for having accomplished more than most any president since johnson and maybe buyer that. >> todd: are you buying that reason for joe biden holding on for dear life to this campaign? is gen-z looking at biden and saying, that is a historic president doing historic things? >> i'm sure that is what nobody in my generation is saying, i think president biden is historic for the wrong reason
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given his debate performance. the president enjoy ing tiktok, thinking that would woo my generation. we are smarter than that. most of the people my age cannot afford homes. i don't think debate performance or tiktok will change our minds. >> todd: i think that is the case, i talk to young people, nobody is banging down the door for joe, there are people that are passionate about donald trump. focus on the future. we got a couple campaign stops in your state, do you know anyone going to see joe biden out of your community, friends, family, neighbors? >> i don't know of anybody going to see joe biden, i know about 100 people going to see president trump in butler. >> todd: 100 people, would you consider your area where you are from in and around your
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neighborhood to be overly conservative or a bunch of independence folks? >> i'm in south side of pittsburgh, which is very liberal, the people i know that are going are mostly conservative. and blue dog democrats. >> interesting. joe biden is in pittsburgh, let's be real, the reason she is there is to get inner city minority vote for joe. will it work? >> i don't think it will ultimately, like i said before, people will remember the status of their life in 2024 and compare that to pre-covid. we're talking about turnout, i'm not expecting joe biden to garner a great crowd. governor newsom, only 100 people
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showed up. i am expecting pandoring, gen-z, hispanics, black americans, you name it. >> todd: such a fascinating perspective. we talk about a lot of states that matter and pennsylvania matters most. if joe biden loses pennsylvania, this thing is over. have a great weekend, we'll check back with you. we mentioned this, president biden is campaigning in detroit today. detroit pastor who just hosted former president trump is here this morning to tell us what he is expecting from biden today. >> carley: steve doocy will tell us what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> steve: tgif, thank goodness it's fox. friday eshgdition of "fox and friends" 12 minutes and five seconds from now. moments after joe biden wrapped up that major big boy pres conference, another house democrat called on him to step
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aside and then another and another. not a good assign. new reports say even biden team is looking into a trump match up that does not include the current president. how does he change the game for trump? we'll talk to v.p. conen tender governor doug burgum, he'll be live on the koufrp with us. plus, new york a battleground state, who better to ask than former governor of new york, governor pataki. and white house guests were concerned about the president at the juneteenth -- and preview of the rnc that kicks off in milwaukee next week. and despite all the chaos, we are still making time for music. it is a friday in the summer and donny osmond is here for the
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summer concert series. ladies and gentlemen, donny osmond is doing sound check. this is so cool. you'll hear him live all show long. kicks off in nine minutes and 42 seconds here on the morning you trust for your morning news.
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>> carley: national chapter of the democratic socialist of america is dropping its endorsement of new york
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congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez because they say she is not fulfilling their pro-palestinian requirements. according to the group, quote, many mexico have supported the national endorsement while at the same time demanding that aoc demonstrate a higher level of commitment to palestinian liberation. they are also citing the congresswoman's vote israel's right to exist as well as a panel she held last month on combating anti-semitism. because that's bad thing? she will still get support from the organization's new york city chapter. what a development there. >> todd: poster child for democratic socialists dropped by democratic socialists. president biden is back on the campaign trail as he travels to detroit today and dozens of democrats are set to call on him to drop out next 48 hours. gretchen whitmer won't be appearing with him but she did go on the breakfast club to try and defend him. watch. >> y'all should be offended. people will say is this the best america has to offer?
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is this the best the democratic party has to offer in biden? the fact that they maybe don't -- joe biden doesn't resonate as well with every one of -- you know, every voter that's out there, i think every voter can see a voice, a person that is a part of this effort that does though. >> you think he should debate again? >> i don't know. you know, it doesn't seem as though people go into debates with open minds these days. >> lorenzo senior pastor at 180 church in detroit which hosted former president trump last month. and pastor sewell joins us now. two presidential candidates coming to your community other the last few weeks is quite something. what are you expecting to take place with president biden's visit today? >> thank you so much for having me. i believe that president biden is going to do what democrats have done in cities like detroit, chicago, and other urban centers absolutely nothing. president biden has done
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nothing. he has been a career politician. and in our community, we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. we have had over 20 people shot this past weekend. my hope would be that president biden, or whoever running his campaign, they would go talk to those families. we have a high population of muslims. we have a high population of jewish community whom i hope would be that whoever is running his campaign would have the gravitas and the moxie to be willing to clarify his statements that he made yesterday about a two state solution. that would be my hope. but, specifically as a black american, my hope would be that he would take time to drive down our communities that are filled with blight, people are getting shot every day. our streets are not safe. and my hope would be that he would not walk around detroit, shake hands and kiss babies and act like everything is okay. it is not okay. we are living in a context where our kids can't read, can't
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write, can't do math. we are living in a context where our teacher's union just ratified gender approving bathrooms. what are we doing? my hope would be he would cast a vision for a future that creates passion in our communities. >> todd: speaking of passion, following donald trump's passionate visit to your church, pastor, did the president's team, pings' team reach out to you and say give me a crack at your congregation? >> i wish that would have happened, todd, i wish it would have happened that he would have come. he thinks we are irrelevant, right? we are in a context where we can't write big checks. we are in a context where people really are suffering and to be very frank with you, there are so many limousine liberals. so many people who doesn't don't live in poverty but they speak for poverty. so many people who are both black and white americans whose children go to private school. live in gated communities but they talk about detroit as if they have any idea what's happening. so president biden, he will
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never come to our community. he'll never sit down and do what president trump did in terms of actually listening to the aspirations. and yes we have reached out but it's been crickets. >> carley: how did that meeting go with former president trump last month? what did you tell him and what was his response? >> my desire for president trump was what he has been saying since his campaign. make america great again. i have asked him to make black america great again. we spoke specifically about keeping the black dollar in the black community and him being a developer. him being a billionaire can help our entrepreneurs understand how to keep our dollar in our community. and he has continued the conversation in terms of criminal justice we are continuing to talk to the campaign. we talk about almost every day how my community is holdings me accountable. right? when you have a president come to your organization. i'm being held accountable, too.
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we are looking forward to what we can do to make black america great again. >> todd: when trump visited your church, pastor, did you get the sense that some of your parishioners that voted for biden in 2020 were going to switch their vote for trump in 2024? need a quick answer. 15 seconds. >> you know, we had people from the community, not people from the congregation, but people from the community that said that they were actually hurt. they were former democrats. went to democratic gatherings. felt they were pushed aside. they came to our church, listened to president trump, and now they are saying that they are willing to vote for president trump. core core something special but. thank you for joining us this morning, sharing your thoughts with us. that you have a great message. your community is very lucky to have you. pastor sewell, thank you for joining us. >> todd: dropped a mary jane biological in


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