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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 12, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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# president biden to get out of the race after a number of gaffes last night as with. >> i want it hand it effort to president of ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president did i not think she was qualified to be president. >> ainsley: he did pick trump as his vice president. oh, all right. and now you tell us abc news is reporting juneteenth concert goers were concerned over biden's behavior at the event as a "the washington post" op-ed is calling out the media for doing a disservice. >> lawrence: plus it's a summer friday. donny osmond will rock the all-american summer concert
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series. >> brian: second hour of "fox & friends" startle right now. go. mornings are better with fri friends. >> ainsley: biden calling his vice president trump just hours after another big mixup he made after introducing the president of ukraine. >> lawrence: mark meredith is live at the white house. so, mark, is this a victory lap for the white house or are they still in panic? >> lawrence, i would stop short of that good morning to you and good morning, friends, the white house remains in damage control mode, trying to show the american people that the president can still do his job. he took questions for nearly an hour last night at a press conference here in d.c. but there were still a number of slip-ups. >> look, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president did i think she's not qualified to be president. so let's start there. >> mark: since last night another elected democrat called on biden to bow out of the 2024
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race. congressman jim himes says he too wants a new nominee. there are reports more democratic defections could come in at any time. including over the weekend. one democrat telling fox that the news conference was, quote: the worst possible outcome unless you are a hunter as in hunter biden and need a pardon. the president also told reporters he is repeatedly going to stay in this race. but the president also drew some widespread shock at a mistake he made before his news conference even began. >> now i want to hand it over to the president of ukraine, who he has as much courage as he has determination. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. [applause] -- president putin? he's going to pete president putin. president zelenskyy. i'm so focused on beating putin we got to worry about it. anyway -- mr. president. >> i'm better. >> you are a helluva lot better. >> that was a moment that happened right before the news conference that certainly drew a lot of attention. the president is going to be back out on the campaign trail
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today heading to the battleground state of michigan and on the trail next week, guys, making stops in two other battle ground states nevada and texas where he is going to do an interview with nbc. steve, ainsley, brian and lawrence, back to you. >> brian: thanks, mark. >> steve: let me ask you one quick question you got to figure when the white house put together a list of white house reporters to call on and you are one of them. telephone wanted people to ask questions about the foreign affairs because he was at the nato thing and been working on it three days and rather than having his staff fill his head with facts he felt he would be more conov conversant on that ae could shine. he said that afterwards. >> component press conference like this. a lot of people shocked how often the president would defer to the note card of list of names of who he could call on who was going to be in the room. very clear he wanted to follow that reasonable doubt o. in fact, he even at the very end of his news conference was about to wrap it up and saw another name he wanted to make sure he got in there so he included it.
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i was a little surprised that he did not go a little bit more off the cuff and pick out some of those other folks that would be in the room that may not necessarily get called once as much. a lot of the tv networks did not get. a lot of the printed and wire services. npr got a question in. i was a little surprised though that they stuck to more of the familiar faces as opposed to maybe mixing it up a little bit last night. >> ainsley: peter doocy was ready. >> steve: he was ready he had 25 questions. >> i thought he was going to get one. in i would have. >> i would have lost a bet last night. i thought that was going to be the moment. always the next time. >> brian: first time in eight months had a press conference. a little rusty. had his normal gaffes. kept saying i got 14 million primary votes. i have all the money. even if there is other people that can beat donald trump, but not at this point. you really can't turn around and do anything. i think it's the worse scenario for democrats. because he was joe biden. >> lawrence: yeah he was. >> brian: northerly mall gaffes.
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gaffes for the last 20 or 30 years. this time he was able to answer most of the questions. and they are going to be standing out, obviously the vladimir putin thing is a big thing calling saying donald trump was his running mate is relatively different. more than i was expecting. but the rest of the stuff he answered. so, he has every reason to think that he can stay. >> ainsley: it was just bizarre. there were times where he whispered. yelled, clearing his throat. cleared his throat a bunch. he said he would start and lose his train of thought and say well, anyway. and start another thought. >> steve: um-huh. >> ainsley: it was very bizarre and right out of gate just like the debate he made the gaffe and said donald trump was his vice president. and he wouldn't have picked her if she weren't qualified. >> steve: he knew exactly who to call on as mark alluded to. watch this. >> brian: he misgenderred. >> i'll take your questions. i have been given a list of people to call on here. >> there's been reporting that you have acknowledged that you need to go to bed earlier and
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end your evening around 8:00. >> that's not true. look, ha ha ha ha, what i said was instead of my everyday starting at 7:00 and going to bed at midnight, it would be smarter for me to pace myself a little more. i love my staff. [whispering: but they add things. add things all the time. -- i'm catching hell from my wife. anyway. i've not had any of my european allies come up to me and say: joe, don't run. what i hear them say is you've got to win and surrounded by good docs. if they think there's a problem, i promise you, or even if they don't think it's a problem, they think i should have a neurologic exam again ty i'll do it. i believe i'm the best qualified to govern. and i think i'm the best qualified to win. but there are other people who could beat trump, too. but it's hard to start from scratch. >> earlier you misspoke your
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opening answer you referred to vice president as vice president trump. right now donald trump is using that to mock your age and your memory. how do you combat that criticism from tonight? >> listen to him. >> i mean, it's incredible. essentially the reporter asked the question about him changing his schedule because he needs more down time and he says that's not true then right after he confirms the report well, actually, it's a different time frame. actually 8:00. does anyone think he is working from 7:00 to 8:00 at night? >> lawrence: no way. jill biden being upset i'm catching hell with from my wife. >> ainsley: has to explain why he is someone, my staff adding too much. >> steve: he is not just catching hell from his wife. is he catching hell from democrats. you know, brian, you are absolutely right. it wasn't a great performance. but it was solid. and so this berg tore, limbo
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continues for democrats. >> explain why berg tore so bad on the first debate. >> brian: when you go to heaven you go to this holding area. >> ainsley: i don't believe that some people believe that. >> steve: in the catholic church, if you die with sane on your soul, then you go to berg tore. did you gopurgatory. this is not the time talk about that. >> ainsley: did he so bad in first debate. they are in purgatory last night wasn't horrible. so they are in a pickle. >> steve: there are a number of democrats who wanted him to suck and he did not suck as much as they were hoping because then they could all come out. cbs has got a story that mark alluded to apparently dozens of democrats. it's going to be a coordinated threatening, come out in the next 48 hours and say joe has got to go. axios, actually. >> brian: he just ruined the surprise. >> there you go. axios has got a great piece this morning and talks about, you know, you have got nancy pelosi talking on the phone last night
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to barack obama. what do we do? there are a number of democrats, top democrats, working behind the scenes to try get joe to go. axios refers to them as the committee to unelect the president. the whole idea is to gem him out, the sooner the better. the cbs thing says that those democrats think that he could be gone by the middle of next week, which is the rnc. apparently, according to back to axios, there are some major donors who have got some gigantic non-biden money ready. and the nominee would not necessarily be kamala harris. but, instead, it would be two people, most likely to win one of three states. wisconsin, michigan, or pennsylvania? and axios says they're going to be pruittless, they are going to figure out what ticket could win one of those states and that will be the ticket. >> lawrence: this is amazing. he has made it very clear that he is not getting out. he is very defiant. >> steve: not his choice. >> brian: yes, it is. he has the delegates. >> steve: he said he can release
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them. they can vote their conscience. >> lawrence: the democrats and the media and i don't think the republicans ever had an advantage like this. they become the opposition research team now. all these comments that they are making about him being unfit and needing to pass the torch. are going to be aired in ads, donald trump is going to grab all of this stuff. so, they better make peace now because it's gonna happen now. he is going to be the nominee. >> brian: the president did a pretaped interview in milwaukee. >> ainsley: this is with the earl ingraham show. it aired on july 3rd. civic media launched investigation five days later they launched this investigation. they heard some of the taped interview was not included. in the full interview, which airs on july 3rd. so they investigated this. and the radio station, it turns out, did remove two parts of the interview with president biden. >> brian: at the request of. >> ainsley: at the request, story. that's the big story. >> brian: at the request of the white house. here's what the earl ingraham
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show said. on monday july 8th, it was reported to civic media management that immediately after the phone interview was reported, the biden campaign called and asked for two edit in the reporting before it aired. civic media management undertook investigation that determined that the production team at the time viewed the edits as non-substantive and broadcast and published the interview with two short segments removed. in the interest of transparence and consistent with sharing the edits and making the full interview available. portions have to do with how many blacks served for him and what the central park five and donald trump have to do with each other because he destroyed that story. >> lawrence: if it didn't matter by did you take it out statement is nonsense. if it did not matter. if it did not contribute to the conversation. if it wasn't going to make the president look bad why did you
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cut it out? here's a portion of it in addition to that i have more blacks my administration more than any other presidents combined major positions, cabinet positions. >> lawrence: it was a lie. steve the white house said could you take that out? they said yes. it was last week -- two radio reporters. he was one of them. they both got a list approved by the white house questions you could ask the question. they both agreed to it. this guy, his station is standing behind him. but the other states, fired that poor woman. i'm surprised somebody last night didn't say hey, mr. president, did you apologize to the woman who lost her show on that radio station because she simply followed your request, your white house communications department request to only ask you questions off this list? >> ainsley: she thought some of the questions were good. she said she used four of them is that right? >> steve: she got to pick them.
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>> brian: here's what the biden campaign said in their statement following up. hosts have always been free to ask the questions and air the statements they will best inform their listeners but they did take out -- didn't air the part central park 5. donald trump said hang them, whatever, which he never said. so you feel one way of surviving a fact-check is take out the statements that are wrong. >> lawrence: exactly right. after you have said it. so i'm not sure how long they have been doing. this but, if anyone is out there. that feels as though the white house has pressured them to take things out. speak up. >> lawrence: if i had to guess and i don't know this for a being if a. but i wouldn't be surprised if the cost of admission for doing an interview with the president is we'll let you talk to the president but you have got to ask him these questions. >> brian: do you know who is curious about this now? >> steve: everybody. >> brian: so curious about what goes on with the president's incident electricity fast they have been in hibernation. wait, the president seems old.
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>> lawrence: this is cover our tail moment now within the media. i think the american people are so frustrated we will go to editorial later on in the program. >> steve: gives us props. >> lawrence: they said they should have been listening to fox news. >> ainsley: can you believe that? "the washington post" said that i don't think it's just covering the tail though, lawrence. i agree with you on some of that i think it's because they see that donald trump is going to win, if he runs against biden. so now they are saying we have got to change. now he is old. >> that's right. >> ainsley: we notice it now. >> brian: word came down. >> steve: get the editorial from the wapo in a moment. but first. >> brian: more on purgatory. >> ainsley: how do you get out of purgatory. >> brian: got to know somebody in heaven. >> ainsley: i'll get you in, brian. >> steve: call mrs. doocy. mrs. doocy was a teacher. meanwhile, switching gears. remember the white house juneteenth concert where president biden -- look at him
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right there, he's the only person not moving a muscle. well,. >> brian: i think the other people are wrong. i think he is right. >> steve: abc news is now reporting that people who attended that event felt that joe biden's demeanor was, quote troubling. >> brian: really? brooke singman has this story. brooke, i'm not troubled in tossing to you. please make sense of this. >> brooke: good morning, guys, yes. you do remember that juneteenth concert event at the white house last month. now those people there speaking out to abc news about president biden's behavior. that's where biden appeared to freeze while others, like vice president kamala harris were dancing around him. can you see that here. texas state lawmaker ron reynolds telling nbc news we didn't know quite what to make of it, but we thought it was different. he seemed altered. a former obama official say i have seen him stutedder. it wasn't that it was more just really low energy. garbled words hard to understand and alabama state lawmaker i notice the person who is aging
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and did i notice some suttles. george clooney who previously backed biden is also suggesting he step aside after headlining a fundraiser with him few weeks ago. fundraiser where president biden appeared to usher him off the stage after it looked like he froze up. can you see that n that video. clooney said the joe biden i was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the josie big explicative deal biden of 2010. he wasn't each the joe biden of 2020. he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. nbc chief political analyst chuck todd saying a biden cabinet member mentioned something about biden's behavior years ago. listen. >> i had cabinet secretary two years ago, out of the blue ask me: do you really think he's -- he can't run again like this. i mean, there is no evidence, this is irresponsible. there is no evidence he can serve four years. >> and abc's george stephanopoulos also suggesting biden is not fit to serve four
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more years in office. he later said he should not have made that remark. guys? >> steve: all right. brooke, thank you very much. >> lawrence: whole point of news is to react as things happen. when did that happen the juneteenth celebration? like two weeks ago? we already provided. steve. >> brian: chcheap fakes. >> lawrence: we already provided barack obama loading him off like a toddler. you want to give commentary on the back end weeks later. we already had a show on this and you guys said we were lying. >> steve: the reason they had to -- everybody is spinning now because ever the debate where the current president froze up and did a very bad job. that's -- and that leads us to this, "the washington post," which you were alluding to a little bit ago, got an op-ed right now by meghan mccardle, the headline is how the media sleep-walked into joe biden's debate disaster.
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and what it says is the mainstream media did report on his age, but why was it so gentle? you know, the treatment of the president wasn't a conspiracy she writes to protect the democratic president. but it looks like it because that was the practical event. and then she wound up giving us props because we have been telling the story all along, ainsley. >> ainsley: she said viewers of fox news understood the president's condition better than our audience's which ought to be a huge wake-up call for us. we don't have the exact problem conservatives imagine but we did have a problem. the only way to fix it is to add more viewpoint diversity to our newsrooms when our newsrooms lopsidedly support one party. our readers miss much of the story. in this case nearly all of it. >> brian: i love the fact they use the word diversity. used to mean, blacks, hispanics asians. >> ainsley: now it means conservatives. >> brian: i used to see some by
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the copier. >> ainsley: npr. >> brian: quit because as a liberal don't have any diversity of thought. most maddening thing watching the media suddenly are a realize they have an old president. it's not that they are 81. look at james clyburn, he looks like he should be in the olympics and is he older. nancy pelosi is old. no one says that she couldn't be speaker. she stepped aside, which by the way maybe some other people should do. you had 104-year-old veteran look at joe biden and say this guy is old. that was hang at d-day some of their quotes. it's how you age and how you act. >> lawrence: brian, should would he be offended fox news -- did we just become number one for nothing? people are watching us for no reason? i mean we have more democrats watch our network. a lot of people don't agree with certain things but they know they are going to get the news and get both perspectives. we have democrats on the network. it did not just happen this way. and it just seems to me that the big part of that piece was saying, look, democrats within
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our newsroom. we have the blind spot. >> brian: giving them too much credit. this sin tensional. it's intentional. they want to make sure he is president. they want to make sure a democrat is president. they don't want diversity. they know where to find him. >> steve: she also pointed out that there are 10 times more democrats as republicans in mainstream media numerous. she is saying they need to have more diversity of opinion. so let's see if there is a hiring, you know splurge at the papers. >> ainsley: thank the good lord. >> brian: bari weiss i had to form a new newspaper. >> ainsley: thank god for fox news and. >> brian: and carley shimkus. >> carley: steve, ainsley brian and lawrence as well. got return the compliment. more news to get. to say a suspect charged with capital murder following ambush attack on a texas sheriff's deposit detective.
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detective was ambushed while looking for moan had pistol whipped a worker at a little caesar's. the 28-year-old victim was a five year veteran of the force. happening today, alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial resumes for the shooting of cinematographer halyna hutchins. the lead detective on the case back on the stand this morning. and prosecutors might also call on convicted rust armorer hanna read to testify. he insisted did he not pull the trigger but the manufacturer of the gun baldwin was holding offered this testimony. >> if you want to release the armorer you need to pull the trigger. the trigger locked the armorer in that position. if you want to do that you need to pull the trigger. >> carley: baldwin faces 18 months behind bars if convicted. now to a scare in the waters off the new york city. drone footage shows a large shark spotted off rock away beach yesterday that sighting and others prompting officials
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to keep swimmers out of the water for the day. that restriction has been lifted. and how cool is this? to london we go where english soccer fans attending taylor's concert went wild when the band paused their show to screen the final moments of england's big win over the nertder lands in the euro semi-finals. the band transitioned into their iconic song mr. bright side ♪ ♪ >> carley: england take on spain this sunday in the finals and catch it at 3:00 p.m. eastern time only on fox. and those are your headlines. >> brian: you were talking before, carley, this team is different. it there is something about this team that you believe england
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will prevail. >> carley: i am rooting for them. i love the story of the guy who scored the winning goal his name was ollie. he hadn't played a minute in the game. third stringer. >> steve: perfect time to do it. >> carley: how cool is that. i do want them to win. >> lawrence: carley you changed genders and. >> ainsley: he called carley lawrence. carley, why don't you read this? >> steve: vice president. [laughter] >> lawrence: mini joe over there summer concert series morning. so that means that the mclemores are here and what are they grilling? >> steve: yeah, what are you grilling? >> what's going on, guys? [cheers] >> yeah, baby. donnie as monday is here. barbecue we are cooking with majestic pickles. we are going to ignore them because the barbecue is amazing if you want to take your viral pickle sand witch to another level. smoked tenderloin and pickle sand witch thanks to the crowd right here. the crowd is going to be
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amazing. [cheers] >> we will see you all, "fox & friends." right after this. let's go ♪ i could make you happy, baby ♪ satisfactory you, too here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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zelenskyy to the washington summit yesterday hinting at the future of ukraine. >> president zelenskyy, in our meeting just now, you and i agree that all of these elements, nato command more funding, more military support, more security agreements and more [inaudible] constitute a bridge to nato manipulate. ukraine's future is in nato. i welcome your progress on the forums. and ask you continue this important work. we will support you on your path to nato membership. >> brian: retired four star general jack keane here to react. looks like they are on the runway to becoming a member of nato. >> yeah. well certainly that's a pathway that makes sense and logically nato cannot do it until war
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termination because they have to have territorial sovereignty to be able to join nato. but, yes, i mean, that is what started this whole thing. i mean, the fact that ukraine was moving towards the west, nicly, the european union desired a political and military alliance with nato. and ran putin stooge out of the country as president in 2014. is what precipitated putin to take action against ukraine. and, listen, 5 years celebrating nato's alliance and the strength of it. is certainly something to have some pride in and a sense of accomplishment. but the most significant challenge nato has ever faced in the 75 years is right in their lap right now. it's russia. the largest country in europe, nuclear and energy super power with the largest conventional military in europe has attacked an independent democratic nation and wants to expand into eastern
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europe, nato countries, that is the center stage and what was the principle discussion at this conference, which means continued support for ukraine. and certainly removing these restrictions of u.s. weapons. not being able to fire at the bases and the logistical infrastructure that is all within reach of these weapons systems, the very basis that their missiles and the air planes are coming at attack major cities, the horrific display of a cruise missile system that was targeted specifically on auto children's hospital. emanates from those bases. and they are off limits. makes no sense. >> brian: general, the same mind set that said no general told me if we pulled out of afghanistan it would fall apart like that. that was joe biden. and now we have president biden saying i don't want -- i want to restrict the use of the weapons we are giving you at atacms and
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himars zelenskyy and other nations are begging biden to release the restrictions, correct? >> >> absolutely. and the europeans, i mean, would he have just got stop bashing the europeans when it documents ukraine. they forced the tanks on the united states to give them to zelenskyy because they wanted to. they forced a long range weapons system because they gave cruise missile systems. and we finally gave them attack aatacms. they forced the f-16s on the biden administration as well. now they're pressuring biden to remove these restrictions they removed their restrictions on the weapon systems they have given them certainly the united states should, too. the policy inside the white house has always been take a knee, don't do anything to poke putin unnecessarily. fear of escalation. the europeans have looked at that last year and said that is a hollow threat that putin is
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using, the threat of a nuclear weapon. it's cycle warfare. it's not real. let's get on with it, the europeans have made up their mind, the best way to end this war is to give ukraine everything they need win the war. drive russia out of there. drive russia to a negotiating table. and the biden policy is not there yet. that's staggering. two plus years. >> brian: he was taking a bow yesterday. i think he has lengthened this war and caused carnage by being so cautious. and the caution has cost lives. general, you always talk about this. that's why you got to get the institute for the study of war. daily account of all the hot spots in the country. thanks, general. >> yeah. great talking to you, brian. have great week, you and the team. >> brian: absolutely. we will be covering this on one nation over the weekend 9:00 on saturday. meanwhile a defiant president biden insisting he is still running things even after these gaffes. >> who has as much courage as he has determination. ladies and gentlemen, president
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putin. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. >> brian: reince priebus is here of a plea view of the rnc before we all head to milwaukee for a big week. ♪ to a king suite. or book a silent retreat. silent retreat! oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback?
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♪ isn't she lovely. >> ainsley: it's your shot of the morning. excited to celebrate one of our members of the "fox & friends" team "fox & friends" producer sarah. sarah is having her first baby and we found out it's a baby girl. she is having her any day now. >> carley: she is so beautiful. we know her baby girl will be as well. yesterday our "fox & friends" team got together for a wonderful baby shower to celebrate this incredible journey she is about to begin. ains. >> janice: we took turns sharing our own moeller add advice,
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congratulations sarah we are so happy you and your family. we love you. >> ainsley: first picture surrounded by wine bottles and champagne. >> janice: that was the theme of the party. >> carley: we can confirm she did not partake we can confirm we didn't either. >> ainsley: we are feeling great this morning. >> carley: we drank her wine. >> ainsley: she will have wine soon enough. >> janice: her life is going to change for the better. >> carley: she is going to work for the very end she is a hard worker. filled with so much love and kindness and going to be the best mother. >> ainsley: executive producer on "fox & friends first" and moved over to "fox & friends." en. >> carley: i know amazing executive produce her for "fox & friends." because of that got the big promotion to "fox & friends" and on the same year, as that, she got the new job she moved to a beautiful new home and pregnant. >> janice: all big life changes. >> carley: all of that over a three month period. >> janice: do you know what else is great? all of those ladies we all love
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each other and get along with each other. >> ainsley: so fun. we need to do that more often. congratulations sarah. god is totally blessing you and putting in a position to be mom and we love you. >> carley: they say good things happen to good people. >> new fox family member coming up. >> steve, i'm so sorry you were not included. >> you know, i can drink as much as anybody on that. >> ainsley: i know. >> steve: it was noon. >> carley: a day filled with a lot of estrogen. >> ainsley: lots of girls. >> steve: congratulations. >> carley: yea, sarah, we love you so much. >> steve: indeed. ladies, let's take a look at some of the news. how did the chicken cross the road? in this case florida deputies chased it. after they rescued the bird from getting under a car. >> come on, chicken. >> there it goes. no, no.
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no. >> how did it get under the car? ♪ steve hilarious. hillsborough, florida sheriff's department said quote you never know what each shift will bring our deputies handled it with dedication and a touch of humor. ladies and gentlemen that is paltry in motion. speaking of motion, watch this. s first person to cross from mainland, italy to the island of sicily by foot. no kidding. he completed dangerous two mile walk in under three hours just before reaching the end, stunt man lost his balance and toppled over missing out on a new slack lining world record. thankfully he was wearing a safety harness. but then again, i think he was over water. and those are some of your headlines, ainsley. >> ainsley: i could not do that could you?
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>> steve: no, too high. >> ainsley: exactly. thank you, steve. a defiant biden insisting that he will run for another term as president and he will beat trump he says even after all of these gaffes. >> who has as much courage as he has determination. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president -- >> ainsley: former white house chief of staff reince priebus joins us now. hey, reince. >> hey, ainsley, good morning. >> ainsley: good morning. what did you think of his performance yesterday? >> well, you know, i think you said it about 15 minutes ago. i was going to say the same thing, you know, is he acting the same way today that he has always acted. the only difference is that in that debate, you have to stand there for 90 minutes and basically wing it off the top of your head. and he can't do it. so, that's -- the biggest problem he has got is that 75% of democrats over a year ago said that he was too old. today, after that debate, 62 of
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democrats say he needs to step out of this race. and it's not ending. i mean, the congressman, the senators, they are leaking out every hour. the last thing i would say about that press conference yesterday, the thing that stood out to me was he said that nobody on his team said he couldn't win. and most important said no poll says i'm not winning. someone is not being honest with him. and he doesn't see what's happening across the map when you have got states expanding, polling getting worse. and one and two and three points in today's politics is like mount everest. it is -- his team is not honest with him. >> ainsley: he said he was taking neurological tests. he is taking them every day. he has had his annual physicals every year. and he says the doctors say he is fine. he -- then i was watching sean's show last night and lindsey graham says he doesn't believe him. he doesn't think he would take a
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neurological test or if he has he wants to take the results. he says he thinks if he took one he would fail. what do you say? >> well, i don't know, ainsley. i'm not a doctor. but what i do know a lot about is politics. and i think what you're see something not a concern from the democrats about biden's health. what they're really concerned about is they see donald trump beating joe biden. they are in full blown panic. and they are using the excuse that's been there all along. it's been there for years. we have been talking about it for years. they are using that has the basis to somehow improve their chances of beating donald trump. and that's what this is all about. >> ainsley: you are the host committee chair for the rnc. we are all going to milwaukee next week. we are ends sighted about that. what can we expect? i'm sure you are talking to donald trump. how do you think he should navigate next week and what happens at the rnc if joe biden does say i'm dropping out? >> well, i don't think that's going to happen next week.
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what we are seeing here is tremendous support. i'm the chair of the host committee for the convention. which means i'm one of the people that raise the money to put on the convince. we announced yesterday that we have raised over $85 million. that means that companies in wisconsin, milwaukee, throughout the entire country, they are supporting this convention. it's going to be incredible over 50,000 penal that will be here. and on top of that. about 20,000 folks from the media will be highlighting this event. we have never seen anything like this before. the stage is magical. i'm sure donald trump is going to love it when he sees it. he will be here next week. and we can't wait to welcome all of these people to milwaukee and wisconsin to show them what wisconsin in summer is all about. and trust me, we're about 20 degrees cooler than you are in new york. it's a great place to be in the summer. >> ainsley: we're excited about that. i heard steve in the corner saying yea. who is he going to announce as
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v.p.? who do you want him to pick? >> oh my gosh. i'm not going to get in the middle of it, ainsley. look, i went to law school with marco rubio. obviously marco is a good friend of mine. but, look, i mean everybody is talking about burgum and vance. they all have their appeal. obviously they are all very different. they all have their appeal. can i see how donald trump likes each of them in a different way. and who knows? you know, knowing donald trump, he could tomorrow say you know what? i think i'm going to go with this person over here. really will keep everybody guessing. one thing i think i know about donald trump is he will use this moment to maximize the media and the publicity and he will get it done and he will get everyone excited. >> ainsley: hard to believe it's here. we're excited. see you next week. have a good weekend. it will be busy for you. >> ainsley: up next, the one and only donny osmond. there he is. come on over. thank you so much for coming..
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steve all right, the all-american summer concert series continues this week with moan needs no introduction. >> oh, go ahead.
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>> steve: donny osmond. >> go ahead. >> ainsley: musical icon he is now on tour. is he lighting up stages everywhere. >> oh my god. >> ainsley: timeless hits returning to his las vegas residency in the fall. >> brian: biggest question is is he going to be any good today for us? donny osmond is here. >> wait until you see this jacket. wait until you see this jacket i'm wearing. >> brian: really? >> steve: not this one. >> brian: liberace like? >> the batteries are not included it's really cool. >> ainsley: is it red? i saw you for a red jacket in promos been promoing you all week. >> no. >> you got a big award in las vegas. >> steve: two awards. unusual one show and number one headliner in las vegas. >> ainsley: congratulations. >> harrahs' las vegas is my home where my residency is. i'm there over half the year. you never know if something is going to work in show business, right? you do your best. but, man, when you get the awards like that and accolades, it feels so good.
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>> lawrence: how deep could you please with all the dancing and everything with the latest moves and all that. >> lawrence, you are talking to me here. come on. i've been doing this since dirt was created. you know a show i absolutely love six decades of show business in one show. everything that i have done. and so, it's like this is your life every night. and then there is a segment in the show. sorry i interrupted you. >> lawrence: that's okay. >> segment in the show i call a request segment. i put all 35 albums or excuse me 650 albums that i have done on the screen and the audience can pick any song from any album. >> steve: like don'ty okie. >> the show changes every night. they want to hear what he want this to hear. >> steve: they all want the same thing ♪ and they call it puppy love. >> i have heard that song some place before. >> brian: puppy love are two people that are younger and like each other but never going to work out. >> why are you explaining that?
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>> brian: i want to know. >> audience is intelligent, okay? >> brian: i was going to say something nice but you approach everything like it's your first show. and i think that's why you are killing it. because you really love doing what you're doing. >> i do. here's my philosophy, you give the audience more than what they expect. when they walk out, they say i just can't believe what i just saw. >> steve: right. >> the reason for that philosophy is that you get repeat business. you know,. >> steve: they come back? >> yeah. they keep coming back because there is so much happening in 90 minutes at harrahs. >> steve: people watching right now across the country. check out the tour dates at >> ainsley: how did you get that one. >> i created that one when i created the internet. [laughter] >> ainsley: you thought that was the beginning. >> steve: your show starts in 4 minutes you better eye tail it out of here. >> he is one of the dancers. >> ainsley: pulling for you. >> brian: do you know what the prompter says donnie gets up.
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if you are joe biden you read that. [laughter] >> i will read the prompter. >> steve: this way. ♪ little bit of ♪ lds the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. some days, you can feel like a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner.
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