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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 12, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ [cheers and applause] >> bill: bravo on a friday. well done. good morning, everyone.
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an embattled president heading to michigan after last night's make or break news conference. did he convince democrats he is up for the task? those are questions before us today. i think he bought himself some time for sure at a minimum. how are you doing? >> dana: good, how are you doing? i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." time, i guess, is what he needs. the president was at the podium for an hour answering questions. >> president biden: i will take your questions. i've been given a list of people to call on here. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president if i didn't think she was qualified to be president. i love my staff but they add things. add things all the time. i'm catching hell from my wife for that. anyway, i'm following the advice of my commander-in-chief -- my -- the chief of staff of the
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military, as well as the secretary of defense and -- >> dana: the "new york post." the president's performance didn't seem to calm party's fears. several democrats now calling for him to step aside. up to 17. >> i will not stand silent as i see a trajectory to an electoral loss that leads to the presidency of donald trump. >> we can't have a situation where every day we're holding our breath. i think we're at an historic moment where the president can pass the torch. >> bill: a lot of these democrats bucking the trend are committee heads in the house. senator tom cotton has reaction. chad pergram reports on the hill and mark meredith from the white house.
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>> good morning to you both. the debate over whether president biden should or continue to be the democratic nominee continues even after last night's news conference which was designed to reassure democrats and voters that the president is still up for the job. but even before the news conference began, there was a mistake that was heard all around the world. >> president biden: now i want to hand it over to the president of ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. ladies and gentlemen, president putin -- president putin? you will beat president putin. i'm so focused on being putin, we have to worry about it. anyway, mr. better. >> i'm better. >> a hell of a lot better. >> for nearly an hour the president took questions on his political power, health and foreign affairs. while he vowed to stay in the race he left the door open for democratic delegates to make a
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change next month. >> if they have second thoughts, are they free to vote their conscience? >> president biden: obviously they are free to do whatever they want. i get overwhelming support. overwhelming support. i won -- i forgot how many votes i won in the primary, overwhelming. so tomorrow if all of a sudden i show up at the convention and they want somebody else, that's the democratic process. it's not going to happen. >> the latest polling shows the president and former president trump locked in a close race. while the trump campaign continues to mock biden's performance, top democrats insist the president's verbal slip-ups are not a big deal. >> he is still working to overcome -- i have been around that condition for a long time and i know exactly how it operates. but he has one of the best minds that i've ever been around and the people who have been around
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him will tell you that. >> but not every democrat believes that. now 17 congressional democrats calling for the president to drop out of the 2024 race. we heard from a member on house intel last night after the president's news conference that wanted him to drop out. the president is off to michigan today, bill. see if he adds any more to this discussion as he heads out of town. >> bill: it is changing by the hour. mark meredith leading the coverage at the white house. >> dana: more democratic lawmakers are calling on president biden to drop out in the after math of last night's news conference. one house democrat is suggesting biden resign from office. 17 members of congress have turned on biden so far. the tide shows no signs of slowing. chad pergram live on capitol hill. do we expect anymore today? >> very possible. one, two, three, three democrats immediately called on former president biden to step down after the press conference last night. scott peters of california, eric sorenson of illinois, and the top democrat on the house
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intelligence committee. >> it pains me to say that. joe biden, his legacy is top ten presidential material. it is absolutely a remarkable legacy. but if you don't look at this in a cold, hard way, you will be complicit in donald trump's second presidency. >> marie perez of washington is one of the most vulnerable democrats facing re-election this fall. the first democrat demanding the president not only withdraw from the race, but resign from office. jim clyburn of south carolina is one of the president's biggest backers. >> he has one of the best minds that i've ever been around and the people who have been around him will tell you that. so i would hope that we will focus on the substance of this man rather than these sometimes
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misspoken words and phrases, and how he has run this country. >> there is a split among some members of the congressional black caucus. some defend the president. >> people are spooked. this is the big uniting force. come join us in michigan. everyone is invited to this rally tomorrow in detroit. it will be a good one. i want people to see it, walk a day in the shoes of what it is like to be in a swing state and let's keep this going. >> now it's reported that former house speaker nancy pelosi and former president obama discussed how to ease mr. biden out of the race. expect more democrats to call on the president to withdraw if for no other reason than to put distance between themselves and president biden. >> dana: amazing. >> bill: we bring in senator tom
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cotton. first up with your analysis and reaction. thank you for being here today. bear in mind this was the tale end of the nato summit. foreign policy on his mind for the past three days. you said after the press conference biden's criticism of israel without mentioning the hostages was disgraceful. where is his campaign this morning do you think, senator? >> campaign is where it's been for a long time. on the way to losing because he is a weak, failed president. the media likes to highlight his misstatements after covering them up for four years. we've only seen from the media the last two weeks or so since the debate highlighting what we've been able to see that joe biden has declined significantly with age. but even if he were 25 years younger, vigorous and energetic he will be a weak president. take israel. he blamed israel for the lack of peace when if hamas would
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surrender and return the hostages there would be peace. he didn't mention the hostages to include american hostages. demanded a two state solution with a terror state on israel's border. consider what he said in his opening remarks about immigration. that he got the border secure when we still have hundreds of thousands of migrants crossing our border every single month. what he said about inflation, that prices are going down. prices are not going down. prices are still up over 20% under joe biden with families struggling to pay for their groceries or pay for gas. the rate of inflation may have slowed down since its peak a couple of years ago but it is still higher than the normal target, which means prices are still going up. for all these reasons and more, joe biden is a failed president. that's why the american people are ready to return donald trump to the white house. >> dana: get in your take on the nato portion. here is president biden talking about how he is better for europe than trump. >> president biden: i'm not
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handing my european allies say joe, don't run. they say you have to win. we can't let this guy come forward. he would be a disaster. he would be a disaster. i think i'm the best-qualified person to do the job to make sure that ukraine does not fall. that ukraine succeeds. >> dana: what have you heard from european leaders about the nato summit? >> the first thing european leaders are saying is what americans are saying. why is this guy whispering all the time? second, you just have to look at the records, dana. under president trump we had four years of peace and stability. i've noticed that vladimir putin only invades ukraine when democrats are president. first barack obama and now joe biden. for two plus years joe biden has pussy footed around and let the war in ukraine go longer than it
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should have. the we had just provided them the weapons they needed from the very beginning to defend their own territory this war could have been over at much less cost to the ukrainian people and much less expense for its western allies. president trump when back in office will do what he did the first time around. insure we have peace and stability around the world and protect america's vital national security interests in europe, in the middle east, asia and elsewhere. >> bill: quickly on the v.p. pick. we assume it will happen in the days to come. wonder what you think about why the strategy to wait so long would be and how that might benefit president trump and do you think that his pick even knows today who that pick will be? >> well, i know we've had a lot of speculation, bill, for many months. it is all coming to an end. i suspect the president will make his choice public in the next day or two. roughly the same timeline in 2016 when he announced he had
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selected mike pence. i don't know who he will choose. i am confident it will be a good choice not just for him and the ticket but more importantly for the country and that the republican party under president trump and hopefully with a republican congress will begin to reverse the damage of four years of the biden/harris debacle. >> dana: great to have you. >> bill: thank you, senator. >> dana: it will be a big week in milwaukee and we'll be there for all of it as "america's newsroom" live from the rnc. we'll be there starting sunday. don't miss special coverage every night from 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. as well. you are on every night? >> every night. >> dana: i will see you there and be here on the fox news channel. >> bill: see you at the airport tomorrow. three days to milwaukee before it begins. 39 days to chicago. watch that calendar and watch this. a big meeting of national governors in utah. absent some big names seen as possible replacements for joe biden so we'll go inside the intrigue on that coming up here.
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>> dana: the alec baldwin manslaughter trial set to resume in new mexico. prosecution is reportedly going to call a bombshell witness. >> bill: cringe moment from last night. one of two throughout the evening. how president biden's cabinet reacted when he referred to his vice president as donald trump. ♪ and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. no one should have to choose between good vision and great value. that's why america's best is slashing their prices. during the wise buys sales event, get two progressives and a comprehensive eye exam for just $129.95. book an exam online today. if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with vyvgart hytrulo,
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>> bill: social media blowing up over president biden's cabinet watching his gaffe. look at the row of folks and national security advisor jake sullivan is one of them there. >> president biden:, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump
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if i didn't think she was qualified. >> bill: i thought they had some pretty good poker faces. >> dana: not too bad. >> bill: cringing on the inside. on the outside they know cameras are on them. they held form. >> dana: jake sullivan doesn't have a good poker face. i think this was the moment jake sullivan died inside. i don't know if you listened to jamie harrison. he said joe biden gave a master class in press conferences. >> bill: i think the story from last night is -- we can agree on this. the performance was good enough to continue. he wants to get to sunday. if he gets to sunday the rnc gets going in milwaukee and he lives to fight for another week. >> dana: the best of all worlds for trump and worst of all worlds for the democrats. there we go. >> of course, america can't unsee what they saw in the
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debate and can't unsee what they saw in this press conference and it's -- certainly there is confusion going on. the bigger confusion he may be confused but he is actually capable of doing the job. but what we know that he is surrounded by people that are co-conspirators in this thing. >> dana: republicans ripping president biden's defiant press conference. do top democrats think it helped? cnn think president obama and nancy pelosi have talked about biden's campaign. the end of his candidacy is a matter of when, not if. let's bring in mark penn. reading one piece by mark wright. if biden will be pushed out the dem's knives will have to come out in a way they haven't before. very public, very personal, very soon and very ugly and barack obama would need to lend his credibility to the effort and he said that's not going to happen.
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what do you think? >> i think that the president has been incredibly clear. i worked with president clinton during impeachment and we laid down and weren't going anywhere. i find it is a little bit like the colonel in dr. strange love. he is going ahead and the party has no choice but to follow him. if they don't they look completely divided and that's where we are now, completely divided party that is not going in the same direction that the president and his team are going. >> dana: at this point do you think if it stays status quo and biden is the nominee and trump, all things staying the same, do you think joe biden loses on election day? >> i think joe biden is losing today. i was against dole and we were in double digits. no one wanted to a take him out.
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he is within striking distance. yes, does he probably lose? i certainly think so. my polls show he is losing and went down four points but donald trump has so far successfully stayed under the radar screen. trump has a way, i always say it's trump versus trump of undoing himself in some way, shape or form. so is it a foregone conclusion that he absolutely positively loses? of course not. there is a lot yet to happen. >> bill: 58 minutes in last night. it went officially 59 minutes long. the question on that very topic. >> you earlier explained confidence in your vice president. if your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president donald trump, would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? >> no, unless they came back and said there is no way you can win. me, no one is saying that.
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no poll says that. thanks. >> bill: that was that. i really thought the action after that debate two weeks was on cnn and the analysis immediately after that 90-minute debate and i think that is the reason why joe biden is up against the ropes today. if you watched last night, msnbc was more forgiving, i thought. cnn less so. what do you think is going on there and what's happening behind the scenes? who is talking to them, mark? >> yes, you were right because i, too, went right to msnbc and cnn what do they say about the press conference? they were saying not a bad job, right? they were coming back around to maybe we need to support this guy. maybe he is not going to leave, you know, maybe we'll have to give him a little bit of a boost, which is why the media, i think, over there is divided.
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will vice president harris do better? her poll numbers are slightly below joe biden's. take him out, put her in. i don't think it changes, to be honest. people aren't really voting on this. they are voting because inflation is bad, immigration is bad, crime is bad, and they give this administration a low rating. if he had ratings in the 50s nobody would care what he said anywhere. >> dana: mark, you have a way with words and we appreciate you being on. thank you so much. we'll see you soon. >> bill: thank you, sir. both presidential candidates now targeting the battleground states. three or four out there that you have to pay attention to now. there is one in particular that is in the middle of this fight and we'll show it to you. president biden facing an uphill battle on the math. they made it public yesterday in a memo and we'll share it with you and he has faith in his party. he said that last night. >> president biden: if everybody says i want somebody else at the convention, that's the democratic process.
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>> president biden: i think i'm the best -- i know -- i believe i'm the best qualified to govern and i think i'm the best qualified to win. we're doing well. so with that you want to follow up on any of that, just ask me. >> bill: that from last night. so we asked the question today who is the best qualified to win? here is what we did. made a new scenario, it is not scientific at all based on some of the trends we're seeing out there. yesterday the biden team sent a memo to congressional democrats on the hill and they were making the case that michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania, that's the path for joe biden to 270. we went ahead and gave minnesota to the democrats, okay? we gave georgia and north carolina based on the polling down there to republicans. that puts trump at 251 electoral
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votes and biden at 226. let's go ahead and do the math now based on the memo that came out from biden's team. wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, if they take all three, ten plus 15 plus 19, added to 226 is 270 electoral votes on the button. conversely now, the trump team just yesterday put out their own scorecard and they believe on three of those states that's where the election will be decided. we talked about pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin, somehow if trump can break the blue wall in one of those states he has a good chance of getting a second term. arizona was the other one republicans talked about. three are the focus for democrats. four the focus for republicans as it stands right now. a theoretical what we're picking up on right now. none of it is scientific. historical context. hoe close was michigan?
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2.7%. how close was wisconsin? .62%. arizona.03%. pennsylvania, 1.17%. we remember the late nights in 2020. one of the polls in pennsylvania, head-to-head match-up goes back to may now, end of april, early may. for "the new york times" trump had a three-point lead in pennsylvania. crunch the numbers in very different ways and that's what the campaigns are doing. at the moment it's one particular scenario we see developing as of now, okay? got it, dana? >> dana: i only want to argue about new hampshire maybe later. both presidential campaigns focusing on the battleground state of pennsylvania this weekend. fox business's grady trimble is live in washington. hi, grady. >> former president trump and vice president harris will be on opposite sides of the keystone state this weekend sharing very different visions for the country. with the same goal of rallying
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their supporters to turn out in november. trump and the gop are reaching out to workers in p.a. especially in the emergency sector. one of p.a. is one of the stop states for fossil fuel production. the party platform ahead of next week's convention calls for unleashing american energy and cutting taxes for workers. trump's rally tomorrow is also generating speculation about his v.p. pick, if only for gee oh graphical reasons. butler is close to ohio, which is home to senator j.d. vance. another potential trump running mate says they are all still in the dark. >> do you know yet. has he asked you yet? >> nobody knows except president trump. >> on the other side this trip will mark the sixth time vice president harris has visited pennsylvania this year. there are more eyes on her this time, though, as the biden campaign is reportedly testing her against trump but publicly harris is still defending biden.
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>> the one thing we know about our president, joe biden, is that he is a fighter. so we will continue to fight and we will continue to organize, and in november we will win. >> as you heard last night, dana, president biden himself acknowledged harris would make a good president. as bill just laid out, he, the president, still believes he is most qualified for the job. >> dana: grady, love seeing you. thank you so much. >> bill: josh, do you disagree with anything spoken over the past 34 minutes on this program? >> you nailed it with the map. it will come down to pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan. it is no coincidence. look at the travel for biden and trump over the weekend. you have biden is in michigan, trump will be in pennsylvania tomorrow. and then you have the convention starting on monday in wisconsin. biden cannot win the presidential election if he
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doesn't sweep those three states the way the polls are currently looking. the sun belt states, arizona, georgia, the polling is looking pretty grim for joe biden right now. he is competitive, though, in all the midwestern, pennsylvania, the rust belt states and that's the path for the president's re-election and his campaign team is laying out and the stakes are very high. >> dana: i feel like you have the trump team trying to expand the map to new hampshire, virginia, and if you believe republicans here in new york, possibly even making new york and new jersey a ballot ground state. maybe set those two aside. new hampshire and virginia, possibilities for trump? >> well look, i would call the midwestern states, the battlegrounds are the tipping point states. if virginia is in play, if new hampshire is in play and the poll suggests they are. that means we could be talking landslide and trump getting upwards of 300 electoral votes, icing on the cake for donald trump. ultimately if biden will win the
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white house he will have to hold the bluish battlegrounds and also sweep the midwestern swing states. the interesting debate going on now in democratic circles is who is the stronger candidate, joe biden or some alternative like vice president harris? the interesting thing about the midwestern battlegrounds they're filled with blue collar working class voters that joe biden does better with than your typical democrat. the vice president might have trouble connecting with those voters out of those three states. >> bill: why j.d. vance's name percolates higher and see if that's the case. we showed a poll from pennsylvania, two months old. it was one that we showed. here is another one, pew research early july, trump by four on biden and then cnn late june, right after the debate, trump by six on biden. in that memo that i mentioned, josh, that went out yesterday in the heat of the battle, so much
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news around 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 in the afternoon, they said there is no indication that anyone else, meaning democrats, would out perform the president versus donald trump. do we believe that to be true as of now? >> well look, given the president's struggles and his ability to drive home an effective campaign message, it's possible that you could have a better candidate if you can magically replace joe biden with someone else on the ballot. that is not how things work. if they replace biden with anyone else it would be a messy and divisive process. in pennsylvania the democrats there are about as enthusiastic for joe biden as they are in any other state. you have john fetterman probably one of biden's biggest loyalists, the governor, josh shapiro, you have bob casey, who is facing a tough re-election and he has been one of those few swing state democrats who has been sticking with joe biden
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amid all the other worries from other democrats. pennsylvania will be the big state where biden needs to win the election and has a lot of democrats on his side there. >> dana: i want to ask you about how jewish americans might have heard president biden last night. he didn't mention the hostages, he said a couple things that were not true based on the current war cabinet in israel, and i know that there was some disappointment that for example some expressed this morning. >> look, the issue with biden when it comes to talking about the israel middle east conflict, he doesn't seem to put enough blame on hamas. it would have been helpful to put the blame squarely on hamas and talk about the necessity of releasing the hostages that they've been holding for ten months now. so it's -- i don't think he necessarily said anything too out of left field but it certainly alienated a lot of jewish voters hoping he would say more about the hostages and
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blame hamas for the situation. >> dana: thank you, we'll see you in milwaukee. >> president biden: i'm not in this for my legacy, i'm in this to complete the job i started. >> dana: a cognitive cover-up as congressman james comer presses the white house over a potential watergate-style scandal. dr. marc siegel has questions for the first family and he is next. plus the latest in the hunter biden legal saga as questions swirl over him advising his father. york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. and i realized, my memory was just changing. i did my own research and i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now.
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with absorbine pro, jopain won't hold you backe takfrom your passions.acy it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. >> bill: it's happened for a second time in a week. a wisconsin radio station admitting to editing an interview with president biden at the request of the biden campaign. here is one of the portions that was cut out from the original
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broadcast. >> president biden: in addition to that, i have more blacks in my administration than all other presidents combined. and major positions, cabinet positions. >> bill: the station offered this explanation saying the interview was recorded july 3rd and aired on july 4th on civic media radio across wisconsin which there were several stations that owned by civic media. on monday, july 8th it was reported to management that immediately after the phone interview was recorded the biden campaign called and asked for two edits to the recording before it aired, end quote. keep in mind there was another station in philadelphia that had a similar incident and they got caught and fired the person who handled it. >> dana: first of all the station shouldn't have done it. the biden campaign should knock it off. stop trying to do that and hurting people that you are obviously friends with in the media. you are making things worse for them. stop it. that's all i've got.
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>> president biden: i'm surrounded by good doctors. if they think there is a problem, i promise you, even if they don't think it's a problem and think i should have a neurological exam again. i'm not opposed if my doctors tell me i should have another neurological exam i will do it. >> dana: only 24% of registered voters think biden is mentally sharp compared to donald trump at 58%. nyu professor of medicine marc siegel. would a neurological exam tell us any more? >> i'm glad you set this up with the idea that we're not being told the whole truth and that really bothers the american public. i don't totally blame the president for that. i feel compassion for him. he may be in denial.
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i'm concerned about his mental condition waxing and weighing. if he said 15 time zones effect him. it doesn't affect everyone. as president you have to be sharp all the time. the media is getting wrong here. everybody throws around the world cognitive tests. those are ten to 15 minute tests and not likely to tell you much. used for screening people off the street saying maybe i forgot something. check me and screen me. what he really needs is neuro psychological testing that takes several hours and a dedicated person to assess him who is not part of his doctor's team. someone who don't know him and can do tests. that would give me an answer i could work with as well as an mri. most importantly, where are his physicians? i take those letters seriously and i have gone on the record saying i don't think kevin o'connor will lie on a letter that's part of the medical
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record. i don't think the president has parkinson's disease but i think they should be included in this. there should be a discussion where the public is really aware. even because he is running for president and he has that pew research poll of 75% questioning his mental acuity. >> bill: that's a lot. he said last night he would do it if a doctor recommended it. a couple of things here. the timeline going back to july 3rd concluding with the interview with stephanopoulos. watch here. >> he did not get checked out by the doctor. it is a cold, guys. >> he did have a short verbal check-in in the recent days about his cold. it wasn't a medical exam or physical. >> i know you spoke with your doctor after the debate. what did he say? >> he said look at me. you are exhausted. >> bill: goes to your point about the shifting story. the headline from yesterday. biden needs compassion right now, so does america. what is the first family thinking? i want to know what you were
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thinking when you wrote this and when you consider the long history that an 81-year-old man like joe biden has going back to two aneurysms in 1988. i know you have not personally examined him but you have expertise to a degree in this area. why did you write the piece and what's the point? >> the medical part of that is he also has atrial fibrillation that can cause watersheds in the brain that you don't get enough blood flow to parts of the brain. that's the medical part. i think that may be what is happening here and it can wax and wane. i don't know about the media throwing darts at any particular moment. they may miss the target with a dart depending on the day. but what i also was concerned about is the first lady and hunter biden seeming to be managing the situation. i don't think the american public wants to be managed. i think they want transparency like when dana was press secretary. i think that having a sense that
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something is being hidden from us here. by the way, if i mixed up you and dana, bill and called you dana, wouldn't you immediately ask me to be tested? last night okay, he got a lot of deep thoughts out there but he also was saying vice president trump and he also was calling zelenskyy putin. that is more than a gaffe. i have said from the beginning i don't like the word gaffe. it is more lapses is the right word. >> dana: i had a lapse last night when i introduced the five and leading the show last night. i forgot my own name. oh. who can i criticize? >> bill: you recovered well. >> dana: took the exam this morning. all set. >> bill: appreciate you coming on today. >> dana always recovers well. good to see you both. >> bill: we're waiting for alec baldwin to arrive for his daily appearance inside a new mexico courthouse standing the drill on the deadly shooting on the set of the movie.
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--] whispering] >> dana: do you remember the 2016 campaign and the michigan hillary clinton team was saying we could use help out here. we'll lose michigan. people in brooklyn our algorithm says everything is fine in michigan. the biden campaign thinking the polls are fine. don't look underneath the rock. >> bill: if you think about it. that was trump's first campaign stop in grand rapids. the western side of the state. his last campaign stop. i think he hit it at midnight on election day which further drove the nail into the coffin of that state. >> dana: a trip down memory lane. hunter biden is helping his father navigate calls for him to step aside but his own troubles have not disappeared. his attorneys in the delaware gun case are dropping requests for a new trial and beefing up his legal team for his federal tax case set to go to trial in september. david spunt live in washington with more. hi, david.
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>> more than a month ago on june 11th hunter biden was convicted of federal gun charges in delaware and out of the spotlight for the last month and headlines but he has some of the very real legal challenges staring him in the face. the largest that federal tax trial starting september 5th in los angeles federal court accused by david weiss of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on other items but his taxes. his taxes were eventually paid back but late. fox news learned via several sources there doesn't appear to be a plea deal in sight. both sides continue to move forward with that date of september 5th. of note, hunter biden recently brought on celebrity attorney mark geragos to his team in california. he knows california well and tried many cases there over the decades. abbe lowell is still on the legal team who represented hunter in delaware. hunter has been joining official white house meetings with his dad over the past few weeks. advising him as well. the two are close but word that
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hunter is in meetings has republicans asking questions publicly. >> the president and the white house needs to firmly state that hunter biden is not going to be attending these meetings. not going to be helping the president govern. the president, having difficulty making decisions should not be turning to hunter biden. >> the next trial date for hunter biden will be at the end of august. we'll watch it. back to you. >> dana: what a summer we're having. david spunt. have you. >> minute ago senator bob menendez arriving for his federal corruption trial and the judge resumed jury instructions. deliberations to begin later this afternoon. cb cotton is watching it live from the manhattan courthouse. good morning to you. >> hi, bill, good morning. the jury will soon decide the fate of new jersey senior senator bob menendez and his two co-defendants who stood trial for the past nine weeks. the democrat did not testify in his own defense, denied
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wrongdoing and appeared confident leaving court yesterday. >> feeling confident. >> menendez is also accused of acting as a foreign agent to egypt working to benefit the governments of egypt and qatar and pocketing hundreds of thousands of bribes in a five-year period. during the trial prosecutors showed hundreds of pictures like this and last week the senator's sister testified that hoarding cash around the house was a cuban thing. prosecutors say the items came in exchange for the senator's help to disrupt both state and federal criminal investigations. prosecutors said during closing arguments that menendez, quote, put his power up for sale. but the defense has repeated their claim that the prosecutors in this case are trying to criminalize friendship and they say it was the senator's wife, nadine, who was scheming behind the scenes and also charged in the case, bill. her trial has been


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