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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 12, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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confident leaving court yesterday. >> feeling confident. >> menendez is also accused of acting as a foreign agent to egypt working to benefit the governments of egypt and qatar and pocketing hundreds of thousands of bribes in a five-year period. during the trial prosecutors showed hundreds of pictures like this and last week the senator's sister testified that hoarding cash around the house was a cuban thing. prosecutors say the items came in exchange for the senator's help to disrupt both state and federal criminal investigations. prosecutors said during closing arguments that menendez, quote, put his power up for sale. but the defense has repeated their claim that the prosecutors in this case are trying to criminalize friendship and they say it was the senator's wife, nadine, who was scheming behind the scenes and also charged in the case, bill. her trial has been postponed
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while she battles breast cancer. >> bill: we're watching it. cb cotton. thank you for that. >> dana: fox news alert and another day, another defection at this hour 17 lawmakers are calling on president biden to drop his bid for a second term. cnn is reporting that obama and pelosi are working behind the scenes to build an off ramp for biden and the white house working overtime on damage control. more defections are expected in the coming hours of days. welcome to "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. democrats' support for the president bleeding out after that high-stakes news conference we all watched last evening. the president, however, says he is not going anywhere despite a growing chorus of lawmakers in his own party saying he should bow out. >> i don't know what his aides are telling him. he is in a very tough spot right now to win this election.
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if they aren't telling him that they are doing a disservice to them. >> i gave them more time will for the campaign is a win, right? it doesn't mean it is a win for the process. this purgatory and in between is a real challenge. >> let joe biden continue to make his own decisions. he has earned that right. >> there is a lot of concern. for those of us holding our breath to make sure our president performs as well as we believe he can. >> there is an obsession in the media that he should step aside and he is simply not going to. >> bill: on the flip side, there is growing anticipation for a long-awaited announcement by the former president, donald trump. who will be his running mate? bill melugin live in milwaukee with a preview of the upcoming republican convention from there now. good morning. >> good morning to you as well. in just a few days from now republicans from all across the country are going to be gathering right here in milwaukee for their first full
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scale convention since 2016. the rnc hasn't put out the formal official schedule just yet but we have been able to confirm some of the speakers who will be on stage next week. take a look. part of that list includes florida governor ron desantis, ufc president dana white. the family of rachel morin, the maryland mom raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant. donald trump junior and teamsters president sean o'brien. the dnc is welcoming republicans here with a six-figure ad buy around the milwaukee area with bus ramps and billboards calling trump a convicted felon, also hitting him on abortion. now, democrats are also targeting trump over the controversial project 2025. that's a presidential transition plan crafted in part by the conservative heritage foundation and former trump administration officials. it wants to reshape the federal government and advance
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conservative goals like limiting access to abortion pills. the biden campaign says in part, quote, on project 2025 donald trump says he doesn't know them. he knows them. donald trump says he has never met them. he hired them. donald trump says it's not his agenda. it is his agenda because donald trump and project 2025 are one and the same. well, the trump camp is pushing back on that. >> look, president trump said it best himself as he usually does. he won't do a project 2025. some things he likes, some things he doesn't like. the democrats should call themselves 2025. we won't have a country in 2025 if they continue. >> the biggest news will be donald trump's v.p. pick which we expect to happen either before or during the convention. the former president has confirmed some of the names that have been floating around. he is considering, that would
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include marco rubio, doug burgum, j.d. vance and senator tim scott. the bottom line whoever it ends up being we'll find soon. they have a speaking slot wednesday night. >> bill: remarkable thing if he kept a secret until then. don't know if it's ever been done before. >> dana: let's bring in "fox news sunday" anchor shannon bream. governor burgum was on "fox & friends" this morning and asked about the "wall street journal" pi piece editorial. here is what he said this morning on the question. >> president trump and i are 0 daylight between his position and mine. pick someone who has had the position he has landed on, which is i'm absolutely totally opposed to a federal abortion ban. >> dana: is that issue based on whatever you can read the tea leaves or report, abortion is that an issue in the decision to
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choose a vice president for trump? >> possibly, dana. good morning to you and bill. listen, it factors into the discussion the left keeps wanting to tag president trump with the project 2025 thing saying he will take away abortion, a national ban. first of all project 2025 says that is not their position and trump and rnc are distancing from that. you and i know and viewers know for months we have been trying to figure out doug burgum and who is he? he said from way back yes, there are some conservative things that passed in north dakota and no he doesn't think they should be done on the national stage. not as if he is trying to adhere to what he thinks trump wants. they are better aligned than the others mentioned in the same breath as potential v.p. picks. >> bill: i have to think the press conference reverberating in milwaukee. call the mayor's office tell them hemmer and perino will be there eventually. we want to give you a chance to
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give us what insight you are getting from last night. the president was asked about the virtues of his vice president kamala harris. >> first of all, this way she handled the freedom of women's bodies. secondly her ability to handle almost any issue on the board. this was a hell of a prosecutor. she was a first rate person and in the senate she was really good. i wouldn't have picked her unless i thought she was qualified to be president from the very beginning. i made no bones about that. she is qualified to be president. that's why i picked her. >> bill: there were a lot of questions last night. not a question about the border with regard to her overseeing the border. what do you think, shannon? >> that's definitely something we know the trump campaign will hammer her on if she ends up at the top of the ticket. she has been a front person for them on abortion, which has done well for democrats in many special elections and things since the dobbs decision that overturned roe v. wade. you know he mentioned her being a federal prosecutor.
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this is the language they'll use if they end up head-to-head. federal prosecutor versus convicted felon. you can poll her now. we know there is a bit of a honeymoon period until somebody is in. if she ends up being at the top of the ticket where people are excited about the new energy, they haven't been taking the direct hits or in the line of fire. she may get a bit of that. you heard what president biden said last night. he is staying in. i thought it was interesting he acknowledged there are others who could beat president trump. first we've heard from that. if his team would come to him with polls that he couldn't win he would consider stepping aside. that's new. >> dana: this was written in december about biden back in the 1980 elections about why he decided to not basically help carter. he said that man is in trouble. politically in trouble. joe biden said of then president jimmy carter in july of 1979 according to account. he held off on publicly backing
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carter. he wanted to endorse a candidate to insure democrats retain the white house. i'm not sure that's jimmy carter he told the paper. this week he lashed out at anybody, including george clooney, for having the same opinion. >> we heard from others there has been a hard court press on people who would stray from the party line which is the point president biden is the nominee. beating the bleep out of people going out there and saying something else. it illustrates how long joe biden has been around for decades in washington. everything eventually, i think, comes full circle. now that he is on the receiving end of what was happening with carter it is a very different picture for him decades later. what an interesting piece to surface up from december. it is worth a read. >> bill: by the way, michael whatley head of the rnc. >> we have brand-new polls.
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we'll reveal at sunday morning 9:00 a.m. but they will be fresh on "fox news sunday" and rolling out the red carpet for your arrival. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: see you there. counting on you. thank you, shannon. bye-bye. nine minutes past. sante fe, new mexico, the hour alec baldwin gets out of the s.u.v. and makes his way past the throng of cameras. his wife and one of his brothers in his long line of siblings. alec baldwin has not offered comment in or outside the courtroom. you have involuntary manslaughter charge. a woman tried and sentenced to 18 years behind bars. that's the maximum penalties that alec baldwin could face if he is found guilty by that jury. want to share that with you. >> dana: looks like a nice day. beautiful. as doubts swirl over president biden's ability to lead some of
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the nation's governors are in utah today. absent governors newsom, whitmer, pritzker and moore. >> i just wrapped up a discussion with colorado governor democrat pole is. he did he didn't watch the news conference last night. when i asked him if he is seeing an increase or hearing an increase in the number of people who are saying that they want president biden to step aside as the nominee, he said this. >> we care about this country. of course we want to win. it is clear when you are down something needs to change. whether it's a strategy, message, candidate, look, i think we're open to all the possibilities. i think the democrats want to make sure we can prevail in november to protect our
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democracy. >> i also asked him about his name being on the list of possible democrats to replace biden. >> obviously it's flattering, right? who would ever think that -- you would see your name in that kind of context. i don't let be a distraction. i'm focused on being the governor of colorado. >> you mentioned this off the top that there are a number of governors of note who are absent from this meeting again governors newsom, whitmer, beshear and all names being floated in democratic circles regarding the presidential race. one thing i want to tell you i pressed the governor twice on whether or not he believes that president biden should step aside. as we know, no democratic governor has done that yet. he answered it in the way you heard. he did not say no, dana. >> dana: it is interesting indeed. glad you are there for us.
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thanks, alicia. >> president biden: look, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president if i didn't think she was not qualified to be president. >> dana: president biden tripping up trying to clean up the campaign crisis on the world stage. did he do enough to satisfy the doubters in his own party? ou pa. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve. when was the last time you checked in on your heart? with kardiamobile, the personal ekg device, you can check it from home using your smartphone. i use kardiamobile every day. sometimes twice a day. every morning i check, make sure i'm in good shape. and it makes me feel pretty
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>> dana: minutes ago alec baldwin arrived in court. prosecutors say baldwin the culpable for shooting a cinematographer on his set. the armorer could take the stand earlier today serving her sentence. jonathan hunt live outside the courthouse in sante fe, new mexico. >> good morning, dana. we keep trying for you every day, mr. baldwin arrives or
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departs we're asking him questions but the normally verbal actor today said absolutely nothing as he arrived and walked into the sante fe county courthouse here. in court he has been very studious, occasionally talking to his attorneys, seemingly very focused on this case. his emotions may be tested today with the appearance, we understand, of hannah gutierrez reed, the armorer on the set of rest, the woman who loaded the live round into the weapon that baldwin was holding when it fired, killing halyna hutchins. hannah may well be called to testify today. her lawyer has previously said that even if she was found guilty, which she was and serving her 18-month sentence baldwin also bears some responsibility. listen here. >> miss gutierrez reed or
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anybody else didn't know baldwin was going to point the weapon and do what he did. >> judge sommer is sitting in this case. she was also the judge in hannah gutierrez's trying and it was interesting what the judge said then at her sentencing. listen here. >> you alone turned a safe weapon into a lethal weapon. but for you miss hutchins would be alive. a husband would have a partner and a little boy would have his mother. please take her. >> but for you talking to hannah gutierrez reed. that was an interesting comment. it didn't seem to suggest any shared responsibility. either way we wait to see what hannah gutierrez reed does if the state does call her. she has said she does not want
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to testify in this trial. she is appealing her sentence so she may well plead the fifth, dana. that would set us up for a dramatic courtroom showdown with prosecutors. we'll see what happens and we'll bring it to you as it does, dana. >> dana: thank you, jonathan. >> president biden: the next debate i won't be traveling in 15 time zones a week before. anyway, anyway, anyway, but then again better than a lot of other people here, but anyway. >> bill: president biden verbally with the trailing off at times during the press conference last night seeming to fail to big boy test on the world stage, or did he? did he just buy himself time to get through another week or two or a month? chicago is 39 days from today, that convention. democrats reportedly got heated with biden advisors over the address. still the white house and biden
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are insisting he can win re-election. i bring in the power panel. brand-new sound, ron klain, former chief of staff for president biden said this on msnbc. >> fitness the prove is serving by him serving with excellence and distinction and continuing the lead the world. bringing down prices at home. doing more to create jobs and grow the economy. the proof that he can be president is that he is president. >> bill: noah. >> okay, so the claim here is because the president exists in the presidency he is therefore fit to serve in office. that is a -- the public does not believe that joe biden has done a good job in this office. he has the lowest job approval rating of any president in the modern era and don't approve of his handling of the economy, foreign policy and don't thing he can bring the country together. the notion that his existence in
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this office is self-justifying. you can't argue against it because it isn't substantiated from anything. you tell yourself if you try to convince yourself of the validity of the facts around you. >> dana: richard, you have had interesting takes on communication attempts out of this. they don't have necessarily a communications problem but a fact problem. they are communications process is seemingly making things worse. a white house guy. no, joe biden does not have a doctor in foreign affairs he is that the fing good, come on. >> i think that's a very strong tweet from the deputy press secretary at the white house there. what i do think they got right actually yesterday, i think this is a week where we've seen them get a lot of things wrong, they put the president in a space where he is very comfortable, understands foreign policy very well. if you looked at the eight minute answer he gave on china
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and seven minute answer on israel seems to have depth in foreign policy. it gave the american people a chance to see the president answer these sort of tough questions. is it enough to sort of stop the dam from breaking? unclear at this point. here is something to remember. the folks saying we want joe biden out of the race, if you take it to bill hemmer's point you have 39 days to the convention, these folks don't go into the second ballot. it is also worth pointing out you aren't comparing joe biden to, you know, bill clinton or to george w. bush. you are comparing him to donald trump, who in this moment whose negatives are just as high as joe biden's and donald trump going to his convention has a problem as well. 20% of his party voted for nikki haley. >> i'm mystified that democrats are convinceings themselves what they saw on the stage yesterday was adroit.
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bond the fact he called kamala harris trump and stared off and said what are you doing man and lost his train of thought, his substance was nonsense. he said hamas in popular, five presidents have had lower approval ratings and a rent control program. if you transcribe the answer he gave on russia striking targets in campaign. he filibustered in pursuit of a thought never catching up to one. if you are motivated to find something in there you can latch onto and say we don't have to wipe our hands with this guy you'll find it. less motivated observe herbs would see an incoherent presence on that stage. >> bill: i want to read it from a cnn article from last night. 11:00. when the history of this extraordinary two week period of american politics is written, the fingerprints of obama and pell oilsy will be far more apparent than currently known.
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>> that is a true statement, right? i do think the party is trying to figure out how they manage this moment. where i disagree a little bit. i think once again you are not comparing joe biden to a master in foreign policy but to donald trump. whose negatives are just as high. >> dana: over the last two weeks everyone is comparing joe biden to joe biden and abc poll says 24% of americans think he has the mental capacity to do that. >> i think this white house has tough moments. if i were advising the white house ditch the teleprompter and podium and smaller town halls where he is answering questions from voters. don't get me wrong. there is trouble. i'm not saying there is not blood in the water here. i think there are opportunities for this president to make up some ground given the fact he is up against a candidate whose negatives are just as high as
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his. >> bill: noah, you said last night other people could beat trump, too. awful hard to start from scratch. >> that's joe biden's quote. he admitted he almost released his delegates which richard said is impossible. the weird thing to say. he is touting his vice president's capacity and other members of his party's capacity to beat donald trump that cuts against his own interest. he is helping plant the bug in their minds and they don't need any help in that matter. >> dana: love having you both. >> bill: we'll have two really big stories all week next week and beyond. thank you, noah. thank you, richard. thanks guys. >> president biden: i'll talk for ten minutes, take 0 questions and cheerful eye walk away. >> dana: no longer a laughing matter. embattled president biden holding his first solo news conference of the year and it is july 12th. three members of the white house
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press corps are telling us what they are hearing about the president's future. >> if your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president donald trump, would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race >> president biden: no, unless they came back and said there is no way you can win. me, no one is saying that. no poll says that. >> dana: the president's remarks prompting new questions about his team and how much they are shielding him from the truth. >> it makes me worried that the president is being given information about his political standing that may not be based in reality and sunnier than is real. think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey.
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>> dana: fox news alert. we just found this out. congressman jeffries, lead democrat in the house met privately with president biden last night. so i'm sure we'll get more reporting. apparently they had a chat and i'm sure it wasn't an easy one
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for hakeem jeffries to go to. everyone is trying to get on board this morning maybe. >> bill: earlier in the week we started with congressional democrats meeting on capitol hill. jeffries came and left out the back door and the reporters are like where did he go? >> dana: pelosi the next morning said joe, we don't like your decision, consider please. >> bill: here we go. >> dana: here to react is alec thompson of axios and jacque heinrich. we're excited for this we can't stand it. i want to mention your headline today. biden camp tries to rebound after bad f word weeks and you broke a lot of these stories, your take this morning. where do things stand? >> that was leaked from an internal call with the campaign staff that i obtained just last night. basically the campaign chair admitted to all the staff listen, this has been a very, very, very bad two weeks. she didn't sugar coat it and
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still maintained there is a path to victory. there was some slippage in their own internal polling but that the bottom has not fallen out and still within the margin of error. about leader jeffries meeting with biden, a lot of democrats in congress have been trying to reach the president. the ones especially waffling that have real concerns and felt they cannot reach him. i imagine that is part of the reason why hakeem jeffries requested the meeting and made sure to meet one-on-one with the president to express some of those concerns that lawmakers have not been able to express themselves. >> bill: it's one thing we've heard throughout the week that is apparently pretty significant. a lot of democratic leaders can't -- have not been able to reach the president. molly, you write this. the money quote. biden's press conference won't stem tide of defections. the snowball is gaining speed. he may extend the o.t. a little but pressure is building.
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members restless. even if he is full of adrenaline for one night he can't sustain it for four months. what's next? what can you add to that, molly? >> i think, you know, the president did about as well as he could have done in the view of most democrats. there is a feeling that if that were the guy who had shown up for the debate two weeks ago we might not be having this conversation. but at this point so much has come out, so much angst has been expressed and we saw even in the wake of what many democrats saw as a strong press conference, almost immediately three more democratic lawmakers called on him to step aside, there is a feeling that pandora's box has been opened and it just is not ten able for him to continue. to alex's point it was remarkable in jeffries letter when he didn't say. he did not say anything about what the president to him or how he found the president or how he thinks the president should proceed. these conversations are very
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full of angst on the democratic side and there is a pervasive sense of doom around biden's candidacy. >> dana: jacque, yesterday you said that this democrat had texted you to say this is the worst possible outcome unless you are hunter and need a pardon. you asked is that because it prolongs him stepping down? the source says yes. biden said he won't pardon or commute a sentence that hunter gets. now you are in michigan today. the president is going there. in that call that alex was talking about the biden campaign says michigan and wisconsin, pennsylvania, that is the key to them being able to win. so i imagine that you are probably be in those states a lot in the next couple of months if biden stays in. how do you see it this morning? >> you know, i think that they will stick with the plan for now. but i think ultimately the money and the map are going to decide. what the president is not doing is what all these democrats are asking him to do, which is
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carefully evaluate the situation here. and he is not taking a cognitive test to assuage some of the age concerns. he is not making people feel better about his candidacy and having the kind of outreach these democrats are asking him to have. and so i think at the end of the day the bright spot for him yesterday was his foreign policy moment. jim himes put a fork in that calling for him to step down after that happened right after the nato summit where he had been talking to these foreign leaders for a couple of days. so he had some successes in pulling from the lines he uses often but i don't think it did enough to put this conversation to bed about whether he is the right person to defeat trump. and the democrats i'm talking to say this is just going to be death by a thousand cuts. they believe that he needs to move aside so that they can find a more viable candidate. his ego is leading the
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conversation. despite the blows the campaign has taken over the last few days his ego is intact. looking past kamala harris and saying he is the best, most qualified person to beat donald trump because of the gravity of the situation. that is offensive if you are kamala harris. >> bill: i think we should also point out there is a reason why we have only had one willing one-term president in the past 50 or 60 years. it is a hard job to give up. you always believe you can do the best job and not the vice president who is working under you or anyone else. the ego gets involved. i think we can confess to that, too, alex. i scored last night biden one, obama 0. what can we report, if anything, about what barack obama's next move is along with nancy pelosi? >> the thing about the obama relationship you have to understand. joe biden deeply resents as
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obama choosing hillary clinton over him. could obama try to talk him out of it running against if he decides that's the best step forward. the aide said obama cast that chip once. you don't get another one. there is this feeling within parts of biden world -- i think president obama understands this -- if he is aggressively seen as trying to push joe biden aside it could backfire and make joe biden dig in even more. >> dana: molly, do you agree? >> absolutely. for many democrats, you know, it's the after math of the debate as much as the debate itself that has gotten them to feel so negative because they feel like biden has done virtually nothing to assuage their concerns. not only that, the way he has lashed out and divided the party is really damaging. many democrats, especially donors, i think, are really angry about the way the
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president has cast them as these elites who aren't in touch with the grassroots of the party. a majority of the democratic rank and file biden's own voters would like him to step aside. but he has cast this as, you know, me versus the masses. trying to divide the party on class and racial lines and ideological lines pitting the left against the rest and the democrats really don't like this. they feel like it is hurting the party and so, you know, i think alex is right that the people like the obamas, the clintons, other leaders in the party are handling this very delicately because they are trying to find an effective way to get the message to the president that won't just cause him to dig in even more. >> bill: one more point on the memo from yesterday. the quotes are very kelling. one of them. no indication that anyone else would out perform the president versus donald trump. hypothetical polling of alternative nominees are
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unreliable. surveys don't take into account the negative media environment they would encounter. that was at noon yesterday. i think the biggest takeaway for today based on last night, and we mentioned chicago 39 days from now when the convention begins, joe biden put down the marker last night. he is going to fight to stay in. >> he is going to fight to stay in. but he did also say if you show me the data and it says that i can't win, that then he would walk away. i think, though, that he is not going to want to look like the thing he accuses trump of being, which is being only out for himself. that would be a very tough thing to try to stick with in the face of a lot of opposition from within your party. at the same time, this is not an administration, not a president that has ever liked to correct course on afghanistan, on the
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border, on inflation. they tend to sort of affirm their own view internally. but when the data breaks with that and they were according to the "new york times" report doing a test of kamala harris strength. if the data shows there is a better a alternative and that biden would lose maybe that changes. i don't think we've seen that data presented quite yet. >> dana: what a pleasure to have the three of you on today, alex, molly, jacque. we'll see you down the road. >> bill: speaking of the roll. they are getting the balloons ready in milwaukee and put the netting around them and put them at the top of the arena. >> dana: a pretty color. >> bill: yes indeed. that whole deal goes down, the balloons, meaning next thursday when they come from the ceiling. >> dana: i know where you will be. >> bill: we'll be buried in
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those suckers and batting them around on the floor. we'll be there starting on sunday for a live broadcast. join us then. want to share that with you from milwaukee. there is this now. check it out. >> if you are a democrat now and standing up and saying that joe biden is not fit to run for office and therefore should not be in office in january, you are saying he is also not fit to be president right now. >> bill: liberal commentators had a lot to say after last night's news conference. more on the media's reaction next. why not think outside a bank? get up to $70,000 with a newday 100 va cash out loan.
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>> bill: for that first sole some news conference last night president biden sparking intense media reaction afterwards. watch. >> sticking with this man is infuriating, irresponsible and
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political mal practice. >> makes me worried the president is given information about his political standing that may not be based in reality. >> one top democrat said everyone who expresses any level of suspicion or contrary views they call everyone and beat the f out of them and say stay on message. >> bill: where were they for 3 1/2 years? good morning, charlie. where were they? you were watching him. >> good morning. yeah. last night was basically a great night for joe biden, a terrible night for the democrat party. he was, for his performance it was the gettysburg address, got a few names wrong but otherwise did a pretty good job of presenting his worldview on things and did it somewhat cogently and did it for an hour. the real problem -- the thing he shined the most on was foreign policy stuff, which of course
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has long been his sort of area of expertise. the problem is i don't think anybody will be voting this november based on foreign policy. and then anyway, if you were to put that to sort of an election, donald trump can say are you kidding me? there are two new wars under your watch and the border is open. i don't know it helps him anyway. it wasn't bad enough tore democrats to pull the trigger and dump him from the ticket. >> dana: how the media sleep walked into biden's debate disaster. only one path to prevent another failure. viewers of fox news understood the president's condition better than our audiences. a huge wake-up call for us. our readers missed much of the story, nearly all of it in this case. we need conservatives inside the building helping us overcome our natural biases instead of complaining about them. we owe our readers and country
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nothing less. cnn reported last night that the last cabinet meeting that the president held was in october of last year, nearly a year ago. so nobody in the cabinet. they haven't all been together. when they do get together they have to script everything. so the media has been sleepwalking but is the cabinet sleepwalking, too? >> oh, and i think that it goes hand in glove. as you know, republican press secretaries are the hardest working. they have to do -- what they are up against is the most extraordinary thing. if you want the impossible done, hire a republican press secretary because they have to -- the mind bending things that they have to do is extraordinary. on the democrat side, they are working with the media. the media is working with them on everything. so i think that you have this sort of situation where you have the biden administration, they are so comfortable. in a -- when they don't let any
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sane or honest people into the hot tub with them they all start believing this stuff and they don't even question it. and she is exactly right. for the past three years, fox and a few other outlets, washington times have been questioning the mental status of joe biden and questioning whether like who is in charge and this isn't exactly how a free democracy is supposed to work? voters are -- then suddenly they are surprised by it. >> bill: in the context of media conversation here, what if cnn took a different approach after that debate instead of striking the match and lighting the prairie fire, what if they went to joe blow and he said he was average. i give him a c, i think he can do better. but he made a good point on a and b and trump lied 39 times. had they chose option be would we be here today talking about
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this? >> dana: yes. i don't think cnn can control this conversation in the nation. >> this is the problem where you have a media that is so invested in partisan politics and not interested in talking about issues. the reason we at fox and at the washington times and other places have not been caught unawares is ultimately we want to talk about the issues and we are talking about the issues and when you look at the biden administration, the cognitive decline is -- the problem isn't the cognitive decline, you wind up with all these disasters around the world as a result of the cognitive decline and you know that because we're talking about the issues. we are talking about things that people care about. and we have a media today who doesn't care about that anymore. what they care about are -- is this weird partisan loyalty that -- and they don't even talk about the issues.
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>> bill: i make the point that mccardle is right about the clip. the white house doesn't care what we think. they do care what happens on cnn and msnbc. thanks. >> the fix is it. >> bill: have a great day. we have to run. >> dana: we'll have much more on all of this to come. stay with us. oh my god. what? the host is coming back. (♪) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals have surprise drop-ins, try one you'll have all to yourself.
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