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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 12, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. >> bill: we just want to share this with you. the live feed now from inside alec baldwin's trial in sante fe, new mexico. his wife behind him off his left-hand shoulder there. so the attorneys making their case yet again and we'll see how this goes and how long it lasts. >> dana: fascinating. what a show and week we have had. another week coming up. "america's newsroom" is live from the rnc on sunday. 12:00 p.m. eastern on sunday. we can't wait to see you. julie banderas is in for harris. >> julie: we begin with this.
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president biden will be in michigan later today. one of three states his campaign says will lead him to victory in november. they are full steam ahead after the president's high stakes solo news conference last night. the big boy news conference as they call it. team biden says he passed the test. others strongly disagree. this is "the faulkner focus." we have a lot to cover for you today. i'm julie banderas. hold onto your seats in for harris today. dramatically different reads on how that news conference went. what do you think? biden's team says they are happy. others say just an improvement over his debate performance isn't enough. one headline saying this. biden survives but ends high stakes day bruised. "new york times" said he looked sharper but didn't exactly look sharp. critics pointing to these missteps and stumbles. >> president biden: i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be president to think she is not qualified to be president. let's start there. i've been given a list of people
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to call on here. i just have to pace myself a little more. pace myself. i love my staff but they add things. they add things all the time. i'm catching hell from my wife for that. i'm surrounded by good doctors. if they think there is a problem, i promise you, even if they don't think it's a problem and think i should have a neurological exam again i'll do it. no one is suggesting that to me now. >> julie: one headline democrats were hoping for one of two things thursday night. the first, he would do badly making it easier to persuade him to drop out. the second, he would not knock it out of the park staving off their concerns. the result, joe biden didn't give them either. and for republicans, trump allies view biden's press conference as best of both worlds. steve hilton boils it down here.
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>> i think that we may look back on those 59 minutes and say that was nearly an hour when donald trump won the election. because i think two things were clear from this press conference this evening. one, i think joe biden will be the democratic party's nominee in november. and two, i think he will lose. >> julie: "new york post" cover this morning, blunder of the world. senior white house correspondent peter doocy is joining us live now. peter, this never gets old. >> and julie, president biden cracked the door open to exit the race with a big condition. he says he would only do that if somebody showed him a poll that he does not think exists. >> president biden: no, unless they came back and said there is no way you can win. me, no one is saying that, no
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poll says that. how accurate does anybody think the polls are these days? i can give you a series of polls where you have likely voters me versus trump where i win all the time. >> if for some reason the president was to step aside he is blessing kamala harris as replacement primarily because of her work with women's rights. >> president biden: first of all, the way she has handled the issue of freedom of women's bodies to have control over their bodies. secondly, her ability to handle almost any issue on the board. this was a hell of a prosecutor. she was a first-rate person and in the senate she was really good. i wouldn't have picked her unless i thought she was qualified to be president. >> the president is daring democratic delegates to try and upend his nomination at the convention warning them they will not get any help or money from him. >> president biden: if all of a sudden i show up at the convention and they want
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somebody else. that's a democratic process. it is not going to happen. it's hard to start from scratch and we talk about, you know, money raised. we're not doing bad. we have $220 million in the bank. we are doing well. so with that, you want to follow up and ask me? >> yes. >> barack obama and nancy pelosi had a private conversation as biden's viability according to a report in cnn. they were watching last night. unclear if what they saw convinced them that he is good to go and try to beat trump in november. julie. july [whispering] >> where i work people are whispering all the time. >> julie: behind your back maybe. all right, peter doocy, great to
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see you, thank you. a trump campaign official tells fox it appears biden did enough to convince his apologists he should remain on the ballot. he also reinforced what the american people know. their lives are hurt by his weakness and failure on a daily basis. the power panel. sean duffy, former wisconsin congressman and co-host of the bottom line on fox business and marie harf, former obama state department spokesperson. great to see you both. sean, what say you about last night? some democrats are saying he redeemed himself. others say not enough. jim himes in connecticut didn't get sold on that and joining a rank of 17 lead democrats that believe it is time for the president to step aside. not just because of his cognitive decline but his inability to win this election and win it for the democrats. >> yes. after the debate the bar was lowered for last night's press conference.
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he didn't face plant but wasn't great. so again i think most viewers listen, he has done well enough to stay in the race. do we kick him out? he was able to put sentences together. this weird whispering and trailing off at a number of points when he was answering questions. he had the press asking a lot of foreign policy questions but america cares about cognitive ability. the democrat and rose colored glasses have come off and they are far more critical of his performance much like us on fox news for three years calling this out. now everyone else is seeing what we've seen. he will be the nominee and be on the ballot. his benefit. next week is the rnc. two weeks of bad press. attention will now turn to republicans in milwaukee. that will be great for biden give him time to regroup and reform and come back stronger. i don't think they will be able to push him out and he stays where he is at. >> julie: i have a confession on
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my commute. i was listening to cnn and msnbc. they were questioning his ability to win. it is really at this point is he strong enough as a candidate to beat trump is what the democrats should be worried about. of course, on top of it is his cognitive decline going to be strong enough to carry him through office for the next four years. what say you? >> well, as a democrat i get worried whenever republicans are happy about a joe biden performance. the fact that so many republicans are cheering this morning that it might mean he stays in the race makes me a little nervous. joe biden had a better press conference than some people thought he would. he is comfortable talking about foreign policy. as a foreign policy specialist i wish the american people voted on these issues. unfortunately what we saw last night isn't the kind of performance we'll need from joe biden to beat donald trump. there are two things i watch over the next week. the first is if we get any new
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battleground state polling. national polls don't mean anything. it is not a national election. i want new polling from michigan, wisconsin, i want it from these kinds of states to see if there has been a change. i also want to see if the biden campaign can take the case about donald trump how dangerous he is, project 2025, all the things he would do if he gets a second term in terms of going after our democracy and women's rights. i want to see if they can prosecute the case next week during the rnc. a key part of their job and want to make sure they can do it. >> julie: the president did give some details and nuanced answers last night but among them lots of thoughts have finished, how he always finishes his sentences when he loses his train of thought with well, anyway. repeated use of this word had some on social media said it could be used as a drinking game. >> president biden: look, folks, this is a -- well, anyway, anyway. that's what it was about.
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anyway, just anyway, the objective is and -- anyway, anyway, anyway. what i'm doing is what i've been doing. 20 major events from wisconsin to north carolina to -- anyway. >> julie: okay. anyway, sean. >> what's happening here is he is losing his train of thought and he knows he has something to say he wants to say it but can't pull it from his memory. a short term memory. everyone sees that that joe biden isn't sharp and with it. one quick point on what marie says. want to talk about donald trump being a threat to democracy. the threat to democracy is democrats. they had an election and the democrats elected joe biden in the primary and now all of a sudden the ones who talk about democracy are the same people who are talking about throwing joe biden out of the race. they are the ones saying we'll undo the will of the democrat
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voters. the threats to democracy are democrats. we are sticking the donald trump. democrats should do the same thing with joe biden. >> julie: memory. it is not just a game of cards as a child and something we assume the president should have and should be intact. this isn't a misspoken mistake. he said he misspoke when he referred to kamala harris his vice president pick, trump. that's not misspeaking. that's scary. when he introduced president zelenskyy, the president of ukraine, as president putin and then said president putin a second time and caught himself and said no, he will beat putin but he never actually properly addressed the ukrainian president by his name because he forgot his name. these are signs of -- one would say memory loss for sure, but certainly not an example of misspeaking. >> well look, none of us are doctors. i think it is hard to diagnose
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people from a tv. donald trump says crazy things every day. i think joe biden does off en misspeak. julie, you are right. one of the reasons i and many of my fellow democrats have said maybe we should look at another candidate is because even despite all of those mistakes by joe biden, he is either tied or a little behind donald trump. we know the american people don't want to vote for donald trump. we know they like democratic ideas and like women being able to choose their own healthcare decisions and like what we've done growing the economy and middle class. if there was a candidate on the democratic side who wasn't joe biden, who had democratic values and standing up for the american people but didn't have the baggage they would win by ten points and win a bunch of states and why a lot of democrats have said maybe we should look at someone new. our ideas win especially when donald trump is the candidate on the other side.
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>> julie: we have seen obama world criticize biden. david axelrod earlier today. >> one of the issues is that the president is pretty insulated. he has a very small number of advisors who he trusts and listens to. it is not like there is an open door or vehicle. given the stakes and what those democratic officials are thinking, given the stakes, you know, the fact that he can win is not a persuasive argument. the question is what are the odds he would win and would we have a better chance with someone else? that's the question everybody is pondering. >> julie: sean. >> the point is they won't have a better opportunities with someone else because to give recent push back americans hate inflation. americans hate joe biden economy and open borders. they aren't happy with his foreign policy ukraine or the middle east or botched
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withdrawal from afghanistan. joe biden and democrats' issues are failing. they don't want ev mandates. get out of my kitchen and stove and dishwasher and washing machine. they hate democrat policies and you won't get new policies if you bring in a new democrat. axelrod is a mouthpiece for obama. obama and biden don't like each other. they have tension. if barack obama is telling joe biden to get out, guaranteed joe biden will stay. he won't listen to obama or axelrod. >> julie: i would agree with that. team biden may be ready with one alternative. you guys were speaking of this. one official saying they're keeping the door open for vp harris and keeping tabs on her numbers. "new york times" reporting that president biden's campaign is quote quietly testing the vp's performance against former president trump using internal polling. now the former president taking on both his current rival and now going after his possible
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one. >> can't decide which of the candidates is more unfit to be president, sleepy crooked joe biden or laughing kamala. probably the smartest decision he has ever made. he picked kamala harris as his vice president. if joe had picked someone even halfway competent they would have bounced him from office years ago. >> julie: you know trump is loving this. marie, a "wall street journal" piece today examines the question is kamala harris a stronger candidate than biden? i never thought that we would be asking ourselves this question because i think it would have been a hard no. democrats are actually considering her. >> she had a rocky start as vice president. >> julie: a rocky start or rocky four years? >> she has been owning the issue of women's healthcare freedom and choice and going across the country talking to voters and doing a really good job out there on the stump. look, i think that they are poll testing this. we know from polls that a lot of
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americans don't want to vote for either joe biden or trump. i don't feel bad about our chances. >> julie: she is doing a good job on the stump. a good campaigner but a good vice president, a good president? she had one task to get to the bottom of immigration, illegal immigration. she didn't do anything. as a candidate is she good? i don't know. her record doesn't speak for itself. women's right, fine. that wasn't the main job she was given. >> she count make it to iowa in 2020. approval ratings are lower than joe biden's now. she is horrible. take gavin newsom but they can't kick her out. >> julie: i have to go. sean and marie, great to see you, have a great weekend. mark your calendars for monday, folks. next week will be good. the republican national convention kicks off and donald trump will officially become the gop presidential nominee. we'll be live in milwaukee to give you a bit of a preview of a week packed full of must-see
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events right here on fox. the democratic defections from biden continue after his so-called big boy news conference. even his biggest backers are leaving the door open. >> i'm riding with biden no matter what direction he goes or what method he takes, i'm with joe biden and if i were to change his mind i would be all in for the vice president. >> julie: as lawmakers get out of town for the weekend more dominoes continue to fall. they could fall over the weekend, who knows? the latest count and what it means as the president tries to hang on for dear life. it must be a special day because we simulcast next with one of my favorites, brian kilmeade from his radio studio. able. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> when it comes to joe biden the democrats' concern is political, not medical. their concern about him is electoral. not moral. none of them are saying i love this man and want him to step aside he needs medical intervention. they are saying he will cost us the election. here comes donald trump because of joe biden. >> julie: brian kilmeade is with me. simulcast with him on his radio show on this next segment. a few more bricks out of the wall. biden's support from democratic lawmakers continues to crumble. "wall street journal" with this headline. biden's press conference won't stem tide of defections. four more house democrats called on him to drop out of the race after he spoke last night. the total is now 18. congressman jim himes, the top democrat on the intel committee
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is one of them. >> no president has ever been reelected with the disapproval ratings that our current president has. so i will not stand silent as i see a trajectory to an electoral loss that leads to the presidency of donald trump and all that he has promised. >> julie: biden officials met with senate democrats yesterday where they were reportedly success -- unsuccessful in calming fears about biden's future. john tester and brown were both no shows, the hill reports senate majority leader chuck schumer told some democratic senators that he has serious doubts about biden's re-election chances but he says he won't undermine the president publicly. a cnn reporter with some colorful info on how the white house is pushing back on democratic critics. >> this is what one top democrat told me they said everyone who expresses any level of suspicion
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or contrary views they call everyone and beat the f out of them and say stay on message. the white house spokesperson said in part of the statement joe biden has always said that it is fair for reporters to ask about his age. >> julie: brian kilmeade, co-host of "fox & friends" and host of one nation and brian kilmeade radio show simulcasts with us now. great to see you. the cognitive decline is one thing. his ability to win the election for democrats is another. never in history has a democrat lost a re-election since jimmy carter in 1970. the concern is the divided party. i don't think there is any chance the democratic party could possibly unite this far in the game with so little time left. >> brian: all the things are unprecedented. i'm wondering asking alison our producer here why you haven't done the show. i can see you are busy. now this is considered your appearances. to answer your question, you had
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a primary. he got all the delegates. that's the way it works. the last competitive primary legitimate one they had was barack obama, hillary clinton. they got this, two really experienced candidates. they get the young guy named barack obama, becomes the two-term president. the next time through they said we don't want a competitive primary. bernie sanders might win. donna brazile giving the question, debbie walserman schultz made sure hillary won and then bernie sanders is about to win again. clyburn names biden. now they go through a primary season. don't run against joe biden. you heard me, don't puck the party. dean phillips tries. they kick rfk out of the party and now upset they have joe biden. this is what you got. yesterday showed that's the guy you nominated. he had a few faux pass, a few flubs but he went for an hour
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coherent. now you want to upset your own process, the rules you made and want to pick somebody else not because he is mentally ill but because his poll numbers are down. excuse me, that's not the way it works. i don't think, you know, i don't think that president biden is budging. >> julie: i don't think he believes in the polls either and not listening to anyone. hakeem jeffries just sent a letter to his colleagues about a private meeting he had with biden last night. he doesn't expressly back him but does not call for him to step aside either. this is what he writes. on behalf of the house democratic caucus, i requested and was graciously granted a private meeting with president biden. that meeting occurred yesterday evening. in my conversation with president biden, i directly expressed the full heart felt perspectives and conclusions about the path forward the caucus shared in our recent time
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together. as house democrats have done throughout this congress, we'll continue to work in the best interests of everyday americans. brian, not exactly a rousing endorsement from the house democratic leader. >> brian: he didn't jump off the ship. we're waiting for him to jump off the ship. james clyburn is on the ship and argue he has more power than nancy pelosi. he has more vigor, too. and he has the congressional black caucus, 60 members. obama, who has not spoken up and come out in front of cameras. if so he is risking his own legacy because that's the guy you picked as number two who you tell us he is your good friend and you can't even work out something that doesn't have you sneaking behind closed doors to maybe stab him in the back. this is -- i asked president trump this on wednesday on tuesday -- no, wednesday. i said who do you want to go against? he paused and says doesn't
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matter. it is the policies, not the person. it is the breaking the border. foreign policy, war in the middle east, a war in eastern europe. stubborn inflation. what's going on with china? we have not spent on defense budget enough to outstrip inflation. so we are beginning to diminish as a power. please tell me what you are running on, mr. president. past spending programs, many of which aren't spending because nothing is getting done. that's what trump wants to run against. maybe the democrats are upset with the track record and they should be more upset with what they've not done as opposed to the person who is running. he is not giving up 3,900 delegates and working the phones calling the delegates and asking them are you firmly in president biden's camp? you know what they say no, they say you're out. they are getting rid of the delegates. >> julie: i agree. brian kilmeade, i promise i will reach out to your team and be on
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with you shortly. i don't have a team but i'll reach out to you myself. >> brian: i thought you did. >> julie: i'm not brian kilmeade. love you, great to see you. more hollywood headaches for biden. another left coast liberal is following george cooney's lead and calling on democrats to dump the president. plus biden cherry picking points about the economy. >> president biden: we had a great economic report showing inflation is down. overall prices fell last month. core inflation is the lowest it has been in three years. >> julie: keel context missing from his -- americans still have reasons to worry about their wallets.
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>> harris: mainstream economists say we haven't done well. what have we not done that isn't working right now? and so we have more to do, though.
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we have to finish the job. >> julie: president biden using last night's so-called big boy news conference to talk up his handling of the economy and praised the drop in overall prices but left off the part about prices still being higher and only the rate of price hikes has slowed and failed to mention inflation is up 19.2% since he took office. edward lawrence of fox business is at the white house with a fact check. you have a lot of work ahead of you, ed. >> i was sitting in the front row waiting to be called on to fact check the president in realtime. he didn't call on fox business. let's dig deeper into what he did say, listen. >> many of you on economists thought the initiatives i put forward can't do that, cause inflation, things will skyrocket. debt will go up.
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what did you hear now from main street economists? >> they were right about his initial initiatives. look at the timing in 2020 before president biden the federal reserve was lamenting how they couldn't get inflation up to 2%. once president biden started implementing his policies it sky rocked to 9 1/2% and now 3% more than double when he got into office. listen. >> president biden: name me a world leader who wouldn't want to trade places with our economy. we created over 800,000 manufacturing job. 1.5 million -- things are moving. we have more to go. working class people still need help. corporate greed is still at large. >> he is blaming companies again for inflation. the president usually claims he created 15 million jobs. according to the bureau of labor statistics the economy added back from the jobs from the pandemic and created 6.5 million
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and created 170,000 manufacturing jobs. the president said this about his next four years. >> if i'm reelected we'll make sure that rents are kept at 5% increase, corporate rents for apartments and the like and homes. limit it to 5%. >> but that would be more regulations added and rents since the month president biden came into office are up 22%. just trying to keep him honest here. >> julie: yeah, because you can't buy a home with the current mortgage interest rate. you have no choice but to rent and that demand is going to rise up prices. i'm not even an economist and i know that. thank you very much, appreciate it. biden's hollywood headache is getting worse. more tinsel town a-listers heading for the hills as they express doubt about biden's ability to serve another term. clooney started to call it out. he called for the president to bow out of the race. senior national correspondent
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william la jeunesse is live in los angeles with the latest. >> ashley judd called for president biden oh step down in a usa today op-ed. the president heads into the weekend trying to hold his campaign army intact after clooney went a-wall. 18 congressmen followed and large donors. oh source saying that fundraising is a disaster. july donations falling by half. now "the new york times" this morning saying that 90 million in commitments are on hold if biden stays on the ticket. the campaign is turning to small donors paying for this online appeal this morning from president obama who publicly supports biden but reportedly did not stop clooney from calling for him to step down. >> join millions of other americans by giving what you can right now at a crucial moment in this campaign. >> there is another front biden is now fighting, late night. liberal talk show hosts gave the
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president a pass for 3 1/2 years. not so much anymore. >> well, guys, president biden continues to dominate the news, yeah, the whispers about him dropping out of the race keep getting louder. they are getting so loud biden can almost hear them. >> a critical moment. he has to prove even though he is old he is energetic and ready to serve. jim, what would that look like? ♪ >> biden is digging in with plenty of support. davin newsom agreed biden seemed flat at the l.a. fundraiser but didn't ask him to back out. >> the first comments i had for the president was who did your schedule? the fundraiser was a human being like any of us, exhausted. >> the two people we haven't heard from jimmy kimmel and
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jeffrey kasten berg. he put the fundraiser together deceived them into giving a lot of money without revealing the president's limitations. julie. >> julie: william la jeunesse live in los angeles. thank you so much. breaking news, a big day for the market, folks, the dow jones hitting record highs this morning. right now steadily above the previous record of 40,051. that was set on may 16th. the dow has never closed above 40,000. that 40,000 mark. a huge benchmark. will we watch to see it if it hangs on today? we'll watch it for you. some good news happening on the market today. so the republican national convention kicks off on monday. big anticipation over who president trump will be running with on the bottom of this ticket. who will he pick as his vp make? potential nominees making their final argument. >> president trump has the opportunity to establish a
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leggy. he has the republican party more united than they've ever been. >> julie: we'll talk with kat cammack on what she is expecting at the convention next. if you love to save, check out the wise buys sales event going on right now at america's best — get two pairs of progressives for just $129.95. offer includes a comprehensive eye exam. book an exam online today. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> julie: republican national convention kicks off on monday in milwaukee. fox news will be there. it will take place over four days at the forum at the left of your screen. democrats are trying to link former president trump to the heritage foundation's project 2025. it pushes for some big changes to the federal government. trump says he knows nothing about the think-tank's policy goals and did, however, have a hand in drafting the rnc party platform, among other things. it calls for leaving the issue of abortion to the states. that could make things harder for one of the contenders on trump's v.p. short list. >> it's a little bit of an issue. a pretty strong man. i think doug is great but it is a strong -- he has taken a strong stance, or the state has. i don't know if it's doug, the state has. so it's an issue. >> julie: as biden flounders
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trump will go after v.p. harris to drive down her approval in the event she does become the nominee. bill melugin is live on the ground in milwaukee with the latest. hey, bill. >> julie, good morning to you. as you just mentioned we're a few days away from things kicking off on the ground here in milwaukee where republicans are once again going to be in the media spotlight. the republicans just released their party platform a short time ago and one of donald trump's possible v.p. picks said on fox this morning he thinks it is a platform you can actually understand. >> he has got the republican party more united than they've ever been going into this convention next week. everybody a aligned. the platform is about things that every american cares about. >> now we're still waiting for the official list of speakers expected here in wisconsin. but fox news can confirm the following speakers will be here. that includes florida governor ron desantis, ufc president dana white, the family of rachel
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morin, the maryland mom raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant and have donald trump junior and teamsters president sean o'brien. democrats are planning to have counter programming here in milwaukee. it is already here and seeing these bus ads around town as well as billboards that call donald trump a convicted felon and hit him on abortion. democrats also targeting trump over the controversial project 2025. that's a presidential transition plan crafted in part by the conservative heritage foundation and former trump administration officials. the biden campaign says in part, quote, donald trump says it is not his agenda. it is his agenda because donald trump and project 2025 are one and the same, end quote. the trump camp is pushing back on that. >> president trump said it best himself as you usually does. he has nothing to do with project 2025. some things he likes and doesn't like. the democrat party should rename
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their platform 2025. if they govern the way they have we won't have a country by 2025. >> julie, you can tell they are preparing for potential protests during the rnc here in milwaukee at the forum. law enforcement has all sorts of streets blocked off and police all over the place. milwaukee mayor has said protests will be allowed. what won't be allowed is for the protests to get violent. send it back to you. >> julie: let's hope it stays that way. for more on what to expect next week in milwaukee, republican florida congresswoman kat cammack. she will be there for the big week and joins us now live. it is always great to see you. you are a newsmaker on this show. i hope you can predict what will go down next week. this is going to be a very big week for donald trump. >> yes. we're so excited. this is going to be a one team, one mission effort next week. everyone is united behind our
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nominee, president donald trump. this is going to be a week about celebrating how united the party is but more importantly how we are going to make america great once again. we are talking about national security, ways that we are going to bolster prosperity and wealth in this country and we are going to be celebrating the fact that we have a vision of hope for the future. you look at our colleagues on the other side when they aren't busy running away from reporters they are having to answer questions about the mental fitness and acuity of their nominee who is for all intents and purposes said he is sticking in it for the long haul. it will be one for the books. >> julie: a new pew research center survey shows americans aren't happy with the presidential race. 87% feels this year's campaign doesn't make them feel proud of the country. 76% believe there isn't a big enough focus on important policy debates. and 68% say the race is too
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negative. what do you think, if there is indeed a second debate, i don't know if this white house is prepared for that. let's say there is. what do they need to see in a second debate to sway the numbers. >> the issues that everyone is talking about around the kitchen table. it has always. the issues that trump has been focused on. >> julie: the issue should be the economy. that's what republican voters want to hear about. >> absolutely. the kitchen table issues. do you have enough money at the end of the month than you have bills? and right now under joe biden's america you don't. when you talk to any demographic, i don't care white, black, young, old, you are hearing from people saying i'm worse off today than i was under donald trump. to me that speaks volumes. they can talk about abortion, they can talk about all the project 2025 nonsense they keep parroting. the fact remains, no one is happy under this economy. it is only getting worse.
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so again next week will be all about the people. what it has always been about. democrats will be talking about joe biden because that's all they can talk about. and they can't even figure out if vice president harris is the president or if trump is the vice president as we heard from the president last night. >> julie: we're eagerly awaiting to hear president trump's pick to be his vice president. it is reported that donald trump junior will be making that announcement at the convention. but trump does have a rally in pennsylvania tomorrow. you never know. but here on his short list your home state senator marco rubio, also senator j.d. vance and governors doug burgum and glenn youngkin. handicap this for us. who do you believe would be the top there in that short list? >> listen, the great thing about the republican party and conservative movement right now is the bench of talent is incredible. all of those gentlemen that you
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just mentioned are rock stars in their own right. so, of course, i would love to see a vice president rubio. shout-out to the sunshine state. florida is absolutely reiff with talent and with conservative leaders. i would love to see my hometown senator as the nominee. but, of course, we can't go wrong with any of the picks. at the end of the day these are all men who have championed the conservative cause, put america first and be a remarkable addition to the ticket. at the end of the day people love what donald trump is about and what he stands for and what he will do. regardless of who it is people will cast their ballot for donald trump this november. >> julie: there are vulnerable democrats in congressional races that have begun to pull their support for the president as the biden/harris ticket looks like it could hurt down-ballot races, 18 democratic lawmakers in total. it was 17 this morning. it is growing. have now called for biden to drop out and now the first has
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called for him to resign. marie perez has called for him to resign as well. most of these democrats -- all until now have said look, just step aside from the race. they aren't necessarily telling him to resign. they are saying remain in office until your time is up and hand the baton over to somebody else. this is a significant call. >> 32 target seats we're going after. all 32 will be calling for not just him to step aside as nominee but for his resignation. i'm telling you, julie, it will be a bloodbath for the democrats. a big time america first happening this year. >> julie: always great to see you. rnc kicks off on monday. keep it here on fox.
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