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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 12, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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and a comprehensive eye exam for just $129.95. book an exam online today. >> in less than an hour president biden is scheduled to leave the white house for a rally in detroit. he is making this trip as multiple reports if there is a core needed rebellion and his party to force the president to drop out. so far 18 congressional democrats are calling for biden to withdraw and right now, as i speak, biden is on a call with members of the congressional hispanic caucus. according to "the new york times" major party donors have told the largest pro biden super pac they will withhold $90 million in donations if president biden stays in the race. lots of breaking news today thank you for watching here is "america reports." >> i would not affect
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vice president trump to be vice president if i think she is not qualified to be president. >> i am supporting the biden/harris ticket and i am optimistic joe biden will be reelected as our president this fall periods begun following the advice of my commander in ch chief -- the chief of staff of the military. >> president biden was at his best last night. he injected some humor into the conversation. he is staying in this race. he is the best person to take on donald trump. >> the group from the south pacific, australia, new zealand, japan, australia, i already mentioned australia. >> john: president biden wrapping up the nato summit in our nation's capital with a gas-filled news conference as his campaign insists he is not dropping out despite all the backlash from within his own party. a source now telling fox news former president obama and his team may be behind the current anti-biden movement. axios is reporting well-connected democrats from
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the clinton administration are plotting with obama officials to get biden off the ticket. with that hello i'm john roberts in washington, sandra, this might be known as the week of the long knives. >> sandra: we made it to friday here we go although we will see everyone on sunday as we kick off the rnc grade to be with you and send us in new york this is "america reports." a total of 18 congressional democrats are calling on biden to drop out of this race. that number, of course, could only continue to grow according to "the new york times" democratic donors are ramping up the pressure now for biden to get out. withholding around $90 million in pledge donations until he does. finish president alexander stark will be joining us in a moment to tell us about his experience with president biden at the nato summit. >> john: looking forward to that first fox news team coverage peter doocy live from the white house would bring no reaction but we began with chad pergram live on capitol hill.
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a number of democrat defectors grows chad we will need a bigger walled up with them all on. >> yes up to 18 now. brittany patterson of colorado is the latest democrat to announce opposition to president biden running again she asked mr. bryden to "please pass the torch" house minority leader hakeem jeffries held a private meeting with mr. biden last night. jeffries related to various concerns of house democrats to president biden, but in a statement jeffries did not characterize what democrats have said him about the president. speak of those conversations have been candid, clear-eyed, and comprehensive. and that is important for us to do. as a house democratic caucus family. as long as those conversations are ongoing, i am going to respect the sanctity of those conversations. >> jeffries did not indicate what he said in the meeting or what the president said.
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fox is told a flood of democrats were expected to ask the president to drop out last night but they thought the press conference went well enough. brad schneider asked the president to bow out thursday. >> we can't have a situation where we think everyday we are to holding our breath rather it's a press conference debate or a rally. but i think we are in a historic moment where the president can pass the torch. >> the congressional hispanic caucus has a conference call with the president right now. the g.o.p. hopes president biden sticks around. speak of this president, something is just not right. he needs to take a cognitive exam. i would suggest the cognitive exam should be given at night. not in the middle of the day because the president himself has said he is not sure he functions well after 8:00 p.m. >> it is notable two democrats with foreign policy assignments, the top democrat on the intelligence committee, jim himes, and adam smith, the top democrat on the armed services committee, are
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asking the president to step aside. john, sandra? spewing with the latest from capitol hill, chad thank you. >> sandra: team coverage continues with direction from the white house in the wake of resident binds missteps from the last night's news conference for the top cover of t the new york post "blunder of the world" white house correspondent peter doocy is live on the north lawn to kick things off. how much time is president biden spending today trying to convince democrats to back off? >> some of his time, not all of it we know he is on a call with the congressional hispanic caucus and he had the house minority leader hakeem jeffries over here last night. he will later today go on to michigan but from the campaign stop in detroit he is right on to the beach house in delaware as he basically dares democratic delegates to try something to offend his nomination at the convention. >> if all of a sudden i show up at the convention and nobody
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says we want somebody else, that's democratic process. it's not gonna happen. to start from scratch and you know we talk about you no money raised. we are not doing bad. we have about $220 million in the bank. we are doing well. >> in the unlikely event president biden is out, his blessing goes to kamala harris. and the top reason he says outlines his priorities for the campaign to come. >> first of all, the way she has handled the issue the freedom of women's bodies to have control of their bodies, secondly her ability to handle almost any issue on board. this was a hell of a prosecutor and a first-rate person her sentencing was really good parent i would not affect her unless i thought who she was qualified to be president. >> biden will not go willingly. that is clear and it has influential democratic thinkers urging the party apparatus just to get moving and force him out
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already. >> if the democratic party is hell-bent from pleasing donald trump it's going to go to do this it's just that simple. what always happens is washington, when will you react clinton and obama, that won't work but i don't care do something don't just stand there. the way that washington kills everything is fill in the details, james. the details are we are on track to lose an election to a major criminal who is going to destroy the western alliance, the constitution, and every thing in between. so we ought to act like it. >> a white house source who is familiar with how things are going in the west wing right now just told our colleague, edward lawrence, they don't believe in the biden white house it is nancy pelosi pulling the strings to try to convince people to bail on president biden. they think it is president obama's team and the
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both the source is given is "the obama team hated biden" and her? >> sandra: all right lots to dig into there. peter doocy live at the white house, john? >> john: let's get another angle and bring in the president of finland, alexander staub. with a chance to interact with president biden at the nato summit, thank you for coming in, mr. president. >> think of having me. >> john: a little belated but thank you and welcome to nato. >> better late than never. >> john: you are here for the week their concerns on members of the president's own party with his cognitive decline in his fitness for office. here's what one senior diplomat told one u.s. news outlets "it's a very weird feeling to be in europe listening to the president of the united states and you are more stressed on whether he will go off script then being excited to listen to the leader of the free world. you are worried if he knows which direction he is going or whether he will fall or what he will forget or if you will say north korea when he meant south korea. it's a weird experience." to share those concerns?
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>> for me it wasn't a weird experience albeit it was my first nato summit ever and i certainly don't want to get involved in american domestic politics. i think the nato summit was a raving success. i look at it from the perspective of international relations. we gave a very good deterrent to russia and to putin come we had quite a strong language of china. i quite enjoyed the summit. >> john: okay but at the same time the president who is leading the nato conference in the united states made several gaps which we want to play here. >> ladies and gentlemen, president putin. [applause] president putin, we are going to be president put in. residence linsky. today i asked our nato allies that we bring on the group from the south pacific. australia, new zealand, japan, australia, i already mentioned australia. look, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be
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vice president. >> john: does not inspire confidence in you? >> again, i spent the better part of 48 hours with the president and with 32 other allies. i think the atmosphere was very good, the conversation was very good. >> john: i don't want to belabor a point but when you have the leader of the free world, which is what the american president is known as, going to bed at 8:00, his adversaries xi jinping of china whom you know is a major player in the problems of the world, vladimir putin, kim jong un, the ayatollah, they are not going to bed at 8:00. does the united states, a lot of democrats feel it come to believe the united states needs a more robust leader? perhaps someone of your age? >> the two points on that in general you will probably know i am a very avid pro-american i studied and did my work here and i'm always followed american
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politics. the biggest worry i have about american politics right now is that it is so divided and so polarized. the whole political debate that you have is so toxic and i don't want the free world to follow that. i wanted to be more respect. more worry about the national internal climate. if i look policy all the way from george w. bush to obama to trump and to biden i still think it is very steadfast. it's on track. we have the sort of large western alliance which the united states is leading regardless of who is the president. >> john: but we hear all of this talk sorted through back channels among folks in nato that they are hoping donald trump does not become president again because they fear for what might happen particularly with nato if donald trump becomes president. but let me go back to november 14th of 2019 when jens stoltenberg visited the white house and president trump said this about the visit. >> president trump is having a
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real impact which is making nato stronger. nato is actually stronger and more agile than we have been for many, many years. >> john: despite all the complaints jens stoltenberg was very happy saying him demanding that nato nations come to the table with 2% of gross domestic product to defense he is making it a stronger. he said nato gathered more than $100 billion more than it had before because of trump's policies. is the return of properly something to worry about? >> i mean i wouldn't put it that way. i would actually like to give trump credit because i think he was right on the 2% limit. and look coming to an and 14, of the allies only three reached that level. i think in 2018 it was something like ten. now it is 23. with that have happened if trump hadn't pushed forward? i don't think so. to have happen without circumstance question are probably not but we are moving on the right track. secondly, a lot of people forget
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during the trump administration america actually increased his military presence in europe and to be on assembly happy as a new ally we have forged a defense corporation agreement atca agreement with the united states with a lot of american soldiers and we have a lot of american material. we will do a lot of work on military policy with the u.s. so i am probably less worried. >> john: including new icebreakers. we only have two of those so we could use more. >> you know how it goes 80% of the world's icebreakers are designed in finland. 60% are made in finland and now we have this wonderful ice packed together with canada and the u.s. >> john: as i mentioned i was in finland with president trump a few years ago a lovely time, beautiful country. >> it is in one of the things i want to tell of your audience is we are a new ally but we are a security provider not a security consumer. where one of the largest militaries in europe. we have a lot of american
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military material including threes nf 35's. >> john: you have what is it? >> 1,400 kilometers. >> john: mr. president they could for dropping by appreciated good to see you and hope to see you again. >> sandra: all right, great discussion there meanwhile john republicans are gearing up for what the rnc chairman has reportedly described as a political event unlike any in the country. bill melugin live in milwaukee has the latest on what to expect so bill what are you sitting on the ground there so far? >> sandro we are seeing is it is very obvious we are in a battleground state here in wisconsin. pretty much everywhere you turn your head you will see political ads, billboards, bus wraps, we have been here less than 24 hours and we are seeing them all over the place. both political parties attacking each other nonstop out here. now as for the republicans they will kick off their convention
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as you just said right here in milwaukee on monday. the official rnc agenda has not been released yet but the republicans did release their party platform earlier this week. that's a big focus on the border, the economy, safety, amongst other topics so who can we expect to see on the stage speaking next week? we are still trying to get more details but for now, foxconn confirm a handful of those speakers including florida governor ron desantis, ufc president dana white, you will have donald trump jr., and teamsters president sean o'brien. all of them slated to speak at some point next week. no democrats, however, as i mentioned earlier, they say they are also going to be here in milwaukee with daily counter programming. we have seen it, they have taken out a six-figure add to buy with bus reps and billboards like the one you're looking at here going after donald trump calling him a "convicted felon" are also going after him for his policies on abortion and roe vs. wade. back out here live obviously the big news we are waiting on his
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who is donald trump's big vp pick going to be? we have little bit of news on that front a short time ago clay travis posted on x he just wrapped up an interview with donald trump who told him he wants to make his pick, announce his pick during the rnc here in milwaukee next week and he has narrowed his list of finalists down to "four or five people. he then named dropped four people. doug burgum, marco rubio, tim scott, and j.d. vance. so basically four names we have been hearing in orbit confirmed by donald trump according to travis to be his four finalists. sending it back to you. >> sandra: the anticipation and drama is building bill melugin on the ground in milwaukee for us thank you. by the way, join us for a special sunday addition of "america reports" from 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. eastern head of the republican national convention, rnc cochair lara trump will be among our guests on sunday so a big day and lead up to the rnc and while
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we are keeping track of the growing number of democrats saying joe should jump out of this race the drama building and anticipation for former president donald trump to announce his vp pick so a lot to look forward to. >> john: who do think it's good to be? >> sandra: there is the camp who thinks they will still be a surprise and perhaps, you know he is leading us to believe it is this short-list of people that we have been watching. >> john: and someone completely different? >> sandra: maybe that's fun to think but perhaps that's not the case but certainly there are some other names other than the short-list being floated around out there, john how about you? >> john: a lot of people talk about glenn youngkin the governor of the commonwealth of virginia. i'm and he only has 18 months to go, term limited to a single term so going on the ticket may not be a bad idea for him. mike fit, i'm not sure he is the name that gets trump the extra votes he needs. i think rubio may do that particularly with hispanic voters.
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j.d. vance ideologically is a good fit though the facial hair may be a issue i don't know. we may he'll covertly surprise us. breaking a short time ago progress towards peace in gaza? president biden says israel and hamas have agreed to a cease-fire framework. that the plan would also bring all the hostages home. the president saying he laid out the framework six weeks ago adding there is to work to be done before the deal is reached but then his team is making progress. >> sandra: john we are on verdict watch, senator menendez corruption trial is the judge hands the case to the jury. we are monitoring this will bring you live updates as it happens. >> john: plus looking at a democratic party in disarray jason chaffetz and jonathan conway and on the chances the presidents could fix it out until november. >> you have a better candidate if you could magically replace
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joe biden with someone else on the ballot but that's not how things work and if they are placed by and anyone else it would be very messy and divisive process. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year. subject 1: i love you. [music playing] i love you. beckett: i love you too. subject 2: beckett's amazing. he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going,
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i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett.
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beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing] the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you?
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this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> sandra: president biden's press conference last night did not help xo's reporting on the unofficial committee to unlike the president saying obama obama and clinton are fighting our way is to get him to withdraw and quickly. jason chaffetz a fox news contributor and jonathan caught from a fumigation's director great to have both of you here. jonathan, first do you want to tell us what you are hearing? speak on hearing that last night hospice press conferences went very well. what you saw last night was him
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in command on the national and international stage. he knows more about foreign policy than anyone who has ever run for president. we saw a guy who had just led nato through a week of great meetings and we saw the headlines today. we are getting a cease-fire and hostages home from israel so this is more examples of how president biden is being a great president. he had one bad debate and i will take him at his word for it that he pushed too hard and had a cold and he traveled too much. from what i am seeing after the debate performances he has been pretty good so i am happy with that, i don't think there is this secret meeting behind the scenes. i think what we are seeing from chuck schumer hakeem jeffries that they are talking to the president directly saying show us you have the stamina to do it and we will be behind you. i think last night he did that. >> sandra: to be clear, jonathan, you personally believe joe biden should stay in this race? >> i 100% believe he should stay in the race i think he has artie
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been donald trump and i think you will be to him again. there is pulling out today from npr saying he is still neck and neck in the polls because i think that is where the country is. >> sandra: jason? >> i think donald trump would agree with that 100% supportive of joe biden staying in the race. i think the country knows this guy is pathetic. he can't distinguish the difference between president putin and president zelenskyy even with zelenskyy standing right next to him. and that joe biden decided to call him his vice president vice president from. it baked in the idea that what we have been seeing over the last several years north of 80% of americans agree with this, joe biden does not have it in him to be the president right now nor does he have it for the next four years. and to try to claim he had a good set of meetings, which are driven by staff, and he sat there for two days, is not merely a credential you need to be the president of the united states. the world was a lot more
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peaceful under donald trump. we were citing the abraham accords. we did not have the incursions into ukraine and those types of things. we were not having attacks on israel. none of that happened under donald trump. it have an under a week of president biden. >> sandra: we know ron klain prep him for that debate. one of the many advisors and he is coming to biden's defense. jonathan, much like you on his record proven by serving with excellence and distinction and continuing to leave the world combating russia and ukraine tackling crises here at home doing more to grow the economy, grow jobs he says and prove he can be president is that he is president. however, those in the media who were so quick to judge that debate performance and suggest he needs to get out, rachel maddow says she is worried that when biden cites the polling information like you just did, jonathan, that he is not getting really good data to make his decision with, listen.
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speak of the reality about polling numbers for incumbent presidents and the real history of that versus what president biden said which was not actually factually accurate as far as i can tell, that makes me worried the president is being given information about his political standing that may not be based in reality. >> sandra: jonathan, she seems concerned, so does david axelrod who to his defense has been raising the red flag quite some time. on cnn he says biden needs a royal flush to win this thing, listen. >> i don't know what his aides are telling him, but he is in a very tough spot. right now to win the selection. and if they are not telling him that, they are doing a disservice to him. the president has been behind for ten months consistently in this data. if you look at average polling and so on. and deeper date of the analytics people look at, he now is behind in all the battleground states
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so he really needs a royal flush to win this race. >> sandra: jonathan, he is indicating this started happening well before that debate and to be sure, axelrod was raising the red flag that biden was out of touch with voters, wasn't handling inflation right. so i will get your final thought there. is there anything that might change your mind as demo stew or this? >> about joe biden? no. i think what he has proven of the last 3.5 years he has been able to command the world stage, get people behind us in the ukraine and israel all over the world he has passed historic legislation, no offense to president obama, but president biden has been the most impactful president of my life time. and i think he has proven once again that on the world stage he can step up. he may need a royal flush to win, but i think he has probably got ace and king in his hand right now and is looking for the rest. i have confidence he'll be in
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michigan in texas at the lbj library on monday, we will see great speeches from him and i am here with him all the way through november. >> sandra: despite her confidently 17 congressional dems are calling for him to drop out. jason, your final thought? >> i appreciate jonathan's loyalty, but for most of ame america, if i yielded all my time over there to jonathan and said quick, tell me joe biden 'his plan to tackle inflation, there is no plan. i mean, one thing is the cognitive decline in the inability to physically and mentally do the job but the other side of it as the democrats don't have issues. they are failing on issues. the world is on fire, the border is not secure, we are not secure in our streets, the president thinks the economy is fine and it's not. stamps are going up again this weekend. up 36% since 2020. i mean, that is just one little indicator of how bad the economy is and the democrats don't get
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it, they don't care and they don't have a plan. >> sandra: appreciate the debate. jonathan, it does seem the plan on the debate stage and the plan in the speech last night was to say inflation is down, and it's not. prices have come down, i'm sorry, inflation growth has come down a little bit but prices of not. i will give you one last final thought, jonathan i have five seconds. >> prices are coming down, crime is coming down, things are getting better in the world after joe biden took over from a disastrous drum presidency. where we had a global recession and a global pandemic. >> sandra: i appreciate both of you joining us. jason and jonathan think you. >> sandra: that is the insane buffalo police with a shocking body camera footage after an officer fatally shoots a man trying to speed away with him hanging on for dear life off of
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that car. we had the latest on the investigation coming up. >> sandra: plus democrats reportedly testing the electability of kamala harris. does she have what it takes to replace president biden at the top of the ticket? mira new york will us on that. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy®
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this time as the biden campaign is reportedly testing her against trump but publicly she is still defending biden. >> the one thing we know about our president, joe biden, is that he is a fighter. so we will continue to fight. and we will continue to organize. end in november, we will win. >> from president trump on the other hand will be on the opposite side of the keystone state tomorrow in solid red butler county. that rally he has there is generating speculation about his vp pick if only for geographical reasons, butler is close to ohio which is home of senator j.d. vance. regardless of who it is, veepstakes wait will soon be able. >> i expect you'll make it public in the next day or two. i don't know who he will choose but i am sure will be confident and good for not just him but the country.
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>> trump and the g.o.p. hope their lease this week out of next week's convention resonates with working-class voters in p.a. and all over the country calling for cutting taxes and unleashing american energy, sandra, pennsylvania has one of the top states for fossil fuel production. >> sandra: grady trimble live in washington for us. >> i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president if i think she is not qualified to be president. so let's start there. spew on president biden making more gaps last night as he tries to convince america that kamala harris is qualified to be commander in chief. his support comes as the biden campaign is reportedly pulling how the vp would do against donald trump if it come so that. chief political correspondent for the "washington examiner" and fox news contributor byron york joins us now. byron come in the midst of all of this in the commutations and the machinations, where do you think we are?
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>> well, he would not of selective vice president trump were she not fully qualified. there is an intense war going on inside the democratic party. i have to say right now i think biden is actually looking a little better, slightly stronger at the moment. last night did not hurt him. he may have bottomed out in the polls from that plunge he took after the debate. a little bit closer to trump than he was a few days ago. maybe that is helping. but there is really an intense battle between the democrats who have decided that the only way the party can win is to get rid of joe biden and not have him beyond the ticket. versus those democrats who think joe biden is the only one who can beat donald trump. if there are racial lines along here too. trump, excuse me, biden has gotten the support of the congressional black caucus and a lot of black pastors and a lot of black rank-and-file voters
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and opinion leaders. and you are seeing strong support for him. he is reaching out, biden's, to the congressional hispanic caucus as well. that will cause further divisions in the democratic party. >> john: let me put on the screen the 18 democrats who say they think biden should drop out and call it quits altogether it's a small fraction of the total democrats in congress, but that list is not getting sma smaller. >> 18 is not nothing, it's actually a little bigger than i thought it was going to be. there were reports that a number of democrats yesterday afternoon were preparing to call for biden to get out of the race immediately after the news conference, but when they saw the news conference it was just good enough, even though there were those gaffes, those we've been talking about, just good enough they decided not to call for him to quit. that is kind of indicative of
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biden's prediction right now. he is skating on thin ice. on the other hand, he is still on the ice. >> john: somebody said i think yesterday that the bar for biden is now on the floor. so, it's pretty easy for them to get over it. i want to talk to four seconds a little off-topic about some of the ways the democrats are trying to go against trump now that biden is in such hot water. they are talking about trump's ties to this project 2025 which they say is everything except the blueprint for a thousand year reich. we heard that nato nations are planning for how to deal with trump if he gets reelected, but listen to what the president of finland, alexander stauber, told me about trump and his dealings with nato while he was president, listen here. apparently we lost that, but he basically said trump did some code things because he held nato nations feet to the fire, got them to pony up 2% of their gdp
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for nato, there is now 23 nations in that category with more to follow. and he come on like them of the other nato nation leaders, is not worried about a return for trump at all. in terms of democrats trying to demonize trump, are they doing an effective job? >> i saw your interview with the finnish president it was really interesting. he is not alone in saying that. actually, the head of nato, jens stoltenberg has said trump strengthened nato by forcing a lot of nato countries to start paying more for their own defense. now, does trump do it in a crude, rough fashion saying if you don't pay up i will tell russia they can do whatever they want with you? yeah, he does. but the fact is his policies actually resulted in a stronger nato. i think some people, not everyone in nato, but some are
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thinking look, if trump comes back, obviously it's a very different united states we have to deal with. but maybe nato could get stronger still. >> john: byron york for us, we appreciate it have a great weekend. >> thank you, john. >> john: now this. >> that was the most important part of your character is to have compassion for other pe people. people who are not going to remember what you say. they are going to remember how you made them feel. >> sandra: that was coaching legend nick saban sharing a powerful message during last night's espy awards. honoring the biggest stars in the sports world. >> john: plus the growing list of hollywood celebrities were turning their backs on president biden and talking with their wallet. is there anything biden can do to win them back along with their money? carley shimkus with the latest plot twist stay with us. ♪ ♪
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>> sandra: president biden's support in hollywood is fading to black. latest to urge him out of the race. calls to "fox & friends," carley shimkus good to see you. >> yes and you mentioned ashley judd there in rural tennessee it is clear of the american people do not support president biden anymore. so we have a tally of who in congress has asked president biden to bow out to. is also the one going on in hollywood. cargo cities on the opposite side of the country also closely tied to their democratic party. two names i want to highlight our john cusick and rob reiner because they are ugly two most
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prolific tweeters in previous support of president biden and they have both called on him to bow out. but of course the biggest name to do so, so far as george clooney with that op-ed. and the fallout from that really has come in multilayers. the first is that it just adds on to the pile effective everything. and also his op-ed reaches a different audience. think of the people go to "e! news" before cable news and of course fund-raising. ella ray, a screenwriter behind "the hunger games" he said this is a town that pays attention to the box offices and the numbers don't look encouraging right now. i do think they are going to have a challenge raising more money. >> richard branson we can add to that list a blog post from a moment ago it's time from president biden to make the most important decision of his life, so he says it is prudent if not imperative for outside observers to speak out on the seminole election. including the question of whether president biden should continue his reelection bid."
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he made his decision i'm in george clooney was the front page of tmz, rob reiner and others michael douglas, we've quickly followed michael moore all the way down to ashley judd now as we are reporting by the way this is what she says in her call for biden to drop out. "some in washington may want to wait to next week the next interview here i sit in rural tennessee it's clear americans have artie made their minds up against president biden. we must give them a different choice from our democratic party for president of the united states." there is also a question over who is team obama and if that exists and if that is what is happening behind the scenes. >> and it's clear george clooney is team obama when it comes to behind-the-scenes because apparently he checked in with obama who didn't encourage him but didn't discourage him to write that op-ed that's the reporting. to me the fallout from the post to debates postdebate scenario with president biden has her mind and many of you know when you are a little kid and you're afraid to jump in the pool
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because the water is cold so you just walk in slowly end your miserable the whole way? none of the decision-makers in the democrat party have fully jumped in headfirst to the "joe biden has to go" camp so everyone is miserable and doesn't know what to do but with the george clooneys and the people in hollywood saying i'm going to put my wallet away, you are not getting any money, your decision may be made for them. >> sandra: i had the chance to read through richard branson's note his plan to carry on on the issues the presidential race really focus on. you can make that case for his service right now and what needs to be done for the country including the economy, inflation, crime, and the border. let alone having a real significant substantive debate on the issues with these candidates. >> guess what his net worth is? it's 2.6 billion. >> sandra: money matters and now "the new york times" headline on donors the money is
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being frozen right now, thank you very much. sandra so happy to see you. speak i have a great weekend. >> and just be ready to go to bed i would think a truck a new development in the alec baldwin manslaughter trial we are live in new mexico coming up next. coworker, and trusty copilot. for all your dog does for your family, give them cosequin a daily joint supplement that supports healthy joints and cartilage for dogs of all ages and sizes. it's the number one veterinarian recommended retail joint health brand. for your dog, your co-everything choose cosequin and other nutramax laboratories brand products. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses
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>> john: alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial were hitting a roadblock. live in santa fe, new mexico, jonathan, why was the jury released? >> well, john, a dramatic development today and not one we expected when alec baldwin arrived at the court this morning saying absolutely nothing, as he has done every day this week. suddenly the defense filed a motion to dismiss the charge against him. that was apparently predicated on the idea that the prosecution did not share all the evidence, including in particular a box of ammunition that was allegedly brought to the set of "rust" by someone other than the armor who has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter, hannah gutierrez reid, the defense argues that the existence of that ammunition bolsters bold and a pulse of his argument he would've had no idea that live
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ammunition would have been onset. so then we have the extraordinary view of the judge asking to look at that ammunition donning forensic gloves and examining it in court herself. then she brought the jury back in and said this, listen. >> i will recess you for the day. i'm sorry, trials are fluid, it is not some that we predicted. >> so the judge now considering a motion to dismiss the charge against alec baldwin altogether. we could get a result on this as early as today, john. >> john: that is a dramatic development. give us the latest as soon as you get it. sandra? >> sandra: watching for developments. is a growing number of democrats and urge to step aside. but what would happen if biden were to actually drop out of the race? shannon bream will join us at
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