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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: top of the hour we expect to see president biden's arrival on his way to battleground michigan on a campaign rally in detroit. we know he held a call with his phonics in congress after news conference last night who do little to convince his cliques he should stay in this race it's a busy i am sandra smith the new yorker to h you. >> john: great to be with you i am john roberts in washington no chopper talk this afternoon because he has the motorcade to andrews it's raining here for the first time in weeks. the president spoke for 8 minutes and took questions nearly an hour in its first news conference since that dismal debate performance. take a look at this range of headlines to sum it all up. the president's to performance did not make matters worse but may not about to improve this
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situation the dnc chair sees it differently. >> listen, i think he was clear, i think he was strong, and really come across, he put on a master class in terms of international foreign policy tonight. >> john: we have fox team coverage, shannon bream joins us with no reaction. speech we begin with jacqui heinrich live in detroit, michigan, where the president will soon be holding his campaign event and jackie, i was just taking in the fact that we now have a 19th democrat in congress who is calling on biden to withdraw from the campaign. mike levin the democrat from california that justin do you, jackie. >> yes, sandor the president is really defying the calls from his party to do what they are asking which is to carefully consider whether he is the right person to leave the ticket. he is dismissing the age concerns that are pervasive
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within the base and refusing to take a cognitive test to try to put some of that to bed. he is dismissing the slippage in the polls that are scaring down ballot democrats who are increasingly worried he is risking not only the presidency would also majorities in the house and the senate. that is why hakeem jeffries met with president biden last night to try to share their concerns. biden responded by scheduling meetings with the congressional spanish caucus today and the new dem coalition but donors have had enough of this defiance according to "the new york times" they are holding nearly $90 million from april biden super pac if biden remains at the top of the ti ticket. >> it's shutting down, i know these people. not only are they shutting down contributions to the biden campaign, they are shutting down to a house committee and it is way underappreciated.
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unlike me, all i can do is shut my mouth. and make a lot of people happy but they shut their wallets and it will make a lot of people unhappy. >> so biden's former chief of staff and longtime l.a. had a message for those donors basically telling them the voters already decided they don't get to decide but the question is being kicked around now whether this decision that the voters made before will ultimately doom the democrats ballot. the form of medication's director insisted the campaign is not going to be moved by any of this data because they do still see a path, but you have had strategists including obama's former strategists saying he is down and all the battleground states but you know, by more than just a margin of error and david axelrod said "you would need a royal flush to win this race" and what are the odds take a win? the resident is heading to
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michigan one of the three states internal campaign data showed he has to win in order to get to the white house in 20 to 1 of 4. heather terkel being wisconsin and pennsylvania. we will see him try to make that case again today but of course, sander, the calls him to step aside just keep coming. december? >> sandra: jacqui heinrich on that thank you we bring in shannon bream of fox news she political correspondent live in milwaukee where republicans will hold their national convention next week, shannon welcomed to you. perhaps most telling at this hour was this text from a democratic aide to politico on the biden press conference performance last night saying "this is the worst of all worlds. it wasn't damaging for biden's prospects but not so bad that it provides enough water to use this to dump him from the ti ticket." i was a anonymous political aid to political. mike levin in the last few
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minutes became now the 19th democrat to call on biden to withdraw from the campaign. we could pop the list up, shannon. the number up until a few minutes ago was 18. we haven't had a chance to update the graphic, but that is now 19, shannon. >> yes and remember we heard a lot of scuttle that possibly there were those ready to go public with these calls but they were waiting until after the nato conference in washington. with all of those world leaders in washington the president they are on the center stage not wanting to undermine him in the middle of a big foreign policy discussion. maybe these folks were ready to do it anyway. i would be interested to see there were those ready to drop this announcement today but were swayed by that press conference last night. as you said, it does put them in purgatory. a lot of those democrats who said listen, he showed a command to foreign policy and decades of experience on that front. he had a couple of flubs that made headlines, but not the performance you saw for him in the debate. he will be out there doing
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retail campaigning today in detroit. people want to see him off proper come off script and see how he does. that big interview setting him up for monday night as well so they are packing his schedule with things meant to prove he can do it. will he sway folks? >> john: meanwhile, shannon, some are saying nothing to say here everything is fine. listen to it ron claimed what i think is kind of a village assessment of the president's news conference last night listen here. >> the president's sharp fit on top of his game. people can see that from selves you don't have to take my word for it, they could see in the press conference. we saw it last night was much more typical to what we saw in debate preparations. voter every day in campaigns around the country. >> at the top of his game and he called kamala harris vice president trump. he volodymyr zelenskyy putin. i'm in the long knives are out too because he helped prep biden
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for that disastrous debate so i think what he said is as much about him as it is about biden. >> we all know the name of the game it's self preservation for staffers and ballot folks who have been out there saying they are worried about losing the senate and house in this potential situation coming in november. we heard the president address that last night of course people are like that. i remember what it's like to be down ballot. of course people in their own elections will be worried. and they are still having this conversation of what comes next. they will have their plan b in order if they successfully push president biden to make a decision to step away. there was a piece in "the washington post" columnist saying saying look they've used sticks maybe like you need carrots dealing with a taller you make it sound like that idea you don't believe them or threaten them you let them think it is their idea basically to put on the big boy undies and go
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into the world. >> sandra: now the talk moves as the list of democrats calling for him to stop running grows, who are the potential replacements? many have said they are benches deep but kamala harris seems to rise to the top pretty quickly here in discussions and the latest poll, shannon, in the trump versus harris head-to-head match up, she seems to edge him out by a point. a "wall street journal" op-ed by jason riley says kamala harris would be the best democratic choice and rally black voters, she is close to trump in the polls. one of the most unusual moments for me watching that last night was when he was asked to defend kamala harris' record as vice president. watch this moment last night. >> first of all the way she has handled the issue in the freedom of women's bodies having control of their bodies, secondly her ability to handle almost any issue on the board.
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this is one hell of a prosecutor, she was a first rate person and in the senate she was really good i wouldn't take her unless she was qualified to be president. >> without naming anything further and to detail and list her record before she was vice president, so i am not sure that convinced anybody she is the best person for the job but i wanted your thoughts on potential replacement. >> when you think about the border which shows up in nearly all of our polling and we have new polls rolled out fox news sunday morning but listen, the border and immigration are at the top of the list. people think this administration has done a terrible job. she was at one point those are and put in charge of that but she has to be talking about t that. john shapiro getting a lot of attention, newsom and others and
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as they are sort of demure there is a conversation in the democratic party whether a mini primary would be good for them to vet them and pick a number two for her or whether it would make them look like they are chaotic in the weeks leading up to their own convention. >> john: i think she still is the border czar although she put her own card in the shredder i don't know. who trump will pick as his running mate would be heard? >> listen we have all said the reporting and what are beginning from people comes down to vance, rubio, and program. but there is a curveball rumor every couple of hours. there's been a lot of talk about young can today and about ron desantis which i think, listen, president trump is great at making headlines and surprising all of us. i think that one would released on us if they walked out on the stage together for that
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announcement. >> sandra: i would be intrigued, bill, thank you, shannon. good stuff we will see you all at rncn see you sunday thank you. >> john: thank you, shannon. can you imagine ron desantis walking in? i don't think that will happen. >> sandra: i think we've learned not to rule anything out and that anything can happen. >> john: as we were talking about it earlier there is this idea trump brings someone completely unexpected and who might that be? he loves to put on a show. he loves to surprise people. so i think anything is possible. we are awaiting preside president biden's departure to battleground michigan as he tries to do the campaign can he turn things around in t. >> and some biden advisors are discussing how to convince him to step aside which is not going to be easy. they are talking about putting a klondike bar on a string and pulling it down could the
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avenue. >> you know things are crazy one in 84-year-old nancy pelosi is selling an 81-year-old joe biden to retire. what's going on? speak to the hits keep on coming from hollywood, and other celebrities speaking out against the president. pas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪ it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles]
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[ put a little love in your heart by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad.
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good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ >> i think biden should drop out. he doesn't have the brainpower. >> it's up to him he can make his own decisions. >> i don't know if he should drop out i just think we should pick somebody else. >> john: detroit voters saying how they feel about the reelection push on his way to battle ground michigan 1 of 3 blue wall states his campaign says makes up his clearest path to victory.
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elected michigan democrats are raising concerns about their party's presumptive pagan. we will talk to chad, good to be with you, here is the reason why democrats are concerned about biden in michigan. the real clear politics average in polls has this at a dead heat. has 46% to biden's 45.4%. slightly ahead. take a look four years ago on this day he is where the polls work biden pulling a 50%, trump had 40.4%. biden one back by three points a 7% differential which meant if you apply that matt trump win this thing by seven-point. >> he absolutely could. you are seeing the evidence right now just yesterday first term democratic congresswoman from grand rapids broke with the president and called for him to step aside from the lease.
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she is from camp county in western michigan. this is a must-win territory. trump won this area against hillary clinton by three points in 2016. biden beat trump by six points in 2020. and trump ended both of his campaigns in michigan in grand rapids on the day before the election. this is one of the big battlegrounds within the battlegrounds. when you have a vulnerable congresswoman breaking with the president right now in a seat once held by gerald ford, this is really a telling sign the democrats are starting to think they cannot win. they are a down ballot, a statehouse on each side of grand rapids who came out and called for president biden to step down. until they are starting to see this in michigan the democrats
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control the state house, 56-54 so they have no room for error or they will be out of power in lansing. >> john: here is what congresswoman said when she posted the other day on x she says "president biden has served his country well but for the sake of our democracy must pass the torch to another candidate for the 2024 election. ">> john: the democrats are selling this idea that trump is going to destroy democracy. i think you could probably argue that is not going happen. certainly republicans would argue that's not going to happen but at the same time she is saying to save democracy we have to throw biden overboard. she is going against the democratic process that happened during the election campaign in the primaries by saying forget with people said forget with 14 million people voted let's get rid of him. >> well, there was not much of a real primary, dean phillips did not put up much of a fight and it joe biden did not get any
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kind of a test. i mean, this questioning about joe biden's mental acuity and ability and fitness to run a second term well into his 80s, this has not been a question that just popped up last week or two ago weeks ago. it's been looming around the democratic party for a couple of years, but no one really in the democratic party leadership wanted to challenge the assumption that biden would be just fine, that biden would be the most fit, that biden would be the best candidate to put up against trump. and then there was this shock among democratic party leadership and democrats. part of that is also a reflection on the president has not been out there doing regular press events, or first-term president and hasn't been in the
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last 18 months he has done three and yesterday was number four. obama and bush did a half-dozen each in their reelection year. >> john: he is going to michigan to do a campaign event he will be the latest day he got the endorsement of the uaw in february i believe it was. so he hasn't union leadership and he likes to call himself "union joe" but the rank and file of the uaw may be thinking something completely different. >> yes, this is still up for grabs aspect. particularly macomb county home of the famous reagan democrats who typically have all passed away by now but their kids are sort of the influence and the politics in that county. so, yes, how he performs trump has done real well in macomb county. the other big battlegrounds are
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saginaw county, another bellwether in genesee county outside the city of flint is trump country out there. so how he does from these blue-collar voters selling his agenda is really crucial to president biden's reelection as well. >> john: and one of the other big questions for biden's what is going to happen with him in dearborn? given everything going on. it's great to talk to you, chad. you know so much about politics in michigan. we will get you back to talk more about the appreciated. >> it's a good time. >> john: now this. >> i don't think it has changed much. i think a lot of attitudes have now been kind of hard end. i don't think he will change. be too tough love from democrats even as president biden's allies suggest he did great last night. the one headed out of the park some people say.
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may be a short left field. plus california governor and gavin newsom has more to say on the push to draft him to the ticket. democratic strategist jim casler sounds off on all that next. same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck,
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>> john: word of hollywood's elite are joining for president biden to get out of the race. senior national correspondent william la jeunesse with more what's the latest from holl hollywood? >> ashley judd is the latest and richard branson if you remind me including him, one with the last time you heard a late-night talk show host go after a democrat? it's part of hollywood that biden never had to worry about which gave him a pass for 3.5 years but not so much anymore. >> yeah, more democrats are calling for biden to step aside. biden has not seen this many
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people jumped ship since he vacationed on the titanic. >> and then walks all the way back to the podium. like he is in some sort of an invisible corn maze. that is called a reverse grandpa simpson. >> another battlefront for the president, money. today actress ashley judd adding at "usa today" president biden and supporting a talented democrat to be our party's nominee. we don't have another day for distraction or division among ourselves. judd did not identify who that might be, but it will not matter if there is no money, right? large donors to the lifeblood of any campaign and many are reportedly going awol. the source telling abc fund-raising is "a disaster with july donations fallen by half" "the new york times" saying "90 million in commitments to
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biden's to forward to perfect our frozen and will not be released until he steps down." they are turning to small donors with this take online appeal from president obama. >> of every single person watching pitched in $5 right now, joe and kemal would have the resources they need to win in november. >> now that was taped several weeks ago. it's not new but it did appear online this morning. not unlike that super pac, john, super money donors or megadonors if you will ever go and netflix founder reed hastings also say they are withholding contributions until biden steps down. back to you. >> john: how about that ashley judd statement, thank you, don't want the door hit you in the but on the way out. watching so when people throw him overboard is an extra in anything. william, thank you i appreciate it. no this. >> you earlier explained
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confidence in your vice president. if your team came back and show due date is that she would fare better against former president donald trump, would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? >> no unless they came back and said there is no way you can win. >> i don't know what his agent telling him, but he is in a very tough spot right now win the selection. and if they are not telling him that they are doing a disservice to him. he really needs a royal flush to win this race. >> sandra: ouch, sorry, we heard from the president last night that was david axelrod, longtime democratic strategist. the big take away from president biden's "big boy process" that he did enough but the axios is still armed. cofounder and democratic strategist, we appreciate you joining us could have you wanted. you know axelrod has been warning this press conference showed no one. that his teams being candid with him by what he said were his
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very, very slim odds of beating donald trump. is he proving to anyone that debates performance was just a bad night? >> i thought joe biden did a very good job yesterday. even "the wall street journal" made the same point. that was biden topol form of course there were some gaffes, he has always done that. the issue i think for democrats and joe biden particularly in this town is not whether he could do the job as president but whether he can convince the american people he can do the job as president. looks, that was a different question 15 days ago. i think he has made some headway in the past 15 days, but he needs to do a lot more off-the-cuff, you know, unscripted interviews, be aggressive out there, take the bubble wrap off if he is going to really make that case to the american people. i don't think he is out of the woods, i think he is in a better
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place than he was. >> sandra: jim, for the record, do you want joe biden to stay in this race as a democrat? >> for the record i want him to do the things that are necessary to show the american people that he can actually win this race. if he passes that test, and yes, stay in the race. that he has to go out there. you can't worry about the gaffes, okay? because he had the ultimate gabby two weeks ago. more alive unscripted inte interviews. moore unscrewed the town halls. be out there. and then at that point, if he is making that case, i mean if you look at the polls right now he is basically holding up. you can argue both ways. i would not ignore what david axelrod is saying. he is a smart guy who cares for the democratic party and wants to make sure donald trump is defeated.
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joe biden was in better shape against donald trump 16 days ago. let's not have an allusion to solve, but he needs to do a whole series of things to make that case to the american people. >> sandra: a couple of points i wanted to get in there. one you are saying the exact opposite of jen psaki who was his press secretary. she says all of that stuff you are naming and pushing him to do, that is the stuff that hurts him the most. here she is on her response to biden about his health concerns in the way the white house is handling this telling him. >> it's also your job when you're advising a president to bring out their magic. i know it's a weird way of saying it but president biden's magic is not necessarily press conferences i think it is safe to say. it's not even really necessarily interviews. and in that sense, the strategy is not going well. people who are rooting for him want to know how do you win this race? >> sandra: sheet says that the
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opposite so what is left? what should the campaign be doing? which of the white house and his top advisors by telling them to do, then? >> his magic is when he talks to people one-on-one and in group settings and at town halls. he can do interviews, i granted there are formats that don't play to his absolute strengths, but i think after throw it out the window. we are in a different place then we were 16 days ago. >> sandra: okay this is jim himes on the house intel committee has asked biden to step out on an msnbc last night watch. >> this is about whether you believe the trajectory both for the country three years from now when the russians are feeling the sizzles and iran doing something in the political are calling him a traitor. is he able to be up three days straight and make all of the correct decisions? >> sandra: are you as a democrat confident this is your guide to do that?
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>> i am confident that joe biden can do the job of the presidency. we have seen that the last three and half years, he has had a tremendous record and i think we saw him the last couple of days. i'm not convinced he can convince the american people. that he could do the job. >> sandra: i hear you i'm not quite sure what that means. how can you run the country if you can't convince people if he can't handle his campaign and he can't handle his messaging from the white house? >> it's a different task being president of the united states and campaign for president of the united states. that's where the difference is. i believe joe biden can do the job, but since the debate to an half weeks ago there are more people who have doubts about whether he can do the job. he needs to answer those doubts. if he can, you know, then you have to look elsewhere.
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>> jim, appreciate you joining us thank you for coming on the program today. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> you're going to kill me, bro! you going to kill me! stop! >> john: a police officer lucky to be alive after a dangerous traffic stop in upstate new york. writing video shows the moment he was hanging on for dear life while begging a driver to stop the car. eventually he made the driver stop. plus the victim is victim is speaking out after a mob of violent teenagers attacked in chicago. wilde demanding justice and a boost to public transit safety coming up next.
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>> sandra: a lifelong chicago resident demanding justice after being attacked by a mob of teenagers on the train this week. the victim, michael manning, says he was going home from work late monday night when more than a dozen teenagers targeted him. >> i was literally running through a gauntlet of fists. they just pounded on me. and that, i don't know, i just kind of knew i had to get off this car to not dive.
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i don't understand how you can have this type of lawlessness and wanton disregard for basic humanity. like, there are no checks and balances anywhere. >> he says the group followed him when he got off the train and stole some of his belongings before taking off. >> you're going to kill me, bro. >> stomach you're going to kill me! stop, stop! >> john: this is terrifying the buffalo police showing the terrifying moments a suspect took off from a traffic stop with an officer clinging onto the open door of the speeding car. lauren green is live in new york city with more. lauren, the ending to this is tragic and remarkable all at the same time. >> absolutely, john. the bottom cam video shows how
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it became a tragic encounter. >> what is this? okay, no registration. looks like it's expired. maybe not actually know, it's not, you are good. speak i'm about to say. >> we're just saying you're tense. >> buffalo police pulled over 25-year-old roberts after midnight wednesday after driving excessive speeds and having tinted windows. as he approached the car there was a 6-year-old in the front seat who he calls his little cousin and his nephew and then asks to see his license and roberts only shows him a picture of a license on his phone. the out-of-state idea was invalid and seconds later they tell roberts they are going to do a search of his name, he reaches into the car to open the door and that is one roberts speeds off dragging the officer reaching a speed of 60 miles an hour.
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>> you're going to kill me, bro! going to kill me! you going to kill me, stop! stop! >> while king my clinging to the car he shoots several rounds who was later taken to the hospital where he died. after the incident police found a loaded gun under the driver's seat despite roberts denying having any wpons ithe car. police commissioner defending the officer firing on the dr driver. >> when you take into effect that the officer found himself in a grave risk of serious physical injury or death, the use of that level of force is not justified by law. >> police are still investigating immerman and his partner will put on an assertive leave. the 6-year-old boy was unharmed but police say roberts family has viewed the video but have made no public comment. john? >> john: it's pretty remarkable when you watch the end of that video after the car
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rolls to a stop the officer runs as fast as he can to make sure little boy is all right and he was. >> exactly. >> john: unbelievable thank you, lauren. center? >> sandra: the espy awards were last night. had some controversial moments and some jokes but also a message on the kindness from legendary football coach nick saban. we will have that coming up. >> one thing that would help all of our spirit and all of our society is if we would just change one thing. instead of coming up to somebody and saying how are you today, why don't you say who did you help today? let's work on that french, shall we? (♪) au revoir mon amour. a bientot au owwwww bientot au revoir mon amour. a bientot (♪)
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>> one thing my dad told me when i was a young kid in west virginia that was the most importanimportant part of your r is to have compassion for other people. people who aren't going to remember what you say, they are going to remember how you made them feel. >> john: alabama coaching legend nick saban with a heartfelt message accepting the icon award in last night's sp award show. his acceptance speech going viral online but it was not all roses during the show. let's bring in fox nation host. let's start with the roses, abby
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because what nick nick saban said is true. if you talk to somebody you don't really remember oh, they told me all of these pithy things and all of these fabulous stories. your member how you felt when you were speaking to them. >> absolutely. i'm glad we arched starting with the roses because that is the kind of video, john, that should be going viral. nick save bin is a legend and icon for a reason. it's because of the way he has been able to take these young men and prepare them for the future. really inspire people. sports fans across the board, if you are not a bama fan you sometimes hate bama because they are so good but the fact that nick saban really was able to be there for 17 seasons and continues to inspire people that is the whole reason why he won the icon award. >> sandra: i mean what about lsu with his first national title, people? >> all right, sandra. >> sandra: something about nick saban, i met him when he was coaching there and he is a
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leader. he is captivating. he knows how to work with these guys. we saw him go pro and it didn't work out. are meant to work with these college players and he did amazing things with all of these. i guess we will play out serena on harrison but occur. >> john: from the roses to the thorns. >> sandra: let's listen here. >> go ahead and enjoy women's sports like you would any other sports because they are sports. >> accept you, harrison but occur, we don't need you. [laughter] >> sandra: ouch what did you think? >> it's interesting to watch two icons, serena williams is an icon. to watch how she handles her platform compared to how nick saban handled his, nick saban talked about unity and bringing people together, compassion, you make others feel. serena just kind of went after
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two different athletes harrison butler also went after caitlin clark a little bit. it was a joke but she brought race into it which i think pete rubbed people the wrong way. compared to these two legends what kind of market will make and how you will inspire the younger generation of not only athletes but human beings. i think nick saban did a better job at that which is what sports or about then venus and serena. >> john: you brought it up let's talk about certain williams with caitlin clark. >> caitlin you are the larry bird in that you are an amazing player. you have ties to indiana and white people are really crazy about you. >> john: ha, ha i guess that's the kind of joke chris rock would make and be able to pull off very successfully. and news flash white people of serena williams as well. but she did give props to clark as well saying she is a terrific player. >> that's the thing you have to
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take everything with a grain of salt. it was a joke like i said before i think what rub people the wrong way is that the race card has been overplayed in the conversation surrounding caitlin clark. we should just be talking about how good of a player she is, but going back to nick saban's speech really, encompasses the type of human being and person that can be a role model for future generations to come. i think caitlin clark has handled over them with such class. she has used negativity to fuel her and propel her forward but again talking to young fans and people on the sidelines so you know it is unfortunate it always turns to those things. you have to be able to laugh at those types of situations, but i think caitlin clark has handled things. >> sandra: and here is nikki glaser joking about scottie scheffler's arrest. >> i do know golfing is hard. i mean there is putting, chipping, driving over a cop's leg. >> john: she is funny.
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>> that's the difference. i think when you talk about a joke you have to understand the intent of the joke. nikki glaser is just entertaining, she's having a good time, laughing about it. i think when things come about something bigger like race you have to wonder where the intent is coming from, are you trying to make a statement? i don't think nikki glaser was trying to make a statement about anything she was just doing her job. >> john: in terms of no motivation i think is a parallel between nick saban and tom brady. tom brady in the hall of fame speech said its successful people are not special they're just willing to do what few other people are willing to do. nik stadelman said everyone wants to be number one but they don't want to do with the beast does. he says are you going to be the lion? and i think those are great messages for young athletes. >> i couldn't agree more. and it's about how you treat people. i was raised so wonderfully and i'm so grateful to my parents but he talked to everyone in the stadium before he left. it wasn't about fame or what you
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did on the court, it was about how you treated people off the court periods bu to most of us have gotten to meet your parents and i could use tips from them because they did so well your fox nation part coming up? >> season seven yes we visit five new national parks. a lot of people's bucket lists like glacier, yosemite, rocky mountain, denali and alaska, and a bit of a hidden gem and i am excited for people to see it. we do the halftone hike which is one of the most dangerous hikes in the country. >> sandra: so cool. >> people can witness it at h home. >> john: can't wait to see you free climb halftone. >> that is next season, john. >> sandra: thinks. . offer includes a comprehensive eye exam. book an exam online today.
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