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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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i think yang is trump curious. william from white house tennessee, i heard guess what more times than anything else last night. but anyway... may be we should do a guess what montage next time. tyler from tampa, since the tyson paul fight got postponed, jill versus kamala? that would be a catfight i would pay top dollar for. i would pay more to see that fight than paul and tyson. greg from salem alabama, i never thought i would say this, but i agree without sharpton, it was dei thursday. [ laughter ] should we have dei on convention week? bill from virginia, our cognitive test multiple-choice? i have to live with you, some of those test questions, i don't know if i could handle them. that's all for tonight, record the show, sean is next and remember i am waters, this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> welcome to hannity. tonight, the state run media mob are in shambles. the democratic party is in complete disarray. but the writing is on the wall. joe biden is running for president and he will still be running for president tomorrow and the day after and the day after that. all the way, it looks like, until election day at least until now. you ever hear the phrase, play stupid games, when stupid prizes? well democrats, he was surprised. joe biden's or nominee, people voted for him. he is not dropping out and frankly, to his credit, he is standing up for voters, the people that went to the polls. he was nominated by an overwhelming majority of democrats nationwide. of course this happened as the state run media mob and democratic elites have now, for over 40 years, been covering up what is very transparent, clear and obvious. and that is that joe biden is in
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clear mental cognitive decline. they have lied repeatedly about his ability to serve and they have been hiding him away from all of you. and the spotlight, as much as possible. they also, of course,, blocked any real competition in the primary. but the american people are smart, they have known for years that biden has been struggling. have been reporting on this and showing you videos since before the 2020 election. i was criticized often, remember the cup and warm milk and good night. then i recognize how serious it was on a stopped making fun of it. but since 2021, a majority of americans believe that biden was not mentally sharp and still, democratic voters went to polls, picked joe to be their nominee and, of course,, the mob, the media, the state run media and democrats were trying to hide it all. now the congressional black caucus, powerful, influential in washington, the squad, socialists, the new deal
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members, powerful, influential whether you like it or not. many democrats are now publicly throwing their support behind biden, including, by the way, the influential congressmen, may be the most powerful congressman in washington from south carolina,. he has reportedly, quote, all in for biden. he saved biden in 2020. but last night, biden made it obvious, once again, that he is staying in this race. 's press conference wasn't great but it was kind of typical. it was also not horrible. and after last nights q&a, which went on for what, 59 minutes? and then after the other interview, biden has now survived to make or break moments. and for all of his weird moments and confusion, he has always been very clear about his intention to run. now biden may not be the best candidate, i think he has been a horrible president. i do believe donald trump's right, we are a nation in decline. i have never been more nervous about the future of this country
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and the state of the world than i am right now. and biden may not have the energy act the stamina, the mental acuity to effectively govern. he may well fall apart over the course of a second term, i don't know. may have to resign, me the 25th amendment. what he was chosen by the voters of the democratic party as their nominee. you have the elites and the party, now we know, in fact,, that barack obama gave the okay to george clooney, he has been talking to nancy pelosi, she was given the okay to say nothing but tepid support. chuck schumer is apparently open, according to reports to getting rid of joe biden. and fake news cnn reported calls with obama and pelosi. they don't get to override, as much as they think they do and control the money and stop the money flow. the will of the american people, obviously it will not stop them from trying. but here's the dirty truth. the democratic elites, they do
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not care about democracy. democracy is on the ballot! no, if it's on the ballot it is them. they will disenfranchise any group of voters so long as it increases their hold on power. understand, this is all about the fact that they think donald trump will win. and think about it. if they pull off operation dump and destroy and they are successful and the stunt works, all of the congressional members of the congressional black caucus, all the democrats, just imagine the lengths they will go to against donald trump r what he will be facing this election year. actually, we don't have to imagine it, do we? we live through the russia hoax. we were right on that as well. we lived through hillary's dirty russian disinformation dossier. again, we were right. we learned about hunters laptop and the lies back 51 former and apparently current contractors of the cia knew nothing about that laptop. they all lied to you.
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and the doj with a frankly disgusting, repulsive law fair, the weaponization of our doj against donald trump. and that is only the tip of the iceberg. and mara lago, hate to inform everybody that it is not worth 18 million. no one even raised an eyebrow. why? because it was going after trump. the democratic party could not care less about truth and justice and the will of the people. how would you let a misdemeanour who statute of limitations expired, how do you let that of all into this novel legal theory of 34 felony counts? really? not one person any democratic party, no one in the liberal media mob, state run media, gave a damn about that. they don't even care about biden's health or well-being or his performance in office or the impact, the negative impact it is having on the american people. they want him out because his polls look bad and trumps look good. and by the way, the shadow
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effort, the attempt if you will, to replace joe with kamala harris' kind of a joke. what is the point? she would be nothing but a continuation of the horrible biden policies. and frankly, she is just as unlikable as joe, maybe even more. in the next segment we will have a full report on her radical records supporting no bail laws, other penalties for violent criminals. but first we bring you the latest addition of her favourite phrase, unburdened. by what has been. here she is yesterday in north carolina. >> they taught us that we could do anything. and should never be burdened by the limitations of other people back to be able or not able to see what can be. [ cheering and applause ] >> and this is that community who understands and can see what is possible unburdened by what has been.
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>> sean: we have over five minutes of tape of her saying that line over and over and over again. joe has an excuse, what is hers? maybe it's time for new material. anyway, perhaps your staff can create a venn diagram to help you find unique content. or maybe, just maybe, she is not qualified to be president either. or at least that is what democratic voters thought and 2019 when harris, she was forced to withdraw her nomination for president after garnering no support. now here's a thought for the democratic elites. instead of trying to read the process and skiing your way back into power, maybe, a novel idea, may be listen to the people, the voters in your party instead of having nothing but contempt, hatred, distain for them. here with reaction, the former
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white house position, congressman with fox news contributor jason. , clay travis. congressman, you are a medical dr., i think you served what, three u.s. presidents if i'm not mistaken, correct? >> that's correct, yes sir. >> okay. you have been willing, even before the 2020 election, i was able to unearth quotes of you on the record, pointing out joe's cognitive decline. like me, you took a lot of heat for pointing out what was transparent, clear and obvious to anybody with eyes that can see. now, since then, i think you have been more than proven right. where does it stand today? >> i think everyone is seeing what we saw early on. and they knew it too, don't kid yourself. they knew this man had issues early on as well. they covered it up. and that's why i don't think it
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matters at this particular point if he backs out or not and she becomes the nominee. like you said, she has got a double digit id. she has to be the lowest iq vice president that this country has ever had. but look, president trump is going to win regardless of weather it is biden or harris. maybe there is a pointer to difference here or there. but they all ran on biden's broken policies that destroy this country and they all participated in this cover-up we're talking about. because like i said, they knew all along and they were happy with what was happening, they had the shadow government and people on the inside pulling the strings. nobody knows, to this day we still don't know who is been running the government for the last three and a half years. it was not joe biden. it's a bunch of people cycling in and out of these cabinet roles and these executive office -- the president state and justice in all these different departments. just doing unbelievable damage to this country. so i think that they are happy so far. now they realize that there is no way for another four years of trying to figure out what they
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can do is salvage what's left. but he is unremarkable damage to this country and i saw it coming a long time ago when i know you did as well, shawn. >> sean: let me ask you, jason, the speaker refer to this is the biggest cover-up in american history. i believe there has got to be accountability here. who knew what and what did they know and when did they know what? i want to know. and i know that the house oversight committee chair is trying to get to the bottom of this. i want to know why this parkinson's expert went to the white house eight separate times to meet with joe biden's personal physician. why did that happen? we have not really gotten a sufficient answer as far as i'm concerned. >> this has been going on for years. this doesn't just pop up the week of the debate. i think one of the clues is going to be who agreed to and set up that debate. if you have somebody who is really challenged like that, who is it that actually said, let's
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have the earliest debate any history of debates? and i think you're going to find that these people all circle back to barack obama. i really think he is the leader of the party. i don't think anything gets said or done without the tacit approval of president obama. i don't think he is like joe biden. i personally sat in a meeting in the white house with joe biden, when he came in late and barack obama was conducting the meeting and the glare that the president gave him was just unbelievable. it was the death stare that he gave him. and i don't think he has ever respected him, that's why he supported hillary clinton before so i think it will lead back, time will tell but i think the debate was a set up by the democrats. >> sean: never underestimate joe's ability to screw things up. barack obama said that about biden. just saying. clay, i saw a post you made on x. yesterday before the press conference. and i think you were dead on
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accurate. democrats were hoping -- basically something to the effect, they were sending him out to be slaughtered yesterday. and here's the worst-case scenario for them. is that joe performed just well enough that they did not get what they wanted. so i would imagine, there's this great disappointment among the elite class and it is the money class, it is the obama crowd, it is certainly the head of the party taking orders, i believe, from obama. the kleeneze, the elitists and hollywood. they did not get what they wanted, did they? >> no, look, thank for sharing that tweet, shawn, i was watching yesterday when that went up. what i believe happened there is that they chum the waters all day yesterday, every single one of the left-wing media, cnn, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, the washington post, the new york
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times. they were all delivering body blows at joe biden all day yesterday. and i think they were basically saying to joe, hey,, why don't you go for a swim right after they put the chum out in the water, they thought the media were going to attack him like sharks and they wanted them to do the dirty work. and they wanted to end it. instead, i think it was the worst-case scenario for democrats because joe did just well enough not to be a disaster, but not well enough for anybody to say, hey,, you know what, may be really did have a bad night. we had president trump on the radio show a little bit earlier today, by the way, the radio show that leads into your incredibly successful radio show all over the country. and he said something interesting. i asked him straight out, i said who is a tougher matchup for you? joe biden or kamala harris? he said he thought joe biden was tougher. i kind of agree with him. exec think kamala harris is so undisciplined and such a mess
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that she really may fall apart. i don't think joe biden has a high ceiling, but i think his floor is decent and they kind of know what they are going to get. i just don't buy into kamala harris as the salvation here. i think they are in a really tough spot and i think yesterday's press conference put him in an even tougher spot. >> i agree with everything you are saying. it makes me wonder, ronnie jackson, what happens next? i don't think they're going to give up. i don't expect barack obama to give up, i don't expect rob reiner and george clooney to give up. i don't expect the pressure of big-money people to all of a sudden start flowing in because joe said he is going to stay. i think there will be a lot of pressure from that elite class in the democratic party, within their ranks to stop the flow of the money as a means to try to pressure joe to get out. >> i think you're absolutely right. like i said before, he is just
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an empty vessel that has served it's purpose for the last three and a half years. but you mentioned this and everyone knows it now, the clintons and the obama's have no respect for this man, none. and people know that but i have seen it first hand. i have been in the elevators before, i have heard the conversations. when he is not in the room. and they have zero respect for this man. i think they will wait to the very end and the convention, i think the hope now is that they get him nominated and then as soon as the nomination is over, they talk him into stepping down at that particular point. they nominate him, he steps down and that clears things up. >> sean: but if they all hate each other, which is pretty well-known, it it is not a big secret, and joe has 3900 out of 4000 delegates, he holds all of the cards. there's nothing that they will say. will joe really listen to barack obama when he doesn't even like barack obama? >> i think you may listen -- they will have to convince jill, not him. they have to convince jill, she is number 1. there are other people with some
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influence, i don't think obama's or the clintons have any real influence, i think you're right, it just upsets him whenever they try to talk to him about something like that or if they do. so i think it will really be up to jill. i think they will hang the hunter biden if she was in the problems that he is caught and the potential pardons. but everybody knows, is obviously the whole world. this man cannot function for another four years. so they have to do something. for god sake, if they made him president, won't happen? immediately they would use that when he for the amendment and she would be present anyway. >> that is an interesting theory i tend to agree with you. i don't think we could survive for years. jason, if that is the case, is it the thought process that, well, if he wins, they invoke the 25th amendment and they will just roll the dice and go through the election day with him? >> i think they are in dangerous territory. i worry about this nation for
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the next six months, for goodness sake. you still president of the united states and i shudder at the thought of it kamala harris. but i will say, on the donald trump side of the equation, this is the dream ticket. if you will run against someone, run against the person who was crawling and drooling. and it could not be a better scenario for donald trump at this point. >> could they possibly go after the 3900 delegates that, is joe biden rightly pointed out in that press conference, are free to do what they want and follow their conscious? if you are looking at the democratic party bylaws? >> yes, it is a really good question, shawn and i thought that was the most interesting part of the entire press conference. was that at the end, they got him to admit, hey,, if you don't want to vote for me, that is how democracy works. and they also got into it with, hey,, if somebody sat down and told me that i had a zero% chance of winning, maybe i would reconsider. why is that significant? it stood out to me because it is quite a bit different than what
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he told george on friday of last week when he said, unless the war got -- god almighty comes down and tells me a need to get out of the race, i'm not going to do it. he gave two different examples there of things that he might be willing to do. and remember -- >> sean: it is not going to happen! that's the answer he gave. >> he did his whisper. >> it's bizarre. >> he did the screaming, he did his crazy talk. it was not a good performance. >> you cannot make this up. he whispers khakis high-energy, no energy, it's all in the course of one hour. it's like a roller coaster ride. which makes it a train wreck, must see tv and keeps everybody on pins and needles. it's like watching the super bowl. exit question, yes or no. will he be the candidate in november? dr ronnie jackson? >> no, i don't think so. >> sean: jason?
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>> i think jill biden likes to be the president that i still don't think he is going to be the nominee. >> sean: clay, you get the last word. >> i still feel like they are going to sit down with him and by his dropping out of the race. jill biden, hunter biden. >> sean: what did they buy it with? >> that's where it's headed. they give him some sort of hundred million dollar fund that he can run a foundation where all of these guys in the biden family get rich off of it, it and make bigger presidential then he otherwise would. that, to me, feels like something that might end up getting negotiated. >> sean: i'm not so sure, it could go either way to me. i would love to say -- >> you're sitting on the fence! i said you're sitting on the fence like a turtle!
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>> i think he enjoys, basically sticking his middle finger and all of their faces, but we willt insee. guys, thank you, appreciate it. when we come back, vice president kamala harris is even more radical than you would more radical than you would think.♪ an investigation, judge jeanine, straight ahead. [ ♪♪ ]ogua
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>> this is a fox news update. the involuntary manslaughter case against actor alec baldwin has been dismissed. the judge, throwing it out in dramatic fashion tonight after a green p. prosecution suppressed evidence and the trial could not continue. the dismissal was with prejudice, meaning prosecutors cannot try the case again. the stunning decision causing baldwin to break down and sob and immediately hug his attorneys and his wife. the 66-year-old actor was facing charges over the shooting death of the films cinematographer on
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rust. if convicted, he could have faced up to 18 months in prison and a hefty fine. baldwin pled not guilty and has maintained he did not pull the trigger on the prop gun. i'm kevin cork and washington, now back to hannity. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: so some democrats continue to push for joe biden to step aside and more people are looking to the next logical candidate. they say that would be vice president kamala harris who is not exactly keeping the smoothest term in office. with take a look back at some of her more memorable moments, show we? >> when we talk about children of the community, they are the children of the community. >> we cannot wait for congress to act. congress must act. but also, we cannot wait for congress to act. >> you need to get to go and be
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able to get where you need to go to do the work. >> so the united states shares a very important relationship, which is on alliance to the republic of north korea. >> we're doing the work that is about collaborating around the small businesses that will need to do the work. >> so water policy flows in different directions. [ laughter ] owe i have puns on water! [ laughter ] >> it is important to understand what freedom and opportunity means. to real people every day. which calls into question, weather we are all on the same page about what freedom means. >> and as the name suggests, community banks are in the community. >> first of all, let me say joe it so good to see you, i have not seen you since you are at my house a couple weeks ago for our hip-hop party.
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>> this is getting weird! >> sean: before she even became vice president, kamala harris famously promoted, member that bell fund? in the summer of 2020? to free riders or some may even call them insurrection. we had dozens of dead americans, thousands of injured cops pelted with bricks, bottles, molotov cocktails, billions in property damage. remember she claimed it was, quote, for those protesting on the ground in minnesota. four days after the minnesota police precinct was burned to the ground. let's take a look at what the minnesota freedom fund was really all about. after kamala harris and her friends on the left promoted the fund, the average revenue jumped from about a quarter million dollars in 2019, $242 million in 2020. the summer of those riots, according to irs data reviewed by even cnn. what did they use all of that money for? setting criminals free. and august of 2021, the fund
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bailed out a man who had just been arrested on domestic assault charges three weeks later, he got into a road rage incident, shot and killed a 38-year-old man, pled guilty to second-degree murder in that case. then in 2022, the fund bailed out another man who was facing indecent exposure charges. he then shot and killed another man at a light rail station in st. paul. the jury convicted him of first-degree murder over that incident. overall, according to investigations, 65 people were bailed out by the freedom fund while facing felony charges involving violence, physical threats or sex crimes. and guess what? all of them were eventually convicted of those charges. anyway, herewith reaction is the cohost of the hit show, the five. our friend, judge jeanine. judge, wow. great job. where is liz cheney when you need her?
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[ laughter ] >> i have to tell you, kamala harris has the worst instance of anyone i know. look, when she urged twitter users to donate to the minnesota freedom fund, she was basically talking about what the democrats are doing today. and that is that she is supporting the incarceration of criminals, along with not even requiring that they be bailed. that they simply be let out. and the minnesota freedom fund is quoted as saying it is just not fair to respond to violence by denying someone bail. so those two examples you gave, both of them convicted of first-degree murder and second-degree murder, both of those involved individuals with priors. and the one with indecent exposure, there were eight convictions for indecent exposure. this is a woman who, let's assume they put her at the top of the ticket, i don't know if it will happen or not, too much is in flux right now. but they will be hoisted on
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their own dei petard. they chose her because of dei and they are stuck with her. and what she brings as an alleged prosecutor, is that she brings the criminal justice system centre and full front in front of the american people. crime is out of out of control, law and order is resisted by the democrats. there is literally no bell anymore, everyone is out free. criminals are being allowed to reoffend and reoffend. so if they put her at the top of the ticket, aside from the fact that the woman cannot put a sentence together, he cannot put two sentences together. you cannot understand the two sentences she puts together. >> sean: but judge, what excuse? he has an excuse, what is hers? >> i don't know. i have an idea but i will not say it in public. i think she likes to have a good time, okay? but here's the bottom line. she is the worst example of a
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prosecutor that i have ever seen. and by the way, if you recall, it was in 2013 that obama said, she is the best looking attorney general in the united states. and that is what catapulted her into higher office. and michelle, by the way, was going to hit him with a right hook when he said that. i don't know if you remember that. but look, she has gotten the benefit of a lot of relationships that have put her in the position she is in. and you know what? i am happy to have a woman vice president. i would love to have a woman president. but they have got to be competent. this woman has done nothing but just simply disrespect the position she has is vice president. she could be a model for young women in this country. she could be the epitome of a professional smart american woman who believes in truth and justice in the american way. but she doesn't. she is anti- police, as evidenced by the minnesota freedom fund, she has gotten to
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where she has gotten because of her friendships and she is a woman who, up to this point, has not indicated she has any smart at all. >> sean: joe yesterday, probably did just well enough that he was able to stay in the race. he was very adamant, defiant even. he is not getting out of this race. do you think he ends up being the nominee ultimately? >> i tell you, i watched that press conference. >> sean: we all did! we were all watching. >> obviously. he had a particular level of expertise as it relates to foreign relations. okay vice president from, and then vladimir putin getting mixed up. but all in all, it was pretty good. this is what i think. i think this guy is dug in, hunter is dug in, jill is dug in harry truman's wife and lyndon johnson's wife said we are not going to allow our husbands to be involved into a second term.
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jill biden is just the opposite. i called her dr evil, she is a woman who cares nothing about the final years of this man, who should not be allowed -- who should be allowed to go to the beach as long as he wants to. >> sean: well said. thank you, judge, appreciate it. >> take care. >> sean: up next, last night, members of the biased press were praising the speech, we will show you the worst of it and get reaction r be south dakota governor, straight ahead.
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how do you keep your teeth so white with all the coffee you drink? my secret lumineux whitening strips. i mean, that is white. and because there's no sensitivity, i feel like i can use them more often. and you can get this at walmart or target.
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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>> sean: after relentlessly attacking him for his disastrous debate performance, the by state run media mom today 180. they rushed to his defence, keeping praise on him for last night's press conference, despite his uneven performance. take a look. >> you noted that there were some moments of startlingly impressive command of the issues >> he really did answer dozens of questions if you take the follow-ups into account. >> what followed was nothing less than the most masterful, televised presidential press conference about foreign policy. >> i sought mastery. my goodness, it was a tour de force and tour of the world. >> the gas and mixing up names, i think for people who have been observing joe biden for a really long time, that is just normal biden. it is the fact that he had the energy, the capacity and the ability to be normal, to be normal joe biden. >> sean: here is reaction, the
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south dakota governor, it was also the dnc chairman insisting that this was a master class performance. one thing chris matthews said was that these elites are going to pay for what they are doing here. which i thought was pretty interesting. paul, i saw a mastery he was out there saying. and i'm listening to all of this and i was wondering if we just watched the same press conference. but a lot of people stepped up, came to his defence, a lot of people -- summer ready with the press releases to say he has to go and then other people saying hold the presses. what is your reaction to the reaction? >> i thought it was embarrassing that the white house actually embraces the name of calling this press conference a big boy press conference. and that that is what they are referring to, the very first press conference this year. >> sean: you have big girl conferences? how insulting is that? >> it is, it is so insulting and
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they are embracing it. he is surrounded by idiots, he really is. that's rhyme convinced of. 's staff must be idiots. if he is not doing the job and they are, we are in a very dangerous position right now. and extremely dangerous position, not just in this country and how he is hurting families that live here, also on the world stage. and it is offensive to call ukraine's president putin, that is offensive. he is murdering all of his citizens and it was a little mistake, he made many mistakes and that press conference. in fact he did not even answer the question of how he was going to weaken the relationship between china and russia. never addressed that at all. and they did not ask you many hard questions. the media did not push them on how he will get hostages back from hamas, what we will do to bring peace to the middle east. they did not push him on any of that and then they call this a masterful national security press conference? it is a joke. and the media once again, the american people know you are lying to them and you will find
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out in november, exactly how real it is that they will vote for donald trump. >> sean: biden keeps saying he takes a cognitive test every day. and that came up in the press conference yesterday. how about a quick little cognitive quiz. mr president, can you give us the names of everybody in your cabinet? i don't think you'd be able to answer that question, to you? >> no, that clearly tells you he's not even doing his job today. he is not had a cabinet meeting for almost a year. nine or 10 months. the federal reserve chairman actually said in testimony on capitol hill this week, that he hasn't met with him for two years. my goodness, our economy is in a freefall. prices are rising and going through the roof, people cannot afford to buy homes anymore. interest rates are making it impossible to do business in biden is killing us with regulations. and all of these democrats who are calling for him to drop out of the race, don't think that you can get reelected by doing that right now. people will hold you accountable because you voted for all of this crap. you voted for all of this crap
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that rotted into law and so they will hold you accountable to its. they will not forget because they are suffering. >> sean: you talk with the state run media mob and the democrats, speaker johnson said it is the biggest cover-up scandal in american history. i think this has unbelievably dangerous and profound consequences that they have all covered up and that they have all known. you will never convince me that they did not know, because we played the tapes every day, they sought themselves every day. what should happen with that? >> they have known and they have been a part of this scandal and they will pay with extreme consequences, here in november because they will lose power in this country. the american people are going to take this country back and they will do that by electing donald trump back to the white house. and this time when he gets there, he is going to do some incredible things immediately with the experience that he has
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had before and recognizing the bureaucracy that needs to be broken as well. so i think that this is an interesting time in her history. i look back at covid and i look at how we saw a government he elitist try to control people with fear and try to control people to promote an agenda. and i really believe that they will do anything. so we better settle up and be ready for the next four months because it will get very interesting. >> sean: it's interesting because every time he speaks, everyone wants to watch. because use don't know which biden you will get anything we saw many variations of him yesterday as i've been pointing out. high-energy, no energy. is he screaming, whispering? days to, confused not answering questions. it is very bizarre and frankly -- go ahead. >> nobody tuned into that press conference to see what he would say, they just wanted to see if he could talk. and to see if he could stay talking for an hour, that's why they watch the press conference. he could have said anything in
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the media would have said he got through all our! they were celebrating. this is the leader of the free world, we deserve better. >> sean: it is so scary. i sat with donald trump as recently as a few weeks ago. he went on for an hour and 20 straight minutes. and i had enough material for three shows. and if he is going to give me the time, i will tak then he did an hour and 20 minute interview with dr phil and then he went to a dinner and that is an average day for him and i think he played golf in the morning, which takes him about two hours because he races through the golf course. it's pretty incredible. of inner, rate to see you, thank you. and straight ahead tonight, with just three days, voters trust trump over biden on key issues. we have the latest poll numbers and will get reaction straight ahead.
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>> sean: we are only three days away from the rnc convention and that is taking place in milwaukee. tonight, things are looking good for donald trump as we take a look at a new abc news poll asking voters who they trust more to handle the economy. 45% say trump, 35% say biden. who is the 35%? voters were also asked to the trust with inflation. 44% trump, 33% biden. these numbers are very telling. 89's and mike of americans say the economy is highly important to their vote and by the way, immigration, how does anyone ever give joe biden any score? here with reaction is a fox news contributor, tammy bruce. the president of citizens united, coach or the rnc convention himself, dave who will be debuting next week at the convention, a new movie that is coming out called trump's rescue mission, saving america.
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and the only thing i'm mad about is that i did not get an early copy because he is saving, apparently, the debut, when is that happening? >> shawn, we will debut this film wednesday afternoon at the convention in milwaukee. and we are honoured to have president trump himself coming to introduce the film. we're really excited about it. >> sean: i would like to be there accept it's during my radio show so think a lot, i really appreciate it. [ laughter ] >> there's a lot of competition in milwaukee! >> sean: that's true. no doubt about it. tammy, as we look at these polls, what do they tell you? >> look, it is clear that the american people have their priorities correct. they know that what matters our policies, right? we have been dealing with a great deal from the democrats trying to demonize donald trump. and perhaps his personality and
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also with accusations about fascism and totalitarianism. vague kinds of threats, if you will about the end of the world and the doomsday dynamic. if he is elected, and we remember his presidency and it was the opposite. it was peace and prosperity. that is put donald trump brought us versus now, which is chaos here at home and around the world. it is on astounding difference. and americans no that this is about policies, it is about what you're going to accomplish, it is about what you stand for, it is about the values. but most of all, sean, it is the things you bring about when you actually love the country and with the meltdown going on with the democrats right now, it is obvious that it has never been a factor for them. they spent all of their energy covering up the fraud of the biden presidency, trying to demonize donald trump. and keep in mind with july 12th, it was really supposed to be. it was going to be the day that donald trump was in prison.
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he was supposed to be sentenced yesterday under their scheme, which of course through the supreme court ruling, got a little bit of a roadblock. it did not happen. it's like humans make plans. [ simultaneous talking ] >> sean: and the introduce evidence -- in the introduce evidence in that case from the time he was president? wasn't that a part of the evidence presented to the jury? that case has to be thrown out, vacated. done. >> there will be appeals and he will be successful. but this was there plan. they had no plan to be able to explain biden's policies, to be able to explain -- none of this would have mattered. they have known forever that it has been impossible with him. but polls show that american people are not distracted. they care about their families and they want to make, frankly, the future great again. and donald trump is going to be the one who brings that forward. >> sean: great analysis. let's see your take on this.
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the poles and maybe even a preview of what we're going to see next week in milwaukee. >> you know what, first of all, tammy just in her outstanding monologue, describe what our film is about. it is exactly what she is talking about. it is joe biden and the left her rent is policies and that is why the poles are showing that donald trump is so strong right now and all of the battleground states where it matters. so what we show when our film, and you can go to trump saves america, go there right now, take a look at the trailer, take a look at the film. you will be educated and figure out exactly why donald trump is the solution to america's problems. we are in the most important election of our entire lifetime. not just our lifetime, america's lifetime. we have a consequential election that is going to determine the future of america.
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and we have to have donald trump back in the white house. the convention next week, we are so excited about what we're going to bring, nominating donald trump to be the 47th president of the united states. and we're super excited about whoever he picks. the shortlist is exciting. i have been in milwaukee all this week, people are incredibly excited both in milwaukee and delegates that are coming from around the world, around the country and the media that is coming from around the world, to see the show that the republican party puts on for the american people, to show the differences between the radical left in the normal republican party. >> sean: amazing. also kind of amazing, 150 days until election day. 66 days away from early voting that starts in pennsylvania. and then rolls out around the country. >> sean, 56 days.
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>> sean: thanks for the early copy, i really appreciate it, think a lot. just getting. thank you dave, tammy, great to see was always. more coming up straightahead. more coming up straightahead. [ ♪♪ ] it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. fifty years ago, i prayed this prayer, and it changed my life, and it can change your life. you see, i was just sick and tired of being sick and tired,
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7:00 pm
[♪♪] quick programming note, next week we will be live from the republican national convention, we will be in milwaukee. this sunday night, special edition of hannity, 9:00 pm eastern on the rnc in milwaukee, you hope -- we hope you will join us. that is all the time we have left. as always, thank you for being with us on making the show possible. please set your dvr's so you never miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. we will see you sunday night from milwaukee. have a great weekend. [♪♪] [ cheering ] [♪♪] [♪♪