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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  July 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> greg: todd piro, dagen mcdowell, david angelo, kat timpf, our studio audience, "fox news @ night" with trace gallagher is coming up. i love you, america. >> trace: 11:00 pm on
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the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, the biden campaign is now insisting the president is back on track, as sharp as ever, stronger than ever. and for his part the president is again reiterating that he has no plans to drop out. >> folks, you probably noticed there's a lot of speculation lately, what is joe biden going to do, stay in the race, drop out? i am running and we are going to win. >> trace: but many democrats are very skeptical of the president's mental capacity and two of the parties most influential figures are now very concerned about joe biden's path to victory is vanishing. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with breaking information on this. >> reporter: good evening my friend. in the movie good fellows, joe pesci's character thinks he's about to become a made man.
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only to be led into a woodpaneled room by them and he's been around his entire life in many ways, president biden's political life may play out in a similar fashion because according to a cnn report, former president obama and former house speaker nancy pelosi have been holding conversations behind the scenes and fielding concerns about the president's position at the top of the ticket. pelosi, despite numerous chances to support biden publicly atop the ticket, has repeatedly do mirrored. well mister obama has neither endorsed nor rebuffed calls for biden to get out of the race. but tonight in michigan, mister biden remained defiant. >> folks, i'm the nominee. i'm them all many, 14 democrats like you voted for me in the primaries. he made me the nominee, no one
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else, not the press, not the insiders, not donors, you the voters. >> reporter: but long time party insiders worry that mister biden simply isn't thinking this through. >> i don't know what his aids are telling him but he's in a very tough spot right now to win this election. if they are not telling him that, they are doing a service to him. >> reporter: a service that could lead to his political demise. trace. >> trace: i think joe pesci and good fellows said, you think i'm funny? >> reporter: funny how. >> trace: kevin corke live in dc, thank you. some big time democratic donors have reportedly told the largest pro biden super pac they are withholding about $90 million as long as president biden remains atop the ticket. matt finn is live with the latest on the dollar count and more. good evening. >> reporter: it's no secret a canada -- candidates warchest is a critical element to their path forward.
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tonight donors are reportedly withholding a whopping $90 million from president biden's reelection campaign. the new york times reports the frozen money was previously pledged to the largest super pac supporting biden called future forward. the 90 million-dollar pledges include include a few individual ten million-dollar contributions they named the donors -- the names of the donors backing out has been kept private but one reportedly told the times they decided to withhold or millions after biden's disastrous debate performance with donald trump. withholding nearly $100 million from a candidate is a major blow and it demonstrates just how poorly biden's candidacy is doing this evening. the times reports biden and kamala harris have raised hundreds of millions of dollars over the past for years and if biden were to drop out and harris were to become the replacement, she would pick up $91 million. >> trace: thank you. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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the "fox news @ night" commonsense department was as surprised as you were during the nato news conference to here president biden say that he would reconsider staying in the race if somebody told him "there is no way you could win." than the president doing that kind of creepy whisper thing he doesn't said "no one is saying that, no poll says that." which leads commonsense to ask, is nobody in the white house or the biden campaign showing the president the latest polls or telling the president about the latest polls, because the latest polls are bleak. even former senior adviser to bill clinton wrote an op-ed in the new york times saying "biden's path to reelection has all but vanished. democratic analyst david axelrod says biden is in an "tough spot" saying "if they are not telling him, they are doing a service to him." commonsense wonders why somebody has to tell joe biden the polls are bad. does the president not read newspapers, is he not allowed on the internet?
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is morning joe really his only news source. what if the president doesn't really want to know because the president doesn't really want to go? commonsense does not quite understand how joe biden can remain viable and visible when victory is quickly vanishing. let's bring in political analyst and fox news political analyst. thank you for coming on, we very much appreciate it. the president has got to know what his poll numbers are. >> i mean if you watch the debate, he may not know what many things are. certainly when he says he's beaten medicare, we know that he's completely lost. but here's a larger picture because i think this is way beyond joe biden at this point. this is about our country. what i have come to realize in the last two weeks is democrats have been really finessing
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americans from the beginning of the election, talking about the republicans who are a threat to democracy, which i knew to be wrong, when they've been the actual threat this entire time. the fact that they knew what kind of condition joe biden was in and they ran him just like there was no problem until it became a threat to their power. this is why as a country we need to speak out against this and ensure that democracy moves forward. >> trace: it's interesting, you have top democrats saying i don't really think trump is a threat to democracy and you are thinking what's going on here. withholding $90 million to april biden super pac, that's a chunk of money and it really, it's just the beginning of what we might see in the coming days and weeks. >> to my good friend, good to see you again, but you also knew that president trump or former president trump also had charge after charge after charge and the republicans decided to run
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him as well so democrats decided to run biden -- [ simultaneous talking ] >> hold up, doesn't matter, he still had charges. you decided, let's keep the fact straight, doesn't matter with you agree it or not, you proceeded and made him your nominee. if you want to have a convicted felon as a nominee, no problem. i said that joe biden should not have been a primary candidate, should have done an open primary but the bottom line is, 14 million people voted to decide that he would be the nominee, just the same side that donald trump -- that they decided donald trump should be the nominee. let's leave it up to the voters. it's high time we get money out of politics. >> trace: i want to put this on the screen, democrats, mostly of the obama and clinton administration, are plotting to get him to withdraw quickly,
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commissioning polls, lobbying former presidents, back channeling democratic leaders, organizing donors, they are the unofficial committee to unelected the president. do you by into that, you believe that? >> i do believe that. i don't think democrats believe that they can win not just the presidency but many other races that are contested on the ballot. they feel as though he will be a drag on the ticket and certainly he will be from all data and indicators but the truth is, this again shows that they weren't serious about the country. why would you allow this person who clearly doesn't have the mental acuity to continue on as president, why not invoke the 25th amendment? he needs to be out of office, plain and simple. it's not about the race or the presidential election, it's about our country and our enemies watching this, laughing and plotting against us. >> trace: the daily show focus group, this is on black voters, listen to this and i will get
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your last word. >> do i have to say his name? i don't want to put more than likely it will be trump. >> unbelievable. >> biden. >> i'm with her. >> trump. >> biden. >> trump. okay, and even split which i did not see coming. >> trace: he did not see it coming. twenty seconds left, this is an even split. trump, biden, your thoughts? >> that's the daily show. again, there's no secret that folks support former president trump. i'm independent so i don't put on a super cape for either. i support the people and the people have decided who they want for a candidate and also said that they did not want biden or trump as a rematch. this is where we are, you are either riding with joe biden, old and all, stumbling and fumbling, or writing with a
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convicted felon whether you agree with the charges are not. we will see at the polls, let the votes fall where they may. >> trace: thank you both. i'm being perfectly honest, i don't know of a job interview that you could have gone on and delivered the performance that was delivered by joe biden and gotten a job. and i'm not talking about the presidency, i'm talking about cashier at home depot, a job that you would not think okay that is the hardest job in the entire world. >> trace: there you have another liberal late-night host sounding like he's ready to jump off the biden bandwagon. let's bring in district media group president and the host of 's tackle back tonight. thank you for coming on. the former white house chief of staff said the following on morning joe. watch. >> the president's sharp, fit, on top of his game, people can see that for themselves.
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last night in the press conference, we saw it was much more typical of what we saw in the debate preparations. >> trace: he could not be better, that's the whole thing. joe biden is back, he could not be better. we saw how incoherent, we saw the pauses and the stumbles. your thoughts? >> i really thank there's a lot of must ctv for republicans right now as you have democrats and the complicit media in disarray, not knowing what the solution is. you have sum that are saying that biden needs to step down and that they are telling the truth and then there are others that are in lockstep with the biden a ministration because the reality is, it's one thing that democrats fear more than this president and whether or not he has the ability to be in charge of the nuclear codes, they are terrified of donald trump being president so they are really weighing the pros and cons and in a really tough position. >> meantime we have james carville on msnbc. watch this.
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>> jim cliburn, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, what are they up to? >> i think they want to make a change, i think they see the path we are on. the democratic party has to refurbish itself. >> trace: they have to refurbish themselves but it does not look like they are going that path. >> no, and the big question remains, four years ago in 2020, we all saw this, that joe biden was on a steep decline, and yet people like james carville still supported him. now exposed for all the world to see at the debate, george clooney just hosted a fundraiser a few weeks ago, did not have a problem until suddenly the debate. but we knew the condition of joe biden but democrats put a elect ability above the country and meanwhile russia, china, iran, north korea are watching this unfold and they are licking their chops. they see opportunity.
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>> trace: new york times writes "biden's news conference answered many questions but not the big one. as for the big question, the answer was incomplete, not the uncomfortable lost presence of the debate but he did not erase the memory of that version of himself either. he came across as the president he wants to be but not necessarily the candidate his critics have said he needs to be." not a disaster but far from good >> and so the media realizes they can't claim ignorance anymore. they have to at least report something different than they did in the past. you do have sum that are choosing this camp and telling the truth, realizing they want to have some credibility left, maybe they semi care about journalistic ethics. but then you have the other camp that is in lockstep with the biden a ministration, they will run with a narrative that he's as healthy as ever and ages just a number so it's really interesting to see the outlets really battle out what narrative they are running with. >> trace: but i will tell you this, erick stakelbeck, if you
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now say that biden should not run, the knives are coming out. watch. >> if you are a democrat standing up and saying that joe biden is not fit to run for office and there should not -- and should not be an office in january, you are saying he should not be president right now. what the hell are you doing? that is what you are saying because you are telling voters that he does not have the chops to be president for the next four years starting in january. >> trace: that's exactly what they were saying. final thoughts? >> two things, number 1 this was not a one-off, the debate. we've seen the steep decline for the past four years. two, if i'm president trump i continue to sit back and watch this unfold and watch the democrat party implode. >> trace: and then you get to take center stage next week. thank you both. more hollywood elites drop their support for joe biden, a big voice in california, the
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initials g n insisting he's all in with the president. >> reporter: good evening, trace. following president biden's dismal debate performance, gavin newsom quick to say he has the president's back and it does not appear he's backing away from that message, telling cbs news in an interview set to air this weekend his support for the president remains steadfast. >> you are not just a surrogate, you are getting text messages and e-mails every day to consider running. how do you handle all of that? >> delete, delete, delete. thank you, delete. rinse repeat. i'm all in, no daylight. >> reporter: going on to deny he's even considering replacing biden, even privately, adding that private thoughts often become public, even as new npr polls show new sum slightly ahead of former president trump. meanwhile tinsel town and it's a listers with the pockets continue to turn on biden with
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actress ashley judd adding her name to the list, asking in the usa today piece for biden to step aside, writing beating trump is too important. new tonight, the new york times reporting that several of those hollywood fundraisers could be in jeopardy as many donors have reportedly told the campaign they will not continue to give if biden remains in the race. >> trace: precious dollars, thank you. let's bring in the cohost of the everybody settle down podcast and braver angels national ambassador. thank you for coming on. gavin newsom reacting to the george clooney op-ed calling biden to drop out. he said the following, watch. >> i think all of us that were at the fundraiser wondering what they were thinking scheduling the president who just got overseas to a fundraiser late at night. showing up at that fundraiser, a human being like any of us, exhausted. >> trace: excuses are coming.
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>> the problem isn't the fundraiser. maybe you could say okay he had the trip overseas, he flew back to la across five or six time zones and then he was tired that night. the problem is the debate was 11 or 12 days later after he had a week off, basically, to prepare at camp david. that is the problem. it's not a cold or being tired, it's not about a bad night, when the night is that bad. >> trace: john, i know you held a bipartisan watch party for the debate, are democrats being honest, when you see what's happening with the news conference last night, are democrats and republicans for that matter being honest about biden's abilities? >> let me zoom out quickly to say that there is something deeply difficult and painful about the moment we are in as a country. as you mentioned, we are america's greatest grassroots
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organization. we had trump supporters laughing at trump strokes, biden supporters angry at things trump was saying but in the moment when biden began to greater it was a sadness that was bipartisan. we all sort of shared it and held each other through it because it's not just about democrats and republicans, it's about the state of the country. so gavin newsom is playing the good soldier, trying to create a context for giving biden a pass, but the existential doubt that democrats as well as republicans feel about the president's capacity not just to prosecute the election but to do his job in office, it's a problem for all americans. >> trace: meantime you had ashley judd, not the star she used to be but she came out today saying biden needs to get out, she said, wednesday evening i was visiting with some of my beloved chosen and biological family and some of them remarkably feverishly love donald trump. the words activated in me profound alarm in the aftermath of the recent debate in which
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president joe biden was incapable of countering trump and so i now ask the president to step aside. you put up this list of celebrities and she joins that list, george clooney of course at the top, but the list keeps getting bigger. is it significant, doesn't matter at all to you or to anybody? >> i think it does, when you have this many people who are high profile, fundraisers and supporters. but i don't think it's determinant. at the end of the day what will matter if biden refuses to leave is do the people that he respects and have real cachet within the party, do they at some point do what they have not done so far, which is come to him privately and say joe, you have to step aside for the good of the party and if they do how does he respond? >> trace: is there a middle ground, have you found there's a middle ground or do you feel like we are still in our separate corners and this thing will get ugly?
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>> look, i think we continue to go deeper and deeper into uncharted waters as a country. however it is you look at it, the simple neutral fact of the matter is that on the one hand we have a sitting president who a large majority of americans believe is not fit to finish the race and a president who is, whether you think it's just are not, a convicted felon. these are the choices we have in the 2024 election and what it means is that our confidence in the system, in the larger process of selecting a president and our confidence in the two party status quo is rapidly declining. >> trace: okay, thank you both. coming up an update on the war in israel with progress on a cease-fire deal, a potential cease-fire. we should say the framework of a cease-fire deal that could free the remaining hostages. and later in the nightcap, the left-wing media has thoughts about joe biden's press conference performance. [♪♪]
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>> i think it's fair to say there were verbal missteps, periods of halting, but also periods of genuinely impressive command and fluency, the likes of which we did not really see at the debate but are familiar to people who have been watching joe biden's career through the years. >> trace: the narrative here is to forget the frequent flubs, the incoherent statements and painfully long pauses and focus on the substance. do you think there is a substance to what the president is saying? let us know x and instagram and we will read your responses coming up next in the nightcap. when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪
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>> trace: updating breaking news, president biden announcing that israel and hamas have agreed to the framework of a cease-fire deal but there is still work to be done to bring a halt to the nine-month war. back live to the senior national correspondent kevin corke. >> reporter: trace, here in washington, this may be a little inside baseball but bear with me, in dc anytime you hear the expression have agreed to a framework, that is generally meaning fairly little, other than we are still talking. nothing more. how else to describe the biden administration's proclamation this afternoon that israel and hamas have agreed to a framework for a cease-fire deal. to his credit, the president admitted on x today that yes, there is still work to do, adding "my team is making progress and i'm determined to get this done." meantime a senior israeli official involved in the negotiations is telling media in that country tonight that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is trying to hold up a deal with demands for an
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enforcement mechanism that would keep hamas operatives from going back into northern gaza. sources by the way tell fox tonight the prime minister's insistence on building that mechanism to keep those operatives from going back up north could stall the talks bye-weeks. we will keep an eye on it, back to you. >> trace: thank you for that. let's bring in the republican nominee for congress in virginia's seventh district former army special forces green beret derek anderson along with idf special operations veteran law enforcement expert erin cohen. thank you for coming on. kevin talks about framework. i built a house eight years ago, when it was framed, it took two years to build after that. framework, i'm always a bit suspicious. i need solid stuff. what do you make of this. >> i think even saying the term "framework" to a terrorist organization is a very dangerous concession that is being made in the public sphere. agreeing to even sit down and
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negotiate with hamas goes against everything that we as western countries stand for. so that framework will be interesting. what does that mean as far as hostages? if we get realtime intelligence, do they go into the refugee camps to free our hostages? i'm just not buying it. i think it's pr coming out of the white house. the truth is netanyahu has a ton of leverage, pressure for the last nine months, let's see how it plays out but i think it's nonsense. >> trace: derek anderson, are you also skeptical? >> i am. that president biden was negotiating this entire deal, considering the blunders he's had over and over again over the last two weeks. but netanyahu makes a point, he wants an enforcement mechanism on the northern portion of gaza. when you are doing combat and you are out there taking territory and moving through,
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you don't want to release that territory back to the bad guys because they will entrench themselves. he makes a point about wanting to make sure that that northern area will have some sort of defensive mechanism. my biggest worry is that hamas tries to renege on their deal. they've done this over and over again where they get to the very end of the table and all of a sudden they pull it back at the last minute. >> trace: and that's the whole thing, this deal calls for hamas to get out, that's it, they are done, and it would call for a peacekeeping force trained by the states. does anyone believe that hamas will say thank you so much, we are out? 's payment hamas is not going anywhere, we know that. remember that slocan on the green bandanna, they don't want to have to to reprint that. where are they going to go? egypt? that's closed, i would not go to lebanon because israel is about to put the hammer down on hezbollah. i don't think hamas really is
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being honest about any of this. i think it's just more mideast stalling to try to by time because they got hammered over the last nine months. >> trace: i'm just curious, derek, if you think the cease-fire takes hold, doesn't mean the end of the war or is this just a step in a longer road? >> right now if you look at hezbollah just recently attacking israel again on the northern area, hezbollah does not want a cease-fire right now because right now this is an excuse for them to continue to fire and fire again on israel. i think that i agree with aaron, i think this will be them duping, they aren't actually coming to the table, they will just to -- continue to elongate this because those are the cards they have been dealt. >> trace: i have a tough time believing it will all come together and hamas will say see you. do you both, thank you. three days from now the republican national convention in milwaukee begins, the big question, who will former
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president trump choose as his running mate, and the big mission is to take advantage of a seriously weakened democratic incumbent. here's bill melugin in milwaukee. >> reporter: the stages set here in milwaukee. decorations are prepped... security is tight, political adds are flying and republicans say they are ready for their first full-scale convention since 2016. united under their candidate, former president donald trump. he's got the republican party more united one -- than they've ever been. everybody is aligned. >> reporter: the rnc hasn't released the official schedule yet but fox can confirm a handful of speakers set to take the stage including florida governor ron desantis, ufc president dana white, donald trump junior and east palestine ohio mayor trent conway. the republicans to do list includes voting to approve the new agenda they released earlier
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this week which notably leaves abortion to states rather than call for a national ban as the party has done for decades. but republicans are feeling bullish after weeks of questions swirling around president biden's health and cognitive ability. trump challenge the president to take a cognitive test, posting on truth social "joe should immediately take a cognitive test and i will go with him and take one also." for the first time, we will be a team and do it for the good of the country. the big question heading into the convention, who will trump select as vp? he confirmed in a podcast today he's narrowed his list down to "four or five finalists" including familiar names. doug burgoyne, marco rubio, cam scott and jd vance. and former president trump is said to have a campaign rally in butler, pennsylvania tomorrow, just about an hour away from ohio senator jd vance his home state. it remains to be seen if he's going to be there or not but you
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will remember earlier this week senator marco rubio was withdrawn at his rally in florida so the bottom line with these rallies is, they could mean something for the vp stakes or they could mean nothing whatsoever. we will find out soon. back to you. >> trace: thank you. coming up a shocking body camera footage of a police officer desperately clingan to a speeding car with a terrified child in the passenger seat. find out how this story ends. and then there's based video, the homeless in los angeles lining up every day to pick up there crack pipes outside a taxpayer-funded building. there crack pipes. at a state services taxpayer funded building in california. next. [♪♪] ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live.
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subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing] [ music playing ] hey, flo. cool leg warmers. thanks. they are just for the bus ride to work. they are not part of the official uniform. no tunes today? no. my apartment was robbed last night.
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took my cable ready tv, vcr, portable cassette player. yup. all the latest tech. if only progressive had renter's insurance like their home insurance. then we could bundle our cars and get the same 24/7 protection. -i think we just invented that. -huh. this is the best day ever. well i still got robbed. well still pretty good day. [♪♪] >> trace: breaking tonight, a shocking twist in the involuntary manslaughter trial
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of alec baldwin when the judge granted a defense motion to dismiss the case with prejudice, meaning bald one not face charges in this case again, period. the actor's lawyers argue the withheld evidence from them specifically bullets that were allegedly brought to the set by someone other than the movies armorer. after examining the bullets herself the judge agreed and throughout the case. >> trace: the terrifying moments when a suspect took off with an officer holding onto the speeding car for dear life. back live to matt finn with this amazing video. >> reporter: yet another routine traffic stop turns deadly. a buffalo police officer pulls a man over for speeding, the driver takes off with the officer still clinging for life to the car. >> you are going to kill me,
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bro. >> reporter: the officer repeatedly pleads with a 25-year-old suspect to stop the car, a 6-year-old child inside starts screaming in terror. the officer then shoots the suspect. >> shots fired! trying to kill me. >> reporter: the buffalo police commissioner says he believes this use of force was justified in says the initial traffic stop lasted nine minutes and was "jovial" until the suspect sped off. the now deceased suspect was under release supervision at the time for an alleged shots fired incident earlier this year. >> trace: unbelievable, thank you. if you live in california or know somebody who does and you've ever wondered what the highest taxes in the country are being used for, check this out. new video of homeless people walking out of a taxpayer-funded building with crack pipes in hand. compliments of the golden state. let's bring in the founder of american gravy concepts restaurant owner and chef andrew
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along with the city attorney for huntington beach, california. great to have you on here. here's the executive director of the la business improvement district with this to say. >> it looks very much like a government run trackhouse on the sidewalk. how else can you describe it? the county doubled down after seeing this video, they doubled down on harm reduction, and saying that this is the kind of intervention that they support. >> trace: interesting that it looked like a government run crack house, because it is a government run crack house. >> i mean the government is becoming a crack house if you ask me. talk about your -- oiling your priorities upside down. we have almost veterans, families who are struggling, and this is what the government uses money for? to perpetuate a drug problem that's gotten out of hand? >> trace: they pitch the story to me and i thought that's not true that there is something
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wrong here, somebody walked out with a crack pipe but it's true, walking out with crack pipes. fox 11 rights, throughout the day drug dealers can be seen profiting from selling drugs to the very people homeless healthcare in la is supposed to be helping. in the video a person connected to the nonprofit his scene fist bumping a drug dealer before entering the building, despite the controversy homeless healthcare la plans to open two more locations in the same area. >> yeah, i mean criminals are mocking the state of california and the taxpayer. >> trace: they should be. >> at the end of the day, i can tell you not only is the average citizen offended but as the top law enforcement official, prosecutor in huntington beach, i can tell you it really hurts the morale of our police department, our law enforcement officials and it hurts the morale of prosecutors. california better get it right and they better stop funding crime and start cracking down on crime because they will lose law
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enforcement essentially. >> trace: we had this horrible case and orange county, the suspect, 26-year-old leroy put a gun to a man's head and stole the man's watch. there he is. he did not get any jail time whatsoever. so what happens is that later he goes, another robbery, a woman who was from new zealand is involved in the robbery and this person allegedly runs and kills the woman with his car which is kind of amazing but that's the whole point, that there is no consequences and so they are out. armed robbery in california forever was aj leboldus crime and now you just go. >> this is a disgusting story. it depresses me. the person that let this guy out on the street is responsible for this crime, this death of the poor lady. everybody that i know has read this story, seen the story, heard about it and it scares them because la is bleeding into orange county. >> trace: meantime i want to
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put this up, do you want to say something about that michael, it's one of those things where if you could jail some of these people, we see this all over the country but especially in blue states, where they end up back on the streets and end up doing more harm. >> there's no shortage of the state looking for ways to reward criminals. it's a tragedy for our society. a tragedy for law enforcement. just another example. >> trace: meantime the battle that you are in with governor gavin newsom, tweeting huntington beach's new effort to circumvent state law and avoid building housing is an illegal stunt, we will continue to hold all communities accountable as we work to build more housing in california. he says that your city, michael, is skirting the law. >> governor newsom says a lot of things and we have a long history, it goes back to during covid when governor lose some came down to huntington beach and tried to shut down the beaches. we sued in court and got them opened up again. basically what huntington beach is trying to do is cram a bunch
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of high density housing into huntington beach, to remake and remodel huntington beach in the image and likeness of san francisco. what huntington beach is doing is putting it on the ballot that the voters get a say in the amount of development. imagine this, 95% of the state's population lives in 5% of the state's territory so he's cramming and development where we are already developed and he should be doing it in undeveloped areas. >> trace: to you both, appreciate your time, thank you. i would not have picked vice president trump to be vice president if i thought she wasn't qualified. >> the gaffes and mixing up names, i think for people who have been observing joe biden for a long time, that's just normal biden. he does mix up names, he was known for gaffes. >> trace: just his shtick. troy reed at msnbc says that gaffes are normal joe so no big deal. many of the mainstream media are telling us to ignore the rambling, the frequent clubs, the incoherence and blank stares, telling us to focus on the substance instead. so if you look past didn't, do
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you think there is a substance to what the president is saying? and why? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses coming up next in the nightcap. happy memories just come easier on the water. our founder, johnny morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club. ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush.
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[♪♪] >> trace: back with a nightcap
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crew, kevin corke, matt finn, aaron cohen, andrew, beverly. tonight's topic, talking points. after joe biden solo press conference last night, some on the left are saying forget about the rambling gaffes, flubs, forget about him constantly losing his train of thought, forget about the incoherent statements and focus on the substance of what he's saying. do you think there is substance to what the president is saying, beverly? >> it's going to be hard to focus on the substance when you can't understand what the president is saying half the time and you don't know if he would remember what he said. at the end of the day you have to trust he can carry something out in order for the substance to matter. >> trace: aaron cohen. >> i think he's a sock puppet at this point. i believe he's just putting forward whatever messaging he's being given by the wife, by the party, by his people, his staff. i think he's doing his best to hang on without making another embarrassment of himself. >> trace: chef. >> the substance would come when he's not looking at the teleprompter and one he doesn't
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rift it gets even worse. >> trace: that's true. the concept is it's hard. he might be saying brilliant things, he might intend brilliant things. but it's really hard when you can't get the thoughts in a stream. >> because he has one thought and then goes to another. i know the substance is in there but it's hard to follow. >> trace: matt. >> there are times he speaks with substance but he's not consistent. he dips in and out of cans doubt -- of gun -- of coherency. >> trace: kevin corke. >> start so great sometimes but almost always misses or loses his train of thought at the end. it's tough to watch. >> trace: and there's the anyways and the idea and there are these pauses and then after the pauses very seldom does he get back on track. so we asked you on x, what do you think, is there a substance to what the president is saying, four% yes, no 96%. the poll goes, julie, his
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substance, putin is zelenskyy's, terrace is trump and he can't name the american hostages in gaza which by the way is not a good thing. michael, i don't know what he is saying. mark says it's only democrat talking points, much of which can be debunked. tweety bird says no, biden has dementia and is a narcissistic pathological career lawyer. what did you really mean? carmela, no because all of the things the president does and says are scripted, his mind is not his own and nick says everything out of his mouth is gibberish or a lie. he's always been that way though and there you have the nightcap. all of our guests, thank you, thank you for watching america's late news "fox news @ night",ou i'm trace gallagher, have adu great weekend and we will see you back here on monday. and doesn't spy on your searchs
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