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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 12, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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the nasdaq did just fine. now. ♪ ♪ ♪. >> jesse: hello everybody i'm
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jesse watterves along with judg jeanine pirro, kevin walling, katie pavlich and greg gutfeld. 5:00 in new york city and this : is "the five" ♪ >> jesse: the democrats' worst nightmare coming true, joe biden's big boy news conference wasn't a total train wreck. dems were crossing their fingers he would malfunction or fall down stairs to keep their plans of booting him off the ticket rolling but mr. ma goo held it together jusutt enough for an ha long press conference. the bar was still ridiculously low. and biden's verbal slipups started before things even began. >> and now i wan art to hand it n over to the president of ukraine, who has as much courags as he has determination, ladies and gentlemen, president beaut putin. president putin? he's going to beat president putin. president zelenskyy. i'm foe focused on beating president putin.
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i wouldn't pick president trump from being vice-president if i didn't thinkt she was qualifie to be president >> i'm following the advice of my commander of chief, my, my chief of staff of the military. >> jesse: bideryn also pulled a classic move just blame the staff for his screw-ups. >> i love my staff, but they add things. they add things all the time. i'm catching hell from my wife. anyway... you talk to my staff, all of you talk to my staff. sometime my staff talks a lot. but the fact of that matter is, i don't think you have them telling you that all of the major ideas we've undertaken ea haven't been, in part, initiated by me. >> jesse: speaking of his staff, joe's cabinet couldn't hides thei cr embarrassment when thei boss called kamala vice-president trump. but thkae ultra biden die-hards they lovedden it. >> put on a master class in terms of complex international foreign policy. >> nothing less than the most masterful televised presidential
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press conference about foreign u policy. t >> i saw substantive mastery. my goodness a tour de force and tour of the world. >> tonight wasas the former joe bidee n we're used to. yes he made a couple ramp but we know that, that is joe biden. he's the gaffing heister. >> president is actually sharp,. fit, on top of his game. an >> should the conversation about the president getting out of this race, should that conversation continue? >> no, it shouldn't. and let joe biden continue to make his own decisions about his future. he's, earned that right. >> jesse: donald trump reacting big boy speech with ng t another challenge. he posted this on truth social. "joe should immediately take ae cognitive test and i will go an with him and take one also. for the first time we'll be a team and do it for the good of the country." and joe biden is in michigan right now and we're going to be monitoring judge jeanine, democrats describe themselves today in
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purgtory because they were ofd thinking he just needed a brain freeze and then can say you havd to get out of here he didn't freeze but he confused everybode else in the room. >> judge jeanine: he clearlyea bought himself more time. he didn't fall on his face but he, you know -- look, if you're going to call, if you're going u to call zelenskyy putin and you're goingyy to call kamala trump and the chief of staff of the military as the commander in chief and you don't know you'rea the commander in chief, there's still a lot of trouble there. l it a gaffe, the guy's got mental issues. but you know what? joe has been in politics for 50y years jesse. joe is entitled to make a ar decision regarding his own life. this man is willing to sacrifice his final years for the american people, to devote those years to all of us and we should respect that.te after all this is a democracy and right now nobody's moving
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joe. nobody's moving hunter's not moving him and jill is not moving him. they absolutely, i'm sure, th greeted him. she's probably jumping up and down the way she was after the debate saying, you answered every question, you were so great. but in the end, you've got people like jamie harrison, lawrence o'donnell, paul, even cliver now everybody's backing i up a little. they're not willing to be the person to say you absolutely havers to go. so this habacktracking bought hn some more time. they're just waiting for him toe fall on his face but for now unless they stage an intervention with the swing between we'll give you these carrots or we've got this stick joe, until they get to the to stick, he's tstaying. >> jesse: so some of these characters arese maybe backing m now but then you have obama, pelosi, tyrus. i mean gutfeld., i don't know why i would say that iei don't know either. >> jesse: how do you think thisy is going to play out? k
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i mean this could go on forever. >> greg: i love it. first of all speaking of going on forever, he was 90 minutes n late, right? it kept getting delayed and delayed and delayed, though he was already at the venue. t a travel issue. he was there. did he get lost in the cloak room? did he get locked in a porta potty? why so late? were they waiting for the drugs to kick in or for the drugs to wear off? and meanwhile the immediate i ? can't's spiking the life alert like it's a football >> kevin: whoa. hey now. >> greg: but he bought some gh time, which is the worst thing for the democrats and the best thing for republicans. this is like when a relationship's ending and the guy knows it and prolongs it by suddenly acting the way the girl wanted him to. so he stops partying and starts brushing his teeth and then he thinks oh, things are going better a moment of reconciliation, that moment is temporary you're prolonging the
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inevitable you're dragging out the process. he a clean break not a slow agonizing amputation with a dull butter knife. then he blames his staff for adding things toad his schedule. like what? waking up? the guy calls lids before breakfast. the guy called -- the chair called this a master class.e that's like saying alec baldwin taughtle a master class in gun control. by the way, we have to get rid of this lie that biden really shines on foreign policy. he's been on the wrong side of every foreign policy issue from shooting -- getting rid of bin laden to the ukraine fiasco to the afghanistan withdraw. ala damp rag would have been le harmful. when he called zelenskyy putin, his sworn enemy, that's like calling me jesse. and lastly, joe wasn't that glowing about kamala stepping in. he said, i wouldn't have pickeda her -- he said this.av i wouldn't have picked her if she wasn't qualified. h that's two negatives.
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that's like saying i wouldn't have done jesse's show if i e didn't think it wasn't awful. so -- because all people will e remember is the negativity not thege positive spin. but watching the media pivot is just wonderful because they're goinbeg to have to act like the last two weeks didn't exist. like it was like bobby ewing in the shower waking up and it was just a dream.a that's a reference to anybody born in 1960.60 but there you go. >> jesse: greg mentions the media pivoting.on they're basting pivoted back to the coverup when they're saying it was a master class and this was a brilliant performance. >> katie: yeah. >> jesse: how do you pivot back to the coverup. >> katie: because biden's not e going anywhere so now they're ot trying to figure out how they'ru going to stay in the good gracet of the administration after they've come out and done all nd this criticism, you have multiple democrats calling for joe to go. that's going to be the questionm for democrats that kevin's going to have to answer, you know, if you come outesti against biden he stays and he gets nominated and he campaigns against trump
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anaid does a second debate, howe you crawl back from your statements? because they're going to want en to.e th but the new standard for running for president, or being the ng president at a press conference that you never hold is just doing fine now? is that really the standard tha? we're setting for joe biden, t thathe he's okay because he was able to do one thing that he hao not been wanting to do and the n only reasotin he's doing it is t because he i has to to save his political career. and on the staff thing, you know, this is something that he did after the debate.ft he blamed staff and advisors foe his failure at the debate, theyt didn't prep him enough they prepped hi hm too much. theype did the right thing befo thade debate and that's why he failed and then you see these damning leaks coming. not from outside the white house but from inside the west wing and you're going to see more of that as he continues to say that jill biden is upset with the staff, i'm upset with the staff doing their job. and then finally, greg made the point, on the foreign policy issue, he's standing there at a
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nato press conference making a e campaign speech and trashing thc potential next president and former president of the united o falsely le als accusing trump of being anti nato when his nato policy was ly about bolstering nato and conveniently ignored when russia decided to invade ukraine it wau under joe biden not under president trump and you had the finnisthh president saying actually under trump the usa put more military into europe and r made it safer for russia. so for him to take the opportunity to make a campaign speech rather than focus on theu quality of the defense of the country at a time when enemies arofe watching and saying this y has problems and it's a good time to take advantage, we've gh been doing it for three years, that was low bar >> jesse: how did the big boy dl last night walling >> kevin: the big boy did okay e and to katie's point the only thing we agree on is the president's not going anywhere he is in this to win it. as jesse described not a total train wreck that is a win in my
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estimation as a democrat. to judge's i think it stopped ro the bleeding, you will see dozens of house members come out against the president, i think we are a up to 20 right now, the minority of minorities in our party and that will stem the di bleeding andng we'll see how he doing in michigan. >> jesse: okay. i'm sure he's going to put on a master class in town hallism in michigan. president biden campaigning in michigan the dayde after surviva his big boy news conference coming up. the biden cue train isn't slowing down. barack and nancy got another trick up their sleeve to force k jo ae into retirement. ♪ sle ♪ love lifts us up where we belong ♪ ♪ where the eagles fly ♪ ♪ on the mountain high ♪
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♪ we are never, ever, ever getting back together ♪ >> judge jeanine: president biden speaking to supporters in michigan after surveying his big boy news conference. in the meantime, watch out, joe. you may have survived your big boy newsjoe, conference, but thc democratic bige, guns are calculating theicratr next move their coup to remove you. barack obama and nancy pelosi have reportedly spoken with eacp other about joe biden, and the
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future of his campaign. axios reports that there's a group of "very connected democrats" mostly veterans of the obama and clinton administrations, who are plotting hourlcliny to get him withdraw quickly."ly hillary clinton is cracking jokes about how it's hard to take away grandpa's keys while speaking to a private gathering of influential democrats. and poor joe can't even trust d the people who work for him. his campaign staffers are leaking like crazy to the media >> it is people who are actually workin pg on the president's n reelection effort who privately are saying, after two weeks since the debate, that this just isn't something that he can turn around. >> these aids have basically con to the conclusion that he does have to step aside and that to e do that they have to convince him of the need to do that. >> judge jeanine: even the at left's biggest cultural icons
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ar bige kicking joe biden whiles down. check out this brutal jab from jon stewart on biden's debate disaster. >> i don't know of a job interview that you could have av gone on and delivered the performance that was delivered by joe biden and gotten a job. a and i'm not talking about the presidency. i'm talking about like cashier r at home depot. like a job that you would not think, okay, that is the hardest job in the entire world. >> judge jeanine: all right, jesse, we've heard about the aides to obama and clinton. what about obama himself? he hasn't spoken.n' >> jesse: that's purposeful. he doesn't want his fingerprints on it but they're all over it. >> judge jeanine: what does it tell you? >> jesse: it tells me he wants him out but he doesn't want to be too blunt because that's going to force joe to dig in even harder. i love how casually the media's reporting there's a coupth. you're going through your email oh, they want a 4:00 meeting on
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a 43, great. oh, could you please against tha sittinllg president. oh, 15% off neiman marcus today. at one of those things, a coup, oh, it's a coup. this is the second one they didt it against trump too now it's against e joe. when they did it against trump it made republicans back trump harder. this may make people on the ba democrat side back biden harder. i'm backing biden harder. >> judge jeanine: it's shim.o us >> kevin: welcome to the team ua you two, we'll take you. >> jesse: for now. if they wanted him out because he's mentally unfit 25th that's a fair assessment. but they don't want him out because of his mentality they ty want him out because of his bado poll numbers. mccain had bad poll numbers, dole had horrible poll numbers they knew in september he was ad going to jimmy carter, imagine jimmy carter's poll numbers on july 4th going against they didn't give up on reagan it was just give it your best shot. this is the game we're playing.
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there's a primary. they rigged it. they have votes for the primary. you have to play by the rules. they have to live with the decisions they made. he has 32% approval rating, 27% chance of winning reelection but it's not really because of his r age jeanine, it's because of his policies. he's got horrible policies. and the democrats want to make e it about the age to distract it from the policies but he's in b this position and he was in thia position before the debate ci because of his policies. >> judge jeanine: you know, what about katie, the fact that it that obama really took to kamala harris when he said in 2013, she's the most beautiful i attorney general in the countryr and, yeah, he was fawning over her, and michelle was not too t happy, i thought she was going to hit him with a right hook. but do you think that, you knowt there's a movement just to put kamala at thput e top? >> katie: there's consideration of that, but she's attached to
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joe biden and to jesse's point e they are very unpopular when it comes to w their biden is one of the most unpopular presidents in the history of polling and kamala harris a marriage of convenience to try to get joe biden over the finish line the first time. she doesn't poll as well as joe biden does and for the democrats they have this big problem where it's not just the ticket of kamala and joe it's gavin newsov polls below trump, pritzker um polling below trump.lo they're having a really hard time finding someone who can in beat trump at the polls on these issues. but i have to say, the bidens have to be pretty nervous, the l clintons are starting to hang ar around, you knowou what i mean? little nerve bus them. i find it interesting to see who is backing biden very publicly c and who is not, like aoc and bernie sanders for example are very pro biden which is a pretty good reflex of how he has governed. he'smo notde been a moderate h president he's been a very far left president and also the class war happening within the e democratic party and i think p biden has a poinart when he say the elites are out to get me.
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can't get more elite than barack obama anlid george clooney.ud >> judge jeanine: geyep. you know, when joe was running cliburn, james cliburn who saved him >> kevin: in south carolina. >> judge jeanine: yeah, in south carolina in 2019. cliburn kind of has been back an and forth. he's not real clear.he's what do you think is going on with him? >> kevin: yeah he doubled down on his support of the president in the most recent interview to your point, judge. he made joe biden president in south urcarolina. the congressional black caucus which is the core of my party, right,e alongco with the hispam caucus met with the president, they reindorsed him a lot of in energy behind him for that. i think to jesse's point, you know, the process has played out right? if you have folks coming in last minute, 14 million people votedi you can say it wasn't really a primary becausbecae no one else against the president same with trump when he was up for reelection he had some challengers back in '20 but he has cleared the field, it's his
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to win or lose going into november. >> judge jeanine: yes, and we agree with you lo >> kevinser.: you're on my team, i heard. >> judge jeanine: that's right >> kevin: a rousing endorsement. oh, my gosh. let's go joe. >> judge jeanine: greg, you know, the obama people and the clinton people, they're all like, you know, they're throwing in the towel allegedly. but they're the ones who held uy th ae towel for all those years. >> greg: i wouldn't touch that towel. w [laughter]. >> greg: hillary and obama are like the long-suffering ng understudy hoping that the lead gets crushed u by a stage prop. you know, it sounds like a forgotten columbo episode where an ambitious older female politician invites the president out for a hike and the two go out and one comes back and the one that comes back is wearing a pants suit as always. but it's interesting katie, you bring up the thing about biden being a far left president. whing y are the only people sti really really supporting biden is the hard left progressives
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like the squad, bernie sanders, and the rabid fire brands on so social media and main stream media? it's because he was and he will remain a progressive trojan horse. you know, their support is a quid pro quoth which is latin f you owe ush is old man. so if you're a moderate democrat, think twice about voting for him, because you im aren't electing him, you're electing them and at this point he won't havmmene another term e will do everything they want.e i and this is where you got all of his horrible decisions, like the climate bill and the college whatever crap that he pushed through. >> jesse: and the border. >> greg: andugh. the border. >> katie: and inflation. >> greg: and inflation. >> and the crazy das.nd t >> greg: and the crazy das man and the supreme court who said he can do whatever he wants now. >> judge jeanine: student loans come on. starting known five is goins to be live from the rnc in
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milwaukee, don't miss it. and coming up, the saddleder abus up,e of joe biden continue. his staff could be hiding the in brutal truth that he's about to walk into a trump buzzsaw. ♪ hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish?
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joe in key swing states and it's got the media worried that someone isn't giving joe the full picture. >> it makes me worry that the president is being given information about his political standing that may not be based in reality. >> if they're not telling him the truth, he is in a very, very tough spot. i don't know anyone in politics who would tell you, who looks at the numbers that we see, would tell you that he has a very good chance. >> it's obvious to me that his wife and son are not letting him see the actual state of his political affairs. >> a long-time biden advisor just texted me. i am frustrated at the family, the biden family, for not expanding the circle so that there would at least be a truth teller or two in their midst. >> katie: while we're on the subject of his staff axios out with another stunning report that claims that joe biden is shrinking his inner circle to a group of yes men and women who block him from getting negative information. it says "the white house is now being run by the family and
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staff who are effectively family, a group that also includes the first lady jill biden's top aide and deputy chief of staff." greg president biden is now a top advisor we know he makes really good decisions about big topics. >> greg: yeah, you know, this is the problem, you know, the inner circle not telling you the truth. it's like when jesse, you know, remember when jesse primetime your staff said that dancing to music in your chair was very cool? everybody outside the show was laughing at him. it took me, a good friend, an honest friend, to tell him he was embarrassing himself by -- what i did was i made a montage. >> jesse: that was not the staff's idea that was my idea. >> greg: but this is what you do when you surround yourself with people who don't care enough to tell you the truth. and obviously hunter's looking out for himself. he's got money to worry about. he's got a lot of things to worry about and as long as you have power no one's going to
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tell you otherwise. sad thing about joe is spouses are designed for that, to tell you what your company workers and friends won't tell you. unfortunately jill is his spouse and she's controlling the spigot of information. she's controlling everything. and the thing i guess bugs me about the whole thing is that they're worried about the numbers and not the nation. the stats should be like, who cares? it's like, the guy's not well. he can't run a country. it's not about like, oh, you might lose. maybe you should tell him, you know what? this isn't good. you said that trump was the selfish one who wouldn't give up power. look. a you, dude. >> katie: yeah. judge first lady jill biden after that debate went out in public and told joe that he did a great job. i think that backs up the accusation that he's not getting the truth from her. >> judge jeanine: i don't think there's any question but that jill biden, you know, the make believe doctor is a make believe medical doctor, to bad she wasn't a doctor. i mean she might be able to help him a little bit. but, you know, she is the one
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who has dug her heels in. and you cannot get into the white house to see joe unless jill approves it. all right, so you have hunter who desperately needs his father to be president, there's still a lot going on in terms of his future, and jill who absolutely loves it. she has been literally coordinating and shielding joe biden, directing him to look this way, look that way, walk this way, walk that way. it's too important to her and it's very sad. and that's why i, you know, i reference truman's wife and linden johnson's wife who said no we are he not going to let this happen to our hubs, no second term. but she is a woman who, you know, is committed to running again. and i just want to say one thing about the debate. the original debate. joe biden was a different man than he was last night. and people don't talk about it that much but i don't know who handled him before that debate. but whatever he was given, just he was speaking ahead of his
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thoughts and he was speaking too quickly and he was dozing off. there was something going on with him. and i really believe that the family is not willing to say what it was that happened. i'm not suggesting in any way that joe biden has all his marbles because he doesn't. but at the same time -- he doesn't. but at the same time there's a lot going on behind the scenes and democrats have been come replies it they know he's not accurate on top of his game but what yesterday did, what last night did was allowed him to stay in until the end of the year. if he flipped out last night, like the debate, they would have said he has to go, 25th amendment. >> katie: so, kevin, how does the president get out of the polling problem he keeps saying show me the evidence and the data i'm willing to step aside delegates can vote who they want at the convention. the numbers have been really bad the last couple weeks >> kevin: judge i thought you were on our team at least until
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the commercial break. listen, you know, you have 5 approximately out there saying today that joe biden would win 271 to donald trump's 269 so you have these polls -- i said last week, when nate silver came out against joe biden that he's a terrible pollster. now i'm celebrating him because he's changing his tune. but polls are all over the place there are trend lines in some battle ground states after the debate i'm hoping going into next week we can refocus the conversation on donald trump when it's a referendum that it has been on joe biden since the debate we lose, he has to refocus the campaign. to your point earlier he tried to do that with the press conference at nato. we can address whether that was the proper format and location for that but he has to reformat and refocus the debate on donald trump. that's how he wins. >> katie: jesse >> jesse: i don't think mroelg push him out it's pain. they have to find an offshore bank account with chinese money or a whistleblower coming
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forward or a crazy move with delegates behind the scenes at the convention. but this guy has four decades of watching politics. he's seen polls turn around. he's seen black swan events. he saw one in 2020. you could have a tragedy. you could have trump have food poisoning before the debate and throw up all over the place. anything could happen and that's why he's going to stay in it. yes, his map is shrinking. he has a very narrow path through the rust belt where he basically has to clean sweep it. is it impossible? no. is it improbable? commerciality all he needs to do is make it to the convention. he has one month. if he can survive one month he's locked in the nomination and there it is >> kevin: even less than that because we are he doing that roll call in two weeks. >> jesse: two weeks >> kevin: even faster. >> judge jeanine: remember, he's been in politics for 50 years. he's got a thick skin. he's used to this >> kevin: yes he does. >> jesse: and he knows about october surprises >> kevin: yes he does. >> katie: and early voting starts in september so there you
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go. coming up, the crooked biden campaign just got busted editing one of joe biden's interviews. ♪ ♪ ♪ (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ scout is protected by simparica trio and he's in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease!
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here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ i went back to ohio ♪ ♪ but my city was gone ♪ >> kevin: critics who say the white house and biden campaign are covering for the aging biden brain just got more ammo. a milwaukee radio station admitted that they edited a recent interview with biden at the campaign's request. they cut out parts where the president bragged about the number of "blacks" in his administration and another portion where he ram billion dollars incoherently about the central park five. and cnn has a startling report on what cabinet officials are expected to do before they meet with the president. >> cabinet officials will submit their questions and talking points, key talking points and
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bullet points that they plan to present to the president in these closed-door meetings. this is how one source described it. they said the entire display is kind of an act. the white house's defense has been that that is standard practice for any administration. >> kevin: so katie it sounds like the calls are somewhat coming from inside our own house. thoughts on trying to shape some of these media narratives. >> katie: they just think that if they try to control everything in this new media environment that they're somehow going to come out on top and it actually is the reason why the debate went so poorly because they've been putting on this facade and this charade a, and when biden has to go out there and do something himself it all come crumbling down. they would be better off if they would just let him be joe and there would be less attention on the gaffes that he makes in theys these interviews if they would just like let it be but they love censorship, they love going after people they disagree with. this is why they still have their censorship industrial
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complex with big tech companies and you can't let him even do a radio interview without trying to cut something out? people are going to find out that you tried to edit the interview and that looks worse than the initial remarks, no matter what they are >> kevin: jesse president trump and biden have both said they've gotten a lot of support from the "blacks, quote, unquote. who has more support from the blacks. >> jesse: from the blacks? >> kevin: yeah. >> jesse: i don't know, who do the blacks like judge. >> judge jeanine: you. >> jesse: me. well i'm .1%, no problem there. [laughter] >> jesse: why would they edit that out? that's why they like biden because he puts the blacks in the cabinet. i don't know why they're afraid of it. is it because they're african american? >> greg: wait he's put blacks in the cabinets? how did i miss that man machine nobody puts baby in the corner or blacks in the cabinets. >> jesse: you know when you go to confession. you wouldn't know >> kevin: i'm catholic i go all the time. >> jesse: and this is what the
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media is doing now, releasing full unedited transcripts i have things ahead of time. this is what's happening. we do edit in this businesslike when i went on gigi's show so many back-to-back homers, they had to edit out some of my great jokes. it happens. but you don't do that to protect people in greg's sense or in joe's >> kevin: greg. >> greg: interesting they said they had to edit out the rambling inco-hereins. would have been easier to edit out the parts where he didn't rambling incoherently. and jesse is right. why do people get in trouble for saying exactly what dei does. you know, dei is the only entity that if you point out the engine of its goals, which is minority preference independent of merit it's considered racist. if you say someone is a dei
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hire, that's now apparently a dog whistle for being racist, but if they were hired for their identity markers, such as kamala, we know that they said they were going to have a black woman, if you're pointing that out how is that racist? you're actually saying good job dei. >> it worked. >> greg: it worked. i guess that's what joe was saying. i guess the article, the word the. right? the blacks. what if he met a white tamly whose name was the blacks. we're having the blacks over for dinner. >> jesse: i don't think the blacks are the secretary of education >> kevin: oh, boy. to katie's point should we let joe be joe. >> judge jeanine: yeah, joe was joe last night and he was all right >> kevin: you're on team biden i love it. >> judge jeanine: but you know, it's not surprising that, if you listen to his radio interviews, they're all serving up the same questions. but nobody's -- nobody in the media follows that at all.
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nobody's telling us about any of that stuff. and then the people on the cabinet have to actually submit questions ahead of time. the last cabinet meeting was in october of 2023, and everyone was so bent out of shape that the secretary of defense, austin, you know, didn't tell everybody he was gone. well austin didn't tell everyone he was sick or whatever happened to him because nobody was there anyway. so it doesn't matter. it's like nobody's home. the democrat party as a whole just has this whole agenda and they're part of the machine, and you know it. you have to admit it. >> kevin: i'm turning those gears in that machine. come on. >> judge jeanine: let me tell you, that machine has been working for them. but what i think has been interesting is, did you see the picture of blinken and austin and sullivan when joe called kamala vice-president trump, did you see their face? i yeah. they tried to have a poker face it wasn't grade. >> judge jeanine: they tried it
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was really sad. they all know it and they won't say it >> kevin: i feel you on that one. fan mail friday is up next. ♪ ♪ we can work it out ♪ ♪ life is very short and there's no time ♪ you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. let's review. okay. we're not gonna talk about traffic or weather. if anyone brings up lawn care, i will handle it. hosting can be extremely difficult for young homeowners turning into their parents. oh, are you done with this? i'll just take that. okay, he's still drinking. right. oh, look what the cat dr-- no, no. let's try again, if you wouldn't mind.
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♪ >> greg: all right. fan mail. first question. this is a great one. i'm going to go to you first jesse. who was your teen-age crush? >> jesse: alicia silverstone. >> greg: oh, interesting. >> jesse: that was the movie crush. >> greg: she was a stalker. >> jesse: and she was also in the video the aerosmith video. >> greg: oh, with what's her name the dude's daughter. what's her face. >> jesse: oh, yeah, yeah. >> greg: aerosmith guy. >> jesse: liv tyler. >> greg: she's now 74. >> jesse: no way. >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: i don't want to say. >> greg: go ahead. oh, mine's embarrassing. >> judge jeanine: okay. i always loved charlton heston. >> greg: oh, who didn't. >> katie: that's a good one. >> judge jeanine: you know on that raft with those legs, you know, when he got off and the legs went from here to here. >> jesse: she's a leg guy. >> judge jeanine: yeah, for a long time. >> greg: katie. >> katie: leonardo dicaprio
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which is disgusting but also appropriate since i was a teen-ager you know what i mean. >> greg: all right kevin >> kevin: i'm with judge i'm a charlton heston guy but planet of the apes heston guy they were wearing skimpy outfits. >> greg: did i do this question before bought i told this story. i had a sister who read teen beat. there was this little picture of this girl in teen beat in black and white that i had a crush on. i was probably ten or or nine and i used to steal the pillow and put it under my pillow. i would put it under my pillow and my sister would go where's my teen beat. and she found it and said why do you have this magazine open to i a picture of david cassidy >> kevin: he had great hair. >> greg: i thought he was a girl. >> jesse: another name for beat. >> greg: if you could have something named after you what would it be? a building a food item. >> katie: a national park.
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>> greg: oh, maybe -- i was going to say something that could get me fired. >> katie: or an ocean >> kevin: ocean? >> katie: yeah >> kevin: there's like four of them. >> greg: how about a planet. >> katie: universe. >> greg: kevin? >> kevin: i want status on this honor for doing the lord's work on this network as a democrat. >> greg: and your allies would tear it down because you're a white male >> kevin: and put those palestinian flags all over you. >> greg: jesse. >> jesse: an alcohol. yeah, like a nice branded bourbon. >> greg: oh, i'll have a jesse watters. >> jesse: neat. >> greg: yeah, and what's in a jesse watters? it's like really sour. >> jesse: go ahead, greg. what else? is it sour? spies why i? is it bitter. >> katie: bitter. is it dark? >> greg: yeah. no, it's only -- well never mind. judge, why am i saying never mind? >> judge jeanine: a high heel, a gorgeous high heel that everybody likes that has the
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arch that's kind of -- you know. >> greg: i was supposed to have a statue jesse, what happened to that? >> jesse: it's in the works but because of inflation it's been getting very expensive. >> katie: don't you have a bobblehead. >> greg: yeah i do have a bobblehead. >> katie: oh okay. >> greg: and i also have a doll. katie: there you go. >> greg: one more thing's up next. ♪ ♪ think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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retreat. >> hold up your kids. all right, nowwhat's y i'm at ad of cash back on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cash back, chase? make more of what your senator, the media and the democrat party don't give a damn about the country. >> they only give a damn about their own power. mollie hemingway discusses the biased coverage of the 2024 race, plus jack quinn on the takeaways from the critical nieto summit saturday on life, liberty, levin and now catch every episode the next day on fox nation. >> it's time now for one more thing, greg. all right. we've got a grea "one mort show. we got todd pirro. you remember him, dagen mcdowell, david angelo, great comedian, kat timpf. >> that's tonight. let's do thitif is ts. greg celebrity round up. i've got a few celebrityve sighting a fews. check this one out over brian stelter going ouian sttyau and having some health food there. he's eating a yam at a local salad bat r and he's tryingweigt to drop some weight, but it's not doing too well. do w, ote have let's see who. loo this is right now.
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>> look, they're feeding time at the view, having fun at the cove. they have a cove outsideat the view arena, as they call it. okay. there is joy enjoying a nice spring of water. yeah, yeah, that's it. >> very good.ce yeah. >> cowboy fans are the worst. look at this guy. total derelict . come he goes, oh, you can't catch me. i have to close my door to roll my windoi have to prolw up. >> yeah. nice try. takes him on a wild, high speed chass him on a wilde. >> oh, sorry, dude. here come the handcuffs. you're under arrest. probably not his first time. obably ngo, eagles. tonight, jesse watters. primetime. johnny asked people inpl the street, should joe biden drop out? >>reet, shob ite who's more ment to be president? >> donald trump 100%. from the greatest man that said that and the trump towers do. >> is it up by this hour? noit , wall. you can't beat that. awesome. : you can't there's no biden to.
10:00 pm
it's timeninejudge, for i keep saying i got to change that picture. t okay. today is national pecan piepict daysure. of pecan or pecan. and to celebrate, we got some pecan pie to indulge in one the set before we take off for the rnc next week. >> dig in, everybody else. did young army, this village. >> where do you get it from, pop? the national pie day, people.pep that delicious. i know. man >> okay, so this is amazing. there's a woman in her twenties her whileept out to sea swimming at a beach in japan. >> all right. by a miracle, she was founds 37 hours later, drifting in an inflatable swing ring more than 50 miles offshore in the pacific ocean. swring ford by a cargo ship and she was struggling in six foot waves. and they saved her.grea >> so good job, everybody. right before she was eaten by cannibals. t job,that's quite a close call. that's all right. that's it for us. have a great night, everybodey. >> welcome to jesse watter


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