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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 12, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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for i keep saying i got to change that picture. t okay. today is national pecan piepict daysure. of pecan or pecan. and to celebrate, we got some pecan pie to indulge in one the set before we take off for the rnc next week. >> dig in, everybody else. did young army, this village. >> where do you get it from, pop? the national pie day, people.pep that delicious. i know. man >> okay, so this is amazing. there's a woman in her twenties her whileept out to sea swimming at a beach in japan. >> all right. by a miracle, she was founds 37 hours later, drifting in an inflatable swing ring more than 50 miles offshore in the pacific ocean. swring ford by a cargo ship and she was struggling in six foot waves. and they saved her.grea >> so good job, everybody. right before she was eaten by cannibals. t job,that's quite a close call. that's all right. that's it for us. have a great night, everybodey. >> welcome to jesse watters.
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>> primetime tonight. would you reconsider your decisioe towattern to stay race? no. unless they came back anraced said there's no way you can win. no, i'd say no. proces i ns that.>> jes >> democrats staging a cousepcot to save democracy. t >> none of you thought that would happen, but it's happeninen buting.g, so the fedl government must come. that's why wederal e have the voting rights act and the civil rights act inside the jill jesse biden kamala harris catfight. >>: il right.>> i h i'veav taken three significant and intense neurological exams by neuro neurosurgeon who neurologist. >> is joe biden abou bt to get tested? i am the smartest man aliv e. plus, who's excited for joe biden? ] >> i mean, the biden hostage
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crisis has turned into a high wire act. >> democrats telling themselves ifre act. he falls, it's likely. if he doesn't, he simply oth wobbled to the other side to survive one more day. >> and biden one surviving. >> for now, donald trump is a loser. well. oh, look, i'm the nominee. i'm the nominee. e nominehis party because 14 min democrats like you voted for me in the primaries. ore inyou may be the nominee. no one else, not the press, not the pundits, not the insiders, not donors. you, the voters. you decide d. >> no one else. and i'm not going anywhere. biden last night wobbledroug his way through a press conference where the bar was
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lower than the earth'sa prconfes for joe, a good night was calling zelenskyy president putin. >> kamala harris, vp trump and any waputiy his way throughse ao the hour. >> look, folks, this is ng the , anyway, i'm not going to be wel, traveling to 15 time zones a week before anyway. fo i'm catching from my wife. anyway, it wasn't about just. anyway not, read what his object is. and anywayhi the, but then agai, they're better than a lot of other people here too. anyway, we just movepeople h ths along anyway. for the longest time, it you know, biden's not prepared to sit with us unscripted. >> biden's not prepared to in any way democrats are testingten each other tonight, calling it the worst of all worlds. rgator >> they're in purgatory. biden did just enough to live anothey.biden dir day, and now s changing his mind. plus, it's too late.
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>> we have scoreshave s of headquartercos and all in alo the toss up states were, organized for a movie. and i it's awfulre movin hardm. to replace in the near term. >> you earlier explained you ear confidence in your vice president. yes. co back and showed you data that she would fare better against formea r tru president donald trump. would you reconsider your decision to stadouy in the race? >> no, unless they came >> nam said there's no wayno you can win me. don't say that. i >> no policies. oh, but they do. some obut theyf biden's closestt are whispering to each other that chances of winning are zero. >> and biden campaign insiders are admitting he needs to drop out. biden could have done push upsm on stage, and it wouldn'te matter as what one democrat said. ane damagedemocrsaid was done tt of the debate. and here are the numbers. biden's approval ratind g just t cratered to 32%. saysif you're a democrat
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who says biden can't win the white house beats the out t of you >> >> this is what one top democrat told me. they said, everyone expre who expresses any level of suspicion or contrary viewsse ,they call everyone and they beat the hell out of them oue. g up ty on messag >> biden's showing up to aig gunfight with a knife. the coupht wita knife. against s growing. it's a coup to save democracy. of cours dee, democrats are putting together an anti biden committeeg to to take them out, telling each other, forget the niceties, be ruthless, and they're bringing in the hatchet and the anare brinmessiah to do it. cnn reports that pelosi and barrack are huddling up about biden's future. people close to both say the end for biden's candidacyr. feels clear. it's just a matter of how it plays out. >> the committee consists of obama world, clinton world,ns big donors like clooney and ari emanuel. late night libs likete-n stephen colbert and jon stewart. the neight likw york times.kingl
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>> biden aides who are leaking like crazy and electedecially democrats, especially the swing staters. but biden's not going down easily. >> there's a risk that joe biden could actually dig in deeper. and that's particularly true with barack obama. a i was talking to a former biden aide pretty recently, and theybiden said, you know, oa already pushed joe biden out of one presidential race o t back in 2015. >> you don't get to do that again tonight. fired shots fired between the bidens and the obamas and both sidebids hitting below the belt. >> they think our old boss, barack obama , is orchestratingge the push to get biden to drop out. the new york times dro wrote tht mr. biden's advisers think that david axelrod and the pod hisave america burrows are, quote, operatives who worked for a cerebral cooho worl guy,cr president and never understood the world. according to the scrappy >> y from scranton. >> you have bigger fish to fryar at this point. >> what do you like? what are you spending time on us for? spendinggo. just beat donald trump. if he was the scrappy kid fromwa scranton, i'd be thrilled.e
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>> and here come the clintons. chappaqua is freaking out. the new york times publishing a piece fromnew ublishin bill'sl pollster. biden's path to reelection has all busterth tt vanished, and ta a new candidate is inevitable. biden's lost the two power centers in democrat politics. the powerthe obamas and clintoo >> and when you lose them,n'wh you lose the moneyen you. us democrat donors have just tolde the biden campaignbidefreezing they're freezing $90 million >> iledges until he drops oust. >> the donor class is shutting down. i know these people. sorr knoy. wn and they're not. and not only are they shutting down contributions to the biden campaign, they're shutting down contributions to a senate committee, to th gn, it'se house committee. and unlike me. all i can do is show malicute. t and that make molly make a lot of people happy. but theyha shut their walletsf pe and they can make a lot a lotope of people unhappy when the checkbooks start closing house on the house and senate, the whole party starts running . >> what americans feel in their ruicans few suggest notonly t
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only that joe biden would lose this race, but thadet he or we o would lose the senate and the s house. >> and the stakes are so high that we need to set asideyn that loyalty and that poetry and that romance and the charge . ghe light brigade and we all go down together in favor of some really hardto nosed analysis. >> even though they're pledged, biden'ly hard->> jess own delegs are plotting against them, aren chng to vote for someon else in chicago. >> but the biden coup isn't because he's mentall y unfit.y sh if he was, they should 25th amendment on the coupse being launched because he'll probably lose, which isn't really a legitll proba reason to disenfranchize millions of democrat primary votersranch >> he won't lose becauseus he's old. he'll lose becausee he his polis are terrible. poli losing this election before the debate. >> that's when the cover up ended. the debate debacle was just an excuse to rig a primar dusy that was already over the age
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bit. >> it's just a distraction. . ve to so democrats don't have to talkb about why biden's so unpopularin . the biden presidency has been a disaster because he cut hn with the radical left to get elected and then gave him everythingected an they wanted. they broke the bank, broke the border, and made our cities boe. abl >> notice how the onlyhe onl people really backing biden hard are aoc. bernie. the view. they got everything they wanted out of joe, and if he's reelected, they can finish this country off. >> but the coup leaders know b that will never happen. >> biden's a dead man walking. so they're trying to replace ia one puppet with another. this is actually the secondup coup in back to back presidencies. in back-to against trump made so republicans support a more well, the couprte whil againstt biden make democrats support him more. >> we don's suppormore?t know be it's just day to day. n is >> jon morgans, a majoraj biden donor who just canceleord? his next fundraiser. >> so why did you cancel?
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well, i didn't cancel. what i did is paused.aign and what i told the campaign is this until it's resolved and until i have a date, l no i'm not going to raise money. this is a decision fori have president biden. i've been a friend and donor for a long, long tim beee. waitfriends don't run. they wait and i'm waiting on him. so i didn'ing ont cancel.ancel, >> i paused, waiting for him. what exactly are you waitings he for? >> he says he's in it to win i t . what i'm waiting for is a date, r it's at the end of august or the beginning of september. i just neeng od a date. i'm not going to raise money without a date. and a function. i mean, people want to meet him. that's. that's just part tha of the dea. so i've already for this event,a will alreadylready raised $1,000 and i will continue to raise that money t if they give me a date. >>t if there's no date, there's
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no fund raising. >> so you need to seoue and smel and touch and poke and prod him in an environment that'sipted, unscripted to just kind of kick the tires, teso justt this guy t because you're not stupid. you're not going to sink millions of dollars intou will n that's going to collapse and they won't give you a date. >> they won't say this is onetae will show up to take your money . well, they'll always take your money. jesse, don't>> well they w every about that. but the point is, thist is florida . i'm in florida. does he swing back through here again? .e swini don't know.y but for me and for my donors, you're right. they're going to wantd a meeting. they want to see and they want to talk to him. they want to hear from him, but they don't wan t wrto just write a big check without the picture. believg che it or not, a lot wrn of this money is written to get a picture so you can put it on the walgepicturl at your off. mm-hmm. i have one of those, but i didn't have to payf anything. . >> my lucky guy. well, nice, because that's. that's because that's becauseare you are, jesse. >> that's right.
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i'm not as luckyss as you in somet other areas, but i think we've both done well. >> thank hav you so much, john. >> we're all right. >> andrew yang is the co-chair of the forward party and formery 2020 democrat presidential candidate. okay, yang, you're backing a coup. you are backing a coup againstst a sitting president. >> how are you okay with that? i think joe biden should step aside. the majority? of americansree, agree, jesse. i'm someone who thinks we deserv whe better leadership and the best candidate to defeat donaldth trump. i do not think that trump should be back in power. and joe biden right now is going to hand not just the white house, but also tot justte and congress to trump. we we have to have a better nominee than that. >> all right. so yang, you're not saying he's mentallse: so yy unfit.yinh you're saying he's probably going to losble. you
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>> is that the reason you want him out of there just becauset e he might lose? is that the reason to disenfranchize all the primions tasono of people in the democrat primary who voted for him? >> that was a bit of a sham yoimary. somebody who was involved and you and i spent some time together in new hampshiri spen h i also do not think that joe biden objectively can make it through another term. one of the interviewers yesterda y actually posed the question, hey, can you do this three years from now? joe he kind of pooh poohed ind joe biden is clearly slipping very, very quickly and i can't imagine him fulfilling a second term. a lohim fulf at of americans ses the same way. >> so if you don't think thintotd make it until nexsef yo year, he probably can't make it now. >> why don't you just 25th amendment and right now, i think that that would be a very legitimate course of action, genuinely. we can all see that there wereth people that have been enabling joe through this time. the e are reports about the schedules and the
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accommodations that are peopg madet ar and it's bad for the american people. it's bad for our confidence wi our leadership. there are enough challenges without essentially adding to them in the way that thisy th administration is. i hope that joe biden does see the the right course of actionri is for him to step aside. i don't think he's goinge. to se that. i know, joe, he's been in this business for his whole lif khak >> he's going to plot aheadu ar 25th amendment. you're saying that the people around joe don'ngplt have what it takes to do it.y do why wouldn't they do it? they see him i more than we seeh him. >> you think they're afraieyd? o you know, someone said to me something that has drivenemethie over the last five years, jesse, they said washington, d.c.sse. is not a town of leadef is a town of followers. there are a lot of people who don't thin ere's a k that joe biden should be the nominee, who are afraid to say it. e tht whto your point, and a lo of people work for the administration. spoke th if people spoke their minds openly, we'd be in a very, very
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different placopenly, e ine as . and so i think you and i bothnd weow that there are a lot of folks who are biting their tongues right now and keeping their thoughts to themselves until they thinknt it's politically prudent to air them out. and that's not what we need right now. weoliticalrudent tit need amerio actually step up and put the country ahead of their ownof professional interests. >> well, you're right about that. >> jest be in this place if the the media had been telling the truth and covering him truth honestly. been say and if the people around him had been saying the truth. we never should have been in this position. >> but we are. and who knows what's going to happen? extraction team lifting him ouet of the white house or him just, you know, never giving up.t. >> we'll see how it shakes out. andrew yang, have a great weekend. joe biden caught conducting >>s, coups and a catfight in the oval. >> did you know, seeing as your favorite news programs for just $40 a month? my favorite news for just $40
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.com. >> up until the debate,nt biden and the mediila had ationh symbiotic relationship, but all felt kind of scripteipd. a list biden always had a little listhe of reporters he was told was e last night. >> this moment matters. we must rise to meet it with that. i'll take your questions. i've been given a list your of people to call on here. reuters jeff mason. >> big boys don't do that.that. was biden getting the questions in advance? >> nbc's kelly o'donnell says a nodv?. quesould never give joe the questions in advance. this p except they do. this pictures from last spring. joe's been carrying note cards with questions from reporters sincine his first year as president. it's an open secret. ything everything biden does is scripted by his people from his fake bhis peop little cabint meetings to interviews with local radio stations.
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>> laserviews localt week, a p host was fired after she hos admitted to askingreselect biden pre-selected questions quesm. thihis press tea turns out this isn't an exception. it's standard up not. the new york times says t the biden administration has been feedingimes questions to ns outlets for years. >> a close look at more thano two dozen radio and podcast interviews givendozen ra by mr. biden over the past two years reveals a distinct pattern. yethe president has been servedp up nearly identical questions, prescreened or suggested ahead of time by campaigprescreen staf members. and in nearly every case, the question set the president up to deliver on message talking pointse ta without nota. flubs. this is what that sounds . >> can you speak to somesome accomplishments that we may or may not be familiar with?? >> you and vice president kamala harris need ice prest youro brag
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a little bit more about your accomplishments. >> can you also speak to som accomplie of your additional accomplishments that you've had while in officonal acce? t t >> what's at stake forr black voters this election? what's at stake fobl r black in the upcoming election? why this election that is taking place tomorrow is so important. and what is at stake , especially for our black voters. >> we're going to play 2 hours of that. and if they're not feeding the media questionand if thes, s team is forcing reporters to make edits before the interviews porters . yesterday, a milwaukee radio station admitted the whiteyester house asked them to cut two gaffes from a recordede of interview. >> here's one of them. in addition to that, i have more blacks in my administrationi ha than any othr president. all of the presidents combined and majo r positions, cabinet maj positions. >> i'm not sure why that's poe. bra biden bragging about putting blacks in his administration. but thaboue white house wanted t out. maybe biden should have said
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african-americans. who knows? but it goes against basic journalistic ethics. >> biden is scheduled to have another sit down interview thids time with nbc's lester holt on monday. >> we'll hav on mondaye that isr discussed it with the cover up orusted is he going to keep it going? we'll find out. we know a lot of the media is disgusted. >> i'll be perfectly honest with you. i do i don't know of a job interview that you could have gonea jo onn delivered the performance deet was delivered by jo biden and gotten a job. and i'm not talking about the presidency. i'm talking about like cashier at home depot, like fox news contributor charlie hurt is here. >> charlie, you know>> jesse: cs would be like? this would be like the trump team giving cbs newslike?. ask >> why don't you ask the president how many miles of wl he built? >> and then lo and behold,o you knowan, 60 minutes.s, mr. president, how many milesr s have you constructed in thedent president? trump pulls out a list and just
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starts reading the mileage trump . e same >> this is the same thing with biden. yeah.h. yeah, it would be no different. you know, i remember when i covered the whitifferent wheet used to drive me up the wall when presidents would they would do this littlehere subtle thing where they would sort of shop arounwould d for reporters to find out what different reporters were workin g on and then would pick the them at press conferences. but this is a whole different thing. this has gone from that kinde dr of sort of reporter shopping to full on buying of tfg th reporters, giving them questions to ask. >> and then the reporterions was,e i don't know how anybody can can can live with themselvesve. >> if you call yourself a reporter, they actually ask the questions and then after they ask the questions and you still screw it up, which i really don't understand that when you go back ane,dw you tell them, you know what, t you need to take this out. you need to take that out. t it is so absurd beyond anything. you know is so what we've always
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known the media has been sort of left wing and yout know, loves to coddle democrats. but thisloves is so far beyondy of that. it's so far out in the open and everybody is completely hearing themselves out. >> the press conference last night, there was some analysis that i think you of all people need to hear. this is the reverend who had .renda complaint about the color of the questions. >> listen. i looked at the press conference last night and there were two black reporters. i mean, we're looking at all quo white question and biden all these white questioning biden, what's going on? see, this is this is the endd of of the. this is the end result. this is what you wind up with.ta's all coloring by numbers. and so, you know, if al sharpton is going to bumble along and that sort of under
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these pretenses, it's a perfectly rational thing for him to say. but it does go t but ito show how h utterly corrupt and dishonest this entire system is. t and, you know, the idea going that we're going to have a pres havs that asks tough questions and gets to theimpl bottom of things, it's simply not going to happen, which is how you havtto happee a mentn unfit person in the white house for three years. and then and then the only people who weren't surprised to find out that he was completely mentallrised toy are people who have been watching fox news or reading the washington timess or. >> it's like whenl you're playing pool and you hit a shot and youand yo sink two h same time. same thing. here you gotme time. biden goinl in the press, going down the hall to charlie. i know you're a wicked pool player. i know you know exactly what i'm talking about. oh, yeah.>> jes >> he's a ringer down at d.c.. trust me tru, he's taken a lot of money from a lot of people. don't play him. thanks, charli of
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e. > the >> the coup against biden is growing by the hour, and theco i leaders are eyeing kamala, his understudy. joe likeeyeings kamala, but he doesn't really think she's ready. >> that's ify. joe can even tell her. >> apart from trump. look , i wouldn't have pickeddent vice president trump to be vice president. do i thinko be she's not qualifd to be president? so let's start there. hat's first of all, the way she's handle the issue of freedom of women'of freeds bs to have control over their bodies. secondly, her abilitly to handl almost any issue on the board. so tomorrow, if all of a sudden i show up at the convention, everybody says we want somebody else. that'sonventio ther process. ot going stuff could happen. esse: bi >> biden might say he's not leaving, but behind the scenes ,biden's own campaigns quietlypl pull. testing coming testing strengtha trump. >> but joe's not going to hand overgainst tru the keys to kamac triggering his wife. the daily mail reportinge first that the first lady's grudge is so deep that the thing worse
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than joe stepping down is the veep replacingg's o >> and that sour relationship started the moment camille attacked joe on stage in 19. >> remember? remember? wit you also worked with themo to oppose bussing. s and, you know, there wasin a little girl in california was who was part of the second class to integrate her publit o. schools. and she was bussed to school ty. da >> and that little girl was me. carmel is not only up against a stubborn incumbent, she's up against a woman with a grudgt aa we all know how that can be a long time associate of jill biden saying it's not about kamala and it's reallyt au not about joe. it's more about her holding on to her status as first lady. >> she doesn't want to give that up. . >> daily mail reporter josh boswell joins us noilw. how vicious is this cold war between kamala and dr. jill?
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well, i mean, the quotes that we were getting from this, sources we spoke to about this, you know, were hatred, wer we you know, jill holds a grudge. there's bad blood. and it was i mean, she was dropping f-bombs and, you know, reportedly in a conference calle after that 2019 debate, shbae spitting fire about that kamala ,you know, the comments that come out of made about joe suggesting even that he was peol racist, you know, that he was supporting people who who were segregationists. she was furious about that.that and that has continued that feeling. and now joe kind of painted himself into a corner, saying that he would have a black female vice president, ended up with with kamala ant, i jill has not been happy with it the entire time. thre time.the one thing that sht want is kamala as presidential>e candidate. >> so she didn't want her as vp. and nod no is vw they're thinking about making her the thplacement for her husbanntd.
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it probably doesn't help josh that kamala's husband kissed jill on the mouth at thed state of the >> does that factor in here at all? >> you know, that is not anis nt angle that we've heard fromr as our sources as being a factor here. but -- but what i will say is that jill has got even more influence over the pastandh week or two. you know, she's always, of course, had joe's ear. but as alwf course these close o get further away from him, you know, worrying that he's g t not going to be able to to beaty trump, worrying that he's mentally unfitine is. who is and she is the one who's controlling the, you know, it wr the the puppet strings, as it were. that's what we're being told frome. know white house sourcese people who know jill,op people who have access to the scenes information. >> well, there's only one way to settle the beef between dr. jill and kamal: only ta. d 18 h 18 hole golf match. that's how it's got to be doneo. . than josh.
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they took the time to answer all of our questions. they really put us ease and clogged gutters for good. >> call 833 lead filter or visit filter scum. >> today, joe biden's debate was a joke. >> i really don't know what he said at the end of this and i don't think he knows what he said either. >> i told you before i'm happy to play golf. if carried on bad. let's not act like children. but there's one thing joe biden did get right. >> we finally beat medicare. well, he's right. he did beat medicaid, beat it to death. thanks to biden's agenda, 2 million low income seniors will lose their drug coverage while insurance premiums skyrocket for everyone else. >> we can't afford more of >> we can't afford more of joe biden' >> america next is responsible for the content of this advertising. when you're a small business when you're a small business owner, your to do list can be a lot. that's why progressive makes it al with a commercial
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canisters. it's for all natural respiratory support no prescription needed. available now at boost and at major retailers nationwide democrat a are taking a battle ax to the biden campaign, spilling all thto be deep, dirty secrets they've been hiding about his brain. >> sourcese say biden hasn't had a full cabinet meeting in nine monthsa and when he does meet with his cabinet, it's completely scripted. >> quotet with h, it is customar cabinet officials to submit questions and key talking t points that they plan to present in front of biden ahead of timpresenronte. o whit two white house aides. one source says the entire ho display is kind of an act. they would come in and say, hey, the president's a goingt to call on you in about 25 minutes in and ask this question. what are the bullet points you'll respond with? it's alle an act. the questions and answers are pre-written. the question there's no brainsto solutions. the white house is full
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of empty suits who are willing to keep these secreto ars. the >> if they thought biden would give them a job for another anot. earsjo >> but now they see doom in november. so biden goes under the bu novembers. >> whistleblowers from biden's juneteenth party are even comingparty orcoming f forward. >> they say he looked aloof,ay stiff and sounded garbled. one democrat said we didn't quite know what to make of it,we but we thought that it was different. and he tt it seemed altered. >> the only person still lyinger about health spender. >> well, that's what she's paid to d to o. >> when a bombshell report exposed a parkinson's doctor visited. white house eight times. binder said he wasn't there fo r biden. later the same day, she said, actually he was here for biden, but not because he has parkinson's. last night, biden was asked if he would takn wae a cognitive tt before the election. >> the president answere d with a misdirection, saying he's taking three neurological misd he has, which are very dift
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from cognitive tests . said yo >> you said you take a cognitive test every day cognb. test are you open to taking another physical or test beforbee s the election? governor whitmer of michigan, for instance, said it wouldn't hurt to take t a test. well, two things. l ook, tone, i've taken three significant and tense neurological exams. neuro nurse, her neurologistd th in each case as recent as february. and they sayecent ca, i'm in good shape. >> neurological exam is when a doctor testsical how your nern are functioning. >> a cognitive tests measures your brainitive test function by asking you a series of questions, testing your memory, concentratio an and spatial awareness. >> trump says joe shouldnitive immediately take a cognitive test, and i will go with him and take one also, for the first time, we'll be a tea
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m and do it for the good of the country. >> and from now on, beall presidential candidates should be mandated to take a cognitive test and an aptitude tes me t regardless of their age. but biden says just take his word for it. >> he's fine. the job. you,sh and i promise you, i am not. okay. thank you.] dr. jeannette nashua, fox news l contributor. so when you ask biden, will you says a cognitive tesou askt? and he said, well, i've takene three neurological exams. he's kind of being trick y, isn't it? >> you're absolutely right, jesse. right here in my hand is right hereane house that joe bik took back in february, just a few months ago. febit does include a neurologil exam, but that is different from a cognitiveological test.. a cognitive tests will actually check memory. memorytestil your executivee fu functioning, select skills, your language confused and that sort of thing. >> i actually have a copy of one right here. i don't give it to me. >>.. e right
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>> i'm just fine. it is different. the neurological exam is inoe report and it does show that he has problems with neuropathy of his fee t. it does show that he has problems with his spine, arthritis of his spineoblems w. but the most important thing is the cognitive exam, because, you know, weortant i need someoa that exhibits strength and power and leaderships cohe and that's coherent and knows how to run this country. >> all right. we're going to reaknows hound se questions from this cognitive tests. and to be honest with yo w somuh i don't think joe biden could answer some of these. >> one of these questions. and like you to count t backward from 100 by sevens. >> yes. so, for example, 100 minus seven, he would say 93. >> but you know what, jesse?venh e 93, 86. this is a mini mental status exam, meaning it's only supposed to take 10 to 15 minutes. cognitive exam will take several hours. cog liked soul sounds school. >> and so for him to say that he's done it three times sce and itthree se: is important that he does get properly tested because fotr example with cognitive impairment, whether he has parkinson's diseas
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e or lewy body dementia or alzheimer's dementia or any othee orr typetn of condition that could be contributing to his symptom s . if you intervene early, we could potentially slow dow, nogs the decline for a lot of these doctors are donors and there's no interest to interveneioo inte the interest is to cover up. the other day there was a doctor on nbc news t who basically diagnosed joe biden with parkinson'snbc nk you don't think you're allowedin medically to du don'o that. and it may not even be parkinson's. it could be manynot even other . >> that's correct. now, joe biden is exhibiting some symptoms of neurological disease, like parkinson's. what is parkinsoxhibitinn it's l neurological movement disorder. it's characterized by what we call ninja slow movement. s and sometimes you have tremorsla and shakes and sometimes you have problems with your mood and your speechshakes.some but other medical conditions could also cause what we're seeing.r medica, what we're witg on air and on tv. >> so it's importantseat that hh
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does undergo a physical examination, a mental and emotional examination.ation. also, what i would do forul my patients, i would do blood work. se i would do lab work to see t maybe is there a thyroid problem? is his glucosehere i or his vitd or b12 off? and then there are actuall oybr brain imaging tests that can be done to determine to helpimcy you to diagnose and determine exactly what is going on. >> all right. well, doctor, that'll be great. >> thatrump and biden, after thf match, they'll go in and they'll both take all these golf bots and we'll have a freel country and everybody will know what's going on. h, jesse.ouo muc >> breaking news about alec baldwin. also, should biden drop out excited? >> are you about joe biden?>> h and saoww his debate in a pizza place? it was a vegan pizza place. i was more excited about the vegan pizza looking for a smarter way to mop. try the swiffer power mop an all in one cleaning tool with a 360 degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop
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sunday, the rnc primetime preview laura jesse and s.
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circle is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. circle available at walmart and circle icon. >> fox news alert. alec baldwin's involuntary trial has come to a shocking and abrupt end. national correspondent matt finn has the latest. matt. jesse jesse. it was a stunning development late this afternoo, n. alec baldwin was spared the possibility of prison time
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when a new mexico whe judge dismissed the ongoing manslaughter trial against him. >> the state's discovery violation has injected a needless, incurable delay into the instant jury trial. dismissal with prejudice is warranted to ensuredismisityf the integrity of the judicial system and the efficient administrationstem justice. >> that judge dismissed the case after findinge stat the state withheld evidence that could have revealed exactly how liveevidence roundst into the gun that alec baldwin was holding on a film set whenwf it went off killing cinematographer helena. baldwin cried and huggedbaldwi his attorneys in court today.ay earlier, baldwin's attorneys requested a motionr,'s att for dismissal, accusing the state of burying a batch of ammoor dii that the prosecution planned to use as evidence in the trial. baldwin has always denied he knew there was any live ammo in the prop gut thn he was holdd and in one interview he claimed he didn't even pull the trigger
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. >> jesse thanks, matt. >> should joe biden drop out or? should he keep going? so j all anybody can talk about. >> so johnny went out to talko k to you. who's excited for joe biden? i can't be. no one without jackie. >> joe biden no more. i saw his debate in saw hisa p it was a vegan pizza place. i was more excited about thefo vegan pizza. >> i'm not into the vegan stuff, i must say, but i'm goinrg to have to try this. >> what happened to joe biden? dementia, alzheimer' s. fallin >> he's only tripping and falling off the bike. he wasf th on a bogo. >> you fall off a bike. he was probably left in the watefo he was r a little lod a little prune. >> the kid used to come up and reach in the pool and rub cm my leg down. do you think joe biden should refu thing for president oup the united states? >> nice. too old to be running. i would really prefe r somebodyld t who had more like sentient thoughts or anbe runniy thought.
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just any thoughts. yeah. time to go. you know, play some golf. >> even though i hear he's not very good at it. you know how many i've see he on you swing? i know you swing. do you think he's capable of finishing the next couple of months? probably not. but he hasn't been capable of governing for the last year or >> he has some good points that you'd be talking about. you're right. name some of those good points nths? . uh, i wantab my stimulusle. tag >> and who gave you that? the orange man. that happens to be me in case ca. forget>> nthos >> for the past year, everyone was saying joe biden♪ strong. >> he can do the job. he's smart. do you feel dupejob,d? i got a lot. they've been lied to me my whole life. i feel duped. >> yeah, they can, you know, pull some fast ones on us. s >> but not anymore. not anymore. ony do you think they covere d all up? >> there's no other candidate. there's no other homk e. no oth >>er joe insists he's staying in the race. right. what's it going to get for him to pass that torch to someone else? that torch te back when he had
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all his mental faculties use one of the most stubborn guys in the senate. when he. >> so i think he's still holding on to that. stillyou got to know who who sd replace joe biden. >> i can't name one off the top of my head. ough were smart, they would replace him with michelle obama, a woman, any womam wi michelln in partic? oh, i can't think of any. whatb >> what about kamala? we do not care about. >> kamala harris. nothing. you. i pass. i don't think voters >> pas would turn out in droves for a kamala harris president or a kamala harris president either or, however you pronounce it kamal. >> you're not to send kamala, who's more mentally fit to be mr the commander in chief. donald trump. donald trump. trump. trump's brain is messed up, but biden's brain is not there. donald n trump 100% from the greatest man. that said that and the trumps of towers do. is it up by this tower?
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no t . look at that guy. how handsome he is. i'll kiss hi gm. >> not. not with lot of enjoyment, but that's okay. lee biden't wis refusing to leae if he's listening to you. what would you tel l. him. tak take it home to rehoboth beach. maybe a retirement home. maybe it e even a park bench.en a >> your dear kind resignation would leave foresigna more opportunities. retire. tion wou take a day off. >> go to turks and caicos. you need to go. goin d caicosg in with time at home. you need to get out of office immediately. now. now. d >> fact is that you and i arere sitting here today because this will be your last week of employment. >> what you want to tellemploy n jesse on fox news, you're gonna be on his show. hi, jesse. ello jes>> hey jesse fox news.e >> i love you guys. thank you for having me on here. for having my donald trump is the next president. prime >> more primetime straightti ahea[ d.
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levin and now catch every episode the next day on fox nation. >> what are you doing sunday night? this is an invitation sunds anetime"o be watching jesse waters primetime. >> we will be in milwaukee setting the table for the rnc, the convention all next week. i'lle fo be out there in wisconn running around. well, johnny will be doing the running. i'll wisin be doing the sitting. >> and we may even have a v.p. candidate by then. we may know on sunday night. so tun no,ighte in 8:00 easternn >> now, let's do some texts. >> dan and patty from milwaukee, when do you arrive? you're welcome to haveyo a cocktail at ouu arrir house.e. what kind of cocktail? i like bourbon . >> i from durham, north carolina. his donors are fleeing biden'smf achieving what the left always wanted. >> get money out of politicst a good point. eddie from palm coast, florida, yang spoke as an american and not a democrat. >> he should conside americar vg
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for trump. >> i think yang is trumpk yang curious? >> william from white house, tennessee heard guess what more times than anyway last night. >> but maybe we should doo a guess what montage next time . tyler from tampa since the tyson paul fight got cut postpone tampae. >> jill versus kamala. that'd be a cat fight. i'd pa y top dollar for. i'd pay more to see that fightpa than paul tyson. greg from salem, alabama i never thought i'd say thism , but i agree with al sharpton. it was d-ii thursday. >> oh, reverend, should we have thursday on convention week? we might have to o. >> bill from chesapeake, virginia are cognitive tests multiple choice. got to level with you some of those test questions. omi don't know if i could handl. >> that's all for tonight. dvr the show. sean'srecord next.s next >> and always remember i'm waters. this is my re


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