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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 13, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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judge. >> judge jeanine: it's time for... ♪ ♪ i have to change that picture. today is national pecan day. and to celebrate we have some peak on pi to indulge in before we take off for the rnc next week. dagan, everybody else did. >> jesse: where did you get it from? spew on the national pie day people. >> katie: there's a woman in her 20s who got swept out to see while swimming at a beach in japan, by miracle she was found 37 hours later drifting in a swing ring for 50 miles offshore, she was spotted by a cargo ship and she was saved, great job, everybody.
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] pete: will: welcome to "fox and friends". middle of the summer. middle of july. cohosts are back on the couch with me. welcome to "fox and friends" weekend. rachel: we are rested, we've got the biden tan to make us look good this morning. i went fishing with my son. my brother in law is a fishing get guide, caught a bunch of northerners, the most delicious
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fish to eat, just a good old wisconsin time, both of us are going to be in milwaukee. pete: i am not a big seafood guy but if you are dining on the coast, good lobster roll intake. good to be here. not a big seafood guy. will: i've been with you to a seafood restaurant and you ordered a steak. that happens a lot. thanks for holding down the fort for us. we when good to have you back to gather including you as well. president biden took the stage in detroit. he's not going anywhere. >> president biden: above all else, we are going to stand up for the constitution and save our democracy. [cheers and applause]
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>> president biden: folks. you probably noticed, a lot of speculation lately, what is joe biden going to do? is he going to stay in the race? was he going to drop out? i am running and we are going to win. pete: i was mostly unplugged over the last two weeks. the last weekend we were together was after the debate talking about what the dems were going to do. as much as things have changed, things have stayed the same, yet it is a story i couldn't turn away from. every time i would plug into check, what's happening, are they ditching him, are they not. it's amazing how little has changed even though you keep waiting for that next shoe to drop. last night was a demonstration of the power of the presidency, the power of the incumbency, the scripted event, groups that back the incumbent, that was a
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good showing for joe staying where he is. rachel: the sign in the back says motown is joe town. he went out, definitely still has people supporting him in the message he was trying to give was these elites, these power brokers and donors are the ones trying to pull me out but you the voters, you voted million as the candidate in the primary. making himself -- a has chris matthews on msnbc saying he's that scranton joe from working class and all these elites are trying to pull him out. that's the message he is giving get. meantime he's trying to rewrite history. for the first time he is getting heat in coming from his own party but he's trying to say donald trump gets a pass.
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>> president biden: meanwhile donald trump riding monitors golf cart. they have been hammering me. i make a lot of mistakes. no, no, no, no, it's okay. they've been hammering me because i sometimes confuse names which i say that's charlie instead of bill. but guess what, donald trump has gotten a free pass. he hadn't done a damn thing, riding around in his golf cart in his course before he picked up his club. ramjet about. hannibal lector, he says, is a nice guy. rachel: he saw the clip of donald trump on the golf cart when someone secretly recorded him. i think that's what he's referring to about anybody would laugh at the thought that
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donald trump has had a pass from the press. will: this is a difficult moment not just because they are hammering him. the mainstream media, his own party, his own news channels who are hammering him disoriented because he's been used to not just being exempted from that kind of treatment that donald trump has survived for 8, 10 years but because he's been the beneficiary of finding treatment from the same media and all of a sudden in a matter of 24 hours after the cnn presidential debate, he seen that same media turn from finding to hammering him, it's got to be dizzying, got to be hard to make sense of so this idea that what about donald trump, last two weeks, i'm the focus. haven't you been aware of the last decade, it's supposed to
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be about trump. >> the outside media that's calling for him to talk out, that's the façade they propped up and what they are trying to appeal to when in reality he is the craven politician clinging to power who the more you go at him probably is more likely to dig his heels in, no way to i give it to kamala or obama so that pressure from the outside might be working in the opposite direction because you have people on the media are happy to dig in and defend him to point to a speech like the one we just showed you and say we are all in for this guy. >> we been honest about the various performance we've seen from this president and the debate, the stephanopoulos interview, to the press conference. that was by far the best performance he's given since the state of the union and it
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looked like that's the joe biden who has been a successful politician. >> this was well done. i can't say anything but that is the joe biden who democrats might be nervous needed to see and democrats who doubted him. he's going nowhere. >> the future remains unwritten. he's dead set on not going anywhere. he was, to me, that was the most comprehensive thesis of the campaign. since the state of the union. will: aside from the fact that they think that was a big pivotal moment, those were two individuals who were part of the critical camp of joe biden the last two weeks. it is sort of like everything stuck in a bit of stasis since that debate. just like world war i, trench warfare.
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people dug in on their sides. that is exclusively in the democratic party. there are those who said things i don't know how they walk back from. who said he has to go, not just in the media but within the democratic party, elected officials. others continuing to live in this never never land of propaganda and cover-up that joe is just fine and those trenches are dug. rachel: usually in a primary people are careful not to get too crazy on everybody but donald trump broke that rule but the reason is you have to patch things up. this is a pivotal moment, that's the fault line, people like that who want to believe that speech, this great when he laid out his presidential
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thesis, then you have the powerbrokers, the donors holding back their money, the hollywood crowd they always depended on, lining up behind george clooney, he thought he could schemed this, president biden follows through and continues on, he has dementia and in october, pretend they are behind him, doesn't make sense. >> they created just enough wiggle room to see what happens next. we will let joe make the decision. he's made the decision. that leads to further speculation. >> do you think what they are doing is negotiating on some point? on some level he knows he has to go and make sure hunter is
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taken care of and hundred doesn't go to jail, i don't go to jail, some sort of negotiation going on? will: i think the odds on favorite of being the nominee is joe biden. by the way stick around. or the addition of off the wall, 7:30 eastern time we will talk about the media's history of covering for president biden and how did they walk that back and how much of they been lying to you. plus today president biden is holding sought talks with several groups including the progressive caucus as he scrambles to shore up support from the party. >> this as number of congressional democrats calling on him to step aside is up to 19. will: madeline rivera live in washington. >> the president huddled with the congressional black caucus on monday, friday he had a virtual meeting with the congressional hispanic caucus. during that call congressman mike leven told the president
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to drop his reelection bid. the president responded by saying he understood the concerns about his age but said he still in good charge. after that call, he became the nineteenth democrat to call the president to leave the race saying in a statement i had deep respect for president biden's 5 plus decades of public service and incredible appreciation for the work we've done together the last 3.5 years but i believe the time has come for president biden to pass the torch. congressman schneider is also urging the president to step aside saying this to neil cavuto. >> i look to the future and where we are going and i see we have a moment that i'm calling on the president to make the heroic choice to pass the baton to the next generation. >> new york lieutenant governor antonio delgado is breaking for the state's governor kathy hochul who is standing behind the president. >> we need an individual on the front lines in this competition
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where you are running a campaign it must go every single corner of this country and talk to people and listen to people and lead with love and compassion enforce the will overtake the dark forces. >> a group of 2 dozen former democratic lawmakers are making this plea to the president stating in a letter to him president biden would best serve the nation he loves by releasing the convention delegates who are pledged to nominate him for a second term. 's decision to do so would mean an open convention in august which we ask him to make that decision, the president has said many times he's staying. will: perhaps one of the most notable developments of the last 24 hours is this coming from a headline in the new york times, donors to a pro biden superpack are said to withhold roughly $90 million, the frozen contributions include multiple
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8 figure commitments according to the two people who spoke on condition of anonymity. given the sensitivity of the situation. the decision to withhold such enormous sums of money is one of the most concrete examples of the fallout from his poor debate performance at the end of june. future forward declined comment on any conversations with donors or the amount of any pledged money being withheld. of future forward advisor would say only that the group expected contributors who had paused donations to return current uncertainty about the ticket was resolved. >> the question is what would give them more certainty? jesse waters had one of these super pac donor voters on and he said they want to see him. they want him in a room. a lot of times there's an event and they are like they want to kick the tires. a zoom call won't do. they want to touch and feel and
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poke and make sure he is okay. you had a friend who knows the rules and they are complicated. he said two things to me that were interesting. if biden withdraws before the convention they shouldn't be able to transfer the money. he says donors to superpack saying they are earmarking money on condition of a nominee could be illegal coordination. there's a lot of intricate rules on how you handle super pac, all of them sang here's the money but we are going to hold it, there might be some legal issues with that. pete: it seems like you are staring at the chaos of a mini primary which would be a race to the bottom of progressives with lunatic positions that are not popular with the general electorate where joe can curate events that make it look like the character he is. if this really craters, that could be the type of thing that nudges him but we've been
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reading how much he loves kamala harris. probably harbors some of that animosity. jill, handing it to her doesn't feel like an option so they are stuck. we will see. keep going, i love it. we turn to a few additional headline starting with this one. alec baldwin the sobbing in court as a judge dismisses is involuntary manslaughter case. the judge says prosecutors had evidence of live ammunition that may have been linked to the fatal shooting of halnya hutchins. 's widower is bowing justice is widowers bowing justice, we look forward to presenting all the evidence to a jury in holding baldwin accountable for his actions in the senseless death and a scary situation for american airlines passengers flying out of san francisco yesterday. three people are hurt after a flight bound for miami filled
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with smoke from a malfunctioning laptop in a checked bag. it happened when the plane was on the tarmac and passengers were still boarding. >> i stood up and moved back and there was a significant amount of smoke. >> everyone started pushing each other out of the way trying to exit the plane. that's when people went for the exits, opened them up. pete: people start pushing each other. the incident comes days after another american airlines plane from tampa blue and engine and a tire moments before take up. harrison but care is responding after tennis stars venus and serena williams took a shot at him at the 2,024 sp awards. here's what the two of them had to say. >> go ahead and enjoy women's sports because they are sports. >> except you, harrison butter,
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we don't need you. >> but you're releasing a statement in response saying williams did not use this opportunity for good. he's been criticized for a commencement address where he stressed the importance of traditional family values. >> that was from the party of tolerance and inclusion and coexistence at all the other buzzwords they have. what a rude, classless thing to do at an event like that. will: if you disagree with us on an issue you are not welcome to watch women's sports. rachel: president biden trying to assure voters he's okay but michigan democrats like gretchen witmer didn't show up for his detroit rally. jenna dixon says this is pretty telling, and she is next.
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>> president biden on the offensive in detroit trying to reassure michigan supporters that he shouldn't back down. >> got to finish the job and i
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promise you i am, i am okay. a lot of speculation lately, what is joe biden going to do? is he going to stay in the race? was he going to drop out? i am running and we are going to win! rachel: host of the tutor dixon podcast, trump campaign surrogate, great to have you on. do you think that rally and the figure he managed to muster is enough to keep those people worried about him at back? >> i don't think it will keep them at bay, but puts them in a serious pickle, they didn't want him to do well at that rally. he's reading his teleprompter, always does better when he has notes prepared in front of him and he did really well. he had very few gaffes, as was filled with energy and people
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are going why did he do so well, we wanted to say see, he's not capable, got to kick him off the ticket, you can't kick your nominee off the ticket after the primary, they know they are in trouble and now they know they are in more trouble. rachel: when he went to meet with voters, he said i am okay. you have governor witmer, and ambitious lady, she didn't show up at the rally. what does that tell you? >> reporter: interesting to think she just got back from a tour in new york where she joked she didn't watch the debate, the debate was so bad what was she going to say about it, she suggested he take a cognitive test. tests. where's the loyalty as co-chair of the campaign? instead of coming back to her home state she goes to a luxury resort with a bunch of donors and spend the weekend there, this again sends a major
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signal, she released a book at a very odd time clearly saying, there needs to be a replacement, i'm right here. rachel: for somebody like witmer or gavin newsom, you know her a little better, what is better for her? for president biden to insist on staying in the race and loses and she can start to think about running in the next election or do you think she would fare better in this battle, the mini primary if they are able to oust president biden? >> let me compare the two. for witmer, she knows she never ran for office against her own record. she had marijuana on the ballot pushing her over abortion, she never talked about what she has done so she believes right now she can slip under the radar
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and not campaign, the type of election she wins. for gavin newsom he wanted to be president biden, he says kamala harris will be the one they choose at have to wait 8 years for her, to win or run in four years or he loses and i running four years. rachel: after seeing how tyrannical governor witmer was, all the candidates, governor witmer is nuts. thanks for joining us. 's who is vice president harris and what policies should we be concerned about? we break it down with kaylee mcgee. with every purchase, all loyalty members earn points toward mylowe's money. plus you get free gifts and free shipping. the all-new mylowe's rewards program is here. download the app to join, earn and save today.
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pete: vice president kamala harris is the favorite among democrat voters to replace joe biden amid concerns for him to step aside but who is the real kamala harris and should americans worry if she's named to the party nominee? kaylee mcgee, thanks for being here. i know she's a prosecutor who was a senator, we don't know that much about her. what will that mean? >> reporter: there's a reason the bernie breauxs are screaming from the rooftops, she's much more open to the radical left's policies then president biden is. let's take the israel complex, one of the first people in the biden administration to suggest dear needed to be a permanent cease-fire and break with israeli officials on military campaign. she signaled she's much more open than biden is. the problem is not just that
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her policies are radical but she's incompetent. she sound like self help group than a serious presidential contender. will: the poll shows he she has default support it doesn't feel like enthusiasm clambering. jill biden, the headline from the daily mail, president biden's grudge against kamala harris, is so deep the only thing worse than joe stepping down is the vp replacing get him. jill has not forgotten about that d bait moment, on segregation effectively calling him a racist, that might be a dealbreaker.
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>> reporter: she seems to have a grudge against kamala. president biden likes being president, she doesn't want to give up this power. so what they have done is instead of reassuring the democratic party leadership, democratic voters that he's fine and for to serve another four years they have essentially threatened mutually assured destruction, if democrats don't break him out, they will sink every chance the democrats have of winning the white house in november. i don't know that's a great strategy but seems to be working out well for jill biden. pete: the rally in michigan last night tightened the script, tightly choreographed, high on crowd enthusiasm and they feel it's a demonstration of why he is the most formidable nominee to take on donald trump. do you think he stays or goes?
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>> jill biden likes the power and we don't have a great alternative. we know kamala is not a great option and there is no other candidate who could step in and easily fill the role and serve as a unity candidate. gavin newsom is the only one with the money and name recognition to do it but he can't win a general election. gretchen witmer doesn't have the national name recognition to step into the race so they don't have great options. i think he stays. pete: he played this every day guy who is for the people but now that he's got power he and jill will not relinquish it. kaylee mcgee white, thank you for your time. alec baldwin breaking down in tears as his rust movie shooting trial was dismissed. senator bob menendez's faith in his bribery case in the hands of the jury. and attorney is looking at the
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will: alec baldwin breaking down in tears after the manslaughter case against was dismissed over withheld evidence by the prosecution. hannah gutierrez reed who was sentenced to 18 months in prison is looking to get her conviction overturned.
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and new york-based trial attorney joins us now. help us understand why this case was dismissed against alec baldwin? these prosecutors withheld evidence from the defense leading to this dismissal. >> reporter: a shocking situation yesterday. the defense attorneys asked the judge to dismiss the case based on the fact the group of bullets were delivered to the sheriff's office in late march, early april, that were never turned over to the defense, they were delivered by someone who claims these were the bullets on the rest set, live ammunition. it doesn't mean this would have exculpated alec baldwin. it means the prosecution, under
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a supreme court case has to turn over evidence even if it doesn't help the prosecution. and prosecutors admitted they didn't in a crazy situation. the prosecutor took the stand to explain why she didn't send this evidence to the defense team. there's no explanation. when prosecutors the old 30 like this you cannot do anything but what the judge did, examine this evidence, felt it was enough. enough information, and there's a miss trial, not only a mistrial, with prejudice
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meaning prosecutors cannot begin this case again so alec baldwin, pending the prosecution if they choose to do that. rocha prosecutors like we saw in donald trump's case should not be tolerated the same way we saw alvin bragg and judge mrchon make parents out of nothing, rocha prosecutors, stepping up to the prosecutor. will: you mentioned of the prosecutor with alec baldwin and the attempt to understand the motivation of withholding evidence from the defense. there was a fiery moment from the courtroom between the prosecutor in the defense counsel.
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>> you you told one of the witnesses. >> i do not recall saying that. >>, that arrogant -- did you call him an arrogant [bleep]? >> i don't believe i did. will: that's the prosecutor on the stand being grilled about her attitude toward alec baldwin. evidence was withheld and the case was dismissed. senator bob menendez's trial where he's being charged and tried for obstruction of justice, acting as a foreign agent, a fraud, this is a case we knew there were details about gold bars being exchanged, doing a pay for play scheme whether extorting or
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accepting bribes. >> reporter: the jury deliberating on this case, when we don't have a quick verdict, the jury's taking this seriously, the jury is not saying not guilty of a new jersey jury that might have been appealed by his fame as a senator, the jury is deliberating and taking their time which tells me that it will probably be a guilty verdict. upwards of 400,000 gold bars. it is a very hard pattern to explain away. the menendez defense -- he likes to keep money in the house. that's a lot of money.
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some of these excuses don't hold water. i doubt the jury fell for this. they are going through the accounts and making decisions, and this one. over to you. rachel: turning now to your headlines. starting with an update into matthew perry's fatal overdose. federal agents say they are confident they have enough evidence to arrest the suspect who helped the friend*contribute to his death. perry died in a hot tub at his home in october. to charge multiple people and see if the doctors were deemed out of the scope of medical
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necessity. a fox wildfire dollars. in santa barbara county, california, thousands of a higher fighters battling to get the upper hand as the lake fire grows to 38,000 acres. the wind driven fire erupted during an extreme heat wave over a week ago and it is 19% contained. the cause is under investigation. the princess of wales is expected to make a rare appearance on mid her ongoing cancer diagnosis and will present the winners trophy. the final is between tennis star novak djocovicz -- they told me in my ear and i still got it wrong. this comes five weeks after novak underwent knee surgery. is going for a record time 8
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wimbledon title and a rematch of yesterday - last year's showdown after coming on top in a 5 set thriller. families racing to welcome navy pilots and sailors home in virginia beach after an intense, 9-month deployment fighting off attacks from the houthis in yemen. you can see children hugging their loved ones and heroes at naval station oceana. they are deployed with the uss eisenhower, the lead aircraft carrier with attacks from the houthi rebels on shipping in the red sea and those are your headlines. those are still problems with the houthis or did this deployment take care of it? pete: it is the end of their rotation. rachel: let's check in with meteorologist alan klotz.
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>> reporter: across the east coast, lingering through the day. big weather stories, how much rain we are seeing not just in the northeast but the entire east coast and a pressure system, low-pressure system is going to be lingering. a stationary front means rounds and rounds of rain. in philadelphia and new york. the other story across the country, it has been so incredibly hot across the west coast, that will continue, temperatures in the 80s and 90s, in 112, lingering through the entire weekend. it was a little hotter this saturday but there are weather headlines. rachel: more "fox and friends" next.
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rachel: with the heat wave continuing many are looking for ways to cool off. will: we caught up with skip to
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talk about pools for any size backyard. >> reporter: how you can create your own backyard oasis. >> so great to be here. i'm excited to show you these awesome pools. this is san juan pools, the leader of the nation's fiberglass pools, they are supereasy to install so you don't have to go through concrete work, no final line is you have to maintain, the pool is ready to deliver like you see it. amazing new model they have now. this is the margarito beach, this incorporates a sundeck that allows you to put your lounge chair. >> want some water on your legs, this is great when you have children. they like the shallow end. >> then you lay on your lounge
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chairs and step into the deep end. it comes in multiple sizes and a lot of your friend finishes. you can install this on the ground, on your patio to fill with water. i did half in the ground or out of the ground. this is a san juan pool i had a couple years ago. a patio pool allows you to put it on your patio and you have an in ground pool the same day. i love mine. these come in multiple finishes. in a granite car in the back with finishes to choose from. san, hundred models to choose from.
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good call. another cool thing they are known for. they combine hot tubs and swing decks, bench seating. what you see back here in the trailer combines a hot tub and a giant, 30 foot swimming pool all in one. 45 foot pool, in your backyard, ready to go. >> reporter: i love what you said during the commercial break. you can go on their website and design it. what your backyard looks like and they install it. >> reporter: >> no high-pressure salesman in your house. the same pools,, can i build, you can superimpose from a
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satellite image of your house see if you like it, it is on the line. >> codes or discounts you can get to? >> go to pick up the one you like, couldn't be easier. >> reporter: months to install a pooling your backyard. he has one and put it in and was swimming in two days. >> in two days. >> reporter: you could have underground and aboveground too. back to you in the studio. pete: a big show still ahead tomorrow. ♪ get ancestrydna and see which traits were inherited, where they came from,
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