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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 13, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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will: it is the 7:00 hour, biden coming out swinging in a michigan rally even as more democrats come out against his reelection. >> president biden: you the voters decide it. no one else. and i'm not going anywhere. will: trump channeling his inner apprentice host as we approach the rnc and highly anticipated vice president reveal. how he plans to make the announcement. rachel: they say variety of the spice of life and some travelers are taking that seriously by having travel agents poker chips to mystery destinations, the second hour of "fox and friends" weekend starts right now.
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will: looking at a beautiful shot of michigan this morning, that's where a lot of the upper midwest looks like in the summer and it is gorgeous, just loving summer and loving being back with will and pete. took a little bit of a hiatus. good morning. very rested and to and. will: inappropriately tan. is a too much? rachel: you took my advice of not using sunscreen. if you go into our pre-commercial break, she's going to have no sunscreen and don't respect her anymore, take what rachel says with a grain of salt, not dismissal just a grain of salt.
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i want to know what that saying means by the way. rachel: just very natural when it comes to food and medicine. will: it is something. it's not one day, laying on the lawn chair, the back of my hands for ease. i burned, it still hurts, that's the only part. otherwise -- rachel: you know this from being in the upper midwest. the mosquitoes, when they bite your ankles, i had one this morning. i did go fishing and they started -- i actually used off on the back of my -- just a little bit. i just had one here. will: we are working hard doing
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nothing. the story has remained the same with multiple variations. there been interviews, press conferences after the debate, last night president biden went to detroit, michigan, did a couple of events and did a rally, a raucous one and said very clearly to the voters i'm not going anywhere and here is why. >> president biden: i amazon nominee, 14 million democrats voted firmly in the primaries. they made me the nominee. no one else, not the insiders, not the donors, you the voters decided. no one else and i'm not going anywhere. i learned a long time ago when you get knocked down, you get back up. rachel: that's a really smart angle. now it is him against the
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elites, the establishment, the donors and hollywood and he is saying i am with the voters who voted me in as their candidate for the democratic party and positioning what the others are trying to do to him as a coup. will: for us to point out for the party of democracy to undercut the democratic choices of primary voters in their party is certainly not just hypocritical but truth telling. that being said, president biden was selected in 2020 when jim clyburn helped him put south carolina at the top of the primary battle. he had not won anything what comes to democratic voters, he wasn't overwhelming, he was selected by party insiders, by the early, selected to be the candidate for president. this year antidemocratic measures were taken when it comes to rfk or dean philip so this is not a party in any way
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that has been putting its voters through the process of true democracy and all of a sudden for him to cloak himself in democracy when the same mechanisms that put them into place are working against him strikes me as a bit rich. pete: it's the best card he can play, to say i have the votes in the bank, you want to take them away from me you're taking them away from the people. forget you, new york times, forget you, ms nbc, you can play this populist message which is not true to your point but effective. even when i watch that clip, got a little riled up at the end but he rattled through, not the press, you could really deliver that line in that moment and it doesn't have anywhere near a fast ball. >> he presents those against him as disloyal, ruthless and a lot of these are old friends of his.
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pete: he is going back to the people because he lost the other mechanisms. his last appeal is to the people but this is a reflection of where the people are. elected officials, not just pundits, not just elites, not just the media elected officials of walked away from him, the count is at 19. one and senator in -- 18 congress men and women in the democratic party have walked away from president biden. why would they walk away from president biden? in no small part because they feel like there districts, their elections are going to go against them because it will go against president biden, they are not doing it for the future of democracy or they are worried about national security of the united states, they are doing it because they are worried about their elections. which would be a democratic reflection of the voters. rachel: never underestimate how much a congressman wants to win his seat back. they like president biden but don't want to lose their seat.
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>> if you squint to read the names you will not recognize the. these are backbenchers. there's not a lot of committee chairman, no one in leadership. these are people trying to win back their seats. what is nancy pelosi going to say. mostly they back joe though they have given some wiggle room and that's because we are up against it right now and that is what chuck todd, democrat or explainer for them, he said recently that it comes down to this weekend, this weekend is the moment president biden has to make his call. >> if they are going to make a move against biden, they better do it this weekend. they can't keep dragging this out. can't wait for another excuse. in theory it is a winnable race for biden. the question is can he do the
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things he needs to do to win? when you look at even recent historical context, nobody with the slower job approval rating has ever won period. it is just a fact in the modern era of polling. will: chuck todd part of the roof was cool group, media is joining up with hollywood, with barack obama and axelrod are now those big players to push him out but president biden is saying -- >> this weekend, better make that call. >> there's a lot of factors. is resilient. even just coming back from tragedies, tough campaigns, stubborn and something they don't understand, i do because i'm married to an irish guy, they hold grudges. they hold grudges. jill and joe both are holding a grudge against obama because he
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didn't let them run in the 16, they wanted to be the one to run and barack obama chose hillary and she lost. of other thing was hinted at, this is what shows you it's really personal. when chris matthews was on msnbc this week, he said the obamas never invited the bidens upstairs to the residence in the white house. it seems like a stupid thing but it is a humiliation. if you guys are friends, come on upstairs, they were never invited to the inner circle and the bidens held a grudge against them. jill biden does not like them and now you see the rift is out for everyone to see. it's personal now. >> chuck todd said no one has had this kind of polling go on to win the election. president biden a few months back said on thursday, i can win. watch. >> you earlier expressed confidence in your vice president.
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if your team came back and show you data that she would fare better against donald trump would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? >> unless they came back and said there is no way you can win. no one is saying that. no paul says that. >> even my kids wanted to watch the press conference, 25 million wanted to get a sense and he did fine enough. just enough, he knew he was calling on, was told who to call on, who knows if you know what was coming and they wisely cloaked it in the nato stuff so it ended up being a conversation about nato, half the questions which were easy for him to riff on the contrast with trump, he saved his presidency in some ways even though i don't think he had a good performance it was good enough. here is editorial boards, the
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washington post came out with another editorial saying this. biden remains in denial, needs to come to grips with reality, with time running out before the democratic national convention opens august 19th mister biden and his inner circle of advisers seem to be playing for time. based on his comments thursday mister biden seems to seems to be oblivious to the political furor surrounding him and in denial about his frailty personally and politically. will: chuck todd says no one ever won with this type of polling and president biden says i wouldn't drop out unless it shows i can't win. the washington post is saying take a look at the polling, you are in denial. and that clip he said there's no paul that says i can't win. that's chuck todd, it has never been this bad for an incumbent. >> i saw twee, truman was down 10 points in july of 1948 and won, dukakis led by 17 in july of 1988 and he lost. clinton was in third at this point. things can change. july 1992.
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so this is -- there were, the primary wasn't over yet, the process wasn't even over. because you had ross perot and george h w bush. they are going to look around and say these polls can shift, there's a lot of time left, another debate to be had and you will hear this line time and again, i am the only person who can beat donald trump. that's what they will say repeat. thing about everyone around him, how happy they are. even the cabinet secretaries. they haven't had a cabinet secretary since october. there's no oversight, none of them have left. they are all incompetent. the 25th amendment, no way. life is good. living high on the hot. rachel: they say the circle is so small that it's just jill, hunter and one of his old
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advisors who has been there four decades. hunter, i thought they were not sharing any kind of closeness in terms of hunter is not at the white house and joe is not involved in his deals overseas so why is hunter the gatekeeper? abigail schreier had a tweet saying you are not allowed to suggest that. that group is small, tight, so the quote you were reading makes sense. may be president biden doesn't know how much people are clamoring to get him out. will: the other big story with the republican national convention set to kick off, who will be donald trump's vice presidential nominee? who will be his fellow running mate for president? he was on the clay travis and buck sexton show this weekend this is what he had to say about his selection. >> i would love to do it during the convention.
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the republican convention is a big deal. and the old days they used to do it that way. >> have you thought about how to convey that? >> it is like a highly sophisticated version of the apprentice if you think about it. they are great people. >> you are telling us it is not necessarily a done deal in your mind, is that right? >> i am going into great detail but ultimately it is more of an instinct, you develop an instinct but i like to know all the facts before the instinct kicks in. the people are fantastic. i watched tim scott on television yesterday, he was fierce and great, he was great. i watched marco over the weekend on television, he was incredible. jd has been great. you have a man named bergam who is a fantastic governor in north dakota.
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estate that's very successful and he's done a good job there. you have some terrific people. will: there was thought that was narrowing down to rubio and vance. trump saying bergam, and tim scott as other names in the running, tim scott will join us live tomorrow on "fox and friends" weekend. will: i heard the name ben carson, interesting pick. i like it more, great to hear -- i think he's a steady hand, prepared to be president, don't think he would overshadow trump but is a true believer, they wouldn't want to replace trump with a guy like ben carson, those that hate trump because ben carson is solidly america first. more i thought about it, that seems like something that would work. >> when i saw the names of the pictures that are people on the
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list right now, i think it sounds like trump to pull a wildcard and pick someone who's not on the list. >> probably more likely someone not. that's my thought right now. will: he wants to announce on wednesday, my husband sean is looking at the schedule of events and there's a lot of ohio people scheduled to speak on wednesday. that got -- maybe it's j d vance. people are leaning towards that but i think trump loves to surprise and there might be somebody not on that list. still thinking maybe vivek. maybe maybe. can i tell you this? i do think vivek would be great with millennials and you were talking about polling, i saw a pew poll, his numbers are the worst among young people, joe biden's, there's an opportunity to win over younger people if republicans play it right, not necessarily that vivek is the
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only way to do that but president biden cannot depend on younger people the way he did in the last election. pete: to win aware vivek is on sunscreen? like influence him or find out the answer? pete: you stepped in it now. rachel: you think i am crazy. i know he thinks i am crazy but all my conspiracy theories have come true and like a lot of that, remember when i was talking about jill biden being craven and horrible and nobody believed me and it turns out she's running the white house. can you give me credit? pete: who else would be a good vp would be sean duffy. charlie: we are going to turn to a fox news alert, two israeli notary sources say a top hamas military commander
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was the target of an israeli airstrike in southern gaza overnight. the hamas commander is one of the masterminds behind the october 7th massacre. a battle damage assessment will determine if he was killed. another commander is believed to have been alongside him. initial reports indicate dozens were killed in the strike and hundreds wounded. israeli literary says the strike hit a fenced hamas area and most people were militants. florida mom charged with inciting a 500 person riot at a skating rink after her kid's birthday was canceled in may. the owner was on "fox and friends first" saying, recapping how out-of-control these rioters were. >> it is a different world. you've got 12, 13, 14-year-old kids, cussing, screaming, threatening the police which i've dealt with children all my life. those were not children, they will kill you. they will kill you in two
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seconds flat. that is what we do not allow in our robberies. will: they don't allow killing in their skating rink. in part because they called off the party because the party didn't hire an off-duty officer which is required. social media calling on friends to show up anyway. in baseball, testy between the yankees and the orioles thing is getting heated after clay holmes hit baltimore first baseman in the head in the bottom of the ninth. >> he gets hit in the helmet. that is so, so scary. will: he was able to get up and walk on his own but was taken out of the game.
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the yankees won 4-1 and those are your headlines. pete: that he didn't try to hit him in the head but brushed him back. he will go with him for the good of the country. rachel: that would be an interesting thing to team up for that. doctor marc siegel about president biden's health problems, did that with kennedy too and says it must end. he is next. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. pete: donald trump says president biden should take a cognitive test and he will go with him and take one too. encouraging all presidential candidates to do so. will: doctor marc siegel said transparency is essential for the american public to assess its leaders fitness justifying voting for him or her and confident the leader can fulfill the duties he or she was elected for. rachel: doctor siegel, welcome. donald trump said he will hold president biden's hand and go for a cognitive test. you save is important and we've
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seen the press do this before, hide the medical condition of presidents in the past. >> listen, transparency is part of democracy. we are supposed to know what's going on with our leaders and often we don't but not only did donald trump take two cognitive tests and talk to me in 2020 and say it should be a criteria, other leaders are sharp, we have to make sure our leader is sharp but when he had covid i interviewed him and he was full of information. here's my oxygen level, what my lungs look like, the medicine i took, sean connolly, the president's doctor, forthcoming, where is kevin o'connor not coming forward or giving information, we see all the stumbles but we don't see information.
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could this be that? nothing about coming forward and honest and clear with the american public. will: president biden says he has a neurological exam, that's different from a cognitive test. >> it's not about a neurological assessment, that would come forward and ca president finishing sentences and spatial disorientation and an mri scan of the brain and a cognitive test, testing judgment, reasoning, memory, do recall like donald trump said, give you words, you check for spatial orientation but if this confused, a neurologist would do a full neuro-psych test which takes hours, first you do the cognitive screen and more
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extensive tests. that is not what it is about. >> a doctor on nbc saying you could diagnose president biden across the road. this is a direct quote. he says it's all the classic symptoms from lack of arm swing to robotic movements, turning side to side, not a starter, can't find words in his mind. the mask on the face, monotone low voice, delist of things and said this is an easy diagnosis of parkinson's. >> i don't agree with him. i think it has to do with atrial fibrillation, irregular heartbeat, not getting enough
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blood flow to parts of the brain, that can lead to brain damage or silent strokes or areas the mri would line up. i don't think it is parkinson's which i see more evidence of losing cognition. i've got to say something quicker. i want to tell you like, who must be a hero of yours when he had a heart attack in 1955, doctor paul dudley of mass general told the public everything, full disclosure, full transparency and i got reelected the next year, one of the most popular presidents in history. that is a message to the white house, tell us what's going on please. will: they are asking to run the country and other four years. we deserve this choice. thank you very much. >> i can't say. i don't know what it is.
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and get in the picture. learn how abbvie can help you save. will: a couple weeks of the biden administration they are realizing they can no longer cover up the president's age concerns. pete: let's look at, they nominated the oldest nominee, 86 finishing his term. this is a paul, thousand registered voters. are you concerned he is too old to be president? 3 quarters of voters had big concerns.
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will: 76%, major concern. they engineered the primary, the second election cycle to ensure president biden is the nominee, the proposal to make south carolina the first official primary. in january, they ensure president biden's name is the only name that will be appearing on these ballots from new hampshire all the way to dean phillips and rfk junior would not. pete: they rigged in their own democratic process to make sure there was little to no resistance to president in the white house and the dnc, they knew his diminished state, it would be difficult, they moved the calendar, didn't participate in new hampshire and he clinched the delegates. have the delegates by march 2024.
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will: dean phillips has been talking about this primary. >> i won't say anything but the president understands the consequences. let him do that. >> they come up to you privately and say sorry. pete: talk about a guy vindicated, the premise of his candidacy is his too old, not prepared to be president, he didn't tattle grievances with joe other than a new generation should come in. here he is. will: everyone seems to have had our revelation after the presidential debate almost overnight but if you are paying attention and i know you have, this hasn't been something that has become obvious overnight. we could go back years, one of the most stark examples was in
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february when robert hur said he was too old and senile to prosecute for his classified documents case, the jury will look at it him as a sympathetic old man. pete: you don't get many glances from official washington that read like this. special counsel report is another. sympathetic and a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. part of the rationale as to why the documents case was not brought against him. will: we talk about account rachel: cover got president biden's threat to national security, remember who through robert hur, absolutely trashed the special prosecutor? >> the way the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts. and politically motivated. >> i'm puzzled why the special counsel chose to make
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statements he had no business making. pete: kamala harris knows, she's with him all the time. if anybody knows, it's her. if anyone knows he's an elderly man with a poor memory, it's kamala harris. because of their access to power, were -- positions of power about the commander in chief. -in-chief. will: she stands to benefit after being one of the biggest perpetrators in the cover-up. the washington post looking to push president biden out, the full transcript of biden's interview with the special counsel paint a nuanced portrait. the president doesn't seem as absent-minded as he made him out to be. now they found jesus, they have seen the light. pete: the washington post, nobody better at getting leaks, they haven't gotten a leak of the audio transcript of that interview. may be they will now that they
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are trying to push him out the door. will: this is what they were saying a week before the d bait, any video that demonstrated his inability is as cheap fakes. rachel: there's deep fakes and cheap fakes, the internet someone could modify a video, make it look real and make him look bad and the talking point went out quick across all of official washington from the podium. karine jean-pierre and another member of the campaign. >> instead of republicans focusing on the president's performance and what he has been able to accomplish his actual record they do these cheap fakes. >> donald trump has to resort to lies. as you mentioned earlier, his campaign putting out cheap fakes. pete: they make up a new word.
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washington post pete: will: cheap fake went viral for about a week. pete: you can't fake what we saw whether it was turning away from parish shooters or escorted off the stage by barack obama these things get out there and they tried to deny them but they are self-evidently true. will: the cnn presidential debate and the realization and you see everything change. we didn't know what to make of it, we thought that was different and he seemed all heard. this is from congressman ron reynolds. pete: george clooney op-ed he cleared through obama, was at my fundraiser, the joe biden used on tv was the same one i saw my fundraiser, pretty devastating op-ed coming got from him. will: you've seen it from cable news channels to the 19 democrats the distance themselves from president biden. after participating in the cover-up for years, now they truly want to tell the truth
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about president biden. pete: couldn't covered up on a debate stage. blue and democrats fear previously blue states are turning purple as biden continues his campaign. our next guest, if that's the case in her race. new mexico gop senate candidate joins us next. id... ...we recreated some of the wettest springs, hottest summers, windiest falls, and coldest winters. all on one track. to prove these three-row suvs were built for the unstoppable. kia movement that inspires. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment...
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i would say that we're closer than the average mother daughter. hi mom! if i lost my mom... i can't think about that for too long. i was like, "whoa, mom, i have this gene!"
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kenzie's test and me being able to find out that i was brca positive was lifesaving. i've seen her take her health into her own hands, for herself and for us. i'm really proud of my mom.
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>> republican senate candidate in new mexico has a record fund raising, in 22 years, has biden's rough couple weeks affected the state of the race. is that candidate domenici? 22 years since you've had republican in the senate in new mexico. what's different with the prospects potentially in this election cycle? >> thanks for having me, all the positive things happening in new mexico. our state is going read. we have an incredible november. >> what to be a change in new mexico?
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>> what is driving, martin heinrich and joe biden, we are number one in crime and the bottom state of education, in many areas, and companies are leaving our state. that's the radical progressives of the state. they don't want to live in a crisis anymore, they want change. failures have been at the border and crime and education. i can bring that change and they know it. >> many scientific states across this country, it does
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feel polling is leaning, democrats feel safe states turning purple. biden stays the course, lingering worries about the president's age can make new mexico and virginia competitive. party operatives bully this from the new york times. how much beyond the issues you are discussing is president biden in your estimation a drag on the democratic side of the ticket? >> he was a drag before this last week. he was a drag before the debate. maybe it is not clear. and they are cream of the crop issues. our people are angry and frustrated, ha, sides were occurring, going to restaurants or going to university, it's too much crime.
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the problems are so bad, literacy is off the charts, schools are terrible, people are frustrated and they were frustrated before this. so yes, the debate and biden's mental state gives us a couple extra points. our state is so messed up due to the leaders. martin heinrich is the senior leader in the state. people are ready to hold him accountable. we did this fundraiser before the debate. this was coming in. the debate helps us. will: one of the increasingly interesting states to watching this coming election. talk about a full house. gordon ramsay's wife says all her grandchildren have moved back in. cheryl casone joins the pop-culture round. military, you kind of lose that
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until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please visit (♪)
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rachel: time for another pop culture roundup. cheryl casone dishing out the latest drama.
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former clinton aide homea aberdeen is engaged to george soros's son alex. >> if you go from a guy who spent 21 months in prison for sexting on twitter to a billionaire's son, that's a victory. rachel: a match made in hell. i thought alex was praying for the other team. i've been on his instagram. that's a questionable thing but these powers, globalist powers the way the royals did, says a lot about the world we are living in. paul: the 10 year age difference, she's the older woman, she did trade up. we've done better than that. they announced a couple in paris as one does. rachel: of course.
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meghan markle making a surprise appearance to support prince harry. harry is there to receive the pat tillman award. can't think of anybody less qualified than beta harry, the most masculine guy ever, what is your take on that? share cheryl:he said it was about the veterans and participants, not about him. he probably cries every day in my opinion but meghan markle did make a surprise appearance, serena williams's friends said i don't want you to take up all the oxygen in the room. rachel: everyone thinks she is on ozempic.
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this is gordon ramsay's wife who says all the adult children have moved back home with them. they have six children just like in my family, 8 months to 26 years old. what do you make of kids coming back and living at home with mom and dad? cheryl:they want other kids in the home, good for you, there are 6 of them. happy family but at some point you got to launch. >> really funny but i love it. by the time we finish the project and move back in. paul: we are big fans of the compound idea. rachel: our kids are never leaving the house ever.
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rachel: i'm on both sides on this. here's another one. mystery travel trends, younger people are running out of things to love. they reach out to a travel agent, an entire tour of wherever. cheryl:give them an idea where you want to go, show up at the airport, they give you a sense of what to pack but they set up a flight, hotel, everything, you don't know where you're going get. it is cool. rachel: kind of a reality tv show concept. reality tv. kids want it. check out from the kitchen table, i breakdown the match from hell, marriage from hell about to happen from george soros and huma and i say at the globalist plot to
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