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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 13, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life.
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♪ ♪ if. rachel: it's the 9 a.m. hour of fox and friends weekend starting with this: president biden insists he's okay at a michigan rally and taking a hot at the media over their election coverage. but they're not sure, they seem awfully friendly to us. >> and for democrats who doubted him, that was the come at me joe biden. he ain't going nowhere. will: and trump channeling his inner apprentice as we approach the rnc and a highly anticipated vice presidential reveal. how he plans to make the announcement. pete: plus, amazing adoptions. 22 families took in 77 kids, and now decades later the texas couple behind the movement is opening up on an amazing new movie and joining us this hour. the final hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right
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now. ♪ ♪ if. will: good morning. welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning in the middle of july where we were told, prepare for the skyline game. we have a difficult one. if to spring on you this morning. all right, pete, here's my analysis. pete: it's on a river -- will: thank you. [laughter] and you've got some topography if on the far side of the river and not a very big skyline. that's, like -- pete: i'm goingen montgomery, alabama. will: no. i'm going more like yonkers, new york, though i don't think that's yonkers. pete: there's no big river -- rachel: i say somewhere in missouri. pete: huntington, west virginia. will: i'm closest without going over. [laughter] pete: if that was tough.
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rachel: that was a good one. pete: no river in alabama that i can recall. maybe there is. pete: west virginia is closer to the new york than alabama. -- will: west virginia is closer to new york than alabama. pete: we're going to have to check that. will: geographically? driving wise -- pete: culturally, not true. wu will right. but geographically, yes. pete: i guess i'd have to look at that. i know you're mr. maps, but we'll fact check that and get back to you. rachel: well, that does get us closer to michigan, i guess -- pete: is michigan closer to new york than west virginia? i think it is. will: get closer to michigan to get closer to the news. rachel: guess who was in michigan? that was joe biden, and he was there saying i'm okay, don't worry about me. listen. >> and anyway, and now i'm too
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old. but i know hopefully with a little bit of age comes a little bit of wisdom, and hopefully in this moment i think the alternative is not much of an alternative. and i do think ethics matter. i do think decency matters. i do think we should -- we are an optimist in, a decent, an honorable country. and i give you my word, last thing i'll say, i have never been more optimistic about america's possibilities. gotta finish the job, and i promise you i am, i'm okay. finish. rachel: that's not very reassuring. i'm okay. pete: i'm okay. well, mine, they've been trying -- i mean, they've been trying multiple different formats for him. that's him, free-range joe -- rachel: big boy joe. [laughter] pete: he's not as a good in those settings, but he was better, you'd have to acknowledge, at a rally many detroit where they had -- in
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detroit where hay had a raucous crowd. he had his teleprompters which are his blank keys. and when he's got those, he's able to deliver a little bit more. he made an interesting criticism yesterday, guys, saying, you know, why are you making this all about me right now? why is all this negative coverage, what about the other guy? he said trump's getting a free pass. watch. >> meanwhile -- [applause] donald trump riding around in his golf cart filling out his scorecard before he hits the ball. [laughter] they've been hammering me. i make a lot of mistakes -- [background sounds] no, no, no, no, that's okay. they've been hammering me because i sometimes confuse names. i say that's charlie instead of bill. but guess what? donald trump has gotten a free pass. [inaudible conversations] he hadn't done a damn thing until a couple of days ago. he was riding around on a golf
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cart on his course filling out his scorecard before he picks up his clubs rambling about, here's what he's talking about, hannibal elector, he says he's concern elector, he says he's a nice guy. if. pete: the same guy that repeated the same line in four sentences. rachel: right. and after he gives the speech, msnbc, he's back! [laughter] he's so good. i mentioned the big boy thing. i mean, i just reminds me of valentina, you know? she just recently got potty trained, and every time -- it's been months, but we still say -- she still expects praise after he goes to the bathroom, and it's the same thing. he barely does a good job, and everybody's praising him because if he doesn't absolutely flounder, it's still like a win for them. it's crazy. will: well, they're claiming a win from thursday as well, pete. as you pointed out, it was just enough to get by regarding nato,
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just enough to keep the rug from being pulled from under him. but it still wasn't without its moments like when he called president zelenskyy vladimir putin. >> and now i want to hand it over to the president of ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. if -- [applause] president putin? he's going to beat president putin, president zelenskyy. i'm so focused on beating president putin, we've got to worry about it. anyway -- >> i'm better. >> you are a hell of a lot better. rachel: wow, that's embarrassing. pete: during the press conference he talked about donald trump being his vice president. thankfully, a reporter at the very, very end brought that up. i kind of wish the second reporter who heard that -- we all heard it and said, wait, did he just call trump his vice president? everybody heard it. mr. president, for example, three minutes ago you just misidentified your own vice
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president. or they did bring up the putin thing. i mean, that is indicative of someone who is nowhere near if close to fully there. rachel: it's actually deeper than that because what it really brings up in this context is this is supposed to be his sweet spot, right? foreign policy. his foreign policy is a wreck. and, you know, the whole situation with ukraine and russia right now, it's on -- it's like a tinderbox. we've got our weapons being, you know, shot into russian territory. people say, experts say we've never been closer to world world war iii than we are at this moment thanks to that man's policy, and and he's in charge. he's in charge of a very volatile possible world war iii moment, and he is naming zelenskyy putin and barely caught himself. who knows, maybe minute was in his ear and told him -- somebody was in his ear and told him -- it's scary. it's not a small thing. pete: the more you think about it, he's the perfect guy for
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establishment washington. you know you always a talk about it's the staff the isers who outlive the members of congress and they like it that way? all of the agencies, all of the thicket underneath the federal government is running on autopilot which means they're just gobbling up more control. no one's paying attention at the top at all, and that includes foreign wars. rachel: are you saying you don't feel good about jill being in charge right now? pete: i think i'm saying that, the yeah. rachel: or obama? will: well, pete did talk to mike pompeo, former secretary of state coming up at 9:20 the a.m. eastern time. rachel: maybe you can can is ask him who's in charge. pete: yeah. what's it like to have real oversight when you're the cia a director with someone who's, i don't know, holding regular cabinet if meetings, or what would it be like if you didn't see your boss for nine months and you were basically out doing what you want. rachel: yeah. well, i imagine that pom if pay owe has some insight and some
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connections -- pompeo -- deep in washington. he might know who's in charge right now. pete: sure. rachel: i'd like to know. pete: yeah. lloyd austin took two weeks off if his job, and nobody noticed. all right, today joe biden is holding conference calls with several groups as he scrambles to shore up support within his own party. rachel: this outreach, of course, comes as the number of congressional a democrats calling on him to step aside is now up to 19. will: madeleine rivera is live in washington with more. >> reporter: hi, good morning, guys. in fact, the president has two calls today with the progressive caucus and the new dems' coalition one day after he tried to shore up his support with the congressional hispanic caucus. but that call on friday didn't go as a planned with congressman mike levin directly telling the president to drop his re-election bid, the 19th democrat to call on the president to leave the race. he says i have deep respect for president biden's five plus decades of public service and incredible appreciation for the work we've done together these last three and a half years, but
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i believe the time has come for president biden to pass the torch. congressman brad schneider who's also urging the president to step aside saying this to neil cavuto -- >> i looked at the future and where we're going, i see we have a moment that i am calling on the president to make the historic, the heroic choice to pass the baton to the next generation. >> reporter: new york's lieutenant governor is joining that group of lawmakers. listen. >> -- an individual on the front lines here in this competition where you are running a campaign and must go every single corner of this country and engage and talk to people and listen to people and lead with love and lead with compassion and lead with a force that will overtake the dark forces. >> reporter: a group of two dozen former democratic lawmakers have sent a letter to the president saying president biden would best serve the nation he loves by releasing the convention delegates who are pledged to nominate him for a second term. his decision to do so would mean an open convention in august.
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we ask him to make that a decision. the president, though, has maintained times he's staying. will, pete and rachel. rachel: thank you, maaed lain -- madeleine. meanwhile, donald trump still has not announced who his vice president's going to be, and he's telling clay travis and buck sexton that it's going to be like "the apprentice," and that's the whole strategy, making it fun and entertaining for all of us. take a listen. >> i'd love to do it during the convention, you know? the republican convention's a big deal. in the old days, they used to do it that way. >> have you thought about how you would convey that offer? >> it's like a highly sophisticated version of "the apprentice," okay? [laughter] if you think about it. >> yeah. >> they're great people. >> so it's still open though, sir. you're telling us it's not necessarily a done deal in your mind, is that right? >> no, i have -- no. i'm going into great detail. but more, ultimately, it's more of an instinct, you know? you develop an inn -- instinct.
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i like to know all the facts before the instinct kevins in. the people are fantastic -- kicks in. i watch watched tim scott on television yesterday. he was fierce and great. he was great. i watched marco over the weekend on television. he was incredible. j.d.'s been great. you have a man named burgum who's a fantastic governor in north dakota. and, you know, it's a state that's very, very prosperous, very successful. and he's done a good job there. you have, you have some terrific people. pete: yeah. that was the president calling in to that radio show and giving his own list of who might be on the list. doesn't mean those are the only people. by the way, one of those that he mentioned, tim scott, is going to join us tomorrow on "fox & friends" weekend, so we'll certainly ask him about that. but the rnc's coming up. this decision is imminent. rachel: yeah. pete: and still wide open, guys. we've even been discussing this morning who that might be.
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rachel: pete thinks that the wildcard here could be ben carson. pete: i think so. rachel: interesting thought. i hadn't thought about it -- pete: totally prepared to be president, respected by the base. you know, it would be the first black man to be in that position. and also trump knows he's picking potentially his successor for the maga movement. so you pick a young guy or somebody like that, they're in the driver's seat to be the nominee in 2028. i don't feel like that's ben carson. hey, i'm with you to be a capable vp, capable to be president but not necessarily passing the baton for the guy that'll run in 2028. trump doesn't want to be overshadowed on day one by a future candidacy, and he shouldn't be because there's a lot of work to be done. i hadn't thought about ben carson, but the more you think about, interesting. rachel: i tell you what, i thought about that if he had been the vice president last time, i sure would have liked him in charge of the covid handling -- pete: sure. great point.
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and he's a maga, america-first guy. so getting rid of trump doesn't mean you want -- will: on thursday's edition of the will cain show, check it out at a will cain, i had congressman chip roy who said two things that you've said this morning. he said i think that the candidate could be not on the list you are discussing, will, which is something you told us a little bit earlier. rachel: i thought that too. will: and he specifically did mention ben carson as well. pete: really? rachel: who else did he mention? will: he did mention ben carson when i pressed him. i guess i am following most of the directions or the tea leaves in the news, it's just coming down to marco rubio versus j.d. vance. but i don't know, pete, we'll see if you're right. pete: i don't know. will: by the time you get to a debate -- or a convention stage this week in milwaukee, it's a curveball. rachel: which of those two brings more to the ticket, in your view? pete: who? rachel: if it's j.d. versus --
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pete: so that's -- rachel: -- marco rubio? will: that's, i think, a matter -- i'm going to answer that with analysis from what we're understanding. i think that j.d. vance, obviously, leans into the ideological affirmation of america first and marco rubio leans into what the reporting suggests is what many of the establishment wants trump to pick. there's been a push, reportedly, behind the scenes to push for marco rubio. also a reporting that trump is very focused on now -- you remember in our interview with him, he said there was three factors he wanted. one, could you be president. two, could you help me win an election, and i just pulled a rick perry on what his third wa- [laughter] but the newest reporting is he's very focused on that second factor of what helps him electorally in the general election in november -- rachel: well, marco rubio would certainly help with the hispanic vote, no question ab it. he can campaign on spanish tv as a if it was -- i mean, he's fully fluent in spanish and a
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great communicator -- will: get along. pete: that would be a big one, and you know trump gets along with carson very well. by the way, i just looked it up, he's 72 years old. capable of four years, for sure. he's not 80, you know what i mean? he's younger -- will: young -- we've really shifted the bar, a 72-year-old's a young guy. pete: this that's how i feel. will: i want to be considered young at 7 72. rachel: good training for your swimming. you might be able to be a young 70-year-old. how's the training going? will: you know the answer, zero training. [laughter] pete: i'll give you a compliment though, it appears west virginia, at least the northeastern, is closer to yonkers -- will: compliment not accepted. i'm going to be the bigger man. i looked it up. we had a little debate because our skyline game was huntington, west virginia, to be specific, and your guess was birmingham,
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alabama. 530 miles. i said yonkers, new york. 600 miles. pete: oh, so it's much closer -- will: you win by 70 miles. pete: i do? i won. rachel: he loves winning. [laughter] all right. we're going to turn to some headlines -- pete: day's turning around. rachel: all right. officials in stockton, california, are considering the death penalty after the arrest of a man suspected of setting a mobile home on fire last month killing a mother and two- of her children. a source with knowledge of the investigation says the suspect is an illegal immigrant who's been deported three times. he's now in a county jail awaiting arraignment on monday. wild dash cam video out of arizona shows powerful winds downing power lines as cars pass a busy intersection in tucson. that's a little over a week ago. a few cars became trapped underthe lines. you could even see sparks flying after one fallings. the area was experiencing wind
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gusts up to 50 miles an hour. no word on injuries. and the princess of wales is expected to make a rare appearance at tomorrow's wimbledon final amid her ongoing cancer diagnosis, and she'll present the winner's trophy. the big match is between tennis stars novak djokovic and carlos alcaraz. pete: it's a silent d. rachel: just five week weeks after novak underwent knee surgery. he is, of course, unvaxxed. and it's a rematch of last year's showdown when alca a raz came out on top in a five-set thriller. and those are your headlines. will: pete, huntington is in that, like -- rachel: can't let it go -- [laughter] pete: that was my only hope, and that makes it closer to birmingham. and birmingham is, by the way, further north. will: yeah.
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pete: alabama. will: but west virginia is further north than you think, because culturally it's souther- pete: it is. all up in pennsylvania's business. [laughter] will: it's just intruding on ohio. pete: no idea. all right. biden stumbling through this week's nato summit in washington s and a major ukraine announcement overshadowed by his gaffe when he called zelenskyy president putin. will: can we take four more years of this? [laughter] we'll ask secretary of state mike pompeo. rachel: but first, here's brian kilmeade with a look at what's coming up on "one nation" tonight. brian: you know what tonight is? "one nation" night. we talk about joe biden's future. will vice president harris be running for president as in a few weeks, and what about the rnc? how about a great preview, and the vice presidential search, the latest with senator tom cotton. breaking news with kim strassel of the "wall street journal" and tomi lahren.
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i'm brian kilmeade. "one nation" tonight at nine. did you know? omega 3 fish oil supplements can be difficult to absorb, depending on your diet, and may not reach the places you need them most. that's why i recommend qunol advanced omega-3, with up to 10 times better bioavailability. qunol houses its omegas inside phospholipid micelles that our bodies■ cells can easil delivering up to 10 times better bioavailability to better support your heart, joints, brain, and eyes. qunol advanced omega-3, the powe
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>> look, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president did i think she was not qualified to be president. so let's start there. and now i want to hand it over to the president of ukraine who
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has as much courage as he has determination. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. [applause] president putin? you're going to beat president putin. president zelenskyy. i'm so focused on beating putin. we've got to worry about it. anyway, mr. president -- >> i'm better. >> you are a hell of a lot better. [laughter] pete: oh, boy. joe biden's gaffe-filled press conference may have satisfied some of his supports, but how do our allies and adversaries view the president now? former secretary of state and fox news contributor mike pompeo joins us now with more. you know a lot of these leaders. what kind of takeaway do you think foreign leaders would have? that was one moment, an obvious, glaring moment, but they spent days with him as well and, therefore, would have seen the decline. what does that that mean for allies and enemies around the globe? >> good morning, pete. you know exactly what it means. i lived this four years. president biden's right about one thing, as a president of the united states, you do get a
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cognitive test every day and, sadly, you can see he is failing it. the policies we put in place got 13 of our soldiers killed in afghanistan. that wasn't just recently, that wasn't post-debate. these challenges that president biden is clearly facing aren't just about who should be on the ballot, it's the about the next six months and the decision making that's gotta take place to keep americans safe. and whether it's the middle east and the war that a's there, the war in europe, president biden has clearly failed this policy test and will continue to do so. and when they see him make these mistakes, these glaring errors, i think it confirms for them the evidence that they've seen personally in their private conversations that this is not someone that can have a serious, thoughtful, deep conversation on important matters that matter to their country if they're our friend. and our adversaries think this may just be the moment that we will continue to press america. it worries me a great deal that the next six months will be led by this man who has clearly demonstrated he doesn't know how to keep our nation safe.
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pete: mr. secretary, with a president who's heavily engaged in the gonings on at the state opt or the cia or the defense department, what would it be like to be the secretary of defense like lloyd austin is when you have an absentee landlord? there's no actual oversight, there's been no accountability. no one's been fired for what happened in afghanistan, as an example. you have a commander in chief who's really not there. what does that look like for the agencies charged, say, with our national security? if. >> pete, it's the exact opposite of my experience where i spoke in each of those roles at the central intelligence agency and at the state department, spoke to the president flare toly every day. sir, here's what we're work on, here's what we're doing, make sure we have the streaming thetic direction that he wants to take the country -- strategic direction. i don't know how you would perform those when, frankly, the president's not available very much because he's got very short work days. when you do have those conversations, you're not sure he fully took onboard the things
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that mattered, the critical data you were trying to provide to him. pete: yeah. >> and the institutions that you lead can see it as a well. not just you as the leader of that organization, they're going to look to those folks and count on them, and they've clearly demonstrate thed -- right in the secretary of defense goes missing for a couple of weeks. seems like a long time ago, pete, i know. our adversaries see this, and they're going to press. and whether it's at our southern border or the risks to our friend and ally, israel, it's a risky time for the united states of america and our people across the country. pete: it sure is. i want to get to a quick second topic here. joe biden did announce during that press conference right before that israel and hamas have agreed to a ceasefire framework in what he hails as a foreign policy win. what do you make of the timing of it and the substance? >> odd statement from president biden. i haven't heard the israelis comment on it. i could have missed it. i'll believe this when i see it. they have multiple times
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announced they had ceasefires and it turned out they had absolutely nothing. i suspect that's the case here as well. what we failed to do there to get the ceasefire, don't forget, american hostages, president biden seldom mentions this, we still have american hostages alive and being held, and we've done almost nothing to get them back. i've seen no evidence that president biden's done the right thing to help israel have the tools, the weapons, the capabilities they need to actually finish the job of destroying hamas. pete: no doubt. it feels like just about one of the most dangerous moments i've felt in my short life here as an american. the world's in chaos. our border's wide open, and we have no idea who's in charge. secretary mike pompeo, thank you for your time. >> great to be with you this morning. pete: great to see you. still ahead, dems are divided over biden with one congressman reportedly going as far as to confront the president during a virtual conference call. we know what happened. florida congresswoman kat cammack reacts.
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adam: a break in the rain out here on fox square. few and far between up and down the east coast today as that is one of the major weather features across the country. we'll dive right into it, and those showers really from texas -- i mean, from florida -- including texas, actually -- all the way up into portions of new england. rain is going to be one with of the big stories as we move through this entire weekend. but some of the rainiest spots here early this morning continue to be along the east coast, right now highlighting the area outside of boston, massachusetts. new england, an area where that rain is still coming down at its absolute heaviest. otherwise not the onlywet story across the country -- weather story. rook at a some of those temperatures, 112 in northern california, 109 in vegas, 112 in phoenix as well. that heat does linger into your sunday forecast. those are the weather headlines, for now tossing it back inside to you. rachel: thanks, adam. well, the division in the democrat party as some look to
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save bind's campaign while others are urging him to just step aside. pete: including congressman mike levin who reportedly went as far as to confront the president during a virtual meeting with hispanic caucus members. he later said in a statement, i believe the time has come for the president to pass the torch. will: and 24 other house democrats are asking biden to allow for an open con convention. joining us now to react is florida congresswoman kat cammack. thanks for being with us this morning. >> good morning. will: you know, pete and rachel, to their credit, have been off for the last two weeks -- >> good for them. [laughter] will: and they did say they feel like the news cycle is kind of where they left off, and it's true. it's focused on joe biden. there have been developments, but it's kind of hit this, this standoff between those who want to see joe biden go and those who are willing to fight to the end for joe biden. do you get a sense from inside congress there's been any real movement?
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we've seen it grow to, what is it, 19 elect elected officials, but any movement to push out joe biden. >> oh, my goodness, we haven't had this much fun as republicans on capitol hill since i can't tell you when. [laughter] watching reporters not only have to come up to us and say what's the name of that a democrat again? because they've never had to ask them any tough questions, and they're chasing my democrat colleagues through the halls of the capitol. you know, it's been interesting in talking with some of my colleagues across the aisle. they all collectively, no matter what state, no matter how safe of a democrat-held seat they have, they say we are in big trouble. this is a lose-lose situation for us. and if you look at what we're doing over on our side of the aisle, we have 322 target battleground --3 32 target battleground seats across the country. i think this number is going to grow to upwards of 30, 40 democrats calling for him to step aside as the nominee. so this is a great opportunity for the america first movement.
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and, again, i just use the words of my democrat colleagues, they're in a lose-lose situation. pete: do you see a tipping point moment in is there a fulcrum of power that is yet to be turned that you think would make the difference? >> you know, i think it's win the leadership -- when the leadership, being hakeem jeffries or katherine clark, in that realm of democrat leadership. when one of the members of the leadership turns, they're doing it out of self-preservation because they, as, you know, just on the republican side same thing, they are serving at the behest of their colleagues. if they're not listening to their colleagues, and that number's going to continue to grow and they're not pushing for what the will of their caucus is, they're going to find themselves in a tough place. and no one is willing to jump on the sword for joe biden at this point, no one. and i don't care what they're saying, their actions aren't matching up. the calls from the white house aren't coming through the way that they say that they are. so i think there's going to be a tipping point when hakeem
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jeffries or someone else in the senior leadership says it's time for him to step aside. rachel: but even if hakeem jeffries and all of those members of congress all a get together and go this is going to be fatal a, more of us need to weigh in, you've still got jill biden up there saying no. and it seems really personal to her. do you anticipate that perhaps we know that those hur tapes are out there, that really we've been told that the actual video is much worse than the transcripts and that even the transcripts could have been doctored which also could have huge implications. and that's another matter. but what -- do you think that's the lever that they have to pull, the final straw? are they threatening him with that? what would it take to make him move? he the does not want to go, his family does not want to go. they want power, greed. >> absolutely. i think at this point there's so much division within the white
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house, that's why you're continuing to see leaks from staffers and former staffers coming and hitting the airwaves. think that the hur tapes are going to be an element of that because we all know that this is a man who is not within his right mind, right? the question is are we going to take the car keys away from grand pa or not. that is a decision that millions of families have to make every single year. it's a devastating one,, but that loved one is not the commander in chief, and right now we don't have a full-time commander in chief. we have a full time resident. and so we have to have that conversation as a country which will happen in november. in the meantime, i think that the hur audiotapes will prove something more deadly, and that is are they doctored. did the white house doctor the tapes. the cover-up is almost always worse than the crime. we'll see in this case. rachel: well, jill biden actively keeping the keys in joe biden's hands. [laughter] kat, always great having you on. thank you so much, congresswoman. >> appreciate it.
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have a good one. rachel: you got it. will: a rift in the white house as new reports say jill biden's grudge against vice president harris is so deep that the only thing worse than joe stepping down is the vice president replacing him. pete: former bernie sanders advise iser teslan figaro reab acts. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day.
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power-hungry first lady's grudge is so deep that the only thing worse than joe stepping down is the vice president replacing him. our next guest says it's a moot point because harris doesn't have a viable path to win. joining us now with more, former advisor to bernie sanders, independent voter, political analyst teslan figaro. thanks for being with us. okay, so interesting. the reason that democrats would theoretically move to kamala harris is because they do not believe that joe biden has a viable path to the presidency. but it seems like you're suggesting that would be like moving from an inviability to another unviable proposition in kamala harris. so option b no better than option a? >> well, vp harris doesn't have a viable path, and everyone knows it. and it's not fair to her to be the scapegoat for joe biden. this party decided to put joe biden at the temperature of the ticket, and they need to do what we call stand on business -- top of the ticket. that goes for the same thing for
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donald trump. 70% of americans said they did not watch a -- want a biden-trump rematch. so mrs. if biden has one job, and that's to keep the ivs going and keep propping up president biden like weekend at a bernie's. [laughter] and mrs. trump has one job, which is to make sure that the court appearances don't get confused with the campaign appearances. guess what? this is between joseph r. biden and donald j. trump, and i approved this message, and we're moving forward. [laughter] will: okay. i have a follow-up question. why do you say that kamala harris does not have a viable path to the presidency? then you said, therefore, she should not be scapegoated. it sounds to me like you're saying she can't win, and you're putting her in a really bad position when you use the word scapegoat to the almost bail out the 'em embarrassment for joe biden. >> well, i mean, again, let's be real about this. vp harris did not win the democrat nomination.
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the bottom line is america's not prepared to vote in the swing states. i'm not interested in playing the games. we have seven swing states. the only folks that are going to come out, the independents, the moderates. they're not going to be voting for vp harris when whether you want to call her black woman, woman of color, it's not for her to do it. the -- joe biden is the president. he's the nominee. he told everybody weed in detroit he's not stepping down, so we're not going to blame it on vp harris. it's on joe biden, and joe biden so far the only one who has beat donald trump, so let's let the votes fall where they may. if you believe that vp harris has a viable past -- path, then let's take donald trump off the top of the ticket. that's just the same as putting santa claus at the top of the ticket. that's what y'all -- will: i don't with understand that analogy. hold on. i want to make a counterargument and hear what you have to say. i don't think kamala harris has a viable path. i'm not sure if it's why you
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said, if it's because of race, i think it's because she's made a lot of mistakes and hasn't polled well in democratic primary ever. >> that's true too. more than one thing can be true at at one time. will: hold on, hold on. i think they are lack of viability is greater than joe biden's, because i think his senility is becoming the defining issue of the election. so in other words, his senility worse than her embarrassment, making her path more viable than joe biden. >> well, it's not viable. i'm here to tell you it's not viable, and it doesn't matter. joe biden is at the top of the ticket. and the same way that we can say joe biden is barely coherent, there's also folks on the other side that's not interested in voting for a convicted felon. the bottom line is neither one of these -- america didn't want either one of these candidates, but here we are. you cannot change candidates in the 11th hour. even if she was the most popular president, even if folks would vote for a woman of color or a woman even though they did not with hillary clinton, the bottom line is we only have two or three months. you cannot if organize around a
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candidate in two or three months, it's just not going to happen. so let's just move forward with biden. trump says he can beat biden, so what's the problem? will: i don't think republicans have a problem. i think exclusively it's a problem for democrats. all right. tezlyn, fun consideration. -- conversation. thank you so much. >> absolutely. will: the real life story of a town adopting 77 kids from foster care. we're going to talk to the couple who changed a generation with their faith. hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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special with dana perino who has always had a heart for foster kids and adoption. and with us now is bishop w.c. martin, pastor of bennett chapel church and his wife donna. what an incredible story: and i'm so glad that this movie production company is putting your story out there, because so many people want to hear about it. pastor, let me start with you. you know, there's so many problems in our country. why this one? why did you decide to take this one on in particular? >> well, it's because of the fact that from the hurt and pain that my wife suffered from the loss of her mother, and the lord said give back. foster and adopt, give back to a child that doesn't know what a mother is all about. give back to those who are
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unloved, one -- unwanted and no one knows. so it really was, it was a difficult challenge in the beginning because of my son. i didn't feel comfortable with it because of my son. he's, he was born with brain damage, and i thought all our time was geared to him. but we soon learned that god always has room and god always is have our hearts big enough that we always can share with others. if so i think that this particular -- once he brought it to our awareness not even knowing that all this was happening in the country, because i thought people always take care of their children. it was, like, a brand new thing to me. but for the most part, i think that god wanted to show this country who he is and what we must be doing as a people, as a church and as are individuals, what we must look out for.
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pure religion is -- [inaudible] if that god accept that we take care of the widows and the orphans. so when you read stuff like that in the bible, that's a no-brainer. rachel: yeah. you've just got to listen to god's word. donna, what has the reaction been from the town? >> oh, they've just been, like, we thought we knew you guys, we thought we knew, you know, your challenges, you know? we didn't, and we are so proud that you guys stayed the course and continue to love these kids unconditional. it's just been a great celebration, and, you know, it's just one thing that my husband and i, we travel, you know, all over the country, but to have the support from if your hometown is just amazing. so we just -- i just want to say and i'm sure some of them will be listening and seeing this, or thank you from the very depths of our heart, you know? if we know that what a we have
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done is not just about us. it wasn't for us. it's for the children and obedient to the christ, so we're very grateful. rachel: it's for the children, but it's also a remarkable example for other families to open their a hearts and make room for these vulnerable children. it is a biblical call for us to care for them, and so many foster children in this country are neglected. i want to thank you both so much for joining us, bishop and donna martin, and you can watch their special now on fox nays -- nation, small town, big hearts. and, obvious, you can check out the movie, sound of hope, i believe is the name of it, and it's a remarkable story. thank you so much. sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattresses exclusive gel flex grid
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pete: well, that's that. [laughter] four more hours tomorrow. let's do it again tomorrow. will: that's that. rachel: bye, everybody. that's that! neil: hell, no


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