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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  July 13, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> all right. we're following a lot of developments here, including, getting ready for the republican convention right now. donald trump, of course, ready to accept his party's nomination and maybe he'll be campaigning in pennsylvania about his running mate? maybe too soon to tell. on the other side is, well, joe biden and dealing with a bit of a rift in his party and it might be an understatement and 19 democrats, and joe, it's time to go. he's trying to convince more democrats not to and lucas has more. >> speaking in a rally in detroit, more questions about president biden's mental acuity surfaced when the president appeared to forget the name of michigan congresswoman debbie dingell, he's known for decades. >> congresswoman debby haley -- by the way, i've spent a lot of time with debby and she's
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helped me a lot and i forget which event we were at and someone said, you're his wife, aren't you? because she looks like jill, my wife. >> of course, neil, debby's late husband was the longest member of congress, beginning when eisenhower was president died at the age of 92 when obama was in office and his wife debby then took the seat and before speaking at the rally in detroit, biden stopped by a michigan restaurant in congresswoman debbie dingell's district and said i promise you, i'm okay. he left this morning and no public events on his schedule today. he does plan to hit the phones and reassure house democrats he has what it takes to be their nominee for president and serve four more years when he's 86 years old and he also turned his ire to former president trump. >> the judge this a case,
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mr. trump attempted to minimize sexual abuse, mr. trump raped her. he's filed bankruptcy six times. even went bankrupt running a casino. i didn't think that was possible. doesn't the house always win in the casino? >> so, neil, there's nothing on president biden's public schedule today. it will be a little crowded in pennsylvania today in addition to former president donald trump headed to the keystone state. president biden's wife, the first lady, will be holding a rally in pittsburgh and the vice-president kamala harris will be speaking. neil: lucas, i imagine that his family is leading the charge, joe, stay. after the phone calls and i heard the two groups he has to talk to today, it's getting to be or sounding like it's getting to be a tough sell.
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>> there's no question, neil. there's now new reporting in axios, that president biden's inner circle is shrinking, those telling him to stay in the race. we're hearing about more calls from house democrats for the president to step aside as you mentioned off the top, up to 19 now and we've heard about hunter biden being a key advisor for the president, sitting in meetings and after the high profile case. neil: lucas tomlinson. we've got bill melugin. and it this could maybe foreshadow his vice-presidential pick today, but hello, bill. >> with the rnc set to kick off in a couple of days, republicans are going to try to super charge their base in the elections and a big part of that is going to be the speakers next week. we're still waiting for the
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official schedule from the rnc. fox has been able to confirm some names on stage, include florida governor ron desantis, amber rose, that's kanye west's ex-girlfriend, the mayor of east palestine, ohio, and the still unnamed vice-presidential pick. that person, whoever it is, will be speaking wednesday night here. now, 50,000 delegates, press, staff, law enforcement officials are expected to convene here in milwaukee, that according to city officials. we've seen it here. the roads are blocked off. security is incredibly tight and we've been asking people out here how they feel about the rnc coming to town. >> and it seems like not a lot, a lot matters. it seems like it's just the trump wave and the rnc right now regardless. >> yeah, i think it's great for the economy of milwaukee. i think it's going to bring in a lot of money which is a real positive.
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>> and we've been seeing a lot of this. democrats have promised counter programming all week long during the rnc and protesters with the group march on rnc in milwaukee expect up to 10,000 people to protest against the rnc and republicans starting on monday and back out here live, that group says they reached an agreement with the city, which will see police not interfering with their protests as long as they stay away from the forum. and the democrat mayor of milwaukee said protests will be allowed. what they won't be allowed to do though is to get violent and neil, we are seeing a whole lot of law enforcement out here. there are barricades all over the place, security will be incredibly tight this week, we'll send it back to you. neil: thank you, bill melugin from milwaukee. and the former governor of that state, scott walker.
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how do you think it will go security-wise? how do you think it's going to go? >> well, i'm hopeful. i think the good news for the convention goers, wisconsin has been a battle ground state for years and use today big crowds coming in for presidential rallies, not just the last few cycles, but for years past. i think we're well-equipped and well-prepared and obviously saying a prayer, too, not just for our convention, but next month for the dnc in chicago as well. i think we should be in a good shape. neil: what do you think of the environment? a lot of excitement around any convention and republicans feeling united around donald trump. and some wish they could enjoy some of the infighting with the democrats as they seem to want to implode and don't interrupt that. how do you feel about that? >> well, i think you've seen incredible discipline by former president donald trump to do just that, to let them implode.
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who would have thought please don't quit, joe, would be the rallying cry at a presidential rally just months before the november election? right now, that's it. the battle every day, the question that joe biden has got to answer, will you stay in the race or will you step aside. that's not exactly a powerful position for an incumbent. compared to donald trump, we'll talk how do we make america affordable again, secure again, safe again. no matter joe biden or kamala harris, the nominee. their ideas, not just his state of mind. neil: would you prefer that joe biden still be the nominee, he's the guy to beat and it's a wild card if you go to someone else? >> it is a wild card, but, again, i think it's important for americans to realize, kamala harris, who would be the most likely successor if this were to happen, mainly because of the money advantage only transfers to her and doesn't
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transfer in most case toss others. his policies are her policies. she's been, in fact, in many ways worse off in the sense that if people say he needs to step aside because of his state of mind. she's worked with him every day and she's part of the cover at the white house. and americans have to think long and hard who they're going to put in office in the next four years. when i'm filling up my gas tank at quick trip, or going to the grocery store or doing the things that americans do across the country and i see it costs so much more, that's what's going to be on the ballot. that's the referendum we're going to be facing in november, and that it bodes well for donald trump. neil: let me ask you a little about the environment even in wisconsin, it's always been a battle ground state and you had a battle multiple elections and always won them, but the fact of the matter was, there was a recall election and you survived that. it's a hotly contested state even when it's one way. but i'm wondering now, if you're surprised by these
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polls, certainly donald trump is winning, i believe in six of the seven battle ground states. your state seems pretty even the last time i looked, governor. i may be wrong. are you surprised by that, post the debacle of the debate and it's still competitive. >> there are a core group of partisans they don't care who the nominee is for the democrats, they hate donald trump, and that he's standing up for the forgotten men and women and people in american have felt like they've been forgotten by the politicians in washington. some are going to vote against him no matter what because he's that courageous and that's what we've seen in battle ground state. as you mentioned i've won, and 52, 53%, and the last two elections, less than 25,000 votes and i think so it's that close again.
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democrats have the financial advantage and the enthusiasm for the race and they'll have to make up. neil: you're talking about the last two presidential elections where the gap was 20, 25,000. >> that's exactly right. i think it's going to be just that close in this election cycle as well. neil: all right. governor, always great talking to you. enjoy your convention. >> thank you. neil: all right, it's going to be a big time with a lot of big players, including one unusual one and we will cover that all this week and throughout the next week, including the head of the teamsters union, sean o'brien. one of the first time-- i believe the first time we've seen a union president address a republican convention. he's speaking at the rnc, but not before joining us exclusively on your world. is he going to pick a side? is he going to indicate i'm going republican? we'll see monday. more after this. there are ms to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way.
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>> i am calling on the president to make the historic, the heroic choice to pass the baton to the next generation and in the democratic party we have a lot of leaders ready to take the mantle and move us forward. i think the president has a chance to unite the party and the country. >> the president is, i believe, tomorrow addressing the new democratic coalition that you're a key member of and he's hoping to avoid more members like yourself from bolting. is it too late for that? >> i think everyone will make up their own mind. i'm a vice chair of the new democratic coalition. we are the largest of what are called the ideological caucuses within the democratic caucus as a whole. we have 100 members. i think there's a broad mix of feelings. neil: all right. and as that congressman was saying, the president is trying to reach out to the new democratic coalition members because there are a lot of them and influential at a party to put it in the minimum,
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including the california congressman. >> good to have you. where are you leaning right now or what do you want to hear from the president right now? >> neil, thanks for having me on. neil: thank you. >> i think we're watching the president get out here and do these press conferences and et cetera. at the end of it though, you know, campaigns are cold, calculated business and you have to look at the polls, you have to look at is there a path to winning, what does that look like, particularly in states like wisconsin and you know, these swing states and it does worry me you're starting to see some states that we've always done well in minnesota, new hampshire, the polling coming out of those states doesn't look great right now. so, what i'd like to hear from the president and his team is actually cold facts, objective data. if they have different polls, they ought to show us those polls. they ought to release those, but that's what it comes down to. this is about winning. there's no second place in campaigns. neil: you know, i understand you would know this far better than i, congressman, so there's
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no way i could hoodwink you, but i'm told when key advisors meet with these disparate groups, maybe including yours today, whether it's remotely or not, they're going to show some of the latest polls and indicating some of the poll survey, that it's a dead heat or even, because we know that president is elected by the electoral vote and there, donald trump has a huge advantage leading in six of the seven states. still early to your point. i'm wondering if they could prove to you now that the race is winnable and show you those polls to which i allude. will that be a game changer for you? >> you know, we have to see. we'd have to look at that data and then you start to look down ballot and unfortunately, it's not a popular vote, it the electoral college and really lands on six or seven key states so then you really have to dive down into those key states. remember, the 2020 election was incredibly close, less than 100,000 votes across a couple of states.
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neil: right. >> and the same thing in 2016. so, this is always going to be a close election and i think you know, both candidates favorabilities aren't great and then you have to look at the other data that might say with a different candidate would you get better democratic enthusiasm, et cetera. again, for me, this is not about the job president biden's done. i think he's been a great president. it's about winning. neil: do you ever get the feeling, i mean no disrespect, certainly to you, congressman, that it's like rearranging the chairs on the deck of the "titanic." no matter who you have, you have a divided party and that could change, but divided parties never win in the fall typically? . we've got a party that's asking tough questions. we've got a divided country. that's why these presidential elections have been really close over the past at least the last two have been very close. so, you know, does a new candidate unite the party?
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does it revive joe biden, unite the party? i think we all know president biden. i think we all are very close to president biden. i think he's been a great president, senator and public servant, but folks are asking tough questions right now. neil: they are indeed. if the fortunes don't change, lbj dropped out in 1968 to make way for a more acceptable candidate. the party still lost. gerald ford 1976 was able to fend off ronald reagan at the convention, he still lost that year to jimmy carter. i could go on and on where a divided party, republican or democrat rarely gets its act together by november, no matter who is on the top of the ticket. what do you think? >> so, i think that that's true. i mean, in 1968 if robert kennedy, rfk had not been assassinated who knows what would have happened because he had momentum and enthusiasm
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behind him. it's important for us to unite as a party. and telling the house members in the toughest races, you've got to focus on your own constituents, focus on your own race and unite those constituents. so it's not great if each of us is running our own race. you'd love to have the top of the ticket coordinated with the senate races and the house races and that's what we're hoping to do, but again, that isn't what we're seeing right now. neil: got it. well, let us know how it goes. congressman great having you on a saturday. thanks for taking the time. >> thanks, neil. be well. neil: and congressman from the beautiful state of california. let's see which way he goes. in the meantime from political heat to very real heat for more than half the country. you know the real-feel temperatures they advertise, if you add humidity and everything else it's like 300 degrees outside. half the country is experiencing that and about to get worse after this.
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>> all right. we're trying to get more details on this hamas big wig who was targeted today by an israeli air strike. don't know the exact status of where that is, but stephanie bennett has more from london. >> hey, neil, yeah the latest numbers from the hamas-run health ministry, 71 people were killed in that air strike and 290 others are injured. authorities say this happened in the southern city where thousands of displaced palestinians have fled to. the local hospital is overwhelmed and no longer able to function, but israel is verifying the results of the strike and not confirmed whether mohammad daf is among the dead, but confirmed that he and a second commander were the
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targets. he is believed to be paralyzed after surviving several assassination attempts. there's hardly any known images of the man and the old film shows a silhouette view of him. he's expected to be the architect of the october 7th attack in southern israel and triggered the ongoing war and he's believed to design the tunnels. and the killing threatens to derail cease-fire talks and would be seen as a major israeli victory, and after president biden announced that they've agreed to a framework of a deal which he outlined in may, including releasing all the hostages. >> that framework is agreed on by israel and hamas and i'm determined to get this deal done and bring an end to this war which should end now. >> yeah, and hamas has
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described this latest strike as a grave escalation and evidence that israel is not looking for a cease-fire anytime soon. so, now for now, neil, only time will tell what will come next. neil: got it, thank you for that reporting. stephanie is in london and we'll have more details and this and whether the commander was indeed killed. and in the meantime, n.a.t.o. wrapping up the event in washington d.c. they had a close to see the president of the united states up close and an issue that i raised with at least three of the leaders on this show. take a look. >> the younger you are, the more strength you have, but on the other hand, you do not have such vast life experience. so it's not such a simple answer. >> whether american people will be judging also the n.a.t.o. summit from the political front here, i would leave that to debate for americans. >> what we see here, these days, in n.a.t.o. is a great
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leadership of our part of the world, but it's up to you americans who you want as the president after the next election. neil: all right. well, we didn't exactly expect them to say we're panicked here, but there's political headlines, you're worried if he knows which direction he's going, nervous world leaders at n.a.t.o., that's from thursday. gep, that's from a leader, not speaking on the record or giving his or her name and that was kind of the way it went. and they are concerned, julia. that's pretty clear, what do you think? >> no, absolutely. so, these leaders came into this press conference -- or this summit, excuse me, to celebrate, really, the 75th anniversary of n.a.t.o. and come together at a critical time in foreign policy around the world as you have russia's war in ukraine and you have the israel-hamas war, but overshadowing this was these
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questions about president biden's health and fitness for office as he is facing a very consequential election this year. on top of that, these leaders are also watching former president trump, because if former president trump is elected in november, these leaders could be looking at a very different n.a.t.o. and different relationship with the united states. so, you know, i think a lot of these leaders, a lot of these foreign governments very much nervously watching this election when it comes to biden and trump. neil: what do you make of that argument? they seem to feel that donald trump isn't going to be as supportive of n.a.t.o. of course, the former president said otherwise, he has other ideas when it comes to ukraine, i guess some of them don't like the ideas especially as resolved in the war in a matter of days, one speech he said the first day he takes over. they wonder what that would involve. what do you think? >> yeah, i think when a lot of these leaders, when a lot of europeans hear the word america-- or the phrase america first, i
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think they're concerned it means america alone, america isolating itself from the world stage. they're aprayed it means that america doesn't contribute as much to ukraine and if you're a european country and very close proximity, or closer proximity to russia, that probably worries you. so, i think that's what they're afraid of. now, president trump supporters would say that america first doesn't necessarily mean america alone, it means that we're putting america first in terms of our priorities and taking care of issues here at home, but his critics very much saying that that term, america first, is really alienating when it comes to our allies, particularly in europe. neil: if i could switch gears with you, julia, talk a little about what the bedevils joe biden, whatever the leaders think of him, and more than as you mentioned lost his fastball and they're concerned about
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that, and reaching out to coalition with north of 100 members that he's fine and many of em them are not so sure. where do you see at that going? >> i had an it to use this phase, but it's unprecedented. when you hear rumblings of former speaker nancy pelosi meeting with president obama, and another path forward without joe biden and major donors like george clooney pulling the plug on the biden campaign and more and more house democrats are coming out against biden saying that he should step down from the ticket, it's really hard for me to see how you put the toothpaste back in the tube when it comes to this very negative news cycle with joe biden. his campaign, the president himself, very steadfast. they're saying there is polling that suggests he has a chance, point to go wisconsin,
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michigan, and pennsylvania. those blue wall states, but one other thing i think we should keep an eye out on, as we're approaching the republican national convention and rnc week, we're going to president trump take a front seat in the news cycle, he's going to announce his vice-president pick and a lot of coverage. and maybe the biden team they'll have cover to regroup as they've had the disasterous news cycle. neil: and i mentioned to republicans, are they worried about that wish their own convention was put off a couple of weeks so the infighting could be front page news for democrats. julia manchester. alexis mcadams following the president and former president, and of course, getting ready for the republican convention, but first a very big stop in pennsylvania. alexis. >> hey, neil, yeah, a lot of people are coming in here.
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you can see them coming in behind us buying some trump gear as they get ready for the rally in pennsylvania. trump has not seen the vp pick is going to be. we asked people who they want. that's coming up next. t to be a champion at life. i got to watch her play at her highest from when i was born. from one generation to the next, to the next, we don't stop. i always wanted to know why i'm the way i am. my curiosity led me to ancestry. it breaks down like everything genetically. what that means. that's amazing. — right. it all comes full circle. (♪)
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>> for presidential candidates, you do not forget about pennsylvania. it's probably the reason why both joe biden and donald trump have visited there. and gosh, it seems more than any other state in the country.
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it could be the 19 electoral votes, you need 270 to win. winning there can get you going pretty fast. alexis mcadams is in butler, pennsylvania, where donald trump will be doing some campaigning ahead of the big election. >> hey, neil, this is the final rally before trump heads to the rally for the rnc where he'll announce his vp pick. 's still teasing who his top choice is going to be. we asked at the rally in butler who they want. >> i think rubio myself. >> marco rubio to get a base. >> i like tim scott, but i like ben carson. >> i'm sort of thinking marco. >> i really didn't have any idea, but i know whoever he picks will be the perfect mate with him. >> see you can hear there are people interested in a rubio pick who is one of the picks on the vp short list. who else? ohio senator j.d. vance.
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north dakota governor burgum and tim scott. honored to be a choice. >> i think that donald trump has a lot of talented people to choose from and the most important thing, of course, is that we reelect him. >> so, the trump campaign has been working to win over blue states like minnesota and virginia, which would be historic, but they're making some ground. trump rallying in virginia with governor glen youngkin just after the debate. the rally in butler the final event before the rnc in milwaukee and trump is working hard to win voters in the nation's biggest swing state again today and hey, not just him. first lady jill biden is in the state and the third visit this summer. back in butler, you can see behind me selling trump t-shirts and trump gear waiting for the former president to get on stage by 5:00. and what's he going to talk about? the table issues like the state
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and the border. neil: thank you, alexis mcadams. we like to follow the money. who doesn't like to follow the money. sometimes you can tell by that, 90 million of donor money for joe biden that's kind of frozen in place for the time being. at the same time pro trump super pac has raised over $100 million ahead of their convention. what to make of that with the fundraiser extraordinare, carly cooperman, pollster. we'll end with you following the money and the money that might be frozen in place for the time being as democrats sort of sort this thing out. are you worried? >> yes, this is the most critical time, the last four months of the campaign having fund raising dollars, engaging voters who haven't been paying attention to the election yet, until this point. that money is needed for grass roots efforts. it's needed for get out the vote efforts. it's needed for tv advertising to put forward the democratic
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message. so, of course, i'm concerned. i think these are the donors trying to flex as much as they can to make it clear that they want biden to step down and they want an alternate democratic candidate. i do still think that this money, when this is sorted out, is going to come back in some shape or form. i don't think these big democratic donors are going to step aside entirely even if it's putting money for the down ballot efforts to try to hold the house and even joe biden had outfund raised donald trump in the first part of the campaign, but trump has evened up the numbers. neil: and a fundraiser and all, even those who had doubts and concerns about donald trump early on and looking at other candidates, that never happened and a lot of it almost to a man and woman are rallying around donald trump so it's not just the party doing that, it's the
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money guys, it's the donors, unlike what you see going on with democrats. what do you make of that? >> well, clearly, neil, it gives the g.o.p. the advantage, especially from the fund raising angle and as someone that raises funds, that's the heartbeat of the campaign. whether you're doing something in the super pac, which is uncoordinated, they do not coordinate with the campaign, or doing straight general campaign fund raising, having those small dollar donors are important for campaigns and those big dollar donors for the super pacs are crucial and the sheer fact it appears to be a little frozen or stalled on the democrats' side really helps ramp up republicans because now they can afford to get their messages out. they can stay steady. because when you freeze campaign funds or you're not going to make good on your campaign, you know, commitment, that stalls and that stalls everything all of the way down. and i have noticed that some of
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the democrats are taking advantage of these stalled moments by trying to appeal to donors to fund their races. a lot of the down ballot races on this side are asking for money now. neil: that's interesting. >> and taking advantage of what's going on with joe biden. neil: you know, carly, to that point and it's interesting, because knowing that both of you are going to be on, i always have to do my homework here. so i looked at the history of divided parties and certainly on a national level they almost always lose, in fact, they always lose. it doesn't always work out that way on in state and senate races. i'm from new jersey, and when robert torricelli was embattled on swindling charges and the party had him as their nominee, he stepped down, gets out of the race to make way for frank lawtonberg, a former senator and all of a sudden the democratic candidate who the prior one had been trailing by
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10 points and it worked. could it work nationally now if they switch forces late in the game? >> it's a gamble for sure. there's an infrastructure set up to support whoever is on top of the democratic party, you know, between the outside donor groups where there's an infrastructure setup, through the pacs, through the third party efforts that haven about planned in terms of getting the democratic message out there in terms of abortion rights and protecting democracy and moreover, the messaging arm that has united the democratic party so far in terms of doing anything it takes to make sure that donald trump does not get elected. so, there's certainly an opportunity. that being said, you know, bringing somebody brand new comes with the risks of somebody who hasn't been tested in that way before, and you know, i think that to some extent, keeping the base of the democratic party to show up
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regardless who the nominee is, is something that can happen, but you look at the people that are right outside of the base that whoever the democrat is needs to get over the edge in terms of independence and swing voters and some of the key voter blocks that made up biden's coalition that won four years ago, it would be, you know, a huge effort to try to maintain that support, but i think it's possible. neil: anything is possible. history kind of points all over the place, but the new jersey example noted that it sometimes can succeed. it's a night and day example there, but i did want to pass it along. and the heat, if you're watching me on the show, it's not the only appeal, but you want to be cool because outside it's a thousand degrees. after this.
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>> boy, it has been a time for
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nasty weather and even if you're not dealing with storms or hurricanes, the fact of the matter is, you are dealing with heat and most of us are feeling it. adam klotz now from the weather center. >> neil, you summed it up there. some spots this morning upper 80's, close to 90 degrees, you see it in atlanta. maybe one spot where it's been a little cooler the last several hours, up and down the east coast, a big round of storms moved on through. a little bit of flooding actually in the early morning hours. beginning to see this move off shore, one spot where you can see some flooding there in portions of coastal new england, boston included in this flood watch currently, but again, that's a round of rain that's going to be pushing off shore and then you look back across the rest of the country and you think about that heat. boy, is it going to be warm today. northern california 112 degrees. you're seeing a whole lot of triple digits across the mountain west, all the way up to the west coast. it does linger here the next couple of days as well. sunday's forecast takes you back into triple digits in some areas.
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in phoenix, the same more monday's forecast. maybe a tiny bit cooler, but not real relief anyway. if it seems like it's been hot for a little while, it actually has. this is record heat to start the summer and a number of the cities, tucson, phoenix, las vegas, fresno, sacramento, the warmest temperatures to start off the summer. the average there phoenix 98 1/2 degrees has been the average for the first half of summer. no surprise with this kind of heat that we're going to see some wildfire pressures and those have been the case across much of the country, but really, it's been primarily in the western united states where it's been so hot and so dry, that record-breaking heat streak have a number of fires. 2.5 million acres have been burned and unfortunately when you look at the western half of the country, no relief with this heat anytime soon. neil: all right. adam, thank you, i think, for
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that. adam klotz following the weather for us. it's nasty to put it mildly and a very nasty exchange, republicans and democrats over the president's claims that things have really never looked so good in years along the border. we are going to talk to a border official who begs to differ. (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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>> i took executive action last month. as a consequence, working with mexico, border encounters have gone down over 50%. the current level is lower today than when trump left of office. neil: all right. the fact of the matter is, that lower level comes after record levels that were through three and a half years that were significantly higher, actually quadrupled what they were when
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donald trump was president. lieutenant joins us, from the texas department of public safety, but i do want to let you know, he is attending and wants to comment on this fentanyl rally that's happening in washington d.c. we're getting our technical things together here and i want you to listen because it's about the border. >> m-30's, every day e-commerce app has its own encrypted phone calls and texts. aderall, you can get anything from this website, drug dealers are using it, 45 cents a pill, reselling them for $30 a pill and killing everybody that come in contact with. they're preying on our kids. they're preying on the addicted, they're preying on the elderly, they're praying on everybody. they tried to kill us with
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covid and guess what, our administration shut us down for a week, two weeks, a month, closed the schools and every business. what about our kids? what about our kids? we don't hear nothing, nothing. here is the tracking, the package that took my son's life. delivered to his mailbox. it shouldn't be this way. it should not be this way. we've got the chinese that are already in this country waiting on these packages so they can disperse it out to the people that ordered them so it makes it look like u.s. to u.s. shipment. that's not the case. that's not the case. we already have the mexican cartel here waiting on these shipments from china. they're dispersing it to anybody that wants it and they're killing us all.
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this is genocide, this is a mass -- a weapon of mass destruction, and this is our children, this is our grandchildren. neil: we're monitoring this lost voices of fentanyl. eighths bigger rally than they thought in washington d.c. and a lot of it goes back to the border and all the stuff going through the border and all the drug cartels having their way and resulting in the death of thousands of americans and disproportionate numbers of kids and doesn't lieutenant chris olivares know it, the safety official kind enough to join us on the phone. you've heard the president talk about it the past week that the numbers are lower than they've been dating back to the days of donald trump, losing sight of the fact of course that they were four times that level a little more than a few months ago. that aside, this fentanyl issue remains an issue. that did not go away? >> it does. great to be with you, of course, i'm on the phone. we talk about the numbers
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themselves, neil, especially what the federal government has been staying, trying to take credit in the decrease of numbers, but the fact of the matter is for the audience, yes, numbers have decreased somewhat, but they are releasing, they are processing more illegal immigrants at ports of entry and also flying illegal immigrants directly from their country of origin into the united states and increase in gotaway, human smuggling, the activity that comes with a insecure border. that's a fact right there. the fact is they could have taken some executive action from day one. you cannot take executive action now and claim decrease in the numbers in a political year. and the american people are well aware of what's happening. and we have been talking about this so many years, on the front lines in texas from day one and it's because of our efforts, what we have been able to do in texas with operation lonestar that we have been able to get the numbers in texas down to over 74%. now, with fentanyl, remains to
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be a problem, but the thing is it's not being talked about anymore like it used to be when it was happening and that's why it's an honor to be here today with these families that have come across the country to be able to speak to them, to talk about what we're doing in texas and how we're going to support them. the fact is the last three and a half years in texas over a billion doses of lethal fentanyl because of operation lonestar, what governor abbott put in place from the beginning. neil: thank you, christopher olivarez. and we'll be looking at this issue next week in detail with the border patrol chief and the teamsters president o'brien, and georgia governor brian kemp and dr. ben carson.
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