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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 13, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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you may be the nominee no one else not the press, not the voters you decide, no one else and i am not going anywhere. arthel: embattled president biden on the attack at his detroit rally last night. defying the growing calls for him to step aside. the ice beneath him still appears as thin as a couple of gaffes it is nato press conference the night before overshadowing his impressive handle on foreign policy but hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville hi eric. eric: hello everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. president trump will take the stage at a rally today in weswestern pennsylvania but thas republicans are arriving in milwaukee for the rnc convention that's kicking off on monday. the big question at this hour, who will be former president name as his running mate? arthel: less florida congressman carlos gimenez out coming up a little later. eric: part steam coverage on
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both campaigns alexis mcadams and bill melugin are of the trump campaign madeleine rivera has lazily democrats calling for the current president to leave the race and his calls for staying in but let's first start with lucas tomlinson live and rehoboth beach delaware where the president is spending the weekend. >> eric, speaking at a rally in detroit in the state he narrowly won by less than three points four years ago, president biden turned his ire on the press. >> since the debate the press, the good guys and women up there have been hammering me. i make a lot of mistakes no, no, no, no it is okay. they have been hammering me because i sometimes confuse names i'd say that's charlie instead of bill. but guess what donald trump is gotten a free pass.
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>> while president biden is here it is a beach house by suppressions after rally in philadelphia today president biden will be manning the phones here in delaware calling two groups of influential house democrats the progressive caucus and the new democrats have 13 members demanding a new candidate. new "washington post" abc news poll said a majority of democrat voters agree after george clooney took to the pages of the "new york times" calling for biden to step aside from the race, bernie sanders not riding in the same paper earlier today defending him quote despite my disagreements with him on particular issues, he has been the most effective at president in the modern history of our country and is the strongest candidate to defeat donald trump. a longshot democratic candidate for president said she wants to see an open primary next month in chicago. >> we need to have a blitz of primarily temp open convention, which we had for 200 years and it worked fine. >> what are we doing here? are we protecting joe biden's feelings are we protecting
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american democracy? while vice president harris is speaking at a rally in philadelphia today the president's wife the first lady is speaking at a rally in pittsburgh in the western part of the state later today. civil right lucas and rehoboth beach thank you. arthel: president biden maybe spend the weekend at as a beach house in delaware it is in no day at the beach for short with 19 democrats calling on him to drop out of the race the president continues efforts to keep his divided party in line. madeleine rivera is life in washington with that. >> i arthel the president is trying to shore up his support among different factions of the democratic party. one of his calls and not go as mine is virtual meeting with congressional hispanic caucus on friday california congressman directly told the president to drop his reelection bid. eleven as a competitive house race this vault showing how nervous democrats are about their own reelection prospects that is why the president's call
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with the new dems coalition is so important. many of these members represent vulnerable districts. more than half of the 19 dems in congress have called for the present to step aside a part of the coalition. what new members has what he was given the present and his team are cold hard facts. objective data to show he has a path to victory. >> campaigns are cold calculated business that you have to look at the polls. is there a path to winning? what does that look like? particulate states like wisconsin and that these assuming estates it doesn't worry me you are starting to see some states we have always done very wellin minnesota, new hampshire the polling coming out of those states this out look great right now. >> like lucas mentioned one bright spot for the president liberal vermont senator bernie sanders is out with an opinion piece in the "new york times" supporting the president. sanders ready guess, i know
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mr. biden is old, walked stiffly had a disastrous debate with mr. but this i also know presidential election is not an entertainment contest it does not begin or end with a 90 minute debate. sanders going on to say mr. biden may not be the ideal candidate but he will be a candidate and should beat the candidate. arthel: alright madeleine rivera at live in washington thank you. 's report meanwhile republicans are gathering in milwaukee for the national convention that sthestarts on monday. former president trump will become the official gop presidential nominee it kicks off in just 48 hours from now we are learning a lot more about the lineup of speakers and who we will expect but organizers say the speakers will include lots of what they call everyday americans who blame the biden administration for some of the challenges they say they are facing. bill pollution is alive in milwaukee at the convention site with the preview of what we are going to see. >> when things kick off here on
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monday, city officials are expecting upwards of 50000 people to show up. we are talking delegates, staff members, press and law enforcement for the action is going be happening at the pfizer form take a look at it now. this is where republicans will be in the media spotlight after weeks of president biden and democrats getting all the headlines because of their party being internal turmoil right now former wisconsin governor scott walker says donald trump has been pretty smart to stay at relatively quiet during all of that. hugs well, you see an incredible discipline by former president donald trump to do just that. to let them implode. who would've thought please do not quit, joe would be the wille rallying cry as a presidential rally just months before the november election? but right now that is it. >> the democrats are hitting republicans on who will not be in attendance are in the are inc that includes a former trump vice president mike pence.
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democrats say quote the maga gop gears up to nominate a convicted felon, prominent republicans are disavowing him and the american people will do the same at the ballot box this november." were waiting on the official agenda from the r and siebert rating on those he details fox news has been able to confirm some of the speakers will be on stage next week you can see here quite a variety florida governor desantis, you got amber rose as kanye west ex-girlfriend you got east of palestine, a higher mayor trent cano at ufc president dana white the still to be named vice a presidential pick, whoever that is is going to end up speaking on wednesday night. back out here live is not just big names have been invited to speak rnc has confirmed they have invited the group of un seat frat brothers who made headlines earlier this year they protected the american flag on their campus from the pro- palestinian anti- israel protesters on campus. un seat frat brose bruce will e
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the rnc as well. sbefore they'll be interesting o see them in the frat guys show up could be another type of party. [laughter] we will see. good to see you thank you. arthel: wheaton don't bill melugin is that the are in seat will the second half of the trump ticket show up former president is still keeping his vp pick close to the best. shortlist reportedly includes senators a jd vance and marco rubio. governors doug burgum and glenn youngkin. trump is likely to tease his choice at the rally in beutler, pennsylvania today that is where we find alexis mcadams. >> this is going to be the final plan for president trump takes to stage at this rally in pennsylvania before he is still milwaukee for the republican national convention. trump is still teasing american who is going to pick for his vice president. we are going to get into more on that and a second pair people we talked on the ground at this
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very important swing state said they want to hear from trump on a variety of issues including the border crime and the economy, watch. >> what is your top issue? >> the border i think is a big wooden piglets and gas, groceries, basically the cost of living everything is gone up and the american people can't take it no more. i got sticker shock of the started to try to buy more groceries and cook at home is absolutely useless. >> a days away from the rnc trump is still talking about a possible vp pick so who was on the short list for vp that would be ohio senator jd vance. north dakota governor doug burgum, marco barbier at south carolina senator tim scott also virginia governor glenn youngkin. >> either one of them would be good too. >> they are all like, you know below review as far as her ideals big expanse i don't know nothing about rubio is okay.
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tim scott would be a good pick. >> i did hear from many people we talk to consistently marco rubio there are few people also talked about tim scott. we did learn a short time single fox news confirming none of those potential vp picks on the shortlist are going to be here at the rally. we thought maybe there be little jd vance action we are so close to appalachian in that area and ohio were his made a big impact but not tonight. arthel: that answer the question asked at the top will bill melugin is there, with the vp choices be there and you are just saying no they won't. thank you alexis mcadams, take care. eric: is so who could be the pick? next guest is backing one of them must reimport a congressman carlos gimenez sits of the house armed services and homeland security committees. so congressman, welcome. who do you want to be former president trump's vice president? >> i think a marco rubio would be the best choice and he will
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expand the base. a lot of hispanics and latinos have said possibly be sent to the democrat party. i think of marco rubio would be want to expand our base as ronald reagan said some time ago some years ago hispanics, latinos, there republicans they just do not know it yet for the started to figure it out. this would be a great way to reach out to the hispanic community to grow our content not on for this election but for future elections. eric: could potentially guarantee florida goes for the former president? he won by about three points last time? >> president trump is going to carry florida. there is no doubt about it. the reason i liked senator rubio is he' is got the experience is something god for bid would happen to president trump he could be a great president. and then again president trump wins in november's vice president is going to be the presumptive nominee for 2028.
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we need to have someone help carry on the changes that we need to change the direction of the country. we are going to need more than four years of it were going to need about 12 years in order to get the country back on the right track. eric: lot people are not talking about that but that is a very good point you are seeing potentially a generational change with this picture? absolute inflection point in american culture set the 1980 election was, that was the most consequential election before the turn in my lifetime with jimmy carter and ronald reagan i tell people can you imagine if jimmy carter had won that election? where would america be today i think america would be a much worse shape than gone we elected ronald reagan we need to elect donald trump and get it on the right track again. when bernie sanders says joe biden has is been the most effee president of his lifetime that is a socialist talking which
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means this a president has been leading us on the socialist path. be a guy who was born in cuba, anti-communist antisocial is the last path i want to be on point to go on a different track president donald j trump will take us there. >> all your backing senator rubio bliss blitz talk but a ce others north dakota governor doug burgum. there is some talk about him potentially being an energy secretary. he seems to bring a lot of business sense to the ticket would distribute him? >> i like all the vice presidential candidate i like i'm not saying anything wrong or bad about anyone of them. i think every one of them is obviously much better than kamala harris and present by himself. if deep bench is a difficult choice for president trump but i can tell you the guy i want the person i want the one i think brings most of the table, and can add more to this ticket and i think that is marco rubio.
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eric: supposedly point for jd nancy ohio said it was never trump her. what is your view of him? >> alike of the bison vice presidential pics i think governor glenn youngkin's and a great job in bridging the same thing and north dakota and jd vance is a great u.s. senator. i have no problems with any one of them. i president trump chooses anyone of them i will fully back the ticket. i am just telling you i am particular to marco rubio. i have known them for a long time and i know he will be a great vice president and more importantly he will make a great president, 2028. eric: of course if he is pick the senator will be up against his former senate colleague vice president harris. how do you think the debate would go with them? all of them will wipe the floor with kamala harris. that's not even going to be a contest there.
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all of them but a tape marco rubio is a great debater. very, very articulate. also a great image and i was very impressed with him right from the get-go he and i used to have the same campaign manager when he became he was about to become the speaker of the house there was a ceremony the first time i ever heard of and i was a blow away till my campaign manager he has it he could be president of the un nine statese day. so far he's not provably wrong. let's see if he can get there. again we have great choices. kamala harris to me as a joke. but in any event all four of them will wipe the floor with kamala harris. eric: a need to pop and willie might get the decision mike pence was picked two days before any sense when this could happen? >> i think whenever president trump thanks he's going get the biggest bang for it but he's a great showman.
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he's got experience with the apprentice and all of that to keep you hanging, keep you hanging. a minute go ahead and boom here it is you are hired, you are the one. and then the entire convention is going to fall right in line and support the ticket. we need to win this election we need to change the direction this country is going in paving to clean up our border we need to improve our economy. our standing in the world is right now in the dumps with president biden but no matter what he says. was the world a much better place for years ago? yes but it was america much better off four years ago? yes were you and i'm better off four years ago? yes. this election is pretty simple as far as i am concerned. this report florida congressman thank you for a new art rubio man so certainly hope the senator will get that call you are hired from the former
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president will see what happens in a few days good to see you, thank you sir for joining us. >> nice seeing you to put of course the programming note on ffox news channel you can watch former president trump's rally having one in pennsylvania will be here on the fox news channel starting at 5:00 p.m. eastern time just three hours from now. arthel: a stunning turn of events actor alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial for the live report for you coming up next. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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eric: total thunder two days into actor alec baldwin involuntary manslaughter trial in new mexico judgment only dismiss the case but did missed it with a prejudice that means a baldwin cannot be retry it in the shooting and prompted an emotional reaction from baldwin and his wife. chief correspondent jonathan hunt has a whole story boris now what because the judge to end the case? i mean throughout the case? >> it was an extraordinary day in court for the likes of which we have a rarely seen in any court anywhere. it edited of course with alec baldwin walking to his waiting suv outside t the santa fe couny
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courthouse knowing that he is a free man. what it all boiled down to was an allegation the prosecutors had withheld evidence from the defense. specifically a package of bullets the judge asked to inspect those bullets in the courtroom herself. she don't latex gloves to do so for those of bullets were given to prosecutors several months ago. they were told they might be connected to the shooting on the set of them of the rest back in 2021 prosecutors concluded they did not believe they were connected so they never shared them as evidence with the defense. the judges said that was a brady violation. they should have shared that evidence and therefore she had no choice but to do this, listen. >> the state discovered by lucius injected a needless incurable delay into the instant jury trial dismissal with prejudice is warranted to ensure the integrity of the judicial
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system and the efficient administration of justice. your motion to dismiss with prejudice is granted. >> as he heard those words alec baldwin broke down sobbing quite openly in court. hugging his lawyers and hugging his wife who was here every day of this trial. after everybody left i talked with the lead prosecutor about the mistakes the judge clearly said she was responsible for. listen very quickly let the hutchins family down? >> no we didn't we did everything humanly possible to bring justice to hezbollah and her family were part of the work we did again we disagreed the court's decision but we have to respect it. >> the family has civil lawsuits depending against alec baldwin but as you said at the top from
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a criminal point of view he is a free man. he cannot be retried on that involuntary manslaughter charge. >> amazing course of events, jonathan thank you. artsee the israeli defense forcs say today's huge strike on southern gaza targeted a top hamas commander believed to be the architect of the october 7 terror attacks. local officials say at least 70 palestinians were killed. stephanie bennett is following the story in is here live with the details. >> he just got in the latest numbers from the hamas run health and ministry that say that death toll is now up to 90 people who were killed in the overnight air strike. about 300 are injured. it all happened where thousands of displaced palestinians had fled to and living in tents a local hospital said it is overwhelmed and is no longer able to function due to the large number of casualties.
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>> i suddenly saw my whole tent collapse over me. under the rubble, who could i rescue my mother? or might child that is still a baby? or my wife or my children? i could not even tell her i was or what was happening. i cannot tell if it was a dream or not too. i left the tent and looked around put all the tents were knocked down. >> israel said they're still verifying the results of this strike it is still not confirmed whether muhammad is among the dead but israeli officials confirmed he and a second hamas commander where the targets he has been in hiding for more than two decades is believed to be paralyzed after surviving multiple assassination attempts before placement believed by many to achieve architect of the october 7 attack that killed some 1200 people in southern israel is also believed to have developed hamas a network of tunnels and some bomb making expertise. now his potential killing threatened to derail cease-fire
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talks just after president biden announced israel and hamas agreed to a framework for a cease-fire deal is in a three-part plan he laid out in may which included releasing all the hostages. click that framework is now agreed on by both israel and hamas. i am determined to get this deal done and bring intent of this war that should end now. >> mouse describe the latest attack as a grave escalation saying israel appears to not want a cease-fire anytime soon. arthel: stephanie bennett, thank you. support calls for president biden to leave the rays have been continuing. will it have an impact on his decision to stay? he says he's not going anywhere. straight ahead we will take a look at president biden staying in this race and th the calls fm to quit.
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so far, to live fire truck the donald trump announced president biden's turn other hollywood of the big names have turned on him make a donor george clooney leading the charge in that. yesterday in detroit the president said is not going anywhere and set us up the pundits are the elites who will decide but the people christina coleman is live in los angeles with the very latest on all of this. >> president biden's and gaffes have been under the microscope since his dismal debate performance a growing calls for him to drop out of the race and jokes about it are a hot topic among late-night show hosts. take a listen to it left-leaning bill mart last night. >> 's shop stopped around the issue with president biden is not if, it is hooper and who will replace him because he is not going to be the democratic candidate for president in 2024, all due respect. >> is not just biltmore late-night host even to meet bown, seth meyers are not going
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easy on the president either. >> they say more democrats are calling for biden to step aside by deceptiveness mikel jumped ship since he vacation on the titanic. [laughter] >> and then walks all the way back to the podium like he is in and invisible corn maze. that's called a reverse grandpa simpson. [laughter] the 81-year-old gaff getting instant attention he slips in the polls and critical swing states and as his fundraising takes a huge hit near times reports some democratic donors told the biggest pro biden super pac pledges worth roughly $90 million are on hold now if biden stays in the race. take a look at this point all of these celebrities and mobile's of publicly say they think it is time for biden to step aside. the listen was former president barack obama's good friend george clooney, a lifelong democrat who cohosted a star-studded fundraiser for
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biden just last month. clooney clearly has reconsidered his support for biden's a presidential campaign this week in a "new york times" op-ed clooney wrote we are not going to win in november with this president on top of that we will not when the house and we are going to lose the senate. none of this is stopping the 81-year-old president from trying to convince voters he is good for another four years in the white house. spispooler all right thank you. arthel: let's bring in the lives of peak she is a fox news contributor. let's jump in right away but good to see the first of all. how much sway does hollywood have with voters? >> that is a good question. the betting is a young voters are pretty attracted to anything celebrities show up for including her rallies, including causes. there is a chance this is going to hurt biden with the young voters who are very, very much
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in his corner have already in large numbers defected because of the palestinian israeli conflict. i think it is a good question read the democrats have a real messaging problem here. joe biden's thing i do not care at the elite is saying i do not care what millionaires think. democrat voters turned out big numbers to support me in the primaries. that is who i answer too and i do not know how the democrats a patch that up, who is in charge is that the voters that is after all this is the party that cares about democracy is defending democracy is that voters or is at the hollywood elite and other moguls giving billions of dollars, millions of dollars in anyway to this campaign. it is a good question. arthel: it is an interesting point you make because celebrities like clooney are able to raise a lot of money. how does the fundraising factor way in? >> right now there is supposed to be $90 million on hold from
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super packs that were supporting joe biden. donors are saying not me, call someone else i'm going to withhold my money but let's be really clear here. these people may be disenchanted with joe biden but they are only disenchanted because they do not think he can beat donald trump. if it joe biden stays in the race if he perseveres which i think is a really tough call right now they are going to come back in. they will support him and do whatever it takes to defeat donald trump. i think a lot of this is whining about the fact they have covered up what was clear to all of us because we have seen clips of joe biden daughter ring around, losing his train of thought et cetera. they have been complicit in a cover-up they are now trying to react too. the late night comics, that meanness and nastiness is abhorrent because these people been all it on joe biden until very recently.
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arthel: let me jump and you made several things i want to follow up on, several points and first of all i want to plate some sound democratic senator john fetterman of pennsylvania. he talked about that medias coverage of president biden. let's take a listen. >> the so-called experts were saying clinton was going to win and obviously that did not happen in fact all the experts predicted it was going to be about trump and biden but of course it is again. so i'm not really sure if there any so-called experts right now. arthel: are that media up or hyping cooperative biden's commitment to run coverage of of george clooney's dis- endorsement? >> i think they're probably overhyping george clooney i do not think he speaks for america. but look, joe biden has a real problem. i think he is in decline. we have all seen it and now we are free to talk about it and i think it is going to hurt his
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chances for reelection. i do think fetterman is very genuine he also overcame obstacles to be the successful candidacy and winning the senate seat in pennsylvania. joe biden by the way was very much on his team in that run. i am not surprised he's turning out for biden but boy, what a split there is in the party i do not know how they mend it. eric: it's deafly a conundrum. you mentioned were focusing on this because of president biden's missus speaks. president trump the former president has made them too i think he called or referred to as nancy pelosi as nikki haley produce often times refers to president biden as president obama. he called him at least saying he's the president of turkey he is the prime minister of hungary. there's a lot of stuff to keep track of.
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i am not former president or current and it is tough out there. in our everyday occurrences you forget who your children are you forget report your keys on your holding your phone like where's my phone. [laughter] i'm not trying to make light of it. i don't know president biden says a former president is getting away with the big pass on everything while he is under a medical microscope how do you see it in closing? >> president trump has taken the cognitive tests that joe biden won't take. that is in his corner as being upfront about the need to be tested on this stuff. it is not just one bad night we have seen joe biden get lost, confused, lose his train of thought that fact his aides have been protecting him by shortening his hours. by making sure he has an notes and he only calls on reporters that he is friendly with, reducing the number of interviews and step is all very telling of a president who is
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not capable. i think the country has to look very hard, former years? what is he going to beat looking like at the end of four years? i just don't think that happens. arthel: okay liz peek thank you for your take on this very critical situation the country is in. eric: what is the top concern for voters and some of the battleground states? the states that are the key in the race, immigration or the economy we are live on the ground of one of the states, in georgia next to learn exactly what voters think. y thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks!
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arthel: political spotlight focused on wisconsin for the rnc convention next week. that is not the only key battleground states this election another is georgia so what is on voters mind that
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there? madison scarpino is a live in atlanta with marvin. >> hello recent poll shows trump is slightly winning in georgia. that was before the debate that raised a lot of questions about president biden mental fitness. the poll checks out with the voters we spoke around atlanta a lot of mixed opinions estate is traditionally red president biden nearly one in 2020 since the debate team biden is bringing a lot of heat about his age and mental fitness. that was a concern for most of voters we spoke to here including biden supporters of. another concern former president trump's convictions. the latest poll shows a 50% of georgia voters agree with trump near of hush money conviction former president is still facing a lot more state and federal charges including here in fulton county. >> is crazy a convicted felon is looked up from and put in
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office. plugs that we are even talking about it as the farce of our times. >> people here also had a lot of mixed opinions about which candidate will be better for the economy and immigration for the big question now is will georgia voters pull through for president biden in 2024 it's a state a lot of people will be watching in november, back to you. arthel: indeed madison scarpino thank you live in atlanta. eric: former president trump is holding a preconvention rally in pennsylvania today it's going to with the beutler farm show in the western part of the state near pittsburgh. the former president on the swing state in 2016. president biden flipped it in 2020 but right now posters considered a tossup it is a key to winning the white house in november so who could take it? charlie joined us he is a republican political strategist former vice chair of the american conservative union. charlie, good to see a biden one
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at one point to percent in 2020 what could potentially happen a few months from now? quipped i have been continued to be very bullish on donald trump's chances in pennsylvania. he's not only going to them but when convictions lay. the shifts democratically and otherwise for trump are stronger pennsylvania. eric: what are you seeing? expressing a shift to the west on folks who are typically democrats unit members, working folks, also in the city significant shift among blacks, latinos and chinese people are asian people. eric: john fetterman who has been backing the president very strongly sewing the democrats have been should not be crying the way they are up and crying it's very strong on the president hears what he said he says the president when the state. let's listen.
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>> joe biden is going to win a pennsylvpennsylvania course so b casey. clutching the present ultimately win pennsylvania? >> i do. in fact i am around everywhere and people recognize me. not one single, not one single person has approached us as a democrat and said to biden with got to get rid of joe. it's just the opposite. sosuper that's interesting noboy says it got to get rid of joe that is not really what you want as a presidential candidate to gauge on who does not want you to be there. >> is a huge enthusiasm gap in pennsylvania between the democrats were wallowing in misery the republicans who are enthusiastic and geared up for donald trump. it is remarkable for a drug with the highways and byways of pennsylvania you see handmade signs on cardboard and plywood et cetera.
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folks are really geared up in the common wealth pennsylvania on the add to it fetterman's at dave mccormick is going to win the senate seat not bob casey. seric: your savior it unionize a lot of working class as we know. that's one thing the current president talked about in detroit one part of the presidents plank he says will raise the cost for the average american household by $2500. let's listen to it president biden said about that in detroit. >> he is calling for -- it's the god's truth he's calling for a 10% tariff on everything we import including fruit, vegetable, coffee. that leading economists in this country tell us his plan would cost working families $2500 year in a taxi. that is a fact, not a joke. folks the vast majority agree our economies moving in the right direction read jobs are up, wages are up the economy continues to grow. inflation is down.
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>> what do you say to working class families when you're dealing with the kitchen table topics such as that? what you do not have to say much they arty know what the feeling at their kitchen table with the inflation that bidenomics brought us they cannot afford their groceries or gasoline at the pump they don't biden's economies onto them and inflation is going to be a huge issue in this campaign. the working families in pennsylvania with donald trump. some of the union bosses, not all of them remain sticking with joe but the vast majority of a rank-and-file union members in pennsylvania are solidly behind donald trump at this point. eric: democrats are saying inflation is going down and gas prices have been going down and we've got a record unemployment rate. >> that damning that fact they've gone down from astronomic highs does not do too much for folks it is you say are sitting at their kitchen table trying to figure out the weekly budget. seaport you worked in campaign for former president ronald reagan he took the state both
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times by 7% do you see any echoes now you talk about democrats and republicans in the working class? >> i sure do. i sure do the reagan democrats are all republicans at this point there was a time in pennsylvania where the democrats enjoyed nearly 1 million vote registration that is down to just slightly over quarter of a million now there is been a dramatic uptick for republicans since donald trump became president and it continues to grow. an awful lot of the reagan democrats worked so hard to bring into the fold are now trumped republicans. eric: your site final prediction your sense of what could happen? >> donald trump is going to win pennsylvania and in doing so is going to take the white house again. blue wall the democrats keep talking about crumbled in 2016 and is collapsing as we speak. eric: it is one and one and now in terms of getting that state we will see what happens of course. charlie thank you from the great
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state of pennsylvania. our fox news coverage of the election and all things news it continues right after this. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction.
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arthel: damage in texas expected to run into the billions. analytics company says insured losses will top $2.5 billion just from a wind damage to residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural properties. it made landfall monday as a category one hurricane knocked out power to millions of customers there's still nearly 700,000 people without power across texas. eric: take a look at this wild scene in arizona but drivers are
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pulling up at an intersection that wind is whipping up so much the power lines and started to bounce appeared as the light turned green, look at that the utility poles came crashing down forcing drivers to swerve out of the way a few cars that did get struck in the downed power lines fortunate we were told there were no injuries. some while the weather around. arthel: we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern please join us then. thank you for watching.
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