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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 13, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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eric: former president trump is set to take the stage soon ecm in western pennsylvania. a rally coming with great anticipation over who he will announce as his running mate. hello everyone welc and welcomeo fox's life i've eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hello eric, hello everyone i'm arthel neville. trump's vp shortlist report will include senators jd vance, tim scott, and marco rubio as well as governors doug burgum and glenn youngkin. trump would like to announce his running mate in the next few days. likely drink next week's republican national convention in milwaukee or he will become the official gop presidential nominee. >> the republican party is completely unified behind donald trump is our candidate and obviously while democrats eat their own, we are going into a convention with a lot of momentum we are going to come out of it on a very high note.
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arthel: alexis mcadams is in beutler, pennsylvania. >> we are waiting to see former president trump get up on that stage by me. the final rally before he heads to the republican national convention to people's need to talk about how it's going to pick as his vice president. he's looking for someone who can help them get reelected watch. >> the choice will be very, very good. it will be a great vice president meeting a person who can do a fantastic job as a president but you always have to think of that first. and then second, someone who hopes to get elected. there's nothing wrong with that. >> who was on that shortlist for vp cuesta ohio senator jd vance, north the cover governor doug burgum, marco rubio succulent is
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hundred tim scott trump talked about this week and virginia governor glenn youngkin we asked people here who they wanted to see on that ticket as vp. watch a precooked for jaswant trump. >> i think they are all below review. >> tim scott he needs to pick the right person. >> i like rubio myself i think that would be the way to go. >> marco rubio to get eight getr base on other people. >> important to point out governor glenn youngkin has been floated as a dp pic trump is trying to put historically blue states like virginia and minnesota into play. some recent polls show he is on its way to flipping some people there were trump rallied one day after the debate on stage with the popular governor back out here live you can see what is going on behind me bro there are lots of people who have been waiting in this hot, hot sun for the former president where they say they want to hear about the
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kitchen table issues like the border and inflation. we were wondering if jd vance is going to be out of here there's two people here to support him but there's near the area in ohio but we are told he is not coming no other vp contenders are either. back to you. smooth able to get back here by the way will bring you trump's remarks alive when they begin present a schedule for the top of the next hour at 5:00 p.m. eastern. alexis mcadams has her eyes on it and beutler, pennsylvania. >> what is joe biden going to do? is he going to stay in the race? is he going to drop out? i am running and we are going to win. so before they are chanting do not quit. telling supporters of the rally in detroit he predicts he will beat donald trump. sing at the rally it's quote of the pundits of the insiders, not
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the donors who picks the nominee. but he said the voters lucas thomthompson is live in rehoboth beach delaware where the president is spending the weekend. >> that is right. mental acuity and a rally in detroit and debbie dingell, his friend for decades. >> governor haley i am she didn't hear me, by the way i want you to know that, i've spent a lot of time with debbie. she is helpmate like a lot. i forgot which event we were at and someone said you are his wife, aren't you? because she looks like jill. while spending the weekend took
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to the stage in philadelphia later today his wife will be speaking in pittsburgh pennsylvania key battleground states. we heard from hollywood star in the pages of the new york time calling for present biden to drop out of the race. politicians come to his defense. bernie sanders also writing yes i know mr. biden is old he comments prone to gas, walk stiffly had disastrous debate of mr. trump the sino presidential election is not an entertainment context. it is not begin or end with a minute debate. no public event on his skill he does plan to hit the phones and a sure house democrats he has what it takes to be their nominee for president's or four more years until he is 86 years old but also last night in detroit in addition to bashing the press biden turn desire on former president donald trump.
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cooksey judge knight mr. trump attempt to minimize sexual abuse, finding it frivolous. mr. trump raped her. i mean the judges mind not mine. he raped her pretties filed a bankruptcy six times. bankrupt running a casino. i did not think that was possible. doesn't the house always win at the casino? >> addition to house democrats we just received word for the white house president biden is called the crew of the uss dwight the eisenhower the aircraft carrier returning to her home port in norfolk tomorrow after a nine month cruise striking a running back to targets in yemen for much of that time. eric: it later in the newscast will delve more into the calls for them to drop out in his
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defiance not to do so at lucas and tho thomas it is wide with e president will help with it beach, delaware. thank you. >> you may have noticed that since the debates the press and the good guys and men and women up there have been hammering me. i make a lot of mistakes. no, no, no it is okay. they have been hammering me because i sometimes confusing names. but guess what donald trump is gotten a free pass. artc5 present biden says is that media is double standard on beta gap former president trump has confused nikki haley with nancy pelosi among other flubs. president biden spoke at his detroit rally last night one day after with the white house called a big boy press conference at that nato summit
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in washington where his knowledge of foreign policy was on display. the headlines is that instead of saying vp harris, vp trump came out instead but let's bring in the report of that asked that question reuters white house correspondent jeff mason. hey jeff mason. so let's walk through this. first of all it seems president biden is out and about a lot lately. is this a public facing ramp-up working? >> well it is certainly part of a strategy to push down the commotion and the controversy and the crisis in his party. he said so openly at the press conference the other 90 said democrats want to see me out there more and that's what i'm going to do. he did the press conference that one coming up with lester holt for you see them giving a speech next week at the lbj library
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he's holding a rally like the one he did last night which i attended and i have to say the feeling in that room was very supportive of president biden. enjoying the feeling after what was a pretty rough week in terms of tempered support from high profile people in his party. arthel: in that detroit yesterday that rally you are talking about, president biden told campaign supporters the decision to remain in this race rests in the hands of the voters would not members of congress. not party leaders is that the case? that's a reference he essentially won the nomination is not been nominated yet that's an official process that will happen with the democratic party it has to do with a virtual event. normally it happens at the convention. he has won all the delegates he needs to become the nominee.
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but to your question there is an option for those delegates to vote their conscience as a loophole democratic party rules which is not exist within the republican party. that means the delegates could go rogue if they gathered enough support they could nominate a different candidate. but what president biden is arguing and what is people are arguing about this wrapped up, guys. i am your guy. arthel: take us behind the scenes what are the dems is saying and who is late in the course? >> that's a good question. so far it's hard to answer who is leading the chorus. it is a desperate group print out a handful of lawmakers on capitol hill especially democrats who are field full of losing their own seats in the november election with biden at the top of the ticket. senator bennett from colorado was one of the more high-profile lawmakers as a senator who came
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out and said he did not think joe biden could win. nancy pelosi's remarks on msnbc this week that president biden still had not made up his mind on whether to stay in, created to perceive for mort lawmakers a call from to step aside. she tried to walk that back a little bit by saying she thought joe biden could win but the fact someone who is as big of an influencer as she is did not come right out and say when she was asked on national tv she wanted him to continue to be in the race that is an example of another person people are watching very closely. arthel: want to go back to the top because at the rally yesterday in detroit president biden said listen, they have been hammering me guess what donald trump has gotten a free pass. isn't donis donald trump gettine pass? >> i can say and he did some reporting on last week.
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president biden is saying is reflective of a sense of grievance within the white house and within his inner circle but he does not get credit for having beat donald trump in 2020 from democrats and that is what he is referring to there is much as they believe he should. and he believes there is a double standard in that media he was referencing that at that rally i am not in a position to be the judge as to whether president trump is getting eight free pass it is certainly something the biden folks believe. in part because of the attention being paid to present biden age and to his gaffes when in fact for president trump is just a few years younger than president biden and makes a bunch of gaps himself. that is their argument. i think both are getting covered but is not equal weight right now and that is something that should grins of biden and people in his orbit. arthel: if you could do this
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quickly for me, jeff, let's go inside the trunk and paid before we leave. even if they do not say it publicly is there a candidate or a ticket they think trump cannot beat it? >> you mean on the democratic side? arthel: right, correct. because i do not know the answer to that. i think the trump campaign would prefer to have joe biden at the top of the ticket. i think you can deduce that from the fact they have ramped up their attacks on vice president harris. that debate does not go away even if president biden comes out stronger as he has since then in his public events. the clips from that debate in the gaps he hasn't made and will no doubt continue to make because that is joe biden provide a whole host of potential weaknesses at the trump campaign can rule out. that said for ballots and importance of the democratic
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side to its a lot of weaknesses in president trump as well. president biden was a lot stronger and attacking president trump and that rally last night that he was on the night of the debate stage. you will see a lot more of that coming up from that as well from the people who have people representing him including vice president harris. arthel: always on top of it. jeff mason thank you writers white house correspondent always good to see you. >> you too. eric: that is jeff getting the soundbite yesterday, while performer president trump will become the official republican candidate for president of the republican national convention in milwaukee next thursday of course all caps off on monday. two days from now in wisconsin sitting bill melugin is live in milwaukee with a preview of what is going to happen this next week. >> we just got the official list of speakers from the rnc for next week they included several
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celebrities several high profile politicians they include everyday americans like unc fraternity brothers to help protect their american flag during college campus protests earlier this year the trump campaign says everyday americans exactly they are going for the platform. take a listen. >> president trump's a message to make america great again as a resignation with everybody i would also add president trump continues to make and roads with voters in different demographics partly that is because they are black, white, brown this country everyone's money is green and nobody has enough of it. take a live look right now the conventional take place at the pfizer forum in downtown milwaukee that is a republicans will enjoy that media spotlight after weeks of president biden and democrats being in the headlines with their party's turmoil that has been going on but we asked people out here how they feel about the rnc coming to town. >> honestly it's nice to be able
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to understand staff. >> it seems like not a lot matters it's just the trump wave in the rnc regardless. >> it is great for the economy of milwaukee is going to bring in a lot of money which is a real positive. >> it democrats are heading republicans on who will not be in attendance next week that includes a trumps a former vp mike pence. democrats say as the maga gop gears up to nominate a convicted felon prominent republicans are disavowing him. the american people will do the same at the ballot box this november. speaking of vice presidents that is the big question on everyone's mind out here in milwaukee. according to the speakers that list we just got all four of the finfinalists for vp for donald trump including governor doug burgum marco rubio, jd vance and tim scott will all be speaking on stage next week whichever one it is will be speaking wednesday
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night. donald trump has said whoever his candidate is, whoever he decides on for vp they'll be a fantastic candidate someone who can step into the office of the presidency if it was ever needed not just somebody who is a candidate they just threw out their press send it back to you forever and waiting for that pic it should be coming of course it a few days. bill, good to see you thank you. starting the next hour on fox news shannon bream will be or she will host a two hour democracy 24 special live from milwaukee but will carry it for her president trump's speech at his rally in western pennsylvania both events shannon and former president trump starting within the hour. >> it president biden seldom mentions a sea of american hostages alive being held at that almost nothing to get them back. i have seen no evidence president biden is in the right thing to help israel have the tools, weapons, the capability they need to finish the job of destroying hamas.
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arthel: former et cetera to state michael pompeo condemning president biden's handling of israel's war on hamas. today israel launched a huge strike on southern gaza the target a top hamas commander believed to be the architect of the october 7 terror attack that launched this war. stephanie bennett is live in london with more. >> taking a look at the latest numbers the hamas i run health ministry at 90 people were killed in the latest airstrike in khan younis and at least 300 were injured as she mentioned yd there are still americans held hostage and dozens of others. dozens have fled to not living and tense the local hospital said it is overwhelmed it's no longer able to function because of the large number of casualties. >> end this war, this is enough there is no safe zone in gaza,
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and this will have mercy on us and our children we are getting killed every minute. >> israeli officials confirmed was a second hamas commander were the targets of the strike prime minister benjamin netanyahu said this afternoon there is no absolute certainty he was killed in today's attack. but one way or another he will reach all leaders of hamas. he has been in hiding for years is believed to be paralyzed after surviving previous assassination attempt is believed by many to be the chief architect of the october 7 attack kid killed some 1200 people in southern israel but also help develop hamas network of tunnels announced potential killing threatens the derailment of cease-fire talks just after president biden announced israel and hamas agreed to a major framework for a cease-fire deal is in the three-part plan heat e laid out inmate.
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>> that framework is now agreed on by both israel and hamas. i am determined to get this deal done and bring an end to the war that should end now. hamas has described the latest attack as a grave escalation. they say this is evidence that israel is not looking for a cease-fire anytime soon. arthel: stephanie bennett live in a london. thank you so much better going to turn back to the campaign trail take you to philadelphia where vice president harris, along with governor joshua shapiro are there speaking to some supporters on the campaign trail. her some live shots here in pennsylvania again they are and philadelphia. let's see if we get a shot of the vp this is what's happening there out there try to get the message t out will set it over o you, eric. before that's a great marketplace it's right next to the convention center where i
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was a poster during 2820 during the counting of the elections there but you can see if got various booths, food stores, that nicks has a great veal san mateo pennsylvania is known for the beef. and the hobee's but man oh man if you can get into nick's roasted pork you've got it made. he heard the applause holding calls called on him to leave the race. what is he doing to try to get the democratic defectors to get behind his campaign? we will take a look. will he stay? he said he is not going next here on "fox news live."
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>> trump is the one who is supposed to step down, not biden biden. i fleeced my decision out of the two i definitely think i'll be going with trump. arthel: voters in key swing state of georgia some of them telling us what is on their mind ahead of the biden/trump rematch. madison scarpino is al live in atlanta with more. >> hello arthel. we spoke to a lot of voters in the atlanta area.
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there's a lot of mixed opinions president biden's mental fitness is something there is a bit of concern about for most people including biden supporters. in a recent poll from before the debate shows trump slightly winning in georgia. the state is traditionally red but president biden one and 2020 by amiri 11000 votes. the question now is will the peach state remain blue and 2024? hakeem mance has them voted democrat in every elections voting for former president trump this time around but he said he does not think the president is and mentally fit to continue serving he also think she's not happy with the economy. >> we've only got two options really not vote or not participate i would rather participate and try to make a change where i see is going to be the most effective. >> another concern for voters former president trump conviction and criminal charges.
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the latest poll shows 58% of georgia voters agree with the trump's new york hush money conviction. the former president is still facing more state and federal charges. including election interference charges right here in fulton county. >> it does not matter how much you like him, how much s he didn the passive is a previous president in the country convicted felon is a convicted felon and a crime is a crime proprotect some are refusing to vote for convicted felons of people telling us and does not affect the road for trump this is of course a key swing state that's going to have a lot of eyes on it in november. arthel: absolutely. madison scarpino thank you there in atlanta. >> for me this is not about the job president biden's done pretty spin a great president. it's about winning. we all know what president biden. we all are very close to president biden think he has been a great president, et
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cetera, and public servant. folks are asking tough questions right now by sue burke california democratic congressman early on fox news discussing the calls are president biden to step aside. he thanks the president should stay in the race. many of the issues as you know the party it seems to be divided. nineteen congressional democrats have publicly called on the president to drop out of the race due to the shaky debate performance. new appearances the speech in detroit yesterday for example that supporters say it show he is doing fine and very for a pre vermont senator bernie sanders an independent says democrats in his words that need to get over partner times opinion piece he says quote enough mr. biden may not be the ideal candidate but he will be the candidate and should be the candidate. managing director republican consultant jd vance, governor john kasich of ohio and others. so it seems like he is staying.
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what do you think? >> i think the jury is still out here but boy are they bleeding. for democrats the best thing that can happen to them as the rnc will be taking place this week the trump folks that they could do it in october they would absolutely do it in october because democrats are killing themselves in a circular firing squad that's the best thing that can happen they can only hope the narrative somehow changes even before the debate they were hemorrhaging votes this was heading towards what was closer to a trump landslide then a biden victory and now it's even looking worse. i had seen some evidence even before that debate they were growing number of biden voters there might be more never biden voters and never trump voters at this point. that was a stunning thayer stafk to moderate republicans all the time every day they're open to that more and more but that never would've happened four years ago. before you mentioned the potential trump landslide the polls are showing it really close. do you think it is the age issue could potentially against the
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president if he stays in, tip the balance for some? >> the age issue is a huge deal for it's even worse underneath that structurally got a probably two key issues people care about the package you just had you had a former democrat voters and is going to vote for donald trump because of the economy. people are struggling in middle america in the swing states. you will your packages in atlanta and the metropolitan are there more open to donald trump that is a big problems for joe biden's the second problem for them is the border. people want to feel safe. they want to feel a sense of fairness. we were starting to see it middle-class voters produce urgency hispanic voters move through the republican cam because of the border issue. that is an amazing thing. that is what could tip the balance of trade the age issue is a gravy on top republicans. >> right now everyone is talking about that pretty mentioned circular firing squad and bernie sanders, senator sanders said just that today in his editorial let me review what he said the media has frantically searched
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for every living human being who no longer supports the president or any neurologist who wants to appear on tv. i'm partially too many democrats have joined that circular firing squad. the democrats suddenly panic too soon? they saw that debate and freaked out? now you've gone and with that news conference and handle international affairs expertly. he had a rousing rally yesterday in detroit. let's us talk about that. befreport let me finish he readf the teleprompter but then had a 14 minute campaign. do you think they jumped the gun too much? >> no, i think they waited too long to start panicking with the concerta believing he was in his own mind. that debate performance is output atrocious will grow that we stop at the press conference on foreign policy remember it was handpicked journalists where he gets up there and said i was told to ask these and
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journalists these questions. or have them call on me because we don't know that we know we had the names we don't know -- mikita's are the questions ahead of time but. >> knowno not imputing the journalists. they are good people certainly. the absolutely picked which journalists would ask questions. i dozens like propose a national rent control policy which no one push back on. a lot of foreign-policy things as watching cnn and msnbc after the suit there's thing to check it out, check out your competitors they said that with a masterful presentation of foreign-policy. is very passable so is gibberish. there's a lot that cover him and wanted to do well. they are looking at that way. bernie sanders is writing a piece of the "new york times" fantastic but that is not the american people solemnly watch that debate when they saw he is not able for this job. twenty-four we got to go to see
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santa go out? >> i think is going to stand what is going to be china's wiwider torture for the democra. eric: j good to see you. i see a ronald reagan thing back there looking over your shoulder. good to see you. >> thanks a lot. >> thank you for the white house is facing questions about whether it's been fully transparent about the presidents president's help your next guest said it's time to end the long history of president and staff hiding health problems from the american people. dr. marc siegel has more to say and he is coming up.
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arthel: you saw live a little earlier vice president kamala harris campaigning in pennsylvania with governor josh
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sjoshua shapiro was asked about president biden's press conference on thursday here are some of what the vice president said. >> you look at from a press conference he did during nato he's a master of the issues he is so highly respected among our colleagues. from then to even what he did less site in michigan he's turning out big crowds. there's a lot of enthusiasm and support we are clear that in this election taken us one or 15 days a six or high. arthel: meantime on the republican side president trump also campaigning in philadelphia live look at beutler he will hold a rally in the western side of the state that is set to begin at 5:00 p.m. eastern. we will bring you his remarks live when he begins. stay right here. cooks i know i look 40 years old. [laughter] i am a little bit older.
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[laughter] hopefully with age comes a little wisdom. here is what i know. i know how to tell the truth. arthel: republicans are demanding more information on president biden's recent health exams. this for weeks the white house is accusing giving conflicting information on mr. biden's medical record. dr. marc siegel has a new op ed are history of hiding presipresidentshealth problems . he joins us now. yes there's a lot of talk about this but what exactly prompted you to write this op ed and say i have something to say about this. >> i have been tracking this. good afternoon, for a long time presidential fitness has been an issue for me too focus on. it was all the '2008 when people were pouring through john mccain's records i went to arizona to look at 1000 pages looking for a possible melanoma
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recurrence. look through history and i found the transparency has been lacking it's not about agent by the ways about fitness. you go back to woodrow wilson. woodrow wilson believe it or not when he had the spanish flu he had a neurological complication is that the french foreign legion was coming to arrest him when this doctor was calling it a cold. mainly because the paris peace conference and is so weak he coulcannot fight for germany's rights. it ended up being severely punished that led to the onset of the nazis in world war ii. that is how important presidential health is. with fdr he knew he was in top shape and is a lassiter on the fourth term. his blood pressure was soaring out of control to get up with a hemorrhage and that was why he changed vice presidents to truman because he knew he was in trouble truman came in and was immediately hit with this
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decision about the atom bomb. all of that was related to a lack of transparency. with eisenhower in 1955 this is a fascinating he had a massive heart attack. they brought down doctor pol dudley white from massah general who said this is a teaching moment. i am going to tell the american public what is going on he had press conference after press conference revealing ike's problems. but because of public sympathy and as a result of that he was reelected when he recovered from his heart attack. i think we the american public need to know and that is the lesson. cuesta went out a list i had prepared donald trump is on that list. he contracted covid. yes, i spoke to trump after he had covid believe it or not he got a lot of criticism for this but i felt he was very
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transparent with me on camera. he talked about how his lung became hazy and how we had to have steroids and he got that monoclonal antibiotics and i talked to doctor sean conley who was his physician the white house and physician he was also very transparent he told me how low his oxygen level had gone. i felt he was very forthcoming. this a lot of critics that he is not always is forthcoming about his health. i did not find that problem. what needs to happen now is doctor kevin o'connor the president dr. needs to come forward not just with these letters and by the way i believe the letters. that media is really off-base in calling this a parkinson's disease because that physician is going a letter after letter, report after report saying it is not parkinson's disease he's putting his credibility in his license on the line at that. i have no reason to think that is what it is but we do not know what it is. we do not wh was causing the increasing lapses. and i think we have a right to
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know. arthel: finally played the soundbites when we first started the segment went to ask you about it. president biden says while he is under an intense medical microscope donald trump is being given a free pass. as a president biden have a valid point or no? >> i do not know is given a free pass. the issue here is spontaneity and flexibility and judgment and the forgetfulness and the lapses i am very nervous by how often the teleprompter is used here. but that is because i am spontaneous, the way you are. i write all of my own lines but like to see spontaneity the president has tried to come forward and show that he has been trying and i have a lot of compassion for him he's fighting he isfighting against this whole thing. the other problem is if you have cognitive problems you are the
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last to know about it so everyone around him and saying were not going to find you anymore we are dropping support and he is like i am fine, that's typical in the situation that is by opening his doctor involved. >> dr. marc siegel thank you very much for joining us. we do have to take a break right now and wehi will be right back. i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. it takes healthy joints to be a costar, coworker, and trusty copilot. for all your dog does for your family, give them cosequin
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call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won't go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. eric: sad news for tmz reported legendary fixedness guru richard simmons has died celebrate his 70 sixth birthday yesterday. the flamboyant entertaining simmons a shot to fame the 1970s and '80s thanks to a series of fitness tapes like sweating out the oldies you see at their and tv appearances that we watch. man was he entertaining and voided people love them tmz said police in l.a. got a call from his housekeeper at 10:00 a.m. this morning and found mr. simmons had died at his home he stepped out of the public
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spotlight for about 10 years worried his fans for long time about his disappearance. he stayed in touch with them on social media. in march he revealed he been diagnosed with skin cancer but that was taken care of he said. he was planning a broadway musical in an interview published by people just yesterday, on his birthday pretty said i am grateful i am here that i am alive for another day. i'll spend my birthday doing what i do every date which is to help people. so it said but you know richard simmons is help to sell many. we thank him and remember him. sadly richard simmons is dead at 76 years old. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off.
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>> are we really going to be joe's for the next few months or god knows how long because her at the horror movie watch for your fingers for you know something bad is going to happen you just do not know when. >> late-night hose to take shots of over president trump turned their sights on president biden christina coleman live in los angeles with the very latest. >> the growing calls for president biden to drop out of the race is a big topic among late-night show host including jon stewart he blasted critics to say the media's taken part in some big pressure campaign to hide biden's mental state.
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stuart is accusing biden's campaign of not being honest with voters. >> is not a campaign. not working in coordination with various people. i have a platform and i have been stumped and disappointed and angered by what i saw. and how i have been talked to that i did not see what i saw. i think the idea of not acknowledging the progressive and degenerative nature of what he is dealing with his gas lighting anybody who supports him. >> all week late-night shouts hosts have been piling up biden amid the growing calls for him to drop out of the race. here's a biltmore last night. >> finally new rules stop messing around. the issue with president biden is not if, it is who. who will replace him he is not going to be the democratic candidate for president 2024,
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all due respect. >> take a look at this. all of these celebrities and moguls are publicly saying they think it's time for biden to step aside. despite all the growing calls for him to throw the towel, fighting continues to push forth with reelection campaign but less that at his rally in michigan he told the crowd i am running and we are going to win. arthel: christina coleman in los angeles, thank you. eric: a few moments of former president tom will be a rallying and battleground pennsylvania. you see the crowd gathering for this huge event. it is actually a farm fair in an andairy and butler, county compy in western pennsylvania near pittsburgh it's an area where the former president one more than 65% of the vote four years ago. we will of course to bring you his remarks live as soon as they begin to expect that to begin fairly soon. this will be his last rally before the republican national convention begins on monday in milwaukee. he accepts the nomination as a
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republican candidate next thursday but fox news we are all on this covering it all weekend long but coming up next on the fox news channel shannon bream will josé to our democracy 24 special. shannon is live in milwaukee with lots of gas, all of the predictions and the pundits in the very latest on the race. hugs and must check out shannonn atd the rest of us on fox news. will be backuscl next blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit the terrorist attacks of october 7th were the single deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. i stand here before you with
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an extremely burdened and heavy heart. not only for the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival. it's an especially critical time right now for the elderly. many close family members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to help them with their basic needs such as food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. your gift of only $25 will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who is at risk. zina, she used to take care of me. it was 6: 20 in the morning when we heard the first rocket. so i phoned my daughter and she said, "mommy, i'm on
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the bus. everything is okay." two minutes later, the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a month's supply of healthy, ready to eat foods to strengthen them and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming from this box. thank you and may the god of israel always bless you. let's extend our prayers together in support and share our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. they need right now to feel your love and your healing touch for their souls. call the number on your screen, scan the qr code, or go online to i f c j now.
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