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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  July 14, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. pete: we're back with a fox news alert. if you're just joining us this hour, it is truly a historic morning in the united states of
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america. overnight, former president donald trump -- you see this here -- arriving in new jersey, walking off the plane after an attempted assassination if on his life. during a rally last night in pennsylvania. rachel: president trump says a bullet pierced the top of his right ear as he then ducked to the ground before standing back up. moments later one rally-goer was killed in the shooting. two others were critically hurt. will: overnight, the fbi identifying the suspected shooter as a 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks of bethel park, pennsylvania. investigators say crooks took position on a after 130 -- roof 130 yards from the podium and opened fire before being shot and killed. police officers are gathering outside the suspect's home this morning after reportedly swarming the residence last night. pete: we're now going to show you the full, unedited version of the moment shots rang out.
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watch. >> -- take a look at what happened -- [gunfire] >> get down, get down! if. [inaudible conversations] >> what are we doing? if what are we doing? >> fire, fire, fire, fire! [inaudible conversations] [background sounds] [inaudible conversations] >> you ready, on you. move! >> go. >> hawkeye's here. >> hawkeye's here -- [inaudible] >> get ready. >> ready? [inaudible conversations] >> are we good? shooter's down. are we good to move? >> we clear? >> we're clear. >> let's move! [inaudible conversations]
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>> let me get my shoes. >> i got you with, sir. >> let me get your shoes. >> hold on to your head -- >> sir, we've got to move. >> let me get my -- >> watch out. >> wait, wait, wait. [inaudible conversations] [background sounds] >> usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! [inaudible conversations]
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[background sounds] pete: it's one of those things where with we've watched it now multiple times, and i watch with even more intently every time it airs, because every single aspect of it is worthy of inspection, of questioning, of understanding. and here's a couple of powerful photos that have come out since. that is a photo from, presumably taken from below the stage through the bodies of secret service agents, the face of president trump on the ground as he's being covered. will: blood running down his cheek. this one is another one that came out last night, i think this is the first time we've been ab able to show this one on tv. this is a photo of, literally, the bullet whizzing past -- pete: yeah, that would have to be past, right? will: you can see, it's circled
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in red. it's a stunning photo to be captured, cutting through the air, presumably that's the bullet that cuts the president's ear. rachel: it just reminds you that we would be having a very different show this morning had the president's head just been a millimeter in a different direction. that bullet would have gone right through his head. this is so beyond serious. it's actually a scandal. i want to know why did a trump support see the guy on the roof before secret service did? i want to know how a sniper with a full rifle kit was on that roof. so many questions. and then, again, if we could just show before we go to ainsley and to lawrence who are giving us great reporting on the ground, if we could just show that photo of president trump with his fist in the air and the flag behind him, this is the most iconic photo of this campaign. and i know that the democrats were hoping it was going to be donald trump's mug shot, but his resilience and strength and
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courage in this moment, i know dana the perino, our friend, said this is a warrior president. i think this is his braveheart moment. the strength, i mean, we've been talking all week, you guys, about a president with dementia and weak, and this is proof that age is not the question. it is about your strength and your stamina and your courage and and, boy, do you see that in that the moment he's fighting off those secret service agents to show the people that he intends to fight. if. pete: it is, indeed, historic and, indeed, providential that we are on this couch, on air this morning with a former president that is alive when you consider that photograph. it is centimeters from a political assassination live on television of the leading candidate for the president of the united states. instead you have this photo, instead you have an rnc this week which will be scrap what
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the plans were before. i can only imagine how that wil. our analysis is going to go on and on here on this, but it changes everything about the contours of our country, about the contours of the cam page. -- campaign. it's what people fearedded might happen, and it almost did. will: we have live team coverage this morning. ainsley earhart is in bedminster, new jersey, where former president trump is, is and lawrence jones is live on the scene of last night's rally in butler, pennsylvania. we begin with c.b. cotton who has new information this hour about the suspect is. c.b. >> reporter: hi, good morning. just like the rising sun will now illuminate a full scale crime scene here in pennsylvania, people in this community and across the entire nation now want someone to shed some light on how a gunman was able to get a vantage point to our former president, donald trump. so the fbi is leading the investigation into the attempted
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aa saws nation. and at a late -- assassination. and at a late night press briefing, the fbi continued to point a finger at the secret service. [audio difficulty] secured. listen -- >> [inaudible] >> really at this point we're not going to make that assessment. this is an active investigation. >> do you get the secret service to check those buildings or keep a close eye -- >> really have to defer to secret service for those questions. >> [inaudible] >> you saying the location where the shooter was -- >> yes. >> i don't have any information on that. you'd have to defer to secret service. >> reporter: the fbi special agent did say he thought it was surprising that the named shooter, thomas matthew crooks, was able to fire so many rounds. the fbi added that their initial assessment leads them to believe law enforcement didn't know the shooter was on the roof until the firing began. crooks was shot and killed by
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secret service. the associated press reports the political leanings of the gunman aren't clear at this time, citing records of his registration as a republican voter here in pennsylvania with federal campaign finance reports showing crooks gave $15 to a progressive political action committee. witnesses are now left to deal with the trauma he inflicted. >> a lot of people thought someone had snuck if fireworks in. and also you have to take into account there's no cell service because everyone was on their phone, so it's all rumor in the crowd. there is no actual information. >> complete chaos. you know, we all a went to the ground, and and is we didn't know what was going on. >> i was nervous that the shooter could possibly spray out into the crowd because, you know, he doesn't like the president, he doesn't like us. >> we noticed a guy crawling, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us. like, hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle. i'm thinking to myself, why is trump still speaking, why have
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they not pulled him off the stage? i'm standing there pointing at him for, you know, two, three minutes, and and next thing you know five shots ring out. >> reporter: republican speaker mike johnson says the house will conduct a full investigation, and house oversight committee chairman james comer says he's requested the secret service director to appear at a hearing slated for july 32 22nd. back to you -- 22nd. will: thank you, c.b.. hopefully, throughout the morning we'll bring you more information as it comes to light about this suspected shooter. there are reports his house has been surrounded, there's been a raid, so be able to bring you not just information, but perhaps some images from what we're gathering when it comes to the shooter. but we do have lawrence jones in butler, pennsylvania, and ainsley earhart in bedminster, new jersey, where donald trump is resting. let's start with lawrence. a little bit earlier you told us not much presence the morning after at the site of the rally. i would expect law enforcement
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to continue some type of investigation, lawrence, on site. but i want to share with you the reaction of a witness that was at the rally and and on our show a little bit earlier, what he felt, what the environment that you're now standing in was like last night. watch this. >> i mean, it's been fourth of july, we've been hearing fireworks. people are saying they thought there were fireworks? live firing ar-15s and other guns. i knew they were gunshots. immediately, everybody went down on the ground. i put my hands on my cousin's shoulders, stay down. i was looking around because you don't believe what goes through your head when you hear gunshots in a crowd can. i'm thinking las vegas, they're going to start shooting everybody, and i'm looking around. immediately, i see trump go down. then i thought, oh, my god, they killed him. and and i was pretty upset. then the president stands the up and puts his fist in the air,
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and and everybody started screaming usa, usa. and it was, he was okay. will: so that's what we heard just a little bit earlier, lawrence. i know you've been at a lot of rallies. now you're at one that's completely different this morning after that a attempted assassination. >> reporter: yeah. will with, i used to go to 3-4 rallies a week when i was sean hannity's correspondent. i'm struck by that gentleman. i listened to that interview live, and he wanted you guys to know, hey, i'm not a weak man. but i felt something during that moment. and i think he echoes a lot of trump's supporters this morning. i mean, we've talked about the fear, we've talked about the prosecution of the former president and the escalation of the rhetoric. we talk about the symbolism of the maga hat and what it's been deemed if you have the red hat
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on with make america great again. there's this negative connotation that is assigned to you. and, you know -- [laughter] it's not lost on me of the moment right now. look, we don't want to talk about the politics and we don't want to talk about motivations because we don't have a dossier or anything like that from the shooter. but, guys, we just saw a terrible debate, and we've just seen new polls showing that the former president is likely to be the next president. he's up in, by 6 points, outside of the margin of error in many polls. we've been hearing a lot about the threat to democracy. we just had an attempted assassination that was going to attempt to take the will of the american voters away. and i think that's what a lot of supporters feel this morning.
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and i guess my response to them would be let this motivate you to go to the polls. because you can't take this moment and say that is it. it can't be the final word. there was someone that tried to take away the will of the voter. and i think it's incumbent on you for the brother or sister that we lost yesterday at the rally that is not if able to vote because there was someone that tried to attack the president but ended up attacking him or her. and i think it was a him. and they were killed on the scene. so do it for them. go out there and vote. you have a duty. you can't be comfortable with the lead or anything -- and i know we're not supposed to talk about, you know, that portion of it, of voting right now. we're supposed to be somber today. but someone tried to take the will of the voter away. and we should respond not with violence, and i know we're all
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angry this morning and we're trying to be humble and keep it in check. but the best way, the best way to show that frustration is at the ballot box, guys. pete: lawrence, no, it's true. ultimately, we are 113 days away from an election, and we keep -- and i think about the response i got last night, we all got last night. it was, you thought it was big when it was mar-a-lago, when it was a mug shot. it's all next level, lawrence, to your point when they're trying to assassinate a president of the united states and almost did by a mere inch. one other aspect if we've talked about this morning is the media. the media before, the media during and then, ainsley, the media after. we've got some of the newspapers here on set. "the new york post" this morning, trump shot, bloody but unbowed. ex-president survives assassination bid. i would just say this cover does have that american flag on it,
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will, to your point. "the new york times" has the similar photo just cropped a little bit more tightly. i was struck too, ainsley, initially there were certain outlets -- can cnn being one of them -- which was saying injured, trump injured -- will: fell. pete: trump fell when it was self-evident, ainsley, it was obvious from moment one that it was not a fall, yet their instinct is to characterize it universally negative. >> reporter: and how has that worked out for them? they've been figured out every single time, you know? y'all brought up the fact that so many people have prayed for donald trump. god has really revealed a lot to us over the last few weeks with what's really happening behind closed doors at the white house. all of these trials that have gone -- they're trying to throw trump in jail. i have a folder right here. look at at this. these are notice, calls for violence against trump. kathy griffin, remember in 2017
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she held up a picture of his decapitated head and this disgusting picture? nancy pelosi said when you're in the arena p you have to be ready to take a punch and you have to be ready to throw a punch. johnny depp, remember what he said? if when was the last time an actor assassinated a president, in reference to abraham lincoln and john wilkes booth and madonna, remember what she said about going into the white house? and i'm not even mentioning some of our congressmen and women. you have maxine waters, you know what she said, joe biden said they asked me would i like to debate this gentleman? if i were in high school, i'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. those are some of the calls for violencement if we want to have unity in our country, we've got to get away from this. democrats get away with so much more. republicans, we -- we're held in court for doing nothing wrong. will: you know -- >> reporter: yeah, go ahead. will: i was going to say, ainsley, i am -- sadly, we haven't had a situation like
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this, but we have had these types of news stories where there's been violence athe contributed to political motivation, i'm always like, well, don't use someone's analogy and turn the it into someone else's motivation. but i think your point is so well taken because we're not taking isolated incidents. just the other day president biden saying put donald trump in the bull's eyes. i'm going to lean on a decade of hyperbolic rhetoric that has led the public into foaming to at the mouth fear of the next hitler. i think it is absolutely a climate that has been created that led to a sense of inevitability we'd one day be here where we are today with an attempt on trump. pete: very true. lawrence, ainsley, thanks for joining us. great analysis, and we'll be back to you in a moment. our next guest was standing in the front row just feet from president trump when shots rang out, scheduled to interview him after the rally, and she joins us now. you were there, you were going
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to interview him. obviously, everything changed. share with us, selena, what you saw. >> good morning. pete: good morning. >> yes. i was set to interview the president right after the event. i with was going to fly with him to bedminster and do the interview. i met if with the president about six minutes before he went on the stage, just said hello. we talked a little about how excited he was to be in pennsylvania and asked me some questions about what was going on in the state, and then i went out into the bumper, that sort of causeway that goes around the stage and separated between the people that are there to see the event, and it gives journal withists an ability to have an up close -- journalists to have an up close vantage point to be able to take photos of the president speaking. i was to the president's left
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maybe 3-4 feet away from him when you, i heard the gunfire. three pops. and saw the president grab his face, saw blood and then heard three more pops. and you saw him immediately surrounded. but when the first pops, immediately surrounded by all law enforcement that was around him. they just ran in and tackled him. and he -- [laughter] i heard him say something about wanting his shoes. and he did not fall. he was being, he was sort of protecting himself, you know, that instinct to get down when there is a shooter. and then he was adamant in standing up. again, i'm right there. if and he puts his fist up, i'm hearing him say fight, fight,
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fight. and i will tell you to the great credit of his advance team, they laid on top of me until it was secure. i was there with my daughter who is a photojournalist. she's coming with me to cover the president to do, to chronicle it with photos, and that was everything i saw. rachel: wow with. i mean, i want to read you these headlines because you were there in the moment. pete read the headline from the if new york post which said bloodied but unbowed, ex-president survives assassination bid. and then the big headline, trump shot. here's the new york times and the washington post. "the washington post" says trump injured in rally shooting. and the new york times says trump hurt but safe after a shooting. do you feel like those headlines reflect the drama, the history-making moment of an
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assassination attempt on donald trump? >> yeah, i haven't seen them yet. however, as a journalist, i often say when people are -- i love my story the but hate my headline -- [laughter] rachel: that's fair enough. [laughter] >> right? and so, you know, it was a very dramatic, traumatic moment. in particular, from the view that i saw it from. and the first thing that the you're worried about is the president. is the president okay? you know, i am someone that is old enough to have been around when president kennedy was shot. if you know? i was a child, but i remember that very clearly. that is history. and you are standing in the middle of history. and i thought it was so -- typical seems like the wrong word, yet i thought it was very
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reflect tiff the of who trump was -- reflect i've of who trump was, his being adamant about putting his first up, being adamant in letting people know he was okay and that sort of projects the country's okay. and so those are the things that i remember most about those moments. will: one last question, we had you on "fox & friends" yesterday in preparation of what was anticipated to be an interview with donald trump. i assume that interview took place before the rally, please correct me if i'm wrong or was it scheduled for after the rally? rachel: after. will: it was after the rally. i was just curious what sense you had gotten from him. you were around him for much of the day, in proximity to this event. we see the sense of defiance, we see that strength, we see the raised fist, we see the ability to withstand that tackle by a horde of secret service and rushing him off a to the car, but i'm just curious the energy
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you got from not just him, but everyone in that situation yesterday. >> so it was about 90 degrees and all of us are on a farm field, butler county has 160,000 ache or -- acres of farm. it's a mixed county, but farming is a big part of its industry. people were so excited. i interviewed an 11-year-old boy who had a sign that said something about first trump rally, and i asked him, are you excited? he goes, yeah, this is my first trump rally, but it's not going to be my last. i interviewed a vietnam if veteran who served in the military for over 20 years. people were, you know, the one thing about trump rallies is they're very aspirational in that people feel they're part of something bigger than themselves, that they're all together in this moment. and it's very reflective of that sentiment. and when i talked to president trump, he, you know, he feeds off of that.
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he understood what was waiting for him in terms of the energy and excitement before he went out onto the stage, and he was very excited about it. he could not wait to talk to the people of pennsylvania. pete: such a great point. salena a zito, we're glad you're safe and you were thinking of the people -- >> thank you. sorry for the sunshine. pete: no problem. i say it's a great point because you see how maga gets characterized in the media all the time. universally negatively. ray yeah. pete: if you've been to a trump rally, what you see and feel is love. rachel: 100%. pete: decency, respect, ate rottism. it's a family feel -- patriotism. and it does feel historic every single time. so every time the media does that, it's a gross mischaracterization of a beautiful movement that loves the country and loves each other. and it's that impugning of trump supporters time and time again which creates the
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characterization that he is a monster which the media, as you said, will, so well has for the better part of a decade fanned the flames of. rachel: no question. pete: right now we're also looking, i believe we have live pictures. this is near the suspect. the suspect's name is thomas matthew crooks, who's deceased. this is outside his home. in bethel park, pennsylvania. will: we're told the authorities raided the home overnight. can't quite see exactly any structure there. but you can see the intersection and several law enforcement cars lined up, closing off the a area. if again, we're going to be looking to learn more all a throughout the morning about suspect. and i think it's responsible and fair to say we don't know this suspect's motivation, and we can't attribute any particular statement or world view to this person yet other than the desire to do something horrific
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yesterday. but i think it's of note, pete, not only that the climate has been like this for the better part of a decade, the hyper. bolick rhetoric has been out of control, the existential threat that has been painted, picture of donald trump has been in existence for half of the suspected shooter's life. he's 20 years old. rachel: yeah. will: he would have grown up for a decade hearing those types of things. rachel: yeah. and, you know, you're talking about the suspect. people also looking to the investigation, and what's also a happened in the last few years is a lot of distrust in our institutions and a lot of people worried that the fbi, the same organization that can't seem to find the pipe bomb, pipe bombers, the person who laid the pipe bombs during j6, on january 6th, saying people who raided mar-a-lago, the same people
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going after a donald trump, there's a lot of concern about a them being in charge and people wanting really honest answers. and i think that distrust that so many conservatives in particular have in our institutions, in the doj, in the fbi is a big concern at this moment. pete: yeah. there'll also be a -- rachel: worth noting. pete: we've seen great with statements out front from former presidents, this'll be a telling moment, there's already a congressman's field director who said don't miss next time. the 2, 3 days coming out of this will be very, very telling about how seriously people take, you know, threats to democracy, which we just saw right in front of us. rachel: and that congressman the staffer works for is the same congressman who wants to remove secret service protection from donald trump after he was convicted. so a lot to this story to tell. will: well, this morning more questions than answers over trump's assassination attempt and the response.
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pete: our next guest served in the secret service special operations division. marshall mararchi joins us now. this was your job, to secure high value targets. we've been breaking down the video. what did you see? if what was missed? >> so, you know, thank you for having me on, first of all. of course, you know, things were missed. i do want to highlight just right out of the gate, you know, there's a lot of blame that wants to be placed. the men and women of the secret service on the ground, i think, did an amazing job. there is a lot of things that that go on at a much higher level whether it's the budge, resources, personnel. i think they did a great job with what they had from doing these events for over ten years. it is very frustrated. i have to say i'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. you don't always have the resources available or the
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personnel. that's why you have the questions about the perimeter and how was someone able to get so close. is so, you know, a lot of people are very quick to rush to judgment, so i do want to highlight right out of the gate i think the men and women on the ground, the counter-snipe teams, the detail, i think they did a great job with the resources that they had. rachel: you know, marshall, i don't doubt at all that the people on the ground did the best that they could. and i think one of the questions people have is, are they the best? you saw the head of the secret service right now is, the director is kimberly cheatle. she was on cbs talking about her goals for the secret service which was to make sure that 30% of the secret service force are women. i'm not saying that women aren't the best or not, i'm just saying what kind of a goal is that? like, shouldn't the goal just be to have the best? especially in a moment, like, this is, this is, this is existential to our democracy.
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it's not just the life of donald trump. who the heck will ever want to run for president under these conditions if they don't feel like they are safe? it's the not fair to the voters, certainly not fair to donald trump and his family. are you confident with the director9 and the things that she has done inside of the secret service, her mission that she is actually hiring the best and that donald trump, the most famous, most likely person to be assassinated is getting the a-team from secret service and not the b-team? >> so that's a great point. i am aware of the 30 for 30 and the petition that's going around about it. just like any, any other job or profession, yes, if you mandate certain requirements and you lower the standard, you will not get the same level of protection. yeah, that's definitely concerning, for sure. it's -- for this training just specifically, secret service goes through two academies,
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seven months, and then the cat team, the counter-sniper teams, additional academies for several more months, monthly training. if you lower that standard, yes, you absolutely would lower the quality of protection you get. it's a lot different when the protection's for you as if you're mandating it for someone else. so, yes, if it's me, i want the highest level. but, yes, there's a lot of things going on right now where they're the trying to -- there's a lot of initiatives going around that, yes, will lower the standard of protection that we're getting for our protectives, absolutely. will: that's certainly concerning. marshall, i'd love to, while we have you here, kind of walk through what we've all seen on video from the perspective f of someone who's been on the inside. there are two videos i'd love your perspective on. one is the one, i'm sure, everyone has seen, and that's the view from the stage. we see and hear the shot, donald trump go to the ground and then immediately rushed by secret service.
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in this video tell me what's happening and how you analyze the response. >> absolutely. so you have the president's inner circle right there which is his protective detail, and then you have your special operations community consists of a cat team, counterassault team, the ert, emergency response team and the counter-sniper team. so your initial response right there, you can call it the meat shield, the body shield, the human shields, they all a dive right on the president. i think they executed that as perfectly as a can be. then right after that you see the counter-assault team take the stage, they're the middle level of security right there. obviously, with the gear and the rifles, helmets, you can see that crew come in as well. and then the other videos you see you have your counter-sniper teams on the roof who took out the shooter. so we all train together, we all do all these things together, we go over these scenarios thousands and thousands of times. the only monday morn morning quarterbacking is there just needs to be more people, and that comes down to personnel, to
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the budget, to -- it all falls under title 18 u.s. code section 3056, but they need more resources. they go from, in my ten years you work 40, 50, 60 days in a row 12-14 hour days, you go from event to event, to event. they just aren't properly staffed, and they need more resources and more personnel. pete: certainly something that will be looked at, and we're not monday morning quarter babsing at -- quarterbacking at all. should that have been faster? it felt like it was a decent amount of time,, or is there a protocol where you would keep the president down until you know the shooter's down and then move? i mean, is that -- are there different operating procedures based on the threat assessment in the moment? is it usually speed or sometimes would you wait that long? >> no, that's a great question and, no, you don't necessarily want to rush too quickly. like you said, if they stood him up, there could have been a
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second shooter, a third shooter, and he could have taken a bullet as you stand him up. when they have their hands-free earpieces, all that communication is going through. the counter-sniper team is relaying to the agents on the ground as well as the cat team is relaying to the agents there and the protective detail when it's safe to step the up, so without being able to listen in, i can tell you right away when they said move, move, move and they held, they probably got a hold call are there one of the counter snipers on the roof or one of the counter assault agents on the ground saying hold, meaning they might see something that makes it not safe to get up. pete: interesting. >> i do think it was executed great. i think they did a great job. that, that move call that turned into a hold call, they're -- i'm sure there was a reason to make sure the shooter was down or they may have seen a secondary threat that they were waiting for before they shoot the -- they stood the president up. rushing is not always the best way, speed is not always your
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friend in a a situation like that. rachel: so i'm not, i -- i think that's a good point and that's understandable. my question was, and i'm sure president trump was trying to stand the up because he wanted to let the crowd and the country know that he was not going to be taken down like that, and he didn't want to be in that position of weakness. that's a part of his personality. but his head was exposed. is that part of it -- not the movement, not the time, not the hold, but the fact that his head was exposed at that moment, is that standard operating procedure, or should that have never happened? >> so there's a lot of things at play there, and you also, you know, you need to know your protect. eric:s, their personality. yes, you are the secret service and they do need to listen to you, but i've had the pleasure of meeting president trump. you, if you work with the people, you get a much better response than forcing him, so you kind of try and think of the best way to explain this. knowing president trump and
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knowing his personality, if you would have hold him or pushed him down, he might not have exited the stage as a quickly as he did because you know that that's what he's going to want to do in that moment. so when you have, you know, you guard different people all the time throughout your career. you know the different personalities, you know who's going to, yep, do what you've got to do, get me out of here, keep me down. you also know a personality like president trump, if you force him, push him down, cover his head, he's going to, he's going to do what he needs to do as well. [laughter] so it's a very hard decision made in a very hard circumstance on the spot, split decision. but knowing him, you know he's going to, he's going to want to do something -- will: right. rachel: yeah. that's fascinating. pete: marshall -- >> the more you hold him up, the longer it may take to get him off the stage, so i absolutely understand why the agents did what they did in that situation there, and i agree with it. will: one last quick question, marshall.
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i mentioned there's two videos i'd love for your analysis on. one is the one that everyone has seen, the other we haven't yet played this morning, but it shows the counter-sniper team on the roof, and you can see the response of the counter-sniper team as the shots are coming in, is and you can see the sniper, the counter-sniper, the secret service sniper, you know, he's looking through his scope. he looks up from the scope and takes in with two eyes or free vision his full field of view, then goes back to the scope as quickly as he can. just anything to learn from that? he has a spotter with him as well. anything at all you notice in that video that you can share with us? >> yeah. i'm sure he is taking the calls there his spotter, and he's also linked up. that's just one photo, but there is counterrer-snipers all over there, is so he could have been also getting something from one of his partners as well. if you know, you never want somebody in an elevated position with a line of sight like that. that's super tough and
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especially that distance, within the protectee. it is hard to tell exactly what he's doing there, so i don't want to guess. but i can tell you that, you know, he's -- he might be doing a wind call, he might be getting information from his spotter, he might have been looking at a secondary shooter, something in the background. it could have been a number of things. pete: marshall, i know it's feint on man resources, no doubt, but does it shock you that someone was able to get on a roof 130 yards away? that's not tough shot with a modern rifle and a scope is and was presumably up there -- in fact, we'll play this right now. we have new sound here of people screaming he has a gun when they spot the suspect. let's just watch this and we'll get your take in a second, marshall. watch. >> he's got a gun! [bleep] >> got a gun, he's on the roof, he's got a -- [gunfire] [bleep]
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>> stay down! >> he's on top of the roof. don't go over there, he's on the roof, buddy! pete: wow. that's the first i've seen that. you can hear trump speaking while they're yelling, he's got a gun. we've had another interview earlier, marshall, with a gentleman that spoke to b if bc that said i was trying to flag i don't know if it was secret service or local law enforcement, he was pointing at counter-snipers at the guys on the roof saying there's a guy with a gun here. i don't want to read into it too much, but does that lead you to believe that something had been missed? was there serious negligence here in ignoring a threat that, you know, regular event-go canners seemed to think was obvious? rachel: right. >> it doesn't surprise me at all. like i said earlier, i'm just shocked this doesn't happen more often. even back in 2014 when i had my incident with a hurricane with president obama and his family, we were having people jump the
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fence of the white house on a weekly basis, running on the fraudulent lawn, running up to the door. unfortunately, these things when they go to capitol hill and get more resources, it's all react i, it's never proactive. so in the future, you know, most likely you won't see things like this just like the white house fence was raised, more personnel were put on the street to stop people from literally running up to the front door, getting on the north grounds. this is the same thing. it looks as if they were not able to push the perimeter out far enough due to resources because if you push the perimeter out too far and you don't have the personnel, then you become weak from inside. so i'm not surprised at this at all.. i'm sure the relays were being made but, again, you have the secret service, they only have the amount of people that they have, so now you have state and local on the outside. you're talking about a communication delay where if you have state police, local police, sheriffs' offices, they're now on a certain amount of communications and can comms
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that are going to take a few seconds to get to the secret service. rachel: okay. >> so somebody might think they're flag secret service, they could actually be relaying to local police who's now relaying to the detailee who's relaying to the sniper. it does make sense that it took some time. rachel: well, thank you, marshall. appreciate you joining us and for your insight. pete: and for your service. rachel: and for your service. i find it shocking that a trump supporter saw this before the secret service and also the fact that the trump team has been calling for more resources. he said this was a factor of not enough resources. if. pete: but it's interesting that marshall said he's not shocked. if what he just -- he's a former secret service spec-op. you know when you're talking to a guy who knows what he's talking about, and he's saying i'm not surprised because we've been short on resources. they didn't expand the perimeter which means they needed
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something internally which means they're relying on local law enforcement. it takes a while for the chain to get passed on to the sniper. i know this from a different form of experience. things can take longer than you think to get communicated. and in this moment, it seems like an obvious one, rachel, to your point, was missed. we also have a new truth social post from trump just moments ago posted to truth social. he said this, thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday. as it was god alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. we will fear not, but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness. our love goes out to the other victims and their families, we pray for the recovery of those who were wounded and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. in this moment it is more important than ever that that we stand the united and show our true character as americans, remaining strong and determined
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and not allowing evil to win. i truly love our country. and love you all. and look toward to speaking to our great nation this week from wisconsin, signed djt. rachel: wow. that is an incredible statement. you get the sense that he has reflected overnight and as a he's sort of processing this, giving thanks to god. and there's a sense of gratitude in it. what i loved about it also is his call that,s you know, it's an american moment. i think what he did there, that defiant spirit, that courageous spirit is truly american. i think people really, it resonated with people. it resonated with people in the crowd. this is resonating across the country in term -- that, that image right there. it's history. will: it certainly is. and he is headed off, we know he's, saw images of him landing
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at bed min ifster. went home -- bedminster. went home after being checked out by a doctor and will be heading to wisconsin for the republican national convention. pete: that's right. rachel: unstoppable. will: also last night former president trump and joe biden spoke on the phone. let's turn now to madeleine rivera live in washington with more. >> reporter: good morning, guys. bipartisan condemnation this morning of the attempted assassination on former president trump. here's president biden's reaction saturday night. >> look, there's no place in america for this kind of violence. it's sick. it's sick. it's one of the reasons why we have to unite this country. >> reporter: mr. president, do you think the it was an assassination if attempt? >> i don't know enough to -- i have an opinion, but i don't have any facts. so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i make some comment, any more comments, thank you. >> reporter: the president returned to the white house shortly after midnight p. he cut his weekend trip to rehoboth beach, delaware, short.
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former president barack obama reacting saying, although we don't yet know exactly what happened, we should all be relieved that former president trump wasn't seriously hurt and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility. former president george w. bush also stating laura and i are grateful that president trump is safe following the cowardly attack on his life. and we commend the men and women of the secret service for their speedy response. former president trump has new endorsements in the wake of the shooting including from elon musk. meantime, house republican leaders are promising to hold investigations into how this happened. the chair of the oversight committee, congressman james comer, wants secret service director can kimberly cheatle to appear for a hearing july 232nd. will, pete and rachel. will: thank you so much. so anthony -- the secret service spokesperson, has tweeted out: there is an untrue assertion that a member of the former president's team requested additional security resources
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and that those were rebuffed. this is absolutely false. in fact, we added protective resources, technology and capabilities as participant of the increased campaign travel them tempo. so -- pete: there you have it. rachel: that's from them, but the guy that we just had on said he felt this could be -- there could be more resources -- pete: i think he's saying in a macro perspective. rachel: right. pete: in a perfect world, in this incident the secret service is pointing out that they're saying it's not true that more resources were requested. let's bring in lawrence jones live in butler who just, i believe, spoke to president trump. lawrence, what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah. so just looking at this, this is the front cover for the tribune review, and it says shots fired at trump. this is what they're looking at in the local town today. but, guys, i just finished talking to the former president.
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you would think that he would be down. i mean, he is -- he's in the saddle, he's excited. i said, is there anything that, you know, i could share with the audience, and he paused for a second and he said, could you just tell him i love them? just tell them i love them and i appreciate that. and he said, did you see the people in the audience? you know, typically when shots are fired, there would be a stampede, but he said, did you hear them stand firm with me, stand firm with the country? and this is a president that wanted to let the world know that he's resilient. we talk all the time about what world leaders do behind closed doors when tragedy happens and not even met with gunfire. most presidents aren't met with
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gunfire. we saw how he responds when gunfire is there. and i don't think that should be lost on us. but in a moment where he could be focused on himself, he just wanted me to let everyone know that he loved them. he loves them. rachel: lawrence, i love what you're telling us because you're really expanding this out, you know? it's not just the courage of donald trump and the way he reacted, but he was saying, hey, look how the crowd reacted. there was no stampede. they may have ducked down for cover -- we've been surprised at how some didn't even duck down. but nobody -- they were standing firm with him and, i bet, really encouraged by that fist that he was pumping in the air. and when he got into the car, you heard the chants of usa, usa. pete, i loved also how you brought up what a rally is really like for those who haven't been there. and as lawrence describes that
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crowd per the words of the president, it's exactly as you said. pete: yeah. rachel: it's about love. pete: no doubt, lawrence. >> reporter: well, it also goes, it goes to the point, guyt to make this political, but i want to just speak about a leadership in general. when you have a strong leader, the country, the supporters were responding in kind. when you have weakness, the men and women that follow you will respond in kind. and as much as a i don't want to make it political, i just look at the state of our nation. we're so divided. they're after a law enforcement. we've got a border that's been overrun. we've got enemies that feel comfortable, comfortable targeting the united states. we have drones being shot at our military bases, right, that are missing -- we've got twi --
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tbis at record high when it comes to our soldiers on the ground. we have enemies all over the world that are beating their chests. they respond to who's the oval office. and just like you saw that crowd yesterday respond to the fist pump if after an attempted assassination, after -- we now have photos where we can see the bullets flying past his face, right? and they decided to stand with him. that's a reflection of the country. and i think that's why -- but all the people that haven't been to the trump rally, and i know they have been painted as this group of racist people and that, you know, they hate everyone. i have never if experienced so much love when i go to a trump rally. people passing out water, caring about one another, singing together, hugging one another. and i think it's a reflection of the leadership. will: thank you, lawrence. pete: no doubt. rachel: great analysis. will: let's go to ainsley air a
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hart who's in -- ainsley earhart. i know you got there in the wee hours of the morning, i'm sure dark outside. what i'm curious about, and and you're already inside bedminster, if you're starting to see some of that there in new jersey as welsh people showing up outside on the streets, supporting president trump. he has just put out another truth social just minutes ago that we shared to everyone, thanking his supporters. i'm curious, i'm sure it won't be long before you see that same sentiment in reverse or from supporters to president trump there in new jersey. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, will. rachel and pete, we got word last night that we were all, all of us calling in to the studio saying we want to work, we want to report on the story, use us if you need us. i was originally going to go to trump tower and come into the studio and do a hit there, and late at night, almost midnight, we got the call. we were trying to figure out where president trump was going to be, and we found out he was landing here in bedminster.
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he came off of the plane walking by himself, without any assistance, and after he had been taken care of at the hospital. he arrives here. he was supposed to play golf with lindsey graham, senator graham, today and, obviously, that has been canceled. this place is like a fortress. we're actually about five minutes away from bedminster. it's a fortress there. you have secret service everywhere. they've had additional secret service members show up to help out. it's closed for all the members of the club. it's also closed for everyone who works at the club. in an abundance of caution to make sure he's okay. i know the president, you were talking about this latest posting. he was -- capital letters, fear not. and to to hear lawrence talk about his message for all of our viewers and his fans, and he's saying i love you and thank you for everything. we got word last night, i talked to a few people that had spoken to president trump, and they said he was so concerned about his family, obviously, his solder children but really barron and melania, he wanted to
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make sure they were okay. they were shocked and concerned, obviously. and the older kids who are avid a hunters, the two boys, avid hunters and superb marksmen, they know what happened here when you're talking about an ar-style rifle and this man on top of a shed or on top of a warehouse basically 200 yards if not less from the president and able to fire rounds at this president. thankfully, the president turned his head at the right moment, god was protected him -- protecting him and was with him, and the bullet just grazed his ear. but he's very sorry, obviously, we all are for the people who were injured and the individual who lost his life. the president added that to his recent post, just prayers for the family, thinking about them, loving them. and he actually helped start a gofundme page for those family members. i know for the person who is deceased. but his older children, they -- there's a dichotomy here because they love the secret service detail.
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they're very close. you know, they're with each other for years on end, and they become friends. and this is someone who is there to sacrifice their life to protect your life. and so they're very close with them. but the other, the the flipside of this coin is there was definitely a breach of security. and i know that they're saying this guy was outside of the perimeter, but there are questions this morning of why the perimeter is not larger if an ar can shoot 600 yards, i'm being toll. pete, will, yeah know more about that, but i was told it could shoot three times the distance of where this man was on the roof. so the question is should these perimeters be larger. and when you look at the video of the shed or the roof of the warehouse, i was picturing he was on the roof of this tall building, but it's not at all. it was very advise is,. there were people who were on the ground who weren't able to get into the rally, but they were behind the perimeter area, and they saw this guy. they said they told law enforcement, and it was about three or four minutes after they
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saw him and told law enforcement that the man started shooting. lots of questions here but god bless president trump. we're so thank theful that he's alive. everyone continue to pray for him and for his safety because there's just no need for this type of violence in our country. pete: amen. rachel: ainsley -- pete: you're exactly right. 600 meters is the max effective rain -- we use meters in military, but the yards is very similar, and it is, that's the reason we ask those questions, should it have been further. will: thank you, lawrence, thank you, ainsley. rachel: excellent reporting. thank you for joining us. pete: all right. two more hours of our coverage here on "fox & friends" weekend. we'll take a quick break and we'll be right back. there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way.
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(intercom) t minus 10... (janet) so much space! that open kitchen! (tanya) ...definitely the one! (ethan) but how can you sell your house when we're stuck on a space station for months???!!! (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (janet) nice! (intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming. pete: fox news alert former trump reacts moments ago to the attempted assassination on his life. during his rally last night in pennsylvania, writing on truth social, quote, thank you to everyone for your thoughts and


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